Various Funds of RP Education, General & YEA Funds.

Post on 14-Jan-2016

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Various Funds of RPEducation, General & YEA Funds


The Education Fund

ASHRAE Learning Institute

The ASHRAE Learning Institute (ALI) offers a wide range of professional development seminars and

short courses.

Contributions to ALI are used in the development of these programs.

Soft goal of $25,000

For more information about ALI and the courses offered, please contact:Karen Murray, Manager of Professional 678-539-1146

ASHRAE Learning Institute

Course Topics

•Commissioning•Environmental Quality

•Energy Efficiency •Standards & Guidelines •Advance Building Design

•Fundamentals & Applications


The Unrestricted Fund

ASHRAE General Fund

Supports special Board approved projects and programs including:

Research Projects

Education Programs

Sustainability Projects

Membership Enhancements

Meeting Subsidies

Sustainability Projects

As a Thank You! to the communities where the Annual and Winter Meetings are held, the

Chapter or Region works with a local non-profit to highlight ASHRAE's commitment to energy

efficiently, improved IAQ and enhanced HVAC systems.

For information about the meeting Sustainability Projects, please contact the RP Staff.

Young Engineers in ASHRAE

Young Engineers in ASHRAE (YEA) Committee was created to assist ASHRAE Members age 35

and younger in developing their skills, growing as a professional, and expanding their network.

The YEA Institute was created to provide these members with educational opportunities and

various programs.

YEA Institute

The YEA Institute encourages young members in the following skills:

•Learn more about the Society•Develop soft skills

•Network with other professionals•Leadership Development

•Communication Techniques•Practical workplace strategies

YEA Institute – RP’s Goal!

NEW IN 2014-15!

The goal of RP is to raise $15,000 for the YEA Institute to support:

YEA Leadership Weekend

YEA Leadership International

Leadership U

New Faces of Engineering

HVAC Design Essentials Training Scholarship

YEA and RP

A new type of donor!

With raising money for YEA, RP is able to reach out to new donors!

Individuals and Companies who:

•Are just beginning their careers•Support the “next generation” of engineers

•Find the importance in fresh ideas•Are YEA Members

Sustainability Projects

ASHRAE’s Community Sustainability Project Program supports Chapters and Members

becoming more involved in the community.


$20,000 from ASHRAE to begin the project(If in conjunction with the Annual or Winter Meeting)

Community AwarenessGiving back to their city for hosting ASHRAE

meetingsInvolvement of local businessesChapter Members can participateMultiple non-profits working together

Sustainability Projects

Past Projects have included

•Low income schools•Shelter & training center for homeless•Women & Children emergency housing

•Community kitchen facilities

Find more information on Sustainability Projects by visiting:

Sustainability Projects – RP’s Goal!

How RP can help!

Earmark cash gifts through the General Fund

Give those who donate gifts-in-kind or advertisers

a fundraising credit

Create an on-line giving form

Solicitations through mail or e-mail

ASHRAE Learning Institute?

ASHRAE General Fund?

YEA & Sustainability Projects?

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