VB Circulatory Structures

Post on 04-Apr-2018

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7/31/2019 VB Circulatory Structures

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And like any machine, the heart

has several layers that enable itto operate.

Let’s take a look at what you needto build a circulatory system.

Your heart is an

extraordinary machine.

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The most basic component

of the heart is its role as a

four-chambered muscle.

The top two chambers are the

atria and the bottom two are

the ventricles.

The right atrium receives deoxygenated blood and empties it into the right ventricle;

the left atrium empties oxygenated

blood into the left ventricle.

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Semilunar valves

Atrioventricular valves

In order to pump blood in

and out of the chambers,

the heart needs doors.

The heart’s valves open and

shut, regulating the amountof blood that enters and its


The atrioventricular valves control the bloodflow into the two ventricles, and are pulled openand closed by fibrous cords called chordae


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The external surface ofthe heart is also known

as epicardium, andis covered by at.

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The great vessels of the heart are:

They connect the heart to the

arteries and veins that distributeblood throughout the body.

The aortaThe pulmonary trunk

The vena cavae

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The aorta delivers

oxygenated blood from thelet ventricle to the rest

of the body.

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The pulmonary trunk 

delivers deoxygenated blood

from the right ventricle tothe lungs.

At the aortic arch, the pulmonary trunk splits intothe pulmonary arteries, which extend intothe lungs. The pulmonary arteries are the onlyarteries in the body that carry venous blood.

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The vena cavae deliver

deoxygenated blood from thetop and lower halves of the

body, respectively, to the right


F  a c t o i d :  T h e  v e n a  c a v a e  a r e  

t h e  l a r g e s t  v e i n s  i n  t h e  b o d y .

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The heart’s conduction

system does exactly what

it sounds like: it conductselectricity throughout

the heart.

The pulses of electricity motivatethe heart to contract, or beat.

The pathways of the conduction system

are made up of bundles and specializedmuscle fbers within the heart. Electricalsignals move down these pathways.

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4 chambers4 valves4 great vessels

Let’s take a break and recap.

The conduction system motivates the

heart to pump blood.

But where does that blood go?

The heart has:


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Not only does the heart

provide blood for the body’s

organs and tissues, but alsofor itsel. The coronary

vessels supply blood to the


The arteries supply the heartwith blood, while the veins carry

deoxygenated blood from the

heart tissue into the right atrium.

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The pulmonary

vasculature manages

the passage of bloodbetween the heart and

the lungs, as well as gas


Pulmonary arteries move

deoxygenated blood fromthe right ventricle to the lungs.

Pulmonary veins move

oxygenated bloodto thelet atrium for distribution.

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Systematic vasculature 

manages blood flow to other

organs and tissues throughoutthe body.

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