Vedic Age

Post on 21-Jan-2016

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Vedic Age. Ashramas/ Varnas / Gurukul. Hi you know who I am…. I will tell you about Vedic age where I lived. That is my palace… but I miss my elder brother who is at the Gurukul. We join the Gurukul … our school in the first stage of life called Bramhachrayashram. Rig veda. Sam veda. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Vedic Age


Hi you know who I am….

I will tell you about Vedic age

where I lived

That is my palace… but I miss my elder

brother who is at the Gurukul

We join the Gurukul… our school in the first stage of

life called Bramhachrayashram

Rig veda Sam veda

Yajur veda Atharva veda

We also learn archery

Can you name these


Some more







They also teach about the four varna or strata

of society

Bramhins Kshatriyas

Vaishyas Shudras

IS you society also divided like mine???

After education…

you enter the next stage of

life called Grihastashra

m…. Heee..hee

Can you tell me what it is

Women can choose their

husbands at a ceremony called ‘Swayamwara’

When your children get married you retire to the forests and spend time with sage …

during ‘Vanaprasthas


Shhhh…that’s my grand dad there

among the crowd of people

After gaining spiritual

knowledge you spend time alone during the final stage

called ‘Sanyasashr


Do you follow any of these

stages today?