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Vehicular Technology Society

Connecting the Mobile World

Ve h i c u l a r Te c h n o l o g y S o c i e t y

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Mobile Radio Land Transportation Motor Vehicles

Ve h i c u l a r Te c h n o l o g y S o c i e t y

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Ve h i c u l a r Te c h n o l o g y S o c i e t y

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Ve h i c u l a r Te c h n o l o g y S o c i e t y

62 Distinguished Lecturers

Ve h i c u l a r Te c h n o l o g y S o c i e t y

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Ve h i c u l a r Te c h n o l o g y S o c i e t y

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Opportunistic  Spectrum  Sharing  in  LTE-­‐U  with  Lyapunov  Optimization  based  Auction  

Shiwen  Mao  Samuel  Ginn  Dis-nghuished  Professor    

Director:  Wireless  Engineering  Research  and  Educa-on  Center  (WEREC)  Auburn  University,  Auburn,  AL    


IEEE  VTS  San  Diego  Chapter,  Dec.  11,  2015  

Auburn  University  


12/11/15  Shiwen  Mao,  Auburn  University,  Auburn,  AL  

Auburn  University  


�  Taken  from  a  poem  “The  Deserted  Village”  by  Oliver  Goldsmith:    �  “Sweet  Auburn!  Loveliest  village  of  the  plain  ...”  

�  Chartered  1856  �  27,287  students  �  5,  501  graduate  students  �  140  degrees  and  13  schools/colleges  

�  36th  among  public  universi-es  na-onwide  (US  News  and  World  Report)  

12/11/15  Shiwen  Mao,  Auburn  University,  Auburn,  AL  

Auburn  University  


12/11/15  Shiwen  Mao,  Auburn  University,  Auburn,  AL   ISMB  April  2013  4    ©  Shiwen  Mao  

2010  national  championship  

Samford  Hall  

Toomer’s  corner  oak  trees    

rolling  the  corner  

War  Eagle!  

Auburn  Tigers  

We  are  the  Tigers  who  say  'War  Eagle'  

Hargis  Hall  

Langdon  Hall  

Auburn  University  –  Toomer’s  Corner  


12/11/15  Shiwen  Mao,  Auburn  University,  Auburn,  AL  

Electrical  and  Computer  Engineering  


�  Established  in  1891  �  26  faculty  members  

�  14  Fellows  of  IEEE  �  6  fellows  of    other  professional  

socie-es  �  10  presidencies  of  technical  

socie-es  �  3  ABET  evaluators  �  11  editors  of  technical  journals  

�  196  graduate  students  �  567  undergraduate  students  

�  EE,  CE,  and  BWE  

�  Over  7,000  alumni:  Vincent  Poor,  Ed  Knightly,  Tim  Cook,  …  

12/11/15  Shiwen  Mao,  Auburn  University,  Auburn,  AL  


ì  Ini-ated  by  a  $25  million  gih  by  Dr.  Samuel  L.  Ginn  ì  $3  million  from  Vodafone-­‐US  Founda-on  for  scholarship  and  facility  

ì  Mainly  involves  facul-es  from  ECE  and  CSSE  

ì  Developed  the  ABET-­‐accredited  Bachelor  of  Wireless  Engineering  program  (BWE),  star-ng  Fall  2002  


Research  Capability  ì  RFIC  and  low-­‐power  

IC  design  for  broadband  access  &  applica-ons  

ì  Wireless  cyber  security  

ì  Wireless  system  design,  modeling  and  simula-ons  

ì  Wireless  networks  

ì  Wireless  applica-ons  in  robo-cs  



ì  NSF,  MDA,  Cisco,  NRL,  Landis+Gyr,  Verizon,  …  




ì  RFIC/VLSI  Design  and  Tes-ng  ì  Over  $3M  of  precision  device  and  circuit  measurement  required  for  RF  device  and  IC  research  (e.g.,  a  

50GHz  vector  network  analyzer,  a  20GHz  signal  generator,  a  26GHz  spectrum  analyzer,  a  26GHz  noise  figure  analyzer,  etc.)  

ì  A  250MHz  Advantest  T2000GS  automa-c  test  equipment  (ATE)  

ì  Assembly  and  Packaging  ì  Can  do  IC  packaging  and  tes-ng  in  house  

ì  A  Techno  CNC  rou-ng  &  drilling  system,  an  MPM  TF100  stencil  printer,  a  Carver  lamina-on  press  and  Fisher  Scien-fic  programmable  firing  furnace  for  H-­‐2  processing  mul-layer  Si3N4  substrates  and  packages,  and  a  state-­‐of-­‐the-­‐art,  high  volume  SMT  and  flip  chip  produc-on  line,  among  others  

ì  Clean  room  ì  5  cleanrooms  totaling  6000  sq.  h.,  Cleanroom  Class  10  –  Cleanroom  Class  10000  

ì  Virtual  Symmetric  Mul-processing  High  Performance  Compute  Cluster    

ì  Access  to  Alabama  Supercompu-ng  Authority  facility  in  Huntsville,  AL  ì  MRI  center  

ì  Siemens  Verio  open-­‐bore  3T  MRI  scanner  

ì  One  of  the  first  ac-vely-­‐shielded  whole-­‐body  7T  MRI  scanners  in  the  US  

12/11/15  Shiwen  Mao,  Auburn  University,  Auburn,  AL  


Shiwen  Mao’s  Research  Topics  Sponsors:  National  Science  Foundation  (CNS,  DUE,  ECCS,  IIP,  EAGER),  DoD,  Cisco,  TranSwitch    

IntroductionSystem Model

Valuation and SchedulingAuction and Pricing

Performance EvaluationConclusions

Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing in LTE-U withLyapunov Optimization based Auction

Zhefeng Jiang and Shiwen Mao

Department of Electrical and Computer EngineeringAuburn University, Auburn, AL, USA


December 11, 2015

Zhefeng Jiang and Shiwen Mao Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing in LTE-U

IntroductionSystem Model

Valuation and SchedulingAuction and Pricing

Performance EvaluationConclusions


Problem: opportunistic sharing of unlicensed bands amongLTE-unlicensed base stations (BS), while:

Guaranteeing the QoS of user equipments (UE)Minimizing the packet drop rate


Lyapunov optimization based algorithm for valuationDistributed auction to maximize the social welfare

In this paper:

Online distributed auction; BS’s bid truthfully, spatial reuseGuarantee UEs’ QoS requirements on delay and packet droprate with bounded optimality gapsDemonstrate the trade-off between delay and packet drop rateValidated with simulations and comparisons

Zhefeng Jiang and Shiwen Mao Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing in LTE-U

IntroductionSystem Model

Valuation and SchedulingAuction and Pricing

Performance EvaluationConclusions

Background and MotivationRelated Works


Unprecedented growth in wireless data

Cisco Visual Networking Index (VNI) reportQualcomm: The 1000x data challenge report

Potential solutions

Spectrum expansionNetwork densificationSpectrum efficiency enhancement

“Moore’s Law” for wireless (Martin Cooper)

More spectrum: 25; Frequency division: 5; Modulation andcoding: 5; Spectrum reuse: 1600

Qualcomm “The 1000x data challenge report”

Viral, Ad-hoc Deployed Small Cells (indoor): 20% householdpenetration + 10x more Spectrum

Zhefeng Jiang and Shiwen Mao Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing in LTE-U

IntroductionSystem Model

Valuation and SchedulingAuction and Pricing

Performance EvaluationConclusions

Background and MotivationRelated Works

LTE in Unlicensed Bands

A new solution initiated by industry: LTE-Unlicensed

Deploy LTE in the 5GHz unlicensed bandCoexistence of the two principal wireless technologies

The Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure (UNII)radio band

Band Freq. Range Bandwidth Max Power

U-NII Low / U-NII-1 / U-NII Indoor 5.150-5.250 GHz 100 MHz 50 mWU-NII Mid / U-NII-2 / Power 5.2505.350 GHz 100 MHz 250 mWU-NII WorldWide / U-NII-2e 5.470-5.725 GHz 255 MHz .U-NII Upper / U-NII-3 5.725-5.825 GHz 100 MHz 1 W

Using 4% of the 5GHz band, LAA can provide up to a 150Mbps gain [Ericsson Report]

Zhefeng Jiang and Shiwen Mao Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing in LTE-U

IntroductionSystem Model

Valuation and SchedulingAuction and Pricing

Performance EvaluationConclusions

Background and MotivationRelated Works

License Assisted Access (LAA) scenario

Supplemental Downlink (SDL) operation: downlink only, themost basic form of LTE-U

Full TDD LTE-U operation: both uplink and downlink

Zhefeng Jiang and Shiwen Mao Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing in LTE-U

IntroductionSystem Model

Valuation and SchedulingAuction and Pricing

Performance EvaluationConclusions

Background and MotivationRelated Works

LTE-LAA Timeline

Zhefeng Jiang and Shiwen Mao Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing in LTE-U

IntroductionSystem Model

Valuation and SchedulingAuction and Pricing

Performance EvaluationConclusions

Background and MotivationRelated Works

Deployment Scenarios

Pico cell configuration: Licensed LTE, unlicensed 5GHz LAA, WiFi (opt.)

Zhefeng Jiang and Shiwen Mao Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing in LTE-U

IntroductionSystem Model

Valuation and SchedulingAuction and Pricing

Performance EvaluationConclusions

Background and MotivationRelated Works

Coexistence Scenarios and Challenges

Coexistence with existing unlicensed band users (i.e., WiFi)LTE: continuous frames, channels always onWiFi: Channel occupied only when need to transmit

Interference among LTE-unlicensed users themselvesSignificant throughput degradations due to inter-operatorinterference [Huawei’14]

Zhefeng Jiang and Shiwen Mao Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing in LTE-U

IntroductionSystem Model

Valuation and SchedulingAuction and Pricing

Performance EvaluationConclusions

Background and MotivationRelated Works

WiFi vs. LTE

Coexistence of the two major wireless technologies, which are verydifferently designed


Available bandwith 40 or 20 MHz/channel 20 MHz/100 RBsMax. Spectral Eff. 15 b/s/Hz 16 b/s/HzHighest PHY rate 600 Mb/s 373 Mb/sPeak uplink MAC throughput 228 Mb/s 75.6 M/sInterference Hidden/exposed terminal, collision co-tier/cross-tier co-channel InterferenceChannel access Contention based DCF Centralized on DL/ULChannel usage On-demand, on and off Continuous frames, always on

Goal: not to impact WiFi more than an additional WiFi networkdeployed on the same carrier

Zhefeng Jiang and Shiwen Mao Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing in LTE-U

IntroductionSystem Model

Valuation and SchedulingAuction and Pricing

Performance EvaluationConclusions

Background and MotivationRelated Works

Proposed Solutions

Coexistence with WiFi usersLTE-LAA Duty Cycling (US, Korean, and China)

Turning LTE off to release channel to WiFiMinimal changes to Release 10/11 PHY/MAC standardsFor example, CSAT [Qualcomm] and ABS [Zhang’15]

Listen-Before-Talk (LBT) (Europe and Japan)

A simplified version of DCFClear channel assessment (CCA): carrier senseChange to the LTE air interface (3GPP Release 13)

Coexistence of LTE-unlicensed users

An agreement for the operators to allocate the unlicensedspectrum (may not be practical)Enable opportunistic access to unlicensed channels.

Zhefeng Jiang and Shiwen Mao Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing in LTE-U

IntroductionSystem Model

Valuation and SchedulingAuction and Pricing

Performance EvaluationConclusions

Background and MotivationRelated Works

Coexistence Without LBT

Three mechanisms[Qualcomm’14]:

Channel selectionCarrier-Sensing AdaptiveTransmission (CSAT)Secondary Carrier Off


Senses medium for longerduration (10s of - 200 ms)Gates off LTEtransmissionproportionally

Zhefeng Jiang and Shiwen Mao Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing in LTE-U

IntroductionSystem Model

Valuation and SchedulingAuction and Pricing

Performance EvaluationConclusions

Background and MotivationRelated Works

Coexistence with LBT

Clear Channel Assessment (CCA): detect the channel energylevel at a designated time for a duration of CCA period

If clean, transmit for a duration of Channel Occupancy Time

Zhefeng Jiang and Shiwen Mao Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing in LTE-U

IntroductionSystem Model

Valuation and SchedulingAuction and Pricing

Performance EvaluationConclusions

Background and MotivationRelated Works

Related Works

Technical reports and white papers

Benefit and challenges [Qualcomm’14, Chen’15]Deployment scenarios [Huawei’14]

Simulation studies

The WiFi performance could be significantly degraded, whileLTE was only slightly affected [Cavalcante’13, Nihtila’15]LBT is necessary for coexistence with WiFi [Ratasuk’14,Chen’15]

QoS guarantees and distributed auction

ε-persistence queue was introduced to guarantee a worst casedelay [Neely’11]Credit-token-based spectrum bidding [Gao’14] and Vickreyauctions [Wu,’09][R.J’03]

Zhefeng Jiang and Shiwen Mao Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing in LTE-U

IntroductionSystem Model

Valuation and SchedulingAuction and Pricing

Performance EvaluationConclusions

Network ModelTransmission and Queueing ModelSpectrum Auction and LBT on Unlicensed BandUtility Function and Social Welfare

LTE-unlicensed Network Model


Consider the LAA scenario, in which licensed and unlicensedcarrier bands are integrated and usedFocus on the downlink transmission of LAA with FDDNon-co-site deployment of licensed and unlicensed bandsA high speed backhaul for coordinating the BS operation


A set of BS’s M = {1, 2, · · · ,M}A set of orthogonal, unlicensed channels C = {1, 2, · · · ,C}Interference among BS’s can be denoted as:

Ii,j =

{1, if BS i and j interfere with each other0, otherwise

Zhefeng Jiang and Shiwen Mao Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing in LTE-U

IntroductionSystem Model

Valuation and SchedulingAuction and Pricing

Performance EvaluationConclusions

Network ModelTransmission and Queueing ModelSpectrum Auction and LBT on Unlicensed BandUtility Function and Social Welfare

Transmission and Queueing Model

Transmission model

Consider UEs covered by LTE licensed and unlicensedLBT: a BS should wait for a clear period before bidding fortransmission in an unlicensed bandFor UE i , BS m provides a data rate on licensed bands withrate Rm

i (t) in frame tBS m can provide an extra data rate for UE i if it wins atransmission opportunity on an unlicensed channel c in framet, denoted as Rm

ic (t) = ϕmic (t)em

ic (t)

ϕmic (t): number of Resource Blocks (RBs) assigned to UE i ;

emic (t): expected data rate an RB provides

Arrival: Ami (t); excess traffic may be dropped: dm

i (t)

Traffic queueing model

Qmi (t + 1) = max{Qm

i (t)−Rmic (t)−Rm

i (t)−dmi (t), 0}+Am

i (t)

Zhefeng Jiang and Shiwen Mao Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing in LTE-U

IntroductionSystem Model

Valuation and SchedulingAuction and Pricing

Performance EvaluationConclusions

Network ModelTransmission and Queueing ModelSpectrum Auction and LBT on Unlicensed BandUtility Function and Social Welfare

Spectrum Auction and LBT on Unlicensed Band

A channel bidding mechanism to avoid collision amongLTE-unlicensed BS’s

Each LTE-unlicensed BS can bid for a transmissionopportunity on an unlicensed band after LBT

The auction process is held at the auction holder and involvesBS’s interfering the auction holder; the auction holder is thefirst BS claims interest in transmission on the channel

WiFi occupation WiFi idleWiFi



LTE frame on licensed band

CCABidding window

LTE-U transmissions LTE-U idle

Zhefeng Jiang and Shiwen Mao Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing in LTE-U

IntroductionSystem Model

Valuation and SchedulingAuction and Pricing

Performance EvaluationConclusions

Network ModelTransmission and Queueing ModelSpectrum Auction and LBT on Unlicensed BandUtility Function and Social Welfare

Spectrum Auction and LBT on Unlicensed Band (cont’d)

Notation and parameters

Um: the set of UEs served by BS mSm∗

c (t): the set of BS’s participated in the auctionBS m∗: the auction holderb̃m

c (t): the value of transmitting on channel c in frame tbm

c (t): BS m’s bid for transmitting on channel c in frame tαm∗

c (t): channel assignment decision

Auction procedure

Step 1: BS’s submit their bids to the auction holderStep 2: The auction holder makes channel assignmentdecisions and payment arrangementsStep 2: The winner BS’s make decision on transmitting ordropping packets

Zhefeng Jiang and Shiwen Mao Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing in LTE-U

IntroductionSystem Model

Valuation and SchedulingAuction and Pricing

Performance EvaluationConclusions

Network ModelTransmission and Queueing ModelSpectrum Auction and LBT on Unlicensed BandUtility Function and Social Welfare

Utility Function and Social Welfare

If BS m participates in an auction of channel c that is available atframe t, the utility function is defined as

φmc (t) =



i dmi (t)− b̂m

c (t)}, (1)

The social welfare of auction Sm∗c (t) is defined as follows.∑

m∈Sm∗c (t)

φmc (t) =


c (t)


{−βmi dm

i (t)} . (2)

βmi : penalty of dropping a UE i packet at BS m

Zhefeng Jiang and Shiwen Mao Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing in LTE-U

IntroductionSystem Model

Valuation and SchedulingAuction and Pricing

Performance EvaluationConclusions

Virtual Queue and Delay BoundLyapunov OptimizationResource AllocationGuarantee on Maximum Delay

Virtual Queue and Delay Bound

We adopt the ε-persistence queue [Neely’11] to guarantee themaximum delay requirement

Zmi (t + 1) = max


i (t) + εmi · 1{Qm

i (t)>0} − Rmi (t) −

Rmic (t)− dm

i (t)− Zmi (t) · 1{Qm

i (t)=0}, 0}


Fact I [Neely’11]: Suppose Qmi (t) and Zm

i (t) are bounded for allframes t ∈ {0, 1, · · · }, as

Qmi (t) ≤ (Qm

i )max and Zmi (t) ≤ (Zm

i )max (4)

⇒ the delay bound can be written as

(Wmi )max = d((Qm

i )max + (Zmi )max )/εm

i e (5)

Zhefeng Jiang and Shiwen Mao Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing in LTE-U

IntroductionSystem Model

Valuation and SchedulingAuction and Pricing

Performance EvaluationConclusions

Virtual Queue and Delay BoundLyapunov OptimizationResource AllocationGuarantee on Maximum Delay

Lyapunov Optimization

We define the Lyapunov function L(Θm(t)) as





{(Qmi (t))2 + (Zm

i (t))2} (6)

... and a 1-step sample path Lyapunov drift as


= L(Θm(t + 1))− L(Θm(t)) (7)

The penalty is defined as payment plus the cost of dropped packets


= Vmbmc (t) + Vm


βmi dm

i (t) (8)

Zhefeng Jiang and Shiwen Mao Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing in LTE-U

IntroductionSystem Model

Valuation and SchedulingAuction and Pricing

Performance EvaluationConclusions

Virtual Queue and Delay BoundLyapunov OptimizationResource AllocationGuarantee on Maximum Delay


The problem of minimizing the drift-plus-penalty can be defined as

min : ∆1(Θm(t)) + Vmbmc (t) +


Vmβmi dm

i (t) (9)



ϕmic (t) = ϕ, for c ∈ C (10)

ϕmic (t) ≥ 0, for i ∈ Um, c ∈ C (11)

Rmic (t) + Rm

i (t) + dmi (t) ≤ Qm

i (t), for i ∈ Um, c ∈ C (12)

εmi ≥ (Am

i )max , for i ∈ Um (13)

(dmi )max ≥ (Am

i )max , dmi (t) ≥ 0, for i ∈ Um (14)

Zhefeng Jiang and Shiwen Mao Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing in LTE-U

IntroductionSystem Model

Valuation and SchedulingAuction and Pricing

Performance EvaluationConclusions

Virtual Queue and Delay BoundLyapunov OptimizationResource AllocationGuarantee on Maximum Delay


We can reformulate the drift-plus-penalty function to derive its upperbound as

∆1(Θ(t)) + Vmbmc (t) +


Vmβmi dm

i (t) (15)

≤ Bm − 1


i (t))21{Qmi (t)=0} +


Zmi (t)εm

i 1{Qmi (t)>0} − Φm

(1)(t)− Φm(2)(t)


(1)(t) =∑

i∈Um (Rmic (t) + Rm

i (t))(Qmi (t) + Zm

i (t))− Vmbmc (t)

Φm(2)(t) =

∑i∈Um dm

i (t)(Vmβmi − Qm

i (t)− Zm(t))

Bm .= 1



ic + Rmi + dm

i )max ]2 + 2[(Ami )max ]2+

[(εm − Rmic − Rm

i − dmi )max ]2}


Zhefeng Jiang and Shiwen Mao Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing in LTE-U

IntroductionSystem Model

Valuation and SchedulingAuction and Pricing

Performance EvaluationConclusions

Virtual Queue and Delay BoundLyapunov OptimizationResource AllocationGuarantee on Maximum Delay

Valuation and Scheduling

Maximizing Φm(1)(t) and Φm

(2)(t), we can obtain the valuation ofchannel as well as scheduling decisions

True Value of Channel

b̃mc (t) =




Rmic (t)(Qm

i (t)+Zmi (t))

}s.t. Constraints (10), (11), (12)

Packets to Drop

dmi (t) =


i )max , Qmi (t) + Zm

i (t) > Vmβmi

0, Otherwise(17)

Zhefeng Jiang and Shiwen Mao Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing in LTE-U

IntroductionSystem Model

Valuation and SchedulingAuction and Pricing

Performance EvaluationConclusions

Virtual Queue and Delay BoundLyapunov OptimizationResource AllocationGuarantee on Maximum Delay

Maximum Delay


With the drop decision (17) and assuming 0 ≤ εmi ≤ (dm

i )max and0 ≤ (Am

i )max ≤ (dmi )max , the proposed resource allocation and

dropping policies ensure the following upper bounds on the realand virtual queues.

(Qmi (t) + Zm

i (t))max = Vmβmi + (Am

i )max + εmi (18)

(Zmi )max = Vmβm

i + εmi . (19)

⇒ The real and virtual queues can be stabilized with the dropdecision (17)

Zhefeng Jiang and Shiwen Mao Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing in LTE-U

IntroductionSystem Model

Valuation and SchedulingAuction and Pricing

Performance EvaluationConclusions

Virtual Queue and Delay BoundLyapunov OptimizationResource AllocationGuarantee on Maximum Delay

Maximum Delay(cont’d)


With the proposed resource allocation and packet dropping policesand the FIFO service discipline, the queueing delay is upperbounded by (Wm

i )max . That is, any packet is either transmitted ordropped within (Wm

i )max , given by

(Wmi )max = 2 + (2Vmβm

i + (Ami )max )/εm

i . (20)

Zhefeng Jiang and Shiwen Mao Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing in LTE-U

IntroductionSystem Model

Valuation and SchedulingAuction and Pricing

Performance EvaluationConclusions

Determine the Auction WinnerPricing MechanismProposed AlgorithmsPerformance of the Proposed Algorithms

Auction Winner

In each auction, the auction holder determines the biddingsubset αm∗

c (t) that wins the auction, i.e., obtaining thetransmission opportunity on channel c in frame t


c (t)}: Gc (t)|{Sm∗

c (t)}.


m∈αm∗c (t)

bmc (t) (21)

s.t. Ii ,j = 0, for all i , j ∈ αm∗c (t) (22)

A maximum weighted independent set problem, which isNP-hard

... but, we proved that the size of the problem is small; wecan solve the problem recursively

Zhefeng Jiang and Shiwen Mao Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing in LTE-U

IntroductionSystem Model

Valuation and SchedulingAuction and Pricing

Performance EvaluationConclusions

Determine the Auction WinnerPricing MechanismProposed AlgorithmsPerformance of the Proposed Algorithms

Pricing Mechanism

We introduce the second-price strategy in second-price sealedbid auctions (i.e., Vickrey auctions)

The winner BS set αm∗c (t) pays the maximum sum bids of the

non-interfering bidding sets among the losers

... the payment is split among the winners as

b̂mc (t) =


c (t)Gc (t)|{Sm∗

c (t)\αm∗c (t)}

Gc (t)|{Sm∗c (t)}

, m ∈ αm∗c (t)

−bmc (t), m ∈ αm∗

c (t)′

0, otherwise



c (t)′: the optimal non-interfering set of loser BS’s

Zhefeng Jiang and Shiwen Mao Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing in LTE-U

IntroductionSystem Model

Valuation and SchedulingAuction and Pricing

Performance EvaluationConclusions

Determine the Auction WinnerPricing MechanismProposed AlgorithmsPerformance of the Proposed Algorithms

The Proposed Algorithms

To solve problem (21), with

complexity is O(n(k − 1)!).

The proposed LMWA algorithm ⇒

Zhefeng Jiang and Shiwen Mao Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing in LTE-U

IntroductionSystem Model

Valuation and SchedulingAuction and Pricing

Performance EvaluationConclusions

Determine the Auction WinnerPricing MechanismProposed AlgorithmsPerformance of the Proposed Algorithms

Algorithm Performance

Theorem (Truthful Bidding)

The pricing scheme in (23) guarantees the truthfulness of bidding, i.e., bmc (t) = b̃m

c (t).

Theorem (Utility Maximization for Individual BS)

If the compound process {Ami (t), em

ic (t)} is i.i.d. over frames and for any UE i servedby BS m, the proposed LMWA algorithm achieves the following lower bound on theutility of BS m.

E{φmc (t)} ≥ {φm

c }opt − Bm/V m, (24)

where φmc (t) is the utility of BS m defined in (1), Bm is defined in (16), and (φm

c )opt is

the maximum utility BS m can achieve without knowing the bids of others in an


Zhefeng Jiang and Shiwen Mao Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing in LTE-U

IntroductionSystem Model

Valuation and SchedulingAuction and Pricing

Performance EvaluationConclusions

Determine the Auction WinnerPricing MechanismProposed AlgorithmsPerformance of the Proposed Algorithms

Algorithm Performance (cont’d)

Theorem (Weighted Dropping Minimization)

If V m .= V is a constant for all BS’s, and the compound process {Am

i (t), emi (t)} is

i.i.d. over frames, for BS m ∈ Sm∗c (t) and UE i ∈ Um, then for each auction the

following inequality holds true.


c (t)


E{βmi dm

i (t)} ≤ E

m∈Sm∗c (t)


[βmi dm

i (t)]


+ B/V , (25)

where E{∑

m∈Sm∗c (t)

∑i∈Um [βm

i dmi (t)]}opt is the expected minimum weighted

dropping penalty that can be achieved in an auction, and B =∑

m∈Sm∗c (t) Bm (Bm is

given in (16))

Zhefeng Jiang and Shiwen Mao Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing in LTE-U

IntroductionSystem Model

Valuation and SchedulingAuction and Pricing

Performance EvaluationConclusions

Simulation SettingsSimulation Results

Simulation Settings

Evaluation with MATLAB simulations

Benchmark schemes

Single-Winner: selects only one winner during an auctionRandom Access: randomly selects a winner during the biddingstage

εmi = 8 and (dm

i )max = 8 for all UEs, normalized to the timescale of one second, and βm

i = β

The network area of 200× 200 m2 is covered with LTE macrocells in licensed bands, with average rate 4 MB/s for all UEs

Total spectrum resource is B = 20 MHz

A truncated Poisson traffic model, with average arrival rate λand maximum arrival rate 2λ

Zhefeng Jiang and Shiwen Mao Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing in LTE-U

IntroductionSystem Model

Valuation and SchedulingAuction and Pricing

Performance EvaluationConclusions

Simulation SettingsSimulation Results

Simulation Results: Arrival Rate versus Average Drop Rate

Vβ = 20 for all UEs

LMWA achieves aconsiderably smallerdropping rate

The dropping rate ofSingle-Winner is alsoconsiderably lowerthan that of RandomAccess

Auction lets thehigh-utitlity BS’s winthe unlicensedspectrum

3 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 40








Arrival Rate


ge D

rop R


Proposed LMWA


Random Access

Zhefeng Jiang and Shiwen Mao Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing in LTE-U

IntroductionSystem Model

Valuation and SchedulingAuction and Pricing

Performance EvaluationConclusions

Simulation SettingsSimulation Results

Simulation Results: Arrival Rate versus Average Delay

Vβ = 20 for all UEs

Approximately linearrelationship,validating Theorem 2

LMWA guarantees amaximum delay

LMWA outperformsthe two benchmarkswith considerablegains 3 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4










Arrival Rate



ge D


y (


Proposed LMWA


Random Access

Zhefeng Jiang and Shiwen Mao Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing in LTE-U

IntroductionSystem Model

Valuation and SchedulingAuction and Pricing

Performance EvaluationConclusions

Simulation SettingsSimulation Results

Simulation Results: Vβ versus Average Drop Rate

Ami = 3.5 for all UEs

Confirms theO(1/Vβ) bound ofdrop rate

Demonstrates thetradeoff betweendropping rate anddelay

The proposed schemeoutperforms the twobenchmarks

10 15 20 25 300






Value of Vβ



ge D



Proposed LMWA


Random Access

Zhefeng Jiang and Shiwen Mao Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing in LTE-U

IntroductionSystem Model

Valuation and SchedulingAuction and Pricing

Performance EvaluationConclusions

Simulation SettingsSimulation Results

Simulation Results: Vβ versus Average Delay

Ami = 3.5 for all UEs

Confirms the delaybound as function ofVβ

LMWA outperformsthe two benchmarkswith considerablegains

10 15 20 25 301








Value of Vβ



ge D


y (


Proposed LMWA


Random Access

Zhefeng Jiang and Shiwen Mao Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing in LTE-U

IntroductionSystem Model

Valuation and SchedulingAuction and Pricing

Performance EvaluationConclusions


Distributed online auction for opportunistic sharing ofunlicensed bands among LTE-unlicensed BS’s, which

allows spatial reuseminimizes the expected packet drop rateguarantees a maximum delay bound

Lyapunov optimization based schemes to

evaluate the true value of unlicensed spectrumallocate RBs on unlicensed bands, anddecide when to drop packets

A truthful auction mechanism

maximize the overall social welfare

Simulation and comparison studies

Zhefeng Jiang and Shiwen Mao Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing in LTE-U

IntroductionSystem Model

Valuation and SchedulingAuction and Pricing

Performance EvaluationConclusions


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Zhefeng Jiang and Shiwen Mao Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing in LTE-U

IntroductionSystem Model

Valuation and SchedulingAuction and Pricing

Performance EvaluationConclusions


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Zhefeng Jiang and Shiwen Mao Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing in LTE-U


ì  Research  sponsors    ì  NSF  ì  CERDEC,  US  Army,  US  NRL  ì  Cisco  ì  TranSwitch  

ì  Students  and  collaborators  

ì  This work is supported in part by the NSF under Grant CNS-0953513, the NSF I/UCRC BWAC Auburn Site, and the Wireless Engineering Research and Education Center (WEREC) at Auburn University. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the foundation.

 12/11/15  Shiwen  Mao,  Auburn  University,  Auburn,  AL  


Thank  You!  

Questions & comments?  





Shiwen  Mao,  Auburn  University,  Auburn,  AL