Venuss Beauty In Paintings

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Ingres -Venus

Botticelli - The birth of Venus

Botticelli - Venus and the three Graces

Botticelli - Venus and Mars

Antony van Dyck - Venus asking Vulcan for arms

Correggio -Venus Cupid and Mercury

Lucas Cranach elder- Venus and Cupid

Ingres- Venus

Cranach elder -Venus and Cupid

Cranach -Venus and Cupid

Lorenzo Lotto -Venus and Cupid

Giorgione- Sleeping Venus

Kaufman Angelica - Venus persuades Helen to fall in love with Paris

Mantegna Andrea -Venus and Mars

Nicolas Poussin - Venus and Mars

Nicolas Poussin - The sleeping Venus and Cupid

Nicolas Poussin - Venus lamenting over Adonis

Ingres - Venus at Paphos

Fragonard -The toilet of Venus

Sir Reynols- Cupid undoing Venus’s Belt

Fragonard - Venus and Cupid

Cranach elder - Cupid complaining to Venus

Sir Reynolds- Venus

Rubens- Venus at the Mirror

Sir Eduard Burne Jones - The passing of Venus

Sir Reynolds- Venus chiding Cupid

Titian- Venus and Adonis

Titian- Venus blindfolding Cupid

Titian - Venus with a Mirror

Titian- Venus ,Cupid and a Organist

Titian- Venus of Urbino

Lia.dumitrescu@gmail.comLucas Cranach elder -
