VERMI=WORM WORM COMPOSTING€¦ · My bin system on a commercial level: Not quite there yet With...

Post on 18-Oct-2020

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Red Wiggler WormsMembers of Family 1: The Experimental Wigglers

$55 from NYC Compost

Not sustainable

Flies & Smell

No drainage

Worms escaped! (R.I.P)

Layers, or stacking are ideal

(Thanks Peter )


Minimal escape routes


Outdoor Vermicomposting Systems

This matters

Image taken from





\A few inconvenient truths:Soil is being eroded and polluted rapidly

(which releases carbon dioxide into air)

Soil sustains all life

(in one handful of soil, there are more microorganisms than humans on earth)

Good soil means strong, abundant plants

Plants absorb carbon dioxide in atmosphere

95% of the soil used by humans grows our food, and about 30% of that food is wasted annually

A few worm wonders: Plants fertilized by vermicomposted soil grow incredibly strong and resilient

Worms love to eat the food that we don’t, and they will turn it into more soil to grow more!

Worms have been, and hopefully always will be on earth creating soil and improving quality of life, simply by eating and pooping.

Climate change is real, and at this point cannot be reversed. But it can be absorbed and recycled!

The worms are the way to sustainability.

More worms=more soil=more plant life=less carbon in air and more nutrients & water in soil!


Does anybody care?

I care, and that matters.

My bin system on a commercial level: Not quite there yet

With the right balance of marketing, engineering, capital, and sustainable production- one day every New Yorker could have an Urban Worm Composting System (UWCS) in their home.

And full of people who love worms.

I dream of a future full of worms.

Thank you so incredibly deeply toPeter Terezakis- for supporting and inspiring, for teaching and supplying me with the tools to begin my worm world.

Madison Love- for the song and for supporting the worms from the start.

Alessandra Mesa- for support and advice.

Rachel Davis- for being the worm’s favorite aunt and spoiling them with all your amazing food scraps.

NYU Tandon & NYU Tisch- for showing me that I can

Mel! Epstein- for branding help and introducing me to myself, the worm lady.

Kyle Richard-for photography

The worms- for showing me the truth and the beauty that is vermiculture

Thank you all,

-The Worm Lady

Here’s to a future of

global worming.