Very-Near-Field Solutions to Far-Field EMC Problems EMxpert Pre-Compliance EMC Testing Advanced...

Post on 17-Jan-2016

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Very-Near-Field Solutions to Far-Field EMC ProblemsEMxpertPre-Compliance EMC Testing

Advanced Embedded SystemsSeptember 09, 2015EMSCAN CorporationVery-near-field magnetic measurements expertUnique patented products for RF/MW and EMC/EMIPrivate Canadian corporation since 1989Worldwide coverageRecognized innovative products

What is Very-Near-Field?Far-field is where thepattern is not changing with the distance

Near-field is anything not in the far-field

Stay out of the reactive regionVery-near-field

3IntroductionWorld Leading Developer of Visual Real-TimeEM and RF Pre-Compliance Test Solutions

Antenna and PCB DesignersProduct Integration and Verification Engineers

Diagnostic ToolManufacturing Quality Control

Chambers on your DesktopEMxpertEMC diagnostic tool to rapidly diagnose and solve EMC/EMI problems with real-time PCB emission analysis

RFxpertAPM tool enabling to quickly evaluate performance and optimize designs with real-time antenna performance characterization

5FundamentalsHigh-density planar antenna array

High-speed electronic switching

Very-near-field measurements

Far-field predictions

Real-time real-fast

No chamber


PCB Radiated EMC/EMI/EMS IssuesEMC prevention an afterthought

Little interest in EMC

EMC as a black art

Every EMI (electromagnetic interference) problem ultimately starts or ends at an electronic circuit

Daryl Gerke and Bill Kimmel IN COMPLIANCE MAGAZINE JULY 2013Existing SolutionsChambers Slow testingComplianceHigh CAPEX (in-house)Real-estateQualified techniciansHigh OPEX (third party)ProbesSlow testingResolution nmSimulation softwareTime consuming to customize per PCBExtensive training required

The Better Solution: EMxpertDirectly addresses the challenges

Fast measurements Continuous real-timeSingle spatial scan in seconds

Compact tabletop instrument

Cost effective solution EMxpert Family


Technical Specifications

13FunctionalitySpectral scanProblem frequenciesReal-time near-field spatial scanSources of radiated emissions Far-Field predictionPre-compliance regulatory data

Frequency: 150 kHz to 8 GHzResolution: 3.75 mm to 0.1 mm

Compare and overlay functionsAutomated report generator

Modes of Operation

Spectral Scan: Scanner

16L1 Spatial Scan: Real-Time Scanner

17L1 Scan: Single-Frequency

18L2-L7 Spatial Scan: Post Capture High Res.

19Far-Field ApplicationPredict radiated EMI of PCB 30 MHz 6 GHzCompensated EMxpert very-near-field dataPCB structure and design models

Absorber mat


21Real-TimeIntermittent peaksSourcePathDistribution

Functional modeHighest emission

22A/B ComparisonObsolescence managementProduction unit versus gold standardFault diagnosis

23Immunity InsightsInjected signal path

Component susceptibility

Effects on functionality

24Common ModeHow signals couple onto connectors creating common mode problems

25Effectiveness of Filters

26Effectiveness of Shielding

27Pre-ComplianceFar-field measurements in a virtual chamberFar-field prediction FCC, ANSI, CISPR and user-defined limit lines


AdvantagesReal-time view of emission sources and distribution

Continuous peak hold scan for spurious events

Worlds fastest high-resolution testing

Worlds fastest pre-compliance data

Low acquisition costBenefitsImproved TTM and R&D productivityTest time reduction > 100 x Rapid design iteration, prototyping & optimization Reduced chamber costsDelayed investment in new chambersThird party test expenses

Cost effective preparation to compliance

31Some Customers