Victorian London

Post on 19-Aug-2015

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Context surrounding Jane Eyre


Born 1819 Became Queen at 18 years old after there was no

other heir after her father’s brothers died One of the longest reigning monarchs as she was

Queen for 63 years Queen Victoria proposed to her cousin Albert,

whom she had mutual feelings for, on 15 October 1839, five days after he had arrived at Windsor. They married on the 10th February 1840.

Her and Albert had nine children Prince Albert dies in 1861 of typhoid fever, Queen

Victoria had his clothes lied out on their bed for 40 years before her death in 1901

INDUSTRIALISATION The Victorian Era was a time of development with

many developments in technology, medicine and new inventions

Major turning point inventions: Telephone by Alexander Bell X-rays The first successful airplane flight Microphones Major and minor operations Bright dyes used for clothing Dynamite photography Railway


There was a big social divide between the Working class and Aristocracy

The Aristocracy lead a life full of luxury and received a good education

The working class in contrast had to work hard in order to survive, only some could read

There was a rise of the Middle class, these were people like Jane, and Bronte herself, who resumed the profession of governess


Women were classed as 2nd class citizens Times were hard as woman in the Victorian Era in a

male dominated society It wasn’t until 1918 that Women were allowed to

vote Female writers, such as Charlotte Bronte and her

sisters, used male pen names so that their work was published otherwise they wouldn’t stand a chance

Women were expected to marry and have children, turn to religion or become a governess/teacher

If you didn’t marry young you would considered a spinster

CHILDREN Children were seen as and dressed as adults Child labour was common, children worked in

factories, coal mines, as chimney sweeps, you could even become a teacher at the age of 13!

Because of the manual labour children did they suffered from deformities of the spine because of the type of labour they were doing.

Children started work aged 5 and generally died before 25 years old


Some children went to school, mostly either religious or charity schools

Religion was a big part of education Girls were taught how to sew, cook, paint

and play instruments whilst boys were taught more academic subjects


Chloroform was introduced in 1847 and grew in popularity after Queen Victoria was given some for the birth of her eighth child, she claimed it to be “a God send”

Antiseptics by Joseph Lister (1867) was introduced and was used by hospital staff for cleaning and to kill bacteria


Even though the world of medicine had came a long way, disease still affected many of the population

There was an outbreak of cholera which killed thousands of people

Hygiene was poor so disease spread very quickly


Poverty was a big problem in the Victorian Era, the rich were filthy rich strongly contrasted by the poor who lived in dire conditions

The mentally ill and handicapped were also sent to the workhouses

The workhouses were seen as the last resort, most people would rather and did starve to death than go in a workhouse

The workhouses provided routine, for people who had been out of work, and discipline

They weren’t the most luxurious place; but they put a roof over people’s head and provided food


People who were mentally ill were often sent to either workhouses or asylums

It was seen as an embarrassment to the family and was often frowned upon

Patients suffered extreme abuse, rape and were often experimented on


Punishments were harsh as children would be caned for being disobedient and you could go to prison just for stealing a loaf of bread

Even children could go to prison! The death penalty was still administrated to

the worst criminals and murderers


The infamous Jack the Ripper caused quite a stir at the time in 1888

He murdered and mutilated 5, possibly more, prostitutes on the streets of London

There were three main suspects to the identity of the murderer could have been one being a doctor, a member of the royal family who suffered from insanity and the ‘man with no identity’

Jack the Ripper was however never caught, his identity remains still a mystery