Victorious Living Magazine

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We bring to your home, office, or car, a magazine that is for the family that loves Christ and HIS word. Enjoy


September 2010 Volume 1 Issue 3 Victorious Living Magazine

I John 5:4, 5 [AMP.] 4 For whatever is born of God is victorious over the world; and that is the victory that con-quers the world, even our faith. 5 Who is it that is victorious over [that conquers] the world but he who believes that Jesus is the son of God [who adheres to, trusts in, and relies on that fact]?

Victorious Living


September 2010 Volume 1 Issue 3 Victorious Living Magazine

Page 2

Welcome to Victoria Clark Ministries, other

wise known as “VCM”. We are the love and hard work behind the scenes of Victorious Living Magazine. This magazine has been a dream of mine for a very long time and I give the glory and honor to my Heavenly Father! I have been perfecting the vision over the years of my ministry with a great desire to improve consistently. Over the years technology has improved of course and so has life. I wanted to introduce to the “Kingdom of God,” first and then to the remainder of the world a quality publication that was both interesting and fulfilling. When we say fulfilling we mean that the main points in our daily lives are touched upon. Our goal here is to improve your health, your financial tips, spiritual nuggets, and more. We promise to bring information that is cutting edge as well as life changing stats with laughter sprinkled in throughout each publication. We are constantly looking for innovative ways of improving this publication. We put our heart and soul in this publication praying to bring you just what is needed for the times in which we live. Our desire at all times is to cover basic aspects of living for the common believer. We are expecting great things for our readers and we are here to present such to you. We certainly pray that you enjoy this months edition of Victorious Living because we are certainly very excited our new look. Many are speaking about the new season we call Autumn. As a little girl growing up in Carbondale, IL, this has always been one of my favorite times of the year. The beauty that we see before us by the changing of the leaves if we live in a 4 season region. Living in the North Carolina for the past 14 almost 15 years I would have to say that the mountains are absolutely breath taking now. The air is fresh and even a little brisk on some mornings. I love it. The temperature has changed to be something to be enjoyed. Walks in the park with your family, children, spouse, best friend or if you are like myself, alone mean so much. By the way that handsome gentleman standing to the left of me is my wonderful Dad! He has to the greatest Dad in the whole wide world. I love and appreciate all that he is to me. This picture was taken in the “Windy City”; “Chi Town,” other wise known as “Chicago, IL” I was visiting the city for a dual packed celebration. Celebrating 25 years of ministry and 75 years of life with my Dad and family. Don’t forget to get your kitchen ready for the fall season. Check that pantry to assure that you have those Autumn fragrant spices: Pumpkin pie, sweet potato pie, apple cobbler, crisp, oatmeal cookies, beef wellington, pot pies, shepherd pie, and so much more! Please enjoy this month’s issue, Courtesy of Victorious Living Staff & CEO Victoria L. Clark

September 2010 Volume 1 Issue 3 Victorious Living Magazine

Can't remember if I told You, but I have moved out from Beggars Alley , located at 2 Poverty Lane at the corner of Down and

Out Circle. As of today, I have a brand new home .. My new address is Living Well on 231 Abundance Terrace, Located at the corner of Blessings Drive and Prosperity Peak.

It's in the God Can neighborhood. No longer will I allow myself to travel to the

other side of town on Begging Peter to pay Paul Route, Located at a dead end Intersection called I Don't Have, Which connects with Borrowers Junction! I no longer hang out at Failure's Place, Near Excuses Avenue, Next to Procrastination Point. I've moved to an upscale community called Higher Heights

with unlimited potential and opportunities for me to succeed. Life is good because God is good! Care to change your address? There are many vacancies!


Address Change Alert!

Page 3 Volume 1, Issue 1

September 2010 Volume 1 Issue 3 Victorious Living Magazine

VC Ministries 7209-J East W.T. Harris Blvd

Charlotte NC 28227


Our Welcome remains the same listen below: Welcome—meaning literally “well + come” (“May you have fared well in coming here!”) We love this old definition and we mean it. “Welcome!” It is sincerely our prayer that you made it to the partnership of VC Ministries safe and sound. We look forward to this being one of the greatest experiences of your lifetime. In the times of sharing we have a wonderful and exciting plan in store.

September 2010 Volume 1 Issue 3 Victorious Living Magazine

Victoria is a sincere and committed woman of God. She has an immobile

faith and trust in the God of her experience, and what a wonderful experience it has

been. Victoria is committed to the work of the Kingdom of God without wavering or

compromise. Her faith in God has proven to be unmovable, steadfast, and full. She

is committed to the equipping of the Body of Christ thru the many gifts and talents

given to her.

Victoria believes that the word of God is God. She believes if rightly divided it

becomes a valuable tool of growth and prosperity for the individual daring to trust.

If this woman sounds like someone you would want in our life, go to the in-

formation above. Send her an e-mail, go to the web-site and become a partner.

Thank you VCM

Victoria L. Clark

September 2010 Volume 1 Issue 3 Victorious Living Magazine

a VCMinistries

Page 6 Victorious Living Magazine

Victoria Lynn Clark Ministries

7209-J East W.T. Harris Blvd Suite #301 Charlotte, NC 28227 E-Mail

Fax: 704-567-0811

September 2010 Volume 1 Issue 3 Victorious Living Magazine


“His intention was the perfecting and the full

equipping of the saints (His consecrated

people), [that they should do] the work of

ministering toward building up Christ’s body

(the church),”


Ephesians 4:12

Page 7

Every Thursday: 9:00 p.m. EST “A Dip In The Word” Dip In The Word Line: (218) 862-1699 Access Code: (prayer) 772937# 24/7 6:00 a.m. EST “International Line of Intercessory Prayer” Prayer Line: (605) 475-4860 Access Code: 829861#

Victorious Living Magazine

September 2010 Volume 1 Issue 3 Victorious Living Magazine


“We would first like

to say, “I Evang. Christopher

Rogers and my wife Evang.

Betty J. Rogers come to you

in the name of the Father,

the Son and the Holy Ghost

consuming fire,

believing that eve-

ry person who

reads this will be

changed in Jesus

mighty holy name.

When Prophetess

Victoria ask

Christopher and I

to write about

what it meant to

be newlyweds a

lot of things

came to our

minds. Being peo-

ple of God it

made us think of

the scripture in 2

Cor. 5:17 Therefore if any

man be in Christ, he is a

new creature: old things are

passed away; behold, all

things are become


You must first be married

to the kingdom of God.

(Rom. 10:9-10)

We are no longer two

individuals but have become

one in the sight of God. The

life that we lived before is

now new and different,

because we have our

spouse to consider when

making decisions that will

effect us mentally,

spiritually and financially.

The word newlywed

means a person recently

married. Often times we

might think of all that

goes along with being a

newlywed. The honey-

moon and where a cou-

ple might go during a

honey moon: Hawaii, Ba-

hamas, Jamaica ect....

Ahhh!!! the romance and

excitement of walking

along a moon lit beach or

spending time cuddle to-

gether next to a cozy fire

place. All these things

are wonderful but don’t

have to end once the

honeymoon is over. On

the contrary, a couple

can make the honey-

moon last for the rest of

their lives. By making a

conscience decision to

spend quality time to-

gether and putting God

first in all they do as hus-

band and wife. As far as

being newlyweds, it

would safe to say we are

on the way to enjoying a

life long journey with the

person God ordained for

us. (Matt. 19:6) Through

the word we are knowing

that we were joined

together by the Holy


Mr. & Mrs. Christopher


Victorious Living

2 Cor. 5:17

Therefore if

any man be

in Christ, he

is a new


old things

are passed


behold, all

things are



Page 8 Newly Weds

September 2010 Volume 1 Issue 3 Victorious Living Magazine

Schedule of


Daily Intercessory

Prayer 6:00 a.m.

EST: (605) 475-

4860—Access Code


Weekly “Dip in the

Word” [Bible

Study] 9:00 p.m.

EST : (218) 862-

1699 Access Code

[prayer] 772937#

people that handles everything in their own lives until tragedy appears

Now suddenly I feel as if I could use God. And use HIM is exactly what I am doing. For me to think that I am ever in charge of anything I am sadly mistaken and life will show up real very soon!

We are in a season of increase and victory. However, if you look around you may or may not see traces of it.

II Samuel 22:3;II Kings 18:22;

This word must be very important to the body of Christ because it is mentioned 27 times in the New Testament alone.

Trust is one of the most influential words we can ever gain within our spirit.

If I neglect to trust or place all of my trust in the Father then, where I end up in life will be totally up to me.

I don’t want to be one of those

That is when you as a child of God will hear louder than ever before to “Trust HIM”.

Now come on, you know for a fact, if you could change, repair, or restore the grate back into your own situation then certainly you would.

So since you aren’t capable of achieving that type of power, “Trust HIM”!

Did I hear Someone Say Trust HIM?

Page 9 Did

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20 21 22 23

24 25 26 27 28 29 30


October 2010


VCM 2nd Annual Prayer Conference & Clinic

Nov. 12-14, 2010 Charlotte, NC

704-763-4471—Elder Chelsey Simms, II

September 2010 Volume 1 Issue 3 Victorious Living Magazine

Prayer Conference &

Prayer Clinic November 12-14, 2010 5700 Westpark Drive

Charlotte, NC

Contact Info: Elder Chelsey L. Simms, Jr. (704)-463-4471

September 2010 Volume 1 Issue 3 Victorious Living Magazine

“Don't you get it, its

your mouth that ties

my hand

Supply and demand

but yet you forgot how

to demand”

Page 9

September 2010 Volume 1 Issue 3 Victorious Living Magazine

Enemy Watch


This month's Enemy Watch comes from a special and intimate place for me. I

mean, it is literally a page out of my own life! This month I received an electric

bill that was of an astronomical fee: $500! I know what you're thinking "how in

the world!", and while there is a reasonable explanation for the bill, that isn't

what I would like to focus on in this month's article. I want to tell you what the

bill and the enemy did to me through the bill.

First, I immediately became isolated by my circumstances. While I'm not sure

whether this was ol' slew foot or rather my own carnal mind I know what

happened. I became detached. I couldn't find meaningful conversation any-

where. (Would you be able to find peace with 500 bucks looming over your

head!) 2. Secondly, an overwhelming sense of helplessness, which is of course

the main cause for depression. Please understand that I don't have $500 lying

around in wait to pay this bill. With this economy I am like most people I have

allocated a place for every dollar, dime, and penny.

As a man I of course want to be a provider and knowing there is a situation that causes my wife and I both stress lends to more helplessness.

3. Now here comes the stress. Keep in mind that experts report there are reasonable amounts of stress that a person should have, but my levels

began to rise far above normal.

4. Stress led to anger. It was as if I was angry that others didn't know my situation, couldn't read my mind and fix it, or where unable to detect

my stand offish nature. At any rate this anger became vehement rage and led to more isolation because I mean after all who wants to be

around a grouch?

So what was the finale? Glad that you asked. First, because I have the Spirit of our Father within there were plenty of warning signs but I finally

came out of this downward spiral. I will tell you how I came out and how you can prevent going there in the first place!

1. Prayer. Prayer is the key to every facet of the Christians lifestyle. After all, we are literally called Christ-like by definition. At every turn you can

find Jesus praying within scripture. The scripture proclaims that men should always pray and I can give you a good reason why. When I began

to detach myself from people constant communication with God keeps me connected. Makes me feel that there is someone out there that

cares. And of course there is!

2. Tell-tale friends. When David was sinning with Bathsheba there was one person in his life that told him he was wrong: the Prophet Nathan.

He came to David and while still respecting him as the King and man of God he still let him know he was wrong for his actions. Everybody

needs a tactful friend, and if you can't find one that's tactful then just search for one that's honest and unafraid. This person becomes the

Christian fail safe preventing many disastrous situations from ever occurring.

With prayer as a guiding force and a friend in the Earth you and I can keep away from depression, anger, untimely stress, and the subsequent

pressure tat ensues. This pressure that we have covered leads even the most Godly individual to ungodly circumstances and si tuations. Even I

am ashamed of many of the things I did while under the pressure of this bill and the Enemy. So this month be mindful of the works of the

Enemy and his attempts to disqualify us with pressure.

Elder Chelsey Simms, II

Page 12 Enemy Watch

September 2010 Volume 1 Issue 3 Victorious Living Magazine



Page 13 25 YEARS

The will of God will never

take me, Where the grace

of God cannot keep me, The will of God will never

take me, Where the arms of God cannot support


The will of God will never take me, Where the riches

f God cannot supply my needs,

The will of God will never

take me, Where the pow-

er of God cannot endow

me. The will of God will

never take me, Where the

Spirit of God cannot work

through me, The will of God will never

take me, Where the wis-dom of God cannot teach

me, The will of God will never

take me, Where the army of God cannot protect


The will of God will never take me, Where the hands

of God cannot mold me. The will of God will never

take me, Where the Love

of God cannot enfold me, The will of God will never

take me, Where the Mercies of God cannot

sustain me,

The will of God will never take me, Where the Peace

of God cannot calm my fears,

The will of God will never

take me, Where the Authority of God cannot

overrule for me.

The will of God will never take me, Where the

Comfort of God cannot

dry my tears, The will of God will never

take me, Where the Word

of God cannot feed me, The will of God will never

take me, Where the Miracles of God cannot be

done for me,

The will of God will never

take me, Where Omnipresence of God

cannot find me.


is Tab

is for

September 2010 Volume 1 Issue 3 Victorious Living Magazine


like to start this month's article with what Jesus calls the "great commandment": Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind". (Matt. 22:37) What's nearly as interesting is what Christ calls the second commandment which He tells is 'like unto the first'. to love thy neighbor as thyself. Rather than take the obvious road and discuss what we are or are not doing for our fellow man I would like to pose a different and equally puzzling statement: "how are we loving ourselves"? If I were to judge and guess what the greatest failure of the Church and the Body of Christ as a whole is I would say that we have failed to love ourselves. When a person knows how to love themselves then they can love others.

We can then safely suppose that if a person does not show love effectively then this person has more than likely not experienced true love themselves. So if I may, I'd liked to list just a few areas in which we don't show ourselves love and thereby violate the second most important principal in the entire Bible. 1. We mutilate our own bodies with tattoos, piercings, poor eating habits, and over consumption. 2. We most often work years at a time without a vacation. 3. We fail to invest in ourselves while balancing a budget that is always paying out. 4. Consumer habits that hurt our bodies (alcoholism and drug addiction) are being bought and consumed at an all time high. Some may argue that this is because people who are poor take less care of themselves because they have less to take care of themselves with. However, may I point out the hundreds of homes in our local community where people share a

living space and they aren't family members. It's conclusive that we care for others without caring for

ourselves. The most overseen part of the scripture is that we must love our neighbors as ourselves. With the way we treat ourselves I don't think God will be angry when He reviews our treatment of our neighbors! To repair this situation we must start by adjusting our treatment of ourselves. We have been down trodden in this country to the point where we invariably fail to notice our own worth, but rest assure there is a

solution. First we must as a people take the time and the money to invest in ourselves and treat ourselves better. We deserve the five star treatment. Even when we don't feel like we do. We must take our Father's perspective of who we are and not our own. Then over time we will learn by life application how to love ourselves and subsequently how to love our fellow man. Remember in the month following the trading of this article that you take the time to love YOURSELF and others. Peace and Love! Elder Chelsey Simms, II


“First we

must as a

people take

the time

and the

money to

invest in


and treat


better. “

Page 14 Teach Me...

September 2010 Volume 1 Issue 3 Victorious Living Magazine

American columnist Earl

Wilson once said, ―Today, there are three kinds of people: the have’s, the have-not’s and the

have-not-paid-for-what-they-have’s.‖ The likelihood that most of us fit into the third kind cannot be ruled out. Our homes, cars, education, vacations and more are

on loans or credit. With the economy growing at 8.5% annually, urban Indians today have more money in their hands than any generation before them. Crazy consumerism, mall mania and ―buy now, pay later‖ schemes have increased. And that poses

some obvious questions.


Someone has said if Christians and Jews really understood the full extent of the power we have available through prayer, we might be speechless.

Did you know that during WW II there was an adviser to Churchill who organized a group of people who dropped what they were doing every day at a prescribed hour for one minute to collectively pray for the safety of England, its people and peace?

Stop whatever you are doing and spend one minute praying for the safety of the Unite States, our troops, our citizens, and for a return to a Godly nation.


Page 15 Let’s Worship


There are basically two types of debt: good

debt-such as a home loan with which you buy an appreciating asset –and bad debt—such as a car loan with which you buy a depreciating asset. When you take a debt, know the kind of debt you are getting into. Having said that, the amount of debt you can

comfortably afford to take should not exceed 40% of your salary after you have taken the expenses into account. So, if you earn 1K a month (take home) and your living expenses are $30,000, then the total equated monthly installments (EMIs) you pay should not exceed 40% of the remaining $70,000-that is $28,000. You should always leave a cushion amount over and above your expenses and total EMI


You know you have crossed the danger

mark when You’ve spent up your credit limit on your credit card

Yu use overdraft on salary every now and then

You borrow money in crisis since you don’t have an emergency fund

You use credit cards to pay for everyday expenses

You pay only minimum amount due on your credit cards every month

You have creditors calling you up about an unpaid bill or EMIs

Your spending habits are a secret and your family doesn’t know about them

You often argue at home about money matters

You indulge in comfort shopping


September 2010 Volume 1 Issue 3 Victorious Living Magazine

O bituary

"Mrs. Prayer Meeting died recently at the First Neglected Church on Worldly Avenue. Born

many years ago in the midst of a great revival, she was one of the most influential members of

the church family. For the past several years, Mrs. Prayer Meeting has been failing in health. At

the last, she was but a shadow of her former self. Her last whispered words were inquiries

concerning the absence of her loved one, now busy in the markets of trade and places of

worldly amusements. Experts, including Dr. Works, Dr. Reform, and Dr. Joiner, all disa-

greed as to the cause of her fatal illness. They had administered large doses of organizations

and socials, but to no avail. A postmortem autopsy showed that a deficiency of spiritual food,

coupled with a lack of faith and general support, were contributing causes. Only a few were

present at her death.

In honor of her going, the church doors will be closed on Wednesday nights!" Victory Life Church * P.O. Box 1834, Folsom, CA 95763 *

Statistics of when and how much people pray? • An average Christian prays 3-7 minutes a day (including meal time prayers).

• 52 percent of people who pray do so several times a day.

• 37 percent of people say they pray once a day.

• 21 percent have extended prayer time with other family members (25 percent among Protestants and 13 percent among Catholics).

• 33 percent of adults regularly participate in a prayer group or other meeting that has a focus on prayer.

• Average Protestant minister prays for 39 minutes a day; 21% typically spend 15

minutes or less per day.

September 2010 Volume 1 Issue 3 Victorious Living Magazine


GOD, Parents, Law

Most young adults that hear the word obey think about following

parental guidelines or obeying the law. Many people don’t realize

that by disobeying the law and your parents you are sinning. In

other words you’re not just disappointing your parents but you are

disobeying GOD. As Christians it is our responsibility to GOD to

obey our parents and the law.

GOD/ Holy Bible: Proverbs 3: 1,2,9,10; I Peter 1:14; Acts 5:29

GOD speaks to everyone at some point in life whether you know it or not.

Often times something told us not to do that and something told us to do this. Though we cannot identify it as such.

GOD wants you to give Him His due just like He wants you to give your parents and the government their due.

Parents: Exodus 20:12, Proverbs 4:1,2

Conclusion The Bible tells us that obedience is better than sacrifice. For today’s

journal/reflection I want you to write down your obedience and

your sacrifice. Write down what made it hard for you to obey,

what made you choose to sacrifice, and what you would do to

make it better if you could do it all over.

No doubt parents or adults can be a

pain but we as their children our charge

is not suppose to judge but

obey .Only time we are not suppose

to obey our elders is when they are

emphatically in the wrong. Obeying

really isn’t that hard when you think

about it.

September 2010 Volume 1 Issue 3 Victorious Living Magazine

7209-J East W.T. Harris Blvd.

Suite #301

Charlotte, NC


Phone: 704-804-8985

Fax: 704-567-0811







to take the time and find how

much you have to be grateful for.

Hasn’t the Father been great

again this year.

This is not the time to slip into a

place of fallen depression. Or

perhaps you lost a loved one

during this time last year, don’t


A place of reminiscent spirits

can take you to some place dark

in stead of a place full of calm

winds and changing leaves,

fragrant aromas, and reflecting

of the Grace of Almighty God


You have more to live for now

than ever before. I know it may

not look as if that is a fact.

This time of the year most of us

begin to get restless from not

getting what we want in life, from

the Father, from our spouses, our

children, our careers, and


This time of year causes reflection

to take place and if not very

careful the Body of Christ will

have trouble in this time of year.

Funny, isn’t it? This is the time

that you are able to get your

comfy spot on the couch, kick

your feet up, get your favorite

book out, after getting the kids to

bed. You and hubby looking at

each other and starring into the

fire and cuddling. If you are

alone again this fall don’t fall!

This is an incredible time for you

Perhaps divorce was your plight

this year, or your lost your best

friend, your home, you

know ...maybe life just hit you

very hard.

But don’t you fall! This is fall,

the season of Autumn. The

season of falling leaves, Apple

Pie, Pumpkin Pie, Black Walnut

Ice cream, new books, and most

of all a time to reflect on the

goodness of God to you in spite

of life.

Solomon told us, “but time and

chance happen to them all.”

Eccl 9:11 Amp

Don’t fall because the enemy is waiting on

you to fall to Life. It gets better!


Ephesians 4:12;His intention was the perfecting and the full equipping of the saints...

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September 2010 Volume 1 Issue 3 Victorious Living Magazine

September 2010 Volume 1 Issue 3 Victorious Living Magazine

September 2010 Volume 1 Issue 3 Victorious Living Magazine