Vidette-Reporter (Iowa City, Iowa), ·...

Post on 28-Jan-2021

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    A lorge crowd gathered at the Unity church Tuesday afternoou to henr Jane Addams di cu Democracy and Social Ethics under the hend of Filial Relation •.

    In this lecture was shown tile attitude of the average family toward the grown-up daughter wbo attempts to respond to tbe newer democratic ideal. Democracy is con tantly changing the relationship between the parents and their children .

    The position of tbe wOlJ1an of bistory was tbat of a family possession. Sbe was upposed to have no duties save those to her kin people.

    If !.be brightened the lives of ber own family that was the extent of her duty, she was not supposed to be responsiblt for the lives of any of those around her.

    The modern women is educated to a conception which h"r family are not will-ing to' recognite, especially when she at-tempts to reduce it to action. Then there follows a distrust and repression of her social activities which tend to result in much misapplied energy and restltss-neas.

    The questionable woman, as Miss Ad-dams, sa) 8 goes abroad and bas a more d~m


    ltbt t'idtttt • 11tporttr IIr",i// .. ,. II .. 1_ SI.', "... .. O.JI"

    'M W,,,},iMp,. SI. BVlay T". OIoY, Tu" •• oIoY 10110 IoT".OIoY

    D ... i.t'}" CM/'pil" )', ... .,,4#

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    Per ytar - - - - -tr 001 pel

    AddtHl.Ul:OmmunlratioDi 10

    ctk '~dtt-.tfOrttr low" CITY, I".

    does not, we believe, pretend to have con idered oratorial ability or ltanding

    Imoog classmates in making its selection. By the tatement of ita chairman, it con-

    idered scholarsbip and literary ability,

    pbases of Itudent life which bad come

    under their notice. We know n t wbeth-er it was by tbe style Ind quality o( ex-amination papers tbat the tbe committee

    got at tbe qu lification of a 5elllor to

    appear on tbe commencement :.tage, but

    .uppose that they formed a very probable IOUrce.

    Til, 1901 Hawkey, We realize that it It perha b rd 10 We have been permitted to tee the ad- judge discriminatingly of foren Ie ability

    vallce .heell of Ibe ,go! Hawkeye and among a cIUI wbich bas .ucb a large

    bave no b ilation in .tatlng as our hon- number o( excellent speakers; we can ap-

    eIt alld candid opinion tbat the book will preciate tbe difficulty in deciding anlong

    far 'UrpUi any like university publica- a large number of eniorl who would be

    tion gotten out before it and that, to y regarded by tbe class as well at fitted to

    tbe leut, tbe annl'al w\JI fqu I any like represent them: but the very plenitude

    pUblication of merit iuued by other un i- of cboice open to the committee implies

    veraities wblcb we bave teen. Tbe ty- little pouibility or not picking a list reo pograpby I. neat, dainty, and tastefully presentative of the cl arra.nged; the paper i. of a superior qual- Scholarship is the point upon wblch

    ity; tbe drawings, wbich largely out- tbe (Il('ulty comu into cl t relations

    number tbose o( .ny pre\·iou. Hawkeye, wltb tbe senior class; the placing of the

    • bow a blgb grade of arti tic ability bestscbolar In tbe cl ~pon the June wbicb in the great majority of C8Jet i program, have he only ordinary forensic

    w. F. MAIN CO. Manufacturlnr Jewelers.---"'-

    nil W , .AIN co 'A,"TOlY UNDU 'l9CUS or CU.'LET,ON AT 'OWA cm. IOWA. --·-................. ~,.-'-"' ..... '.tetoorT.' .. u... .... nf .......... ..-trl'-lOOhft., ... ....,l_I .. ..., ... ~ ........

    Pantorium Company, Sl Per Month, Best Pantorium Work in the City. We carry a Full Line

    of up-to-date Patterns in Suitings, Overcoats, F.lOcy Vests, Etc. Popular Pri ea. See Our Line of Pant Patterns $4.00 and up

    Over 500 Samples of Scotch Plaids, Fanc~ Worsteds and Cheviot to Select From. Tailor Made Clotht:s at ready made Prices. Steam Cleaning and Dyeing. All work Guaranteed.

    T. DE:LL KE:LLey . above criticilm. A. ror the half tOb .Ib~ ability or none at all, would not be ob- YOVNG MEN WANTED FOR CLERKS AND CARRIERS book contains more of theat by far, botb jecled to, for it ia well recognized tbat Ilxamlnatlonl 10 be hfld Peb 7. '900· We ... ,11 prepe~ you rorlh .. examination. Adf/ce I'ree.

    INTRIl TATR CORRR PONDHNC8 INSTITUTE. opposite Y. M. C. A. lo ... a City, Iowa. of group and individual pictures, than there is a great range of dlecretion open can be found In ueb .tandard publica- to the faculty in tblt matter: but the

    1iona of imilar nature as the Vale Bric- choice of a nnm~r of peekerl becaute

    :a-brac, tbe Wisconain Badger and the of their excellent retationa with tbe heads

    ~hlcago Uniwnity Cap and Gown. The of departmenll may be rightly criticized.

    work or tbe engraverl is tirlt~lass; and • B K keys and an UDllJual amount of

    tbe pbotograpberl bave worked together I udation at commencement time is the

    with them in eljminating a large abare of n"tural rigbt of the best scholars, but to

    the blaane. wbleb baa been 50 pronouu- crowd men npon the exceedingly limited ced in lOme previuoe &Dnuala. program merely beclUJe of tbeir .land-

    Tbe &heets bow notably that no ex- ing witb tbe various university cbain It penae baa been spared by the editors of to ~ unjust to the claaa. Oratora are tbe Hawkeye to make tbe work one expected by tbe very nature of things to

    whicb will be a credit to tbe innituUon orate, and it would aeem that they sbould

    and take rank among the tint of have met with lOme degree of (oren ic

    timilar publications. IUCCesa before beiDg scheduled for

    .-011 tU Selection of

    CommencemeDt Speaker.

    orations on commencement day .

    It would abo seem tbat it migbt be a good idea to have the representatives of

    the clus ~ aligbtly representative of it A place upon the JUDe commencement &Dd of tbe univeraity. But if tbe faculty

    , r

    Ate Hawkeye laundry U DotS first·class Work

    . f


    110 Iowa Ave. -Your Clotbe. CI~aaed, Pr_d, aDd.ll Rips Wended, .110 Shoe. ablned for '1.00 per montb.

    ltage is rigbtly considered the culmina- desirea to please the other schools of the Orden tabu ror .ullinp aDd overcoat&, 6t and •• Uaractlo. ",aflDteed. ' .J' The Royal Tallon ClothJolif. " P LUMSDEN 101 ......... ting honor VI a college coune. Alumni state by periodically acknowledging that ..... . , ---.,-

    have returned to eee tbe beat tbat the their col1~ate courses fiutudents to win

    alma mater i. now eending forth; UDder- the highest honon at the university graduates attend witb listening ears and ~tter than two or three corresponding

    watchful eyes the worda and delivery of years at Iowa, wby not apportion speakert

    the repreatntatives of the claaa now betng among all tbe colleges of the state and

    graduated; viJitora, many of whom are be (air about it? A better grade of ora-

    relatives of .Iudents now in the UDi\'U- tOri would probably obtain, surely a

    aityor of boys and girll that will enter menagerie would result which would be with the £reshtlWl cJa.s of the next (ew worth coming Car too see.

    yean, are present to admire the reauJta U the faculty committee bad remem-cl the great advantage. afforded by a hued tbat it was choosing speakers to re-

    four years' coune in a great university. present the aeniorclus and had endeav-

    All naturally expect that the six orators ored to look at the matter somewhlt a~ a

    are in the beat posaible 8eDJe repraenta- member of the class would view it, a list

    Uve of the class of ODe hundred 01' more would prot.bly have resulted which

    that will later be called upon the stage, would have been recognized by every one

    one by one, to receive the diploma of the .. represent&tiveof the dill and of the

    university; and none have a better right univenity. The fIIculty bat made excel-

    to expect this than the members of the lent Ielectiona of apeak.era in the put.

    cJa. Crom amonK whom \beee ax ~ On JUDe 8, I¥. such men at Fred H. aentative speakers are ch08eD. Blume, J. R. Frailey, L. A. Swisher and

    Three of the six fpeakera aelected by Mark Williama appeared on tbe program

    the faculty thlt year are not ~lieved to I and on JUDe 9t 1897, Harry W. HanlOn, be representative of the aenior claaa and I the premier orator o( the UDiveraity, have been objected to by us on that spoke from the commencetllent stage. groUDd. The faculty, in aelecting com- I We do not think that the UDiversity haa mencement speakers, appoints a com- I been eapec.iaIly deteriorating in the mitlee of three to rccotDDlend .wtable quality of its graduates lince then. We

    penons and adopts the reports of that believe that the faculty would be the last cotDDlittee. The committee this year to admit it.

    THE BOWLING ALLEY, m" & 213" IOWA AVENUE. prlcel have ~D 011 to the rollo"inl:

    Ten Pins • - - 15 etl. Thr~e or FOIIr Pial - 10 ell. Shuftle ~rd - seta.

    CeRNY 6< LOUIS, University Book Store, apposite €'ampus,



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  • Pre ldent MacLean le(t WednfSday fer Des Moinea where he will pr nt the DeedS o( the unlv raity to the senate com-mil tee on the way. and means. The one· tenth"o( a mill tax continuation bill.nd the support fund il now before that com· mittee. Today be will .ppear before the ten.te com mitt on appropriations and on Friday before the house committee.

    Meaaages (rom Saturday'. bru Itet-ball game between Iowa aud Minnesota, will be bulletined at Close Hall immediately after th game. The tesm h'aves tomor. row morning at 6:20, and con ist. of 1I0wdl, ctnl\~r. JarvI and C. William. forwards. Griffith and F.d Rule, guard. The game is played at J p. m In the gymnasium of the nlv ralty of ~inne· lOla.

    Ir L. Ward Banni t r, of Des toin,. a Itud nt at Iowa from '119 to '9r .nd a gradu te o( Leland 18nrord Jr, univ r-ity of the cJ of '93 aud o( H.rvard,

    cI o( 'g6. has entered upon the practice o( 1 w at Oennr, ' Clinton Street,




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    OUR GENERAL CATALOGUE Ia tbe book oftbe people-It qaotea Wholesale PriC" to Eyerybod,., baa _1,000 ...,ea. 16.000 lIIuatratioDl. aad "'.- descriptlona of articles wltll prices. II c_ 11 ceats to prlnl aDd mall eacb copy. We waat you to blVe Olle. SEND PIFTEEN CENTS to .bow )'Our IDOd faith , .Dd we'll you a copy PREE. wltb all cbartea prepaid,

    ~o:"o.!"" IInllTanllltDv WIRD I, CO .1c ..... " •• IMI .. ~ .... 11rtII " • CHIOAQO

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    Tbree Jeara COUt'llt. leadIng to dtgree of Lx.. •. Impro,,~ metbod. of unit/ag tMoty

    and pracliee. The School of Prectiee is the Lading Feature.

    RYelliaf aeu/oa. often bour .... tek for aa cl... tudeat. CIIn be aelf.lUpportl.n, .. ldl~ Itudylal. For ClltalCl@,ue, addre ..

    W. F. MOMEYER. L.L, B" SEC'Y, 618.uhlaod Blode, 59 clark It.. - Cblcqv, 01.