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Department of Justice



24 October 2016



Undersecretaries and Assistant Secretaries, andHeads of Constituent and Attached Agencies

Guideline on the Identification and Determination of

Delivery Units Relative to the Grant of FY 2016Performance-Based Bonus (PBB)

You are hereby furnished a copy of Memorandum Circular (M.C.) No. 2016-2dated 12 October 2016 of the Inter-Agency task Force on the Harmonization ofNational Government Performance Monitoring, Information and Reporting System(AO 25 Task Force) on the above-captioned subject, in line with the earlier AO 25 TaskForce M.C. No. 2016-1 and DOJ Circular No. 021, s. 2016 (copies attached).

The respective agency Performance Management Teams shall determine andprovide the necessary guidelines on the matter, including the clustering, performanceevaluation and ranking of delivery units for posting in the Transparency Seal page ofagency websites and dissemination to employees on or before 30 October 2016.

For information and guidance.

iNTONIO T. KHO, 3R.Undersecretary and Officer-in-Charge

I N 1^ 1 t




(Adminisb"ative Order No. 25 s. 2011)

MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 2016-.^October 12, 2016

FOR: All Heads of Departments, Bureaus, Offices and Other Agencies ofthe National Government, including Constitutional Commissions,Congress, The Judiciary, Office of the Ombudsman, StateUniversities and Colleges (SUCs), and Government-Owned or-Controlled Corporations (GOCCs)^

SUBJECT: Guidelines on the Identification and Determination of Delivery UnitsRelative to the Grant of the Performance-Based Bonus (PBB) forFiscal Year (FY) 2016


Executive Order No. 201^ s. 2016 provides that the existing PBB granted to qualifiedgovernment personnel shall be enhanced to strengthen its results orientation. TheInter-Agency Task Force (lATF) on the Harnrionization of National GovernmentPerformance Monitoring, Information and Reporting Systems created underAdministrative Order (AO) No. 25, s. 2011, herein referred to as the AO 25 lATF,shall prescribe the conditions on the eligibility and procedure for the grant of theenhanced PBB, including the ranking system to recognize differences in levels ofperformance.

Pursuant thereto, the AO 25 lATF Issued Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 2016-1^ toprescribe the guidelines on the grantof the FY 2016 PBB. Item 8.1 of said MC statesthat bureaus, offices or delivery units eligible to the PBB shall be forced rankedaccording to the following:


Top 10%Next 25%

Next 65%

Performance Category

Best Bureau/Office/Delivery UnitBetter Bureau/Office/Delivery Unit

Good Bureau/OfTice/Delivery Unit

^ GOCCs under the coverage of the Department of Budget and Management

2Modifying the Salary Schedule For Civilian Government Personnel and Authorizing the Grant ofAdditional Benefits for Both Civilian and Military and Uniformed Personnel, dated Febmary 19, 2016

' Guidelines on the Grant of the Performance-Based Bonus for Fiscal Year2016 under Executive Order(EO) No. 80 and EG No. 201, dated May 12, 2016

Item 8.2 of the same MC stipulates that guidelines on the determination of deliveryunits shall be issued separately.


This Memorandum Circular is issued to provide guidelines on the Identification anddetermination of delivery units within a department, agency, SUC, or GOCC which, ifeligible, shall be forced ranked for purposes of the grant of the FY 2016 PBB.


3.1 A delivery unit shall be the primary subdivision of a department, agency,sue, or GOCC performing substantive line functions, technical services, oradministrative support, as reflected in the agency's organizational structureand/or functional chart.

The identification of a delivery unit will depend on the type of governmententity, with due consideration to its mandate, organizational level, and scopeof operations, as follows:


Department orDepartment-


Aqencv State


and CollegesGOCCs









Regional OfRces,if any




Regional /FieldUnits, if any


Field Units, ifany






3.2 For purposes of this Qrcular, agencies attached to a department ordepartment-level entity shall be treated as an agency separate from itsparent department and shall have a separate ranking of its delivery units.

3.3 Annex A contains the master list of delivery units In departments/ agencies.

3.4 To facilitate the ranking process, departments/agencies may cluster thedelivery units based on similarities of functions and responsibilities, providedthat the overall ranking distribution for Best and Better delivery units shall notexceed 10% and 25%, respectively, of the total number of delivery units inthe department/agency.

4.0 Resolution of Cases

Cases not covered by the provisions of this Orcular shall be resolved by the AO 25Technical Working Group.

5.0 Please be guided accordingly.


Secretary, Department of Budget and Managementand Chairman, AO 25 Inter-Agency Task Force

0*pulm*nt »t aud9*tand


Master List of Delivery Units per Department/Agency

A. Departments


1. Office of the President

2. Office of the Vice-President

3. Departmentof Agrarian Reform

a. Office of the Secretary (Proper)

4. Department of Agriculture

a. Office of the Secretary (Proper)

b. Agricultural Credit Policy Council

c. Bureau of Fisheries and AquaticResources

d. National Meat Inspection Service

Delivery Units

OfRce of the Executive Secretary*Technical and Staff Offices

Presidential Advisers/Assistants{per area ofconcern)

Offices with special concernsOffice of the VIce-Presldent

Office of the Chief of Staff {includingOffice of the Vice-Chief ofStaff)Staff and Technical Offices

Office of the Secretary*Council Secretariat

DAR Adjudication BoardsServices


Regional Offices

• Office of the Secretary*• Services

• Bureaus

• Regional Offices

• Office of the Executive Director*

. Staff

• Division

' Office of the Director*

' Technical and Support Services' Centers

' Regional Units

• Office of the Executive Director*

• Central Office Divisions

• Regional Centers

e. Philippine Carabao Center

f. Philippine Center for PostharvestDevelopment and Mechanization

g. Philippine Fiber Industry DevelopmentAuthority

h. Philippine Council for Agriculture andFisheries

5. Department of Budget andManagement

a. Office of the Secretary (Proper)

b. Government Procurement PolicyBoard - Technical Support Office

c. Procurement Service

6. Department of Education

a. Office of the Secretary (Proper)

b. National Book Development Board

c. National Council for Children's


Office of the Executive Director*

Central Office Division


Office of the Director*


Office of the Executive Director*Central Office Divisions

Regional Offices

Office of the Director*


Office of the Secretary *Bureaus


Regional Offices

Office of the Executive Director *


Office of the Executive Director*

(including Internal Audit, Legal &Corporate Planning Divisions)Functional Groups

Office of the Secretary* (including EarlyChildhood Care Development Council)Bureaus


Regional OfficesSchools Division Offices

Schools and Learning CentersNational Educators Academy of thePhilippinesNational Council for Children's Television

Office of the Executive Director*


d. National Museum

e. Pliilippine High School for the Arts

f. Early Childhood Care DevelopmentCouncil

7. Department of Energy

a. Office of the Secretary (Proper)

8. Department of Environment andNatural Resources

a. Office of the Secretary (Proper)

b. Environmental Management Bureau

c. Mines and Geo-Sciences Bureau

d. National Mapping and ResourceInformation Authority

e. National Water Resources Board

f. Palawan Council for SustainableDevelopment Staff

9. Department of Finance

a. Office of the Secretary (Proper)

Office of the Director*Divisions

Office of the Director*

Basic and Arts Education

Staff Divisions

Office of the Secretary* {includingInvestment Promotion Staff, ConsumerWelfare Promotion Staff, Public AffairsStaffand Internal Audit Division)Services


Geographical Offices

Office of the Secretar/*Bureaus


Regional Offices

Office of the Director*

Central Office Divisions

Regional Offices

Office of the Director*

Central Office Divisions

Regional Offices

Office of the Administrator*


Office of the Executive Director*


Office of the Chairman* {including Officeof the Executive Director)Divisions

Office of the Secretary*Services


One-Stop Shop Center

b. Bureau of Customs • Office of the Commissioner*

• Functional Groups• Collection/District Ports

c. Bureau of Internal Revenue • Office of the Commissioner* {includingPerformance Evaluation Division)

• Services

• Revenue Data Centers

• Revenue Regional Offices

d. Bureau of Local Government Finance • Office of the Executive Director*• Services

• Regional Offices

e. Bureau of the Treasury • Office of the Treasurer of the Philippines*• Services

• Regional Offices

f. Central Board of Assessment Appeals • Office of the Board*

• Office of the Hearing Officers

g. Cooperative DevelopmentAuthority • Central Offices

• Extension Offices

h. Insurance Commission • Office of the Commissioner* {includingInternal Audit Division)

• Services

• District Offices

i. National Tax Research Center • Office of the Executive Director*

• Branches

j. Securities and Exchange Commission • Office of the Chairperson*• Sectoral Offices

• Departments• Extension Offices

k. Privatization and Management Office • Office of the Executive Director*

• Services

10. Department of Foreign Affairs

a. Office of the Secretary (Proper)b. Technical Cooperation Council of

the Philippinesc. UNESCO National Commission of

the Philippines

• Office of the Secretary* {includingTechnical Cooperation Council ofthePhilippines^ UNESCO NationalCommission of the Philippines)

• Technical and Support Offices• Embassies

• Consulate General

• Diplomatic Mission

d. Foreign Service Institute • Office of the Director General

• Divisions

11. Department of Health

a. Office of tlie Secretary (Proper) • Office of the Secretary*• Bureaus

• Services

• Regional Offices• Special Hospital• Medical Centers

b. Commission on Population • Office of the Executive Director*• Central Office Divisions

• Regional Population Offices

c. National Nutrition Council • Office of the Executive Director*• Central Office Divisions

• Reqional Nutrition Offices

12. Department of the Interior andLocal Government

a. Office of the Secretary (Proper) • Office of the Secretary*• Technical and Support Services• Bureaus

• Regional Offices

b. Bureau of Fire Protection • Office of the Chief of the Fire Bureau*• Technical and Support Sen/ices• Regional Fire Stations

c. Bureau of Jail Management andPenology

• Office of the Chief of the Jail Bureau*

• Directorates

• Jail Units by Region

d. Local Government Academy • Office of the Director*• Divisions

e. National Police Commission • Office of the Commissioner*

• Staff Services

• Regional Offices

f. Philippine National Police • Office of the Chief PNP

• Directorate

• Support Units• Reqional Police Operations

g. Philippine Public Safety College • Office of the President*• Functional Groups• Institutes

• Academy• College

13. Department of Justice

a. Office of the Secretary • Office of the Secretary*• Technical and Support Services

a.l National Prosecution Service • Prosecution Staff*

• Regional Prosecution Offices

b. Bureau of Corrections • Office of the Director*

• Central Office Divisions

• Prison and Penal Farms

c. Bureau of Immigration• Office of the Commissioner* {including

Board ofSpeciai Inquiry)• Central Office Divisions

• Airport/Sub-port Offices

d. Land Registration Authority

e. National Bureau of Investigation

• Office of the Administrator*

• Technical and Support Services• Regional Offices

• Office of the Director*

• Services

• Regional Offices

f. Office of the Government CorporateCounsel

• Office of the Government CorporateCounsel*

• Administrative Unit

• Sectoral Teams

g. Office of the Solicitor General • Office of the Solicitor General*• Legal Divisions• Support Services

h. Parole and Probation Administration

i. Presidential Commission on Good


• Office of the Administrator*

• Central Office Divisions

• Regional Offices

• Office of the Commissioner*

• Technical and Support Oflices

j. Public Attorney's Office • Office of the Chief Public Attorney*• Services

• Regional Offices• District Offices

14. Department of Labor andEmployment

i. Office of the Secretary (Proper) • Office of the Secretary*• Services

• Bureaus

• Regional Offices• Philippine Overseas Labor Offices

ii. Institute for Labor Studies• Office of the Executive Director*

• Divisions

ill. National Conciliation and Mediation


• Office of the Executive Director*

• Central Office Divisions

• Regional Conciliation Mediation Branches

Iv. National Labor RelationsCommission

• Office of the Chairman*

• Office of the Executive Clerk of Court• Court Divisions

• Regional Arbitration Boards• Sub-Regional Arbitration Boards

V. National Maritime Polytechnic • Office of the Executive Director*

• Divisions

vi. National Wages and ProductivityCommission

• Office of the Executive Director*• Central Office Divisions

• Regional Tripartite Wages andProductivity Boards

vii. Overseas Workers Welfare


• Office of the Administrator*

• Technical and Staff Offices

• Regional Welfare Offices• Foreign Posts

viii. Philippine Overseas EmploymentAdministration

• Office of the Administrator*

• Branches

• Technical and Staff Offices

• Regional Centers

ix. Professional Regulation Commission • Office of the Commissioner*

• Services

• Offices

• Regional Offices

X.Technical Education and SkillsDevelopment Authority

15. Department of National Defense

a. Office of the Secretary (Proper)

b. Government Arsenal

c. National Defense College of thePhilippines

d. Office of Civil Defense

e. Philippine Veterans Affairs Office(Proper)

f. Veterans Memorial Medical Center

g. Armed Forces of the PhilippinesI. Philippine Army

11. Philippine Air Force

in. Philippine Navy

Iv. General Headquarters

16. Department of Public Works andHighways

Office of the Executive Director *Technical and Staff Offices


Regional Offices

Office of the Secretary*Support Services

Office of the Director*


Office of the Director*


Office of the Administrator*


Operation CenterRegional Offices

Office of the Administrator*


Office of the Director*

Medical Service

Administrative and Support Divisions

Office of the Commanding General *Staff

Combat Units

Office of the Commanding General*Staff


Office of the Flag Officer in Command*Staff


Office of the Chief of Staff*



Office of the Secretary*Bureaus

Support ServicesRegional OfficesUnified Project Management Offices

17. Department of Science andTechnology

a. Office of the Secretary (Proper) • Office of the Secretary* {includingSpecial Projects Division)

• Services

• Regional Offices

b. Advanced Science and TechnologyInstitute

• Office of the Director*• Divisions

c. Food and Nutrition ResearchInstitute

• Office of the Director*

• Divisions

d. Forest Products Research andDevelopment Institute

• Office of the Director*

• Divisions

e. Industrial TechnologyDevelopment Institute

• Office of the Director*

• Divisions

f. Metals Industry Research andDevelopment Center

• Office of the Executive Director*• Divisions

g- National Academy of Science andTechnology

• Office of the Executive Director*

• Divisions

h. National Research Council of thePhilippines

• Office of the Executive Director*

• Divisions

i. Philippine Atmospheric,Geophysical and AstronomicalServices Administration

• Office of the Administrator*• Divisions

j- Philippine Council for Agriculture,Aquatic and Natural ResourcesResearch and Development

• Office of the Executive Director*

• Divisions

k. Philippine Council for HealthResearch and Development

• Office of the Executive Director*• Divisions

\. Philippine Council for Industry,Energy and Emerging TechnologyResearch and Development

• Office of the Executive Director*

• Divisions

m. Philippine Institute of Volcanologyand Seismology

• Office of the Director*

• Divisions

n. Philippine Nuclear ResearchInstitute

• Office of the Director*

• Divisions

0. Philippine Science High School • Office of the Executive Director*• Technical & Staff Divisions

p. Philippine Textile ResearchInstitute

• Office of the Director*

• Divisions

q. Science Education Institute • Office of the Director*

• Divisions

r. Science and TechnologyInformation Institute

• Office of the Director*

• Divisions

s. Technology Application andPromotion Institute

• Office of the Director*

• Divisions

t Information and Communications

Technology Office

• Office of the Executive Director*{including CIO Corps, CIOServices,External Resources ManagementDivision, Postal Regulation Division)

• Services

• Field Operations Units

18. Department of Social Welfare andDevelopment

a. Office of the Secretary (Proper) • Office of the Secretary*• Services

• Bureaus

• Regional Offices

b. Council for the Welfare of Children• Office of the Executive Director*

• Divisions

c. Inter-Country Adoption Board• Office of the Director*• Divisions

d. National Council on Disability Affairs• Office of the Executive Director*

• Divisions

e. National Youth Commission • Office of the Chairman* {including Officeof the Executive Director)

• Divisions


f. Juvenile Justice and Welfare Council

19. Department of Tourism

a. Office of the Secretary (Proper)

b. Intramuros Administration

c. National Parks DevelopmentCommittee

20. Department of Trade and Industry

a. Office of the Secretary (Proper)

b. Board of Investments

c. Construction Industry Authority ofthe Philippines

d. Philippine Trade Training Center

e. Design Center of the Philippines

f. Intellectual Property Office

21. Department of Transportation

a. Office of the Secretary (Proper)

b. Civil Aeronautics Board

Office of the Executive Director*Divisions

Office of the Secretary *Offices


Regional OfficesForeign Field Offices

Ofiice of the Administrator*


Office of the Executive Director*Divisions

Office of the Secretary*Bureaus


Regional Offices

Office of the Governor*Sen/ices

Office of the Executive Director*Board


Office of the Executive Director*


Office of the Executive Director*


Office of Director General*Bureaus

Office of the Secretary*Sen/ices



Office of the Executive Director*



c. Maritime Industry Authority • Office of the Administrator*• Services

• Regional Offices

d. Office of TransportationCooperatives

• Office of the Board Chairman (includingOffice ofthe Executive Director)*

* Divisions

e. Office for Transportation Security• Office of the Administrator*• Services

f. Philippine Coast Guard• Office of the Commandant*• Functional Groupings• Coast Guard Districts

g. Toll Regulatory Board• Office of the Board of Directors

{including Office ofthe ExecutiveDirector)

• Divisions

h. Land Transportation Office • Central Office Divisions

• Regional Offices

i. Land Transportation Franchising &Regulatory Board

• Central Office Divisions

• Regional Franchising and RegulatoryOffices

22. National Economic andDevelopment Authority (NEDA)

a. Office of the Director-General • Office of the Director General*• Service

• Staff

• Regional Offices

b. Philippine Statistics Authority{Nationaf Statistics Office^ Bureau ofAgricuituraiStatistics, Bureau ofLabor and Employment Statistics,National Statistical Coordination


• Office of the National Statistician*• Services

• Regional Services Offices

c. Philippine National VolunteerService Coordinating Agency

• Office of the Director*

• Divisions

d. Public-Private Partnership Center ofthe Philippines

• Office of the Executive Director*• Divisions


e. Philippine Statistical Research andTraining Institute

• Office of the Executive Director*• Divisions

f. Tariff Commission • Office of the Chairman*• Divisions

23. Presidential CommunicationsOperations Office

a. Presidential CommunicationsOperations OfRce (Proper)

• Office of the Press Secretary*• Services

• Media Staff

b. Bureau of Broadcast Services • Office of the Director*

• Divisions

• Broadcast Stations

c. Bureau of Communications Services • Office of the Director*• Divisions

d. National Printing OfRce • Office of the Director*

• Divisions

e. News and Information Bureau• Office of the Director*• Divisions

• Presidential Press Staff

• Philippine News Agency

f. Philippine Information Agency• Office of the Director*

• Divisions

• Regional Information Centers

g. Presidential Broadcast Staff - RadioTelevision Malacanang

• Office of the Director*• Divisions

B. Other Executive Offices

Agency Delivery Units

1. Career Executive Service Board • Office of the Executive Director*

• Divisions

2. Climate Change Commission • Office of the Chairperson*• Divisions

3. Commission on Filipinos Overseas • Office of the Chairman

• Divisions


4. Commission on Higher Education • Office of the Chairman*. Staff

• Services

• Regional Offices

5. Commission on the FilipinoLanguage

• Office of the Chairman*

• Divisions

6. Dangerous Drugs Board • Office of the Chairman*• Technical and Support Offices

7. Energy Regulatory Commission • Office of the Chairman {including theOffice of the Executive Director)*-

• General Counsel and Secretariat of theCommission

• Services

8. Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority • Office of the Executive Director*• Divisions

9. Film Development Council of thePhilippines

• Office of the Chairman (inciuding theOffice of the Executive Director)*

• Administrative and Finance Unit

• Cinema Evaluation Board and Archive


• Festival and PFESO Unit

10. Games and Amusement Board • Office of the Chairman*

• Divisions

• Field Offices

il. Governance Commission forGovernment-Owned or ControlledCorporations

• Office of the Chairman* {includingStrategy Management Division)

• Technical and Staff Offices

12. Housing and Land Use RegulatoryBoard

• Office of the Chairman and Executive


• Divisions

• Project Pool• Field Offices

13. Housing and Urban DevelopmentCoordinating Council

• Office of the Chairman

• Divisions


14. Metropolitan Manila DevelopmentAuthority

• Office of the Chairman* (IncludingCouncil Secretariat, ManagementInformation Staffand Public Affairs Staff)

• Office of the General Manager*• Services

• Offices

15. Mindanao Development Authority • Office of the Chairperson*• Divisions

16. Movie and Television Review andClassification Board

• Office of the Chairman

• Office of the Executive Director

• Divisions

17. National Anti-Poverty Commission • Office of the Director General*

• Technical and Support Services

18. National Commission for.Cultureand the Arts

• Office of the Chairman(^/>7c/i/o'//7^ fAeOffice of the Executive Director)*

• Divisions

19. National Historical Commission of

the Philippines (National HistohcafInstitute)

• Office of the Commission Chairman*

• Office of the Executive Director*

• Divisions

20. National Library of the Philippines • Office of the Director*

• Divisions

21. National Archives of the

Philippines (Records Management andArchives Office)

• Office of the Executive Director*

• Divisions

• Regional Archival Networi<s

22. National Commission on

Indigenous Peoples• Office of the Chairman*

• Office of the Executive Director*

• Technical and Support Offices• Reqional Offices

23. National Commission on MuslimFilipinos

• Office of the Chairman*

• Office of the Director*

• Bureaus

• Services

• Reqional Offices

23. National Intelligence CoordinatingAgency

• Office of the Director General*

• Directorates

• Reqional Offices

24. National Security Council • Office of the Director General *

• Technical and Support Units

25. National Telecommunications


• Office of the Commissioner* {^includingthe Broadcast Services and Radio

Spectrum Planning Divisions)• Branches

• Reqional Offices

26. Office of the Presidential Adviseron the Peace Process

• Office of the Presidential Adviser*

• Technical and Support Services

27. Optical Media Board • Office of the Executive Director*

• Divisions



28. Pasig River RehabilitationCommission

• Office of the Executive Director*

• Services

• Technical Offices

29. Philippine Commission on Women(National Commission on the Roie ofFilipino Women)

• Office of the Executive Director*

• Divisions

30. Philippine Drug EnforcementAgency

• Office of the Director General*

• Support Services• Technical Offices

• Regional Offices

31. Philippine Racing Commission • Office of the Chairman * {includingOffice of the Executive Director)

• Divisions

32. Philippine Sports Commission • Office of the Chairman/CommissionMembers*

• Office of the Executive Director

• Services

33. Presidential Commission for the

Urban Poor

• Office of the Chairman*

• Divisions

34. Presidential Legislative LiaisonOffice

• Office of the Legislative Adviser*• Divisions

35. Presidential Management Staff • Office of the RMS Head

• Services

• Technical Offices

• President's Personnel Group Secretariat

36. Philippine CompetitionCommission

• Office of the Chairman* {including Officeof the Executive Director)

• Technical and Staff Offices

37. National Privacy Commission • Office of the Commissioner* {includingOffice of the Executive Director)

• Technical and Staff Offices

C. Constitutional Offices and Others

Agency Delivery Units

L. Autonomous Region in MuslimMindanao

• Office of the Governor*

• Technical and Support Offices• Departments• Agencies

2. Civil Service Commission • Office of the Chairperson*• Technical and Staff Offices

• Services

• Regional Offices


3. Commission on Audit • Office of the Chairperson*• Technicai and Staff Offices

• Ousters

• Services

• Reqiona! Offices

4. Commission on Elections • Office of the Chairman*

• Office of the Executive Director

• Departments• Regional Offices

5. Commission on Human Rights • Office of the Chairman*• Technical and Support Services• Field Operations Offices

6. Ombudsman

6.1 Office of the Ombudsman

6.2 Office of the State Prosecutor

• Office of the Ombudsman*• Technical and Support Offices• Clusters

• Office of the State Prosecutor*

• Bureaus

D. State Universities and Colleges

Agency Delivery Units

1. Colleges • Office of the President *

• Services

• Campuses (with Charter)• Colleges (with CHED accreditation")

2. Universities • Office of the President*

• Services

• Campuses (with Charter)• Coileqes (with CHED accreditation)

* Including the Office(s) ofthe DeputyHead(s)and immediate support staff


Republika ng Pilji)inasKAGAWARAN NG KATARUNGAN

Department of JusticeManila



ELC-DC-18E16-_ '̂̂

18 May 2016


TO Undersecretaries and Assistant Secretaries,IHIeads of Central/Regional Offices in DOJ Proper,Heads of Constituent and Attached Agencies

SUBJECT Performance-Based Bonus (PBS) for FY 2016




This is to prescribe implementation arrangements on the above-captionedsubject pursuant to the attached Memorandum Circular No. 2016-1 of theInter-Agency Task Force on the Harmonization of National GovernmentPerformance Monitoring, Information and Reporting Systems (AO 25 lATF).

Each of the DOJ agencies shall be subjected to separate PBB eligibilityevaluation as well as ranking of delivery units and individuals in accordancewith the said Circular.

Eligibility/evaluation/procedural requirements to be complied by the agenciesand offices/units concerned are summarized as foilows:

3.1 Achievement of agency performance targets under respective MajorFinal Outputs (MFOs) under the Performance-Informed Budget of theFY 2016 General Appropriations Act (GAA) - Operations unitsconcerned;

3.2 Support to operations;

3.2.1 Open Government Data implementation, i.e. agency websiteposting of at least one (1) core data set (updated with FY 2016data) in the agency website in accordance with DepartmentCircular No. 033, s. 2015 - Agency Open Data Team;

3.2.2 Establishment of Quality Management System for at least one(1) core process certified by any International certifying bodyapproved by the AO 25 lATF, or ISO-aligned QMSdocumentation (approved quality manual and procedures/workinstructions manual including forms) for one (1) core process -Management improvement unit;

Page 1 of 3

3.3 General administration and support services:

3.3.1 Budget utilization (obligation/disbursement) rates - Finance Unit;

3.3.2 Compliance to DBM/COA Public Financial Management (PFM)reporting requirements - Finance Unit;

3.3.3 Adoption and use of FY 2015 Agency Procurement Complianceand Performance Indicators (APCPI) System - Bids and AwardsCommittee (BAC) Secretariat;

3.3.4 Submission of FY 2016 Agency Annual Procurement Plan (APP)based on the approved budget to the Government ProcurementPolicy Board (GPPB) and its Technical Support Office (TSO) -BAC Secretariat;

3.4 Good governance conditions:

3.4.1 Maintain/Update the Agency Transparency Seal - Finance,Planning, and Management Information Systems Units;

3.4.2 Maintain/Update the Philippine Government ElectronicProcurement System (PhilGEPS) posting - BAC Secretariat;

3.4.3 Maintain/Update the Citizen's/Service Charter or equivalent -Management improvement/operations/administrative units;

3.5 Eligibility of individuals - Human resource management unit:

3.5.1 CSC-approved Strategic Performance Management System(SPMS) for performance rating of first and second levelemployees;

3.5.2 Career Executive Service Performance Evaluation System(CESPES) for performance rating of CES officials andincumbents of CES positions;

3.5.3 Effect of tenure and personnel movements, administrative/criminal cases, SALN submission, and timely liquidation of cashadvances.

3.6 Evaluation and ranking of delivery units:

3.6.1 Ranking system for delivery units including the clustering/grouping according to functional similarities, subject to separateguidelines on determination of delivery units to be issued by theAO 25 Technical Working Group (TWG) ~ Agency PerformanceManagement Group/Team (PMG/PMT);

3.6.2 Performance evaluation of delivery units - Planning unit;

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3.7 Other implementation procedures/requirements:

3.7.1 Submission of/compliance to office accomplishment reports andSPMS requirements - All operations and support offices/units;

3.7.2 Feedback and change management - Agency PMG/PMT;

3.7.3 Actual payment of PBB ~ Human Resource Management andFinance Units; and

3.7.4 Agency PBB policy and oversight - PBB focal person and/oragency PMG/PMT.

4.0 The following timelines shall be observed by agencies and offices concerned;

Activity Submit To Timeline/DeadlineSubmission of FY 2015 financial reports COA (thru

Auditor)31 March 2016

30 April 2016Submission of budget and financialaccountability reports to COA and DBM


(thru Auditor)Within the month

after every quarterSubmission of FY 2016 APP based onapproved budget in GAA (within 1 monthafter issuance of AO 25 lATF M.C. 2016-1)

GPPB-TSO (thruemail)

10 June 2016

Compliance to Transparency Seal andCitizens' Charter requirements (for pre-assessment by validating agencies)

Not applicable(website/officeposting)

30 September 2016(validation starts01 October 2016)

Dissemination to employees andTransparency Seal posting of system forranking delivery units individuals

Not applicable(disseminationand posting)

30 October 2016

Submission of Report on Ageing of CashAdvance Liquidation (15 November 2016as cut-off)

COA (thruAuditor)

01 December 2016

Submission of Certificate of PhilGEPScompliance (15 November 2016 as cut-off)

PhilGEPS website 01 December 2016

Submission of accomplished APCPI SelfAssessment Form

GPPB-TSO (thruemail)

01 December 2016

Submission of agency accomplishmentsand ranking of delivery units using FormsA, Al, and 1.0

DOJ Planning andStatistics Division

15 January 2017

Transparency Seal posting of QI^SCertification or ISO-aligned QI^Sdocumentation

Not applicable(website posting)

15 January 2017

Open Government Data implementation(pursuant to OPS-DBM-PCDSPO JointMemorandum Circular No. 2015-01 and

DOJ Circular No. 033, s. 2015)

Not applicable(website posting)

15 January 2017

5.0 For guidance and compliance.


Secreta. Oepatment ofJustceCN : 0201605383

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— (Administrative Order No. 25 s. 2011)


May 1^, 2016


All Heads of Departments. Bureaus, Offices and Other Agencies of theNational Government, including Constitutional Commissions, Congress,The Judiciary, Office of the Ombudsman, State Universities and ColleqesGovernment-Owned or-Controlled Corporations, Local Water Districts, andLocal Government Units.

Guidefmes on the Grant of the Performance-Based Bonus for Fiscal Year2016 under Executive Order (EO) No. 80and EO No. 201





Rss^lts-Based Performance Management SystemIrf® significantly contributed to the government's goal of strengthening public

RRPiS . ensuring the effective delivery of seivlces to the Fiiipino people. TheRBPMS represents a major governance reform that not only links budget with outcomesbut also puts premium on the improvement of the performance management and

SJ^e^nment. Along with its incentive component-thernrpZp ^PPifProductivity Enhancementm Nn J on7o/ ?. Performance-Based Bonus (PBB) which were authorized underEG No, 80, s. 2012 —the RBPMS has established a simplified but integrated scheme of

S^ed performance in the government through the grant of performance-

i provided that the compensation and positionclassification shall be revised or updated to strengthen the performance-based incentivesystem in recognitiori of government personnel who play a greater role and carry aheavier lesponsibility in attaining performance targets and delivering results,

EO No. 201 sUpulated that the Inter-Agency Task Force on the Harmonization of NationalPerformarice Monitoring, Information and Reporting System created under

nroT W ? No 25 (s, 2011) shall prescribe the conditions on eligibility andprocedures for the grant of the enhanced PBB. including the ranking system to recognizedifference in levels of performance.


PBB for FY 2010"^ Circular is issued to prescribe the criteria and conditions for the grant of the

"̂Directing the Adoption of aPerformance-Based Incentive System for Government Employees"

^ Modifying the Salary Schedule for Civilian Government Personnel and Authorizing the Grant of AdditionalBenefits for Both Civilian and Military and Uniformed Personnel"



3.1 This Circular covers all Departments. Bureaus, Offices and Other Agencies of theNational Government, Including Constitutional Commissions, Congress. The Judiciary,Office of the Ombudsman. State Universities and Colleges (SUCs), Government-Ownedor-Controlled Corporations (GOCCs), Local Water Districts (LWDs) and LocalGovernment Units (LGUs).

3.2 The implementation of this circular shall be in close coordination with the followingagencies

a. Department of Budget and Management (DBM) for the departments and theirattached agencies;

b. Office of the President-Office of the Executive Secretary (OP-OES) and DBR/I forthe Other Executive Offices, including the OP-atlached agencies and GOCCscovered by DBM;

c. Commission on Higher Education (CHED) for the SUCs;d. Governance Commission for GOCCs (GCG) for GOCCs covered by Republic Act

No. 10149;e. Local Water Utilities Administration (LWUA) for LWDs; andf. Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) for LGUs.

3.3 All officials and employees of eligible departments/agencies holding regular piantlllapositions: and contractual and casual personnel having an employer-employeerelationship with the said agencies, and whose compensation are charged to the lumpsum appropriation under Personnel Services, or those occupying positions in the DBM-approved contractual staffing pattern of the agencies concerned are covered by thisCircular.


4.1 Each agency must satisfy the following conditions (see Annex 1 - Master List ofDepartments/Agencies):

a. Achieve agency performance targets under their respective Major Final Outputs(MFOs) under the Performance Infomied Budget (PIB) of the FY 2016 GAA, andthe targets for Support to Operations (STO) and General Administration andSupport Services (GASS). Kindly use Form A for Department/Agency PerformanceAccomplishment (see Annex 2), and Form A1 for Details of Bureau/OfficePerformance Indicators and Accomplishments (see Annex 3);

a.1. For GOCCs under the coverage of DBM without budgetary support, thetargets reflected under DBM Form No. 700 in their Corporate OperatingBudgets shall be used as basis in assessing their perfonnance anddetermining their eligibility for the PBB.

a.2. GOCCs covered by RA 10149 should achieve their weighted-averagescore targets as stated in their respective FY 2016 PerformanceScorecards and comply with the requirements for the grant of the PBB toGOCC personnel pursuant to Executive Order No. 203 s. 2016 and theguidelines specified by GCG.

a.3. For LWDs, the MFOs and Perfonnance Indicators (Pis) identified underMemorandum Circular No. 2014-02 dated 29 August 2014, as updated,shall be used as basis in assessing LWD performance and determiningtheir eligibility for the PBB.

b, Satisfy 100% of the Good Governance Conditions set by the AO 25 Inter-AgencyTask Force (lATF) for FY 2016; and

c. Use the CSC-approved Strategic Performance Management Systenn (SPMS) (nrating the performance of First and Second Level officials and employees ofdepartments/agencies of the national and local government to include: those inGOCCs with original charters, those in State Universities and Colleges, andofficials holding managerial and Director positions but are not Presidentialappointees; and the Career Executive Service Performance Evaluation System(CESPES) in rating the performance of CES officials and incumbents of CESpositions.

4.2 For LGUs, the conditions and criteria for eligibility to the FY 2016 PBB shall be issuedseparately by the AO 25 IATP and DILG.


5.1 The MFO indicators and targets in the FY 2016 PIB approved by Congress shall be thebasis for assessing eligibility for the PBB.

5.2 In addition to the MFO indicators and STO targets in the FY 2016 PIB,departments/agencies shall also accomplish the following:

a. STO target identified in accordance with the priority of the Agency Head;

b. Establishment of a Quality Management System (QMS) for at least one coreprocess certified by any international certifying body approved by the AO 25 lATFor ISO-aligned documentation of its QMS for one core process as evidenced bythe presence of the following documents in the agency Transparency Seal:

b.i Approved Quality Manual; and

b.2 Approved Procedures and Work Instructions Manual including Forms.

c. LWDs classified as A and B under the Revised Local Water District Manual onCategorization and Re-Categorization, s. 2011, should comply with the STO-QMS requirement in section 5.2b,

Else, LWDs classified as C and D, should adopt operating standards andcorresponding reportorial requirements based on established business policiesand practices in the water utilities sector as enunciated under the CommercialPractice System (CPS), as well as present their financial statements inaccordance with the accoundng principles under the New GovernmentAccounting System (NGAS) as prescribed by the Commission on Audit (COA).

5.3 The GASS targets shall be as follows;

a. Budget Utilization Rate (BUR), which shall consist of:

a.1. Obligations BUR computed as obligations against ali allotments availablein FY 2016, including those released under the "GAA as a releasedocument" policy; and

a.2. Disbursement BUR which is measured by the ratio of total disbursement(cash and non-cash, excluding personnel services) to total obligations formaintenance and other operating expenses (MOOE) and capita! outlays(CO) In FY 2016.

b, Compliance to Public Financial Management (PFM) reporting requirements of theCOA and the DBM In accordance with the prescribed content and period ofsubmission under existing laws, rules and regulations. This includes the following:

b.1. Budget and Financial Accountability Reports (BFARs)

b.2. Report on Ageing of Cash Advances

b.3. COA Financial Reports (Statement of Financial Position; Statement ofFinancial Perfomnance; Statement of Changes in Net Assets/Equity;Statement of Cash Flows; Statement of Comparison of Budget and ActualAmounts: and Notes to Financial Statements) (per COA Resolution No.2014-003].

c. Adoption and use of the FY 2015 Agency Procurement Compliance andPerformance Indicators (APCPI) System per Government Procurement PolicyBoard (GPPB) Resolution No. 10-2012 applicable to the main/ head/ central officesfor APCPI (see Annex 4) that must meet the following requirements:

c.1. Submission of the 2015 APCPI results, complete with the followingaccomplished forms/annexes: (1) Annex A or the Self-Assessment Form;(2) Annex B or the Consolidated Procurement Monitoring Report; (3)Annex D or the Procurement Capacity Development Action Plan; and theQuestionnaire. The APCPI Tool may be downloaded from the GPPBwebsite using this link: htto://www.aDob.aov.Dh/aDCDi/aDCDf.html

C.2 The APCPI results must be submitted in electronic (Excel) format andprinted (signed) copies on or before December 1, 2016, eitherelectronically through monitorinQ&aDDb.aov.Dh or hand carried/mailedthrough the GPPB-TSO front desk.

c.3 The APCPI submissions through monitorina(S>aDDb.aov.Dh mustindicate; "2015 APCPI Initial Results of <Complete Name of HeadOffice / Agency> for PBB" In the subject line.

c.4. Timely submission of the APCPI and compliance vwth the prescribedformat shall be mandatory.

The List of Agencies Complying with the APCPI requirement shall be posted in theGPPB website (www.aDob.aov.oh).

d. Submission of the Annual Procurement Plan (APP) for CY 2016 based on theagency approved budget to the GPPB and Its Technical Support Office (TSO)within one month from the Issuance of this Circular,

d.1. APPs must be approved by the Head of the Procuring Entity andsubmitted within one month from the issuance of this Circular using theprescribed format under GPPB Circular No. 07-2015. A scanned copy ofthe APP may be sent to GPPB-TSO's email: monitorlna(8).QDDb.aov.oh.

d.2. The APP submissions through monltorina<S>QDPb.aov.oh must Indicate:"APP for CY 2016 of <complete name of head offlce/agency><Re9ions to , Ifapplicable> for PBB" In the subject line.

d.3. Timely submission of the APP, as well as compliance with the prescribedformat is a must.

The List of Agencies complying with the APP submission requirement shall beposted In the GPPB website (www.aDob.aov.Dh).

5.4 In case a department/agency is assessed to have deficiencies in meeting itsperformance commitments, the Department Secretary or Head of Agency may requestfor re-evaluation of their compliance status and submit the justification/s to warrant areconsideration of the Initial assessment results. For the purpose of re-evaluation,justifiable reasons are factors that are consideredoutsideof the control ofthe agency.

5.5 As a transition to a new administration, the submission of FY 2016 performance targetsand accomplishments on Priority Programs/Projects agreed with the President under thefive (5) KRAs of EO No. 43; on commitments of the Department Secretary/Head ofAgency approved by the President/Office of the Cabinet Secretary as reflected in the OPPlanning Tool; and on Ease of Doing Business set by the National Competitive Council(NCC). shall be suspended for FY 2016 PBS only.


6.1 For FY 2016, the lATF set throe good governance conditions based on the performancedrivers of the Results-based Performance Management System (RBPMS):

a. Maintain/Update the Agency Transparency Seal;b. Maintain/Update the PhilGEPS posting; andc. Maintain/Update the Citizen's or Seivice Charter or its equivalent:

6.2 Agency Transparency Seal page should be accessible by clicking on the TS logo on theHome page. Agency Transparency Seal should contain tiie following documents:

a. Agency's mandates and functions, names of its officials with their position anddesignation, and contact information;

b. DBM-approved budget and corresponding targets for FY 2016;

c. Budget and Financial Accountability Reports;

C.1. ForNGA^SUCs

c.1.1 FY 2013 to FY 2016 FAR No. 1: SAAOBDBc.1.2 FY 2013 to FY 2016 Summary Report on Disbursementsc.1,3 FY 2013 to FY 2016 BAR No.1 - Quarterly Physical Report of

Operations/Physical Plan

C.2. ForGOCCs and LWDs

c.2.1 FY 2013 to FY 2016 Annual Report

d. FY 2016 Major Programs and Projects categorized In accordance with the FiveKey Result Areas under EO No 43;

e. The program/project beneficiaries as identified in the applicable specialprovisions. If this portion Is not applicable, agencies should indicate notapplicable (NA);

f. Status of implementation, evaluation and/or assessment reports;

g. FY 2016 APR;

h. QMS ISO Certification forat least one core process by any international certifyingbody approved by the lATF or ISO-aligned QMS documents (as applicable asstated in section 5.2); and

i. System of Ranking Delivery Units, to be posted In the agency Transparency Sealand disseminated to employees not later than October 30, 2016.

(See Annex 5 - Guideline on Transparency Seal)

6.3 Assessment of agency compliance with the GGCs and other PBB requirements shall beconducted starting October 1.2016.









iT'he, {[yijeligibility of Department Secretaries, Heads of Other Executive Offices,Chairpersons and Commissioners of Constitutional Offices. Heads of AttachedAgencies, and non-ex officio Heads of GOCCs covered by DBM will depend on theeligibility and performance of the respective department/agency. Their PBB shall bebased on the monthly basic salaiy as of December 31, 2016, as follows:

Table 1

Performance of Eligible AgencyPBB as % of

Monthly BasicSalary

Agency achieved all GGCs, and its physical targets In all MFOs,STO and GASS indicators 65%

Agency achieved all GGCs, and has deticiency/ies in some of itsphysical target/s due to uncontroflable reasons 57.5%

Agency achieved all GGCs, and has deficiency in one of its physicaltarget/s due to controllGbiG reasons 50%

Note: Heads of departments/agencies shall not be included in the ranking and reportingof delivery units but will be provided a separate line under Form 1.0.

Non-ex officio Board Members of GOCCs covered by DBM may be eligible to a fixedPBB rate of Php 40,130 subject to the following conditions:

a. The GOCC has qualified for the grant of the FY 2016 PBB;

b. The Board Member has 90% attendance to duly called board meetings andcommittee meetings as certified by the Board Secretary;

c. The Board Member has nine (9) months aggregate service in the position; and

d. The GOCC has submitted Its FY 2016 Corporate Operating Budget (COB) to DBMwithin the set deadline.

The eligibility of SUC Presidents will be based on the requirements set in CHEDMemorandum Order No. 4 s. 2015. Their FY 2016 PBB shall also depend on the eiigibttftyand performance of the respective SUC and based on the monthly basic salary as ofDecember 31, 2016, following Table 1 in section 7.1.

Employees belonging to the First and Second Levels should receive a rating of at least"Satisfactory" based on the agency's CSC-approved Strategic Performance ManagementSystem (SPMS);

ffhir^uz] Level officials should receive a rating of at least "Satisfactory" under theCESPES. CESPES covers all incumbents of CES positions in various agencies of thenational government including GOCCs with original charters, for an uninterrupted periodof at least three (3) months. Payment of the PBB to Third Level officials shall becontingent on the release of results of the CESPES;

Other officials performing managerial and executive functions who are not presidentialappointees are covered by the agency's CSC-approved SPMS and should receive arating of at least "Satisfactory".

Personnel on detail to another government agency for six (6) months or more shall beincluded in the ranking of employees in the recipient agency that rated his/herperformance. Payment of the PBB shall come from the parent agency.

7.8 Personnel who transferred from one government agency to another shall be rated andranked by the agency where he/she served the longest. If equal months were served foreach agency, he/she will be Included in the recipient agency.

7.9 An officialor employee who has rendered a minlrmum of nine (9) months of service in FY2016 and with at least Satisfactory rating may be eligible to the full grant of the P6B.

7.10 An official or employee who rendered less than nine (9) months but a minimum of three<3) months of service and with at least Satisfactory rating shall be eligible to the grant ofPSB on a pro-rata basis corresponding to the actual length of service rendered, asfollows:

Table 2

Lennth of Service % of PBB Rate

8 months but less than 9 months 90%

7 months but less than 8 months 80%

6 months but less than 7 months 70%

5 months but less than 6 months 60%

4 months but less than 5 months 50%

3 months but less than 4 months 40%

The following are the valid reasons for an employee who may not meet the nine-monthactual service requirement to be considered for PBB on a pro-rata basis:

a. Being a newly hired employee;b. Retirement;c. Resignation;d. Rehabilitation Leave;e. Maternity Leave and/or Paternity Leave;f. Vacation or Sick Leave with or without pay;g. Scholarship/Study Leave;h. Sabbatical Leave

7.11 An employee who is on vacation or sicl< leave with or without pay for the entire year Is noteligible to the grant of the PBB.

7.12 Personnel found guilty of administrative and/or criminal cases in FY 2016 by formal andexecutory judgment shall not be entitled to the PBB. If the penalty meted out is only areprimand, such penally shall not cause the disqualification to the PBB.

7.13 Officials and employees who failed to submit the 2015 SALN as prescribed in the rulesprovided under CSC Memorandum CircularNo, 3 (s.2015), shall not be entitled to the FY2016 PBB.

7.14 Officials and employees who failed to liquidate within the reglementary period the CashAdvances received in FY 2016 as required by the COA shail not be entitled to the FY2016 PBB.

7.15 Officials and employees who failed to submit their complete SPMS Forms shall not beentitled to the FY 2016 PBB.

7.16 Agency Heads should ensure that officials and employees covered by RA No. 6713submitted their 2015 SALN to the respective SALN repository agencies, liquidated theirFY 2016 Cash Advances, and completed the SPMS Forms, as these will be the basis forthe release of FY 2016 PBB to individuals.


8.1 Departments/Agencies and their corresponding offices/delivery units that meetthecriteriaand conditions In Section 4.1 are eligible to the FY 2016 PBB. Bureaus, offices or

delivery units eligible to the PBB shall be forced ranked according to the followingcategories:

Ranking Performance Category

Top 10% Best Bureau/Office/Delivery UnitNext 25% Better Bureau/Office/Delivery UnitNext 65% Good Bureau/Office/Delivery Unit

8.2 To facilitate the ranking of delivery units, agencies should consider similarities of task andresponsibilities to determine the most appropriate grouping or clustering of delivery units.The AO 25 TWG shall issue a separate guideline on the determination of delivery units.

8.3 Only the personnel belonging to eligible bureaus, offices or delivery units are qualified forthe PBB. The resulting ranking of offices/delivery units shall be Indicated in Form 1.0{Annex 4). There shall no longer be a ranking of individuals within a delivery unit.

8.4 The GCG, LWUA, and DILG shall issue pertinent guidelines on the ranking of deliveryunits for GOCCs covered by GCG, LWDs, and LGUs, respectively.


The PBB rates of Individual employees shall depend on the performance ranking of the bureau ordelivery unit where they belong, based on the individual's monthly basic salary as of December31, i2dl6||u3i, as follows, but not lower than Php5,000:

Table 3

Performance Category PBB as % of MonthlyBasic Salary

Best Bureau/Office/Deliverv Unit (10%) 65%

Better Bureau/Office/Delivery Unit (25%) 57.5%

Good Bureau/Office/Delivery Unit (65%) 50%


10.1 Departments/Agencies should submit duly completed and signed fonms and reports tothe lATF (two hard copies and e-copy of Forms A, A-1, 1.0 and other supportingdocuments) through the AO 25 Secretariat which shall endorse copies to the oversight /validating agencies for review I evaluation. All forms and reports should be signed bytheAgency head or the duly designated official,

10.2 COA financial reports including the Report on Ageing of Cash Advances shall besubmitted directly to COA in accordance with the mandated period of submission. COAwill provide the lATF the listof agencies that complied with this condition.

a. To be eligible, the agency must submit the FY 2015 financial reports not laterthan March 31, 2016. Large Agencies are given consideration until April 30,2016.

b. Meanwhile, agencies must submit to COA the Report on Ageing of CashAdvances with a cut-off date of November 15, 2016 to the respective ResidentAuditors on or before December 1, 2016. Upon validation, the COA ResidentAuditor will be responsible forfonwarding the validated Report on Ageing of CashAdvances to their respective Supervising Auditor/Cluster Director for propertransmittal to the Risk Management and Budget Office, COA Head Office.

10.3 DBM financial reports including BFARs shall be submitted directly to DBM.

10.4 Certificates of compliance to the Transparency Seal, ARTA and PhilGEPS are no longernecessary since the concerned oversight agency shall beconducting validation based on


the agreed monitoring schedule. Results of the validation showing non-compliantagencies shall be posted in the RBPMS website.

10.5 Departments/Agencies should submit the FY 2016 accomplishments using Forms A andA-1, and the completed Form 1.0 on or before January 15, 2017.

10.6 The Department of Education, except for Its attached agencies namely the NationalCouncil for Children's Television (NCCT), National Book Development Board (NBDB),and National Museum (NM), shall submit its accomplishments with April 1, 2017 cut-offon or before April 18, 2017.

10.7 The lATF shall conduct spot-checks to validate claims and certifications made bydepartments/agencies.


As with the previous cycles of the PBB, the following oversight agencies are tasked to conductthe validation of compliance with the PBB requirement:


Transparency Seal DBM-OCIO

PhilGEPS Posting PhilGEPS ('See Annex 6 on the guidBlin& forPhilGEPS posting)

Citizen's Charter CSC

Submission of SALN of employeesOffice of the President, Office of theOmbudsman and CSC.Note: The SALN validating agencies shallprovide the list of SALN non-filers

MFC- Physical Accomplishments of• Departments

• CEOs

• GOCCs covered by DBM

• GOCCs covered by RA 10149• sues

• LWDs

DBM-Budget and Management Bureaus (BMBs)concerned


DBM-BMB for Good Governance Sector andOP-OES


DBM-BMB for Good Governance Sector andLWUA

STO - accomplishments• QMS Certification qi ISO-aligned QMS


• STO identified by agency head




• BUR of Departments, OEOs and GOCCscovered by DBM

• BUR of sues

• Public Financial Management Reports• * Submission of Financial Statements,

Ageing of Cash Advances Report



• Submission of APP

DBM-BMBs concerned

DBM Regional OfficesDBM




Agency Rating and Ranking Report• Departments• OEOs

• GOCCs covered by DBM• GOCCs covered by RA 10149• SUCs

• LWDs



DBM BMB for Good Governance Sector


DBM-ROLWUA and DBM-BMB for Good GovernanceSector


12.1 Agencies that are unable to comply with all the good governance conditions shall beconsidered ineligible for the FY 2016 PBB.

12.2 Prohibited Acts; A Department/Agency/GOCC/LWD/LGU. which, after due process by theoversight agency, has been determined to have committed the following prohibited acts,shall be disqualified from the PBB in the succeeding year of Its implementation.Moreover, the CSC or Ombudsman shall file the appropriate administrative case:

a. Misrepresentation In the submitted reports required for the PBB. commission offraud in the payment of the PBB, and violation of the provisions of this Circular;and,

b. Evenly distributing the PBB among employees In an agen(^. in violation ofthepolicy of paying the PBB based on the ranking of delivery units.


13.1 Department Secretaries/Head of Agencies with the support of their PerformanceManagement Groups shall develop and implement an internal communications strategyon PBIS, and fulfill the following:


a. Engage their respective employees in understanding the PBIS, the performancetargets of their respective departments/agencies, as well as the services and

' outputs that they will need to deliver in order to meet these targets.

b. Disseminate the performance targets and accomplishments of theirdepartments/agencies to their employees through the Intranet and other means,as well as publish these on their respective websites for the public's information.

c. Set up a Help Desk to respond to queries and comments on the targets andaccomplishments of their departments/agencies. The Help Desk may be a facilitythat is embedded in the respective websites of departments/agencles.

d. Set up a Complaints Mechanism to respond to the PBIS-related issues andconcerns raised by officials and employees of their respectivedepartments/agencies. Such may be incorporated in the functions of theirGrievance Committee.

13.2 The Department Secretary/Head of Agency shall designate a senior official who shallserve as a PBB focal person. The offices responsible for the performance managementmay be tasked to provide secretariat support to the PMG and to recommend strategies toinstill a culture of performance within the department/agency,


14.1 The Department Secretary/Head of Agency shall confirm with the lATF the name,position and contact details {e-mail, landline, facsimile, cellular phone) of the seniorofficials designated as the PBB focal person and thespokesperson, respectively.


14.2 Departments/Agencies should strengthen their communications strategy and ensuretransparency and accountability inthe implementation ofthe PBB.

14.3 The lATF shall maintain the following communication channels:a. AO 25 Secretariat at ao25s0cretariat& PBIS Info Board

c. RPBPMS website PCDSPO e-mail at Dbb^aov.ohe. Text hotline (Smart;+63920.498.9121}f. Facebook ( Twitter: ©pbbsecretariat


Activity Deadline

Submission of FY 2015 Financial Reports to COASubmission of FY 2015 Financial Reports to COA{for BiQ Apencles)

On or before March 31,2016

On or before April 30. 2016

Posting of agency system of ranking delivery units On or before October 30. 2016

Submission of Report on Ageing of Cash AdvanceLiquidation (with November 15, 2016 as cut-off) On or before December 1, 2016

Submission of Certificate of Compliance withPhilGEPS (with November 15. 2016 as cut-off)

On or before December 1, 2016

Note: Cerlrficate ofCompliance for Transparency S$al, Citiz&rt's Charier and PhilGEPS posting will notbesubmitted toDBM-OCIO ,CSC, andPhilGEPS) Assessment will beconducted byihavaiidating agenciesfitariinn Or/nhsr 1 7018 Aaandas Should ensure comolianca to the repuirements.

Submission of accomplishments using Forms A,A1. and Form 1.0 (see Annexes 1, 2, 3)

a. With December 31, 2016 as cut-off dateb. With April 1, 2017 as cut-off datie


On or before January 15.2017On or before April 18,2017

Submission of BFARs to COA and DBM 30 Days or one month after the end of eachquarter

Submission of 2015 APCPi Self Assessment On or before December 1, 2016

Submission of 2016 APP For purposes of FY 2016 PBB. submitwithinone month from the issuance of this Guideline

Validation of QMS Certification jgrthe ISO-aligned QMS documentation

On or before January 15,2017

Validating of2"" STO Indicator as Identified byhead of aqency

On or before January 15,2017


The Congress. The Judiciary, Constitutional Commissions, and the Office of theOmbudsman are encouraged to follow these guidelines- to be eligible to thePerformance-Based Bonus.


This Circular shall take effect immediately.

.• 'VCN.' •'J ^ j «

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Secretary, Departmentof Budget and Managementand Chairman, AO 25 Inter-AgencyTask Force


•r J


All Annexes may be accessed and downloaded online viathe RBPMS website:

Annex 1 - Master List of Departments/Agencies

Annex 2 - Form A Department Perfoi-mance Accomplishment

Annex 3 - Fonri A1 Details of Bureau/Office Performance Indicators and Accomplishments

Annex 4 - Form 1 Report on Agency Rating and Ranking

Annex 5 - Guideline on Transparency Seal

Annex 6 - PhilGEPS Guideline ,


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Major Final Outputs (MFOs) / Operations

MFO 1:

2016 Budget;

Performance Indicator 1:

Performance Indicator 2:

Performance Indicator 3:

MFO 2:

2016 Budget:

Performance Indicator 1:

Performance Indicator 2;

Performance Indicator 3:


2016 Budget

a. STO Indicator for the

priority of the

agency head

b. QMS Certification or

ISO-aligned QMSDocumentation


Page lot 3Annex 1
















2016 Budget


Al. Obligations BUR

A2, Disbursement BUR

B, Submission ofPfMto COA and DBM


82. Report on Ageing

Cash Advance

B3. COA Financial



D. Submission ofAPP '

Recommending Approval:

Planning Officer

Approved fay:

Department Secretary/Agency Head



Prepared by:

Budget Officer

-v.'nc;-' •••'is- y-v..


Page 2 of 3Annex 1

' '' : " i'*

Instructions to filling out Form A or the Department Performance Target/Accomplishment Report Form

(1) Ail MFOsand Performance Indicators specified in the Performance-Improved Budget of an agency must be

indicated in the Form A/Al, Hence, if the agency has 3 MF0sand4 Pis per MFO, all 12 Pis must be Indicated

in the Form A/Al.

(2) In addition to the STO indicators and targets indicated in the agency's FY 2016 PIB, agencies must include

two Support-to-Operations Indicators, which are as follows:

a. The STO indicator can be one of the priority agenda of the agency head.

b. One is the Quality Management Sysiem (QMS) for at least one core process certified by any

International certifying body approved by the lATF or iSO-allgned documentation of Its QMS for one

core process.

(3) Five (5} common General Administrative Support Service {GASS) indicators, which are:

a. The Budget Utilization Rate (BUR), consisting of:

a.l. Obligations BUR computed as obligations against all allotments available in FY 2016;including those released under the "GAAas a release document" policy; and

a.2. Disbursement BUR which is measured by the ratio of total disbursement (cash and non-cash, excluding personnel services) to total obligations for maintenance and other operatingexpenses (MOOE) and capital outlays (CO) In FY 2016.





Status of submission of the Cash Advance Liquidation Ageing Report and other financial

requirements to COAas required by Section 41 of PD1445;

Status of compliance with Agency Procurement Compliance and Performance Indicators System

(APCPI) perGPPB Resolution No. 10-2012;

Status of submission of the Annual Procurement Plan (APP) consistent with the 2015 GAA to the

GPPB pursuant to Administrative Order No. 46 (S.2015); and

Status of submission of Budget and Financial Accountability Reports (BFARs) to COA and DBM.

(4) Remarks column should include brief and concise explanation or justification Ifthe agency's target for FY

2016 Is not met. Supporting document may be provided to further expound the given

explanation/justification. Remari<s column may also contain additional Information (I.e. computation,

percentage^ and/or absolute figures) regarding the target and/or accomplishment.

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Page 3 of 3








Indicator 1


for Performance

Indicator 1


AirOMPtlSKMENTfor Performantt

Indicator 1 {4|


Indicator 2



for Performance

tndlcatar 2




for Performance

indicator 2 (7}


Indicator n



for Performance

Indicator n




for Petforraancc

Indicator n {10)



A.Maior Final Ou tptits (MFOs)jAA should be indud?d. Aqency may add rows and cdurmwif necessary}

Major Final Output 1:

Deliverv Unit 3

Maior Final Output n:

Delivery Unit 2

Delivery Unit 3

B. Support to Dp erations (STO)

sro STOIndicator for the Priority of the Agency Head QMS Certificationor ISO-aligned documentation of agencyC^S tor«9ne core process

Delivery Unit 2

C. General Adtni nistration and SupportServices(CASS)

BUR Oblieations BUR Disbursement BUR



and DBM

BFARs Report on AgeingCash Advance COA Ftnanci! Reports

Oeiiverv Unit 1

Delivery Unit 2

Delivery Unit i

APCPiand APP APCPI Submission of APP

Delivery Unit 1

Delivery Unit 2

Delivery Unit 3

Page 1 of 2Annex 2

Recommending Approval:

Planning Officer

Approved by:

Bureau/Agency Head



Prepared by:

Budget Officer



Page 2 of 2Annex 2

•r--/Attc:r.e- r'v:•des/D-^


Form 1.0



1.0 Summaryof information Required

1.1 Total No. of Bureau/Offices/Attached Agencies/DeHveryUnits,

1.2 Total No. of Bureaus/Attached Agencies/DeHvery Units that achieved their performance targets.

1.3 Total No. of Filled Positions as of November 30,2016.

1.4 Total No. of Officials and Employees Entitled to PBB.

1.5 Total Amount Required for Payment of PBB PHP,

Page 1 of5Annex 3



Details for Head of A^encv

Name Salary Grade Months in service in 2015 Amount of PBB


Names of Bureaus/

Offices/Attached Agendes/Oelivery Units

Rate of

Accompifshment ofTargets (in %)

List of Employees

Names of Employee



Months in service

in 201S Amount of PBB

2«1 Best

(10%)Delivery Unit 1

Delivery Unit 2


2.2 Better

(25%)Delivery Unit 1

Page 2 of 5Annex 3

Delivery Unit 2


Names of Bureaus/ List of Employees

Offices/Attached Agencies/ Rate of Salary Months in service

Ranking Delivery Units Accomplishment of Names of Employee Grade in 2015 Amount of PBB

Targets (in %)

Z.3 Good


Delivery Unit 1

Delivery Unit 2


2.4 Did not

meet Targets

(No PBB)

Delivery Unit 1

Delivery Unit 2


Page 3 of SAnnex 3

2.5 Did not

submit SALN

2.6 Did not

liquidate CashAdvance




2.7 Did not

submit 5PMS


Delivery Unit 1

Delivery Unit 2

Delivery Unrt 1

Delivery Unit 2

Delivery Unit 1

Delivery Unit 2




Page 4 of 5Annex 3

•-.>a'UJD^:.UvL3/>.'5£Ch-.^ ,3 ur^C'.OFriv'•vWTf^:Gf?AfJTrrFr).;-o.


(Agencyshould provide the guidelines and process in determining and evaluating the performance ranking and rating ofoffices / delivery units within the department/agency.)

Head of HR


- ;;; •

Lri= • • •

Deparbnent Agency Head


Page 5 of 5Annex 3


Master List of Departments/Agencies


1. Office of the President

2. Office of the Vice-President

3. Department of Agrarian Reform

4. Department of Agriculturea. Office of the Secretary

b. Agricultural Credit Policy Councilc. Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources

d. Phliippine Fiber Industry Development Authoritye. National Agricultural and Fisheries Council

{formerly Philippine Council for Agriculture and Fisheries)f. National Meat Inspection Service

g. Philippine Carabao Centerh. Philippine Center for Postharvest Development and Mechanization

5. Department of Budget and Managementa. Office of the Secretary

b. Government Procurement Policy Board - Technical Support Office

c. Procurement Service

6. Department of Educationa. Office of the Secretary

b. National Council for Children's Television

c. National Book Development Boardd. National Museum

e. Philippine High School for the Artsf. Early Childhood Development Center

7. Department of Energy

8. Department of Environment and Natural Resources

a. Office of the Secretaryb. Environmental Management Bureau

c. Mines and Geo-Sciences Bureau

d. National Mapping and Resource Information Authority

e. National Water Resources Board

f. Palawan Council for Sustainable Development Staff

^ li. Dl; 'V • , * -f ri •• '

ft'. Pi-ft'lipp.;-,!- i!

7. "1Q

J/i(i •

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Page 1 of 14Annex 4

9. Department of Finance

a. Office of the Secretary

b. Bureau of Customs

c. Bureau of Internal Revenue

d. Bureau of Local Government Finance

e. Bureau of the Treasury

f. Central Board of Assessment Appealsg. Cooperative Development Authorityh. Insurance Commission

I. National Tax Research Center

j. Securities and Exchange Commission

k. Privatization and Management Office

10. Department of Foreign Affairs

a. Office of the Secretary

b. Foreign Service Institute

c. Technical Cooperation Council of the Philippinesd. UNESCO National Commission of the Philippines

11. Department of Health

a.Office of the Secretary

b. Commission on Population

c.National Nutrition Council

12. Department of Justicea. Office of the Secretary

b. Bureau of Corrections

c. Bureau of Immigration

d. Land Registration Authority

e. National Bureau of investigationf. Office of the Government Corporate Counsel

g. Office of the Solicitor General

h. Parole and Probation Administration

I. Presidential Commission on Good Government

j. Public Attorney's Office

13. Department of Labor and Employmenta. Office of the Secretary

b. Institute for Labor Studies

c. National Conciliation and Mediation Board

d. National Labor Relations Commission

e. 'National Maritime Polytechnic

f. National Wages and Productivity Commissiong. Overseas Workers Welfare Administration

h. Philippine Overseas Employment Administration

iiis! ' • " v, •. i

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• I , jl. • ,'j , I ii

Page 2 of 14Annex 4

I. Professional Regulation Commissionj. Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

14. Department of National Defensea. DND Proper (Office of the Secretary)

b. Government Arsenal

c. National Defense College of the Philippinesd. Office of Civil Defense

e. Philippine Veterans Affairs Office (Proper)f. Veterans Memorial Medical Center

g. Armed Forces of the Philippinesi. Philippine Army (Land Forces)il. Philippine Air Force (AirForces)iii. Philippine Navy (Naval Forces)Iv. General Headquarters (sub of attached agency writh 3 units)

15. Department of Public Works and Highways

16. Department of Science and Technologya. Office of the Secretary

b. Advanced Science and Technology Institute

c. Food and Nutrition Research Institute

d. Forest Products Research and Development Institute

e. Industrial Technology Development institute

f. Metals Industry Research and Development Centerg. National Academy of Science and Technologyh. National Research Council of the Philippinesi. Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administrationj. Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Developmentk. Philippine Council for Health Research and DevelopmentI, Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Developmentm. Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismologyn. Philippine Nuclear Research Institute

o. Philippine Science High Schoolp. Philippine Te>ctile Research Instituteq. Science Education Institute

r. Science and Technology Information Institute5. Technology Application and Promotion Institutet. Information and Communications Technology Office

17. Department of Social Welfare and Developmenta.' Office of the Secretary

b. Council for the Welfare of Children

c. Inter-Country Adoption Board

d. National Council on Disability Affairs

Page3of 14, , , . - Annex4

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i' Phi;).. i .•.viXi. ; :-'r; .1, oii.J'i;

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e. National Youth Commission

f. Juvenile Justice and Welfare Council

18. Department of the Interior and Local Governmenta. Office of the Secretary

b. Bureau of Fire Protection

c. Bureau of Jail Management and Penologyd. Local Government Academy

e. National Police Commission

f. Philippine National Policeg. Philippine Public Safety College

19. Department of Tourisma. Office of the Secretary

b. Intramuros Administration

c. National Parks Development Committee

20. Department of Trade and Industrya. Office of the Secretary

b. Board of Investments

c. Construction Industry Authority of the Philippines (Construction Manpower DevelopmentFoundation)

d. Philippine Trade Training Centere. Design Center of the Philippinesf. Intellectual Property Office

21. Department of Transportation and Communicationsa. Office of the Secretary

b. Civil Aeronautics Board

c. Maritime Industry Authority

d. Office of Transportation Cooperativese. Office for Transportation Security

f. Philippine Coast Guard

g. Toll Regulatory Board

22. National Economic and Development Authoritya. iOffice of the Director-General

b. Philippine Statistics Authority (National Statistics Office, Bureau ofAgricultural Statistics,Bureau of Labor and Employment Statistics, National Statistical Coordination Board)

c. Philippine National Volunteer Service Coordinating Agencyd. Public-Private Partnership Center of the Philippinese. Philippine Statistical Research and Training Institutef. Tariff Commission

. b. Cj'' • b'Mai •

'• •:!. Oin«:eof Tri;i:s"(>0}'iiUioa Coci.oj.v.'

k. •i-., 1. i: •. h • > . ' • : - • •

c li'li Cl • 'I'.s i- I.

Page4 Of14Annex 4

23. Presidential Communications Operations Officea. Presidential Communications Operations Office (Proper)b. Bureau of Broadcast Services

c. Bureau of Communications Services

d. National Printing Officee. News and Information Bureau

f. Philippine Information Agencyg. Presidential Broadcast Staff-Radio Television Malacanang (RTVM)


1. Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

a. Officeof the Regional Governorb. Department of Social Welfare and Development *c. Department of Education *

d. Department of Public Works and Highways *e. Department of the Interior and Local Government *

f. Department of Agriculture and Fisheries *g. Department of Agrarian Reform *h. Department of Environment and Natural Resources *

i. Department of Transportation and Communication *]. Department of Trade and Industry *k. Department of Health *

I. Department of Labor and Employment *m. Department of Tourism *

n. Department of Science and Technology *0. Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources ♦

p. Office of the Southern Cultural Communities *q. Cooperative Development Authority *r. Regional Human Rights Commission ♦

s. Commission on Higher Education *

t. Technical Education and Skills Development Authority *u. Regional Planning and Development Office *V. Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board *

w. Regional Board of Investment *X. Office of the Regional Treasurer *

y. Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity Board *z. Land Transportation and franchising Regulatory Board *

aa. Land Transportation Office *

bb. Maritime Industry authority *

cc. Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines *

dd. Civil Aeronautics Board *


* Agencies that are not required to be trained and use the APCPI

Page 5 of 14Annex 4

2. Civil Service Commission

3. Commission on Audit

4. Commission on Human Rights5. Office of the Ombudsman


1. Career Executive Service Board

2. Climate Change Commission

3. Commission on Filipinos Overseas

4. Commission on Higher Education5. Commission on the Filipino Language

6. Dangerous Drugs Board7. Energy Regulatory Commission8. Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority

9. Film Development Council of the Philippines10-Games and Amusements Board

11. Governance Commission for Government-Owned or Controlled Corporations12. Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board13.Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council14. Metropolitan Manila Development Authority15. Mindanao Development Authority16. Movie and Television Review and Classification Board17. National Anti-Poverty Commission

18. National Commission for Culture and the Arts (Proper)19.National Historical Commission ofthe Philippines (National Historical Institute)20. National Library of the Philippines21. National Archives of the Philippines (formerly Records Management and Archives Office)22. National Commission on Indigenous Peoples23. National Commission on Muslim Filipinos24. National Intelligence Coordinating Agency

25. National Security Council26. National Telecommunications Commission27. Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process28. Optical Media Board29. PasigRiver Rehabilitation Commission30. Philippine Commission on Women (National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women)31. Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency32. Philippine Racing Commission33. Philippine Sports Commission34. Presidential Commission for the Urban Poor35. Presidential Communications Development and Strategic Planning Office36. Presidential Legislative Liaison Office37. Presidential Management Staff

Page 6 of 14Annex 4

_ . k.1 M ;




1. Abra Institute of Science and Technology

2. Apayao State College

3. Benguet State University

4. Ifugao State University

5. Kalinga-Apayao State College6. Mt. Province State Polytechnic College

Region)7. Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College

8. Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University9. Mariano Marcos State University

10. North Luzon Philippine State College

11. Pangasinan State University

12. University of Northern Philippines

Region II13. Batanes State College

14. Cagayan State University

15. Isabela State University

16. Nueva Vlzcaya State University17. Quirino State College

Region III

18. Aurora State College of Technology

19. Bataan Peninsula State University

20. Bulacan Agricultural State College21. Bulacan State University

22. Central Luzon State University

23. Don Honorio Ventura Technological State University24. Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

25. Pampanga Agricultural College26. Philippine Merchants Marine Academy27. Ramon Magsaysay Technical University

28. Tarlac College of Agriculture29. Tarlac State University

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AegionlV-A '

30. Laguna State Polytechnic University31. Southern Luzon State University

32. Batangas State University

33. University of RizalSystem

34. Cavite State University

Region IV-B

35. Marinduque State College36. Mindoro State College of Agriculture and Technology37. Occidental Mindoro State College

38. Palawan State University

39. Romblon State University

40. Western Philippines University

Region V

41. Bicol University

42. BicolState College of Applied Sciences and Technology43. Camarines Norte State College

44. Camarines Sur Polytechnic College

45. Catanduanes State College

46. Central Bicol State University of Agriculture

47. Dr. Emiiio B. Espinosa, Sr. Memorial State Collegeof Agriculture and Technology48. Partido State University

49. Sorsogon State College

Region VI

50. Aklan State University

51. Capiz State University

52. Carlos Hilado Memorial State College

53. Gulmaras State College

54. Hollo State College of Fisheries

55. Central Philippines State University56. Northern lloilo Polytechnic State College

57. Northern Negros State College of Scienceand Technology58. University of Antique

59. West Visayas State University60. Hollo Science and Technology University (Western VIsayas College of Science and Technology)

4^i-I'f.ivo, .iiy -


j-tV. . . . >1

50; ill'; - ^ Page 8of 14. . , Annex 4

S'i .

S,/. f ririi.'-is'lifi.T/:' 1. '•tcCulL-.,;

"^:6n Jir- ^ J ri; h^vries

Su. NorUrsji .'i li -iiw poiv'icchi liw Sutc-'X^liCiv-!ivviiit'gv of $pIc:f;rL'

••'"•rAr.tiq.i.'f "T, r.'" '- [ • . • • V. •'

Region VII61. Bohol Islands State University62. Cebu Normal University63. Cebu Technological University64. Negros Oriental State University

65. Slquijor State College

66. Talisay City State College

Region VIII

67. Eastern Samar State University

68. Eastern Visayas State University69. Leyte Normal University70. Naval State University

71. Northvi^est Samar State University72. Palompon Institute of Technology73. Samar State University

74. Southern Leyte State University75. University of Eastern Philippines

76. Visayas State University

Region IX

77. JH Cerilles State College78. Jose Rizat Mem. State University

79. Western Mindanao State

80. Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College81. Zamboanga State College of Marine Sciences and Technology

Region X

82. North Western Mindanao State College of Science and Technology83. Bukidnon State University84. Camiguin Polytechnic State College

85. Central Mindanao University86. Mindanao University of Science and Technology87. Misamis Oriental State College of Agri and Technology

Region XI88. Davao del Norte State College

89. Davao Oriental State College of Science and Technology90. Mindanao State University System91. Southern Philippines Agri Business, Marine and Aquatic School of Technology

92. University of Southeastern Philippines93. Compostela Valley State College

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Page 9 of 14Annex 4

Region Xil - '94. Cotabato City State Polytechnic College

95. Cotabato Foundation College of Science and Technology96. Sultan Kudarat State University

97. University of Southern Mindanao


98. Agusan Del SurState College of Agriculture and Teclinology99. Caraga State University

100. Surigao Del Sur State University101. Surigao State College of Technology


102. Basilan State College103. Suiu State College104. Tawi-Tawi Regional Agricultural College105. Adiong Memorial Polytechnic College


106. Marikina Polytechnic State College107. Euloglo Amang Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology v -f108. Philippine Normal University .) .•109. Philippine State College of Aeronautics -i

110. Polytechnic University of the Philippines111. Rizal Technological University112. Technological University of the Philippines113. University of the Philippines System (UP) -

. I

GOCCs supervised by OBM

1. Lung Center of the Philippines2. National Kidney and Transplant Institute

3. Philippine Center for Economic Development4. Philippine Children's Medical Center5. Philippine Heart Center , .

5. Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care7. Philippine Institute for Development Studies8. Philippine Rice Research Institute9. Aurora Pacific Economic and Freeport Zone Authority , i

10. Authority of Freeport Area of Bataan

11. Cagayan Economic Zone Authority -12. Philippine Economic Zone Authority13. PHIVIDEC Industrial Authority

14. Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority15. Zamboanga City Special EconomicZone Authority

Page 10 of 14Annex 4

. .. ii.ull

n'..r.iu. V ... •••• . ^

GOCCs supervised by 6CG

Government Financial ^nstitut^ons Sector

Banking Institution1. Al-Amanah Islamic Investment Bankof the Philippines2. Development Bankof the Philippines3. DBP Data Center. Inc.

4. Land Bank of the Philippines5. LBP Resources and Development Corporation

6. Land Bank Countryside Dev't Foundation, Inc7. Philippine Postal Savings Bank'Inc.

Non Banking Institution8. Credit Information Corporation9. DBP Leasing Corporation10. Home Guaranty Corporation11. LBP insurance Brokerage, Inc.12. LBP Leasing Corporation13. Masaganang Sakahan, Inc.14. National Development Company15. National Home Mortgage Finance Corporation16. National Livelihood Development Corp.17. People's Credit and Finance Corporation18. Philippine Crop Insurance Corporation19. Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation20. Quedan & Rural Credit Guarantee Corporation21. Small Business Corporation22. Social Housing Finance Corporation23. Trade and Investment Development Corporation of the Philippines

Social Security Institutions24. Employees Compensation Commission25. Occupational Safety and Health Center26. Government Service Insurance System27. Home Development Mutual Fund28. Philippine Health Insurance Corporation29. Social Security System30. Veterans Federation of the Philippines

Trade. Area Development and Tourism Sector


31. Center for International Trade Expositions and Missions32. Duty free Philippines Corporation33. Philippine International Trading Corporation34. PITC Pharma, Inc.

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Page 11 of 14Annex 4

. /•: '..' •' • m.^L* '.• '•• •->** . 'I * ♦ .'> . •' . . •. ' '.'• • ' •• •> " .* ,'••


35. Bases Conversion Development Authority36. Clark Development Corporation

37. John Hay Management Corporation38. Laguna Lake Development Authority39. National Housing Authority40. Palacio Del Gobernador Condominium Corporation

41. Partido Development Administration42. Philippine Reclamation Authority43. Poro Point Management Corporation44. Quezon City Development Authority45. Southern Philippines Development Authority46. Tourism Infrastructure & Enterprise Zone Authority


47. Corregldor Foundation Inc.48. Marawi Resort Hotel Inc.

49. Philippine Retirement Authority50. Tourism Promotions Board


• I

Educational and Cultural Sector


51. BoyScouts of the Philippines52. Development Academy of the Philippines53. Girl Scouts of the Philippines .


54. Cultural Center of the Philippines55. Nayong Filipinofoundation, Inc

Gaming Sector

56. Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation57. Philippine CharitySweepstakes Office

Enerev and Materials Sector


58. National Electrification Administration59. National Power Corporation60. National Transmission Corporation61. Philippine National Oil Company62. Power Sector Assets and Liabilities Management Corporation63. PNOC Exploration Corporation

f M j i'. ;<• :v. i •


Page 12 of 14Annex 4

64. PNOC Renewables Corporation


65. Batong Buhay Gold Mines, Inc.66. Bukidnon Forest, Inc.67. Natural Resources Development Corporation68. North Davao Mining Corporation69. Philippine Mining Development Corporation (formerly NRMDC)

Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Sector

Agriculture and Fisheries70. National Dairy Authority71. National Food Authority72. National Tobacco Administration

73. Philippine Coconut Authority74. Philippine Fisheries Development Authority75. Philippine Sugar Corporation (PMO)76. Phividec Panay Agro-Industrial corporation77. Sugar Regulatory Administration


78. Food Terminal, Inc. (PMO)79. National Sugar Development Company80. Northern Foods Corporation (PMO)

Utilities and Communications Sector


81. Cebu Port Authority82. Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines83. Clark International Airport Corporation84. Light RailTransit Authority85. Local Water Utilities Administration

86. Mactan-Cebu international Airport Authority87. Manila International Airport Authority88. Metropolitan Waterworks and Sevi/erage System - CO89. Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System - RO90. National Irrigation Administration91. North Luzon Railway Corporation

92. Panay Railways, Inc.

93. PEATollway Corporation94. Philippine Aerospace Development Corporation95. Phiiippine National Construction Corporation (PMO)96. Philippine National Railways97. Philippine Ports Authority98. Southern Utility Management

n.Q ISsS :;

• it.

Page 13 of 14Annex 4

* * ' .


99. APO Productions Unitjnc, 7.100. Intercontinental Broadcasting Corporation101. People's Television Network, Inc102. Philippine Postal Corporation

Health Care Services Sector

103. La Union Medical Center

GOCCs Supervised bv PCGG

104. Philippine Communications Satellite Corporation

• >• •Realty Holding Companies ^ '^4105. Batangas Land Company • ; 1106. First Cavite Industrial Estate Inc.

107. G. Y. Real Estate Inc. ;

108. Kamayan Realty Corporation ii. : j V109. Pinagkaisa Realty Corporation • - ::

• /. i .,V:.'.'..

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Guideline on Transparency Seat

1. Ail agencies should maintain a Transparency Seal page, accessible by clicking the TS logo onthe Home page. Itshould be visible. Submit the link to the website(recommended .gov.Ph domain) when applying for PBB.

2. The following are the ONLY required documents;

1.Agency's Mandate^ Vision, Mission and List of OfficialsU. Annual Financial Reports (whole year/as of December end of the Year/4thQuarter. Incomplete or non-cumulative will not be counted)A: FOH NGA/SUCs

2D13-2016 FAR No. 1: SAAOBDB (Statement of Statement of Appropriations,Allotments, Obligations, Disbursements and Balances as of December YEAR)

2013-2016 Summary Report on Disbursements2013-2016 BAR NO.1 - Quarterly Physical Report of Operations/Physical Plan2013-2016 FAR No. 5 - Quarterly Report on Revenue and Other Receipts2013-2016 Financial Plan (Detailed Statement of Current Year'sObligations,

Disbursements and Unpaid Obligations)B. FOR GOCC/WD

2013-2015 Annual Report

HI.OBM Approved Budget and Targets (only for current year)Budget 2016Targets/MFOs/GAA targets 2016

IV. Projects, Programs and Activities, Beneficiaries, and Status of lmplemer»tatfon(only for current year - indicate Ifnot applicable or else zero rating will be given)

Projects, Programs2016Beneficiaries 2016

Status of Implementation 2016

V. Annual Procurement Plan 2016 (only for current year|Annual Procurement Plan 2016

VI. QMS ISO Certification for at least one core process by any International certifying body approved by thelATF or ISO-aligned QMS documentsVli.System of RankingDelivery Units (to be posted by October 30^ 2016)

3. The following are the prescribed formats:

- New page/section In the website (No pdfs, xls, jpgs etc.): Items I(Mandate, directory)• XLS. or PDF for Items II, lit, !V and V. (Open in new tab for preview, please no automatic downloading of files.You can use google drive, dropbox or any other filehosting software to let you preview the filewhen clicked)

4. It is recommended that the links to the documents open in a new tab/page for preview with option todownload. Please no auto-download files.

5. Post the documents In the prescribed order (see above) for easier validation and checking,

6. Nestingfolders are discouraged. Post the links to the documents in a single webpage reserved for thetransparency seal. Ifthe files are hidden Infolders, there is a riskthat the documents might be overlookedby the validator.

Page 1 of 1Annex 5

y. •

/••Ui' *'">•: '• ,1' .

< .


PhilGEPS Guidelines

Departments/Agencies siiould ensure PhilGEPS complete posting based on the following guidelines;

Status of Notice


Status of

Award in


Required Action

Ciosed / Closed -Pending Opening

Null Identify specific bid result and explain the status of each lineitem.

The justification should be signed by the Head of ProcuringEntity and by the BAC Chair and submittoao25secretariat(3)

Closed / Closed -Pending Opening

Posted Identify specific bid result for each line item and post theNotice to Proceed and Approved Contract in PhilGEPS

In the event that the agency cannot post the NTP andApproved Contract in PhilGEPS, a justification for each Itemshould be submitted. The justification should be signed bythe Head of Procuring Entity and by the BAC Chair and submitto

Awarded Nult

. - • 1 1 . . <

Identify specific bid result for each line item and post theAward Notice, Notice to Proceed, Approved Contract andBAC Resolution in PhilGEPS


., -i y /•, ; i . .

•"••-•iiiiir 0.


::t.. .•

in the event that the agency cannot post the Award Notice,Notice to Proceed, Approved Contraa and BAC Resolution InPhiiGEPS, a justificationfor each Item should be submitted.The justification should be signed by the Head of ProcuringEntity and by the BAC Chair and submitto

Awarded Posted Post the Notice to Proceed and Approved Contraa inPhilGEPS.

In the event that the agency cannot post the Notice toProceed and Approved Contract In PhiiGEPS,a justificationfor each item should be submitted. The justification shouldbe signed by the Head of Procuring Entity and by the BACChair and submit toao25secretariat^,


I • •, • .


•"j ;Mr

J, i. 11 I •

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Page 1 of 2Annex 6

If departments/agencies are unabte to post, they must provide a justification signed by the Head of

Procuring Entity and by the BAC Chair and submit to ao25secretanat^ Kindly follow the

format below:

(Agency's Letterhead)

This justificatlon/s is being issued In response to the non-compliance of posting of the following items on

the PhilGEPS website:

Reference No;"'i Notice Title Line Item ID n 1Notice Status' ' !Award Status Remarks/Explanation

)N WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto affixed our signatures on the(City/Municipality), Philippines.

day of 201S at

Signed by:

BAC Chair


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Noted by:

Head of Procuring Enttty


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Page 2 of 2Annex 6