Viewstream Discusses Skeuomorphic Design

Post on 19-Oct-2014

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Here at Viewstream we are very interested in design trends. So one afternoon we put the entire company on pause to talk about a favorite topic — the future of skeuomorphism. Our design team gave an internal presentation that explored the rapid evolution of this design trend since touchscreens became an everyday part of our lives, from the first iPhone, to iOS 7, and beyond. We also discussed how skeuomorphism impacts our experience of User Interfaces and our senses of reality, objectivity, and perfection.


SkeuomorphismHow Technology influences Design

Skeuomorphism imitates function(not just decoration)

It’s not limited to the software world.

Skeuomorphism is not new.

Click Me!1.4 k 50 k

More bandwidth = more decoration.

More video power = more depth.



A popular trend grows stale.

The pendulum begins to swing (out of neccessity).

Apple throws in the towel.

And flat is back.

Click Me!

iOS6 iOS7

Is Skeuomorphism dead?

“When we sat down to work on iOS 7, we understood that people had already become comfortable with touching glass, they didn’t need physical buttons, they understood the benefits.”- (Sir) Jony Ive

Let’s get physical.

But decoration isn’t dead.

Decoration makes digital special.

Perfect... forever.

The future.

Everything is new again.