· Web view(VE) - the volume of air inspired or expired in 1 minute. VE can be calculated by...

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AS PEBook 2

Anatomy & PhysiologyCardiovascular & Respiratory systems

Name .........................................................................


KEY TERMS you need to be aware of and learn for the cardiovascular/respiratory system

KEY TERM DEFINITION NOTEAerobic A process taking place in the presence of oxygenAnaerobic A process taking place with insufficient oxygenDeoxygenated Blood depleted of oxygenOxygenated Blood saturated/loaded with oxygenPulmonary Linked to the lungsCardiac cycle Events of one heart beatBradycardia A resting heart rate (HR) below 60Hypertrophy Increase in size of heart muscle wallStroke volume Blood ejected from heart ventricles every beatSub maximal Exercise performed at an intensity below an athlete’s maximal

aerobic capacity or max VO2 – hence it represents aerobic workVenous return Blood returning to the heartVentricular contractility

Capacity of heart ventricles to contract

Oxygen debt Additional oxygen consumption during recovery, above that usually required when at rest

Motor nerves Nerves which stimulate muscle tissue causing motor movementSensory nerve Nerves which transmit information to Central Nervous System

e.g. from receptors to the CCC (cardiac control centre)Receptors Sense organs that pick up stimuli, which are relayed to the brain

(medulla oblongata)Venous return Blood returning to the heartStarling’s law SV dependent upon venous return = any increase in VR causes

an increase in SV & QSmooth muscle Involuntary muscle found in blood vessel wallsVasodilate Widening of arterial blood vesselsVasoconstrict Narrowing of arterial blood vessel wallsVenodilate Widening of venous blood vesselsVenoconstrict Narrowing of venous blood vessel wallsChemoreceptor A sensory receptor that is selective for a chemical substanceBaroreceptor A sensory receptor that responds to pressure or stretch. Refers

to the blood pressure receptors of the carotid artery & aortaOBLA Onset of blood lactate accumulation, where the body produces

lactic acid quicker than it can remove it, causing an increase in lactic acid levels which eventually cause muscle fatigue

Enzyme Protein that acts as a catalyst for bodily reactionsBlood viscosity Resistance to blood flowMyoglobin Red pigment in muscles that store & transport O2 to

mitochondria within musclesErgogenic Anything that improves performanceVO2 max Maximal oxygen consumptionLactate threshold

Start of anaerobic work

The Cardio system Review of heart structure & function

Aerobic work refers to exercise that ................................................................................................Examples


Anaerobic work refers to exercise that ............................................................................................Examples

The aerobic system refers to three systems in order to ensure constant distribution of oxygen to the muscles during exercise, the heart, the vascular and the respiratory systems.

Heart’s conduction system linked to the cardiac cycleThe heart has a dual-pump action with two separate pumps that work simultaneously to pump blood to two different destinations.

The right side pumps _______________________ blood towards the lungs

The left side pumps ________________________ blood towards the rest of the body

Label the heart

Conduction systemThe heart is myogenic – it generates/controls its own electrical impulse called the cardiac impulse.Describe the conduction system.....


Cardiac cycle - add in the arrows of the blood flow through the cardiac cycle for each of the three stages

Stage 1 DiastoleRelaxation/passive filling phase lasting 0.5 secondsDeoxygenated blood enters RA from superior/inferior vena cavaOxygenated blood enters left atrium from pulmonary veinsRising blood pressure against AV valves forces blood into ventricles through tricuspid & bicuspid valvesEDV - volume of blood after filling

Stage 2 Atrial systoleContraction of left & right atriaRising atrial pressure forces remaining blood into the L&R ventricles

Stage 3 Ventricular systoleContraction of both L&R ventricles, increase in

ventricular pressure forces blood out of L&R ventricles (SV)RV forces blood from pulmonary valve into pulmonary artery to lungsLV forces blood from aortic valve into aorta to the body tissuesA reserve volume of blood will be left in the ventricles (ESV)Bicuspid & Tricuspid valves remain shutAortic & pulmonary valves close after ventricular systole to prevent blood flowing back into ventricles

Relationship between and resting values of Heart Rate, Stroke Volume & Cardiac Output

Heart Rate (HR) Stroke Volume (SV)The number of times the heart The volume of blood ejected beats per _______________ from the heart per _________

The average resting heart rate The average resting SV is is ____________ bpm approx __________ml

EDV is volume of blood left inCardiac Output (Q) ventricles at end of filling stageThis is the volume of blood ESV is volume of blood left in ejected by heart ventricles in ventricles at end of contraction______________ min SV = EDV – ESVQ = SV x HR

Work it out4

Using the calculations and information above, what would an average person’s cardiac output be at rest?

What is your cardiac output?

The heart’s response to exercise Complete the following table

Exercise IntensityResting Sub-maximal


SV 60/80 ml 80/100 ml untrained160/200 ml trained

HR 70/72 bpm Up to 100/130 bpm 220 - age

Q 5 L/min 20 – 40 L/min

The HR is constantly changing before, during and after exercise. The type of change depends on the activity that you are taking part in...

Explain what is happening to the HR during the following stages of exercise. Use the graph and each number 1-6 to help you....






Exercise Recovery



34 5b


Cardiac Control Centre CCCThe heart is regulated via stimulation of the SA node. The CCC is controlled by the autonomic nervous system.There are three main factors that affect the activity of the CCC, Neural, Hormonal and Intrinsic control.

The CCC will detect whether to increase or decrease HR through the initiation of either the sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous system.

Sympathetic nerves _______________________ HRParasympathetic nerves _______________________ HR


CCC in medulla oblongata

Chemoreceptors – in muscles, aorta & carotid arteries

Proprioreceptors – in muscle spindles/joint receptors, golgi tendon organs

Baroreceptors – in aorta & carotid arteries




Adrenalin – from adrenal glands

Venous Return Temperature





The heart’s link to a healthy lifestyleThe impact of regular participation in physical activity and a healthy lifestyle in relation to the heart is clear.

Using your notes, text books and the article ‘physiological adaptations to aerobic training’ in PE Review April ’08, answer the following exam type question..

1a) Taking part in physical activity is considered essential to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Does the type of activity make a difference?1b) What are the positive impacts on the heart of participating in different types of physical activity? [5 marks]The Vascular system Blood & Blood vessel system

The vascular system controls blood supply. It consists of blood and blood vessels that transport & direct O2 and CO2 to and from the lungs, heart and body tissues/muscles.

Circulatory networks - blood vessel structure All blood vessels have three layers except for single walled capillaries Artery & arteriole walls have a large muscular middle layer of involuntary

smooth muscle that allows them to vasodilate (widen) and vasoconstrict (narrow) to alter their shape and size to regulate blood flow

Arterioles have a ring of smooth muscle surrounding the entry to the capillaries called precapillary sphincters that control blood flow

Capillaries have a very thin, one-cell thick layer to allow gaseous exchange to take place

Larger veins have pocket valves to prevent the back flow of blood and direct blood in one direction back to the heart

Venules & veins have a much thinner muscular layer, allowing them to venodilate and venoconstrict to a lesser extent and a thicker outer layer to help support the blood that sits within each valve

Pulmonary circulation system


Systemic circulation system

Venous Return MechanismsVenous return is the deoxygenated blood returning to the heart. Starling’s Law states that ‘Stroke Volume is dependent upon venous return’. If VR increases, so does SV/Q. If VR decreases, so does SV/Q.

There are five mechanisms that help to maintain or increase VR during exercise to ensure that SV & Q are sufficient to supply the demand for oxygen.

Give a short description of each and include a diagram where possible....

Pocket valves

Skeletal muscle pump

Respiratory pump

Smooth muscle


In small groups, answer the following.....using your knowledge, show how venous return may impact on the quality of performance. You may consider before, during & after physical activity.

Blood poolingVR requires a force to push blood back towards the heart. If there is insufficient pressure to push blood back towards the heart, it causes blood pooling. This is




why an active cool down is important as it prevents blood pooling after exercise by maintaining the muscle and respiratory pumps.

Redistribution of cardiac output from rest to exercise involves a process called the Vascular Shunt Mechanism

Approx 80% Q Organs ......................

Cardiac Output (Q)

Muscles .......................Approx 20% Q

At rest <<intensity>> During exercise

Muscle ______________________ and pre-capillary ______________________ vaso___________________ to allow more blood to the working muscles

Organ _______________________ and pre-capillary ______________________ vaso __________________ to reduce blood supply to the organs

Exam tipUp to 4 marks are available for explaining the vascular shunt mechanism: 2 marks for vasodilation of muscle arterioles and pre-capillary sphincters and 2 marks for vasoconstriction of organ arterioles and pre-capillary sphincters.

Consider the following scenario which is a problem faced by all athletes.

A cyclist completes an exhausting high intensity training programme and immediately stops, climbs off the bike and stands against the wall whilst recovering. Feeling light headed or dizzy they faint, falling to the floor. Use your knowledge of VR to explain this sequence of events and give your recommendations to avoid recurrence.

Vasomotor control centre VCCThe VCC regulates the redistribution of Q by controlling the vascular shunt mechanism.

During exercise, VCC receives information from:- chemoreceptors in muscles, aorta and carotid arteries that there is an

increase in lactic acid and CO2 and a decrease in O2 and pH levels. Baroreceptors in aorta & carotid arteries that systolic blood pressure has



Take it further


When the VCC receives this information, it responds by sending messages via the sympathetic nervous system and controls the blood flow to organs & muscles through the following....

? Test your understanding and knowledge and answer the following exam question

Venous return is the transport of deoxygenated blood to the right side of the heart. Give three mechanisms which maintain venous return during exercise.An increase in venous return can improve performance. Explain how the increase in blood flow affects cardiac output. [6 marks]

(Jan ’10)O2 & CO2 TransportEfficient transport of O2 and CO2 is important in physical activity as it prolongs duration of anaerobic and aerobic activity, delays anaerobic threshold which increases the possible intensity /work rate for the activity and it speeds up recovery during and after exercise.

O2 and CO2 are transported via the blood in the following way:-


Vasomotor control (VMC)Vascular Shunt mechanism


Vasoconstriction of arterioles

....and pre-capillary sphincters

Decreased blood flow/Q to capillaries or non-essential organs


Increased sympathetic stimulation


97% in haemoglobinIn RBCs as oxy-haemoglobin

23% in haemoglobin as carbaminohaemoglobin

70% combined with water in red blood cells as carbonic acid


3% within blood plasma



Exam TipIt is easy to recall, for two marks, that Hb and plasma both transport O2 & CO2

Warm Up / Cool Down effects on the vascular system

Warm Up Cool DownGradual increase in blood flow due to vascular shuntVasoconstriction & Vasodilation info

Keeps metabolic activity elevated, which decreases heart rate and respiration gradually

Increase in body/muscle temperature increasing transport of enzyme activity required for energy systems & muscle contraction

Maintains vasodilation of muscle arterioles/precapillary sphincters, which keeps capillaries dilated to flush muscles with oxygenated blood

Increase in body/muscle temperature which decreases blood viscosity, improving blood flow to working muscles and increases dissociation of O2 from haemoglobin

Maintains respiratory/muscle pumps, which maintains venous return, which:

Prevents blood pooling in veinsMaintains blood flow (SV & Q) to supply O2 which maintains blood pressure

Decreases OBLA due to the onset of anaerobic work without a warm-up

Increases the removal of blood and muscle lactic acid and CO2

Blood PressureBlood Pressure is essential to apply the force needed to circulate the blood around the body. It is the ‘pressure exerted by blood against the (arterial) blood vessel walls’

Contractive force of the heart ventricles

Forces blood through the arteries

Blood pressure is expressed as Systolic (ventricular systole) Diastolic (ventricular diastole)

The average blood pressure (resting) is 120mmHg (in aorta) 80mmHg

What is your blood pressure?

The contraction of the heart ventricles represents the high pressure force of the ‘blood flow’ leaving the aorta, so any increase in Q will cause Bp to increase

Mm Hg Bp changes during different types of physical activity


7% dissolved in plasma

Long term effects

Resting Bp may decrease with continued endurance training Resting Bp is generally lowered in people who have mild/mod hypertension Endurance training can reduce the risk of developing high Bp

Using information from text book (pgs 90/91), explain why Bp changes and the differences in systolic & diastolic pressures. For an A/B answer, you will need to do some extra research.

Hypertension & BpHypertension is long-term, enduring high Bp, where treatment is normally provided if Bp exceeds 140/90mmHg.

Effects of hypertension include:- Increased workload on the heart


Rest Aerobic exercise 2-arm curl heavy load

2-leg press heavy load








Accelerates atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis Causes arterial damage, increasing the risk of a stroke and heart failure

Regular exercise and an active lifestyle may prevent high Bp indirectly by reducing the risk of obesity and reducing stress, which may help to keep blood pressure at moderate levels.

Causes of high Bp / HypertensionControllable causes Uncontrollable causes

Exam question

Blood pressure is essential to apply the force needed to circulate the blood around the body to supply oxygen to the working muscles.

i) Explain the difference between blood pressure and hypertensionii) What changes occur to blood pressure during physical activity [5


Impact of physical activity on the cardiovascular system in reference to a lifelong involvement in an active lifestyle.

Cardiac Heart Disease (CHD)Coronary heart disease is the single largest cause of death in the Western world and is linked to a sedentary lifestyle.There is a cause – effect relationship where two blood vessel diseases lead to the two heart related diseases...

Blood vessel CHD Heart related CHDArteriosclerosis AnginaAtherosclerosis Heart Attack


Using the text book (pgs 93/94), write down 3-4 issues relating to each of the diseases...

Arteriosclerosis -

Atherosclerosis -

Angina -

Heart Attack -

CHD risk factorsThere are five risk factors associated with developing CHD

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

If you score relatively low on the risk table, you will have more protection from CHD. If you score highly in 2 or more of the risks, you have more chance in developing CHD.

Calculate your risk factor using the risk table on page 95 of the test book.

Lessening the riskPhysical activity can help to protect us from CHD in several ways

Improves heart efficiency – hypertrophy, lowers RHR, slowing down heart deterioration & improve length of an individual’s quality of life

Improves vascular efficiency (vascular shunt) improving coronary blood flow Decreases blood lipids (LDL), reducing athero/arteriosclerosis Increases HDLs which act as scavengers to remove cholesterol



May reduce Bp and risk of developing hypertension Alleviates tension/stress helping reduce hypertension Reduces body fat / obesity through controlling body weight Acts as a stimulus for a healthier lifestyle – to stop smoking/improve diet (a

healthier & regular physical activity can chip away at fatty deposits which block precious oxygen from getting to your heart and lead to a lifelong involvement in an active and healthy lifestyle

Recommended physical activity guidelines for protection against CHDThe ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine) outline 3 guidelines to follow:-1) People should engage in moderate activity for at least 30mins 5-7 days a

week, although higher intensity exercise can provide greater protection2) People with or at risk of heart disease i)To improve cardio-respiratory fitness 3-4hrs/wk of regular physical activity ii) To halt progression of fatty plaques in the arteries, 4-5hrs/wk iii) For regression of fatty plaques, 5-6hrs/wk1) Activity does not necessarily need to be done in continuous blocks –

accumulation of activity will gain the same benefits as from a single longer session.

Using the information above, answer the following trial 10 marker...Evaluate critically the impact of physical activity on CHD [10marks]FURTHER READING – to help with this task, read the ‘breath life into your heart with exercise’ article in PE review, Sept ’08.

Response of the cardiovascular (respiratory) system to physical activityThere are three main respiratory structures:-

Pulmonary ventilation - the breathing of air in and out of the lungs External respiration - exchange of 02 & C02 between lungs & the blood Internal respiration - exchange of 02 & C02 between blood & muscle


Mechanics of breathing is understood by linking 5 steps

1) Muscles - to actively contract or passively relax to cause....2) Movement - of the ribs, sternum & abdomen which causes....3) Thoracic cavity volume - to either increase or decrease which causes...4) Lung air pressure - to either increase or decrease which causes5) Inspiration or Expiration - air breathed in or out.

Complete the following table....15

Trial 10 marker

Inspiration at rest Inspiration during exercise1 Muscles

Diaphragm contracts – active

External intercostals contract

1 MusclesDiaphragm contractsExternal intercostals contractWhat muscles also contract?

2 MovementDiaphragm flattens / pushed downRibs / Sternum moves up and out

2 MovementDiaphragm flattens with _________________Increased lifting of ribs & sternum

3 Thoracic cavity volume increases 3 _______________Thoracic cavity volume

4 Lung air pressure decreases below atmospheric air (outside)

4 ______________air pressure in lungs

5 Air rushes into the lungs 5 More air rushes ___________the lungs

Expiration at rest Expiration during exercise1 Muscles

Diaphragm relaxes – passive

External intercostals relax

1 MusclesDiaphragm relaxesExternal intercostals relaxWhat muscles contract to help with expiration?

2 MovementDiaphragm pushed upwardRibs / Sternum move in and down

2 MovementDiaphragm pushed _____ harder with _________________Ribs & sternum pulled in and down

3 Thoracic cavity volume decreases 3 _______________________Thoracic cavity volume

4 Lung air pressure increases above atmospheric air (outside)

4 ______________air pressure in lungs

5 Air rushes out of the lungs 5 More air pushed ___________of the lungs

Count the times you breath in one minute (a breath is in and out)Take part in aerobic or anaerobic activity for 2-3 minsCount the times you breath in one minute again immediately after

activityWhat do you find?




Respiratory muscles initiate breathing by increasing and decreasing the volume of the lung cavity and therefore lung pressures. Do not make the mistake of thinking the lungs or pressure differences themselves initiate breathing

Exam question May 09

During exercise, the mechanics of breathing allow for greater volumes of air to be inhaled per breath. Describe how the mechanisms of neural control cause changes to the mechanics of breathing during exercise.

[5 marks]

Respiratory volume

This is calculated similar to the efficiency of the heart. There are 3 definitions and values that you have to consider...

Lung Volumes

Tidal Volume (TV) - the volume of air inspired or expired per breath - approx 500ml at rest

Frequency (f) - the number of breaths taken in 1 minute - approx 12-15 breaths at rest

Minute Ventilation (VE) - the volume of air inspired or expired in 1 minute. VE can be calculated by multiplying the tidal volume with the frequency of breaths in 1 minute.

Calculate your VE using the information collected from the previous task (breathing per min)

VE = TV x f

= 500ml x ____= ml/min= L/min


Make sure you don’t confuse these values with those of the heart.

Lung volume changes during exercise.....

Complete the following tableLung Volume

Definition Resting volume

Change due to exercise


Tidal volume X

Volume of air inhaled/exhaled per breath during rest

500ml per breath


Frequency VE

Number of breaths in one minute

12-15 Increases:

Volume of air inspired/expired in one minute

6-7.5 L/min


Gaseous Exchange

The exchange of gases (O2 and CO2) is called diffusionDiffusion = movement of gases from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressureDiffusion gradient = the difference between high & low pressureThe bigger the gradient, the greater the diffusion and gaseous exchange takes place

How do you know whether blood has high or low partial pressure (PP) or O2 or CO2?

Oxygenated blood = High PP of ________________ Low PP of _________________

Deoxygenated blood = High PP of ________________ Low PP of _________________

When we exercise, both internal & external respiration increaseWhy?

Oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve Internal respiration - During exercise 4 factors shift the curve right because of increase in O2/CO2 diffusion





External respiration - The increase in diffusion gradient for both O2 and CO2 across the alveoli-capillary membrane = quicker and greater amount of gaseous exchange to ensure haemoglobin is almost fully saturated with oxygenDeoxygenated venous blood returning to the lungs have the following:-

High PP of _____________________ Lower PP of ____________________ than at rest

Respiratory Control Centre (RCC)

Where is the RCC located? ________________________

What does the RCC regulate via the respiratory muscles? ____________________________

Do the respiratory muscles work under voluntary or involuntary control? ____________________________

The respiratory muscles are stimulated at rest and during exercise.

Factors affecting the RCC

At rest....the medulla oblongata (1) contains Inspiratory and expiratory centres. When chemoreceptors (2), active muscles (3) and increasing temp (4) stimulate the Inspiratory centre (5), this stimulates the Inspiratory muscles (6) to contract, increasing the volume of the thoracic capacity and drawing air into the lungs. Inspiratory muscles passively relax, decreasing the volume of the thoracic cavity and air is expired.

During exercise.....As (1) to (6) above, but during exercise the Inspiratory centre stimulates additional respiratory muscles (7) which increases the depth of breathing. This stimulates the stretch receptors (8) in the lungs, which stimulate the expiratory centre (9) to stimulate the expiratory muscles (10) to contract. This causes a forced expiration which reduces the duration of inspiration. This decreases the depth and therefore increases the rate of breathing.

Ventilatory response to various intensities of exercise.....Complete the following table, using the information given...


1. Anticipatory Rise...prior to exercise in all 3 work intensities you release hormones and adrenaline, which stimulate the respiratory control centre (RCC)

2. Rapid rise in VE.....at the start of exercise due to neural stimulation of RCC by muscle/joint proprioceptors

3. Slower increase/plateau....in sub maximal exercise due to continued stimulation of RCC by proprioceptors, but with additional stimulation from temperature and chemoreceptors (increase in temp, CO2 and lactic acid levels and a decrease in blood O2). The plateau represents a steady state where the demands for oxygen by the muscles are being met by oxygen supply

4. Continued but slower increase....in heart rate towards maximal values during maximal work due to continued stimulation from the receptors above and increasing chemoreceptor stimulation due to increasing CO2 and lactic acid accumulation

5. Rapid decrease....in VE once exercise stops due to the cessation of proprioceptor and decreasing chemoreceptor stimulation

6. Slower decrease....towards resting VE values

The more intense the period of exercise is, the longer the elevated level of respiration is required to help remove the increased by-products of exercise eg. Lactic acid.

Draw in the ventilatory response to light, moderate & heavy exercise intensities

140 Start 4 Stop120 Heavy100 Moderate80 3 560 2 Light40 1 620 Exercise0 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5

Time (min) 6 7

Things to remember... The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place in the lungs and

tissues and is called external and internal respiration Remember the close similarity between the heart and respiratory equations

and don’t confuse them when answering heart/respiratory volume questions. Respiratory refers to air, heart refers to blood

You will not be required to know actual partial pressures (PP) – only whether the PP is higher or lower and the reasons why




You may be required to describe and explain the changes in VE from resting to sub-maximal and maximal workloads, so is good to learn this well

Exam questions Jan ‘09

During exercise there is an increased supply of oxygen to the working muscles. Describe the processes of internal respiration which allow more oxygen to be diffused into the muscle cell during exercise.

[5 marks]

Altitude effects on the respiratory system

Exposure to high altitude has a significant effect upon performance and is also recognised as an ergogenic training aid.At high altitude (above 1500m) the PP of oxygen decreases (hypoxic) and this has a series of knock-on effect which decreases the efficiency of the respiratory processes

Impact of physical activity on the respiratory system with reference to lifelong involvement in an active lifestyle

The respiratory system will increase its efficiency to supply O2 to the working muscles, especially during higher intensities of exercise through regular physical activity training. This is primarily due to an increase in efficiency of:

Respiratory structures - Increased alveoli, increasing surface area for diffusionincreased elasticity of respiratory structures, increased longetivity of respiratory structure efficiency

Breathing mechanics - Increased efficiency/economy of respiratory muscles, reducing fatigue

Respiratory volumes - Volumes increase increasing performance Gaseous exchange / diffusion - Increased VO2

Through increasing this efficiency of the respiratory system, VO2 max and the lactate threshold increase which in turn improves performance.


1.Decrease in pp O2 in alveoli due to a decrease in pp O2 in the atmospheric air


3.Decrease in O2 & Hb association (HbO2) during external respiration


5.A reduction of O2 available to muscles – due to a reduction in diffusion gradient & O2 exchanged / during internal respiration

6.Net effect

- what is VO2 max and lactate threshold?......in pairs, present a poster showing what they are and their importance/issue within sports performance......

VO2 max -

Lactate threshold -

Exam question1. In the 1968 Olympics held in Mexico at an altitude over 2300m there were

new world records established in the throw/jump and sprint events but none in any of the distance events. Explain the effects of altitude on the respiratory system and how this may influence performance of different intensities of physical activity.

[5 marks]

Asthma and an active lifestyle

Symptoms – asthma is the reversible narrowing of airways leading to hyperirritability of airways, coughing, wheezing, breathlessness or mucus productionHow is it measured? - by inhaling into a spirometer and measuring the exhaled volume of air.Triggers - Drying of the airways causing an inflammatory response which constricts/narrows airways, termed bronchoconstriction. Common triggers include exercise, known as EIA (exercise induced asthma), exhaust fumes, dust, hair and pollens.Performance effects - Asthma can reduce performance, especially in elite aerobic athletes and is increasingly common in athletes.Management - what medical and non-medical treatments are there?Medical - inhalers Bronchodilators - which are relievers and relax muscles around airways and are normally taken before exercise or in response to symptomsCorticosteroids - which are preventers and suppress the chronic inflammation and improve the pre-exercise lung function and reduce sensitivity of the airway structures. A daily dose is normal for mild asthmaNon medical A warm-up – at least 10-30mins at 50-60% MHR which provides a refractory period for up to 2hrs so you can exercise without triggering EIADietary modifications of reducing salt and increasing fish oils and vitamins C + E as this has been shown to reduce inflammatory response to EIA



- what is IMT (Inspiratory Muscle Training)?.....discuss the use of the ‘POWERbreath’ training aid in increasing performance...

Smoking and an active lifestyleSmoking effects

Impairs lung function and diffusion rates Increases damage and risk of respiratory diseases, infections and symptoms Irritates/damages/constricts/reduces elasticity of respiratory structures Triggers asthma, shortness of breath, coughing/wheezing, mucus/phlegm

How does smoking effect sports performance?

Think of a headline you would give to this picture....

Give 5 bullet points that you can think of regarding this picture

Using the information from above, additional research and from the text book page 121,

write up an article explaining the effects of smoking on sports performance....



Exam questions May

‘091. Give two ways in which oxygen is transported in the blood. Describe the

effect of smoking on the transport of oxygen in the blood. [5 marks]

Jan ‘092. During exercise there is an increased supply of oxygen to the working

muscles. Describe the processes of internal respiration which allow more oxygen to be diffused into the muscle cell during exercise.

[5 marks]


CARDIO-RESPIRATORY CONTROLSummary of the cardio-respiratory control during exercise......


Factors affecting the activity of the control centres

Control Centres

ProprioceptorsIncrease in motor movement

BaroreceptorsLung stretch receptorsBlood pressure


IntrinsicIncrease in venous returnIncrease in temperature

ChemoreceptorsIncrease in PP CO2Decrease in pHDecrease in PP O2

Medulla Oblongata





Inspiratory Centre

Expiratory Centre

SympatheticNervous system


Sympathetic nervous system

Parasympathetic nervous system

Means of transportation

Control structure

Effect on cardio-respiratory



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or to




& in



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s ner


Arterial & venous blood vessel walls

Inspiratory muscles

Expiratory muscles

SA node

Vascular shunt Increases depth of breathing

Increases rate of breathing

Increase HR

Decrease HR