Vimshotri Dasha Results

Post on 04-Dec-2015

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Vedic Astrology,


Vimshotri Dasha Results Planetary Period


Events fructify in the sub-periods of indicative planets. Therefore, it is very important that we understand the method of analysing the dasa (main period) and bhukti (sub-period) results. Though various types of conditional planetary periods for specific combinations in a nativity are mentioned in classical texts, Vimsottari dasa system has been mentioned for general applications. Based on the longitude of the Moon in the natal charts, the balance of operational Vimsottari dasa is calculated. Thereafter, the planets have their main periods in seriatim. The order of the main periods (dasa) under the Vimsottari dasa system is the dasa of the Sun followed by the Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu and Venus. The following are the major period of planets under the Vimsottari dasa, which they have in seriatim: Sun 6 years Moon 10 years Mars 7 years Rahu 18 years Jupiter 16 years Saturn 19 years Mercury 17 years Ketu 7 years Venus 20 years During the major period of each planet all other planets share periods proportionate to their period in the Vimsottari dasa. This share of period is known as sub-period (bhukti) and the first sub-period in any planet’s own main period is always its own, followed by other planets in the seriatim mentioned above. 1. During the main period of a FM, the sub period of a FM will cause sufferings. 2. During the main period of a FM the sub period of a strong FB will bestow good results.

3. During the main period of a FM the sub period of a weak functional benefic will give only hopes which may not get fulfilled. 4. During the main period of a FB the sub period of a strong FB will bestow very good results. 5. During the main period of a FB, the sub period of a weak FB will bestow average results with mishaps during unfavorable transit influences. 6. During the mainperiod of a FB, the sub period of a FM will cause mild sufferings. 7. During the main period of a FM or a FB the sub periods of a FM (if involved in close conjunction or aspect with weak planets) will cause grave concerns and/or tragic happenings. If the main period lord is a functional malefic, the sub-periods of the other functional malefic planets cause lot of sufferings while the sub-periods of functional benefic planets bestow good results if they are strong. In the main period of a functional malefic planet, the sub-periods of functional benefic planets create only hopes if these functional benefic planets are weak. In the main period of the functional benefic planets, the sub-periods of strong functional benefic planets bestow very good results while the sub-periods of weak planets bestow just average results with mishaps during the unfavorable transit influences. During the main period of the functional benefic planets, the sub-periods of functional malefic planets cause mild sufferings. During the main period of the functional benefic planets, the sub-period of functional malefic planets involved in close conjunctions or aspects with weak planets cause grave concerns and/or tragic happenings. The results of the significations of the sub-period lord depend upon its strength and conjunction(s)/aspect(s) to the same, either natally or in transit. The significations of the house of placement are touched when transit planets create benefic or malefic influences on the sub-period lord. In the sub-period of any planet other than Rahu or Ketu, the following significations are touched:- (1) The general significations of the sub-period lord. For example, the Sun rules father, social status, position with the government, male child, digestive system, heart, blood pressure, etc. (2) The significations of the house where the mooltrikona sign of the sub-period lord is placed. In case some other functional malefic planet influences the most effective point of this mooltrikona house, during the sub-period of the ruling planet the significations of the mooltrikona house shall not prosper and will face problems indicated by the afflicting planet depending upon its lordship. (3) The significations of the house(s) where the sub-period lord is placed either natally or in transit. Similarly, in the sub-periods of Rahu and Ketu, are touched not only their general significations but also the significations of their houses of placement as well as the

significations of the planets that influence or are influenced by Rahu or Ketu, either natally or in transit. The transit influences supersede the sub-period influences. <BR The sub-period influences are more pronounced than the major period influence.<BR The major period has some influence throughout, but the said influence can be superseded by the sub period and the transit.



Events fructify in the sub-periods of indicative planets. Therefore, it is very important that we understand the method of analyzing the dasa (main period) & bhukti (sub-period) results. The results of the general significations of the sub-period lord depend upon its strength, placement conjunction and aspects to the same. The significations of the house of placement are touched when transit planets create benefic or malefic influences on the sub-period lord. In the sub-period of a planet, the following significations are touched.-

(1) The general significations of the planet. For example the Sun rules father, social status, position with the government, male child, digestive system, heart, blood pressure, etc.

(2) The significations of the house where the mooltrikona sign of the said planet is placed. In case in the mooltrikona sign house some malefic planet is placed or some malefic planet is aspecting the most effective point of the said house, then during the sub-periods of the afflicting /afflicted planets the signification of the mooltrikona sign house shall not prosper and face problems indicated by the afflicting planet depending upon the lordship.

(3) The significations of the houses where the planet is placed.

(4) During the sub period of a planet all the impacts on the house, which contains the MT sign of the said planet, also come into force. Due to such influences on MEP by a strong functional benefic planet even the sub period of a weak planet would be blessing the native with good or very good results.Similarly, a close impact of a funcitonal malefic planet on the MEP of a MT sign house may not allow the planet ruling that MT sign house to show good results in its sub periods even if the said planet is strong in the natal chart.

Let us see the application of MMP and MEP while analyzing the results of sub-periods, with the help of an example.

Suppose 23 degree rises in the Ascendant. Therefore, the most effective point of all the houses will be 23 degree. Any planet conjunct within 5 degrees on either side i.e. within 18 degrees to 28 degrees in any house would be influencing the significations of the house in question in a pronounced manner depending upon the functional nature of that planet. The planet Moon is placed at 24 degrees in the third house in the sign Aquarius ruled by Saturn. The Moon is most malefic planet (MMP) as it rules the eighth house. Since the Moon is conjunct with the most effective point of the third house, it not only mars the initiatives of the person but during the sub-periods of both the Moon and Saturn it will not allow any ventures/initiatives of the persons to succeed. The aspect of the Moon to the most effective point to the ninth house would also cause obstructions to the significations of the ninth house during the sub-periods of both the Sun and the Moon. The Sun is lord of the ninth house while the Moon is aspecting and malefically influencing the ninth house. In such cases if the planet Sun is placed and strong as in this case, the impact of the influence of the Moon would be a little bit milder than if the Sun is badly placed and weak. As the Saturn is badly placed in the sixth house and is weak due to its being in the state of infancy, the malefic impact on the third house and during the sub-periods of the Moon and Saturn would be quite grave.


During the course of the sub-period of a planet the significations of the house ruled by the sub-period lord, the general significations of the planet and the significations of the house where the planet is placed would be touched.

The transit means when the planetary position on any given date subsequent to the date of the birth is studied with reference to the ascendant and the position of the planets in the natal chart.

For example, let us take a chart with the sign Sagittarius rising in the ascendant. In this chart the lord of the eleventh house, Venus, is placed in the twelfth house, ruling losses. During the sub-period of the Venus loss of elder brother, income and trouble to friends is indicated. Now, in the transit the functional malefics Rahu/Ketu may form close conjunction/aspect with any of the three:

i) most effective point of the eleventh house. ii) the natal position of Venus iii) the transit position of the sub-period lord, Venus.

The example chart pertains to a lady born 22nd December 1964, at 0850 hrs at Copenhagen 55N41' 12E'35 CE TIME (GMT + 1). In her case Venus main period (dasa) Venus sub-period (bhukti) started on 24th Oct 1981 and was to run up to 23rd February 1985. Now from the horoscope we would see that an incident like loss of an elder brother is seen in the sub-period of Venus as Venus ruling the elder brother is placed in the house of losses. The transit Venus was of 1 degree in the sign Capricorn on 2nd February 1982. It apparently retrograded and came into contact with transit Ketu at 29 degrees in the sign Sagittarius on the 7th February 1982. Up to the 21st February 1982, the transit Venus and transit Ketu were within 3 degrees range. The sub-period lord was not only weak due to its being in the state of infancy but it was in close conjunction with Ketu. Ketu is also placed in the

house of losses in the natal chart and is having the inclinations of causing loss with whatever planet it forms close conjunction or aspect with, the native lost her elder brother.

(To understand previous discussion click here to see the chart)

The sub-period lord sets the trends as per the lordship and the placement of the planet, besides the other influences on the planet. The transit planets cause influence whenever they come into contact with the natal position or the transit position of the sub-period lord.

We hope this gives better understanding into the interaction between the transit results and the sub-period lord results with the help of the above example.

Planets and Dasas by Mu'Min Bey, guest writer

Part One

One of the reasons Vedic Astrologers can size-up a chart and predict outcomes so quickly is because each planet rules certain houses depending on the Asc. So, for a Libra Asc, the best planet is Saturn, because of its lordship of houses 4 and 5, whereas Jupiter is not so good for a Libra, due to its rulership of houses 3 and 6. This is a very important principle

to remember, as the first planet a Vedic Astrologer should look for is the best planet for a Lagan and then the not-so-good planets. I cannot stress enough how important this procedure is.

Vas (Vedic Astrologers) can also size things up quickly based on how a planet is placed - by sign, aspect, house placement/rulership, and so on. Once you have been doing VA (Vedic Astrology) for awhile, it just sort of comes to you in a flash; I know that's how it works for me. When I look at a chart, and I see Mars placed in the 5th house for a Sag Asc,

and I see that the person is due for a Mars Dasa in a minute, it all comes together for me, and it takes about a minute or two. It's really that simple.

Dasas, in a major way, are better at evaluating the overall tenor and tone of a person's life than Western Astrology, especially if that Dasa's a long one. Say, for example, you have a person in a Saturn Dasa, and that Saturn is in Aries (very bad) in the 7th house, for a Libra Asc. Now, keep in mind that Saturn's Dasa will last for about 19 years, and in

this case, it started in the early 1990s. Right off the bat, you can expect there to be a lot of pain associated with relationships - loneliness, heavy burdens, frustration, a hard time getting into or keeping relationships going, will be a big theme. Things like this are very important.

The easiest way to evaluate Dasas are to just roll with what the natural significations of that planet are, along with the house that it sits in these are the areas in which you will be able to see clearly how Dasas will operate for that person, and you will be able to see the effects right away, especially if that planet stands out somehow.

There are a lot of subtleties of Dasa interpretation and in due course, I will write more about this. But I will say right now, that your ability to correctly assess a Dasa is solely dependent upon the nature of the relationship you make and have with the Planets.

The closer you become at one with the meanings of the Planets, the better you will be able to feel their ebb and flow.

Part Two

Now, what we have to remember, in Vedic Astrology, is that there are TWO kinds of planets: benefic (good) and malefic (bad). On top of that, there are TWO kinds of planetary states:

1. Natural Benefics and Natural Malefics 2. Functional Benefics and Functional Malefics

The Natural Benefics are: Moon, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter. The Natural Malefics are: Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.

Functional benefic and malefic status depends on the Asc, and is another reason why the Asc is so important. Really, it is the only reason why most Vedic Astrologers want this kind of info, so they can get a handle on what planets are good and which ones are not so good. For any Asc, planets ruling the 6, 8, or 12 houses are not good.

ANY planet ruling the Asc is automatically good; planets ruling the trines (5 and 9) are also good. Planets ruling the Kendras (angular houses) are usually good as well. Planets ruling the 2 and 11 houses can be mixed, depending on other factors.

When Planets run their Dasas, what has to be kept in mind is whether the planet is inherently good or bad, and whether it rules a good or bad house. This is the first thing you should look for.

Dasa Sandhi...

This is when a Planet either just begins its Dasa, or is nearing the end of its Dasa. Classical books say that a planet that runs both its major and minor periods at the same time is not good; for example, Rahu/Rahu. This is because that Dasa is just getting off the ground, and is like the dawn or the sunset - it's neither day or night, and there is an

intermingling of energies going on, so it's not considered good. Same goes for the end of a Dasa, like Rahu/Mars, because the Dasa is losing strength.

How Planets Placed in Dasa Lord's Signs Impact the Quality of Said Dasa...

Benefic planets that are placed in the Dasa Lord's signs can greatly improve the overall strength and significations of said Dasa. On the other hand, malefic planets occupying said Dasa Lord's signs can greatly harm the Dasa, and the results it can give. Take for example, Venus Dasa running in a chart, with Mars in Taurus, and Rahu in Libra. On top of that, Venus is placed in the 12th house, and Mars is placed in the 6th. Now, Venus, here, is greatly damaged by both the occupancy of malefics in its signs, as well as naturally malefic Mars aspecting Venus. This means that, although there may be a great deal of sex going down here (12th house placement of Venus, the aspect of Mars, Mars is a sexual planet,

Rahu is in Venus' signs, and Venus also rules sex), trying to get into a stable relationship is going to very difficult, and if any of these planets has a tie-in to the 7th house from either the Asc or the Moon, then it could be disastrous for the native.

Take another example, Jupiter Dasa with Mercury in Sag and Venus in Pisces. Now, because there are two natural benefics placed in Jupiter's Signs, Jupiter's Dasa will be very good, especially along educational/intellectual and romantic lines. This is a simple rule that cannot be overlooked.

Dasa of Rahu and Ketu...

Rahu and Ketu don't own any signs, and as such, can be difficult to interpret. One way I have found helpful is to see whether Rahu occupies signs of Mercury, and if Ketu occupies signs of Jupiter. They tend to do better in these signs, and, if other factors agree, can even bring very good and pleasant results. But even when the Nodes are excellently placed,

they still have to give some trouble and confusion, because they are, after all, natural malefics.

If Rahu and Ketu are angular, their effects will really be felt during their Dasas; so a lot will depend on other factors in the horoscope, as well as the Node's dispositors.

Rahu can, under certain conditions, give Raja-Yoga results. If Rahu is placed in a Kendra (angular house) while at the same time, it is aspected by the ruler of that Kendra, it will give Raja Yoga. Same will be true if a natural benefic aspects Rahu in the same position. Many famous people have such combinations - just last night, I spoke of Vanessa Del

Rio's chart, she has this. So did Princess Di.

The Importance of Planetary Distances in Dasa Interpretation...

The way in which planets are placed from each other is vitally important; if they are 1/1, 1/7, 5/9/, or 4/10, chances are good that Dasas will flow into each other with little problem. However, if planets are 2/12 or 6/8 from each other, their Dasas will be very rough - one will end and another will start "off-key" so to speak. This accounts for why some

people just seem to go off into something all together different in their lives, from one path to another. This is also why people can be doing very well in their lives and all of a sudden, things go haywire, even if that planet isn't all that badly placed in the horoscope. Planets being in good relationship to one another is very important in Dasa analysis.

House Placement of the Dasa Lord...

The house a planet is placed in will really come to the forefront during its Dasa. Additionally, certain houses are better than others. Planets placed in the Konas (trines, 5 and 9) will tend to do better than planets placed in the Triks (6, 8, or 12). Planets placed in Kendras will really exert a lot of power during their Dasas, as the Kendras are the Power

Zones of the Horoscope. Planets placed in the 2 and 11 houses will give results dependent on whether they are naturally benefic or malefic, and on other factors.

There are other factors, but the above should help you out in learning how to analyze the strength and overall trend of a Dasa.

As the Vimshottari dasa follows a 120 year cycle one will not experience the mahadasa of all the planets in ones life. Depending on by how many degrees, moon has traveled in the nakshatra at the time of birth, the first dasa gets reduced proportionately. In every mahadasa of a planet there are sub divisional dasas of other planets called Antardasas. The first antardasa is that of the mahadasa planet, followed by the other planets in sequence.

Following the same principle, the antardasas are further sub divided into Pratyantardasas and so on till we can arrive at the dasas at a daily basis or even hourly basis. The chart of the dasas of the example horoscope, given here to the left illustrates this. The predictions and the timing of events is done by taking into account the planets involved in the dasa, the antardasa, pratyantardasa etc., their strengths, nature etc. as studied before. The following principles are kept in mind while analyzing a horoscope for dasa effects. Let us say that we want to see when the native will get a house. The 4th house rules the house and property related matters. Hence examine the 4th lord, in whose house he is placed, with whom he is placed, who is aspecting him. Then examine the planets placed in the 4th house or the planets aspecting the 4th house. Then the placement of the above in the Vargas, their strengths etc and whether well placed in houses or not and whether involved in any raja yoga combinations etc. When the native is going through the dasa or antardasas of any of these favorably placed planets, good results for the house can be expected. However the timing of event cannot be done only on the basis of dasa. The Gochara or the transit of planets must also be studied. Some times in spite of favourable results, if the Gochara is very adverse then the favourable results may not take place and vice versa

Mahadasa of Planets – Vedic Astrology Celebrity, Planets

Mar 112011

Analysis of Main and Sub Periods of planets in vedic astrology Birth Chart is of as much importance as the Birth Chart itself. This is so because the results of planetary placement

in vedic astrology horoscope are conferred upon the native during the operation of main and/or sub period(s) of relevant planets.

Many times it does happen that the native is deprived of having positive results of benefic planetary placement and Raj Yogas in his vedic astrology horoscope. This is simply

because the Operating planetary period may not be having any direct or indirect relation with the planet(s) creating auspicious yoga or combination in the vedic astrology birth

chart.In order to have absolute clarity on this issue of vedic astrology readings, let me site one beautiful example to help you understand it in a better way.

Vedic Astrology readings – Shri Amitabh Bachchan Birth Chart

This is the vedic astrology horoscope of famous Indian Celebrity Shri Amitabh Bachchan. The ascendant is Aquarius and four planets namely the Sun, Mercury, Mars and Venus

are in eighth house of the birth chart, which is not an auspicious placement of planets as per vedic astrology. Out of these four planets, Yogakarka Venus is debilitated and

combust. Mars and Mercury are also combust. Apparent placement of these planets indicate troubles and problems in the life of Shri Amitabh Bachchan on account of

professional and financial problems.

But, nothing like that seemed to have taken place in the life of Mr. Amitabh Bachchan. The reason behind this was the operation of Jupiter and Saturn’s mahadasas during

prominent years of life.

Shri Amitabh Bachchan was born on 11th October 1942 during the mahadasa/main-period of Rahu, which remained operational till Feb 1955. As Rahu is well placed in the

seventh house and not having any other influence over it; nor having any relationship with badly placed planets. There were no significant negative results during that period.

Vedic Astrology readings for the mahadasa of Jupiter: The mahadasa/main-period of Jupiter, which is placed in sixth house of birth chart, remained operational till February

1971. As per birth chart astrology readings, Jupiter is a malefic and non-supportive planet for Aquarius Lagna/Ascendant. During Jupiter’s MD Shri Amitabh Bachchan was

struggling in his career.

Astrology readings for the mahadasa of Saturn: The MD of Saturn started from March 1971 and remained operational till February 1990. And, it is needless to mention the

success and rise that Shri Amitabh Bachchan achieved in his career during this period.

As per birth chart astrology readings, the reason is simple. Saturn as lagna lord is strongly placed in fourth house of the birth chart devoid of any malefic influence over it. In

addition to this, Saturn aspects the lagna and Ketu, which is also placed in Lagna/Ascendant. Strong and well placed Saturn, not having any relation with negative planets, was

quite capable of giving the enormous rise in his career. This MD of Saturn was also helpful in dealing with the injury which troubled him severely during the antardasa of malefic

Moon in the year 1982 while he was doing the stunt in the movie, “Coolie”.

Vedic Astrology readings for mahadasa of Mercury: After Saturn’s mahadasa, the mahadasa of Mercury started from March 1990 to February 2007. In vedic astrology

horoscope of Shri Amitabh Bachchan, Mercury is combust and rules over fifth and eighth houses. As per the vedic astrology readings, the dasa of combust planet causes lot of

problems in life; and therefore, during the mahadasa/main-period of combust Mercury, Shri Amitabh Bachchan had to face the extreme negative situations in his life. The

problems were severe during the antardasas of Venus, Sun, Moon and Mars i.e. from August 1993 to August 1999. It was only during the antardasa/sub-period of well placed

and strong Rahu (September 1999 to March 2002) that he could find some solutions for the acute problems.

Therefore, while doing the birth chart astrology readings, one has also to analyze and conclude, if the operational planetary period is supportive for the native or otherwise.

Operation of mahadasa/main-period of a planet which is not favorable in the birth chart during youth time of a native (18 – 36 years); may deny the native of the auspicious

results, which are otherwise present in the birth chart.

The birth chart astrology readings can help you to take appropriate action in accordance with the operational main period in your birth chart. The vedic astrology readings include

use of Gem Therapy, specifically designed and easy to perform astrological remedies, expected future insights and personal counseling on almost all aspects of your life. Vedic

Astrology readings can work as a life savior during unfavorable situations; while during favorable situations in your life, the vedic astrology readings can safe-guard your interest

for future

Dasa systems are a hallmark of Vedic astrology. Vedic astrology has hundreds of dasa system. Each dasa system divides one’s life into periods, sub-periods, sub-sub-periods and

so on. All the periods are ruled by different planets or rasis. Some dasa systems are planet-based and some are rasi-based. Each dasa system is good at showing events of a

specific nature. For each dasa system, we have some standard rules, based on which we analyze the natal chart and attribute different results to different periods and sub-periods.

Each dasa system comes with rules for dividing one’s life into periods and sub-periods and rules for attributing different results to different periods, based on the planetary

positions in the natal chart. These periods are called “dasas” or “mahadasas” (MD). Sub-periods are called “antardasas” (AD). Sub-sub-periods are called “pratyantardasas” (PD).

Some dasas are good at showing matters related to longevity and death. They are called “ayur dasas” (dasas of longevity). Some dasas are good at showing general results. They

are called “phalita dasas” (dasas of general results).

Mind is a very important part of our existence and Moon governs it. Some dasas are computed based on the nakshatra occupied by Moon and they are called “nakshatra dasas”.

Some dasas are based on the rasis occupied by planets and they are called “rasi dasas”.

We will learn about 10 different dasa systems in these lessons and many more dasas and dasa variations are available in “Jagannatha Hora” software. Readers should not look at these dasas as different alternatives to look at the same life event. They should instead be looked at as ways to look at various aspects of the same life event. Different dasas

systems provide different angles to look at the kaleidoscope of life.

Some of the dasas taught in these lessons are limited to specific matters. For example, we should look at Drigdasa for spiritual progress and we should look at Sudasa for money

and wealth. Like that, some dasas are limited to specific matters.

Prediction Using the Vimshottari Dasha System

The dasha system used most commonly is called the Vimshottari Dasha System. The dashas are the planetary cycles of a life based on the placement of the Moon at birth.

9 Cycles of 9 Planets equal 120 years There are nine cycles which include the seven planets, plus the north and south nodes of the Moon (Rahu, Ketu). The outer planets are not used. Each cycle has a designated allotment of years that combine to equal a grand total of 120 years. The ruler of the ruling planet of each dasha is determined by the 27 nakshatras. Each nakshatra is ruled by one of the nine planets and follows in the same sequential order. So where the natal Moon is placed this nakshatra, and the ruling planet of that nakshatra, initiates the beginning of the order of the cycles of life. The planet that rules the main cycle of the dasha is called the maha dasha (major dasha). Within this cycle there are sub cycles called the bhukti. The ruling planets of the maha dasha and the bhukti are then further referred to in the chart by their house rulerships, dispositors, and the houses they are in. Using transits together with current dashas will prove their predictive value.

Nakshatras The first nakshatra (Ashwini) is ruled by Ketu, followed by Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, and Mercury. The same sequential order is then twice repeated to complete all 27 nakshatras. Each dasha or planetary cycle has a different length of years: Ketu is 7 years, Venus 20 years, Sun 6 years, Moon 10 years, Mars 7 years, Rahu 18 years, Jupiter 16 years, Saturn 19 years, Mercury 17 years.

Maha Dasha and Bhukti Rulers We use the nakshatras like a western astrologer uses the signs in terms of rulership. The nakshatras are all ruled by a planet and this ruling planet is used in prediction for both the results of the dasha periods and the transiting planets. The maha dasha and bhukti ruling planet will be analyzed in terms of its house placement, house rulership but the true result this dasha will produce will be based on the planet that rules the nakshatra the dasha ruling planet is in. The nakshatra ruling planet of the dasha will be assessed by the house it is in and rules.

Transits of the Dasha Rulers The most important transiting planets to focus on here are the dasha rulers. When you are in maha dasha Jupiter and Mars bhukti then the most important planets in transit will be Jupiter and Mars. Additionally the natal placements of these two planets will be magnified when triggered by the transiting planets in a chart.

Signs Sanskrit Ruler Nakshatras Degrees Nakshatra


Dasha Length

In Years

Aries Mesha

Aswini Bharani Krittika

00.00 to 13.20 13.20 to 26.40 26.40 to 10.00

Ketu Venus


7 20 6

Taurus Vrishabha

Krittika Rohini


26.40 to 10.00 10.00 to 23.20 23.20 to 06.40

Sun Moon Mars

6 10 7

Gemini Mithuna

Mrigashire Ardra


23.20 to 06.40 06.40 to 20.00 20.00 to 03.20

Mars Rahu


7 18 16

Cancer Kataka

Purnavasu Pushya


20.00 to 03.20 03.20 to 16.40 16.40 to 30.00

Jupiter Saturn


16 19 17

Leo Simha

Magha Purva Phalguni Uttara Phalguni

00.00 to 13.20 13.20 to 26.40 26.40 to 10.00

Ketu Venus


7 20 6

Virgo Kanya

Uttara Phalguni Hasta Chitra

26.40 to 10.00 10.00 to 23.20 23.20 to 06.40

Sun Moon Mars

6 10 7

Libra Tula

Chitra Swati


23.20 to 06.40 06.40 to 20.00 20.00 to 03.20

Mars Rahu


7 18 16

Scorpio Virshika

Vishakha Anuradha


20.00 to 03.20 03.20 to 16.40 16.40 to 00.00

Jupiter Saturn


16 19 17

Sagittarius Dhanus

Mula Purva Ashada Uttara Ashada

00.00 to 13.20 13.20 to 26.40 26.40 to 10.00

Ketu Venus


7 20 6

Capricorn Makara

Uttara Ashada Shravana Dhanishta

26.40 to 10.00 10.00 to 23.20 23.20 to 06.40

Sun Moon Mars

6 10 7

Aquarius Kumbha

Dhanishta Shatabishak

P. Bhadrapada

23.20 to 06.40 06.40 to 20.00 20.00 to 03.20

Mars Rahu


7 18 16

Pisces Meena

P. Bhadrapada U. Bhadrapada


20.00 to 03.20 03.20 to 16.40 16.40 to 30.00

Jupiter Saturn


16 19 17

Sub Cycles Bhuktis and Antara Dashas Within a maha dasha there are sub cycles called the bhuktis or antara dashas. Each maha dasha is divided into nine sub cycles that are also ruled by planets. Again these bhuktis have sub divisions within them called antara dashas. There are further divisions that go down to at least seven levels. I use only the first three levels as beyond that they seem to get more and more subtle (and too complicated) for me. The maha dasha will always be the overall emphasis, the bhukti will be the more immediate and the antara dasha will be more personal. I find the bhukti will reveal the current events in a life.

Vimshottari Dasha and Bhuktis Sequence

Planet Ketu Planet Venus Planet Sun Planet Moon Planet Mars

Y/M/D Bhuktis Y/M/D Bhuktis Y/M/D Bhuktis Y/M/D Bhuktis Y/M/D Bhuktis














































7 Yr Total 20 Yr Total 6 Yr Total 10 Yr Total 7 Yr Total

Planet Rahu Planet Jupiter Planet Saturn Planet Mercury

Y/M/D Bhuktis Y/M/D Bhuktis Y/M/D Bhuktis Y/M/D Bhuktis Y/M/D = Time in






































18 Yr Total 16 Yr Total 19 Yr Total 17 Yr Total

Priorities in assessing the results of a Maha dasha and Bhukti

1. Look to the houses the maha dasha and the bhukti ruling planets are located. 2. Look to the houses the maha dasha and bhukti rulers rule. 3. Look to the sign and nakshatra dispositors of both the maha dasha ruler and bhukti, what houses are these dispositors in. The results of the dasha will be seen through both of these

dispositors but especially the nakshatra dispositor. 4. Look at the maha dasha as the new ascendant (lagna). The entire results of this dasha can be seen through the house placements of the other planets in relation to this new

ascendant. As an entire maha dasha is experienced an individual will go through the experience of each planetary bhukti within that maha dasha period.

*Assess the planets placements from the maha dasha ruler. If there are more than 2 planets in the opposite house of the maha dasha ruler then you know relationships will be the pressing issue of that dasha period. Planets placed 7th from one another will deal with relationships, marriage or divorce. If there are many planets that are 8 houses from the maha dasha ruler then that dasha will have enormous change and experiences involving death of loved ones.

The bhukti rulers placement and relationship to the dasha ruler tells what the experience will be.

Count from the Maha dasha ruling planet to the bhukti ruling planet in forward direction (clockwise). Count the house the Maha dasha ruling planet as house #1, then count from the bhukti ruling planet forward back to the maha dasha ruling planet. Always begin counting the house the planet is in as #1.

Spacial Relationships of the Bhukti Ruling Planet counted from the Maha Dasha Ruler 1/1: concentrates on the matters signified by the house the planets are in 7/7: about relationships/connection with other people, marriages and divorce 2/12: gains/losses, money matters 3/11: friendly, competitive, learning, travel and achievement of desires 4/10: action, power, purpose, changes in career or work and changes in residence 5/9: benefic, auspicious, luck, travel, spiritual development 6/8: difficult, losses, enemies, death of loved ones, health problems

Charts to be Analyzed

Conor Clapton Death from Fall 03/20/1991

Brad Pitt 12/20/1996 Engaged Gweneth Palthrow; 06/16/1997 Relationship ended

1997 Met Jennifer Aniston; 07/29/2000 Marriage; 01/07/2005 split Daughter born 05/28/2006

Ted Kennedy On May 17, 2008, Mr. Kennedy suffered a seizure and was airlifted to a Boston hospital, where doctors discovered a malignant tumor in his brain.

How to use a house relative to a house

It simple -

Comsider the house you want to analyze as the Lagna Huse and see its various features the same way. Take an illustration - Take 7th house. Now 7th house is the house of the spouse. 2nd from 7th house is the 8th house. 2nd from 7th house is the house of wealth and speech for the spouse. Similarly 4th from 7th house i.e. your 10th house is the house of hapiness for the spouse. And so on and so forth. Another illustration - Consider 4th house which is the house of Mother. Now 8th from 4th house i.e. your 11th house is the house of age for mother. 6th from 4th house i.e. your 9th house is the house of diseases for mother.

NAVAMSA and its Hidden Concepts

Almost all of the Indian Vedic astrologers and many of the western astrologers too consider this chart as one of the most important charts after Lagan chart and Shastyamsa (D-60) chart.

Reason is simple, there are many aspects of native's life which can be seen and understood from this chart only. No other chart can even dare to give those detailed clues which Navamsa chart can easily provide at one glance.

Yes I know that many of the learned members must be contemplating and assuming that we already know well about this chart, so there is no need for us to read this post but still I beg your pardon to write something more about this chart.

First concept

We generally have a lot of expectations from our spouse or would be spouse but when those expectations doesn't get fulfilled or met which is generally the case, then we tend to start the blame game.

Comments like you should have done this, you should not take me for granted, why you always keep fighting with me, why don’t you respect me, you never acknowledge me.......etc

Now if you closely observe all of the above comments, which are the part and parcel of any relationship......then you would find that, in some or the other way we are in a habit of finding fault with our spouse or partner....I am not saying that your partner can never be at fault ...but the point is.....even if he or she has 1 fault then out of the 100 good points, the partner will always be able to find or identify that one fault, focus on it consistently keeping aside all the good habits which your partner invariably have.

In fact most of the times that 1 fault of your partner becomes everything for you which in turn provokes you to blast him/her...then and there...

NOW...coming to the point....please don’t mind ...these stories and introduction are always necessary to bring you all on my thinking platform....

Actually Navamsa chart operates more on an astral plane rather than on a materialistic plane.....Its reflects all the weaknesses which we have all-through but fail to acknowledge them....In other words your spouse is nothing but your own reflection which you have never seen....

Couples say that we two are absolutely different personalities...but they forget that they are the different sides of the same coin....

Habits which your partner have....are nothing but your own subtle expectations of which you are also unaware about......and all these habits can be understood deeply by analyzing the Navamsa chart.....

Divorces happen because your other side of personality (unknown to you)...when comes in front of the form of your spouse....then it gives a big shock to you....

Then you say that I never deserved this....he/she was not meant for me....he/she has changed ......

and point is ...he/she ....has not changed but the destiny has shown you the MIRROR......

When your own hidden negative qualities come to you through your spouse......then you express SHOCK....... in-spite of the fact that you were already nurturing those qualities inside you for a long time....

This is the irony of the concept....

CRUX is...SEE THE UNKNOWN SIDE of your personality (Good or bad) in the Navamsa chart

People who have no hidden negative qualities or know about their negative qualities...their...D-9 chart supports their lagan chart or compliments their lagan chart....and we all know that when this happens then the native RISE in life...and hence are much more fortunate in life .......Reason is now clear......

Their SOUL matches with their a result whatever work they will do...will have the success rest with them.....these people never hide anything from them....they are open enough to know about their negative qualities and rectify them.....people who are afraid to look deep inside themselves.....are left behind in the race of life......looking at you own negative qualities means you are honest to yourself...and when you are honest to will honest to others a result GOD will always be there at your back....

If you are doing bad deeds...then obviously will not be able to look into your own eyes.....and this would be visible from your D-9 chart...

Few other concepts

1) Analyze your Navamsa lord of 7th lord(From lagan chart) lagan chart.

This will give you the information about, what are the qualities which helps you to hold your relationship...or the qualities which you and your spouse cherish...and because of which you two are together....

For example....take Scorpio lagan ...Venus becomes the 7th lord(take the corrected lordship from cusp chart) suppose Venus is placed in Capricorn in the lord of this rashi is Saturn....see the strength, placement, conjunctions...of this Saturn in LAGAN chart...

2) See the placement of Navamsa lagan lord in Navamsa chart.

Now observe how the native inherently behaves with his/her spouse.

If it is placed in 6th house: native will tend to fight with his/her spouse.

8th house: native will hide the things from his spouse and will not be transparent.

12th house: The native would be indifferent for his or her spouse.

3) See the placement, strength, conjunctions of the Navamsa lagan lord in lagan chart.

This will give you the information about, how the native behaves with his spouse in front of the whole world...

4) Spouse should be seen from 7th house of Navamsa chart.

How will he/she behaves with the native...

Apply the 2nd and 3rd points likewise.....

Few more concepts

1) Kind of relationship between the native and his spouse can also be judged by the intensity of friendship between the lagan lord and Navamsa lagan lord.

But careful analysis should be done before jumping to any conclusion...

For ex: If a native has Scorpio ascendant and Virgo ascendant is in Navamsa... then though mars and mercury are enemies.....but if Jupiter happens to be in Navamsa lagan then since Jupiter is the freind of mars the bad influence would be astrologer should be very careful while analyzing things...

2) If the lord of Navamsa lagan is present in 2nd or 11th house of lagan chart then the spouse will bring wealth to the family...

3) If Lord of the Navamsa happens to be in lagan or 7th or 9th house of lagan chart...then marriage would be auspicious and stable....

But again not jump to conclusions immediately....this Navamsa lagan lord should NOT be debilitated, com-bust,in enemy sign,under any kind of malefic influence etc etc...otherwise results will not come to pass....