Vince Kelvin - The Money Magic Manual

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Welcome to the Money Magic Manual. Let's get ready, regardless of how well or not so well you may have been doing financially, to now make true wealth more than a possibility, to make it your reality.

The purpose of this manual is to help you let go of scarcity thinking and instead refocus now on all the riches, wealth and "cold, hard cash" that you rightfully deserve.

The first step we can take toward that is to perhaps rename "cold, hard cash" into "warm, sweet cash." As funny as this may seem, it's all about first realizing that MONEY IS GOOD. Where there is money, there is the possibility of greater education. Where there is money, there is the possibility of greater health. Where there is money, there is the possibility of progress and hope for humanity.

Every day for the next 21 days, briefly review this manual and the great notes you will have taken. This will help you remember to make financial freedom a priority and become more aware of existing ethical money-making opportunities.

It goes without saying that to truly get results, it must be backed up by action and readjustment on your part. Most of all, just as both inhaling and exhaling are needed for proper breathing, you must combine that increasing commitment to go for more with the attitude of being truly grateful for what you already have.

So get ready for plenty, as together we unlock the gateways of infinite prosperity so you can have more abundance than ever before, because it's your life and you deserve THE VERY BEST.

Your friend and coach, Vince Kelvin, CHt.

This money mastery manual is dedicated to the memory of legendary philanthropist W. Clement Stone, 1902-2002.

Thank you for your divine inspiration, Mr. Stone.


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Section One

Awakening to Absolute Abundance

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Prosperity Key # 1: Make Wealth A PRIORITY.

When you think about what ever you have made a priority in your life for an extended period of time, chances are it is also something you have become pretty good at. The No.l reason why so many people in America are not truly wealthy, even though they live in the richest country in the world, is not that they cannot get or haven't got the resources. It is simply that they have never truly decided to MAKE WEALTH A PRIORITY!

There is a difference between not being capable of something and not having yet dedicated much time and energy into being good at it. Exercise #1

1. What are all the reasons why I must give myself and those I love the gift of Prosperity Power?

2. How will doing that also help me in every other area of my life?

"If you want to be good at anything, make it an ongoing study."

—Anthony Robbins


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Prosperity Key # 2: Focus on Abundance

Whatever we focus on becomes more real, and as it does, our mind begins to make more distinction about it. Since we cannot concentrate our awareness on everything at the same time, the moment we focus on something being a certain way, other options tend to be deleted. That is why it is crucial to direct your focus toward having what you want in the here and the now, rather than on what could be feared.

"Behold, the thing I fear has come to visit upon me." -Job

"To those who have, more shall be given and to those who don't have, even the least that they have will be taken away."

"The rich will get richer; the poor will get poorer."

—Holy Scriptures

Prosperity Key # 3: Live in an Attitude of Gratitude Based on the law of focus, it makes sense that one of the fastest way to begin to generate more is to start to focus on how much is already present. Most of all, just as both inhaling and exhaling are needed for proper breathing, you must combine that increasing commitment to go for more with the attitude of being truly grateful for what you already have. A person's assets in life don't consist of money only, but of every possible resource.

Some Examples of Categories of Assets

• Existing and available knowledge/information • Skills, behaviors and talents • Attitudes • Thinking • Experiences/references • Friends • Material goods


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Exercise # 2

1. List your existing assets and what you are most grateful for, in life.

2. What is it about those things that you are most grateful for and how GOOD does that make you feel?

"The secret to wealth is to live in an attitude of gratitude."

—Sir John Templeton 5

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Life Investment Logging System How to make the best use of your life investment log: Throughout your day, observe the nature and direction of your thoughts, emotions and actions. Prior to going to sleep, fill up your log in an honest and accurate manner.

Purpose of This Exercise 1. Generate the awareness of the real causes of your present results in life. 2. Motivate you to readjust until all of your time and energy is invested in what most supports your own prosperity. 3. Create new unconscious, more accurate associations.

- + Scarcity Abundance

1. Today's direction and content of your thoughts and communication

2. The emotions you experienced and attitudes you had today

3. The nature of the actions you have taken and the reactions you have had today

Ask yourself: "Where are my present thoughts, emotions, actions and reactions leading me?"

"Wealth is first created in the mind." —Napoleon Hill

"The key is not only how to have new thoughts, but to also get rid of the old ones."

— Tom Peters, Author of In search of Excellence, lessons from Americas Best-Run Companies


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Section Two Mastering the

Mental and Emotional Aspect of Money

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Prosperity Key # 4: Recognize Financial Fears as Invitations Toward Improvement Just as the walls on the side of a freeway are there to ensure that drivers follow the right course, in a way, fear, when understood and utilized properly, can serve to redirect us in a better direction. To repress, avoid or attempt to remove the fear, may not be ecological and would suggest that the fear shouldn't have been there at the first place. Such thinking tends to lead to inner conflicts and "back-and-forth motion" (going forward and holding back at the same time). The idea is not to eliminate fear, but to redirect and rename it. This often liberates people and allows them to truly more forward fast

Positive Intent Elicitation Process: Your freeway to freedom from financial fears!!!

Simplified partial outline

1. Acknowledge the concern (reframe for fear) in a detached, non-judgmental way. It may help to externalize it (imagine it outside of yourself) to facilitate dissociation and desensitization.

2. Determine the positive intent behind it.

3. Build new, empowering description and representation based on positive intent.

P.S. Since the idea is to access a higher perspective, this process is often more effective when first facilitated by a trained practitioner in S.E.S. (Self-Empowerment Systems).

When perceived in a beneficial manner, financial concerns can turn into seeds of improvement!!!


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Example from one of Vince's sessions (this a partial transcript that has been simplified)

Vince: "I understand you have been having some financial concerns. Can you tell me more?"

Client: "I am afraid I won't have enough!"

Vince: "As you take that concern and put it down on the ground anywhere you want to do so, ask it what the positive intent behind such thinking is?"

Client: "I don't know.

"Vince: "Of course you don't, because you probably haven't asked such questions before. But when you think about it just a little bit more, what answer could come to mind?"

Client: "Well.. .I guess it probably wants to be sure that I'll have enough."

Vince: "And that's a good thing, isn't it?"

Client: "Sure!!!"

Vince: "So as you think about it in this manner now, what used to concern you already appears better, now that you understand that it is there to help you, doesn't it? And when you do so now, what more empowering words could you use to describe that old concern? Could you, for example, refer to call it as a call to action? And if you did, how much better would you feel about it now?

Client: "A lot better."

Vince: "As you continue to feel even better about it, before you completely rename it and perceive it in the most beneficial manner, how will you let that serve you?" And so on...


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Prosperity Key # 5: Practice Prosperity Consciousness

In most cultures, the pursuit of money is very much like desiring sex (now that your attention is all here...). Both are highly encouraged on one hand (advertisement, media, movies), while deeply discouraged on the other hand (religion, social conditioning, etc.). Whether this very effective approach to mass control is the result of a present conscious effort by authorities or the unconscious side effect of years of conditioning, it is keeping many people in a place of struggle with their finances. To guarantee maximum prosperity, it is crucial to first break through any disempowering conditioning and create a belief system that most supports your financial growth.

The Four Most Devastating "Wealth Blocking" Beliefs

1. In order for me to have more, others must have less. • Unlike what many parents sometimes suggest, finishing everything on our plate won't

make a difference in the lives of the starving children of the world. When it comes to money, the truth is that the more you have, the more you can make a difference.

2. There is not enough for everybody. • Studies have demonstrated that if all the wealth in America were to be divided equally,

within five years, it would be back in the hands of the people who had it at the first place. The availability of wealth is not a matter of quantity, but a matter of quality of thoughts, actions and management.

3. Wealth is available only to certain individuals and/or under certain conditions. • If wealth were a matter of being born in the right family and having the right

education, then everyone who was raised in a wealthy environment would stay rich, and all educated people would be rich. In many instances, it has been demonstrated to not be the case; on the contrary, some of the greatest financial empires from last century were built by people who started from scratch.

4. Wanting or having a lot of money is bad. • If it were the case, then why would the Vatican be such a wealthy place?

"The best thing we can do for the poor, is to not be one of them."

—Jim Rohn 10

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Reality Expansion Process ™ Breaking through limitations by using linguistic shifts.

1. Externally controlled Self-generated 2. Available only in distant time Available here and now • (past/future) (omnipresence of potential) 3. Limited self-perception Empowering self-perception • (Identity/capacity) 4. Limited frame of options Infinite frame of options 5. Unappealing outcome Most appealing outcome

Note: Remember that most things are neither bad nor good; it is how, where, when and why they are being used that makes the difference. As an example, putting the control in the hands of an external source may serve in certain context, such as people believing that they are protected by angels or that they are always guided.

"Within the right context, everything can serve."

-NLP presupposition Exercise #3

Step one: Write down the first answer that comes to mind with the following questions.

• Describe your present financial situation.

• Describe how you think it is going to change.

Step two: Evaluate on what side of the above Reality Expansion Process chart those statements would fall?

Step three: Rephrase your answers to create the most prosperous belief system for yourself.

There is a difference between what we would really like to have and what we are truly ready to embrace in the now. The idea is to turn the first one into the second one.


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Prosperity Key # 6: Let Money Be a Servant Not a Master.

I remember going to scout camp as a kid. One summer, to teach us the value of trading, we were giving beads of different sizes and colors. Each size and color had a different value, and we could exchange them with the other kids. One of the kid accidentally lost all of his beads and was so sad about it. I will always remember the grownups who were present, who tried to get him to understand they were only beads. You could tell that, unlike the kid, in their adults' minds, the beads had absolutely no value. I kept on thinking how different their attitude would have been if one of them had lost his or her wallet and it had been filled with hundred-dollar bills. Today looking back, I ask the question in a reversed manner, "What if adults were to realize that it is only paper?"

"Money is a servant; you are the master. Be very careful not to reverse that equation, because many people of high intelligence have already done so to their great detriment."

—Bob Proctor, best-selling author of "You Were Born Rich "

In order to have power over something, we must first let go of the power it has over us.

Power Affirmation for Abundant Thinking Repeat the following mantra 10 times: morning, midday and evening for the next 21 days. Engage your physiology and breathing as you do it, and more deeply involve your senses.

There's always been enough! There's always plenty! There will always be more!


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Section Three Putting the

Practical Aspect of

Prosperity Into Application


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Prosperity Key # 7: Ongoing Awareness of Financial Status

"I don't know where it all goes!" This all-too-common statement simply comes from not taking the time to keep records of our financial flow. What tends to prevent most people from doing so, is that they don't make it simple, fun and effective enough.

Exercise # 4 Carry a small booklet and pencil in your wallet at all times and in a simple and fast manner, record all in/outs for 21 days. Keep in mind that the purpose of this exercise is to always know how much you have, not how neat or perfect your way of doing so is! Focus on results!

Prosperity Key # 8: Pay Yourself First; Always Save Some! If there is one thing that all books on finances agree on, it is this one. Research has demonstrated that even when owing money, if a person pays themselves first, it will at least built security for them. Wherever you are financially, start saving today! Ideal would be to use the 30% principle: 10% aside for permanent savings, 10% invested to bring more in and 10% for future enjoyment or extra expenses (some may choose to also give some to charity or a good cause). Even if all you can do at first is 1%, begin today. It will be the best financial step you can take.

There's a difference between saving because you are smart and blocking because of fear. The first one leads to more, while the second one - because of the law of focus - tends to lead to less!!!

There is a difference between investing and spending.

It is important to understand the difference between good debt and bad debt Banks borrow money to make more money; that is good dept.

- Rennie Gabriel (Author of "Wealth On Any income).


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Prosperity Key # 9: Spend Less Than You Earn: Earn More Than Yon Spend. If all a person did was to follow this simple principle, s/he would always have enough. It is important for this to work to understand the difference between doing this to have more or doing it out of fear. The first application is the one we are after. It is also crucial to put this principle in context first. There is a difference between careless spending and wise investing. If Walt Disney had spent less than he earned, there would not be a Disneyland today!

Prosperity Key #10: Position Yourself for Wealth. Although there are certain weeds that will pierce their way through concrete, it is nearly impossible for a tree to do so. Likewise, you must find a position that makes financial growth possible. Working more hours will bring only that much more in. It's all about finding a position that allows as much space for growth as possible.

Six Ethical Avenues to Financial Growth.

1. Inheriting or winning it through gambling

2. Commission work

3. Moving up the ladder in a company where it's possible

4. Supplying a product or service

5. Developing an ability and making it big (sports, music, acting, writing, etc.)

6. Investing

The highest form of wealth-generating is having your money works for you even when you are not working!


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Stages of Growth Though for some people, it may not appear or be easy to better position yourself right away, what matters is that you continue to grow and plan.

Key points for growth:

Ideal (Already in the ideal position, wanting to expand):

• Concentrate your energy and time toward what is most rewarding, leverage your wealth, practice peak performance and commitment to continuous expansion, and surround yourself with the most successful people in that field (or get as close as possible to them).

Intermediate (Knowing what the ideal career would be, but not feeling or being ready to make the transition):

• Continue to practice personal impeccability, learn all that you can about the ideal career, and begin to work on it even if for fun and free at first. Most of all SAVE$$$.

Beginning (Not knowing yet what the ideal career is):

• Practice personal impeccability, inquire about possibilities and acquire essential skills (communication, networking, marketing, time management).


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Finding the Ideal Most Prosperous Position

1 .Ideal Long-Term "Dream" Career (Your Mission/Your Calling/Your Dharma)

2. Education and Preparation (Skill development, gathering of information, creation of project)

3, Substantial Living (Making money in the meantime)

Key Questions: What ideal position in life will allow me to combine all three of these keys into one?

What is the closest I can get to all three being one key position, right now?

"Do what you love and the money will foUow." —Contemporary proverb

"The owners of the wealthiest businesses are those that are not in the business of making money but in the business that they love most."

—Richard Branson (Founder of The Virgin Group)


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Prosperity Key # 11: Create a Plan of Action, Put It Into Action and Readjust While Being Persistent and Patient. Getting into a car and driving randomly maybe fun, but it may also lead you into undesired places. 95% of the population will be either gone or broke by the time they reach age 90. The two primary reasons for that will be the lack of a plan or the lack of following through with it.

The Five P's of the Practical Aspect of Financial Expansion:

1. Positioning

2. Plan

3. Putting the plan into action

4. Persistence

5. Patience

"Most people over estimate what they can accomplish short term and underestimate what they can do long term."

--Anthony Robbins


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Exercise # 5: Putting together your financial plan:

1. Getting Inspired Create your "dream" list (education, recreation, toys, travel, charity work, lifestyle, etc.) 10 Years:

5 Years:

1 Year:

2. Building Financial Security and Moving Towards Financial Freedom Establish the necessary amounts needed for security, then freedom. 10 Years:

5 Years:

1 Year

3. Establishing a Financial Recovery System List what you owe and how you will pay it back (in order of priority: Highest, most urgent and least negotiable first). Remember, some is better than none. 10 Years:

5 Years:

1 Year:

4. Creating a Financial Expansion Plan What strategies will you utilize to continually increase your wealth? 10 Years:

5 Years:

1 Year:

"Is your financial plan so exciting that we would want to take it across the nation and lecture about it?"

—Jim Rohn 19

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Prosperity Key # 12: Invest in Your Future. While most people think of investment in financial terms only, there are many ways to invest. You can invest in wise thoughts, gathering information, accumulating skills or even developing certain attitudes and behaviors. Investment can also be about developing an idea, business or product. When it comes to financial investment, the most basic and precious guidelines are the following:

• First, before starting to invest, it is recommended to develop a "safety net" by setting aside enough money to recover just in case.

• Keep your "safety net" intact and use extra money to invest. • Before re-investing, it is also recommended to always save some of the

money you make. • Be prepared to win at times and also to lose at times, because it is part of

the game. Never the less, do your best to prevent loss and if it does happen, think of it as expensive education, move on and learn from the loss.

• Trust only in experts who are actually experiencing what they talk about (never trust a bald hairdresser!) and investigate them first. Ultimately, the best guarantee is for you to become the expert.

• All truly financially free and professional investors agree (often behind closed doors only) mat the deal of a lifetime comes around as often as buses do run down the street. If an investor is really good, he or she will create opportunities for financial success.


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Section Four

Spiritual Side of Prosperity;

Tapping Into Divine Providence


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Tapping Into Omnipresent Universal Blessings Regardless of how well or not so well a person may be doing, over the course of a lifetime, we all have glimpses of good fortune. At times, it may happen as simple as needing a book and then having a friend offer us to lend us that very same book. At times, it may be as significant as being presented with a new position without having directly worked toward it. Even if neither of these has been the case for some of us, we can all recall times when we really needed to come up with money for the rent and seemingly out of nowhere, it came in a very unexpected way.

The key is to remember that while growing up, up until age three or four, we operated unconsciously. We didn't have to consciously work at being born or at breathing. What about the functioning of our solar system? There has to be a greater force in charge of those things. Just as that force (whatever we may call it) has the ability to perform such miracles, it can certainly also take care of us in other ways.

The question is not whether it can or not, because the example of being sustained up to three to four years of being alive without being conscious of it proves it does. The question then becomes: How tuned in are we with it and how ready are we to receive? This brings us to the common thread of all religions and spiritual practices: FAITH.

That is why the manifestation of money is extremely spiritual, because it requires one's ability to demonstrate and sustain FAITH and TRUST in a higher power.

"Real magic is the absence of doubt." —Doctor Wayne Dyer

"The key to enlightenment is to let go of anything that does not allow us to recognize our enlightenment in this very moment."

—Vince Kelvin 22

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Four Keys to Magical Manifestation 1. Tune In Just as radio waves are present even when a radio is not turned on, higher forces of divine manifestation are always present; it's up to us to tune in.

2. Absolute, Unquestioned, Sustained Faith Remember that you are asking a force that never fails, a power that always delivers.

3. Stay Open to the Magic

Just as ocean waves first recede before moving forward, sometimes when we manipulate energy, unexpected shifts may occur at first. Even though they may not appear to be aligned with our intent, they are simply part of the process of setting the stage for magic to take place, so keep the faith.

4. Give Thanks, for It Already Is

Let go of expectations, and trust that it is all working for your higher good. The secret is to recognize the signs of your manifestation unfolding and trust and follow them.

"Your ability to receive wealth determines the limits of your prosperity."

—Tony Jeary


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Money Manifestation Ritual Since metaphysical and spiritual work deals with the unseen, it helps to do rituals as a way of acknowledging and focusing on the manifestation. It is important to make the difference between a ritual as a statement of your commitment and superstition. We are interested in the first one here, so if anything happens to the candle you are going to use for the ritual, it doesn't mean anything. The key is to combine a strong, committed intent with effortless ease and letting go.

Preparation: Following the numbers, draw the following ancient money-manifesting symbol on the candle.


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Step One: Clearing and Opening of the Path • Use sage, incense, or simply clap your hands and make counterclockwise

circles in front of you as you repeat the following statement. Do so for a minute or two.

Statement: All disempowering ways of thinking and being when it comes to money are now being diffused and replaced by what will most serve my ever-increasing financial success as I open the gateways of infinite prosperity.

Step Two: Setting Your Intent (not asking, but aligning with it!!!) Do this part for a few minutes. • Kneel down and hold the candle while focusing on your request as being

unfolded in the here and now. • Evoke representation of a higher power of your choice (suggested

evocation: the Alpha and Omega Heart) and incant.

Incantation: As this candle burns to its bottom, it brings luck to my home, money to my wallet and gold to my pocket. With the help of the universe, I will always have anything I need and be blessed with prosperity again and again.

Step Three: Giving Thanks and Letting It Be Fulfilled • Bring your hands on your heart and repeat three times: Thank you Saint-

Expedite, for it already is (or you may thank any other spiritual figure of your choosing.)

Step Four: The Offering • For a suggested period of 21 days (it could also be seven or fourteen, it's

up to you, give $1 to a charity or needy person each day, and at anytime during the 21 days, do a special deed for someone who has less than you. It can be of a monetary nature, a material gift or the offering of your labor. As you do give the $1, repeat in your mind: May he or she also be blessed with prosperity.


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It is recommended to do this ritual once a day (advanced use: three times a day) for a total of 21 days. Feel free to continue after that. Most people do, because they are astonished with the results they get!!! Have a green glass candle burn continually in a safe place for the entire 21 days. Stack a few in reserve. They cost as little as 99 cents per candle.

Remember... • Some is better than none. • You are the master; the ritual is your servant • It's about affirming a strong intent, not about superstition. • You are not asking, you are aligning. • Practice commitment, not dependence.


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Prosperity Key # 13: Intelligently and Reasonably Share Your Wealth With the Needy.

Make all the money you can, honestly. Then save and invest all you can. Then give all you can. Because only generosity can immunize you against greed.

—W. Clement Stone


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Prosperity Power 21 Day Action Plan First, put copies of the 13 keys in key places to use them as reminders.

On a Day-to-Day Basis

To Condition Prosperity Consciousness at the Mental and Emotional Level

• As you drive around, make mental gratitude lists (see example on page 5). • Fill up the life-investment log daily. • Daily affirmation from page 12 ("There's always been...")

To Magically Manifest Money at the Spiritual Level

• Daily money manifesting ritual with candle, pages 24,25 and 26. • Daily $1 offering to the needy.

To Take Charge of Your Money at the Practical Level • Log all in/outs in your booklet. • Start to save by applying the 30% rule. Start with 3% if needed, but start.

Follow Through with the Following Five Steps

1. Refine your new beliefs from page 11. 2. Refine your plan of action from page 19. 3. Take action towards the next stage of your financial growth from page 16. 4. Find answers to Key questions for Ideal position from page 17. 5. Put your plans (from page 19) into action.


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Also recommended (do these intelligently and safely)

• Visit the wealthiest places in your area, and learn to feel at home there.

• Visit one of the poorest place in your area and learn what not to do.

• List the 10 most supportive people you know who are doing best in life, contact them and stay connected to them.

• Approach one of the possible mentors in your industry (by letter, phone, or in person). Remember to build rapport first.

• Commit to the next step in your study of wealth (class, book, tapes, etc.).

• Send us testimonials of your successes to inspire future students.

• Review this manual frequently.


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Make copies of the following few pages for

your own personal daily use.

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13 Prosperity Keys Prosperity Key # 1: Make Wealth A PRIORITY

Prosperity Key # 2: Focus on Abundance

Prosperity Key # 3: Live in an Attitude of Gratitude

Prosperity Key # 4: Recognize Financial Fears as Invitations to Improvement

Prosperity Key # 5: Practice Prosperity Consciousness

Prosperity Key # 6: Let Money Be a Servant, Not a Master

Prosperity Key # 7: Ongoing Awareness of Financial Status

Prosperity Key # 8: Pay Yourself First; Always Save Some

Prosperity Key # 9: Spend Less Than You Earn, Earn More Than You Spend

Prosperity Key #10: Position Yourself for Wealth

Prosperity Key #11: Create a Plan of Action, Put it Into Action and Readjust While Being Persistent and Patient

Prosperity Key #12: Invest in Your Future

Prosperity Key #13: Intelligently, Reasonably Share Your Wealth With the Needy

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(323) 309-3219

L.A. Self-Empowerment Center Your Best Resource for Fast Personal and Professional Progress!

Life Investment Logging System How to make the best use of your life investment log: Throughout your day, observe the nature and direction of your thoughts, emotions and actions. Prior to going to sleep, fill up your log in an honest and accurate manner.

Purpose of This Exercise 1. Generate the awareness of the real causes of your present results in life. 2. Motivate you to readjust until all of your time and energy is invested in what most supports your own prosperity. 3. Create new unconscious, more accurate associations.

Scarcity Abundance

1. Today's direction and content of your thoughts and communication

2. The emotions you experienced and attitudes you had today

3. The nature of the actions you have taken and the reactions you have had today

Ask yourself: "Where are my present thoughts, emotions, actions and reactions leading me?"

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(323) 309-3219 www.MmdEmpowerment.coiii

L.A. Self-Empowerment Center Your Best Resource for Fast Personal and Professional Progress!

Your Financial Plan 1. Getting Inspired Create your "dream" list (education, recreation, toys, travel, charity work, lifestyle, etc.) 10 Years:

5 Years:

1 Year:

2. Building Financial Security and Moving Towards Financial Freedom Establish the necessary amounts needed for security, then freedom. 10 Years:

5 Years:

1 Year:

3. Establishing a Financial Recovery System List what you owe and how you will pay it back (in order of priority: Highest, most urgent and least negotiable first). Remember, some is better than none. 10 Years:

5 Years:

1 Year:

4. Creating a Financial Expansion Plan What strategies will you utilize to continually increase your wealth? 10 Years:

5 Years:

1 Year

Questions? Requests? Feel Free to Ask, I Am Here to Help!

(323) 309-3219

L.A. Self-Empowerment Center Your Best Resource for Fast Personal and Professional Progress!

Statement for clearing and opening

All disempowering ways of thinking and being when it comes to money are now being diffused and replaced by what will most serve my ever-increasing financial success as I open the gateways of infinite prosperity.

Statement for setting intent

As this candle burns to its bottom, it brings luck to my home, money to my wallet and gold to my pocket. With the help of the universe, I will always have anything I need and be blessed with prosperity again and again.

Statement for closing of ritual

Thank you Saint-Expedite, for it already is (or you may thank any other spiritual figure of your choosing.)

Questions? Requests? Feel Free to Ask, I Am Here to Help!

(323) 309-3219