Vince Stanzione Millionaire Dropout Sildes From Biz Start Up Show London

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Http:// Packed out talk on how to start a business with £100 by Vince Stanzione Millionaire Dropout at Business Start Up Show. Fire Your Boss, Do what you love & reclaim


The Business Show 29th November 2013

£100 Start Up Ideas & Business Tips by Vince Stanzione

3 minute background

Started first business aged 11, computer games on tape. First real £100 business was car phones.

Mail Order Business Model

Don’t make lack of resources an excuse

Its not a lack of resources that is stopping you its lack of resourcefulness. If you want it badly enough you will find a way.

Just DO IT! – Don’t wait for everything to be perfect – it never will be

Ideas are worthlessIdeas?“We’ve had ’em since Eve mated Adam, but take it from me Execution’s the key.”Felix Dennis – How to be Rich

An average idea with good execution beats a brilliant idea with poor execution

Your don’t have to be First or the Only one

No shame in being 3rd,4th,5th

“Vince its already been done….”If no one has done something - that is worrying. Pioneers get arrows in their back. Why do you see fast food outlets all next to each other?

3. Be Market Driven, Not Product Driven

Find out what the market wants and who you can sell to before creating or buying products. I explain exactly how to do this in my book and how to test ideas with little or no money.

Find out what people are buying – Give them what they want – WIIFM

People buy what they ________ not what they ________

Never Sell P______ always sell C____

The Mind of the Buyer

Getting paid by the Hour – is a bad deal Don’t trade your time for moneyLet’s say you earn £100 an hour and you work 10 hours a day, 5 days a week, £5000 – but you have just capped yourself. If you own a product or are being paid a royalty how much can you make in the same week? – I make money while I sleep. 24 hours a day 365 days a year someone worldwide is buying my product without me having any involvement –

Interested in doing the same?

Be an IP (intellectual property) Owner not a Worker

Examples of Intellectual Property (IP) that you can own

Books, EBooks, Newsletters, sales letters, Templates, Websites, Video Files, Audio Files, DVDs, CDs, Domain Names, Patents & Trade Marks, Logos, Photos, Graphics and software are just a few examples

Owning IP

High Margin Products – Low Development Costs

We don’t want to go into competition with Tesco or Wal-Mart – we are not interested in low margins or price wars

We want high margin products

Sell High Margin Products

Realise that Marketing Is the KeyNo enquiries means no orders. No orders means no money.No money means no business. No business means you’re out on the street!—Vince Stanzione

The reality is that marketing makes or breaks you. You must advertise, use press releases, direct mail, the internet and any other method that will effectively spread the word about your product or service.

Marketing & Sales should be your main focus – outsource the rest

Put Customers First – Repeat Business

Realise that a one-off sale/order will not make you rich. It’s repeat business that counts.

Build up a relationship with customers. Be a friend, not a salesman

Earning Money

Improving Health

How To Make Money As… Be a – Avoid work and effort – Quick, Easy, Simple

Look Good – Feel Great – Weight loss – Grey £ over 55’s

Everyone is so “busy” these days

Feel Special, Wanted and Liked. Improving social status (social media)

What People are Buying – What Are they interested in?

Saving Time

Being Appreciated

Improving Appearance

Avoid Losing Money

People want to be fashionable

After making money most will be fearful of losing it. Security and comfort in old age


Sports, travel, writing, painting, surfing, Hobbies

What People are Buying – What Are they interested in?

Attracting the opposite Sex

Leisure time – niche interests

You Don’t Have to Know it AllYou can outsource most tasks, license products, buy resale rights, have someone else write a book for you, or research a product.Thanks to the global marketplace and sites like,,, almost any task can be outsourced at a reasonable price.

You can have a multi-national business with no staff thanks to outsourcing

Be Ready for ChangeOne thing in business is certain, and that is that there’s nothing certain in business! Things change, often very quickly. Today’s big seller is tomorrow’s totally unfashionable item (ask Blackberry). Keep your eyes open, watch out for new trends and markets.

Don’t be afraid of change - a small business can react quickly and profit from change

Start Your Own BusinessWhether it’s part-time to begin with, acting as an agent, or consulting to a few customers alongside your existing job, start your own business and be proud about what you do. You are not going to get rich working for someone else.

You don’t have to go all in…

Don’t Quit, Believe in YourselfStress, problems, new challenges, frustration, and let downs are part of everyday business life. If you hide away in a corner whenever something goes wrong, you won’t survive in business long. You’ll get knocked down. It happens and it’s acceptable.

The question is, do you keep bouncing back up again? You must bounce back, learn from your mistakes, and keep going. Stay on the ground for too long, and that’s where you’ll be forever. Get up, fight back, and you’ll be a winner.Everything is possible, and if you want something badly enough, you’ll get it.

Keep Moving Forward

Business Show 29th November 2013

Available in print, kindle, ibooks and audio format