ViOage Auditor Declares Peace With Honor … Lowell...

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i iri":t*' itij r - 'f i"--'t I-'- •'•'

M. W. Qoe of the Gee Hardware la on a vacation trip for a couple of wceka, having taken a reservation on the TWA alrllnee for the Holy Pilgrimage to Rome, Florenre and the beautiful lale of Capri on the Bay of Naples ond will also visit Parlii before returning. We would like to hear more of Mr. Gee's tour when he arrives home.

• * • The annual villagt election will

be held at Lowell city hall on Monday, March IS, the polle be-Ing open from 7:00 a. m. to 8:00 p. m. The offlcert to be elected are: president, clerk, treaeurer, atseeeor and three trustees.

•*• * * We are nlwlng our genial Chev-

rolet man. I. W McPaU, thta ^aek. He U opondlng a little time In Blod^elt hospital, Tollowlng an operation Wednwd^- morning.

In the front window of the Ledger office is a few old tintypes of for-mer prominent Loifrell people which prove to be Interesting to many of our callers. Stop by and aee them, end guess who?

* * *

The Ledger has received a letter

E s t a b l i s h e d J u n e , 1 8 9 3 LOWELL MICHIGAN. THURSDAY, MARCH 9. 1950 Number 45

Judges Announced Peace With Honor

VFW Essay Contest

Mre. Ruby Hudson, 82 Celebrares Birthday

Mrs. Ruby Hudson, long time res-ident of Vergennes township, now of Grand Rapids, will celebrate her 82nd birthday on .Friday. March 17, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ruth B. Ward, 502 Cody Ave., S. E.

Mrs. Hudson was born In Ver-gennes and spent part of her life

of the 9th through 12th grade ! l owC(i farming until his death In Lowell high, the subject of thlsjjgjg Three children were born to year's essay to be "Peace—With ^ r s . Ward being the only one Honor—for America". Local prizes: surviving. of 116.00 for first best. 110.00 for

The Auxiliary to V. F. W. Flat River Post 8303 of Lowell Is local-

ViOage Auditor Declares Financial State Precarious

Adrian P. Kuyper, village audi-tor, told the council on Monday night that the village financially was In a precarious condUJon and Immediate eteps must bo tAken to prevent a oriels.

The common council was In see-rton until after midnight discuss-ing the annual village statement which Mr. Kuyper presented for

Five years ago Mrs. Hudson left All village departments, except

Lowell Farmer Visits Missouri Mills, Farm

Orrlo Groenenboom, Route 1. Lowell, spent the early part of last week in Missouri attending a con-

!vcnflon of feed men at St. Louis, nnd at the 700-acre research farm1

jat Gray Summit, in the foothills of the picturesque Missouri Ozarks. !



Quoting statistics is usually with regard to something that costs us, for a loss rather than a gain. How-ever, the National Safety Council gives some encouraging statistics.

In 1949 we set our best safety record, even though the number of dead and injured In automobile ac-c , t , e n t 8 w a B 8 t i n greater than the

m 1 BSD 1011 jtlOW 108808 and |nJurle8 of Wor,d War

I. One out of every 18 persons suf-One hundred glrla of the Lowell i f e r c , , « disability Injury last year.

100 home Ec. Girls Announce Spring In

Judges for the contest. Lowtill citizens who have kindly consent-ed to assist In the Judging are: Rev. and Mrs. Glotfelty, Bruce Walter, Gerald Rollins and Mrs. Jack Fonger.

All essays must be in the handa rovc.Tcu » o* the auxiliary essay chairman,

from Mrs. F. 5 . ' Sane r ! former I Mn. John Troy, by April Ist. LoweB lady who now Uvea at Globe, 1980, accompanied by a signed Aria., In which abe states she (looka| declaration of original authorship forward to the arrival of th« weekly ^ itadant suhmittlng the paper to keep her In touch with bar, > „ j u d K t n g W |u take place be-Ltfwell friends, and regreta the r e - 1 ^ ^ A p r i l 1 6 t b a n ( i winners an-

John Collier, Retired Miller. Dies Sunday j Mr. Groenenboom was In com- High School Home Economics! After automobile accidents come

A f o a r Rriof l l lnocc PANY WJTH NBOUT 200 WHO RPENT t w o classes from the seventh through home accldcnts with a 3 per cent ATTer d r i e r I l lness Jjjyj ^ l e r o a n d at the laboratorieu twelfth grades who have been drop. Occupational accidents are

John Calller 88. pasoed away'where they were privileged to go atulylng clothing will present a third. In home accidents, falls that early Sunday morning at the Ionia through the huge establishment as colorful announcement of spring kill head the list, burns, drownings Convelfcscent Home, after several special guests. In their third annual Spring Faah- and firearms follow In order. daye' Illness. He hod suffered a, The employees staged a fine en- ion Show to be given at the high i We might concentrate on these stroke at his home Wednesday, tertalnment and there were dinners echool gymnaalum Wedneaday eve- and when the 1950 report Is due. Feb. 21. and waa taken to the Home and luncheons with speakers for . J ^ 8 h o w . m a r k e d 'mpfovement In our


^ r o f h ^ d e D ^ T t m i ^ r T b e l U * Itakh Ohapel with the Rev. Paul realize how Important an Industry ine tneme for the raahlon show. Some ex-Or. 'n Lowell are re-... of Olarksvllle offlt>latlnK, farming really Is. ami what an ad-1 8 T e e n 8Pr»n8 Garden." MISB celvlng their wartime Insurance

both World Wars. She haa a c r e d i t , ^ w o r t h .of nULhUl in fHkwood reme- vantage It is to learn from these Patricia Shaler will open the eve dividends. The total of |2.8 billion. 'experts better management and the 9 feeUvltlee by welcoming the .will be spent In many ways. As for

. Mr. TJalller waa bora In The value of proper feeding and care of ^ 11 c a u * l n « l n f , a U o n , the amount In iNethar'^nda April 11, 1861, coming Ifarm animals.

the American Rec Cross during

for the Red Cross of Grand Raplde.

Lowell FFA Boys Will Attend State

Meeting March 21 cording of the death of eo many aoquaintancea.

We are always glad to hear from oar folka who are away and are glad to know the Hanera are well.

* * • William Chrlstlanaen, Jr., was In

attendance at the National Pho-tographers' convention held at Hotel Olds, Lansing, last week. Mr. Christiansen Is connected with photography in Grand Raplda and alio with Leonard Studio in Lowell.

• • • Creeks in this locality overflowed

their banks Sunday when the sun shone so warm it rapidly melted

nounced and prlaes awarded aa soon as possible thereafter,

of over fifty thousand dollars in additions to the capital account.

$10,000 More Than 1948 l t0 fchle country with his family The Light 4 Power which sold when»about Wve years old. The1

more metered current, $141,919.18, famUjr later moved from New York D 1 A - - A 1 . T f , Q L ! n A

than any year In its history, over state to Coopersvllle, Mich., where | \ ( ( | / t | | U W t > O l l H l "

to a point where difficulty was ex-More than 500 Future Farmers of

America from 150 Michigan high ^ _ schools will meet at Michigan S t a U ' j J ^ ^ ' ^ paying "the $20,000 of

All studenta eleflble are urged j college at East Lanalng March « d u e each year on the engine, to narticipate and we are hoping and 22 for the organlaatlon's 22nd .dded In 1#4«

'annual state convention.

ten thousand dollarn more than he went to school. , 1948, failed to increaae Its net earn-1 Wfeen he waa 19 years old, Mr. j Inge over that year. 'Calliar came to Lowell and "hired |

Unusual expense In (mahnten- ^ t h e J**® Ed- Wlsner in 1880. ance of the mOnlcipal plant's dleeel Wljeo Mr Wlaner aold the bualnese engines and hydro equipment de- ;to t l » Iflng Mil hig Oampany he re-| creased the eamtage of the p l a n t ^ t h the company, work-,

Ing 98 continuous years, before re t lr tnt In 1986

Morning Glortea" will be the one year would add less than 2 per [seventh graders wearing aprons jcent to the present annual rate of and Mlsa Maureen Rankin will expenditure by consumers of the make the presentatlona. :$178 billion for goods and services.

| "Mixed Bouquet" Is the heading | In most cases the dividends will •for the eighth grade girls. Miss Lois pay old bills. Insurance, make pay-jWhlte will present this group mod- ments on homes and furnishings, ellng a variety of garments. on education and automobiles. I "Fresh as a Daisy'' Is the name Many boys will save It, some will of the group showing cottons and paint the town red. Remember being presented by Miss Sydney this is not a bonus, but money that Bennett. • {veterans of the last war paid Into

_ .. r. .. A i "Sweet as a Rose" are the good a fund for life Insurance. They The Lowell Red Arrows covered d r e 8 8 e a ^ patr ida Schroed earned that money the hard way!

In Closing Games of Tournament Play

for many excellent papers.

R o - C o m m i t t a l S e r v k o s

F o r U R o v J .

1 Delegates chosen by the Lowell •Chapter to attend this convention are Sidney Kerr and Stephen Carl-

Takes Economic Steps

"•™a ••• themselves with glory In the Dls- nreHldinff

rt^tTSSZ.tia I ^ u i l t 0 U4

, ? a m e n tt h e l d ^ "Say H With Flowers" is the

^ 5 t J ? ^ | d l , r l n g 1 . t h e

Ap a 8 t we®k Thunrfay ^ t uAlt, presented by Miss Phyllis

Lowen township. To this onion n jght the Arrows shot down the o^mrr 'Balding Redskins by a 40 to 441 ^ j M n j^ncrot t will

The council, acting to take im-,whom survlv.: Mrs. Bern^e Peters i n t h t 8 contest the Redskins n r f t l t f l n t to prevent a crisis in awl Ida Mullen of New Hud- | j u m p e d to a 11 to 13 first quarter J"®""1


If you have a calendar of the special days and weeks observed

son. mediate steps the village affairs, authorized

L e R o y J . w u m m o r The meeting Is sponsored Dy the Boomic moves In all departments lamgaxM Mr U * b l H r f S « t u r d a V ' o f f i c e of vocational education of ,«nd announced that no further ex- 0 o « h Boston, n e i a t h e gtata department of public i n - o r capital expense will be Mr nn.l M

s "Forget-Me-Not group i by th® n a t I o n o r 8 U t®' M l d choose I TI n . j , T r— ^ iwhloh are •he formals to celebrate the holidays as they

ithorlied norm*. I W l l d a y o f L a n - l M d w h l c h t h e y h e l d and Increased I I n i m e d i a t # l y following the fash-occur, you are going to be kept departments r U 4 d y 8 K y 8® r o f

| t0 » 21 to 20 margin at half time ^ ( ( b o w refreshments will be bu8y-

thawing degree on Sunday. A n d l g ^ ^ died In the service of consumers of coal were quite re- ^ country July 18, 1945, In lleved when the milder tempera-1 switEerhmd while his discharge tures came. The coal situation was j papers Were being prepared, and getting to be serious In many h e ^ pjanning to come home. places.

* * * Jokes, Jests, Jabs and Jibes Just

by Jeff: Life starts from a cell, and, with some folks it will end

Surviving besides the parents. iMr. and Mrs. Fred Nummer, are three brothers. Nelson, Oscar and Bernard, and one sister, Mrs. Freda Hendricks, all of LoweU. Another [of Commerce.

Recommittal senicea will be|strucUon and Michigan State Col-,undertaken untU the slUrtlon i m - | l 4 o f W held Saturday afternoon at two lege. Visitors will be housed in the P«>vee. o'clock at Roth Chapel for Tch/3 quonset village and eat at the | A survey to be conoucied by LeRoy J. Nummer. whoee body la quonset cafeteria. Winners In thejNorris, Lewis, Ayrcs & May, elec-

the snow banks and thick coats of |belng brought here for burial. The regional public speaking contest, jtrical dngineere. and Roth. Hubble Ice, and both the Grand and Flat ciark-EUia Post American Legion rivers raised the water line though! will have charge of the service. not to the flood stage. Tch/3 Nummer, who entered

It was truly a March prank I n ' ^ ^ c e M a r c h 22, 1941, In the U. S. Michigan when Mercury , leaped Artillery Battalion, received from near zero on Friday to a j c ^ f j e a t e 0f Merit, Four Bronae


Mn,. Calller lived ^ tnue until 1930 wh

th^"moved to their farm home tni th| rd period the Arrows took up the i ^veryona ls lnvlted to come to a d , ' e r t l 8 c d d r u ^ products, you can

Av.n„« . . ^u iqv> were always In the game but could C l u r e ^ M a r t o n W |eiand pre-l'n January to promote sales of Avenue until ^ M ^ g t ^ n i n o t gnatch the lead. Midway of the Biding a t the table.

in liUi-j r\*r\nA • Vio Armxva (nnk lin thp tw •_ .

If you missed Large Size Week i January to promote sales of

arge economy sires of nationally

and parliamentary procedure dem- A Clark, water works engineers. Is onstratlon contests will give dem- expected to get under way thls 'J® ^ J " ' " ^ onstratlons and state champions,month and until that report Is I n L . . . will be selected. mo other action will be taken b y F * 2 J J r ' Saturday night the Red Arrows

The National FFA organlratlon the council. taSSTV^J O ^ ^ will be repre«ented by George L«w-| ^ 1 . t h . - t u ^ . . W . ; V f ^ S e r

S IOM C* l i , e r . s lack and pulled up to a 32 to 32 ^ ^ accompllahments of t h c ^ t c h up In April, when Large Slxe Mr S u i ^ r « nAMlfrJ11® a t t h e e n d ^ t h e th l rw *?****: Lowell high school Home Ecooom-|Week Independent Drug Stores. Mr. Calller carired on a poultry I n t h e c l o 9 | n K p e r i o d the Lowell ^ department. There is no c h a r g e , .carry on.

boys fought off a Beldlng challenge | You buy linen In February all to grab a 44 to 40 verdict to the Joy | , m . , month nnd one week live on kraut of a large following of Lowell fans. JOmCS RenCOUX, A f h S f l a n d frankfurters. Fortunately

H o c W a n r l r n u c M n n i r pickles, honey, peanuts, cherries, n a s V f o n a r o u s M a g i c donuts, apples, raisins, wines.

buslneeB until ho was taken sick a full and ac-

L p w o R H . S . T u e s d a y spread throughout the whole year. Maybe our stomachs would rather

, national president from Hers- Mr. Kuyper pointed out the future o f 1*0 ,1^ ; 13 grandchildren and Z ^ u n ^ r 10 5 1 ^ ^ R e n « u x and his amaaln? show " t ^ e b r a t e " " " " ^ - " - ' c h l M r e n , n ^ l e .111 be pre-, w . ^

and jwssidlnt of the Michigan aaso-1 ^he complete village report wllll elation, will report on the national |he printed in next week's Ledger. convention.

A banquet Is planned for Tuesday

thtw. . . . ^ o t h y thing outmoded ^ h e r S r * n d W December W.jspeaker. Other hlghHfhts of the with the cigar store Indian is the rumble seat iif an automobile. . . .

I The economic expert who said, a few years ago, that the cost of your house should not exceed twice the amount of your assured annual In-come, is probably living In a tent

> today. . . . In some localities mar-riage ties get about the same amount of respect as Christmas tiss.

evening. March !1. C. W. Otto, Highway Dept. .manager of the Lansing Chamber ^ i r

will be the main

1944 at Leyte.

B-P W o m e n D i s c u s s

'corffcrence will be the election of • officers and awarding of honorary I state farmer degrees.

Worthwhile Projects Comimmity Recreation Contort for ChMroo

Senior Cost Chosen For Hay March 30-31

The characters have been chosen for the Senior play, "The Man on the Stairs", to be given March 80-81 In the high school auditorium.

Roeelynn Collins, of Lowell, will take part of Aunt Molly Bremmer, a forgetful elderly woman who has'New Mexico. seen the man on the stairs. Doris Oooklngham, of Lake Drive, has been chosen for the part of Mary

S T J S I Z Z lege friend will be played by Stan P r o f M , , l o n l 1 1 C l u b

, Kelly of Grand Rapids. Fred Al- 1 r w , e n i -

The regular March meeting of the Business and IVofesslonal Women's Club met Monday eve-ning with Mrs. John Abraham and Mrs. Helen Eyke aaslstlng. At the business meeting the survey of business women in Lowell and other projects were further dis-cussed. Mrs. Robert Hahn then asked Mrs. Jefferies to present the news side of the club nnd the handling of news by the local paper. Mrs. Theo Perry gave an interesting article on Public Af-fairs Committee for Mrs. William Doyle .who is visiting In Carlsbad,

Boy Scouts Active |n Spring Projects

As the final whistle sounded the W e h a v e observances for heroes two teams were deadlocked In a Ti l rwl f i nnl!^ w e h a v e n ® v e r h e a r d a b o u t W® 44 to 44 tie which necessitated a d a y 8 o f f a m l U a r religious oc-three minute overtime period. Dur- j S y poaeible by cajjona and for charities. Babies, Ing this overtime the Greenville ^ 1 ^ r l e : , I j VVfute. sponsor of the a nd Girl Scouts, business wom-

T o D i s c u s s P r o b l e m s j H I O p H l l g F r O J C U S ter 3 for a 51 to 47 vtewjy tor f £ i ? L t e g i l ! S 8 t u r e ,H T B i c t l 8 t u r ' • a j „ u | a ^ r J Greenville. Both teams lost writing, hobbles and laughs come In M a r c n 1 4 s e s s i o n The Boy Scouts of Lowell Troop usble players via the foul route and ! i i ^ I n t o t h e i r o w n - W e h a v e d a t®8 f o r

r.mnrt Rj.nids has been chosen as 102 wl11 b*™ an Apple Sale on Sat-'as the game ended three of L o w - y 'T°" coin machines, watch inspection, v * Boy Scout, will c a n v ^ ' e l T s regulars were forced out o f i 1 ^ ^ ^ * " t h * bow ties and straw hats.

i f f i d i - and a^mlnlstrato™ ^ ' t h e community offering for s a l e Z con^st. 11 8 , 1 m f l y 8 0 U n d ^ t o ^ b , l t

.11 of the players .nd Howe ^ ^ •" U " m W o m e

of L o . " ' " . surrounding .errlloryl j ^ ^ n ^ t a

T o U s e S l m p l o E a s e l s Hotel Pantllnd will house the Iventlon.

Mrs. Effle Curran, Sth District Chairman, Mrs. Georgia Laughton. Chairman Public Affairs and Mrs

way Conference, March 14. 16, 16. ^ a P 0 1 " * ^ P ^ e e d s of this - - 0 .sale goes into the Jamboree and

'Camping Fund. Community recreation centers or I" T h e a n n ua l conference sponsored , T.h® l?

o r a n i i t i?®m®n l ' n d e 5 th® nursery schools could use to advan- b t h e university of Michigan, the i ^ € „ ^ 0 ' ' C h a r , e a a n d • tage an Idea from Shirley Newsomlg^g highway department and the D ! f k a r e P6 8 >asketball fans. of t h e Michigan SUte College C o Unty Road Association of Mlch-jwil-' l h e b o y s

Igan has been gro wing In size and| Scouts snd Cubs at Circus scope, so that It is now too large to1 Local* Bcout s are preparing to be held In Ann Arbor where It orlg participate In the Scout Circus to Inated 84 years ago. Every phase ^ ^ l h e stadium In Grand of highway administration, con Rapida. April 21 and 22. a t which atructlon and maintenance from ac- time t in Scouts from seven coun-countlng procedures to sub-zero tieg wflj j^rt . road care will be discussed In tech-- The Cub I^ck sponsored by the V nlcal and general sessions. jLowell Rotary Club and led by!®!', the Rev. Leroy Whitney offlci-

At the annual banquet those em- Charles HU1 will have as their part »tlng.

thaus. of Lowell, as Mike Moron, an old desert miner Is a friend of Uncle James, played by Ron Wood, also of Lowell. Tom Richmond, Lowell, the slick city lawyer; De-lores Lock, Ada, as Victoria TVouble; Charlyn Croninger, Ada, as Gwen Murdock and Gladys Stevens. Lowell, as Mrs Murdock. also play prominent parts.

The play published by the Row. Peterson Company Is a mystery-comedy in three acts.

Former Lowell Lady Weds Wyandotte Man

Mr. and Mrs. Vern E. Ashley announce the marriage of their daughter, Maryan, of Wyandotte, to Oorl L. Slegel also of Wyan-dotte, son of Mrs. Chas. Slegel and the late Mr. Slegel, of Burlington, Iowa.

* The marriage was solemnized at Feb. 28, in the Preebyterlsn Church at Ferguson, Mo. The bride's only attendant was her sister, Mrs. Byron D. Field and the groom's best man was Mr. Field.

Following the ceremony a family dinner.was given at the Field home In Ferguson, Mo. Out-of-town g u e s t s Included Miss Jane

' Meadows of Detroit and the Ash-leys of Lowell.

Mich. Dairy Producers Also Oppose A&P Suit

The Midwest Producers Cream-eries, Inc., opposed government re-strictions on distributors of dairy products "such as the Great Atlan-tic ft Pacific Tea Company" dur-ing Its recent annual meeting at South Bend.

The action was taken In the form of a resolution adopted by the group which includes 21 creanlery associations representing more than 8,000 farmers in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee.

The resolution called for opposi-tion, on the part of the dairy pro-ducers, to unjust government at-tacks on distributors handling their products. It cited the A ft P case and emphasized that this com-pany had done much to Increase the consumption of dairy products and other foods.

The government anti-trust divi-sion currently Is seeking through the courts to brsak up the A ft P and to divorce the present owners from all of the company's opera-tions.

The resolution further stated that anything done to

nursery school staff. She observed It In action at the Museum of Mod-ern Art In New York City as a Christmas vacation enterprise, i Art activities appeal to children of all ages and are as easy to pro-vide In your town as in New York. Simple easels may be merely site-able squares of plywood or wall-board tilted against the wall on a shelf of convenient height with a box or trough to hold paints and brushes. Even this simple equip* ment would not be necessary as most children over five can manage quite well on large pieces of paper spread on a low table or on the floor.

At one table the New York chil-dren combined bits of fabric, pa-per, cardboard and feathers on pa-per with paste and all ages seemed to enjoy It.

Children's work Is

school Tuesday evening.

Edwin L. Crow. Aged 85 ' South Boston ©ranqe

and months, who thinks that Americans might be teched In the head."

Retired Printer Passes ™6 r«ful*r w"Ung of the south 0 Celebrates 'Boston Grange will be held Satur- ^ ' w

Funeral services were held \n;day. March 11, at 8:30 p. m. The Ambassador Committee of

the Pomona Grange. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Benedict. Mr. and Mrs

Birthday hi Illinois About forty relatlvee and friends

gathered at the home of Mr. and

Urnnd Rapids Tuesday afternoon for Edwin L. Craw and burial serv-ice was In Oakwood cemetery. L o w - U C . . C U . U V , aw. a..u u a . o . T „ . CAOT^V-Q*

John Leland and Mr. and Mrs. ^ ^ E. F u h r n w , W Peale part ." '"g- ;Marvel Neeb, will be guests that P1- ^ f f 5 u n ^ y T

ployees who have been with the of the Circus a replica of the Low-1 Mr. Craw was a well known re- evening. I Mrs. FUhrman • Ifcther, JL O Hood. State Highway Department 20 andi en Showboat and they already a r e ! t l r e d printer and passed away Sat-; After the business meeting we'll c e |® t , r ^ e " l s &>rd mrtnoay. 25 years will be presented with cer- busy with preparations which will urday morning at his home In play cards for the evening's enter-1 t IT — Grand Rapids He Is survived hyitainment. Bring cards and card ^ ^ . ^ 1 ^ " ! f

one daughter. Miss Ethelyn Craw, tables and wear something g r e e n •U untU 1918 when the family muv-at home; one son. Roy Brannan iIn honor of St. Patrick. Women are ^ J i 0 i m n o i s ^ e r e he sUll resides. Craw, of Detroit: two grandchll-to wear housedresses. ' T h o s e attending the party from tmmmmmmmm nro- L o w e 1 1 , a n d v l o i T l i ty a r e : M r a n d

Mrs. Verne Bryant and daughter, Helen, Dean Bryant, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bryant and daughter,

tlflcates of loyal service.

Student Librarians

.demand a lot of time and work, i The Soout Troop sponsored by the Lowell Methodist Church for the boys of this community have as

A t t e n d C o W o H r t h o D t h e i r P*11^ , n t h e Circus the dem-i d r e n ' o n e great-grandson, and one| Potluck supper after the w , ' • onstratlon of the Morse signaling 'n ePh c w . D r- Bert Edwin Quick, of gram.—Grange Reporter.


Evening Extension Class The Lowell evening Extension

group met Wednesday, March 1, a t the home of 'Mrs. Anthony


; M a ^ r o ^ , n r d b ; r o f t h e W C ™ - ^ B u r e a u M T ^ The Snow Community Farm B u - ' B ^ n t and daughter. Sue Carol. A

reau were guests of Mr. nnd Mr. C h a r ' ^ J " 0 * 1 of Ifckwood.

On Thursday, March 9. the first art. workshop for student librarians in the northern half of Kent County Was held at Oaklelgh school. The

mount«d"*o that Ihey ,111 self-conscious. Parents watch thru S ^ S n i i ^ S i n i l S i d^e^ted b\ o ^ n d o o r ^ y s unnoticed by busy i M 8 ^ ^ l b r a p l M ^Inire Gale, n ^ " Maiw^i t B l b M ^ ' ^ t . ^ v 1 " e l a t l v C B r r o m ^ I s way attend-1 The topic for discussion wasl children. Parents provide a b M ^ ^ h fhe Mnlstnncxi of Ttntty Tnnt ji , i I Ji RinHrPtt hnsnitTi ^i'l,nK f u n e r a l services Saturday, ,"Oan Co-ops Solve the Farmers'! tin board at home where children bookmobUs librarian of the ^ - o z gir^^dn lily i M a r - 4 a t P o n t i a c f o r ^ Stephen Probleme?" We know that Co-;

lr work.l,, ... T ,. 1 omuira »vaj. I „ .. . onor«»ivp« Vmv« o-luAn «hn fnrmor nl

.MANY IN ATTENDANCE AT — w W1 . ^ = •' ••• - I L E E eUMMINOS FUNERAL Fr^o l e Camp.u « the hall Friday ^ L l f r o ^ l e t

To Mr. nnd Mrs. Ralph Bunn.( Relatives from this way attend-1

Campfire Girls C a I C i l0 8nB^HntL8 P l r» 1 County Library staff, aimed at glv-' ' "" " """ " " " w [Cummlngs who was fatally shot operatives have given the farmer a j

enjoy. Inexpensive prints of good pictures are available now and should be within the reach of small towns and organizations.


mation on the use of basic Mbrary March 6, at Blodgeti hospital, a 7 tools, and develop different display lb- ' 4 oz- 8'r1 ' Mary Ellen.

To Mr. and Mrs. W. H Culver of Knlamazoo, March 2, a daughter,

Ideas for their school libraries The Kent County Ubrary Is pio-

neering In the field of student jm A nne, weighing 6* lbs.. 14~oz8" workshops. No other county library I

Ken Hasper, a student of the In Michigan has held such an ac-| To Mr. and Mrs. Byron D. Field. Grand Rapids School of Bible and tlvK/ for library assistants. The 825 Plantmore Dr.. Ferguson. Mo.. Music, will be the speaker at the he'd at a daughter. Mary Susan. Feb. 4.

Y r ' r ; The meeting will be held in the county. Campbell Brethren Church, located j students from twelve schools at-slx miles South of Clarksvllle on tended. Representatives from Low-Vedder Road, this Saturday eve- ell were Mrs. Thelma Hahn, Marian

Nemiya Group _ The Nemiya Oampflre Group met

m , r . by deninding that the best of 'ma-1 ^ t h their leader. Mrs. Arnold I t lca were tsrials be used in fertlliiers a n f l ^ ^ b l l d last week Wednesday at

His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jay an seeds be teeted. ber home. The girls made two dlf-Cummlngs of Saranac; Frank j Our banquet will be held Friday,! e r e n t k l n d a of candles end planned Cummlngs and family of Bridge- March 81. at 7:30 in the Masonic aprons to be made to be put ton; Mr. and Mrs. Erin Carlson T«mP l« ^ Lowell. See F r a n k on display at the Spring Council and family of Comstock Park; i 1 ^ ^ 8 or Henry Brown for tickets. : F l r e-Mr. and Mm. Chas Rennells, Mrs. " M r B - L t * t * r ^ ton ldes . Reporter.

Vivian Zimmerman and Mr. and F L o r a MAY ARMSTRONG, 75

dealers will result in loss of dairy products consumed."

nlng, March 11. Mr. Hasper has appeared for

many Youth for Christ meetings hinder such j and will bring a challenging mes-

V i f f a g e E l e c t i o n

Notice Is hereby given to the Qualified Electors of the Village of

Kropf. This was the second lesson!Lowell, Michigan, that the next reg-on rug making. The next meeting lular vtllage election will be held at will be held Wednesday evening. {Lowell City Hall, within said Vll-

sage for young people. We Invite you to enjoy an in-

spirational song service and spe-cial music from the Grand Rapids School of the Bible and Music.

Everyone Is Invited to attend the service which will begin at 7:45 p. m.

Fuss. Nancy Wood, Delores Collins and Mary Jane 'Paauwe

Jean Ashley of Lowell.


Tie Lowell Sportsman's Club will sporsor a pancake supper with all

April 22 is the date for a r e g i o n a l of the "fixings at the Lowell city meeting of student librarians, spon- ball. Tussday. March 28. Harley — - . in n I M ^ r\ ' S V. e%nnr% m I * i sored by Michigan State Library, to be held In Sexton high school. Lansing.

April 5, with Mrs. Arie Lceman.


Mrs. George Johnson and Mrs. O. R. Thompson are in charge of

Hhe Red Cross campaign In the Lowell area and with their corps of volunteers are working this week to attain the goal set for Lowell.

Any person who la not oontacted may leave their voluntary oon-trtbutions at Thompson's Market.

lage on Monday, March 13, 1950, at which election the following Village officers are to be elected, viz: Village President, Village Clerk. Village Treasurer, Village Assessor, all for one year; and three Trustees for two-year terms.

The polls of said election will open at 7 o'clock a. m., or as soon thereafter as may be, and will re-main open until 8 o'clock p. m.. Eastern Standard Time, on said day of election.

LOUIS KINGSLEY, c45 Clerk of Said VUlsre.


Tryouts for the play chosen by the Village Players of Lowell will be held Sunday afternoon, March 12, at 4:30 In the downstairs room of the city hall. Everyone Interest-ed Is urged to come.

We are convinced there la suf-ficient talent In Lowell for a good production—so push off that basket hiding your ability and come to the city hall next Sunday afternoon to ry out for the play.

Ledger ads pay big dividends.


The Vergennes Methodist Chursh will hold a family night at the Lone Pine Inn on March 17th. This Is for all the friends of the church. Special music on the Hammond )rgan nnd other features will

York Is chairman of the committee for this event. All of the money raised by this supper will be used n defraying the expenses towards

planting several hundred more phe.-isants In this vicinity during the coming season. c45

Whltneyville Extension Group

Whltneyvllle Extension Group was held in the home of Mrs. Frank Warner Thursday, Feb. 16. Meeting

naice this "an outstandlnK St. PaV->11( ,d t ° o ^ e r by the chairman •Ick's party. The W. S. C. S. Is In Mrs. Nlek VanTulnen. Project was charge of the meeting. The Farm bureau of Vergennes Community IBS frrac'ously changed dates to enable the special features of the )arty to be present.

Spring Gabardine Topcoats

AH wool gabardine topcoats. 3ravenetted to shed showers. New haf'fts of grey and tan. J43.75 at 3oons.

on the second lesson of rug making. It was voted that each member

make a towel for Camp Vlnlng Lodire.

Valentines were exchanged and games played and lunch was served bv the hostsss.

—Mrs. Howard Norrls, Reporter

Halle Sslassle claimed descent re"" Solomon and iue (juetm oi heba.

Mrs Ashby of Grand Rapids; Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Rennells of Frultport; Mr. and Mrs. Chris

Oklho Group .

At our Oampflre meeting Tues-day, we made napkin ring holders. DIES; BURIAL SATURDAY

Miss Flora May Armstrong, 75, 'to be sent to the VFW hospital „ . , , . „ ^ passed away early Tuesday morn- w ® ^ joining in the birthday Kropf and Mr. and Mrs. Delberi | n g )n d a r k Memorial Home and celebrstioo of the Campfire Girls Kropf of Lowell and Mr. and Mrs. ^urlsJ services •will be In Oak wood of America. —Scribe. Wilbur Berry of Grattan Center, cemetery Saturday afternoon. i :

Mr. Cummlngs, formerly of | Surviving are two nieces, M r s . M E E T I N G S HAVE Lowell, was a conservation officer i L u e l l a E - 11411 of Howard City and EXCELLENT ATTENDANCE at Utica for 22 years and was well ^ J ^ 9 0 1 ^ 0 ' S f , ? n a r ' T h e "PecM meetings at the Low-and favorably known. His funeral S t v 6 , 1 N a a R r e n o Church are being re-was largely attended. l ! celvedwith a very fine attendance.

Ri rHARn ON AN WMP MAQ ^ f , n e P r e , l c h l n « ^ d musical

Sewing Susies Club ^

M™; T n ^ V — ^ ^ . h t h S l p Z ^ H ^ — t ^ i L ^ March meeting at the home of o f W e s t e r n M l c h l g i m College for talents to present an inspiring Lois Bergy on Thursday, March t h e fjrgt semester according to an.Gospe1 message In song. 2. We are making pretty good pro- analysis of the records which hosj The public Is cordially Invited to gress In our sewing. We plan to j uat been completed. He made an attend these services which begin have our work almost finished by all A record, the highest academic | e a c b evening at 8:00 end will be our »>ext meeting. record attainable in the college. jrunnlng through Sunday March 12.

:HAS. DENNIS SERVICE MGR. After the business meeting we were served with delicious refresh-ments of sandwiches, Jello and cake.—Carolyn Warner, Reporter.


The West Michigan Swine Breed-ers' Association reglrtered bred gilt show and sale is being held this Saturday, March 11, at the C. H. Rundmui Implement building, starting at 10:83.


A IS-minute motion picture In olor portraying field training ac-

tivities of the Michigan National

Melvin J. Lewis announces that he has acquired the services of Charles Dennis as new manager n the service department of Lewis

Guard at Its historical training j Slectrlc Co. and he will assume the site at Camp Grayling has been i )oeItIon Immediately.

iduced by the Adjutant General's Mr. Dennis haa had years of o'flce. The film, 16-mllllmeter with- experience In servicing all types o it sound, may be obtained on a o«n baoli from the Adjutant Gen-

eral's office at Lanalng.

of electrical equipment and has )«fcn In Reed City in that type of

work for the past five years. p45


T h e L o w e U M f e r M o s e k s y - M u m i y L a k e Mrs. Eva Engle •Otmp* U| tiq«X«d tuondiJOBqus nv

•nd ALTO 80L0

Donna Jean Ford will give a demonstration of home free*erB at the Frank Reugieger home March IB.

Ted Elhart and daughters of Hol-... u ^ » 1 Mr. and Mrs. Lary Rich and son . J ? ' 1 ^ r ' - i S ! f f i * J . i £ I l J i , o f Beldlng spent Friday night and land were Sunday afternoon callers I K ; Saturday Bt the Fnutk the Ed Pn.ll .nd Clayton Engl. 1917. Th« Lowtll Journal MUbllnhed lM4.lhome. |homes.

S s r " ^ " " "• t T a ^ K c * „ n Z r . PublUbed •*«ry Thunday motning tt the Ladles Alu Tnursday, Mm. »• 1 t 110 EmI M«l"rsirwt. LoW«U. Entcrrd tt Po#lofflc« at LoweU, Michigan, u 8«cond Clus Blatter. R.Q. Jefferies. Editor and Publlaher

Member Michigan Prew AuoclatUa


To all points In Lower Michigan: Ona Year $2.00. Six months $1.28. Throe months 70c. Single Copies Be.

To all pelnts In continental Jnlted States outside Lower Michigan: One Tear $2.50. Six Months $1.40.

Three Months 75c

Friday In Lansing. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Klumpp, M r a n d M r B ftufc ottenwels

Jr.. and daughter of Grand Rapids o f 0 r i | n d R.pidB 9 p e n t Sunday spent Sunday with Mr. and Mts a f t e r n o o n a t t h e EJ. h o m e , Lee Keech. j j | r . and Mrs. Laurence Pratt of

Leo Pratt is driving a new car g p a r U c a I , e d o n t h e l r b r o t h e r i E d Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kitchen of ttnd f ( i m l l y a w e e k a u n .

Grand Rapids were Friday evening d a y supper guests of their daughter, Mrs. Lee Keech and family.

Mrs. Jennie Kropf and Mr. and Mrs. Dell Kropf of Lowell attended the funeral of their cousin, Con-

servation oflcer Lee Cummlngs, at

East Compou Lake Mn. Lyie Ellis

Pontiac Saturday.

pearl buttons and Hnksl


Mr. and Mrs. Howard Norrla and family called on her mother,

_ Mn. elen O'Connor in Holland "jj Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Shaffer and son Terry had Sunday dinner with his sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Slater, at Clarks-vllle.

Mrs. Earl Sinclair who has spent the last three weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Bert Thompson, has returned to her home.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jousma of east Caledonia called at the Ray-mond Shaffer home Sunday eve-ning.

Miss Lois Jean Thompson, daugh-ter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thomp-son, was honored with a birthday party, March 4th. It waa her tenth birthday and there were • sight guests present to help her cele-brate.

Dirk J. Venema of Snow Ave., and Miss Shirley Ellla of McCords Ave., enjoyed Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. John Laughan at Lowell.

Mr. and Mra. Howard Norrls took their son, Kenneth, to Ann Arbor Monday, Feb. 27. for a med-ical examination.

James Harig of North Dorr visited hi* uncle, Maynard Harig, and family on McCords Ave., Sun-day afternoon. James Is home on leave from the Navy. He has been stationed at Key West, Fla.

W t i i t n t y v R l e Mrs. Lvuls M. DouglMa • 11 . 81IT1,.,

T h e Whltneyville Extension group will meet on Wednesday, March IB, at 1:80 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Nick VanTulnen on Snow Ave. This is instead of at the home of Mrs.. Laverne Blocher as previously planned. The lesson will be on program planning, Mrs Ann Norria, report-er.

The Mareh PTA will be held at the school on March 17 at 8 p. m. For the program there %111 be two pictures put on by the Michigan Department of Hetlth. They are Tuberculosis Health pic-tures entitled "Goodbye Mr. Oerm" and "Going Home". Arthur Bills of Wyoming Park will have chargc of the films. This Is free of charge nnd paid for by the Christmas Seal money. It Is to the interest of everyone to come out and learn all they can about what haa been done and new things tried for the dread disease that takes so many lives each year, Mrs. Marvin De-Bruyn and Mrs Ben Poftma are the program committee for the March meeting.

Don't forget the W. S. IL, S. meets with Edith Zoet this Tlfcirs-day p m. Everyone welcome. ,

The ladles met with Mrs. Jwn Warner Wednesday p m. and worked on cancer bandages. They completed the work for this year. It was a bad day but they accom-plished a lot.

Beginning next Sunday, March 12. there will be services at the Whltneyville church at 10 a. m. Rev. Harold Cherry will be the minister to bring the meaaage Anyone Interested is welcome to attend.

Mr. and Mrs. William Bates of Newaygo were guests of Mrs Maude Cooper from Friday after-noon until Sunday forenoon. They all called on Mr and Mrs. Marion Clark on Whltneyville Road Sat-urday evening and enjoyed seeing

•filament rayon c r e p e Y o u r ikiru pTadlcally cry for eloquently ilmple cla$ilc

ihlrt In lobtex Mulli-flloment rayon crepe, ever lovely

...ever waihable. Tailored like a man's $hirt...with

square pearl buttons and links to enhance its femininity.

Convertible club collar, action-back...all the things

you love. White and pastels. Sites 30 to 40.

Famous SHIP 'n SHORE quality as advertised

in leading fashion magazines and L IFI .

Bowne Center Methodist Church Notes

The Children's Group and the w . S. C. S. had their regular meet-ing Wednesday at the hall, small crowd attended on account of bad weather. It was decided at this time to send supplies such as

litowels, wash cloths, pillowcases, letc., to the Bromaon hospital, Kala-1 maaoo. Those wishing to help, I please bring articles to the church or leave with Mrs. Earl Nash, who jds chairman of same, soon as pos-lalble.

Choir practice Wednesday eve-nln«.

Remember the services at Alto Methodist Church every evening at 7:48.

Services at Bowne Center every Sunday.

Sunday School—10:18 a. m. Preaching Services—11:00 a. m.

Rev. G. F. Bohtho, Pastor.

Whltnayvllla Locals

Mr. and Mrs. Forraat Graham and Richard of East Belt Line were Tuesday evening dinner guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Carl Graham.

Mr. and Mm. Charles Aldrlch nnd Jackie were Sunday dinner guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Aldrlch and son on Thornapple River Dr.

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Biggs of Alpine Rd. were Sunday* guests of their brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pyard and family.

Sympathy of this community goes out to Mrs. R. M. Ferrall In the passing of her father, Clarence Werdon. Mrs. Ferrall taught a number of years In the Whltney-ville school.

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Scott of Caledonia were Wednesday eve-ning dinner guests of their par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Donovan Bates and daughter Joyce.

Mr. and Mrs. George Linton and Jack were Sunday evening callers of Mr. and Mrs Ray Linton In Alto.

Mrs. Margaret Graham attended a shower honoring Mrs. Kenneth DeLeeuw of Cascade Rd. It was held at the home of Mrs. Ben Postma.

Dick Winters of Grand Rapids and of the S. S. Union was a Fri-day caller of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Graham. - Miss Ejsle Mulder of Fulton Rd. near Ada was a guest of Jack BUSTS-Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Buys. This was In honor of Jack's 21st birthday.

Miss Mary Landegend a n d friends of Grand Rapids were Sun-day evening callers of the form-er's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Donovan Bates.

Raymond Patterson spent the week-end with his grandparents,

Mr. nnd Mrs. Jay Vandftnberg of Grand Rapids were Friday evening callers of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sauers.

their new home. Mr. and Mni. iM r a n d M r g Lewis McDIarmld Bates visited old friends in Ha8t-i in W e 8 t B o w n e

ings Sunday. { Mr and Mrs. Russell Keller were Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dahlke j l n a n a c c | d e n t this past week

and Larry visited her parents, Mr. j ^ e n their car was forced off the and Mrs. Herman Snyder in ^ l e - 1 r o a d by another. They received donla Saturday p. m. minor cuts and bruises and there

Mrs. Tlllle McCarthy and Owen w r a a Con8iderable damage to theli-Murtaugh of Grand Rapids were c a r >

Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. j M r a n d Mrs. Peter Buys and Munnlck. family were Sunday evening sup-

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schmuker a n d . p e r guests of her brother, James Donald of Grand Rapids were g y t a m a a n d family on Breton Rd. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and V e r a received a call Sun-Mrs. Frank Warner and family. d a y morning that her brother

Mrs. Ben Postma of McCord? 8 e e m g t o ^ coming along very called on Mrs. L. M. Douglass w e j j n o w ^ough he will be in the Sunday afternoon. hospital for a week or so longer.

Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs nripanr Rowt were Mr. and Mrs

Whltnayvilis Locals

The Whltneyville Grangers are Inviting their members and friends in for an eve-lng of dancing this Friday evening, March 10th. There will be a lunch.

James PeBruyn and Miss Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Aludgett of Grand Rapids were Sunday callers a t the Rockefellow-De-Bruyn home.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Flynn and family were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Luneke In Caledonia.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Forney of Grand Rapids were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sauers.

Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Flynn were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Flynn and Clare Flynn of Bowne and Jimmy Flynn of Grand Rapids. i

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Flynn call-ed on Mr. and Mrs. Roger Flynn and family in Caledonia Sunday evenlng to see their new baby and later called on Mrs. Flynn's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Lor-ing.

Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, Tues-day, Mar. 14. Claude Scott will be co-host.

Mr and Mrs. Harold Rittfcnger called on Mr. and Mrs Harley Taylor at Lake Odessa Sunday.

South Lowell Imy Conten

Mrs. Mahlon Estes

The South LoweU Circle will meet Thursday, March 10, at the home of Mrs. Bertha Rittenger. Carolyn Stertlck will be co-hostess

The Sweet 4-H Busy Bodies and their parents had a very good time at the school Monday night.

Mrs. Eric Strand returned to her home Tuesday from Blodgett hos-pital where she had been a patient since Thursday.

Mrs. Wm. Bennett was taken to Blodgett hospital Thursday and must remain f o r an indefinite time.

Mrs. Ahrin Wells and Mn. O. K. Graham attended the Wo.nen's Committee of the Farm Bureau, in Grand Rapids, Friday.

The Sweet Community Farm Bureau will meet at the home of

5 Dr. C. T. S Ionia, Michigan


^ Your eyes scientifically re-) fracted; frames and mount-N Ings, styled In the moat mod-S irn types to fit y o u Indlv-S ually.


Saturday evenlnis, 7:00-8:00 1:00 to 11:48 - 1:00 to 4*0

Sunday callers at the Mahlon Estes home wore Mr. and Mrs. Ferll Mlllhaupt and Mr. and Mrs. A. L Rodgers.

A want ad will sell that unwanted article.

' g l U B O O m n i y W I T l f N B A C H " . a i K t f R V i a

s i s : UtfOVKC


C J i o t


W. MAIN SI • • • PHONE 221


National Wildlife Restoration Week will be observed March 19-25, by Michigan schools, sports-men's clubs and other organisa-tions.

A Ledger want ad will make both the buyer and seller happy.

i i e u « o t

D K I V I t A M L Y A N D f A V I UVRSi f A F E C A R

C. H. Runciman Co. Motor Sales Lee PKsch, Service Mgr.

Cor. Main and Hudson 5ts. Lowell, Miun. Jay Boa'anSi Manager Phone 222

Andrew Zoet were Mr. and Ben Zoet of Logan Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Henry DeSoto, Mr. and Mrs. Don Zoet and family and Mr. and Mrs Henry Boeskol of Grand Rap-Ids. "We are glad to see Andy out again and able to look after the chores.

Virginia Sprldgeon was a Sat-urday guest of her Grandma Shriver while her parents moved the rest of their household goods to Grand Rapidt. Virginia has been quite sick with Jaundice but hopes she can soon be bacl^ in school.

Mr. and Mrs. James Vanderjagt and daughter Mary Lou of Hol-land called on the former's sister, Mrs. Clarence Broeretha and fam-ily Sunday p. m. Mrs. Broersma is feeling some better but thinks there In chance for lots of Im-provement yet

Mr. and Mrs. Reed Cooper and mother, Mrs. Maude Cooper, called at the Howard Stanton home Sun-day afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Vern Aldrlch, Don-nie and Darrel were birthday lunch guests of Mr. and Mrs. B l a i n e Venneman celebrat Ing Blaine's birthday last week Tues-day evening.

Jack Rockefellow is sick with pneumqnia but feeling more com-fortable this Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sarver and Ivan of 100th St., called on their grandma , Mrs. Laura Fountain and brothers, Ray and Ralph Gilman Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hopkins are enjoying a new television set. Sun-day guests were Mr. and Mrs. Guy Decker and children of Grand Rapids and George Ellis of Whlt-neyville Rd.

Mrs. H. Raab, daughter Lindy and Eugene of Caledonia and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Warren and Arloa of Grand Rapids were supper guests of Mr. and Mr, Jarold Raab and family Friday evening, helping Jarold, Sr., celebrate his birthday.

Mrs. Lena Wood of McCords was a Monday afternoon caller of Mrs. Maude Cooper.

Mrs. Clara Aldrlch and son Darrell were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Aldrlch and Jackie Saturday.

Terry Flynn will return to school Monday after being absent four weeks. We are hoping there will be no more sick vacations for him this year.

Mrs. Doris Linton and Mrs Laura Fountain were Caledonia visitors Saturday p. m.

Michael and Freddie Keller were overnight guests of Raymond P a t terson Wednesday n igh t x

Friday evening callers of Mr. and Mrs. Pnter Buys and fjunfly were her brother, Ueorge Sytama and family Saturday evening callers were her brother, John, and family. aB of

- r -


You'll Find It Poys to Shop ot A&P Because





We want to be good dtizena in the towns in which we do business.

We try to earn that rat-ing by doing the follow-ing things:

1. Giving our ens-tomers good food and good service at low prices.

2. Deal ing honest ly and fairly with onr

pliers, and o w petitors.

3. F a m i s h i n g goad jobs and good op* portanWea far ad-vancement to die local citlaens who work for oa.

4. C o o p e r a t i n g Ib worthy civic activi-ties.

Are we good citiaeiu in your town? If not, we Mould consider It a favor if yon would let oa know.

Please write:

A&P Food Stores 420 Lexington Ai New York 17, N. Y.






Me. •



4 ^ 25c

1 ^ 3?c Doff6 Cri'iwtd

PtCAPflf r 2k 1 m

AM Pate KETCHUP i i !

11.69 SALAS'DRESSING * * 4 l l

t 25c ffowfonft or SANI-FIUSH - Ill

6 ^ 33c ftomon CLEANSER % - ^ f i t

U-OI. slon FUS NAPTHA 3 20c

6 • 4k Armour'i CORNED K E F

29C Mraf DOG FOOD ' - l l

^ 25c toby too CRAPE JAM 2 " 3 * !

H E SMMy, UMp ar Caaafcei TOMATO JWCI ~ ITL


tantoFlNr 5 £ 39c

HO* 2lc

MYAl GELATIN 4 f i e

CftMkea ef Nw tee CRATED TUNA $ 3 t

SIHoln tf SahNN ' * - T I «



Ckef •er-Ar-fee DINNER


lb. On. 41e



t ^ f k



N k l w 13c

S t4c RED CNERRIES N*. 1 CM t k CORN f j j g


a. CM 47c N*. 903 com J5e S x

Jvky Florida


PORUBEAHS I ' — ~ flc

i-a. p* 32e fcrftaM

ORANGES I £ 6Sc RED B U N S ' "Ifc

Crisp, SoM — 40 She* READ LETTUCE •Odl

I f t RAISED DONUT S ST* 29c American Ctrat Mt feed

we*, u.s. w*. i r •llo* r Iced or PMn

S ST* 29c CHEO-fl BIT 2 Tic

ONIONS 5 »>. bo, f i t RAISIN BREAD ft-*" 15c 2 Tic cam. a*o-sft sfz ORANCES

a dot. 31c

iaae Patrfcor Xoih BROWN TT SERVE * . * 1 1 i i .

or FABST-ETT j i g

tunmmkl RAISINS • trtl V/l n v 4 ft. Ha. M C

R InaianolA

COFSTCAKE - 25C Chow iriNnunRN ^ Mc

P8UNES F ft.*. SOT No* CROSS BUNS 1 a . - i a j j ! NICK CHEESE • ^ I F C

TUe, Dm, Mnso Oreft, Vel Swwwow's


Ifa. pfcf- 2 S t I f f t f i f - 2 $ c t » 2 7 e

Lowell Bliss Bompmy

• Rtilhraring Mirrore

• Glass Tops

• Saftiy Glass

• Windows RtplMd

1 1 7 I . M a i n S t

U w A M i c h .

Of all worry-and-tlme-savlng de-vices I think the practice of an-swering letters on the day of re-ceipt Is the best.

"That's a beautiful necklace ou're wearing, dear," said the hus-and.

. . . . .



S h M t M M l W a r i i

lay H.Omrtfttti

R t t l d c n c c Phont 3 1 3


Mrs. Mabel Blbbler, former post-master of Lowell postofflco, Is now on the staff of the Paris-Wyoming Branch of the Union Bank of Mich-igan, located In South Grand Rap-Ids. Mrs. Blbbler Is still a resident of Lowell.

The Lowell fire department was called out Thursday morning about 10:30 when fire broke out In the Wesley Oould home. Investigation found the small children had been playing with matches In a bedroom and the bed had caught fire, also setting fire to other pieces of fur-niture. The bla*e was checked with little damage to the home.

Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Purchase were Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ellsworth and daughter, Mrs. Clara Purchase and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Robinson, all of Orand Rapids.

Lowall Locals

Mrs. Kerns Ashworth and son of

Lowell Locsls

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Haysmer Lansing were guests of her porents, spent part of last week In Byron Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Hosley, over the Center visiting her sister and hus-week-end. band, Mr. oml Mrs. Chas. Whorley.

Mars. Jack Tnrnga, wno has been

So. Kttnt—N. Boston Mrs. Mary Fetter

attended a 4-H Club meeting At the A. Peterson home near Ionia, Monday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hale and family were supper guests Sunday Jolly Community Club meets

- ^ « ? n . n d ^ t ' - l l c r 8 ^ M r - 8 n d ,! , rB H * * ' week Wednesday. Mar. 18,!of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kimball In spending a few weeks with her Philip Davenport were his mother, W|th Mrs. Frank Shores on M-91 'Harnnnc mother, Mrs Charles Doyle,^ Joined Christine Davenport^of Alpine f o r n p o t , u c k ( | l n n o r H a | e her husband In Beckley, W. Va., and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Klenk and last week. They expected to return children of Sparta.


and Ruby Fuller are program chairmen and Floyd Golds to their home In Detroit about I Mr. nnd Mrs. James Rosewarne .

M * r c h „ of Grand Rapids and King Doyle w n r k p r l M

Robert Schneider of Minneapolis, w e r p RUn(iay diimRr guests of Mr. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Louis

l B l 0 U « h T h u " d * y In St. X * M r , 8 n d M " , V ' 0 r t n d i M » r y . hospital. Grand Rapids, alOdessa

Mr and Mrs. Durns Olin were Sunday afternoon callers at the

has Auburn Olin home in Vergennes. Mrs. Cella Boss nnd son were

callers Sunday afternoon at the James Dean home near Lake

thur Schneider. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Sllcox of Alto

Rapids called In the evening. Mr

baby girl and their oldest dnugh- Mr. and Mrs. Theo Clemenr. and were Saturday evening callers o f r t _ , ' " . 1^ r / ' ' / l 1 " h * d t h e " P P " W* o f her 1 Donna of Grand Rapids were Sun-Mr. and Mrs. Valda Chaterdon. In ! m.?K i r ' lh t arm operated upon Friday day guests at the Glen Rlckert

M, • M#i Mm nnir.v, ah-r«,nn,i nf ? ? a t t l e ' Wash,, to attend a Club . . 1 . . . . ' j. Mr and Mrs Ralph Bberwtwd of ^ ^ c ' o n ' n t l o ^ " ' " Grand Rapids were Sunday eve- |

l l ^ , , 1 B e r , , w ™ " ™ -nlng callers of Mr. and Mrs Henry I " y d Beachum returned VanTatenhove. home from Blodgett hospital Sat-

Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Collins sn-.«rday the road to recovery.

Gabardine Topcoats a a a taibred b; DDNBROOK


C R A V E N E T T E P R O C E S S E D . « . shads showers




* 4 3 7 s -4 Other Gabardine Coats t t

$40.00 and I47JM

All Prices Include Tax


m o y 1 ? w h a t ns^wtl

The Back Supporter Mattress and Box Spring (built as separate units) are constructed to act together to provide proper euppoit and relax-ing comfort. The Back Supporter box spring is a level, sturdy foun-dation spring built as the correct base fi)r this mattress only. The Back Supporter Mattress, with its high density construction of lightly compressed colls of extra large di-ameter, gives restful, healthful body adjustment . . . buoyancy without bounce . . . not just extra firm, but designed to provide pos-itive, extra back support. And the Back Supporter is a fine looking product, too. On ordinary "firm" mattresses, or when bedboards are used, many* people complain of their arms "go-

ing to sleep"—apparently because the harsh surfaces Interfere with circulation. This does not occur with a Back Supporter mat t ress -there is sufficient surface flexibil-ity to gtve you fine sleep comfort as well as adequate back support.


ma» Site* n n n f h n r " A m " nOT |usi unoTirei Tirm

Many brands of commercial mat-tresses have "extra firm" models. Do not confuse these with the ad-vantages and benefits that the special construction of the Back Supporter Mattress may afford you. The reason for this Is the cor-rect functional use of materials and construction methods in a mattress as attractive as it is bene-ficial to many users.



Roth & Sons Co.

does your BACK ACHE? do you use BEDBOARDS?

is your weight above average?

. . . Y o u w i l l w a n t t o

I n v e s t i g a t e t h e


• PHONE 55 F U K N I T U I I E a n d F U N E R A L D I R E C T O R S


light magnifier which weeks aco I^nte reDorts thsv c l | P - o n t o • n ordinary 25-100 watt

«... A..U »..O. . . . ... WWMM.O I " bulb and focuses the light Into a tertalned with a birthday dinner] Mr. nnd Mrs. Russell Slble and " ^ P ® " b o n e instead of r e r n o v ' n K B m a i i 6 r B r c a gives light practically Saturday evening In honor of sev- children of Ionia were Sunday dln-|the bone. twice Its ordinary Intensity. It Is eral members of the family. ner guests of her parents, Mr. and i Mr. and "Mrs. Don Goodell and I particularly of reading help to old

Janet Freyermuth returned to Mrs Lynn Fletcher. | Elaine Kohn were Saturday eve-lpeopls and other folks with tired Kalamasoo last week Tuesday tol Mr and Mrs. Harry Chaffee and n | n | . g u M t i o f M r O e o eyes. resume her nursing after a short son Wayne of Lansing called at the vacation. Chaffee-Gooten home Sunday Mr ^ - ^ . . „

Mr. and Mrs. Clair Bryant and and Mrs. Ralph Chaffee and daugh-' T h o " e f r o m t h , B *** attending Sue spent the week-end In Jollet, tar Connie of Lansing called later Farmers Dny at Saranac were Mw III., visiting some of his Relatives, on. •

morning at Blodgett hospital to home, have an egg-shaped bone removed at place of fracture received two| ^ n e w

Wect Lowefl Mrs. Melvin Court

Clarence Dolloway will show pictures by television at the P. T. A. Friday evening. Mar. 10.

Rev. and Mrs. Gordon Overholt of Lansing were Monday visitors of Mr. nnd Mrs. John Baker.

Bob Dawson and family spent the week-end In Detroit with the former's parents. Mr. nnd Mrs. Seymour Dawson.

Mr. and Mrs. John Baker were Sunday visitors of their son, Lyle and family In Ionia.

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stephens of Grand Rapids were recent visitors of their grandfather, James Green.

Tom Bums of Detroit spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred McDonald.

No area of significant else In Michigan Is without streams.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Comdure at-tended a brlthday party for Alvln Story In Grattan Sunday.

Paul Ronan of Laurel, Mont., visited his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Starbard, Sunday, the first- time he had been In Michigan for nearly 28 yeara. In tha afternoon they called at the Harve Blough home near Hastings.

Mr. and Mrs Bert McNellly of Elkton spent the week-end here with friends and relatlvea. They

Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas and Shirley visited Mr. and Mrs. Wal-ter Brown and family and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jaeger In Grand Rap- ^ o f U t ^ M n ^ A N o o n las ounaay.

and Mrs. James Balrd and Mrs. Glen Rlekart.

Mrs. Emma Blough and Merle Burt of Ratlgan Lake were Sunday

returned home Monday, her moth- tee at her home,

Mrs. Madge Wheeler of Mason spent Saturday and Sunday with her cousin, Mrs. Charles Doyle.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Haney spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. White. Mrs. White broke her leg Thurs-day afternoon when she fell on the

er, Mrs. B. H. Fletcher, going with them for a faw weeks' visit.

Mr. and Mrs. Bert Plant and Mrs. John Hogstrom of Cadlllao were Sunday dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Boyce.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Alexander and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Collins motor-ed to Jackson Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fletcher and Galen were Sunday afternoon and evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lyle at Ionia.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tuma of Mt. Pleasant and Miss Barbara Thorne of Lansing visited their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clauda Thorne, over the week-end,

Mrs. Budd Gaunt of Ionia waa a Thursday visitor at the Collins-Gaunt home.

Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sherwood were Mr. and Mrs. Don Wllsted of Greenville and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sherwood. Jr.. of Grand Rapids.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shaw took her mother, Mrs. Nellie ReynhouL to Clarksvllle Sunday and called on her cousins. Mr and Mr*. Bert Hanson

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stevens of Grand Rapids were Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Slbllskl

Mr. and Mrs. John Watts and Mary of Alto, Bela Bryant of Morse Lake, Bertha McCaul of Alaska and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Nash of Clarksvllle were last week Tuesday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cos. griff.

Patrick Duffy, who had been at St. Mary's hospital for observation, returned to his home last week Friday

Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Blerl and family called on his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Blerl, at Croton

iturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crooks and

son of Entrlcan were Sunday call-ers of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Crooks.

Mrs. Arthur Schneider and Judy spent Sunday afternoon with Mr.

and family. We are sorry to report Lisxie

Hoover Is In Blodgett hospital for an operation this Monday morning. God-speed Llszle and hope you recover quickly.

Barbara Franks spent the week-end In Grand Rapids with her sister Betty Franks. They took in shows and had dinner Saturday evening at the Pantllnd hotel and Sunday h a d dinner at Holland House.

Mr. and Mrs. Victor Clement and Connie of Lowell and Mrs. Jessie Rlckert spent Sunday In Lansing with Mr. ad Mrs. Harold Farmer.

and Mrs. John Williams and Kay The dinner was in honor ot Mrs. In Grand Rapids. Clemens' and Connie's birthdays.

Mr and Mrs. Raymond Norton; M r a n d M n d , , , White of and children of Plalnwell called on W-IHO^ MIO.TA Mr. and Mr. We.ley Adrian,. f ) , r ,

In d

1R , p " 1 " w " e F r l d ' y

Sunday evening. o t L o u , B e a n d G*™** Berkley. Eleanor Antor, Marcella Smolen- ®l'r- a n d " r 8 , J a m e ® Balrd had

ski and Eileen Frledll of Grand Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Rapids were Sunday dinner guests Chas. Balrd In Lo of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Frledll.

Mr. and Mis. Homer Morris of |iKia and Mr. and MVs. George Sim-ington and children of Snpinaw were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Miller, Sr.

Harry Day Is back at his office in the bank again after a two weeks' vacation In California. He returned Friday.

Mrs. W. C. Hartman, who has been confined to her bed the past week. Is convalescing nicely at her home.

The Rev. and Mta. Dick Vanlet of Grand Rapids were Monday sup-per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony B •

Mr. and Mrs. Howatd Glbbs and family spent Tuesday stfternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Orrille Stahl in Clarksvllle. Friday evening guests at the former's home were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tucker.

Mr. and Mrs. Brayton Golds and family and Mrs. Floy Golds of Lowell were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Moore.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dent of Lansing ware week-end guests of Mrs Leona Hale and family.

Those from this way attending the farewell party for Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Parker, Friday eve-ning at Keene Grange hall were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Rlckert and family and Mr. and Mrs. Paul

bllskl. Mrs. V. E. Ashley has returned

home from a six weeks' stay at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Byron D. Field, at Ferguson, Mo. Mrs. Ashley's grandeon, Gilbert, came north with her for a month's | Smith and Reta play in the snow. Friday evening guests to watch

„ - Mltchel Sprout of Saranac "Pent i t e l e v l B i o n o n t h e W a , t e r Vanden-Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. w , * k - ? n d w , t h Mr. and Mrs J M d M ^

Byrd Beachum were Mr and Mrs .Clarence Haney. , h o u t M t V „ „ v Loris Mendhom of Muskegon and! M r a n d M r B Theodore L B e n - i B r o w n ftnd •o"- .H" r r y

1 Mr. and Mrs. Dave Trafalet and n e t t a n d «laughterB, Carol Lee and and son Jack and Cnrl Mathews son Johnnie and Mr. and Mrs ! N a n c y spent last Thursday'and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Minor and Walter Heddema of East Lansing "Mf^t Skt the home of Mr. and Mrs, Mrs. Llixle Byrnes of Ada and

Darrel and Ray Hesche. Jr., of D o ** o n Witherell and Terry L e e | M r a n d Mrs. Leonard Vander-Seeley Comers. Miss Iris Scott o f 1

, a J f m n d R«PW« ^ a n d Adrlanna of Grand Rap-Saranac and Mrs. Marion Stephen L M1";, and Mrs. Fred Brown of M . ,BO W e d . of Grand Rapids were Sunday aft- 0 l * f d ***>"* ' W g ^ * 1 ^ ernoon callers of Mr. and Mrs o f M r - W l d M r 8 - Andrew Chaffee j n e 8 d f ty Kue8tf l- j « „ Robert L. Jones. Monday evening. Mrs. Glen Rlckert and Marilyn

Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Adrlanse1 M r a n d M r 8 Robert Lally and called on Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth f a i n , l y o f Grand Rapids and Mr.

; Wilson In Grand Rapids Friday J™1 M r B- J a c k a n d sons of ^ 'evening. !Ionia spent the weekend with their

Gerald Rollins took his mother. t w , t h e r - Mrs Elisabeth Lally. Mrs. Ellis Rollins, to Saranac Sat-urday aftemoon to call on her daughter. Mr?. Herman Page.

Mrs. Harold Bargwell of Grand Rapids is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. Phil Krum.

U * > & /




A one-coat "Vitolized Oil" base paint that costs less, out covers, outlasts and gives far more beauty tad satis-faction than ordinary paints —it's die only Wall Paint enriched with Pittsburgh's exclusive process "Vitolired Oils'* to give controlled penetration. HfH — "Color Dynomki fwi y«wr


Tee, there's a $15,000 first prise to be won In The" Detroit Times'

kOOO.OO "Fun and Fortune" Con-test. Try your skill at solving pus-tlea appearing dally In The Dally Detroit Times—It's a wonderful opportunity! Think of what It would mean to you to win $15,000 or another large cash prise!

Phone 9101, Showboat Inn, for delivery. adv

liekert Eleetrie COMPLETE


Fixture* — TocBtmrnter W n i a r l l a i i l i a i a vrurer n v a r e i s

PAUL RICKERT Phone MO 112 N. Hudson 8 t

G E E ' S HARDWARE Phone t Lowell


Grited Turn Fish Pink Salmon lei Moite Rd Silmoi


4 C I I S 9 9 c

can 37c cai 65c

Swift's Oz Peint Bitter jar 35c Fruco-Amer.Spighetti 2 cats 25c C A M P B E L U S

Vegetirian Soup 2 cans 25c Pet er Carnatiei Milk 3 ' 1 37c Seflin Facial Tissue, 300 size 19c

Lake Michigau aid Ocean Perch . Salmon Steaks


Htre's for

a walk In the

psrk . . . or a


look . . . with the

stsmlna to

stand every

day hard

usage. All

wool, 8-16.

Prices from

^ 2 ^

Short Coat

with tha

Casual Look

A good

beginning and

a happy ending

too (long in the


DESCRIPTION Small Bobby Collar, with stitched trim, half buttonhole pocket, flange on side center seam with 3 button trim.

COLORS Grey, black, tan. kelly, skip-per. red, aqua, neon, luggage.

FABRIC: Venetian Covert

CONTENT; 100^ Virgin wool

SIZES: 8-18

$ 2 4 5 0


Southwest B O W M Mrs. L. T. Anderson

the Tnoruaa Griffin borne In Orand 'Rapids Friday evening. I Miss Helen Bowmen waa a Sun-

: day dinner guest of Mrs. Lorraine Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Keltar of Miller.

Grand Rapids were Friday evening I The Social Club met at tbe bome puestfl of their parents, Mr. and of M m Leon Anderson Wednesday. Mrs. John Troy and family. I The eight members present did

Albert Porritt is now looking well to venture out in the storm as after the chores at the Dorr Glidden some of the roads were almost Im-home as Melvin Ellis is under the P®«8ablo. doctor's care. | M r - and Mrs. Giles Hefferan of

Mrs. Leon Anderson and daugh- Pamell and Mr. and Mrs. Frederick ter, Mrs. Roger Pltsch, attended a Keller of Grand Rapids spent Sun-bridal shower honoring Mrs. James day «t the John Troy home. Braniff, nee Patricia Cowles, a t ' Mr. and Mrs. Gorald Anderson

'and family were Sunday evening I guests at the Leon Anderson home. I Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bowman at-j tended tbe banquet and program at |M. S. C. Friday evening and their ison Austin returned bome with I them.

5 Phone 55; For Service i

P c n f * , MUMIMM H m m a • w^pi O •••••• C a t e d o n l a , M k h Ignn

We have added a new knitter to

berta Kauffman of Logan and Mrs. Dorothy Stahl to Lowell each Tuesday evening. They are taking a training course along with

Elmctale Mrs. Ira Sargeant



\ l Ranees, Washers


s s )


^ Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Rush and school teaching. our group. Mrs. Anna Fischer Is J a n * r e t u r u e d h o m * Sunday j Mr. and Mrt. Fred Cool arrived . n J . Z P

8 . . . l „ 8 Z ? h a „ J d c Z o ' ^ ' " * evening after spend-knitting with the reel. On Satur- „ r . ' . . . „ „ ln» the winter month, in Cilltor-

d .y Mrs. Peet will have i o m . o f ' . n d A ^ , Beck « ? e S u ^ / d l n V ' * - """ M•,,00

the work that our knitters have ner guests at the bome of Mr. and | — done In the library window In Mrs. Wlllard Tayfor and family. Caledonia. j Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard Taylor were

Elmer Botruff brought us a nice Sunday evening callers at the home mess of perch and be ate dinner a n d M ^ s , L e o ^PP®1" ani1,1 A former Campbell township res-with his sister, Mrt. Bakar. l " * " 1 * % Want, Mra, Verne Straight (nee

' Miss Delores Taylor spent Tues- Verne Clemona), aged 84, paaaed I Thursday night, Mr. and Mrs. i day night at the home of Mr. and away Monday at Big Raplda, Peet bad the pleasure of reaping Mrs. Hlgglns and family In Lowell, where funeral aenioea were held their reward for attending thej Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stahl and Thuraday forenoon, with grevealde Nursing Classes for the Homo family were Sunday dinner guests •ervlceB late ttiat afternoon at the Owners and Operators in Grand at the home of her parents, Mr. and oemetery at Dutton. Mrs. Straight

roxlmately one-half of the ^ months, by Mrs. Floyd Yaltar, at Atto. The d i n - w a a ^ new ^ ^ U e and waa In Mlch l^n are less ufan 10, recalvlm? their certificates. The L ^ o ^ b T b u S V ^ in surface area and only 19{graduating exe.cisaa were c o n d u c t . , 0 ^ - ^ ^ ^ Rap-

SI Approximately lakes

tor application.

Distrtot 4-H Achievement Days are scheduled from March 27-April 4. County Achievement Days at Rockford are April 6, 7 and 8.

We certainly enjoyed the dedica-tion program of the Egypt Grange. The members of this grange cer-tainly should he complimented on their fine contribution to their lo-cal community. The building la fin-shed off in knotty pine and certain-ly looks fine.

The following letter came to us from Michigan Potato Growers' Ex-change, Inc., Cadillac, Michigan; | To all growers of Certified Seed Potatoea: , | Rules and regulations for the growing of Cartiflad Seed will be mailed you soon from the Inspec-tion and Certification Agency, the

lakes have more than 6,000 acres, jed In the old Junior College with! P®"1 Bob61" ^ F r l '

Hoover Vacuums



o • •


• Commercial Refriferatioo

and Air

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Roth ft Sons Co. FURNITURE

C L A R K Plumbing and Heating

Sheet Metal Woifc

C A L L 7 8


ed in the old Junior College with I ™ a f bought a hon a reception following. Mr. and Mra. church In Grand Rapids c o v n r t i d it into a boarding

home and house


rOUK HOME TOWN PAflK gives you complete, dtpeodabla local news. You need to know all that ii going on where you live.

But WORLD wkara big the making — events which con mean to much to yea, to your job, your home, your future. Far constructive reports and interpra-totions of notional and interne-tionol news, there is no substitute for THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR.

you live also in • where bio events era in

Enjoy tha benefits of bast informed— locally, notionaliy, internoHonally — with your locol paper end The Chrittion Scicnce Monitor.

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Open Bowling

Week days — 1:00 fo 6:45 p. m.

Saturdays — 12:00 a. m. to 12:00 p. m.

Sundays — 12:00 Noon to 12:00 p. m.




Bowling Alleys

James Topp and Mrs. Otto — " " , . .. for atudonta attending Ferris In-companied them, treating them to

a dinner at the Tea G^rden Cafa. W e d n e ^ e y afternoon. ^ J J J r i d ^ w e r e Everyone here at the home give i u r a n t j Mrs. Ray David and son o t ^ r e c e n t accident.

their sympathy to the relatives and;visited Phillip David at Pannock o u t w i t h a ^ u p o f

friends of John Hoover, who pass-hospital In Hastings Sunday after- ghe fell and broke ona of ed away here. noon. her lag* in threw places. Let's not

Sunday services were conducted 1 Sunday dinner Sy®*'8 a ^ t h ® h o l , ' e forget to aend these shut-ins a by tha Rev. MoruU In company ? ! M r - * . n d J l r B - £ * 5 h ****** g r a t i n g . Her addreoa to «,lth Mr . Mon. t . Mm Nnllln ^ a n d *** D a l t 0 n „ S U h J ^ Lai-»ng. R i BOX 1*. Mt vHop. with Mrs. Morutz, Mrs. Nellie d | i u g h t e r a n ( j M r ^ u p , Q^orge \ Ruebs and Richard. Mrs. Virginia Eldred and boya. | M r . Ura Ray ieaaa called on Rodgers, Mrs. Bertha Tape and i Mrs. Leslie Schaade of Brecken- ^ m o t h e r , M n . Ellen Seeaa, Sun-Mrs. Bernlce Overholt. | ridge apant a faw daya With her ^ay fom^i far improving from

Mr. and Mra. Welcome S c o t t mother, Mrs. Anna Mick. Mr. ^ lllneaa. . called on his mother, Mra. Elva Sch**1* spent tb« week-end with, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Oarlgan iMd

them and Mra. Schaade returned ^ o f tevtag all of their on

Blakeman. Mrs. E. H. Sharpe, Mrs. Caroline

ihome with him. I children and famillea home for dln-John Beattle visited hla sister, ^ guoday. Albert and wife, How-

Pease and Arthur Sharpe of Green-jura. Grace Elliott, who ii recover- ^ children, Harry and Mr. vllle called on Mra. Kermeen {ing from an operation In a Grand ^ 4 Mrs. Sd. T ta i s and children,

Mrs. Harold Mlnkus and her Rapids hospital. all of Grand iRapida, and Mr. and camp fire glrla called at tha home | Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Stout of Ionia Ruasell Aapinall and children, bringing several potted planta. S u i ^ y evening callers at the ^ ^ U n l bunion

T h - y . 0 our , 0 * . - w c h

they enjoyed. i spent the week-end with Mr. and rocalved his dtacharjre in January Wm. Kelley brought two beau- , M r s j o h n T i BeatUe and family. Mta. Carlgan m n i m y e n i of bar

tlful bouqueta from Mr. Hoover's! Mrs. George Cowels enteruined gmndcfalldren enjoyed the funeral. [Monday, Feb. 27. at the home of birthday celebration a t tMs g a t h v -

Mr. and Mrs. Pee . s ^ n t a day;Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bartlett at iny f ^ 1 0 f which occurred during and night In Lansing on buslneaa Como, Fla with a birthday tha paat

s'ster dinner In honor of Mr. Cowels re-- • ' — her .cent birthday. Mr. and Mra.

Clarksvllle guests Beldlng were Jeaae Sargeant of Sunday afternoon

spedlg the Ight with

Mrs. Edna K e " ^ present were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd aaUara~of hla brother and wife. Mrs. Rensoh. who has been c o n - , H u n t k n d M r . a n d Mra Jay Swlfjer.: Mr. and Mra. Matt Boynton and

fined to her bed, is a little Im- o ther gueata were Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Bene Hotot of Grand Rapids proved at thla writing. iFrank Foote of South Bend, Ind. were Sunday afternoon callers of

Mrs. Leona Buttrick of Marshall «nd Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hunt of their parents and grandparents, called on her grandmother, Mra. ^ l l l lamaton . ; Mr. and M.a Jake Rkuffman.

Mr. and Mra. Wealey Keim and •on Vern oaalated her parenta, Mr. and Urn. Semloh Seeae of Free port, in celebrating their wedding Mini-

" • V f " - A n - ™ . and able lo be up some at this ^ ^ Mr. and Mra. W w V r n g - p l v n n ^ a q i i n toy Keim, Mr. and Mra. Horace H«v J? r l h S r hnmp M y , e n H ^ ***• a n d M r«- I r * Sar-^ Rnnil i r K ^ n t were Saturday evening aup-

ariMit m«, Of Mr. and M n . Erin

honor of the weddinj^anniveraary

[ McConnell. I Mr. and Mra. Peet called on |Mr. and Mra. Ed Richarda In their i new home in Grand Raplda, Sat-1 urday afternoon.

Soutfi Bowne Mra. Jennie Pardee

11 iMftn ^ •-n a m s Mra. Baall Vraeland

Mr. and Mrs. Will Miahler were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and'day evening with Mra. Lyle San-Mra. John Mlshler In Grand Rapids, born. ^ Honace and T i W ^ »»,•

Mrs. Liza Knowles spent Monday | Mr. and Mra. Thomaa Murphy of b i t h d f ^ , . a.ouo ._ afternoon with Mrs. Lydla Porritt Mlshawaka were weak-end K^aaU 1 ^ while Mra. Jennie Pardee and Mra.'of their parenta. Mr. and Mrs , . , - ^ Bertha Porritt went to Caledonia. Bernard Flyrm. Mr

hear of the lHne« of ' M t . and Mra. Robert Burns and, m ^ H ^ d home of eon Marc were weekend guesta ^ 'nr i I T , , ^

h . , J .ugh l C T . Mrs. T h u « . Thomp- t h . M U r ' . mothw. Mr., , tfrn,tlcl,. i S S Bob aim day t'i«v Kernan.

I A number of the scholars of the Star school are having the mneales


Sorry to Mrs. Ellen Seese at t h e | ^ •

la Thomp-the Is ison. near Grand Rapids. r Mr. and Mrs. Ovre Smelker have'all vlelted a t the Paul Homrick {returned from their Florida trip, ihome a t Marne.

Mr. and Mrs. Art Moore of Free-| Visitors a t the Wm. HilUary port spent Saturday evening with home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs 1 i —y , Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mlshler. . 'Wllliameon. Mr. and Mre. Lewis K p n t A 5 I

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dunham Hilliary and family and R-andchll- X 0 ' x

and Mrs. Mae Morrison of Grand dren, David end Michael HilUary, Notea from Kant County Extansiort ,Rapids visited Sunday afternoon and their little friend. Jack Car-1 Office by Richard Machlafa ;wlth Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stone. mon, all of Grand Rapids. Farmers should place orders for I Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stone were1 Mr. nnd Mrs. Gerald Anderson, certified seed with elevators, seed-jln Caledonia Friday aftemoon. .Tommy and Suaan were Sunday men and producers now, to be sure

Mrs. Polly Eash entertained the afternoon visitors of Mr. and Mra. of getting what they want, sug-I Bowne Guild, No. 16, at her home CHfford Flnkbelner and family in geata Carl Hanson, assistant coun-Friday evening. .Hastings. ty agricultural agent of Kent Coiin-

Mrs. Paul Hoffman entertained! Mr. and Mrs. Mederic Burns of ty. The agent reports that lists of with a tee party Wednesday after- Grand Rapids were Sunday callers producers of certified seed are

We try to give all the opportunity, in paying final tribute, to bestow upon their loved one a treasured memorial .


TUi Ptumiiiei,! . . . IS what yov SHOULD count on when choosing a milk-ing machine. Many Millions of Milkings by Surge Machines in many bams In many places pretty well bqck up the safety, convenience, performance and value of the Surge. No matter how you're milking now — IT COULD pay you to find out what Surge Milking can do for y o u . . .

in your bom . . . on

noon, guests being Mrs. Beryl Eash, Mrs. Margaret Kauffman, Mrs. Grace Hoffman. Mrs. Lois Seese and Mrs. Frank Bamhart.

Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Hoffman and family and Mrs. Julius Wester and children were visitors at Paul Hoffman's Sunday afternoon.

of Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald available at the County Extension and family. office located on 3rd floor. Court

Mm. Nora Anderson and Mrs House, Grand Rapids. Mary Vreeland attended the Social Word from S. C. Hlldebrand, Club a t the home of Mrt Wyria farm cropa specialist at Michigan Anderson last Wednesday. s ta te College and supervisor of the

K , y n n ^ ' o n P*"1 Michigan certified seed program, apent Thufeday night and Friday indicates that some suppllea are

Mr. and Mrs. Will Cosgrlff of at the John Flynn home. abort this year. The county agent Lowell were Sunday dinner gueats Charles Bams, who to a member reports this as the general sltua-of Mrs. Jennie Pardee and Lisa !of the P. Hodge family, spent the tlon. Knowles. In the aftemoon Mr. and (^••^-•nd with his father, Ernest; Oats—Seed supply fair, about Mrs. Bob Johnson and daughter Bams, were visitors.

Mr. and Mrs. Lou Ryder. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Abbey. D. Hart and Mrs. Donovan of Grand Rap-ids were Sunday visitors of Mr. and M»s. Fred Stone.

Wood row Knowles and sons of Climax and John Thayer of Free-port were callers of Jennie Pardee and Liza Knowles Saturday.

Mrs. Annabel Ford of Grand I Rapids spent Sunday with her son, i Stanley Ford and family. 1 Martin Kunde and family were iln Lowell Saturday. 1 Donna Kunde accompanied Linda I Miner of Freeport to Grand Rapids {Saturday evening to the Youth Fel-jlowship meeting 'at the Methodist Church.

Pleasant Voley Mw. Bert Blank

i 10.000 bushels with 90 percent being I Eaton and Kent varleUea. Remain-ing seed Is Bonham, well adapted In the upper peninsula. All have been

; developed by the Michigan Expert-

P l . . s . n t *V^ll.y Chriit i .n EndMvor ^

Barry County Chrlatlan Endeav- color and test weighta fair, or Rally at Freeport Church Mon-' Barley—Limited supply of both day evening. March U at 7:48. J * * WlacOnaln 38 varieties.

Thla la our monthly ra l l j and j j f i S S a S l ^ ^ would like to see all of ydu out weights of 1M9 crop caused"email to worship with us. We do» enjoy supply. so much the fellowship of worship- Sovbeans—Fair supply of high ping with othors. Rev. Earl Seese quality Hawkeye and Earlyana will be the speaker and Rev. T*^ i

e t Jea. Charlea Baum will be tbe eong S * - a n d

rv ,™ r i i - i 1 •_ certification Indicates good quality toader. Come and see O f f t t l a n ^ h l f h g e r m i n a t i o n Mtohellte Endeavor In acUon. a n d Robust available, with Robust

Also don't forget the Christian variety In limited supply. Seed well Endeavor monthly meeting at sized for planting. Pleasant Valley thla Friday eve- Alfalfa — VeVy limited supply, nlng, March 10. at 8 p. m. Miss 0 l l h r one lot certified and It was Violet Vyverberg will be the <»oat- P1*11 i o

— a t "Chool ho»« . T h . J)u.l- o n M to Iw of h M o i ' t f v , "

your cows. We'll be glad to show youl



Board of Review Notices I Lowell Village and Townahip I To tbe taxpayers of the township jof Lowell and the village of Lowell:

Joint meetings of the Boards of , ___ „ i Review for the township of Lowell l

n e 8 8 -mooting will be followed by able at seeding time, land the village of Lowell will be | held March 13 and 14, from 9:00 | a. m. to 4:00 p. m. each day. at the I Lowell township office. 211% W. 'Maln-st. At this time the request 'of any person whose property la , assessed thereon or of his agent and on sufficient cause being shown

I shall correct the assessment aa to

period of gamea.. | Cora—Michigan BIB, Ohio M-19, Violet Vyverberg, Pub. Cnn. Michigan 86B and Michigan 11A.

Pleasant Vallay Locals

Rev. Chalmer Millers' were dinner guests of Millers Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Loren Gray

i Tree orders have slowed down family considerably since both white and

TI red pine are sold out. Only Jack Herman p j n e a r e n o w a v a i i abi e_


for Kent and Ionia Counties

Alfred E. Roth Phone 148 Lowe l1 ' M i c h -

•such property, in such manner as — " T . . j Another new bulletin Is available |ln their Judgment will make the 1 J o m ® y ^ 0 1 ® J r t ^ C l l ^ a 1 ' " t i t l e d "Maple Syrup Production |valuation ihereof rHatlvelv j u s t , L , o y d C o o , M l d B u d G r a y 0 1 , n Michigan." We have them on 'and equal. Orand Rapids were callers Sun- band.

day at tbe Lehman-Blank home. • — Jerry Blough of Hastings and Remember, sod waterways help

Arthur Stahl called Monday to bold land In place. They save top see Joe Lehman. - 9011 ^ f o o d * * the rain

T would otherwise carry away. Other Keene-Township M r - ^ M r B - L ? r e n a n <J advantages Include greater feed

, To the taxpayers of Keene town^ Tommy were luncheon gueata of ^ t f o , the I n c r e a ^ grass area, 'ship: The township board of re - i M r - a n d M r - - E , ' " e r 8 0 0 1 1 • -view will meet Monday. March 6.1 Claud Sunday evening. j A n y organlxatlona that are Inter-and Monday nnd Tuesday. March] Mlaa Vlplet Vyverberg, L. J. ested In promoting tbe pheasant 13 and 14. from 9:00 a. m. to 4:001Mote and Thereaa Miller attended population through hatching, rear

Frank L. Houghton. Supervisor. Esther M. Fahrnl. Twp. Clerk. Louis Klngsley. Village Clerk.


p. px on each of said days for tbe purpose of reviewing the aaaess-m«>nt roll. Any property owner may bring his claim before the board at

|thla time. c44-45 Keene Township Board.

an Executive Board meeting of Ing and releasing may obtain hatch C. E. at the Rev. Baum home In lng ®*g» from the game dlvlalon of Hastings Monday evening. O w t e ™ 1 of Conservation.

Mliu l^oli. KulaLi Mlaa Violet T , M I A p p D c a t l o n blanks are Mlaa Lois Kujaia, Mlas Violet avaiiable at the County Extension Vyverberg, accompanied Mrs. El- Ottlce. March 15 to tbe deadline

n»b»( aid Heatiig SHEET METAL WORK


n*-—, O U^ltM Iln . Am 11 • n oiorj m mnin rtdfcware Lowell, Mffh.

Michigan Crop Improvement Aaao-clatlon. Some advanced notice baa been given, as It relates to the Foundation Seed Program for 1B50.

In most cases. Foundation Meeu will be available In most varieties. However, some varieties of Founda-tion Stock are not available, but certain crops of Certified Seed. In these varieties, have been especial-ly recommended for thin year's planting.

Orders for thla Foundation Seed will be accepted up to March 20. It to neceasary that orders be placed aa soon aa possible.

Prices are as follows on all varl-etlea with a deposit of $1.00 per bag

N O W . . . 1

S E R V I C E Al Makes:

• Ranges e e • fa 1 n • • n• 11 • • K V i T i ^ e r a T o r e

• • Washers

Lewis Electric * ChaH<*< D e n n i s

Service Mgr.

Phone 168 E. Main Lowell, Mich


with each order: $4.00 per bag—300 bags or more, 14.15 per bag-«0>s00 bags. H30 per bag—10-60 bags. $4.75 per bag—for less than 10

bags. | There Is a limited amount of "B" size available In the case of a

Ifew varieties at 30c per bag higher .than the above prices. I If you desire Foundation Seed from certain growers or certain localities, plaaae advise ua, and we will endeavor to supply you from these growers If poaalble.

All prlcea are F. O. B. growers' storage. However, In caaea where great distances are Involved, we will endeavor to assemble lots to make truck delivery at a nominal cost.

Michigan Potato Growers' Exchange, Inc.

IN 1950





We can assure you of

Ismooth, constant service

4-Day . Service



POULTRY Alt Kinds a# Live Poultry



ain Lowel

W A T E R tun

Well Drtlllnf Pump InatallaHon No Money Down

Up to Thrse Years to Pay

O R S O N MELLE Your Well Man

Phone 117 Lowell 410 N. Jackson



Mrift/t a M a s t i f - H a r r i s

Tough spots dlsappaer when you pot a Masaey-Hanto tractor to work on your place. ThetTa more power to Moaaay-Hanta,.. more dowai drawbar . . . more capacity raaerve, stamina dependability. It's tbe result of high compression la the angine. BtrcrtghtUna design in tha transmission. High comprw. aioo tokaa tha laxinaaa out of on angine . . . makaa It peppy, mora ailva. mora raaponsiva. A straight Una txansmlsalon delivers that power smoothly. efUdenUy . . . you get full power on every belt and field operation.

There's a Masaey-Harris tractor for your l am . . . 6 great models . . . 5 power sixes . . . each the power and economy leader In ita class.

Model "sa"—4-S-sl«w po«*. 3W cable l«di, 4 eyllna«r glM, 4 ip»*di (ofword

Mod*' "44,,—3-plow powof, 360 cubic Inch, 4 cyllndor •«-.In*. 5 tpoodi forward

226 cubic incb, 6 cy 11 odor mh

Hera'a that extra power you need to make those stubborn 2-pkrw Job. say "eaeto." It's the new Maasey Harrto Modal "22" . . . wtth a bigger, huskier. 4 cyltodex angtoe, aawoft. qnkk-octtog brakes, new grille styling . . . more power, mote economy, more top cotah field periorsaeuce. Plus . . . a new hydraulic control—Depth^-matlc System that holds Implements to their work regardless of field condMoaa. Coatf to gel * e iacto.

Trade your old tractor for a New MASSEY-HARRIS

e y

Use the new Maisey-Harris tractor en your own fsrm, then see us for a deal that will save you Money!

C H. Runciman Company IMPLEMENT SALES

RAY NIXON, Manager Phone 31


When You Think of Meata . . . Think of Thempaon'a


Crib Meat Ced Fillets Oysters Own Perth HaUeek Filleti Fresh White Fish Shriap Fioiitfer Fillets Fresh Lake Treit Seelleps Seliei Fillets Fresh Kekerel Lebster Tiiit Fillet ef Sele Fresh Saelt

Fresh Dressed Chickens and Ducks Fit fh Drt f icd Hand Pickcd Choict Birds

Buy Poultry at Thompson's with Confidence


HAMBIR6 SMSAGE Ib. 29c Ib. 21c Ground Fresh Seasoned Just Right


Bacoi, Eids aid Pieces Sacked Piciics Ib. 19c Ib. 35c

No Limit—All You Want Sugar Cured

Thompson's Sanitary Market Phone 233 G. H. (Butch) Thompson 206 B. Main

F I R S T 20 W O R D S 5 0 o — A D D I T I O N A L W O R D S 2c E A C H . S E R V I C E C H A R G E D P 10c O N C H A R G E A O S .

WANTED—Men for part time work. Retail experience helpful but not necessary. Box 147-T, Lowell. c46 and 47

BALED CLOVER HAY for sale.:WANTED—Good home for beautl-Charles Posthumus, Sr., 2 miles ful black Police and Collie pup.

IT WOULD BE ADVISABLE to get any carpenter work, plaster-ing, or any other work you may need in my line, done early be-fore spring. If you aren't ready, save this ad for future use. Ed. Strong, Lowell Phone 190. p46-48

WOOD CUTTERS WANTED— May cut on shares or by the cord. M. D. Court, Lowell Phone 80-FS. P48

FOR SALE—27' steel Armstrong furnace, complete with pipes, good as new, jlSO.OO. Grand Rap-ids Gl. 21462. c45-40

FOR SALE—2 acres with 3-room bouse, located 12 miles north of St. Ignace, Juat off U3-2 on good road, available year around, ideal hunting and fishing cabin, 1780 cash. Howard Hoxle, Saranac Phone 2775. p4B

south of Bowne Phone 2616.

Center. Alto c44-45

nearly one year old, house broke. Phone Ada 3441. p45

RED POPCORN — Shelled and ready to pop. Beverly J. Porritt. Phone Alto 2351. C44-46

ATTENTION —Home Extension Groups: May we present before you an Inlernetionai Harvester Home Freezer demonstration? Wittenbech Sales and Service, Phone 227. c45

FOR SALE—1935 Plymouth 4-door, good tires, battery and heater, 56,000 miles, runs good. Call Lowell Phone 280-F11. p45

FARMERS ATTENTION-We need your dead and dlaabled stock Still paying a little. Can give service name day called with well equip-ped truck. Cooper Tankage Co. Phone Rockford 74681. c48H

CALEDONIA LIVESTOCK SALE every Monday at 5 o'clock. c49tf

JTOR RENT—Floor waxer and po*-Isher. Roth A Sons Co., LowelL


I T P A Y S T O P L A N T D E K A L B — First choice of farmers for the past ten years. Highest yielde, perfect picking, safe cribbing. Gerald Kyser, R. 8, Lowall Phone 80-F5. P46-4S

SEMI-DRY WOOD for sale. Milton B. Wilcox, Lowell Phone 282-F11.

C 4 4 - 4 8

Choice Used Cars: 1949 Dodge Wayfarer 2-Door 1948 Dodge Custom 4-door 1946 Dodge Custom 4-Door 1949 Plymouth Special Deluxe Club Coupe 1949 Plymouth Deluxe 4-Door 1948 Plymouth Special Deluxe 4-Door 1948 Plymouth Convertible Coupe 1948 Willys Station Wagon 1946 Olds 76D Sedan Coupe 1941 Plymouth Special Deluxe Sedan

Used Trucks: 1946 Chevrolet IVt ton Chaasia and Cab 1944 International 1 4 ton Chassis and Cab We have been selling choice uaed cars end trucks a t the right price in the same location for the peat 24 years. Need we say any moreT

Gould's Garage Phone 269, Lowell c45

CODAN - HAVEN K E N N E L S — Heated quarters. Board by day, week, month. Mr. and Mra. R. B. Weaver, 1181 Riverside Drive, Lowell. Phono 374-F2. c27tf

FOR SALE—Light Hereford calves, best quality: Wisconsin Holsteln heifers. Norton's Stockyards, Olivet, Mich. p48-47

WESTERN MICHIGAN SWINE BREEDERS' Show and Sale, Rnnciman's Implement building, Saturday. March 11, one o'clock. 32 bred gilts. p45

FOR SALE—Apple wood. McDiar-mid's, 5334 Segwun Ave., S. E. Phone 379-F11. p45

FOR SALEJ—Duo Therm oil heater, 5 or 6 room size; also large size Cole hot blast coal stove and elec-tric washer, all in good condition. Call Clarksvllle 594. p48

FOR SALE—5 Cocker pupa, AKC registered. Lowell Phone 272-F4.

C 4 5 - 4 7

FOR SALE—Alfalfa and brome grass. 50c a hale. Lowell Phone 95-F11. c45

GOOD USED CARS— A-l Appearance

A-l Performance A-l Guarantee

1948 Chevrolet Tudor 1947 Plymouth Tudor 1942 Ford Tudor 1941 Chevrolet Tudor 1940 Plymouth Tudor 1939 Chevrolet Tudor

We Trade—We Finance See Jay—Today

C. H. Runciman Co. Motor Sales, Lowell Phone 222. c45


P L U M B I N G e Steam A Hot Water Heating % Sunbeam Furnaces e Eavestroughing and Sheet

Metal Work

Lowell Phone 240-F2 or 64

Dale Rodqers, Phone Barry+on 60-F2

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY— For lease with option to buy. Standard Service Station and restaurant combination, with liv-ing quarters. SH acres on US-16 and Lowell Road. Call GL. 60978. Grand Rapids. p45

WANTED LOGS—Oak, baaawood and white aab. The Cornell Lum-ber Co., Bowes Rd., LoweU Phone 1 7 0 . C 4 3 - 4 5

•TILBS BEAUTY SHOP—Now lo-cated at 218 8. Hudaon. one block south of Ford Garage. Parman-ents in evening by appointment Florence Stllea, Phone 284. c32tf

NOW AVAILABLE — Cement or cinder blocks, a l s o , chlmnay blocks. Delivered or at yard. Made by vibration and compree-sion. Voiburg Bros., Block and Gravel Co, Phone 3893, Ada, Mich. cdltf

Hastings Livestock Sales Friday, March 3. 1950

Calves good and choice S26.00-I33.50 common J20.00-S25.00

Lambs, top $26.50 Steers and heifers S14.80-S24.50 Cows — S12.00418.30 Bulla S19.00-S21.00 HOP", top |16.00-|17.30 Roughs and heavlea S13.00-S15.00 Feeder plga tl3.00420.00

FOR SALE—2 registered Guemaey yearling bulla. Both dams eon test. Fred Roth A Sons, Lowell Phone 8-F4. p45-46

AMERICAN FARMERS A N D WORKERS recognize the supe-rior wearing qualities of famous Wolverine Shell Hbrsehlde work shoes. Tanned to dry soft, stay soft. S6.57 up at Coona. p45

FOR SALE — Spy and Wagner apples. Drive out or we will de-liver on Saturday. Fred Roth A Sons, Lowell Phone 8-F4. p45-46

SARANAC STOCK YAKDS—Buy-ing Monday, 8:00 to 4:00. We pick up. Saranac 2521; other daya G. Rapids 36209 or 905W. c33tf

You can't get champagne

without fMpes, and--

You Can't Get
















Manufactured and sold by


Phone Lowel 33

L o u j e i L . m i C H i G f l n Phone Pmport 2421 Phone ClarfcsvBe 341

TOR SALE—White enameled cast iron sink, 42 inch, with rlghtband draia board, ail steel cabinet, ex-cellent condition. Claude Harker, Saranac Phone 3363. p45

GOOD HOUSEKEEPERS recom-mend YA-DE Mothproofing serv-ice. It's here! A mothproofing service so positive, so sure—we dare guarantee it to prevent moth damage to articlee treated for 5 years or we will make good your loss. Palace Cleaners a t Mc-Miabon A Reynolds', 100 Main St., Phone 480 Lowell. c46-48

FOR RENT — A large, pleasant Hleeping room. 518 Spring S t Lowell Phone 163. p48

FOR SALE— 1947 Chrysler Windsor 4-door 1946 DeSoto Custom Club Coupe McQueen Motor Co., 222 W. Main St., Lowell phone 124. c45

W ANTED—Room and board by employed single man. Call Lowell 198-F2. c48

ARE YOU GETTING PROTEC-TION?—You are from milk In the double sealed carton and cellophane hooded glass bottle. Call the Lowell Creamery, Phone

n 37, and be safe. c45

FOR SALE—Buick sedanette '41 good rubber, clean, 5395 If taken at once. Charlea H. Young, Low-ell Phone 228. c48

FOR SALE—Used steam fittings l ' ^ " . Many of those special fit-tings hard to find. Chas. Young, Lowell phone 228. c46

LOST—Somewhere between Mun-i roe Food Market or on E. Main

St., across from bowling alley, i $18.00. Reward. Finder please call

Lowell Phone 411-F4. c48

PIONEER HYBRID—For higher yielding corn. Available in all kernel sizes and varieties. Clar-ence Klahn, Lowell R. 2. Phone Alto 2472. p44-49

WE ARE STILL taking orders for International Harvester Home Freezer demoo«trations. May we have one in your home? Witten-bach Sales A Service, Phone 227.


WHITE CHINESE GANDERS— for sale or will trade for white Embdon. Allison Roark, Ada phone 4042. c45

Oldsmobile - Internafiona) CARS— —TRUCKS

1949 Mercury. 4-door Sedan, radio, heater, fog lights, low mileage 1946 Olds 4-door Sedan, radio, heater and defroster 1942 Mercury 4-door Sedan 1935 Plymouth Coupe 1938 Plymouth 4-door Sedan

TRUCKS 1947 International K-B 6 1942 Reo 1940 V8 14 ton with rack


Your Oldsmobile Car and Inter-national Truck Dealer

Phone 227 Lowell c4S


Federal-State Grades Large, Grade A— Sic Medium. Grade A 28c U r f e . Grade B J 7 c Brown 3 cents leas. BERGY BROS. ELEVATOR

•objeol I*



T H O M P S O N ' S o o n i r a r y r n a m e T

E. Main S t Lowell

We Remoye Dead Aaiuls

For Prompt Removal

of Old Crippled

or plead Horses

and Cows




- j f Y i i m i w i


Weil Repaired Phone Grand Rapids 95990 or AR6455a 549 Lincoln Ave. N. W.

Orand Rapida. Mich.

c 44-47

NORTON S. JbHNSON Real Estate, Insurance

Phone 2171. Saranac, Mich.

Represantatlve VANCE AGENCY. IONIA

APARTMENT HOUSE-S raofwe and bath down; 5 rooms and com-plete bath up. Furnace, large basement Bam in flood ihapo. One acre of land; rlflht in town, Close te business dlatr iet

S-ROOM HOUSE juat out of town 5 rooms and bath down; 3 roome and bath up. Vary flood income property.

S-ROOM HOUSE with 2 acree o# land, runninfl water and electric-ity, garage, chicken coop and hog pen. Will trade for aimli hiuee m town.


A. W . H I L Z E Y The Anctioneer '

DUTTON. MICH. Services That Satisfy and Tarma

That Are ReasonaM# Saturday, March 11—Gilbert Mar-

tin, West Alto or Morse Lake Road, general sale with good John Deere tractor, tractor tools. Guernsey and Holatein cows, registered Jersey brood sows and 18 good sboats, chickens, riding mare and 2 saddles, hay, 600 baskets corn, paint. Book dates with D. A. Wingeier of

State Savings Bank, Lowell

talk is cheap... but BMO iACirjMMf...

r o c / V i ' y o c / A


1947 OLDS 2-DOOK SEDAN—Satiny

Maroon finish. All accessories. Hydra-

mafic. Only $1195.00

1935 FORD 2.DOOR—This is a good

one. Good fires. No rusf. Excellenf

> Mofor $110.00


equipped. Radio and heafer. Excellenf

Condifion. Only $265.00


new. Only-.*. $125.00

Dtd Where Prices Art Posted for Al fo See

McFall Chevrolet 508 W. Main Pkone 298

• • • * • • e as


pevfR Mix -AMD DfATH'S A SUMMONS you CAW'T T I * * / ^

Now's the Time for Your MID-SEASON CHECK-UP!

Add yeara to your car's IK'# by having us check these imf ui-t-ant winter wear points:

• CHASSIS— complete Marfak lubrication

for "cushiony" riding

• CRANKCASE drain and refill with Havoline

for a cleaner engine more power


E. Main 4 Jefferson

Master Mix 32% Chick Concentrate w/th M-V gives your chicks the right start because it contains all the cauential nutrients required for sturdy growth. And now it's fortified with M-V (Methio-Vite), the sensational Master Mix feeding develop-ment. ECONOMICAL too, because you mix the Concentrate with your own home-grown grains.

MASTER MIX » % e m e i m i c e i t m t e



SPRING COATS . . . . have yows leading

rtM Easter Parade t h i s

IW/r Wool Lined

Singk and Double Bruated

Boya' and Qirls' Sixes 6 months to 4 years

Navy, Yellow. Pink, Aqua, Red, Copan

Adjuatable Hem

Aaaortment as Desired

$ 9 . 5 0

STORK VILLE 111 W. Main t t Op«n Eveninsa By Appointment PHone 417




Blut Moon

Loaf Cheese RefiulaHy 78c

$9* Twe Pound Loaf


PEINIT BITTER Two pound jar

Regularly B9c - WITH THIS COUPON

agt Newport File Qielity Q SWEET PEAS L cans 2 1 G



Grade One

Large Pet or Carnation Milk

2 f o r 2 3 c

NiMiid Mirgirine Ib. 1 9 c


Open til 9 p. m-

Robert Sprlngett, Atty. Lowell, Mich.

Shop hi Lowel — No Poriria* Meters



State of Michigan, th« Probate Court for the County of Ken t

At a session of aaid court, held at the probate office, in the City of Grand Rapida, In said county on the 7th day of March, A. D.,

;i9fi0. ; Present, HON. JOHN DALTON. 'Judge of Probate. j In the Matter of the Estate el William. S. Heeche, Deceased,

j It appearing to the court that the time for presentation of claims rnst said estate should be limit-

and that a time and place b« I ippointed to receive, examine and adjust all claims and demands against said deceased by and be-

Ifore said court. { It Is Ordered, That creditors of •aid deceased are required to pre-

j ,ent their claims to said court at said Probate Office on or before ;the 22nd day of May, A. D* 1960, i at ten o'clock in the forenoon, said time and place being hereby appointed for the examination and adjustment of all claims and de-mands against said deceased.

It Is Further Ordered, That pub-He noUee thereof be given by pub-lication of a copy of thla order for three successive weeks previous to sold day of hearing. In the LoweU Ledger, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county.

JOHN DALTON, A true c a n Jodge of Probate f KED ROTH,

Register ef Probate 048-4T

Mra. •

Ada Townsand Club to Have Party at Town Hall

The Ada Townsend Club will hold a "get together" party at Ada

Mr. and M n Alfred Nordnerg of Cascade were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Richard-

Den A. Wingeier Lowell, Mkh.


State of Michigan, the Probate Court for the County of K e n t

At a session of said court held at the probate office, in the City of Grand Rapida, in said county, oa the 10th day of February, A. D., 1960.

: HON. RICHARD W. BRYANT, Judge of Probate.

in the Matter of the Estate of Emms B. Collar, Deceaaed.

Dan A. Wingeier having fil-ed in said court his petition pray-ing a certain instrumeut in writing, purporting to be the last will and testament of said deceaaed now on file in said court be admit-ted to probate, and that the ad-ministration of said estate be granted to Dan A. Wingeier or 'to some other suitable person. ' It Is Ordered. That the 14th dev ef Merch, A. D, 1160, a t ten o'-clock in the forenoon, at said pro-bate office, be and la hereby ap-p o i n t s for hearing said petition;

It is Further Ordered, That pob-11c notice thereof be given by pab-llcatlon of a copy of this order, for

Mr. and Mra. James McCaul an-nounce the engagement and ap-proaching marriage of their daugh-

township hall on Thursday. Mareh ^ Mlas May Marie McCaul to 10. to which every one is given Maurice Stanard of Ada. The wed-a cordial invitation to attend. d i n « w l 1 1 P 1 * * i t u r d a y .

During the afternoon there will M a r - 1 1

be a sale of notions, aprons, hold-l Miss Gladys Slater of Orand era. and other home made articles. I RapW* • week-end guest of In the evening the meeting wtll h*r Mend Miss LilUe May Rooker. open at 8 o'clock and the Rev. Mr. and Mra. Norman Wrlde and Alfred E. Potts has been engaged, Marlon and Norma motored t o -a* iruest speaker and he will have Cascade on Sunday evening to vie-, Mra. Claudia Fuller and eon Roy a message everyone will want to " Mr. and Mra. Lerter JohMor. .of Hastings were dinner guest, hear Home made pies. - r Sunday of her narents. Mr. and

!Mre. Claude Cole

Mrs, Effle Cox

We are sorry to hear that J. E. About fifty people attended the Rockofeltew is ill and hope for a

Snow P. T. A. last Friday eve- |speedy recovery.' nlng and all present greatly en-, lira. Charlie Quiggie wae a gueet ^ 7 T - — I joyed the picturee shown with at the Ernie Wilson home Monday. ™ - J * ™ * 00,11 " P 1 " * o f

- i CvifLnn RjimnJt wvni Monnav mom

bome kx Grand Rap-.

Delbert Br idge Is spending a few days witti hla brother-in-law, W1U Still—on. in Dutton.

Mr. and Mn. Brnie Wilson and son were vtsitore a t the J . Cox home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and

Grand Rapida w e n Monday morn-ing callen. explanations by Tom Burns, of a{ Earl Bentley spent Monday in

Caribbean trip he took last sum- Ludlngton mer. ! Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bentley and

Eleven lad lee attended the mis- recently called on Mra. Bent vaiwi. le^e eister, Leila McCue, tn Grand —

r u m ilT w - w j ! Rapids, who had returned to her Ion reserves at 149,808.000 tone with held at the home of Mra. Sherman t t w 'assessed valuation of MtMMOD. Reynolds last- Thuraday. Mra. Sey-1 i | r M r 8 j CoX and Fred The valuation of copper Is estlmat-mour Hesche will entertain the — — - —. class in April.

Michigan Department of Con-servation haa estimated 1960 Iron

CM1U m v . «#. VUMA r t ww j • —w • ——— - w were dinner guests at the Mrs. Cora ed a t 18,880,000.

era and coffee will be sold. The Townsend Club will be looking for you to attend. Do come.

Honored at Showers P Marilyn Martin came bome from Kalamaaoo Saturday and remain-

Miss May Marie McCaul whoee «d wtth her parenta untU Sunday wedding will be an event of Sat- aftemoon. urday, March 11, haa been honor i Frank Martin, wife and daugh-guest at two bridal shower* this U r » with John Mlshler and wife past week. On Thuraday evening ^ d e o m P * n * M r w ^ M n V a r n o r 'hMm-m T a*v«nKAM«> f^lO^ — —- — —

Mr and Mrs. John Blandlng w e n dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mra. Sherman Reynolds and in the afternoon they an called at tbe Brannan-Wakefield h o n e and on M n Bart Sinclair at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thompson In Alto.

Mr. and M n 8. T. Beeley. in

Mr, K.U1. LAmphMr, Mr. Flo^ ^ ^ ^ ence VandePeerle, M n Shirley WM lo honor of Mary Kay Martin 1 evening with Mr and M n Louie Anderson and Mrs. Alice Ander-'aad Mre. Folker. tAlber In Ora&d Rapids, to help son w e n hoeteases at a bridal I Mn. Hattle Oook. aged mother of their mother, Mn. Lettle Dennis, shower held in the Andenon home, i Mrs. Blaneba D s l n g . passed away who Is staytng with ber daughter, Nineteen ladies wore p r e ^ t for ^ Wedn-dwr a t the f o r m e r t the occasion. Miss McCaul receiv-' Friday with burial la Oarfeld Park ing many lovely and useful gifts M i n e t e ry .

ad a dainty lunch was served. | M n L a m FJynn of Bowne Can-On Sunday M n Peter Krystin- tar a t i i i l w l U a f u n e n l of Mia.

lak and Mra. Mary Trowaki. auntaiHattie Oook laat Friday. of the bride-elect, entertained in . Hunsbarger and M n

three aucceaalve weeks previous to said day of hearing In the Lowell Ledger, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county.

RICHARD W. BRTANT Judge of Probate.

A true copy. FRED ROTH

Register of Probate C48-45

McMahon A Cook. Attya. LowelL Mich.


| SUte of Michigan, the Probate {Court for the County of Kent. I At a session of said court, held at the Probate Office in the City I of Grand Rapida, in said County, 'on the 17th day of February. A. D., 1960.

Present: HON. RICHARD W. BRYANT, Judge of Probate.

In the Matter of tha Estats of Mary C. O'Harrow, Mentally In-competent

Olive A. O'Harrow having filed in said court her petition, praying for license to sell the interest of said estate In certain n a l estate therein described.

I t Is Ordered. That the 17th day of Mareh. A. D., 1950, at ten o'-clock in the forenoon, at said pro-bate office, be and is hereby ap-pointed for hearing said petition, and that all persons Interested in said estate appear before said court, at said time and place, to show cause why a license to sell the interest of said estate In said real estate should not be granted.

It is Further Ordered, That pub-lic notice thereof be given by pub-lication of a copy of this order, for three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing, in the Lowell Ledger, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county.

RICHARD W. BRYANT, Judge of Probate

A true copy, FRED ROTH, ^

Register of Probate C48-46

Cuba, according to a recently-published estimate, haa more than.sary equipment 500.000 radio sets and in Havana" 95 per cent of all residences have

her honor at the McCaul home in Ada. Twenty-five were preeent for the party. The gaily wrapped packagee presented to Mies Mc-Caul held lovely and useful bridal gifts. The hostesaee served a dainty lunch-

Ada Locate

The Past Matrons Club of Vesta Chapter No. 308 OES win hold a baked food sale on Saturday after-noon. April 22, at the Buttrick Store in Cascade. This will be a good opportunity to nuy a dainty >»«>i for your Sunday dinner. Keep the date in mind.

Mr. and M n . George ligersol of Cascade were Friday evening visi ton of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fox. and on Saturday Mr. and Mn . Fox vlatted Mr. and M n Guy Quiggie in Cascade and Sun-day they motored to Ionia to visit his aunt, M n Myrtle McOee

Mr. and Mra. Harry A. Fitch spent Sunday afternoon la Grand Rapids visiting Mr. and M n Jacob J. Weber.

Mr. and Mra. Max Sauaer and Mn . Victoria Rykert had aa an day guests on Sunday, Mra. Winni-fred Hykert and Mr. and M n

[Leslie Rykert and Chearyl of De-troit and Mr. and Mrs. Verne Rykert of Grand Rapida

Mr. and M n . Orvles Kellogg had as visiton on Sunday, Mr. and Mra John Krum of McCords and Mr. and Mre. Ed. McCormlck and Mary. Katharine and Florence McCormlck.

Mra. Andrew Miller and Elgin Miller motored to Kalamazoo Sun-day and enjoyed Sunday dinner while t hen .

Mr. and Mra. Clyde Fairchllds and children of Vergennes were Monday evening visitors of Mr. and Mra. Webb Ward.

Donnle and Sharon DeVries, children of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert DeVries of Bailey Drive h a v e been sick with measles and on Tuesday morning his grandmother Mre. Webb Ward reported Donnle had had a set-back and was quite 111.

An Important date to remember, F r i d a y March 17. St. Patrick's Dance, Ada Township Hall, spon-sored by the Ada Volunteer Fire Fighters Association. Funds raised win be uaed to purchase equip-ment for the Ada Volunteers. The association la working for your protection and safety. Let's an be there and help pay for necea-

Friday Mar. 17.

J. S. Brandebury attended the fu-neral of Edwin Cmw a t Plalnfleld Ave. Mat hod tat Church Tuesday

celebrate b e r 90th M n Alber, birthday.

Marjorta Seetoy of Owcade Rd. as a Sunday evening sapper

guest of her uncle, Vernor Seeley. and la company with her cousin, DaroM attended the Bunday eve-ning Snow Methodist church senr-


John Mtahler waa ta Marahan on burtnees Monrtay and In Greenville fuesday.

Mra Lena Schulti visited W parents, A. T. Eash and wife. In South Bowne Saturday.

Ledger ada pay big dividends.

Only thoee who have the pa-tience to do aimple things perfectly ever acquire the skin to do difficult things easily —SchUler.

What with the high price of handkerchiefs, even a cold le now expensive.



Aa registered pharmacists we give you quick, dependable

Ice at no extra expenee. Our fresh '•live" pharmacala give

exsctly what the doctor ordered.


Chrkliiatei ing Co. Phone 2tt-F2 Tfte Jtort

C T H 0 M A S S T O R E S Self Service

F r l . aaMI S a t . Specia ls k WINDSOR CLUB




or. jai S7e


3 , % 73c

Thomas Special Coffee Ib. 61c

Pinlt Salman can 39c

Sardines, mustard er ail can 10c

NiiMaid Glee Ib. ffc

Pest Toasties 1 8-ox. pkgf. Ifc

Philips Tomato Soup can Sc

Ball Bluing box 1c

Bartlett Peart no. I can Mc Jockey Club Vacuum Pack

Whole Kernel Corn t cam ISc Maple Grove Brand

Cettaga Cheese H-as. bea 19c

Cream Cheese, mild lb. 49c

'radios In use.

An Emng of Mystery b y R E N E A U X

An Interesting Program of Maglo and Entertainment

Tuesday, Mareh 14tli

Dr. K. A. Phelps DENTIST

Christiansen Building [Office 244 Residence 418

Dr. R. H. Sluifer „ OPTOMETRIST

311 E Main S t Lewell — Wednesdays —

1:30-6:30 and 7:00-9:00 p. m. Friday evenings, 7:00-9:00

Phone 296

At B:00 P. M.


Sponsored by Junior Class

Melts 50c . Children 2Sc Tax Included


AHo, Mich. Alto Phones:

Office 2891 Res. T M

D. H. Oatley DENTIST

Cer. W. Main and Riverside Drive Office 60 Res. 41


Offke—W. Main 8 t at City Limits Phone 52 Lowell, Mkh.


Physician and Surgeon 811 E. Main S t

Phone 296-F2 Office Houra—10:00-12:00 a. m.

Afternoons—2:00-4:00 p. m. | Thursdays—10:00-12:00 a. m. 7:00-9:00 p. m. —Mon, Wed, Fri.


%606 W. Main S t — Office Houra —

2 * 6 4 4 0 p. m. and 7:0Mi60 p. m. J p b s n s 42 Lewell. Mich.

L o o l ; * 1 6 9 4

L o o l e at the Price! S-tastspr Stmalinr SB-tyifcr

Sifci Cupi*

D o l l a r for O o f t o r F a n C m m H B t m t

New Lowtr We«s —Jwt A n o i o d

Otnham Sa-Cyl Busman Coupe . . i Sfreamfoer Sa-CyL Sedan Coupe . . . CttaftaM Six-CyL Sedan Coupe. . . . ; Chhham Six-Cyi 7-Door Sedan . . . . Sfreamfaef Six-CyL 4-Door Sedan. . . CtteftaM Six-Cyi 4-Door Sedan . . ; .

'Su» 4tW Ue*l

mty rmry im wn-MtWiix nmmanitMi dm* to mtjjtt fMtUt /J.

$1592 $1494 $171S $1715 $1745 $1746 V A

PUMTMAC It's a pleasure just to look at a new Pontiac!

There's nothing else on the road quite like Pontiac's sparkling Silver Streak beauty — far the most beautiful thing on wheels!

It's even more enjoyable to take a long look at Pontiac's amazing price-tag—to discover that this big, luxuriously comfortable car, renowned everywhere for performance and dependability, is priced so very lotv. ^

Come in, see for yourself. Dollar for dollar you can't beat a Pontiac!

iomsinxm C M you CAN TI/r WTTN OM HYMA^MATIC ocrvi/ (Oummmj*

L . E . J O H N S O N Corner Main & Vergennes Roed Phone 24


R o a r s S$

E a s y .

C l o s e s E o s y !

Vallay Laa Milk

In Hie Hondy

P i r e P i k

A L T O N I W S Mrs. Fred Pattleer

When you buy Volley Leo. Double Protected Milk, Homogenlied-Pos-teurized in the hondy, sosy to hoodie Pure-Pok paper container you ore certain to enjoy the rich, delicious furm-fresh flavor . . . just lift the lip and pour, then press it down and place in the -efrigerotor.

v.itay Laa omtrt fcy Oa in r lua C»Mtralt*i Ca f i r tfhtrikiitlaa k* :



W. 6. C. 8. Meeting

Fifteen attended the W. S. C. S. meeting in the newly plastered and decorated Methodist dining room Friday afternoon. President Edith Welland called the meeting to order and Rev." Bolltho con-ducted devotlonals, as Mre. Bo-lltho was ill with a cold. Financial and other reports of each Aid were given. The Misses Pauline

I Dried of Wadena. Minn., and Mar-!lam Senseney of Brunswick. Neb., i Missionary Evangelists, sang and gave a character skit on the flan-

i nel board on "Satan's plans to :keep people from church," as one lady remarked, ' i t was too true to be fUnny ". but a good lesson. Alfred Miller ably acted as super-intendent at Sunday School and Marie Welland as organist.

Alto Business Mens' Meeting

The Alto Business Men h e l d their meeting at Rosenberg's store

1 Wednesday evening as the Method-

Doris Tobias of Grand Rapids spent the week-end at home.

Mr. and Mrs. Don Krueger and family of Grand Rapids were Sat-urday night dinner guests of Mr. and Mra. Frank Bunker.

Mrs. Arnold Lester ef Saranac was In the drug store Monday, as Mra..Nye was Hi with a cold.

Mr. and Mra. Martin Devenney and children of Marshall were Sunday visitors of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Scott and fam-ily.

The Alto Ubrary lo t / I s being surveyed and will be open for bids on building.

Mrs. Josephine Foote, who has spent the winter In Oregon, and has always given to the Red Cross, didn't forget to send her donation

Alto Locals

Mra. Florence Fischer and moth-er, Mre. Henry Bruchs of Grand

McCords Leeds Rev. James Ballard

Rapids called on Mr and Mrs. The Farm Bureau advisory- coun Frank MacNaughton, Monday. ell met with John Klelnheksel last

Mr. and Mra. Paul Dlntaman Thursday afternoon. and Mr. and Mra. James Courier and Mrs .Oarl Gress and Mr. cousin. Terry Flynn. spent Friday evening with Mr. ""d Mrs. Merrltt Gress and Phil , and Mra Tom Forward. o f . ( ? r > n d !Wednesday for a coasting party, roy Bloomer.

Mr. and Mra. Koenes of Michigan Road visited the John Klelnheksela Sunday evening.

James Flynn of Grand Rapids spent the week-end at the Lyle Stauffer and James Bailard homes and Sunday afternoon called on his

Mr. and Mra. George Lane and children attended the hockey games at the Stadium Saturday evening.

Miss Barbara Winslow spent a few days last week with her broth-er, Clarence and famll>.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bigler and son of Caledonia spent Sunday

Twelve girls joned Barbara Lane|with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Le-

evening callera at the W ^ ' B ^ n 1 ^ ; ^ ^ Mr. and Mra Clate Dygert and home ' T w h , c h * a m e* , w e r e

Mr. and Mrs. Claud Sllcox visited M r a n d M r s j o h n Hulzlnga and ter. Mrs Alma Dahlman, at Cam PTA. Mrs DeBruyn and Mra. Ben Mr. and Mra. Elma Dygert and UVonne of Caledonia visited the pau Lake Sunday. Postma have charge of the enter-family In East Lansing. Sunday John Krums Sunday afternoon and Mr. and Mra. Loo Bloomer and talnment and have received word afternoon and saw the new baby evening. Ruth Ann were Monday evening from Mrs. deKonlng of Kent Coun-daughter. Leslie June, born recent- Mr. and Mre. Lloyd Stahl and supper guests at the James Bailard ty Tuberculosis Society that Mr. ly to Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Drury. daughters of Clarksvllle visited her home. Arthur Bills of Wyoming Park will Ardlth Dygert. parents. Mr. an.'. Mrs. Floyd Yelter,; Mr. and Mrs. Martin Postma show two films. "Goodbye Mr.

Sunday. called on his niece and husband. Germ" and "Going Home." Plan to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fuss of Lowell Mr. and Mrs. Chris Fahrnl. Jr.. attend. Refreshments following. All

Is gratis, of course.

At 8:00 p. m. Friday, March 17,

1st church basment was being re-, pio r ida > visiting at the pleasant ;modeled and redecorated. Presl- h o m e 9 of the. Hunts. Bartletts. dent Merle Rosenberg conducted Weidys and Gerald Fineis'. M n

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Flnkbelner of Caledonia entertained Mr. and a n d Mr. and Mre. Dan Postma of |Sunday afternoon Mrs Mack Watson and son Merle Freeport visited their parents. Mr. and Mre. Don Metxger and Patsy and Mrs. R E. Postma, Sunday of Iron Mountain for dinner Thure- afternoon. day evening. ' Wayne Hoasr is arsisting La vern

\Mw nnri Mr- T7oK»rf Blocher with his work on the farm ^ ^ ? Bennerand ^ . H a n s h a w o f G r a n < l

„ w **** daughter Judy Ann returned s p # n t Wednesday night al this vear to Mre. H D. Smith, tTX>m G n i n d R a p , d 9 t o t h e , r h o m * the James Bailard home .V, K f i r Btvav Mm Foote hns o v * r t h e P081 o t f l c e Sunday. j Mr. and Mre. Kenneth DeLeeuw though . . 1 Mr. and Mre. Claud Sllcox were visited the Don Burmelsters in bwn quit , bu^r „ h . r I. ^ ^ 0 r , n < 1 R . ^ . sund.y

In tbe bo»p.t.l M r J, l r , V.Ida Cb. t t . rdon v ^ ' " d X " O j o m KI.lnh.lucl Mr .nd Mr, n , n . , m . n report o ( > . y . . MW W t . W r

having a grand time in sunny I-.-.— daughter and husband In Grand vision show. Rapids. Roger Steenstra stayed

Meedamos Florence Richardson jjjg grandparents a few days Virginia Reynhout. Nellie Timp- while his mother was In the hos-

and Maudle Pattlson have pital. the business meeting, after which ; H u W a Fineis continued her visit j flniahed c a nva8sing Alto and sent Mr. and Mrs Gordon Depew of a gold cream and sugar set was w i t h h e r and family and *i th , p r o c # € d s t o t o w n a h i p presented. Mr. and Mrs Erneet flv< other ladles plan a trip to M r ^ Rosenberg, as a token of esteem, ^ b a . their 50th wedding anniversary

AHo Locals

Mr. and M n Paul Brower of Went Alaska have purchased the Alto tavern of Cbartte Dryer and win take poasesaioa May 1.

Mr. and M n PMa Keevtt and daughter of Hollaad. Mr. aad Mn. Charlie Brower of Hastings and

mads thla Impossible. Mn . Francis Wakefield spent

Saturday and Sunday with her cousin, Mlaa Ethelyn Craw of Grand Rapida. whose father passed away recently.

Correction: M n Emma Moffit will be 86 on May 6. and has just completed a large and beautiful

i having occurred recently.

Alto Community Grange

! The Alto Community Grange met ' at the home of Mr. and Mra. Claud ' Sllcox, Friday evening, Mar. 8. ; As both Worthy Master and Worthy Overseer were absent the chair fell to the Worthy Lecturer. Marion Stauffer. Roll call was an answer to the question, "Should a woman ever be elected to the office of president of (he United

Mr. and M n Dick Fakehik! were hooked rug. Sunday dinner gueeta of Mr. and M r ^ ^ w i a a t a r and Mr. aad Mra Clare KauffOMK In honor arrived of the lattor's birthday. The Kauff- Wednesday and Thursday our very mans w e n Invited to their homes. l w o r s t d a y ^ however they but the arrival of Mtye chicks k n o w l t ^ be nice here.


14Mercy I If M that bad. why don't yea let one of the landscape gardaaen la tha laWphoaa directory Yellow Pagea de your digging?1

chairman Lansing spent the week-end at thei LaVern Blocher home caring fori

. .. , the children while Mr. and Mrs. | „ . . v « r-.ihv U n N e , n * T e , t e r d O W n t Blocher were In Chicago. Sunday isood to have Mra ^ ^as friends would like to have her morning the Blochere attended j

" and we all hope for a change Moody Church. for the better. j The McCords Farm Bureau met

M n O. E. Meyer. Mra. Emma with Mr. and Mrs. John Klelnhek-Moffit and Fred Pattlson w e n in , Grand Rapids W e d n e l a y Mre ' M r e - ^

answer phone and give me the news Monday morning and Mr. and Mra. Carl Freyermuth were their Sunday night supper guests.

Mre E. L. Timpson received word she is great grandma, to Richard, little son of Mr. and Mra. Conard Cherry of Caledonia, born Feb. 38 at Blodgett hospital. Congratu-

her I home Friday evening to a large I

Moffit visited her niece, Mra. Edith 0 f ladjes who met for a I Sanborn. stork shower for Mrs. Kenneth De- [

Leeuw. Mrs. El win Flynn had i Saturday. March 11, at 7:45 p. m., charge of a number of games, after |

latlons. M n Cherry was formerly th® Youth for Christ will meet at which Mre. Postma with her co-j Jacqueline Timpson of Alto. Jthe Campbell Brethren Church hostess, M n Clarence Winslow.1

Mr and Mre. John Young of having a speaker from Grand Rap- served refreshments. Mre. DeLeeuw I Sunday a f t e r n o o n ! ^ A'1 a r e Invited to attend. I eceived many beautiful presents.)

1 Mre. Hattle Hoag and Mre. Gaines spent with their daughter and aon-ln-States. and why? Some very good. „ J . . . . . .

»nB*.ra w . r . , i»en on botb old., " w . Mr. . n d Mra. H.rold MrttT-

of the question. Marion Stauffer gave humorous readings on " Switches."

The rest of the evening


nick. Mr and Mre. Chas Deming and

children attended a tournament w a j B | basketball game at Hastings Sat-

spent playing the new game o f urday night, between Lake Odessa hearts, with lettered blocks. Mrs. a n d Catatom®. score 40 to 27 In Lawrence Headworth and Fred- ^ v o r of Caledonia. erick Love land won first prlaes1 Mrs Paul J. Averill and son and Mrs. Clayton Dygert a n d , ^ ^ Loveland and family of Claud Sllcox the boobies. Place of R ? lP l d» • * * * Saturday aft-next meeting was not decided. j*0 1 0 0® a n d evening with Mr. and

Mre. Glen Loveland. Alto Methodist Church News We are glad to hear Mrs. Elsie

„ „ , . . . Feuerstein was a b l e to return T b ' H ° m « Ml^lon iflrK MK, ^ ^ u „ d , „

M . r l . m Senseney and Ml» Br.ld took over t b . morning ^ m . l n , « r v l c „ . nd . . v . . .1 , b o | M r ^ ^ ^ » « • " . to b « r t b . m . ».ry worth d

MrvlcM In t b . school, ^ r , !>»" - M < ) 1 T l K ) n ^ ^ T

chureh. All. botb young . nd old. ^ ^ ^ ^ w h ( >

• " T h ^ l t ^ . r t K x . n ^ 4.00 P- " 7 - * * t h . children'. Mr. . n d Mr. L .wrenc . Rlcb.rd-

n r fu ' — r „.J11 bridge of near Dutton were Sun-

p. m. e regu r c at d a y gu®sts of their brother, for practice after ^ e meeting a t j M i i t o n ^ ^ o f G r a n d

the church 19 < n e r . «r%-lce The Rlchardsons spent the Friday evening after the service ^ ... „ . . - S

La-Let the Ledger want ads work Vern Blocher were in Grand Rapids

for you. Wednesday.



HIGHER OCTAHE o f j b /MM/ Fill up with new Phillips 66 Gosolin«

for smooth Anti-knock performance!

FOR Y0UI S 1 2 P



It's new.. . it's better... but the price is still the same! Thanks to improved re-fining methods, Phillips 66 Gasoline has been "stepped-up" with increased amounts of the valuable high octane com-ponents that help your car deliver smoother power. . . quick acceleration . . . and long, long mileage!

Get this high-test, higher-octane gaso-line now. at your Phillips 66 Dealer's... and feel the difference!


TAIN. America's tin- I e s t l o w - p r i c e d [ washer.

Easy terms. Lib- !

eral trade-in. Why wait any longer to enjoy the easier- i wash ing a d v a n - 1

tagee of a Maytag? I Come in today for i a demonstration.

Phlips 66 products eve distributed in Lowel viciniry oy


the boys of the Young Peoples' evening with Mr. and M!rs. Clare Porritt.

Group will * £ ; , M r U n N l c k V l r , er an hours hayride out in tne, country they will 11 return ^ refreshments which will be served In the basement of the church.



CAR BATTERIES 24 Months Guarantee

$ 1 0 . 9 5 eicbge


MOTOR OIL In Bulk 7Sc (t\

Purchase Your


m o u r n

He Poaa", for uphoh-tory. draperiei, rags.


90-Hr. Movement


69 Pi US TAX


Guar, by Ingrahom, Ihb dock 2 5 9

•namel IWih. 4-inch silver dlol. Hni ilTsisi • ii - - -« » civs yo vuniicu iheet metaO 30 gallon capodfy. Drop Kondtot.


249 •S^A-Wwy-brand, mounts on wal Safe, leoves tiBooih edges. SPECIAL "JUIILEI" THE

A good, iofe, factory frwh Hre wAh a written lifetime guarantee ogalntt defects b material er

cord for safety.

AL HERMANS 220 W. Main 249

L E W I S E L E C T R I C 512 E. Main Sales and Service on all Maytag Washers Phone 1681

For Quatity Phillips 66 Prod nets . . . Stop at

KELLEY'S SERVICE Lee Tires — Auto-Lite Batteries — Auto Acsaaories

Greasing — Washing — Groceries

1002 W. Main Phoee 9109

were Sunday evening supper guests of Mr. and M n I n Fryllng.

Mr. Owen Nash of West Bowne was a Sunday dinner guest of Mr. and Mre. Chas. Deming.

Sunday evening supper gueats of Mr. and Mre. Tom Forward were Mr. and Mre. John Fryllng, Donna and Joyce of Home Acres and Roger Ellis of Campau Lake.

Mr. and Mr^ Ken Lyon had Sunday dinner with^hls sister, Mrs.

; Hazel Burke of Vloksburg. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Clark attended

jthe funeral services Saturday for her brother. Bernard Konkle of

! Detroit, who passed away suddenly i from a heart attack, leaving a j widow and three small children | Sympathy is extended to Mr. and ' Mre. Clark.

Mr. and M n Harvey Slater and children were Sunday dinner gueats of Mr. and Mre. Henry Slater.

Mack Watson met his daughter. L a n o n of Madison. Wis., at the Grand Raplda airport Saturday when she arrived to visit her par-ents and family for a week.

Mr. and M n Frank Brew had their nephew and niece, Mr. and Mre. Henry Lotterman ot East Paris as their Sunday afternoon visitors.

Mr. and M n Claud Sllcox will open their house for their regular meeting. Saturday evening, for the Stone Comers Farm Bureau.

Mr. and M n Vernor Lynn of Cascade came Sunday for Mr. and Mre. Frank Kline, to take them to their place for a delicious din-ner. Other guests were Mr. and Mre. Hugh Sprague and two sons and Bob Martini of Grand Rapids and Mre. Mary Sprague, who lives with her sister, Mrs. Lynn and husband.

Here's the best and most beautiful car at lowest cost


H I I T L T J I W Chortes I.

Office: 381 Clerlcsville Res.: 3421 Alto

Eori V. Cofcy — AHo Office: 2421 Res.: 3151

The Styleline De Luxe 4-0oor Sedan

FIRST... and Finest... at Lowest Cost! Chevrolet It the only car that brings you these outstanding features ot fowast prices . . . NEW STYLE-STAR BODIES BY FISHEI • NEW TWO-TONE FISHER INTERIORS • CENTER-POINT STEERING • CURVED WINDSHIELD with PANORAMIC VISIBILITY • LONGEST. HEAVIEST LOW-PRICED CAR • CERTI-SAFE HYDRAULIC BRAKES with Dubl-Llfe rivet-less linings • EXTRA-ECONOMICAL TO OWN—OPERATE—MAINTAIN.


Combination of Powerglide Transmission and 105-h.p. engine optional on De Luxe models a/ extra east.

This car alone provides the trim and

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lowest cost! This car alone offers a choice

of the finest in automatic or standard

drives, at lowest cost! This car alone gives

all the advantages of Valve-in-Head Engine

performance—including the most powerful

engine in its field-at lowest cost!

And so it goes through every phase of

motor car value; for only Chevrolet offers

so many features of highest-priced auto*

mobiles at the lowest prices!

Come in and see the Chevrolet for *50-

first and finest at lowest cost!

M c F A L L C H E V R O L E T 508 W. Mein St. LoweU, MMKfen Phone 298


by his Bister and Mrs. Dan

Saturday evening. Those present beside tbe

ot honor were Mr. and Mra Rich-ard Lasoa of loate, Mr. aad Mrs

of Orvies Stahl of Elmdale and Mr of and Mrs. Wesley Crook.

EVENTS ly Its Own Efforts LMM


Inducing new industries to locate in Michigan small towns is not a

button affair Decentralization of industry

whereby workers may work part time in a small factory and thsn i W . R. C card party, Msrch 14. part-time on a small plot of ground g p. n . , d t y hall. All wleoome. c45 is more of an illusioe than a real


$2.00 per ton WE WILL ADD

EGASUL {A Coccidiosis Preventative)

To Your Food


King's Quality Feeds in BULK


TSngWtlby Qmpajiy

The Bveniag Club will meft on j These points were among a num- ifeesday, March 14. with Mrs. Iber of interesting facts brought out Charles White. | at a panel program sponsored by .the Michigan Press Association as: The South Lowell Extension] | a service for member newspapers Class win meet Tuesday, March 14. 'which serve small rural commun- the home of Mrs. Anton Win-

^ \

j Ths program was stimulated by I The Lowell Extension Class will interest shown in the series of the meet Tharsday, March 1«. with Mra

!'Michigan Mirror" news-letters Hattle Peckham. The Is on last August and September on the program planning. HWh subject of community development to answer roll call with a aad new Industries for MlcMgan hold h l a t Potluck lunrh at small towns. I

j To bring the matter to a sharp; The Ada Townsend Club will hold focus fttr consideration of news- « fat-together meeting in the Ada paper editors, the stats press as*v township hall Thursday. Mareh 11

;ciation Invited three experts to1 at p. m. Rev Alfred Potts of participate tm a panel program Gfmnd Rapids will speak on -Pen-

FionsT C. Dwight Wood. MicKifsn De

partment. of Economic Develop-1 South Lowell Circle will meet at men t emphasised the need for self-!the home of Mrs. Ray Rtitenger help in the community whereby the. Thursday. March 16. for aa after-town took inventory of Its resourccu noon meeting. Carolyn Sterxick and potentiate. Mr. Wood declared -win be that "one of the best ways In whioh a community can g€* in touch with

te the services which in the community for varkms in-dustries If suitable sites a re aeaiV abJe aad other factors are fhvor-able. the comnnmity can thee list these available resources with the Michigan Department of Eooaomic Development The state department compiles a monthly bulletin which if distriboted-to officials of tries which have indicated a desire to miExate to smaller towns er to

Professor H. O. Whittemora. of the Department of Architecture, University igan. emphasised the

It's always appropri-ata to grra flowars. Birthdays, Anniversa-rias, any occasion can ba honorad b a 11 a r with flowars.

I IELI liftibMset

Engagement Announced

Mr. and Mrs. George Linton announce the engagement

!their daughter. Marior\' !of Grand Rapids to Gerrit Post of j Grand Raplda son of Mr. and Mrs. | Henry Post The wedding will take ' ***• *•***• Oa» W l t w a d T h e place In August Marjory is a ^"tobtography of Will Rogers" by graduate of Lowell high school with ^ b o , , M o f M'* the class of ISiS, Mr Post pradu- Wachtertieuser Mrs Wach-

from Christian high in the tert*u*Br ^ Wlaks ren of 1942. dered two piano duets. Mrs. Sadie

, Sesgrsve was

Batty Roberts Honored

Mrs. Helen Chick and Miss JoAnn | Norrls of Allen Park were co-! Mrs. Carl FVeyermuth entertain-hostesses at a bridal shower for ®d Book Ten in her home Wednes-Betty Roberts at the Norrls home d*y evening. Mrs John Ber*1n Saturday. Feb 18. Binge was the reviewed the book "Dr. of Un-^ diversion of the cTening, Fifty known laland" by David Divine guests ware present to asset and ^ Ooo*1eh and Mia. get acquainted with the h r t d s ^ b e . 1 m D o c „ m ^

* * * .Vaderwm. at the home ef Mra iGoodrtch In South Lowall.

* m% aix 0 - x_ nunvi vu io nr rt y 1

; Reusser of Ionia was guest I ' Three states la the Uaioa have a t a birthday dinner giver four-let ter


to railroad facilities, which be readily utiltoed for i and also for future

Because of the need for parkinp PW- Mr. aad Mrs. Cecil DeRnshia of worker automobiles as well as « « ta charge of the supper aad Mr. ^

Fir Yiir firtater Pleasire...

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Joclcay Contoured Shirts to Match

Mrs. Beatrice Schwab VaaDyka who recently broke her back in a tobogganing accident was taken from Butterwurth hospital to her

be cared for there by ber mother She will have to remain in a cast three months. Mrs. Nick Kloostcrman of Lowell is a aistec



^ i t e jenoegh- l a t i n • s s n t t m s • place Ace Plating picked up

With • 7 80 in ^ p 0 i B S a ^ * * * * ^ r ^ ^ t h r e e »ames aad total ptoa for foar For ths winners L. Jehn


Saeei , J H B M pne in f of these new E l f i n A nimmiom eAn-17^1 Upm DeLnxe Watches. Famous Elfin craftsmanship. Ani each baa the

DaraFewerMamspriaf* 09% ef watch rrpsks


The Co-Weds will meet Saturday March U, a t the

up with a w game. Also la this contest Ace Plating came up with

high team stogie game of the o with the high

series -2S14 for the evening Hill Dairy dropped Alto

I two games out of three but lost itotal pins for a t i e H Johnson for

aad P. Kropf for the Dairy hit a SO* series. Runci-

the fart

In this oontesf Keech M t a l f T



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. . . and the next one might

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truck shipping, storage, and the *nd Mrs. Charles trend to a one-story fantory build- pengenm. ing, the average number of square feet of space per industrial worker The Priscitta group win has jumped from about ISO feet in P m Wednesday. Mart* 15. building floor space to around 1500 tbe home of Mrs. Harold or 1600 square feet per worker. Tb* program wiD be on t h e Women

Professor Whittsmore believes of Scripture. firmly tha t the ideal factory area should be within the city limits There will be a regular meeting )**„ vn . and henoe that availability of such Job s teaghtore Monday a land for industry beoosnea an aa- •uag1 March U. at I 00 o'ctoch in sential function of the community .t1* in planning for future industrial development. The rvrm 1oT t b .

Bureau will meet Mar. 14 !

He pointed out that a recent a t - home of Mr. aad Mra. cision of the Supreme Court heK l Real It waa unoonstitutional for a ate- 7 ^ . LCIP«U WomenW OUH WM W how nicipality to condemn land which TO to be turned ever toe private dfcy. Mnrtfc U r t the h^je ' r f Mia. | Ccipemicua the industrtol conoern for private use-Gaoi^e Hale There will he election was a Pole

In that connection Mr. Wood, tg ^ .Michigan Depanmeat of Economic [• _ _ _ _ Development pointed out that a1, The Oatld Studs- Club wih number of Michigan rural com* jThnradey. March 16 at the hnroe "uni t ies have fanned corporations ef Mrs. N Grhnwood. oo4iortesiws to purchase industrial land which W a g Mks. Hqward Rittenger and is resold to industry at a fair price. Man. Jer ry Tannni m Mrs Charlw

j 'We have put out a I guide for Whlto will { helping communities to form such :a Complete." Ron call wiD he an-corporations. aad many Michigan awered by giving household Mnts communities are In the process of I ow-enoifl amm. doing that now," said Mr, Wood.

Ll __ — ! Loa«Bll Lodge. No. BO, F. A A. M

Oean Ernest L. Anthony. School will hold a regular mrntinr Agriculture. Michigan State CoJ-'dey, March 14, a t 7:30 n. m.

!lege, referred to a college survey I of approximately 28.00© industrial workers who lived on small fi

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Quality is just as im-portant in radio as in medicine. You know your doctor. Be equal-ly coreful of y o u r radio service man. Qualify p a r t s and careful, competent work are necessary if you are to have full return on your invest-ed radio dollars.

plots and who presumably worked in city industries.

In the past the idea of decentraj-jixation of industry whereby wors-en: could perform parttime fanning on home plots whUe working part-

jtime In city Industries has had a nopular vogue The MSC survey,

.however, revealed that a majority of these workers were making [••very poor use of the fact that they 1 lived in the country." I -Today we must 'realtoe that ag-riculture is a business." said Dean

,Anthnny. "It is a scientific and me-Jchanioal business. The man who jpays much attention to farming has to farm as if be really meant

jto farm. It is not something, just a little on the side, that he c«>«

•putter around with."


Perry Group of the Congre-" Church will mart Frtdav. 10. nt t M p. m. with Mrs.


MfPS PUG) CUAN Without suds 0' Houid



In loving memory of William C. Stone, who passed away five years ago, March 0, 1046. There's nothing in this world we

wouldn't do Once again to share our life with

you. flinoe you left a g n a t sorrow in

our hear t But some day well meet again.

never to p a r t c4B Mrs. Will Stone aad Daughter.


Monday March 12 - 13 Sunday Stows ConHnuous from 2:15 p. m.


j 1 wish to thaak all my friends and neighbors fur flowers and cards sent to me while in the hospital and during my convalescence, and also for the frui t from Alto Amer-! loan Legion. o4B Ed. Wilson.

I m I Eviigdistic Parly]

Mareh 1 thn 12.1SSI


We wish to extend our thanks and appreciation to the friends and neighbors for the beautiful flowers, kind deeds, also help given us at the time of the sudden passing of our mother. We also wish to thank tho children of the neighborhood who visited her so often and added so much to her life in «o many ways during the past years, ptf The Family of Emma Abel.

Andrew Jackson lived with his wile for two yaKn WQa& tissy found that her divorce from diet first luisband was not valid.

and wifa to live

EVEIT EVEMIIC Rst 8 t'clod

M a r c h 1 4 - 1 5 - 1 4