VIP - Alabama Department of Public Health€¦ · WIC Updates Since Contract Renewal Training...

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VIPVendor Information


September 2018

Purpose of the WIC Program

eWIC is the Future

Women, Infants and Children (WIC) is the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program funded by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The mission of the WIC Program is to improve the health and nutritional status of women, infants and children during critical times of growth and development. Authorized WIC vendors provide participants access to WIC approved foods to promote good nutrition as prescribed by a health professional.

eWIC is simple, fast, and convenient and it is coming to Alabama! The Alabama eWIC card will work like a debit card at the store checkout. Are you ready for eWIC? Ask your Value Added Reseller (VAR) if your Point of Sale (POS) system will support eWIC.

Be on the lookout for eWIC updates starting in August. The State WIC Office will be mailing important information to authorized WIC vendors, as well as updating our website If you have vendor questions about eWIC, email them to We look forward to working with our authorized WIC vendors to ensure a smooth implementation process.

A Message from the Vendor Management Branch Director

Dear Authorized WIC Vendors,

Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 is going to be very exciting for Alabama WIC. eWIC will pilot in 2019 bringing its many benefits to the vendor community. Although eWIC brings many benefits, there is and will continue to be the need for training. Most all the warnings and fines issued in the state are a result of lack of training. We recognize the tremendous turnover in the grocery industry which is why we have training segments on our website that can be viewed via various methods including YouTube. I ask that everyone utilize the training materials provided so that WIC customers have a positive shopping experience and you gain a loyal customer.

We are here to support our vendors, be it through providing free WIC training, training materials, or addressing your questions. I personally appreciate all you do for the Alabama WIC Program. Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns.Sincerely,

Stacey NeumannDirector, Vendor Management Branch


WIC Updates Since Contract Renewal Training

Alabama WIC Approved Foods

Important Alabama WIC Approved Food Package Updates

Effective May 28, 2018, the following Alabama WIC Program changes were implemented as a result of the Alabama Administrative Code Rules change:

• During contract renewal year, the Alabama WIC Program will not accept applications from June 1 through September 30.• For new vendor applicants, the square footage of continuous retail space exclusively devoted to food sales has increased from 1,000 to 3,000.• Vendors cannot use another store’s brand items as part of the minimum stock requirements.• The Department no longer allows vendors to purchase contract infant formula from other program vendors.

If you have questions regarding the rules changes, please contact the State WIC Office at 1-888-942-4673.

Foods provided by the WIC Program provide a good source of nutrients to women, infants, and children participating in the program. These foods include milk, yogurt, eggs, cheese, fruit juice, fortified cereals, peanut butter, dried beans, peas, whole grain bread, brown rice and fresh fruits and vegetables. For a complete detailed list of the Alabama WIC approved foods, please refer to the WIC Approved Foods Brochure and the Alabama WIC Program Vendor Procedure Handbook. These resources can also be found on our

website at It is recommended that there be a WIC Approved Foods Brochure at each register as they are a helpful tool to assist cashiers with the WIC transaction. These brochures are available free of charge by contacting the State WIC Office.

The State WIC Office will be mailing out change sheets on the food package updates for each register in your store. Please see the detailed list of changes to WIC approved cereals.

1. The Alabama WIC Program will no longer approve Mom’s Best or Quaker Oatmeal in 16 and 18 oz. canisters/tubes; however, Quaker Instant Oatmeal, Original 11.8 oz. will remain WIC approved.

2. Dora, Alpha Bits (WIC approved blue box), and 12 oz. boxes of Honey and Berry Berry Kix have been discontinued. These will begin to disappear off of the shelves. As long as 12 oz. boxes of Honey and Berry Berry Kix remain in your inventory, you may continue to sell these as WIC approved.

3. A new Alpha Bits (white box) cereal will begin to hit shelves in August/September 2018. It is NOT WIC approved.

4. NEW 18 oz. Honey and Berry Berry Kix boxes, that currently feature Paw Patrol characters, have started hitting shelves. These ARE WIC approved and a new option for our WIC participants.


Approved FoodsSpecial Supplemental Nutrition Program for

Women, Infants and Children from the Alabama Department of Public Health



Effective October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2019

Old Alpha Bits(Discontinued)

New Alpha Bits (Not Approved)


Alabama WICFood Package Updates



Quaker Instant

Oatmeal, Original

Quaker Oats Old Fashioned

Quaker Oats 1 Minute

Mom’s Best Old Fashioned Oats

Mom’s Best Quick Oats



Effective October 1, 2018

Honey Kix Berry Berry Kix

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.



Upcoming Formula Name Change

Know the Minimum Stock Requirements!

Do You Purchase Your Infant Formula from an Approved Source?

Mead Johnson Nutritionals alerted the State WIC Office that the following formula name will be updated:

• Enfamil Enfacare® 12.8 oz. powder will change to Enfamil NeuroPro Enfacare® 12.8 oz. powder. • The Enfamil NeuroPro EnfaCare® 12.8 oz. powder is scheduled to be in the retail market late October/early November.

The Alabama WIC Program will print both names on the Food Instruments until the stock of the old formula name is depleted. As per policy and procedures, cashiers must only allow the purchase of the infant formula specified on the food instrument. Alabama WIC clinics are educating participants about the changes.

As part of the authorization process to become a vendor in the Alabama WIC Program, a vendor must meet the criteria for participation which includes having the minimum stock. Once authorized, your store must continue to maintain the minimum stock. This allows for multiple participants to come into your store on the same day and purchase all items listed on their Food Instrument or cash value voucher without depleting your stock. The minimum stock requirements are based on the peer group of your store. Vendors are placed in peer groups based on store type and number of cash registers. For a complete list of peer groups and descriptions and a detailed listing of the Alabama WIC Program minimum stock requirements, refer to the Alabama WIC Program Vendor Procedure Handbook pages 19-20 and 33-36.

All Alabama authorized WIC vendors and those applying to be an Alabama authorized WIC vendor must purchase infant formula from approved sources. You can access the Alabama WIC approved formula supplier list electronically on our website Select “Vendor Management” from the menu on the left, then “Authorized WIC Vendor Information” which is under the “Already an Authorized Alabama WIC Vendor” heading. The list is located under the heading “Alabama WIC Vendor Publications.”

Alabama WIC ProgramVendor Procedure Handbook

Get growing with

ALABAMA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTHBureau of Family Health Services/Division of WIC

Vendor Management Branch

Effective October 1, 2017 - September 30, 2019


Do You Know if Your Store is Violating the Vendor Sanction Schedule?

Providing Incentive Items is Strictly Prohibited

WIC Program Fraud or Abuse…What Should You Do?

Want to Prevent Future Repayment?Adhere to Policies and Procedures.

Tips for Transacting and Redeeming Food Instruments and Cash Value Vouchers

It is very important to be familiar with the vendor sanction schedule in order to ensure your store is in compliance. Program violations are separated into categories by the seriousness of the violation. Refer to the Alabama WIC Program Vendor Procedure Handbook pages 31-32 or your WIC vendor contract for a complete list of violations.

The Alabama WIC Program prohibits the use of incentives to entice WIC participants to shop in a particular store. Vendors who use advertisements to solicit the business of WIC participants, and/or offer incentives or delivery services will be subject to contract termination.

Incentives are defined as any item, service or gimmick used to solicit the patronage of a WIC participant. Incentives include free or complimentary gifts such as but not limited to diapers, free deli meals, other services, etc. offered exclusively to WIC participants.

If you suspect a WIC customer or another vendor is abusing the Alabama WIC Program, contact the State WIC Office at 1-888-942-4673. We take all complaints about program abuse seriously. Investigations are conducted on all complaints received.

The Alabama WIC Program reviews redeemed Food Instruments and Cash Value Vouchers for overcharges and other violations. If a violation is detected, the State WIC Office can delay payment or establish a claim against the vendor. Claims for reimbursement can be made to the vendor for any charges to the WIC Program for WIC approved foods which are above the prices submitted by the vendor on the semiannual price surveys. The vendor must pay any claim assessed by the State WIC Office by the due date specified in the notification or the vendor will be terminated for cause.

• ALWAYS check the WIC ID Folder.• ALWAYS verify the Food Instrument and Cash Value Voucher are within valid dates.• ALWAYS verify only Alabama WIC approved foods are being purchased. • NEVER allow the substitution of unauthorized foods.• NEVER issue a rain check if you do not have enough stock on hand to fill the WIC Food Instrument.• NEVER charge for foods that the WIC customer does not receive.• NEVER charge sales tax on WIC transactions.• ALWAYS provide the WIC customer with a receipt.


The Lactose Milk Saga Continues

WIC Program Integrity

Lactose-free or lactose reduced milk is allowed even though it is not specified on the Food Instrument. The WIC customer must get the type (whole, 1%, or fat-free) that is printed on the Food Instrument of lactose-free or lactose-reduced milk.

Lactose-free or lactose-reduced milk is allowed even though it is not specified on the Food Instrument. The WIC customer must get the type (whole, 1%, or fat free) that is printed on the Food Instrument of lactose-free or lactose-reduced milk.

In order to maintain the integrity of the Alabama WIC Program, routine monitorings and undercover buys are conducted at authorized vendors across the state. These are used to detect noncompliance and fraud. Thus far in fiscal year 2018, 43 warnings and 6 fines have been issued. These have been related to vendor noncompliance. The main issues with noncompliance are failure to maintain the minimum stock at all times and improperly processing a Food Instrument. The primary issue in processing a Food Instrument is failure to compare the signature on the WIC ID Folder to the signature on the Food Instrument/Cash Value Voucher after obtaining the participant/proxy’s/parent’s signature. Should you have any questions concerning the proper procedures in redeeming food instruments, please consult your WIC vendor guidelines and Alabama WIC Program Vendor Procedure Handbook or call (334) 206-5673.

Per your Alabama WIC Vendor Contract a warning is given for the above violation(s) on the first offense. If the same violation(s) are noted again, you will be assessed a monetary fine and applicable sanctions will be imposed. Please refer to the Sanction Schedule, Attachment 1 of the Alabama WIC Vendor Contract for additional information. If you have any questions, please call the State WIC Office at (334) 206-5673.

Received by: Date:

WIC Representative: Date:

* Signing this notice is an acknowledgement of receipt not an admission of guilt.

Alabama Department of Public HealthOFFICIAL NOTICE OF WARNING


Monitoring Date: _____ / _____ / _______

Vendor: ___________________________________________ Vendor #: ____________

Address: ________________________________ City: _____________ State:________

You are hereby notified that you are in violation of the following:

Other Violation(s) / Sanction(s):

Category III

(Sec. 1) Failure to properly process food instruments or cash value vouchers...

(Sec. 3) Failure to mark the price of a WIC-approved food on the shelf or item.

(Sec. 4) Stocking WIC-approved food outside of the manufacturer’s date.

Category I

(Sec. 5) Failure to provide employee training on WIC procedures.

Warning # 0000



Check List for Routine Monitoring Visits

As a currently authorized WIC vendor, you are subject to a routine monitoring visit at any time. A routine monitoring visit is an overt, onsite monitoring

visit in which a program representative identifies himself/herself. In order to be prepared, please keep the information below in an easily accessible place. The following items will be requested during the monitoring visit. Failure to provide any of these will result in the applicable sanction.• Alabama WIC Program Vendor Procedure

Handbook.• Vendor Information Publication (VIP)

E-Newsletter. • Documentation/Invoices showing you are

receiving infant formula only from approved sources on the list provided by the State WIC Office.

• A Valid Food Permit.• Documentation on employee WIC training

(Training Acknowledgement Form). • All Food Instruments and Cash Value

Vouchers not deposited as of the date of the monitoring visit.

To avoid contract violation and a fine, keep an up-to-date copy of the Training Acknowledgement Form in an easily accessible place. For more information on training requirements, refer to page 23 of the Alabama WIC Program Vendor Procedure Handbook.

Date of Training Employee’s Signature

Alabama WIC Vendor Management Training Acknowledgement Form

To avoid contract violation and a fine, a copy of this document MUST be made available to State WIC Staff during a visit to the store.

Store Name: WIC Vendor Number

Physical Address:  


Trainer Name:


By signing below, the store employee acknowledges they have been trained on and understand the policies and procedures of the Alabama WIC Program. A signature is required.

When the Food Instrument reads: “1 Container Juice (48 oz.) OR 1 Can Frozen Juice (11.5-12.0 oz.),” the participant should only receive one can of frozen juice or one 48 oz. container.

When a Food Instrument reads, “1 Gallon 1% or Fat-Free Milk”, the participant can either get one gallon or two half gallons of 1% or Fat-Free Milk.

When the Food Instrument reads, “1 Pound Cheese (16 oz. Package),” the participant must purchase a 16 oz. package of WIC approved cheese. Two 8 oz. packages cannot be purchased or substituted in place of a 16 oz. package.

Pizza and Mexican blend cheeses are not WIC approved. The only cheese blend that is WIC approved is Colby/Monterey Jack.

The More You Know…Can save you money • Make a great shopping experience • Keep you compliant





Ensure, Pediasure, Glucerna, and Boost are all WIC approved. The type and amount will be specified on the Food Instrument and should be filled accordingly.

Note: These come in 6-packs and must be divisible by six. If they are not, please ask the participant to return to the WIC clinic to have a new Food Instrument issued.

GoGurt 8 count of 2 oz. tubes is not WIC approved. The only WIC approved GoGurt yogurts are the GoGurt 16 count 2 oz. tubes and the GoGurt XL 8 count 4 oz. tubes. Two boxes of GoGurt 8 count 2 oz. tubes cannot be purchased or substituted for GoGurt 16 count 2 oz. tubes.

Gerber 2nd Stage fruits and vegetables does not include dessert, snack, or dinner selections. Examples of these exclusions are Hawaiian Delight, Mac and Cheese, and Vanilla Custard with Bananas. These types are not approved because they include grains, pastas, and rice in addition to the fruits and vegetables.

Participants must sign in the “Authorized Signature” block. A participant should not sign the “Corrected Amount” block or the back of the Food Instrument.

Participants must receive the type and brand of formula specified on the Food Instrument. Formula is prescribed based on the nutritional needs of the baby. Allowing the purchase of the incorrect formula could be detrimental to the baby’s health.

Proper placement of WIC shelf labels can make the WIC customer’s shopping experience easier. Be mindful when placing the shelf labels and ensure that labels are under WIC approved foods only.

Exceeding the dollar amount on a Cash Value Voucher is the number one reason for rejected Food Instruments. A cash value voucher has a not to exceed dollar amount. If the total exceeds the not to exceed dollar amount, the Cash Value Voucher will reject. For example: If the Cash Value Voucher not to exceed amount is $8.00 and the total for the transaction is $10.34, $8.00 should be entered in the “Pay Exactly” block and the remaining $2.34 should be paid with another method of payment.

Cash Value Vouchers must only be used to purchase approved fresh fruits and vegetables.


When the price on a product increases more than ten cents from the price submitted on the latest WIC Semiannual Vendor Price Survey, the increase should be reported. Price increases must be reported on the Price Increase Request Form which is available on our website

The Training Acknowledgement Form should be signed off on by all employees yearly after watching the training DVD and/or reading the VIP training edition. In addition, all new employees should watch the training DVD and sign and date the form.

Effective October 1, 2014, the State WIC Office stopped issuing 2% Milk on Food Instruments.

The Basics of 64 Ounces

What do you do if…Your Store Closes, is Sold, Business Structure Changes??

Infant fruits and vegetables are sold as Gerber 4 oz. 2-pack (net 8 oz. package) or Beech-Nut Classics 4 oz. jars. If the participant chooses Beech-Nut, the participant should receive 16 - 4 oz. jars. If the participant chooses Gerber, the participant should receive 8 Gerber 4 oz. 2-packs. Our office continues to receive appeals for payment where a participant has received 16 Gerber 4 oz. 2-packs. This results in a loss of revenue for the store.

The State WIC Office must be notified in writing no less than 15 days prior to any changes in information to include, but not limited to, change in name of store, ownership, management, business structure, or closing. The effective date must be specified in the letter. In addition, the State WIC Office must be notified 15 days prior to the store being sold. A vendor contract is not transferrable from one owner to another.

See page 21 of your Alabama WIC Program Vendor Procedure Handbook or your Alabama WIC Vendor Contract for additional information.


Need Supplies? Have Questions? Contact Us.If you are in need of shelf labels, Alabama WIC Program Vendor Procedure Handbooks,

WIC Approved Foods Brochures, or window clings, call the State WIC Office to request

these items at no cost to you. In addition, if you have questions or concerns that you

cannot find an answer to in your Alabama WIC Program vendor resources,

you may contact the State WIC Office by phone 1-888-942-4673 or by fax (334) 206-2914.

Alabama WIC Mobile App

Check Out the Alabama

WIC App!Access the WIC Approved Foods Brochure and stay

connected with social media posts

and current WIC news.





VIPVendor Information


September 2018

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.