V.I.P. Mastermind Coaching · 2020. 1. 31. ·...

Post on 03-Nov-2020

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©  2013  Hal  Elrod  International,  Inc.    www.HalElrod.com  |  VIP  Mastermind  Coaching  www.VIPMastermindCoaching.com      

UpgradingYour Circle of

Influence Straight  Forward  Steps    

To  Surround  Yourself  With  Highly  Successful  People  


“If you surround yourself with positive people who build you up,

the sky is the limit.”

– Tony Robbins

“Don’t join an easy crowd. Go where the expectations and the

demands to perform and achieve are high.”

– Jim Rohn




V.I.P. Mastermind Coaching

©  2013  Hal  Elrod  International,  Inc.    www.HalElrod.com  |  VIP  Mastermind  Coaching  www.VIPMastermindCoaching.com      


 “You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.”

– Jim Rohn

 5  Areas  Impacted  By  Your  COI    

1)  __________________   2)  __________________     3)  __________________  4)  __________________   5)  __________________  

 Notes:  ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________  ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________    


Question  1:  Whom  Do  I  Spend  the  Most  Time  With?    Jot  down  all  of  the  people  with  whom  you  most  often  associate.  You've  got  to  evaluate  everybody  who  is  able  to  influence  you  in  any  way.  


1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  


6.  7.  8.  9.  10.  

Question  2:  How  Are  These  People  Influencing  Me?  This  is  a  major  question  to  ask.  What  have  they  got  me  doing?  What  have  they  got  me  listening  to?  What  have  they  got  me  reading?  Where  have  they  got  me  going?  What  do  they  have  me  thinking?  How  have  they  got  me  talking?  How  have  they  got  me  feeling?  What  have  they  got  me  saying?  You've  got  to  make  a  serious  study  of  how  others  are  influencing  you,  both  negatively  and  positively.  Give  an  honest  assessment  of  both  the  positive  and  negative.  

Positive:    ________________________________________________________________________________  ________________________________________________________________________________________  ________________________________________________________________________________________  ________________________________________________________________________________________  

Negative:    _______________________________________________________________________________  ________________________________________________________________________________________  ________________________________________________________________________________________  ________________________________________________________________________________________  

Part  2:  Evaluating  Your  Current  Circle  of  Influence  

Part  1:  The  Impact  of  Your  Circle  of  Influence  

©  2013  Hal  Elrod  International,  Inc.    www.HalElrod.com  |  VIP  Mastermind  Coaching  www.VIPMastermindCoaching.com      



“Want to be happy, healthy, and successful? Then you must start surrounding yourself with happy, healthy, successful people.”

– Yo Pal Hal  

GROWTH  FRIENDS  (GFFs)  People  Who  Will  Add  Value  To  My  Life    (Who  I  Will  Start  Spending  More  Time  With)  

MAINTENANCE  FRIENDS  People  Who  Will  Drag  Me  Down  

(Who  I  Will  Significantly  Limit  My  Time  With)    




*Note:  High  Achievers  actively  cultivate,  deepen,  and  generate  new  relationships  with  GFFs.  

 Schedule  one  15-­‐30  minute  call  per  month  with  each  of  your  GFFs.    VIP  Action  Plan:

   Call  Outline:  (Each  of  You  Shares…)  

1. Top  1-­‐3  “Wins”  (Things  that  are  going  well)  2. Top  1-­‐3  “Areas  of  Improvement”  (Things  you  need  to  focus  on  being  better  at)  3. Top  1-­‐3  “Commitments”  (Actions  you  will  commit  to  taking  before  the  next  call)  



3  Essential  People  You  Must  Have  In  Your  Life  At  All  Times:  1) A  person  who  is  __________________  and  more  successful  than  you  to  learn  from:    

Candidates:  1  _____________________  2  _____________________  3  _____________________  2) A  person  who  is  __________________  to  you  to  exchange  ideas  with:    

Candidates:  1  _____________________  2  _____________________  3  _____________________  3) A  person  __________________  you  to  coach  and  keep  you  energized:    

Candidates:  1  _____________________  2  _____________________  3  _____________________  

 Identify  candidates  for  each  of  the  above,  brainstorm  ways  you  can  ADD  VALUE  to  their    VIP  Action  Plan:lives,   and   reach   out   to   secure   one   from   each   of   the   3   areas   that   would   be  willing   to   schedule   a   15-­‐30  minute  call  with  you  each  month.        

Part  3:  How  To  Upgrade  Your  Circle  of  Influence  

—  The  Make  or  Break  List  —  

©  2013  Hal  Elrod  International,  Inc.    www.HalElrod.com  |  VIP  Mastermind  Coaching  www.VIPMastermindCoaching.com      


Join  a  Networking  Group:    • BNI  (www.bni.com)  or  LeTip  (www.letip.com)    

 Meet  like-­‐minded  people  in  your  area:    

• Meetup  (www.meetup.com)    

“Remember, success takes time. Developing quality relationships takes time. Don’t get overwhelmed with where you are. Get excited about the fact that you are taking the steps now in the direction of your goals

and dreams. As long as you continue taking steps in the right direction, your success is inevitable.”

—  “YO  PAL”  HAL  ELROD  

 Notes:  ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________  ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  


P.S. How To Get the Most Out of Your VIP Coaching membership:

Thank YOU for being a member of VIP Coaching. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to add value to your life by helping you to become the person you need to be to create the levels of success you want in every area.

To maximize your VIP Coaching membership, I highly recommend that you simply schedule “VIP Coaching” time each week (or every other week) to either listen to one of our “live” monthly calls, review and implement the Mastery Guide handout, log in to the VIP Coaching “Member’s Only” site to re-listen to one of our previous VIP Coaching Modules, watch a VIP Coaching video, or interact with your fellow VIP Coaching Members through the Groups & Forum.

Keep in mind that merely being introduced to new strategies is only the beginning. Your commitment must be to study, review, practice, and implement the skills, habits, and mindsets necessary to become highly productive. Remember that R-E-P-E-T-I-T-I-O-N is the only path to mastery—to developing the necessary skills, mindsets, beliefs, and attitudes you need to achieve mastery and take YOUR success to the next level.

Your friend (and Coach) to help You Create YOUR “Level 10” Life…

“Yo Pal” Hal Elrod

—  Bonus  Resources  —