visual CV, Ilya Talovskiy

Post on 12-Aug-2015

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Good day!

previouslymy CV was like….

Let’s createsomething interesting

Hello! That’s meILYA Talovskiy

Continuous improvement expertat

managing different types of teams,but always achieving great result

Here’s stuff I’m really good at

1.Problem solving“ like big, tangled, hairy, messy, howthe heck did we get into this kind ofproblems ”

2.Analyzing and synthesizinginformation“ piece of cake ”

3. Holistic thinking“ reflective, creative, big-picture, intuitive, unexpected kind of thinking ”

“ i have an innate skill for figuring out howto do stuff i have

absolutely no idea how to do, pronto ”learning quickly

Being a possitive force“ i believe in the power of humanpotential – in a together we can

defeat the dark side kind of way ”

Things I would like to do againexplore insights, seek truths, spark creativity, lead

initiatives, cultivate brands, strengthen companies,build teams, encourage others, challenge myself

THINGS I WOULD NOT LIKE TO DO AGAINwork without meaning, meet about meetings,

all-natural child birthing (twice is plenty)

Let’s be in touch

+7(701) 996