Visual Studio 2010 and ASP.Net 4

Post on 13-Dec-2014

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A short presentation on some of the new features in Visual Studio 2010 and .NET 4


Visual Studio 2010 and ASP.NET 4

Lee Englestone presents..

The Evolution of .NET

In the beginning (2002) there was..

.NET 1.0 & 1.1From January 2006 there was..

.NET 2.0By late 2007 we also had..

.NET 3.0 & 3.5

And on April 12th the world will know..

.NET 4 & VS2010


Overview VS2010 .NET 4


2 Years in development VS2010 ships with .NET 4 VS2010 ships with MVC 2 VS2010 ships with Silverlight 4

Launch worldwide April 12th

VS2010 General

Built using WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation)

Can undock windows Allows for multiple monitor development

Add reference improved No longer stalls Visual Studio

.NET 4

.NET 1.0 Runtime & class library .NET 1.1 Runtime & class library .NET 2.0 Runtime & class library .NET 3.0 Class library .NET 3.5 Class library .NET 4.0 Runtime & class library

4.0 Runtime runs side by side with 2.0

VS2010 Intellisense

Code behind auto complete (.cs) Code Navigation ‘Navigate To’

Ctrl + comma Highlight multiple instances (.cs) Box selection Snippet auto complete (aspx) Javascript inference


Minimised by default (No need for additional 3.5 references)

Multiple deployment configurations Web.Debug.config Web.Release.config Web.XXX.config

c# Optional and Named Parameters

Optional parameters Public ShowProduct(int productId = 0, int



Named parameters ShowProduct(productId:10);

VS2010 Debugging

Pin variables!!!

View call hierarchy

Step backwards

Routing / SEO improvements products.aspx?category=bikes products/bikes

Code sample

Page.MetaKeywords Page.MetaDescription Response.RedirectPermanent Response.RedirectToRoute

IIS 7 SEO Toolkit Plugin

ASP.NET WebForms 4

Markup emitted from Server controls tidied up No inline styles by default

Improved css designer support

Smaller viewstate by default

Automatic Html Encoding <%=Heading%> <%: Heading%>

Charting Controls

Included with ASP.NET 4 (Previously separate download)

Modelling (Ultimate version only?)

Create sequence diagram

Dependency graphs

Code gen from UML diagrams

Dgml (xml) so can create own diagrams

Other features

Web deployment packages Can deploy entire site Including running sql scripts and

creating databases


VS2010 / .NET 4 an exciting release

Only covered some of the new features for web development

More information
