Vitamin B 6 or pyridoxine By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director General Agriculture Extension ...

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Sources of Vitamin B6 or Pyridoxine

A Report ByMr Allah Dad Khan


Pyridoxine is used to help keep the potassium and sodium levels balanced in the body. It is also used to promote the production of red blood cells and allows the body to decrease homocysteine to keep the immune system functioning and balance female hormones. Deficiencies of vitamin B6 can lead to seizures, anemia, nerve damage, sores in the mouth and skin problems

Food Sources

. Most seeds and nuts contain high amounts of pyridoxine. Fortified breakfast cereals, chickpeas, enriched or long grain rice, bananas, cottage cheese, raisins, tofu, watermelon, spinach, squash, bulgur, marinara pasta sauce, potatoes, chicken breasts, sockeye salmon, yellow fin tuna, beef liver or ground beef also contain plenty of vitamin B6.


Vitamin B6 can be found in many common and versatile meats. Chicken, turkey, beef, and pork are all excellent sources of the nutrient. One serving of roasted chicken breast contains as much as 0.64mg of B6 and the same amount of turkey contains 0.54mg. Because meats are easy to incorporate into your diet through simple recipes and even snacks such as sandwiches, increasing your B6 intake by the consumption of meats is simple and effective.


As with meats, certain fish are rich in vitamin B6. Cod, salmon, halibut, trout, tuna and snapper are just some examples of fish which contain high levels of B6 and can form part of a healthy, balanced diet. Yellowfin tuna is one of the best dietary sources of vitamin B6 with 1.8mg found in a single serving. In addition to this, it is one of the healthiest sources of the nutrient. A serving of baked snapper or salmon contains 0.52mg and halibut contains 0.45mg.


Most vegetables typically contain reasonable levels of vitamin B6, but there are some vegetable powerhouses that are B6-rich. Bell peppers, spinach, baked potatoes (skin included), green peas, yams, broccoli, asparagus and turnip greens are all excellent sources of vitamin B6. These vegetables are also, for the most part, low in fat and contain other vitamins and nutrients that are essential for good health.

Nuts and Seeds

Peanuts, sunflower seeds, cashews and hazelnuts, which contain 0.6mg of 6 per serving - are all good sources of vitamin B6 and can be eaten as snacks or added to popular recipes.

Wholegrains and Bran

Whole-wheat bread, cereals, bran and other wholegrains are rich in vitamin B6 and are probably already part of your daily diet. Wheat germ contains 3mg of vitamin B6 per 100g, making it one of the most valuable sources of the nutrient.

Beans and Legumes

Chickpeas, lentils and soybeans are just some examples of vitamin B6-rich beans and legumes. Kidney beans are another good source of the nutrient. By including a single serving of any of these foods with your meals, you can maintain your intake of vitamin B6 and lower the risk of experiencing B6 deficiency.