VMware to RHEV Convertion

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  • 7/27/2019 VMware to RHEV Convertion


    Migrating to Red Hat Enterprise

    VirtualizationVMware ESXi 4

    John Herr, RHCA, RHCVA

    Version 1.

    Jul! "11

  • 7/27/2019 VMware to RHEV Convertion


    1801 Varsity DriveRaleigh NC 27606-2072 USAPhone !1 "1" 7#$ %700Phone 888 7%% $281&a' !1 "1" 7#$ %701P( )o' 1%#88Resear*h +riangle Par, NC 2770" USA

    in.' is a registere/ tra/ear, o in.s +orval/s Re/ 3at4 Re/ 3at 5nterrise in.' an/ the Re/ 3atSha/oan logo are registere/ tra/ear,s o Re/ 3at4 9n* in the Unite/ States an/ other*o.ntries

    V:are4 V:are +ools4 an/ 5S;i are registere/ tra/ear,s o V:are4 9n*

    :i*rosot an/ si/iaries in theUnite/ States an/ other *o.ntries

    All other tra/ear,s reeren*e/ herein are the roerty o their rese*tive oners

    ? 2011 >y Re/ 3at4 9n* +his aterial ay >e /istri>.te/ only s.>@e*t to the ters an/ *on/itions setorth in the (en P.>li*ation i*ense4 V10 or later the latest version is resently availa>le athttBBoen*ontentorgBoen.>B

    +he inoration *ontaine/ herein is s.>@e*t to *hange itho.t noti*e Re/ 3at4 9n* shall not >e lia>leor te*hni*al or e/itorial errors or oissions *ontaine/ herein

    Distri>.tion oo/iie/ versions o this /o*.ent is rohi>ite/ itho.t the e'li*it erission o Re/3at 9n*

    Distri>.tion o this or, or /erivative o this or, in any stan/ar/ aer >oo, or or *oer*ial.roses is rohi>ite/ .nless rior erission is o>taine/ ro Re/ 3at 9n*

    +he =P= ingerrint o the se*.rityre/hat*o,ey isCA 20 86 86 2) D6 "D &C 6# &6 5C C$ 21 "1 80 CD D) $2 A6 05

    Sen/ ee/>a*, torear*h-ee/>a*,re/hat*o

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  • 7/27/2019 VMware to RHEV Convertion


    Table of Contents

    1 5'e*.tive S.ary 1

    2 Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEation 2

    21 (vervie %

    22 virt-v2v #

    % Reeren*e Ar*hite*t.re 5nvironent 6

    $ :igration (vervie 12

    # :igration Prearation 1%

    #1 )a*, U Virt.al :a*hines 1%

    #2 :a an/ Create Netor,s 1%

    #21 Creating the Netor,s 1#

    #22 :aing the Netor,s 21

    #% Create an 5'ort Doain 22

    #$ Uloa/ ReF.ire/ 9S(s to the Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEation 5nvironent 2$

    #$1 Re/ 3at 5nterrise in.' )ase/ Virt.al :a*hines 2#

    #$2 le SS3 A**ess to the 5S;i Server 28

    #6 =ather Virt.al :a*hine 9noration %1

    6 :igrating the Virt.al :a*hines %2

    61 Coitting Snashots %2

    62 Uninstalling V:are +ools %$

    6% Sh.tting Don the Virt.al :a*hines %#

    6$ 5'orting the Virt.al :a*hines %66$1 virt-v2v *oan/ %6

    6$2 5'ort %8

    6# 9orting the Virt.al :a*hines %"

    66 Peroring Post :igration +as,s $2

    661 &irst )oot $2

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  • 7/27/2019 VMware to RHEV Convertion


    662 les $"

    Aen/i' ) Reeren*es #%

    Aen/i' C Revision 3istory #$

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  • 7/27/2019 VMware to RHEV Convertion


    1 Executive SummaryVirt.aliEing inrastr.*t.re4 /eveloent4 an/ other ro/.*tion servers has F.i*,ly >e*oe areF.ireent or any *oanies an/ organiEations /.e to the otential *ost savings rovi/e/>y virt.aliEation Cost saving *an >e noti*e/ /ire*tly >y re/.*ing the n.>er o hysi*alservers reF.ire/ to >e .r*hase/ or in/ire*tly thro.gh energy an/ *ooling savings

    :any virt.aliEation sol.tions la*, the eat.res ne*essary to allo the to >e easily /eloye/an/ aintaine/ in enterrise environents (ther sol.tions that ay >e eat.re ri*h are very*ostly to .r*hase an/ ileent

    Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEation >ri/ges the ga >eteen *ost an/ eat.res At a 60-80er*ent loer *ost than other virt.aliEation sol.tions an/ itho.t *oroising eat.res4 itrovi/es a ro>.st an/ anagea>le environent or virt.aliEation Re/ 3at 5nterriseVirt.aliEation is a*,e/ ith eat.res s.*h as high availa>ility4 live igration4 a.toati*>alan*ing o or,loa/s4 an/ ore

    +he .n/erlying (en So.r*e te*hnologies that *orise Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEation areell teste/ an/ /esigne/ to eet the /ean/s o to/ayGs ission *riti*al enterriseenvironents Virt.al a*hines ro other virt.aliEation sol.tions *an >e igrate/ to Re/ 3at5nterrise Virt.aliEation se*.rely an/ ith *oni/en*e

    +his aer /es*ri>es the ro*ess o igrating virt.al a*hines ro a V:are 5S;i server toa Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEation server .sing the Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEation virt.al-to-virt.al igration tools +he goal is to /eonstrate ho to eror an/ veriy .n*tionalityor the igrate/ virt.al a*hines virt-v2vis .se/ as the riary tool to eror virt.al

    a*hine igration or the olloing g.est (erating Systes r.nning on a V:are 5S;ihost

  • 7/27/2019 VMware to RHEV Convertion


    2 Red Hat Enterprise VirtualizationVirt.aliEation oers treen/o.s >eneits or enterrise 9+ organiEations H server*onsoli/ation4 har/are a>stra*tion4 an/ internal *lo./s /eliver a high /egree o oerationalei*ien*y

    +he Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEation ortolio is an en/-to-en/ virt.aliEation sol.tion4 ith.se *ases or >oth servers an/ /es,tos4 /esigne/ to over*oe *.rrent 9+ *hallenges or*onsoli/ation4 ena>le ervasive /ata *enter virt.aliEation4 an/ .nlo*, .nre*e/ente/ *aitalan/ oerational ei*ien*y +he Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEation ortolio >.il/s .on the Re/3at 5nterrise in.' lator that is tr.ste/ >y tho.san/s o organiEations on illions osystes aro.n/ the orl/ or their ost ission-*riti*al or,loa/s Co>ine/ ith IV:4 thelatest generation o virt.aliEation te*hnology4 Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEation /elivers ase*.re4 ro>.st virt.aliEation lator ith .nat*he/ eroran*e an/ s*ala>ility or Re/ 3at5nterrise in.' an/

  • 7/27/2019 VMware to RHEV Convertion


    2.1 Overview+he Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEation sol.tion *ontains several *oonents )elo is ai*t.re that *ontains a grahi*al reresentation o a Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEationenvironent >ase/ .on version 22 o the sotare &olloing the i*t.re is a >rie

    /es*rition o the *oonents liste/ in the environent

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    Figure 2.1-1: Red Hat Virtualization Environment

  • 7/27/2019 VMware to RHEV Convertion


    LDAP DIRECTORY/ ACTIVEDIRECTORYH DAP or A*tive Dire*tory *an >e .se/ to a.thenti*ate.sers in the Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEation environent +he Re/ 3at 5nterriseVirt.aliEation :anager *an a.thenti*ate .ses .sing a lo*al /ata>ase instea/ o a Dire*toryserver4 so this is not reF.ire/

    REDHATENTERPRISEVIRTUALIZATIONMANAGERH +he anageent station +his syste *ontrols theenvironent 9t rovi/es eat.res s.*h as high availa>ility4 live igrations4 storageanageent4 an/ ore

    API ANDSCRIPTINGH +he Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEation environent allos a**ess .sing anAP9 layer an/ e.tiliEe/ in >ash s*rits >oth lo*ally an/ reotely to a.toate soe ro*esses

    ADMINISTRATORCONSOLEH +his *onsole is a**esse/ ro the Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEation:anager 9t allos a**ess to all the *onig.ration an/ *aa>ilities o the environent

    WEBINTERFACEH +he 9ntera*e4 also reerre/ to as the User Portal4 allos .sers to seean/ or, ith virt.al a*hines that are assigne/ to the 9 no virt.al a*hines are assigne/to a .ser4 the .ser gets a >lan, s*reen in/i*ating so

    DATACENTERH A Data Center is a gro.ing o Storage Doains4 ogi*al Netor,s an/Cl.sters :.ltile Data Centers *an >e anage/ >y a single Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEation:anager

    ISO DOMAINH An N&S storage lo*ation that stores 9S( iages or .se >y the virt.al a*hines

    DATADOMAINH A storage lo*ation that is .se/ to store the virt.al a*hine iles

    EXPORTDOMAINH A storage lo*ation that is .se/ to teorarily store the virt.al a*hines henthey are e'orte/ ro or >eing iorte/ into the environent

    LOGICALNETWORKSH +hese are virt.al netor,s that allo the virt.al a*hines to tal, to ea*hother or to systes o.tsi/e the /ata *enter

    CLUSTERH A gro. o systes ith siilar ar*hite*t.re ith ea*h r.nning a hyervisor Virt.ala*hines in the Cl.ster *an r.n on any hyervisor i the *onig.ration erits :.ltileCl.sters ay e'ist in a Data Center

    RHEV HYPERVISORH +his syste r.ns the virt.al a*hines .sing the Iernel-)ase/ Virt.al:a*hine te*hnology

    RHEL / KVM HYPERVISORH A Re/ 3at 5nterrise in.' syste r.nning Iernel-)ase/ Virt.al:a*hine +his syste r.ns the virt.al a*hines

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  • 7/27/2019 VMware to RHEV Convertion


    2.2 virt-v2vvirt-v2v*oan/ *onverts virt.al a*hines ro a oreign hyervisor to r.n on Re/ 3at5nterrise Virt.aliEation 22 or later 9t a.toati*ally a*,ages the virt.al a*hines into a ilethat is in the (en Virt.aliEation &orat (V& an/ .loa/s the to a Re/ 3at 5nterrise

    Virt.aliEation e'ort storage /oain &ro the e'ort storage /oain4 the (V& iles *an >eiorte/ into Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEation .sing the Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEation:anager

    Virtio /rivers are se*ial aravirt.aliEe/ /rivers that rovi/e enhan*e/ eroran*e*aa>ilities or virt.al a*hines r.nning ithin the Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEationenvironent Using virt-v2v4 the igration ro*ess >e*oes greatly siliie/ as the virtio/rivers are in@e*te/ into the virt.al a*hine4 hen ossi>le4 /.ring the igration ro*ess +hein@e*tion o the /rivers is a.toati*ally han/le/ >y the virt-v2v*oan/ /.ring the e'orto the virt.al a*hine +he entire ro*ess is not sily @.st a *oy or ove ro*ess that ta,esla*e ro one hyervisor to another

    A//itional inoration regar/ing virt-v2v*an >e o.n/ in the virt-v2van age

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  • 7/27/2019 VMware to RHEV Convertion


    3 Reference Architecture Environment+he environent .se/ in the riting o this reeren*e ar*hite*t.re *onsists o >oth hysi*alsystes an/ virt.al a*hines

    +he olloing i*t.re /ei*ts the environent .se/ an/ is olloe/ >y a /es*rition o thesystes involve/

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    Figure 3-1: Reference Architecture Environment

  • 7/27/2019 VMware to RHEV Convertion



    RHEL 6 / KVM HYPERVISOR- +his syste is a hysi*al server in the la> environentr.nning Re/ 3at 5nterrise in.' 6 R35 6 an/ the Iernel->ase/ Virt.al :a*hine IV:hyervisor +he systes that are hoste/ are .tility or anageent tye systes an/ arehoste/ as virt.al a*hines to liit the har/are reF.ireents or this reeren*e ar*hite*t.re

    RHEV MANAGER- +his virt.al a*hine r.ns the Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEation :anageran/ is .se/ to anage the Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEation environent

    VSPHERECLIENT- +his virt.al a*hine r.ns the V:are vShere *lient an/ is .se/ toanage the 5S;i server

    NFS SERVER- +his virt.al a*hine is r.nning R35 6 an/ e'orts to /ire*tories via N&S)oth the e'orte/ /ire*tories are .se/ >y the Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEation environentan/ Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEation :anager (ne e'orte/ /ire*tory is an 9S( Doain an/the se*on/ e'orte/ /ire*tory is an 5'ort /oain

    Migration S!ste$

    RHEL 6 V2V- +his syste is .se/ to eror the igration o the virt.al a*hines rothe V:are environent to the Re/ at 5nterrise Virt.aliEation environent +his syste isr.nning R35 6 an/ the virt-v2vtools +his syste .st have a**ess to the 5S;i server

    via ssh an/ the 5'ort Doain

    VMware En*iron$ent

    ESXI- +his is a hysi*al syste r.nning the V:are 5S;i hyervisor +his syste r.nsvirt.al a*hines that are igrate/ to the Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEation environent /.ring

    the riting o this reeren*e ar*hite*t.re

    WINDOWS2008 DOMAINCONTROLLERVM- +his virt.al a*hine is r.nning y the other virt.al a*hines in thisenvironent

    WINDOWS7 DESKTOPVM- +his is a virt.al a*hine r.nning y the

  • 7/27/2019 VMware to RHEV Convertion


    +he olloing ta>le lists the se*ii*ations or systes *onsi/ere/ art o the inrastr.*t.re

    S!ste$ Spe#i%i#ations

    R35 6 B IV:J3P Proiant )$60* =6K

    R35 6102Iernel 26%2-1%121el6'86L6$Me. 01212-2160

    D.al So*,et4 M.a/ Core Bhyerthrea/ing8 *ores4 16 hyerthrea/s

    9ntel;eonCPU ;###0 267=3E

    $8 =) :eory

    2 ' 1$6 =) SAS internal /is, /rive irrore/

    2 ' Mogi* 9SP2#%2->ase/ 8=> &C 3)A1 ' 1+) .n

    2 ' )roa/*o Net;tree 99 )C:#77115 &le'-10 10=>5thernet Controller

    R35V :anagerJVirt.al :a*hineK

  • 7/27/2019 VMware to RHEV Convertion


    +he olloing ta>le lists the hysi*al har/are an/ sotare se*ii*ations or the syste.se/ to eror the igration

    S!ste$ Spe#i%i#ations

    R35 6 V2vJ3P Proiant )$60*=6K

    R35 6102Iernel 26%2-1%101#el6'86L6$

    D.al So*,et4 M.a/ Core Bhyerthrea/ing8 *ores4 16 hyerthrea/s

    9ntel;eonCPU ;###0 267=3E

    $8 =) :eory

    2 ' 1$6 =) SAS internal /is, /rive irrore/

    2 ' )roa/*o Net;tree 99 )C:#77115 &le'-10 10=>5thernet Controller

    Table 3-2: Migration System

    +he olloing ta>le lists the hysi*al har/are an/ sotare se*ii*ations or the syster.nning the Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEation hyervisor

    S!ste$ Spe#i%i#ations

    Re/ 3at 5nterrise

    Virt.aliEation 3yervisorJ3P Proiant )$60*=6K

    R35V 3yervisor-#6-111el#L6Iernel 2618-2%8121el#IV: 8%-22$el#L61

    D.al So*,et4 M.a/ Core Bhyerthrea/ing8 *ores4 16 hyerthrea/s



    CPU ;###0 267=3E$8 =) :eory

    2 ' Mogi* 9SP2#%2->ase/ 8=> &C 3)A1 ' 1+) .n

    2 ' )roa/*o Net;tree 99 )C:#77115 &le'-10 10=>5thernet Controller

    Table 3-3: Red Hat Enterprise irtuali!ation En"ironment

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  • 7/27/2019 VMware to RHEV Convertion


    +he olloing ta>le lists the hysi*al an/ virt.al har/are an/ sotare se*ii*ations or ea*hsyste in the V:are environent

    S!ste$ Spe#i%i#ations

    5S;iJ3P Proiant )$60*=6K

    V:are 5S;i $10).il/ %$8$81

    D.al So*,et4 M.a/ Core Bhyerthrea/ing8 *ores4 16 hyerthrea/s

    9ntel;eonCPU ;###0 267=3E

    $8 =) :eory

    2 ' 1$6 =) SAS internal /is, /rive irrore/

    2 ' Mogi* 9SP2#%2->ase/ 8=> &C 3)A

    2 ' )roa/*o Net;tree 99 )C:#77115 &le'-10 10=>5thernet Controller

  • 7/27/2019 VMware to RHEV Convertion


    All Re/ 3at 5nterrise in.' systes e'*et the v2v'-/evel-v virt.al a*hine .se S5in.'in an enor*ing state ith the /ea.lt *onig.ration +he v2v'-/evel-v virt.al a*hine hi*hhas the !"#!$%&!#'%$()"%$*+,)oolean set to a val.e o 1 Setting this )oolean isreF.ire/ to allo the .ser a**o.nt /ire*tories to >e share/ .sing sa>aAll the Re/ 3at 5nterrise in.' systes r.n the ita>les ireall .sing the /ea.lt ireallr.les e'*et the v2v'-ns syste +his syste has >een *onig.re/ to allo N&S to .se stati*

    orts an/ the ireall to allo trai* ro the lo*al netor, to ass thro.gh the server SeeAen/i' A Se*.ring N&S .sing 9P+a>les

    +he v2v'-/*-v is a /oain *ontroller an/ rovi/es a /oain .ser a**o.nt *alle/ /avi/ +hisa**o.nt is .se/ or testing the /oain integration o the v2v'-/es,.ser-v an/ v2v'-/evel-v

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  • 7/27/2019 VMware to RHEV Convertion


    4 Migration Overview:igrating virt.al a*hines ro an 5S;i syste to the Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEationenvironent *an >e /one easily ith soe sile lanning Inoing the igration ro*ess*an signii*antly hel in the lanning ro*ess +his allos >etter lanning o syste /onties as ell as reso.r*e availa>ility i iss.es arise /.ring a igration ro*ess +he igrationro*ess is o.tline/ >elo

    2reparation- Conig.ration o the 5S;i server an/ the Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEationenvironent .st >e erore/ to allo the igrations +he *onig.ration *onsists o theolloing

    N%-.), C)&+1,!-+)&H Netor,s that e'ist in the 5S;i environent ay not e'ist inthe Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEation 5nvironent +hese netor,s .st >e *reate/ orae/

    E34),- D)"!+&H An 5'ort Doain .st >e *reate/ an/ /eine/ on the Re/ 3at

    5nterrise Virt.aliEation environent +his 5'ort Doain is .se/ or the teorarystorage o the virt.al a*hines /.ring the igration ro*ess

    G%- T))' ISO H +he =.est +ools 9S( .st >e .loa/e/ into the Re/ 3at 5nterriseVirt.aliEation environent

    E&!#'% SSH A55%H +he 5S;i server /oes not allo SS3 a**ess >y /ea.lt +his isnot reF.ire/ or the virt-v2v *oan/ to e'ort virt.al a*hines4 >.t it allose'e*.ting *oan/s reotely on the 5S;i server

    G!-(%, V+,-!' M!5(+&% I&),"!-+)& H 9noration a>o.t the virt.al a*hine4 its.n*tion4 an/ any servi*es it oers sho.l/ >e note/ +his hels ith the igrationlanning as ell as ens.ring the virt.al a*hine .n*tions as reF.ire/ ater igration

    Commit SnapshotsH Any snashots on the virt.al a*hines .st >e *oitte/ >eore thee'ort ro*ess starts

    Uninstall VMware ToolsH V:are +ools .st >e .ninstalle/ ro the virt.al a*hines riorto starting the igration ro*ess

    E3port Virtual Ma#hineH 5'orting the virt.al a*hine is /one .sing the virt-v2v *oan/an/ tools +his *oan/ is e'e*.te/ on a Re/ 3at 5nterrise in.' server

    $port Virtual Ma#hineH 9orting the virt.al a*hines is /one .sing the Re/ 3at5nterrise Virt.aliEation :anager intera*e

    2ost MigrationH Ater the virt.al a*hines are iorte/ into the ne environent a e

    ore ost igrations stes .st >e erore/F+,- B))- H &or ase/ virt.al a*hines it is reF.ire/ to re*onig.re thenetor, inoration sin*e a ne netor, a/ater is resente/ an/ the e teste/ or .n*tionality

    C'%!&+&1 4H +he virt.al a*hines still e'ist in the original 5S;i environent an/*oies o the e'ist on the 5'ort Doain +hese .st >e a//resse/ an/ reove/

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  • 7/27/2019 VMware to RHEV Convertion


    5 Migration Preparation+he igration ro the V:are environent to the Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEationenvironent reF.ires soe rearation in or/er to a,e the igration ro*ess r.n soothly+his se*tion /is*.sses these rearations

    +his aer ass.es that a *.rrently installe/ an/ .n*tioning Red Hat EnterpriseVirtualizationenvironent is the /estination or the igrate/ virt.al a*hines 9 this is not the*ase4 a Red Hat Enterprise Virtualizationenvironent .st >e installe/ an/ *onig.re/ riorto starting the igrations 9 an aroriate environent is not *onig.re/4 lease reer toAen/i' ) Reeren*esor lin,s on ho to set . an/ *onig.re an environent

    5.1 Back Up Virtual Machines9t is alays re*oen/e/ to have a goo/ >a*,. an/ restore lan in la*e in *ase o any.noreseen iss.es that ay *a.se /ata loss +he igration o virt.al a*hines is no /ierent:a,e s.re there are ,non goo/ >a*,.s o the systes involve/ in this igration an/ a

    ,non goo/ ro*ess to restore the systes

    +here are any tools to a**olish these tas,s that in*l./e >asi* in.' *oan/s to .lleat.re/ >a*,. an/ restore ali*ations oere/ >y the *o.nity an/ a@or sotareven/ors 3oever4 the >a*,. an/ restoration o the /ata is not ithin the s*oe o thisaer

    5.2 Map an Create !etworksNetor,s that are .se/ >y the virt.al a*hines in the 5S;i environent ay not e'ist in theRe/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEation environent +hese netor,s .st >e *reate/4 ae/ tone netor,s4 or >oth

    A netor, .st >e *reate/ i there are no netor,s /eine/ in the Re/ 3at 5nterriseVirt.aliEation environent that at*h or eet the reF.ireents o the virt.al a*hines/eine/ netor, R.nning netor,s ith VANs or having .ltile netor,s *o.l/ >e areason or this

    9 a s.ita>le netor, /oes e'ist >.t is *alle/ a /ierent nae4 then a netor, aing *an >e*reate/ >y e/iting the/%-5/+,-25)&ile 9 the netor, /einitions are sile4 then a*oan/ line otion to the virt-v2vigration *oan/ *an >e se*iie/ +his etho/allos the /eining o a single /ea.lt o all>a*, netor, nae to .se

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    Creating aings >eteen the to environents *an hel avoi/ netor, iss.es ith thevirt.al a*hines +his *an easily >e /one >y *reating a ta>le siilar to +a>le #2-1 Netor,:aings +his ta>le is irst o.late/ ith the virt.al netor, inoration ro the 5S;ienvironent4 then the naes o the virt.al netor,s /eine/ in the Re/ 3at 5nterrise5nvironent are la*e/ into the ta>le i they at*h the netor, an/ VAN inorationalrea/y entere/ +he ta>le *an easily >e viee/ to see hat aings *an >e a/e or i ne

    virt.al netor,s .st >e *reate/ in the Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEation environent

    etwor( V5A ESXi etwor(

    a$eRHEV etwor(

    a$e otes

    10161%60B21 V: Netor, inrastr.*t.re Netor, or9nrastr.*t.reServers

    0000B0any netor,

    rhev Dea.lt R35VNetor,

    Table %&2-1: 'et$or( Mappings

    +he /ata in the a>ove ta>le shos that the VM N%-.),netor, on the on the 5S;i server.st >e ae/ to the +&,!-,5-,%netor, in the Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEation5nvironent +he VM N%-.),*o.l/ also or, i *onne*te/ to the ,(%"netor, sin*e the,(%"netor, is *onig.re/ to ass trai* on any netor, 0000B0

    9 a ro in the ta>le ha/ a netor, that as .se/ an/ *ontaine/ an entry in the ESX+ N%-.),N!"%*ol.n >.t not the RHEV N%-.), N!"%*ol.n4 then a ne netor, .st >e *reate/in the Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEation environent

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    5.2.1 Creating the Networks

    9n the Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEation :anager intera*e4 sele*t the Data Centersta>

    +he /ata *enters /eine/ in the environent are liste/

    Sele*t the NorthAmerica/ata *enter A Detailane aears at the >otto o the

    in/o Sele*t Logical Networks in the Detailane an/ sele*t on the New>.tton

    A ne in/o oens *alle/ New Logical Network

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    Figure 5.2.1-1: e! "ogical et!or#

  • 7/27/2019 VMware to RHEV Convertion


    +he inoration or the ne logi*al netor, is entere/ as shon in the olloing ig.re (n*ethe inoration is entere/4 sele*t the OK>.tton +he ne netor, is no *reate/ an/ liste/.n/er the Logical Networksta> o the Detailsane

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    Figure 5.2.1-2: "ogical et!or#

  • 7/27/2019 VMware to RHEV Convertion


    +he ne logi*al netor, .st >e assigne/ to the *l.ster Sele*t on the Clustersta> an/sele*t the Infrastructure*l.ster +he Detailsane oens Sele*t on the Logical Networksta>then sele*t the Manage Networks).tton

    A Manage Networksin/o resents an/ lists the nely *reate/ netor, as /ei*te/ in theolloing ig.re Sele*t the *he*, >o' ne't to the netor, nae to la*e a *he*, ar, in the

    >o' Sele*t the OK>.tton to save the *hanges

    +he netor, no shos . in the Logical Networko the Detailsane +he netor, has ani*on ne't to it that loo,s li,e a >ro,en ren*h +his is ine or no4 the netor, .st >eassigne/ to a hysi*al netor, intera*e

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    Figure 5.2.1-3: $anage et!or#%

  • 7/27/2019 VMware to RHEV Convertion


    Reer to the olloing ig.re hile assigning a hysi*al intera*e to the logi*al netor, Sele*t

    the Hoststa> an/ sele*t the server 4 a Detailsane oens . Sele*t the Network

    Interfacesta> an/ sele*t an .n.se/interface 4 this reeren*e ar*hite*t.re .ses the

    eth1intera*e Sele*t the Eit ! A "LAN>.tton to oen the Eit Network Interface


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    Figure 5.2.1-&: A%%ign 'nterface

  • 7/27/2019 VMware to RHEV Convertion


    +he olloing ig.re /ei*ts the Eit Network Interfacein/o 9n the Eit Network Interfacein/o4 a,e s.re the ne netor, *alle/ infrastructureis sele*te/ or the Networkotionan/ the ra/io >o' *alle/ Noneis sele*te/ D3CP or Stati* *o.l/ >e sele*te/ to rovi/e theintera*e ith an 9P a//ress +his allos the Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEation server to >ea**esse/ ro this intera*e +his is not reF.ire/ or this reeren*e ar*hite*t.re Sele*t theOK>.tton to aly the *hanges

    +he intera*es i*on in the Network Interfacesta> *hanges to a green arro ointing . +hisin/i*ates the intera*e is . an/ a*tive An e'*laation ar, aears as an i*on ne't to theserver +his in/i*ates an iss.e ith the server an/ haens >e*a.se the netor,*onig.ration .st >e save/

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    Figure 5.2.1-5: Edit 'nterface

  • 7/27/2019 VMware to RHEV Convertion


    Sele*t on the #eneralta> in the Detailsane4 .se the olloing ig.re as a reeren*e +heresho.l/ >e a line in/i*ating the host netor, *onig.ration is not save/ olloe/ >y a lin, title/$ave Sele*t the $avelin, to save the netor, *onig.ration +he *reation o a logi*al netor,is *olete

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    Figure 5.2.1-(: )ave *onfiguration

  • 7/27/2019 VMware to RHEV Convertion


    5.2.2 Mapping the Networks+he/%-5/+,-25)&*onig.ration ile allos the aing o netor,s ro the original virt.alenvironent to the ne virt.al environent +his *onig.ration ile *ontains neste/ netor,se*tions in the olloing orat

    +he o.tsi/e netor, se*tion /eines the netor, on the environent >eing igrate/ ro+he insi/e /einition /eines hat netor, to a to on the /estination environent

    +he aing >eing .se/ in this aer to a the V: Netor, virt.al netor, on the 5S;isyste to the virt.al netor, *alle/ inrastr.*t.re in the Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEationenvironent loo,s as ollos

    +he 5S;i virt.al netor,s are treate/ as >ri/ges >y the virt-v2v*oan/ an/ theaings in the +,-25)&ile sho.l/ .se a netor, tye o >ri/ge +he an.al age or+,-25)&*ontains ore inoration on ho to *onig.re the +,-25)& ile

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    5." Create an #$port %omain(en the Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEation :anager Sele*t on the New Domain>.tton in the$torageta> +his >rings . a New Domainin/o as seen in &ig.re #21-% :anageNetor,s

    =ive the ne storage /oain a nae o %v&v'(nfs(e')ort% Sele*t the E')ortan/ N*$ra/io

    >o'es Ne't sele*t the host to .se to a**ess the /oain Sele*t the hyerviser server nae/v&v'(rhevh(+1,clou,la-,eng,-os,rehat,com S.ly the e'ort ath o %v&v'(nfs,clous,la-,eng,-os,rehat,com.!e')ort% Sele*t the OK>.tton an/ the ne 5'ort Doainis /islaye/ in the $torageta> ith a stat.s o /nattache.

    www.redhat.#o$ "" re%ar#h&%eed'a#()redhat.#o$

    Figure 5.3-1: e! +omain

  • 7/27/2019 VMware to RHEV Convertion


    +he ne 5'ort Doain .st >e atta*he/ to a Data Center Using &ig.re #%-2 Atta*hing

    5'ort Doainas a reeren*e4 sele*t on the Data Centersta> then sele*t the

    NorthAmerica/ata *enter :a,e s.re the $torageta> is sele*te/ .n/er the Details

    ane Sele*t on the Attach E')ort>.tton an/ a ne in/o title/ Attach E')ort Domain

    oens Sele*t the ra/io >o' ne't to the nely *reate/ 5'ort Doain an/ sele*t the OK

    >.tton+he 5'ort Doain is no /islaye/ in the Detailsane ith a stat.s o Locke Ater a

    e in.tes4 the stat.s *hanges to 9na*tive Ater the stat.s *hanges4 sele*t the E')ort

    Domainan/ sele*t on the Activate>.tton +he stat.s or the 5'ort Doain *hanges to

    Lockean/ then ater a e oents4 it *hanges to Active

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    Figure 5.3-2: Attaching E,ort +omain

  • 7/27/2019 VMware to RHEV Convertion


    5.& Uploa 'e(uire )SOs to the 'e *at #nterpriseVirtuali+ation #nvironmentD.ring the igration ro*ess4 the virt-v2v*oan/ or the Re/ 3at 5nterrise

    Virt.aliEation :anager ay install ne a*,ages or /rivers into the virt.al a*hines y the Red Hat Network4 the

    virtio-wina*,age4 or the Guest Tools ISO

    +he olloing is a artial +,-25)&ile

    [ ... output abbreviated ... ]

  • 7/27/2019 VMware to RHEV Convertion


    +he APPtags /eine the lo*ation o the reF.ire/ a*,ages on the syste r.nning the virt-v2v*oan/ +he PATHtag /eines the lo*ation o the ile on the syste 9 the ile lo*ation isnot se*iie/ .sing its a>sol.te ath4 the PATHROOTtag .st e'ist an/ the ile is lo*ate/ .n/erthe /ire*tory it se*iies

    [ ... output abbreviated ... ]


    [ ... output abbreviated ... ]

    +he a>ove e'ale shos the ,ernel a*,age or Re/ 3at 5nterrise in.' # is /!,/'+#/+,-2/)-.!,%/,(%'/9/%,&%'26:8:28%'2+686,4" +he DEPtag shos that Re/ 3at5nterrise in.' # also reF.ires the ecrypts-utilsa*,age installe/ Another set o APP

    an/ PATHtags sho the lo*ation o the reF.ire/ ecrypts-utilsa*,age

    5.4.1 Red Hat Enterprise Linux Based Virtual Machines+he virt-v2v*oan/ ay install a ne ,ernel an/ /rivers in the virt.al a*hine +his

    haens i the e'isting ,ernel /oes not r.n the virtio /rivers +his >ehavior *an >e *ontrolle/>y installing a ,ernel that is *aa>le o s.orting the virtio /rivers rior to e'e*.ting thevirt-v2v*oan/ A Re/ 3at 5nterrise in.' #2 ,ernel /oes not s.ort the virtio

    /rivers4 in this *ase the virt-v2v *oan/ installs a later ,ernel as in/i*ate/ in the +,-25)& ile

    +he ,ernel a*,ages .st >e availa>le to the syste r.nning the virt-v2v*oan/ +he

    a*,ages .st >e an.ally /onloa/e/ an/ la*e/ in the aroriate lo*ation +he /%-5/+,-25)&*onig.ration ile lists the reF.ire/ a*,ages an/ their *orreson/ing lo*ations

    +he an age or the +,-25)&ile or the ile itsel *an >e reerre/ to hen *onig.ring anto the a>ove

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  • 7/27/2019 VMware to RHEV Convertion


    5.4.2 Windows Based Virtual Machines+he virt-v2v*oan/ installs ne /rivers that allo the virt.al a*hine to >oot +he

    virtio-in a*,age .st >e installe/ to rovi/e the ne*essary iles (n*e the ne /rivers areinstalle/4 the virt.al a*hine *an >oot in the ne virt.aliEation environent 3oever4 thevirt.al a*hine /oes not have all the /rivers reF.ire/ to oerate *orre*tly in the ne

    environent+he reaining reF.ire/ /rivers are rovi/e/ >y the Guest Tools ISOhen the virt.al

    a*hine is iorte/ into the Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEation environent

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    5.4.3 Guest Tools ISODonloa/ the latest Guest Tools ISO or 2!2ro the Re/ 3at C.stoer Portal


    (n the Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEation :anager4 there is a rogra to .loa/ 9S(s to the

    environent Start the Red Hat "nterprise #irtuali$ation ISO %ploader>ysele*ting the $tart-utton All 0rograms e Hat HE" Manager I$O /)loaer

    Ater the Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEation 9S( Uloa/er starts4 .loa/ the 9S( >y sele*ting

    on the A>.tton an/ then sele*ting the Guest Tools ISOthat as /onloa/e/

    See &ig.re #$%-1 9S( Uloa/eror reeren*e Sele*t the O)en>.tton +he iso aears

    .n/er the *ile*ol.n +he NorthAmericaData Center is a.toati*ally sele*te/ as

    ell as the host to .se or the .loa/ ro*ess

    Sele*t the /)loa>.tton an/ the stat.s or the ile *hanges to /)loaing +he

    >otto o the in/o shos the stat.s essages or the .loa/ +his is .se.l or

    tro.>leshooting iss.es ith the .loa/ ro*ess Ater the .loa/ *oletes4 the stat.s*hanges to /)loa $ucceee +he Guest Tools ISOis no .loa/e/ an/ availa>le to >e

    .se/ in the environent

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    Figure 5.&.3-1: ') /loader

  • 7/27/2019 VMware to RHEV Convertion


    5.5 #na,le SS* ccess to the #Si Server+he a>ility to a**ess the 5S;i server .sing ssh*an >e ena>le/ on the 5S;i server +hisallos inoration a>o.t the virt.al a*hines an/ the 5S;i environent to >e easilya**esse/ an/ the virt.al a*hine environent to >e re*onig.re/ +his is not ne*essary or

    the e'ort ro*ess to or, *orre*tly+he ssh a**ess *an >e ena>le/ >y .sing the root *re/entials an/ logging into the 5S;i server.sing the vSp&ere client Conne*t to the 5S;i hyervisor .sing the vShere *lient4 .sing

    the login *re/entials or the root a**o.nt

    Ater the vShere Client oens4 a in/o layo.t siilar to &ig.re ##-1 Server Conig.ration+a>is /islaye/ +he server nae/ 23%3+that reF.ires ssh a**ess ena>le/ is sele*te/

    Ater the server is sele*te/4 the *onig.ration settings are a**esse/ >y sele*ting on the


    +he $ecurit2 0rofilelin, .n/er the $oftwarese*tion lists the servi*es on the 5S;i server

    )y sele*ting the 0ro)ertieslin, 4 a $ervice 0ro)ertiesin/o oens an/ the settings or

    the servi*es *an >e a/@.ste/

    +he emote 3ech $u))ort 4$$H5servi*e *ontrols the ssh /aeon Sele*ting this servi*e an/then sele*ting on the O)tions>.tton oens the emote 3ech $u))ort 4$$H5 O)tionsin/o

    +he emote 3ech $u))ort 4$$H5 O)tionsin/o allos starting an/ stoing the servi*e an/also the start. oli*y +he $tart an sto) with hoststart. oli*y is *hosen an/ the $tart>.tton is sele*te/ to start the servi*e ie/iately

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    +he OK>.ttons are sele*te/ on the emote 3ech $u))ort 4$$H5 O)tionsan/ the $ervices0ro)ertiesin/os in or/er to *lose the an/ ret.rn to the ain vShere in/o

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    Figure 5.5-1: )erver *onfiguration 0a

  • 7/27/2019 VMware to RHEV Convertion


    +esting the nely ena>le/ ssh *onne*tion is /one >y *onne*ting to the 5S;i server .sing thessh*oan/

    7 ss& v2vx-esxi8he authenticity o host 'v%vx-esxi 9)&6&,6&6):' can't be established&R1. $ey in+erprint is ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;&.re you sure you want to continue connectin+ 9yes"no: yes

    arnin+ /eranently added 'v%vx-esxi2)&6&,6&6)' 9R1.: to the list o$nown hosts&root?v%vx-esxi's password '()SS*OR+,@ou have activated 8ech 1upport 0ode&8he tie and date o this activation have been sent to the syste lo+s&

    30ware oers supported2 powerul syste adinistration tools& /leasesee www&vware&co"+o"sysadintools or details&

    8ech 1upport 0ode ay be disabled by an adinistrative user&/lease consult the E1;i Aoni+uration Buide or additionaliportant inoration&

    C 7

    +he assor/ or the root .ser a**o.nt on the 5S;i server .st >e entere/ ea*h tie thessh*oan/ is .se/ to *onne*t to the server +his >ehavior *an >e stoe/ >y *reating an/.sing a rivateB.>li* ,ey air ith ssh

    A ,ey air is generate/ an/ then the .>li* ortion o the ,ey is la*e/ in on the 5S;i serverA ,ey length o 20$8 >its is *reate/ .sing the ssh-keygen*oan/ an/ se*iying the -botion ith an arg.ent o 20$8 +he ssh-copy-id*oan/ is .se/ to *oy the .>li* ,eyto the 5S;i syste +he -iotion is .se/ ith the ssh-copy-id*oan/ to se*iy the.>li* ,ey to *oy to the 5S;i syste

    7 ss&-keygen - 2./0Beneratin+ public"private rsa $ey pair&Enter ile in which to save the $ey 9"root"&ssh"idrsa: [ENTER]Enter passphrase 9epty or no passphrase: [ENTER]Enter sae passphrase a+ain [ENTER]@our identiication has been saved in "root"&ssh"idrsa&@our public $ey has been saved in "root"&ssh"idrsa&pub&8he $ey in+erprint ise6(c*#,a*b,ea),DD%(a6,a)cd) root?v%vx-rhel8he $ey's randoart ia+e is--F R1. %)*(G---- & & & &

    o & & & o o o 1 & & & & o I & &&&& -----------------

    7 ss&-copy-id -i 1!ss&id3rsa!pu v2vx-esxiroot?v%vx-esxi's password [PASSWORD]

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    5./ 0ather Virtual Machine )normationNe storage /rivers4 netor, /rivers an/ vi/eo /rivers are installe/ /.ring the igrationro*ess +his *an ae*t the *onig.ration o the virt.al a*hines in the ne environentA/@.stent o the vi/eo resol.tion ight >e reF.ire/ or the netor, a/aters ight *hangenaes ater the igrate/ syste >oots

    Soe oerating systes eg e*a.se the a/ater is viee/ as a ne a/ater in the g.estoerating syste instea/ o a rela*eent a/ater )e*a.se o this4 it is a goo/ i/ea to a,enote o any iortant netor, inoration +he olloing ta>le *ontains inoration a>o.t thevirt.al a*hines .se/ in this aer +he ta>le re*or/s soe o the ore *oon*onig.ration araeters

    Virtual Ma#hine Con%iguration


    9ntera*e Nae o*al Area Conne*tion

    9P A//ress an/ Netor, :as, 10161%66%B21

    Dea.lt =ateay 10161$%2#$

    DNS Servers10161$%2$7


    Stati* Ro.tes None /eine/

    Notes:ission *riti*al systePrimary Domain Controller


    9ntera*e Nae o*al Area Conne*tion

    9P A//ress an/ Netor, :as, 10161%66$B21

    Dea.lt =ateay 10161%$2#$

    DNS Servers10161%66%


    Stati* Ro.tes None /eine/

    Notes none


    9ntera*e Nae eth0

    9P A//ress an/ Netor, :as, 10161%662B21 via /h*

    Dea.lt =ateay 10161%62#$

    DNS Servers10161%62$7


    Stati* Ro.tes


    Table %&)-1: irtual Mac*ine 'otes

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    6 Migrating the Virtual Machines+he igration o the virt.al a*hines *an >e a slo ro*ess /een/ing on the siEe o thevirt.al /is,s an/ ho any virt.al a*hines are >eing igrate/ )eore the virt.al a*hines*an >e igrate/4 all the snashots .st >e *oitte/4 V:are +ools .st >e .ninstalle/4an/ the virt.al a*hine .st >e oere/ o (n*e these are /one4 the igration ro*ess*an >egin

    /.1 Committin SnapshotsVirt.al a*hines r.nning on the 5S;i server ay have snashots o the /is, iages +hesesnashots .st >e *oitte/ to the original /is, iage >eore the virt.al a*hine ise'orte/ .sing the virt(v&v*oan/ +he virt(v&v*oan/ only igrates the original /is,iage iles an/ not the snashot /eltas

    +o *oit snashots4 .se the right o.se >.tton to sele*t the virt.al a*hine nae an/*hoose $na)shot $na)shot Manager As seen in the ig.re >elo

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    Figure (.1-1: )na%hot%

  • 7/27/2019 VMware to RHEV Convertion


    A in/o oens . that lists the snashots that have >een a/e on a virt.al a*hineChoose the latest snashot an/ sele*t the Delete All>.tton +his *oits all the snashots

    A *oniration in/o os . as,ing i *onsoli/ating an/ reoving all the snashots isinten/e/ to >e /one Sele*t the 6es>.tton to *oit an/ reove the snashots

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    Figure (.1-2: )na%hot $anager

  • 7/27/2019 VMware to RHEV Convertion


    /.2 Uninstallin VMware Tools#4ware Tools.st not >e installe/ in the virt.al a*hines hen the e'ort ro*ess is

    starte/ 9 a virt.al a*hine is e'orte/ hile #4ware Toolsis installe/4 it ay not .n*tion

    *orre*tly in the ne environent 9 #4ware Toolsare .ninstalle/4 it is a goo/ i/ea to re>oot

    the virt.al a*hine to a,e s.re they still .n*tion *orre*tly >eore the e'ort ro*ess isstarte/

    Uninstall #4ware Toolsro the y

    sele*ting the $tart 7utton Control 0anel 0rograms 0rograms an *eatures Sele*t "Mware3oolsan/ an /ninstall>.tton aears in the >ar a>ove the sotare sele*tions Sele*t the/ninstall>.tton +he #4ware Toolssotare is .ninstalle/

    +he virt.al a*hine is re>oote/ >y tying the 8Alt(*9:,ey *o>ination at the *onsole an/sele*ting estartro the /ro /on en. that is title/ ;hat o 2ou want the com)uter tooo' allos se*iying a reason or the re>oot4 this is reF.ire/5nter Making sure the system functins crrect!y after "M#are T!s

    are uninsta!!e$.in the Coent >o' Sele*t the OK>.tton start the re>oot ro*essUninstall #4ware Toolsro the oot the Re/ 3at 5nterrise in.' Virt.al a*hine >y iss.ing the shutdown -r now*oan/

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  • 7/27/2019 VMware to RHEV Convertion


    /." Shuttin %own the Virtual MachinesA virt.al a*hine .st >e oere/ o >eore it *an >e e'orte/ .sing the virt-v2v*oan/ e e'laine/ in Se*tion 6$1

    7 virt-v2v -i livirt -ic esx5v2vx-esxi6no3veriy78 9-o r&ev -osd v2vx-ns5export 9--network r&evm v2vx-devel-vm

    virt-v%v Buest v%vx-devel-v is currently runnin+& 4t ust be shut downirst&

    +he oer state o the virt.al a*hines *an >e /islaye/ .sing the ssh*lient an/ the 5S;isystes vim-cmd*oan/ 9n or/er to F.ery the virt.al a*hines oer state4 the Virt.al:a*hines Vi/ is reF.ire/ +he vim-cmd/islays this as ell +he irst *oan/ in theolloing e'ale /islays the virt.al a*hine naes an/ their rese*tive Vi/s +hese*on/ *oan/ /islays the oer state or one o the virt.al a*hines .sing its Vi/

    7 ss& v2vx-esxi vim-cmd vmsvcgetallvms : awk ; > =2?;3id Mae,% v%vx-dc-v*( v%vx-devel-v6* v%vx-des$user-v

    7 ss& v2vx-esxi vim-cmd vmsvcpower!getstate /0Retrieved runtie ino/owered on

    Re/ 3at 5nterrise in.' >ase/ virt.al a*hines *an >e oere/ o reotely .sing the ssh

    *oan/ line *lient an/ ase/ virt.al a*hines *an >e oere/ o reotely .singthe in.' net*oan/ that is rovi/e/ >y the sama-commona*,age +he virt.al

    a*hines ay also >e oere/ o .sing the vim-cmd*oan/ on the 5S;i server 9 thevim-cmd*oan/ is .se/4 the virt.al a*hines on the 5S;i server ay not eror agra*e.l sh.t/on sin*e V:are +ools are not installe/ Use the vim-cmdetho/ ith*a.tion sin*e a non-gra*e.l sh.t/on o a virt.al a*hine is not re*oen/e/

    Sh.t/on the virt.al a*hines reotely .sing the aroriate *oan/s +he olloingo.t.t shos all the virt.al a*hines sh.tting /on s.**ess.lly e'*et the s&utdown -& now>root?v%vx-devel-v's password [PASSWORD]

    7 net rpc SH%T+O*N - -I v2vx-dc-vm -% administratorEnter adinistrator's password [PASSWORD]

    1hutdown o reote achine succeeded

    7 net rpc SH%T+O*N - -I v2vx-deskuser-vm -% deskuserEnter des$user's password [PASSWORD]Aould not initialise pipe Nwinre+& Error was M818.8J15OPEA8M.0EM585JMQ

    re%ar#h&%eed'a#()redhat.#o$ + www.redhat.#o$

  • 7/27/2019 VMware to RHEV Convertion


    +he y tying the 8Alt(*9:,ey *o>ination at the*onsole an/ sele*ting $hut ownro the /ro /on en. that is title/ ;hat o 2ou want thecom)uter to o.tton to start a gra*e.l sh.t/on

    Ater aiting a e in.tes to allo the virt.al a*hines to sh.t/on roerly4 the vim-cmd*oan/ is .se/ to *he*, the oer state o the Virt.al :a*hines

    7 ss& v2vx-esxi vim-cmd vmsvcgetallvms : awk ; > =2?;3id Mae,% v%vx-dc-v*( v%vx-devel-v6* v%vx-des$user-v

    7 ss& v2vx-esxi vim-cmd vmsvcpower!getstate @2Retrieved runtie ino/owered o

    7 ss& v2vx-esxi vim-cmd vmsvcpower!getstate /0Retrieved runtie ino/owered o

    7 ss& v2vx-esxi vim-cmd vmsvcpower!getstate A/Retrieved runtie ino/owered o

    /.& #$portin the Virtual Machines5'orting the virt.al a*hines is /one >y e'e*.ting the virt-v2v*oan/ ro a Re/ 3at

    5nterrise in.' syste that *ontains the virt-v2v4 virtio-win4 an/ liguests

    a*,ages installe/ +hese a*,ages are availa>le .n/er the RH"B Server

    Supplementaryan/ RH"B #2#*IN*hannels o the Red Hat Network +his syste .stalso have a**ess to the N&S e'ort /oain +he virt-v2v*oan/ is e'e*.te/ on a Re/3at 5nterrise in.' 61 server or this aer +he olloing se*tion >.il/s the *oan/ linethat is .se/ to e'ort the virt.al a*hines

    6.4.1 virt-v2v command+he virt-v2v*oan/ reF.ires a e otions in or/er to e'ort the virt.al a*hine rothe 5S;i server +he irst otion reF.ire/ se*iies virt.al a*hine inoration +he otion.se/ to /o this is the +otion +he inoration *an >e gathere/ /ire*tly ro the hyervisor + '+#+,- or >y .sing an ;: ile + '+#+,-3"' that /eines the virt.al a*hine +o e'ort a

    virt.al a*hine ro an 5S;i server4 the hyervisor etho/ .st >e .se/ +his etho/ isalso the /ea.lt etho/ an/ is not reF.ire/ to >e se*iie/ on the *oan/ line 3oever4 itis se*iie/ or the riting o this aer in or/er to hel rea/a>ility

    +he lo*ation o the hyervisor .st >e se*iie/ as ell +his is /one .sing the +5 otion +helo*ation is se*iie/ .sing the UR9 orat +o *onne*t to an 5S;i server4 the UR9 se*ii*ationis in the orat o %3;//%,%,$+4$),$&!"%/

    www.redhat.#o$ +- re%ar#h&%eed'a#()redhat.#o$

  • 7/27/2019 VMware to RHEV Convertion


    Soe 5S;i servers ay *ontain invali/ SS se*.rity *ertii*ates +his *an o**.r i the hostnae o the 5S;i server has *hange/ or i the *ertii*ate has not >een signe/ >y a Certii*ateA.thority +his revents the virt-v2v*oan/ ro *onne*ting to the server +his is the*ase or the 5S;i server .se/ in this aer A//ing :to the en/ o the UR9/isa>les *ertii*ate *he*,ing

    +he *oan/ >.ilt so ar loo,s li,e the olloing7 virt-v2v -i livirt -ic esx5v2vx-esxi6no3veriy78

    +he etho/ in hi*h to store the e'orte/ iage .st >e se*iie/ as ell +his is /one.sing the )otion +he virt-v2v*oan/ *an store the iages as either a li>virt g.est ) '+#+,- or as an iage to >e iorte/ into a Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEation environent ) ,(% Sin*e the virt.al a*hines are >eing iorte/ into a Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEationenvironent4 the ) ,(%otion is .se/ +his otion also reF.ires the )* otion to >ese*iie/ +he )* otion /eines the lo*ation o the 5'ort Doain that is /eine/ in the Re/3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEation environent

    +he *oan/ line no loo,s li,e7 virt-v2v -i livirt -ic esx5v2vx-esxi6no3veriy78 9 -o r&ev -osd v2vx-ns5export

    +he virt-v2v*oan/ allos a /ea.lt netor, or >ri/ge to >e /eine/ i a netor, *annot

    >e ae/ >eteen the virt.aliEation environents +he # otion se*iies a /ea.lt >ri/gean/ the & otion se*iies a /ea.lt netor, (nly one o these otions *an >e se*iie/ at atie an/ >oth ta,e a single arg.ent that i/entiies the >ri/ge or netor,

    Altho.gh the netor,s are ae/ in the Bet*Bvirt-v2v*on ile4 it is a goo/ i/ea to se*iy a/ea.lt >ri/ge or netor, in *ase a aing as isse/

    +he /ea.lt netor, on a Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEation environent is *alle/ ,(%"Using this as a /ea.lt netor, hels revent virt.al a*hines that have netor,s that erenot ae/ to *ontin.e to have soe or o netor, a**ess

    +he inal arg.ent to the virt-v2v*oan/ is the virt.al a*hine nae +he virt.ala*hine naes are /islaye/ in the vShere *lient intera*e or they *an >e liste/ ro the5S;i *oan/ line +he *oan/ in the olloing e'ale /islays the Virt.al :a*hines9/entiier Vi/ an/ the Virt.al :a*hines nae .sing the 5S;i *oan/ line

    7 ss& v2vx-esxi vim-cmd vmsvcgetallvms : awk ; > =2?;3id Mae,% v%vx-dc-v*( v%vx-devel-v6* v%vx-des$user-v

    +he *olete *oan/ line to igrate the virt.al a*hines in this aer is

    7 virt-v2v -i livirt -ic esx5v2vx-esxi6no3veriy78 9 -o r&ev -osd v2vx-ns5export 9 --network r&evm ["M%NAME]

    re%ar#h&%eed'a#()redhat.#o$ +/ www.redhat.#o$

  • 7/27/2019 VMware to RHEV Convertion


    )eore the virt-v2v*oan/ *an e'ort virt.al a*hines ro an 5S;i server4 a &%-,5ile.st >e *reate/ in the hoe /ire*tory o the .ser e'e*.ting the virt-v2v*oan/ +hisile *ontains the login a.thenti*ation inoration or the 5S;i server +he NETRC?9@an age*ontains inoration a>o.t the synta' o the &%-,5ile +he a*hine nae in the ile .st >ei/enti*al to the one .se/ on the *oan/ line 9 an internet roto*ol 9P a//ress or a .llyF.aliie/ /oain nae are .se/ on the *oan/ line4 then they .st aear in the &%-,5

    ile Sin*e the *oan/ line in this aer is .sing the short /ns nae4 that is the nae .se/in the ile +he root .ser is .se/ to e'e*.te the virt-v2v*oan/ in this aer4 so the*olete ath to the &%-,5ile .se/ in this aer is/,))-/&%-,5 +he &%-,5ile .se/ or thisaer is liste/ >elo

    achine v%vx-esxilo+in rootpassword password

    6.4.2 Exporte e'orte/ ro the 5S;i server+he virt.al a*hines are e'orte/ .sing the virt-v2v*oan/

    7 virt-v2v -i livirt -ic esx5v2vx-esxi6no3veriy78 9 -o r&ev -osd v2vx-ns5export --network r&evm v2vx-devel-vmv%vx-devel-vv%vx-devel-v ))F================================================================GQ )h(%6sJsin+ A/J odel Scpu6*-rhel6Svirt-v%v v%vx-devel-v coni+ured with virtio drivers

    7 virt-v2v -i livirt -ic esx5v2vx-esxi6no3veriy78 9 -o r&ev -osd v2vx-ns5export --network r&evm v2vx-deskuser-vmv%vx-des$user-vv%vx-des$user-v ))

    F================================================================GQ )h,%*#sJsin+ A/J odel Scpu6*-rhel6Svirt-v%v v%vx-des$user-v coni+ured with virtio drivers

    7 virt-v2v -i livirt -ic esx5v2vx-esxi6no3veriy78 9 -o r&ev -osd v2vx-ns5export --network r&evm v2vx-dc-vmv%vx-dc-vv%vx-dc-v ))F================================================================GQ )h*,**sJsin+ A/J odel Scpu6*-rhel6Svirt-v%v v%vx-dc-v coni+ured with virtio drivers

    www.redhat.#o$ +0 re%ar#h&%eed'a#()redhat.#o$

  • 7/27/2019 VMware to RHEV Convertion


    /.5 )mportin the Virtual Machines9orting the virt.al a*hines is erore/ .sing the Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEation:anager +he iort ro*ess is very sile to eror (en the anageent *onsole onthe Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEation :anager an/ .se &ig.re 6#-1 9ort Sele*tionas a

    reeren*e to *hoose the virt.al a*hines to iortSele*t on the $torageta> to vie the storage /oains Choose the 23&%34),-

    e'ort /oain in the /oain list an/ a Detailsane oens Sele*t on the "M Im)ortta>

    in the Detailsane an/ a list o virt.al a*hines is /islaye/ +hese virt.al

    a*hines are rea/y to >e iorte/ Sele*t all the virt.al a*hines >y hol/ing /on the 8ctrl:,ey hile sele*ting ea*h virt.al a*hine

    +he Im)ort>.tton >e*oes visi>le Sele*t the Im)ort>.tton to oen . the Im)ort "M

    in/o4 as seen in &ig.re 6#-2 9ort V:

    re%ar#h&%eed'a#()redhat.#o$ + www.redhat.#o$

    Figure (.5-1: 'mort )election

  • 7/27/2019 VMware to RHEV Convertion


    +he Im)ort "irtual Machine4s5in/o lists the virt.al a*hines that are sele*te/ or iort+his is seen in the olloing ig.re Choose Infrastructureas the Destination Clusteran/"M$torage=1as the Destination $torage +hese are highlighte/ in the ig.re >elo Sele*t theOK>.tton to start the iort ro*ess

    www.redhat.#o$ 4 re%ar#h&%eed'a#()redhat.#o$

    Figure (.5-2: 'mort V$

  • 7/27/2019 VMware to RHEV Convertion


    A in/o aears in/i*ating the virt.al a*hines are >eing iorte/ +his in/o is shon>elo Sele*t the Close>.tton to *lose the in/o

    +he stat.s o the iort ro*ess is viee/ >y .sing the Events+a> as shon in &ig.re 6#-$9ort 5vents

  • 7/27/2019 VMware to RHEV Convertion


    D.ring the iort ro*ess4 the $tatuso the virt.al a*hines is set to Locke (n*e thero*ess is *olete4 the $tatus*hanges to Downas shon in &ig.re 6#-# Virt.al :a*hineStat.s

    /./ 3erormin 3ost Miration Tasks

    A e ore tas,s are reF.ire/ to >e erore/ ater the virt.al a*hines are iorte/ intothe Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEation environent +hese in*l./e >ooting the virt.al a*hinesthe irst tie in the ne environent4 testing the .n*tionality o the virt.al a*hines4 an/*leaning . any teorary iles that ere *reate/ an/ reoving the virt.al a*hines or theol/ environent

    6.6.1 First BootAter the iort ro*ess is *olete an/ the virt.al a*hines are oere/ on or the irsttie4 the virt.al a*hine oerating syste ay eror a//itional tas,s /.ring its irst >oot inthe ne environent

    ase/ virt.al a*hines ay reF.ire a re>oot ie/iately ater the irst ost-igration >oot +his is /.e to the +,-+)/rivers >eing installe/ +he g.est oerating systein/i*ates i a re>oot is reF.ire/ Netor, *onig.ration ay reF.ire re*onig.ration sin*ele that thevirt.al a*hine .st >e re-a*tivate/ ith :i*rosot

    6.6.2 Windows Virtual Machines9n the "irtual Machinesta> on the Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEation :anager4 .se the righto.se >.tton to sele*t the v&v'(c(vmvirt.al a*hine an/ *hoose un Ater a e

    oents4 .se the right o.se >.tton to sele*t the v&v'(c(vmvirt.al a*hine again an/*hoose Console

    et the virt.al a*hine oer . an/ then log into it .sing the a/inistrator a**o.nt +hevirt.al a*hine in/i*ates it is eroring soe *onig.ration Ater a e oents4 it in/i*atesit reF.ires a restart Restart the syste no

    www.redhat.#o$ 4" re%ar#h&%eed'a#()redhat.#o$

    Figure (.5-5: Virtual $achine )tatu%

  • 7/27/2019 VMware to RHEV Convertion


    Ater re>oot4 the netor, *onig.ration reF.ires re*onig.ration sin*e the a/ater *hange/

    Sele*t on the $tart>.tton Control 0anel Network an Internet Network $haring CenterSele*t on the Change aa)ter settingslin, A ne a/ater is /islaye/ *alle/ Local AreaConnection & .se the right o.se >.tton to sele*t the ne a/ater an/ *hoose 0ro)ertiesro the /ro /on en.

    Using the inoration gathere/ in +a>le #6-1 Virt.al :a*hine Notes4 *hange the netor,*onig.ration Ater sele*ting OKto *hange the *onig.ration4 a in/o aears in/i*atinganother a/ater is *onig.re/ to .se this 9P a//ress +he sae in/o as,s i the*onig.ration or the other a/ater sho.l/ >e reove/ Sele*t the 6es>.tton to reove theother a/ater *onig.ration an/ to *ontin.e Close the in/os an/ re>oot the syste

    +he netor,ing sho.l/ no >e . Use the ping*oan/ ro a *oan/ rot in/oto test the >asi* netor,ing an/ nslookupto veriy /ns

    AN> ping n @ 8.!8A!8@A!2C/

    /in+in+ )&6&*,&%#* with ,% bytes o dataReply ro )&6&*,&%#* bytes=,% tie=s 88L=%##

    Reply ro )&6&*,&%#* bytes=,% tie=.tton an/ .se the right o.se >.tton to sele*t Com)uter Choose 0ro)ertiesro the /ro /on en. +he roerties in/o has a se*tion title/ ;inows Activation+his in/i*ates hether the virt.al a*hine reF.ire rea*tivation an/ ho long .ntil the *.rrenta*tivation e'ires Sele*t the Activate ;inowslin, an/ ollo the instr.*tions to rea*tivatethe virt.al a*hine

    +he /ate an/ tie as reorte/ >y the virt.al a*hine is veriie/ to >e *orre*t +his isne*essary or roer .n*tionality ithin the /oain

    +he a>ove stes are also .se/ to oer on an/ *onig.re the v&v'(eskuser(vmvirt.ala*hine the irst tie +hese stes are not reeate/ or >revity

    re%ar#h&%eed'a#()redhat.#o$ 4+ www.redhat.#o$

  • 7/27/2019 VMware to RHEV Convertion


    6.6.3 Red Hat Enterprise Linux Virtual MachinesRe/ 3at 5nterrise in.' >ase/ virt.al a*hines eror an S5in.' rela>el o the ilesystes i S5in.' is ena>le/ +he netor, inoration sho.l/ not reF.ire re-entry Re/ 3at5nterrise in.' sho.l/ ove the netor, *onig.ration over to the ne a/ater

    Start the v2vx-devel-vmvirt.al a*hine an/ oen its *onsole Uon >oot4 the Re/ 3at

    5nterrise in.' virt.al a*hine initiates an S5in.' rela>eling o the ile systes +his isnoral an/ .st >e alloe/ to inish

    +he netor,ing in the Re/ 3at 5nterrise in.' virt.al a*hine /oes not reF.irere*onig.ration +his is veriie/ .sing the pingan/ nslookup*oan/s

    7 ping -c @ 8.!8A!8/@!2C//4MB )&6&*,&%#* 9)&6&*,&%#*: #69(*: bytes o data&6* bytes ro )&6&*,&%#* icpseT= ttl=%## tie=)D s6* bytes ro )&6&*,&%#* icpseT=% ttl=%## tie=)&6%* s6* bytes ro )&6&*,&%#* icpseT=, ttl=%## tie=)( s

    --- )&6&*,&%#* pin+ statistics ---

    , pac$ets transitted2 , received2 ) pac$et loss2 tie %))srtt in"av+"ax"dev = )D")D*")&6%*")&)*, s

    7 nslookup www!red&at!com1erver )&6&*,&%*D.ddress )&6&*,&%*D7#,

    Mon-authoritative answerwww&redhat&co canonical nae = ori+in-www&redhat&co&Mae ori+in-www&redhat&co.ddress (*&,)&)&%

    +he /ate is veriie/ in or/er to ens.re .n*tionality ithin the /oain +he irst date*oan/ in the o.t.t >elo shos the /ate to >e *orre*t4 >.t the tie to >e in*orre*t +hetie is *orre*te/ .sing the se*on/ date*oan/

    7 date1un Pul D #()* AQ8 %)

    7 date .D8D80801un Pul D (()) AQ8 %)

    www.redhat.#o$ 44 re%ar#h&%eed'a#()redhat.#o$

  • 7/27/2019 VMware to RHEV Convertion


    6.6.4 Testing+he virt.al a*hines sho.l/ >e teste/ to a,e s.re they are still .n*tioning as /esire/

    +he v2v'-/*-v is a /oain *ontroller an/ is rovi/ing a DNSservi*e4 a KERBEROSservi*e4 an/anACTIVEDIRECTORYa.thenti*ation servi*e

    +he /ns servi*e *an >e teste/ >y .sing the dig*oan/ hile logge/ into the v2v'-rhelserver +he dig*oan/ ta,es an arg.ent that >egins ith an !4%,!&* ?@an/ isolloe/ >y an i a//ress o a /ns server +his tells the /ig *oan/ hi*h /ns server toF.ery hen as,ing or nae resol.tion +he dig*oan/ is .se/ ti*e to *he*, the /nsservi*e +he irst tie the dig*oan/ is iss.e/4 it F.eries the /ns server or the lo*al entryon the /oain *ontroller or the v2v'-/*-vv2v'lo*al server +his *he*,s to see that thelo*al /ns resol.tion is or,ing +he se*on/ tie the dig*oan/ is iss.e/4 it *he*,s to seei the /ns servi*e *orre*tly orar/s .n,non reF.est to the ne't ho /ns server

    7 dig E8.!8A!8@A!A@ v2vx-dc-vm!v2vx!local

    U QiB V&D&,-/,-RedHat-V&D&,-%&el6&/,&% ?)&6&,6&6, v%vx-dc-

    v&v%vx&localU 9 server ound:

    [ ... output abbreviated... ]

    UU .M1ER 1EA845Mv%vx-dc-v&v%vx&local& ,6)) 4M . )&6&,6&6,

    UU Wuery tie % secUU 1ER3ER )&6&,6&6,7#,9)&6&,6&6,:UU HEM 1un Pul D %,%(%* %)UU 01B 14XE rcvd ##

    7 dig E8.!8A!8@A!A@ www!red&at!com

    U QiB V&D&,-/,-RedHat-V&D&,-%&el6&/,&% ?)&6&,6&6,www&redhat&coU 9 server ound:

    [ ... output abbreviated... ]

    UU .M1ER 1EA845Mwww&redhat&co& V# 4M AM.0E ori+in-www&redhat&co&ori+in-www&redhat&co& V# 4M . (*&,)&)&%

    UU Wuery tie D sec

    UU 1ER3ER )&6&,6&6,7#,9)&6&,6&6,:UU HEM 1un Pul D %,%(*# %)UU 01B 14XE rcvd D,

    re%ar#h&%eed'a#()redhat.#o$ 4 www.redhat.#o$

  • 7/27/2019 VMware to RHEV Convertion


    +he A*tive Dire*tory servi*e *an >e *he*,e/ >y .sing a /oain .ser a**o.nt to log into thev2v'-/es,.ser-v virt.al a*hine +his also tests i the v2v'-/es,.ser-v virt.al a*hine isstill .n*tioning as a /oain e>er

    ogin to the v2v'-/es,.ser-v .sing the /oain .ser a**o.nt v2v'O/avi/ +he .ser a**o.nt/avi/ /oes not e'ist on the v2v'-/es,.ser-v virt.al a*hine A s.**ess.l login in/i*atesthe /oain *ontroller is .n*tioning an/ the v2v'-/es,.ser-v is a*ting as a e>er o the/oain

    +o veriy i the sa>a servi*e on the v2v'-/evel-v virt.al a*hine is *orre*tly .sing thev2v'-/*-v /oain *ontroller or a.thenti*ation4 Sele*t the $tart>.tton Com)uter 9n thearess -aro the nely oene/ in/o4 tye>>v&v'(evel(vm,clou,la-,eng,-os,rehat,com+o shares are visi>le4 the avishare an/ the share *alle/ )u-lic=share (en the share*alle/ avi A /o*.ent *alle/ D!+*$D)5-3-e'ists +he Sa>a server on the v2v'-/evel-v virt.al a*hine is still .sing the v2v'-/*-v /oain *ontrollers a*tive /ire*tory ora.thenti*ation

    +he v2v'-/evel-v .ses the v2v'-/*-v /oain *ontroller or lo*al a**o.nt a.thenti*ation+his is veriie/ >y iss.ing the ssh*oan/ on the v2v'-rhel igration server to *onne*t to

    the v2v'-/evel-v .sing a /oain a**o.nt +he 'otion is .se/ to se*iy the /oaina**o.nt

    7 ss& -l >#2#F99david> v2vx-devel-vm3%3;Ndavid?v%vx-devel-v's password 'password,Last lo+in ed Pul , ,**6 %) ro v%vx-rhel-v%v&cloud&lab&en+&bos&redhat&co

    Y lsQavidsQoc&txt

    +he s.**ess.l login an/ listing o the /o*.ent D!+*$D)5-3-in/i*ates that lo*al a**o.nt

    a.thenti*ation is .sing the /oain *ontroller

    6.6.5 Cleaning Up+he igration ro*ess leaves virt.al a*hine *onig.ration iles an/ /is, iages on thee'ort /oain an/ it leaves the virt.al a*hines in the V:are environent Delete theiages ro the e'ort /oain .sing the Delete>.tton in the Im)ortta> on the Re/ 3at5nterrise Virt.aliEation :anager See &ig.re 6#-1 9ort Sele*tion

    Ater the virt.al a*hines are veriie/ to .n*tion as /esire/ in the Re/ 3at 5nterriseVirt.aliEation environent4 they *an >e /elete/ ro the V:are environent

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    7 Automating the ProcessA.toating the igration ro*ess is *.rrently o.t o the s*oe o this aer A.toating theentire igration ro*ess *an >e /one >y .tiliEing >ash s*rits4 .l, v2v ro*ess

    Re/ 3at 5nterrise in.' 6 H V2V =.i/e 5/ition 1

    Se*tion %2$ S*riting the v2v Pro*ess

    Se*tion %2# S*rite/ ).l, v2v Pro*ess

    re%ar#h&%eed'a#()redhat.#o$ 4/ www.redhat.#o$

  • 7/27/2019 VMware to RHEV Convertion


    8 Conclusion+his aer /eonstrate/ the igration o three virt.al a*hines *onig.re/ to .se a*tive/ire*tory a.thenti*ation ith ea*h other +he igrations ere erore/ ro a V:are 5S;iserver to a Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEation environent .sing the virt-v2v .tility an/ theRe/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEation :anager

    +his aer /eonstrate/ the stes reF.ire/ >eore starting the igration s.*h as aingan/ *reating netor,s4 *reating e'ort /oains4 *onig.ring the 5S;i server or SS3 a**ess4an/ gathering inoration a>o.t the 5S;i environent an/ virt.al a*hines

    Coitting snashots an/ .ninstalling V:are +ools as also /eonstrate/ >eore thevirt-v2v.tility as .se/ to e'ort the virt.al a*hines ro the 5S;i server

    9orting the virt.al a*hines into the Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEation environent an/*onig.ring ater irst >oot in the ne environent as /eonstrate/ +he virt.al a*hines

    ere teste/ or *orre*t .n*tionality

    As seen ro this aer4 virt.al a*hines *an easily >e igrate/ ro a V:are 5S;i serverto a Re/ 3at 5nterrise Virt.aliEation sol.tion ith the *orre*t tools an/ *are.l lanning )ylanning the igration ro*ess4 the ia*t to the e'isting ro/.*tion systes *an >e liite/

    www.redhat.#o$ 40 re%ar#h&%eed'a#()redhat.#o$

  • 7/27/2019 VMware to RHEV Convertion


    Appendi3 A6 Se#uring 7S using 28a'les+he N&S servi*e .ses .ltile in>o.n/ orts to .n*tion roerly Soe o these orts arestati* an/ others are ran/o >y /ea.lt +he ran/o orts a,e it /ii*.lt to *reate ireallr.les on systes r.nning the N&S servi*e 3oever4 the N&S servi*e *an >e *onig.re/ to

    .se stati* orts instea/ o ran/o orts

    +his is a**olishe/ >y e/iting the/%-5/=5)&+1/&*onig.ration ile an/ *hanging o.r*onig.ration otions that *a.se the N&S servi*e to .se stati* orts instea/ o ran/o orts+he olloing ta>le lists the orts an/ *onig.ration otions .se/ >y the N&S servi*e

    9ae$on 2ort 2roto#ol Con%iguration :ption

    orta 111 UDP4 +CP Not nee/e/

    r*ns/ 20$" UDP4 +CP Not nee/e/

    r*lo*,/ Ran/o UDP4 +CP(CIDL+CPP(R+(CIDLUDPP(R+

    r*o.nt/ Ran/o UDP4 +CP :(UN+DLP(R+

    r*stat/ Ran/o UDP4 +CP S+A+DLP(R+

    Table +-1: ',S Ser"ice orts

    +hree stati* orts .st >e i/entiie/ to .se or the ran/o orts liste/ in the a>ove ta>le +henetstat *oan/ *an >e .se/ to list the orts alrea/y in .se >y the syste +he otions .se/are liste/ >elo

    Co$$and options6

    &&t#p Sho t* so*,ets

    &&udp Sho ./ so*,ets

    &&listening Sho listening so*,ets

    &&nu$eri# Sho n.eri*al a//resses an/ orts instea/ o ainginoration to host naes an/ servi*e naes

    &&progra$ Sho the ro*ess i/ an/ rogra nae that ons the so*,et

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    +he o.t.t >elo shos the orts that are *.rrently in .se Ran/oly *hosen orts #00004#00014 an/ #0002 are ree or >oth UDP an/ +CP trai* +hey are .se/ or the stati* ortsreF.ire/ to hel se*.re ns

    7 netstat --tcp --udp --listening --numeric --program.ctive 4nternet connections 9only servers:/roto Recv-W 1end-W Local .ddress orei+n .ddress 1tate /4Q"/ro+ra nae

    tcp ) ) )&)&)&)%% )&)&)&)I L418EM ,#)"sshdtcp ) ) %D&)&)&%# )&)&)&)I L418EM *%6"astertcp ) ) )&)&)&)%)*V )&)&)&)I L418EM -tcp ) ) )&)&)&) )&)&)&)I L418EM VV"rpcbindtcp ) ) %% I L418EM ,#)"sshdtcp ) ) %# I L418EM *%6"astertcp ) ) I L418EM VV"rpcbindudp ) ) )&)&)&) )&)&)&)I VV"rpcbindudp ) ) )&)&)&)V#) )&)&)&)I VV"rpcbindudp ) ) )&)&)&)6( )&)&)&)I D"dhclientudp ) ) )&)&)&)VD6 )&)&)&)I %%*"rpc&statdudp ) ) I VV"rpcbindudp ) ) V#) I VV"rpcbind

    5/it the/%-5/=5)&+1/&ile an/ a,e s.re the olloing *onig.ration lines e'ist

    7 /ort rpc&ountd should listen on&05JM8Q/5R8=#))))

    7 /ort rpc&statd should listen on&18.8Q/5R8=#)))

    7 8A/ port rpc&loc$d should listen on&L5AKQ8A//5R8=#)))%

    7 JQ/ port rpc&loc$d should listen on&L5AKQJQ//5R8=#)))%

    +he nsan/ nslockservi*es .st >e restarte/ an/ *onig.re/ to start at >oot

    7 service nslock restart1toppin+ M1 loc$in+ F 5K G1toppin+ M1 statd F 5K G1tartin+ M1 statd F 5K G

    7 service ns restart1huttin+ down M1 ountd F 5K G1huttin+ down M1 daeon F 5K G

    1huttin+ down M1 services F 5K G1tartin+ M1 services F 5K G1tartin+ M1 daeon F 5K G1tartin+ M1 ountd F 5K G

    7 c&kconig nslock on

    7 c&kconig ns on

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    +he netstat*oan/ no shos the N&S servi*es are r.nning on the stati* orts

    7 netstat --tcp --udp --listening --numeric --program.ctive 4nternet connections 9only servers:/roto Recv-W 1end-W Local .ddress orei+n .ddress 1tate /4Q"/ro+ra naetcp ) ) )&)&)&)%% )&)&)&)I L418EM ,#)"sshdtcp ) ) %D&)&)&%# )&)&)&)I L418EM *%6"aster

    tcp ) ) )&)&)&)%)*V )&)&)&)I L418EM -tcp ) ) )&)&)&) )&)&)&)I L418EM VV"rpcbindtcp ) ) )&)&)&)#)))) )&)&)&)I L418EM ,%*"rpc&ountdtcp ) ) )&)&)&)#))) )&)&)&)I L418EM %%*"rpc&statdtcp ) ) )&)&)&)#)))% )&)&)&)I L418EM -tcp ) ) %% I L418EM ,#)"sshdtcp ) ) %# I L418EM *%6"astertcp ) ) %)*V I L418EM -tcp ) ) I L418EM VV"rpcbindtcp ) ) #)))) I L418EM ,%*"rpc&ountdtcp ) ) #))) I L418EM %%*"rpc&statdtcp ) ) #)))% I L418EM -udp ) ) )&)&)&) )&)&)&)I VV"rpcbind

    udp ) ) )&)&)&)%)*V )&)&)&)I -udp ) ) )&)&)&)V#) )&)&)&)I VV"rpcbindudp ) ) )&)&)&)6( )&)&)&)I D"dhclientudp ) ) )&)&)&)#)))) )&)&)&)I ,%*"rpc&ountdudp ) ) )&)&)&)VD6 )&)&)&)I %%*"rpc&statdudp ) ) )&)&)&)#))) )&)&)&)I %%*"rpc&statdudp ) ) )&)&)&)#)))% )&)&)&)I -udp ) ) I VV"rpcbindudp ) ) %)*V I -udp ) ) V#) I VV"rpcbindudp ) ) #)))) I ,%*"rpc&ountdudp ) ) #))) I %%*"rpc&statdudp ) ) #)))% I -

    No that the N&S servi*es are .sing stati* orts4 the 9P+a>les ireall *an >e *onig.re/ toallo trai* to ass

    +he olloing shos the ita>les 9NPU+ *hain +his *hain is not alloing trai* on the orts.se/ >y N&S

    7 iptales --numeric --list IN(%TAhain 4M/J8 9policy .AAE/8:tar+et prot opt source destination.AAE/8 all -- )&)&)&)") )&)&)&)") state REL.8EQ2E18.OL41HEQ.AAE/8 icp -- )&)&)&)") )&)&)&)")

    .AAE/8 all -- )&)&)&)") )&)&)&)").AAE/8 tcp -- )&)&)&)") )&)&)&)") state ME tcp dpt%%REPEA8 all -- )&)&)&)") )&)&)&)") reect-with icp-host-prohibited

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  • 7/27/2019 VMware to RHEV Convertion


    +he olloing >ash loo a//s entries to the 9NPU+ *hain o ita>les that allo the N&S*onne*tions to .n*tion

    7 or i in C.... C...8 C...2 2./ 888> do> iptales -I IN(%T -m udp -p udp --dport =i -s 8.!8A!8@A!.28 - )"(T> iptales -I IN(%T -m tcp -p tcp --dport =i -s 8.!8A!8@A!.28 - )"(T

    > done

    +he ita>les 9NPU+ *hain is no *onig.re/ to a**et *onne*tion on the orts .se/ >y N&S

    7 iptales Jnumeric Jlist IN(%TAhain 4M/J8 9policy .AAE/8:tar+et prot opt source destination.AAE/8 tcp -- )&6&,6&)"% )&)&)&)") tcp dpt.AAE/8 udp -- )&6&,6&)"% )&)&)&)") udp dpt.AAE/8 tcp -- )&6&,6&)"% )&)&)&)") tcp dpt%)*V.AAE/8 udp -- )&6&,6&)"% )&)&)&)") udp dpt%)*V.AAE/8 tcp -- )&6&,6&)"% )&)&)&)") tcp dpt#)))%.AAE/8 udp -- )&6&,6&)"% )&)&)&)") udp dpt#)))%

    .AAE/8 tcp -- )&6&,6&)"% )&)&)&)") tcp dpt#)))

    .AAE/8 udp -- )&6&,6&)"% )&)&)&)") udp dpt#)))

    .AAE/8 tcp -- )&6&,6&)"% )&)&)&)") tcp dpt#))))

    .AAE/8 udp -- )&6&,6&)"% )&)&)&)") udp dpt#))))

    .AAE/8 all -- )&)&)&)") )&)&)&)") stateREL.8EQ2E18.OL41HEQ.AAE/8 icp -- )&)&)&)") )&)&)&)").AAE/8 all -- )&)&)&)") )&)&)&)").AAE/8 tcp -- )&)&)&)") )&)&)&)") state ME tcpdpt%%REPEA8 all -- )&)&)&)") )&)&)&)") reect-withicp-host-prohibited

    Ater the ita>les r.les are veriie/4 they are save/ .sing the service iptables save*oan/

    7 service iptales saveiptables 1avin+ irewall rules to "etc"sysconi+"iptablesF 5K G

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    Appendi3 ;6 Re%eren#es+he olloing are so.r*es .se/ or reeren*e /.ring the riting o this aer

    1. 9eplo!ing Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization

  • 7/27/2019 VMware to RHEV Convertion


    Appendi3 C6 Re*ision Histor!

    Revision 10 :on/ay .ly 184 2011 ohn 3err

    9nitial Release