Vocabulary Part I

Post on 25-Feb-2016

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Vocabulary Part I. plea (n.) / pli ː/ a request that is urgent or full of emotion. (การขอร้อง). forsake (v.) / fərˈseɪk / to leave someone, especially when you should stay because they need you. (ทอดทิ้ง). Vocabulary Part II. detect (v.) / dɪˈtekt / t o notice or discover something. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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VocabularyPart IEng31102Expansion Units 10-12 plea (n.) /pli/a request that is urgent or full of emotion.()

Eng31102Expansion Units 10-12 forsake (v.) /frsek/to leave someone, especially when you should stay because they need you.()

Eng31102Expansion Units 10-12VocabularyPart IIEng31102Expansion Units 10-12 detect (v.) /dtekt/to notice or discover something.()

Eng31102Expansion Units 10-12 eerie (adj.) /ri/strange and frightening.(, )

Eng31102Expansion Units 10-12 emergence (n.) /imrd/appearance after being hidden.()

Eng31102Expansion Units 10-12 wriggle (v.) /rl/to twist from side to side quickly.(, )

Eng31102Expansion Units 10-12 glisten (v.) /lsn/to shine because of being wet or oily.()

Eng31102Expansion Units 10-12 quiver (n.) /kwvr/shake.()

Eng31102Expansion Units 10-12 pulsate (v.) /plset/to make movements that are regular, like a heart beating.()

Eng31102Expansion Units 10-12 re-emerge (v.) to appear again. ()

Eng31102Expansion Units 10-12