VOL.1, ISSUE 5 – JULY 2011 Newsletter - Recore Trading · its supplier partners, including...

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Newsletter22 Manchester Road • Derry, NH 03038


VOL.1, ISSUE 5 – JULY 2011


I say that things are good with a great deal of caution, in this uncertain global economy, nothing is certain or predictable. However, at the moment (June 7th) the markets we deal with at Recore are all doing well. Let’s take a look.

Platinum Group Metals - PGM’SThis morning Platinum (PT) is at $1818 per oz,

although this is not the highest the metal has seen in the past year, it is not far from it. Although all three metals control the price of scrap catalytic converters, Platinum pricing currently has the greatest effect. Palladium (PD), a three month high of $810 per oz was reached this morning. We are seeing more and more Palladium versus Platinum

used by the manufacturers every day. With Palladium being so strong, scrap catalytic prices have followed. Rhodium (RH), this metal has behaved very strangely in the past month or so. Normally, Rhodium is the most stable of the three metals with price changes occurring slowly and somewhat more predictable. This has been the case until about a month ago when Rhodium dropped suddenly to $1880 per oz. The reason for the drop is unclear. There was no major disruption to the supply /demand relationship, and there was not a big sell off of the metal. Although the reason for the price drop is unclear, I’m glad to report that the metal has recovered nicely, and now sits at $2270 with less volatility than we saw last month.

603-437-3000 • 855-647-3267 • Fax: 603-437-1313


Ferrous Shredder Feed (Junk Cars)What a difference a year makes! Healthy competition for our loads of crushed cars from shredder operators in the Northeast has produced very good pricing for us. It seems as though we are getting price quotes from different shredder operators daily who are trying to gain market share, and this is a very good thing. What we are seeing is the people we have been dealing with, not wanting to lose market share and having orders to fi ll, stepping up to the plate and paying us a premium for our loads. Enjoy it while it lasts! Remember, Recore deals in very large volumes of scrap; we can pay you more and we will service you much better!

Don Belisle, Ownerof Recore Trading Company, L.L.C.

continued on page 2




(This chart is from www.thebulliondesk.com.) (This chart is from www.kitco.com.) (This chart is from www.thebulliondesk.com.)


603-437-3000 • 855-647-3267 • Fax: 603-437-1313

Aluminum WheelsThe price of 356 alloy wheels is not at the all time high, but it is not far from there. Evidently a lot of the bigger salvage yards have been paying attention to the markets, and are now cashing in. The sheer volume of wheels coming through here has been unbelievable (see photo). We recently broke a Recore record of buying 4 tractor trailer loads of wheels in 8 days; that’s over 9000 wheels!!! Keep em coming! Just a reminder, this was written in early June, so the print media does have its draw backs. For more current information, check our website—www.recoretrading.com; our newsletters are put up there as soon as they are printed. This month’s Cat of the month is a tough one and I would not be surprised if no one guessed correctly. If no one gets it, we will carry it over to next month and add to the prize. Also, since this one is so tough, the prize will be a $100 gift card to Home Depot with a Recore Trading lighted cap!



General Motors has recycled 212,500 pounds of oil-soaked booms from the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, turning them into air defl ectors for the Chevrolet Volt plug-in hybrid vehicle. Overall, GM and its supplier partners, including Heritage Environmental, Mobile Fluid Recovery, and GDC, have reused 227 miles of booms from Louisiana and Alabama oil spill sites. The effort has saved 29,000 gallons of water and oil from reaching U.S. landfi lls and kept 149 tons of CO2 equivalent emissions from entering the air, according to GM. “We’re in the process of identifying other areas where the material we have left can be used—potentially in our plants—now that we have a suffi cient quantity for the Volt,” says GM’s John Bradburn. The air defl ectors, which defl ect air around the vehicle’s radiator, are composed of 25 percent boom material, 25 percent recycled tires from GM’s Milford Proving Ground vehicle test facility, and 25 percent packaging plastic from GM’s Fort Wayne assembly plant. “We applaud GM for moving beyond traditional corporate responsibility efforts and fi nding a way to turn a portion

of the waste from one of the worst environmental challenges in our nation’s history into something valuable,” says Earth911 president Corey Lambrecht.

Reprinted with permission of ScrapMonitor/Scrap Magazine.




Congratulations! Thank you to all who participated in the cat of the month contest for June. The answer is a large GM and Eric Levasseur from Brandy Brow Auto Parts Inc in Plaistow, NH answered correctly and has won a $25 gift card to Home Depot. Congratulations Eric.

The fun continues in July and this one is a tough one. The fi rst person to identify the cat pictured here will win a $100 gift card to Home Depot and a Recore lighted hat. That’s right, this is not a typo, $100 to Home Depot and a Recore lighted hat. Email us your answer with your name, name of yard and telephone number to sales@recoretrading.com. No phone calls, please. The answer with the description of this cat will appear in next month’s newsletter as well as a congratulations to the winner. Remember we are looking for the manufacturer and catalytic converter grade. Example: BMW-Exotic foreign. Good luck! Contest open to yard owners, dealers, repair garages, scrap dealers, exhaust shops and their employees. Also, if you don’t get it right the fi rst time, please try again. All catalytic converter dealers and Recore employees are not eligible for contest. This one is a tough one, so if no one does get it, we will carry it over to the next month and add to the prize.


one does get it, we will carry

We really do want to hear from you. Please tell us what you think about anything happening in the industry today. Send us an email to sales@recoretrading.com, and we’ll print it in our next newslet ter. It can be positive or negative, but let’s keep it friendly. You can choose to have your full name and company identifi ed or just your initials. Help us get something started!

Don’t be shy!

“I just love it when we buy 10 cars at the auction and

then get a call that scrap went up $10.”Sent in by K.C.

WHAT OFFERS!We offer the best prices for your catalytic converters. • We decan and process catalytic converters, eliminating the middleman. We offer the most competitive rates on car crushing in New England. • Find out how you can get your cars crushed for FREE!

We offer top dollar for your aluminum wheels. • We offer top dollar on other automotive scrap metals. • We promise prompt and courteous service every time. • We promise quick payment that our customers have come to expect and deserve.

We offer over 22 years of honesty, trust and dependability.

603-437-3000 • 855-647-3267 • Fax: 603-437-1313

WE WELCOME YOUR QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS Please know that any articles or information in our newsletter is the expressed opinion of the writer. Weknow that you may not necessarily agree and that is okay. If you’ve enjoyed our newsletter, we’d love to hear from you and if for any reason, you did not, we’d stilllike to hear from you. Just let us know , and we’ll remove you from the mailing list. Also, if you have a friend who you think would like to get our monthly newsletter,

send us an email with their mailing information and we’ll add them to our mailing list. Contact us at: sales@recoretrading.com.


• 1901 The fi rst Grand Prix race was won with an average speed of 46 mph.

• 1901 The fi rst American car manufactured in any quantity, the “Curved Dash” Olds is offered for $650

• 1913 More than one million cars registered in the U.S.

• 1914 The Chevrolet bow-tie emblem fi rst appears.

• 1914 The fi rst electric traffi c light was installed in Cleveland.

• In 1916, 55 percent of the cars in the world were Model T Fords, a record that has never been beaten.

• 1923 A radio was fi rst offered as an accessory.

• 1939 Buick introduces turn signals as standard equipment.

• 1946 The fi rst power windows were introduced.

• 1948 Harley Earl introduces the tail fi n on the Cadillac. Fins don’t go away for over a decade.

• 2002, 30% of the cars sold were SUVs.

• The automobile is the most recycled consumer product in the world today.



Have a loader or any other piece of equipment for sale? Or maybe something else, you just want to move off your yard? Run your equipment or any other for sale classifi ed with us. Our newsletter is mailed every month to automotive recyclers and used parts businesses throughout all of New England. So take advantage of this captive audience with your FREE classifi ed. Space is limited, so no personals, please!

1956 FORD PICKUPbody, cab and nose very solid. Call 603-424-6122.

Your ad could be here!

LOW BOY TRAILERWANTEDLooking for a 2 axle, detachable low boy trailer. Call 603-437-3000.