Volume 1 • Issue 1 • Spring 2015 • Promotional Supplement ... · Impact of Iron Deficiency in...

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Volume 1 • Issue 1 • Spring 2015 • Promotional Supplement www.CFRjournal.com

Iron Deficiency in Heart Failure – the Relevance for the PatientProceedings of a satellite symposium held at the ESC Congress 2014 on 1 September 2014 in Barcelona

Katrina Mountfort, Medical Writer, Radcliffe Cardiology

This symposium was organised and fully financed by Vifor Pharma

Vifor Pharma funded the author to attend the symposium and develop this manuscript accordingly

Radcliffe CardiologyLifelong Learning for Cardiovascular Professionals

2 © R A D C L I F F E C A R D I O L O G Y 2 0 1 4

Proceedings of Symposium organised and fully financed by Vifor Pharma

AbstractA satellite symposium at the 2014 European Society of Cardiology (ESC) congress discussed the importance of iron deficiency (ID) in

heart failure (HF). ID is the main cause of anaemia and is observed in almost 50 % of HF patients in Europe and up to 80 % of patients

in Asia. ID is an independent factor associated with reduced exercise capacity, reduced quality of life (QoL) and poor outcomes in HF.

The importance of ID in HF is reflected in the fact that the current ESC Guidelines for HF recognise ID as a co-morbidity in HF for the

first time, and recommend routine diagnosis and monitoring for ID based on iron parameters. Intravenous (i.v) administration of ferric

carboxymaltose (FCM) was considered as a possible treatment option according to the findings of the Ferric Carboxymaltose Assessment

in Patients With IRon Deficiency and Chronic Heart Failure (FAIR-HF) clinical study, which showed that treatment with FCM in HF patients

with ID improves symptoms, exercise capacity and QoL. These findings were confirmed by the recent Ferric CarboxymaltOse evaluatioN

on perFormance in patients with IRon deficiency in coMbination with chronic Heart Failure (CONFIRM-HF) study, which demonstrated that,

in symptomatic patients with chronic HF and ID treatment with i.v. FCM over one year resulted in sustainable improvements in exercise

capacity, symptoms and QoL, and was associated with a reduced risk of hospitalisations due to worsening HF.

KeywordsFerric carboxymaltose, heart failure, iron deficiency

Disclosure: Josep Comin-Colet has received consulting fees from Vifor Pharma and was a member of the FAIR-HF and CONFIRM-HF steering committees. Stefan Anker

has received honoraria for consultancy, lectures, clinical trial committee work and/or trial adjudication work as well as he received research grants from Vifor Pharma.

Carolyn SP Lam has received unrestricted research grants and honoraria from Vifor Pharma. Piotr Ponikowski has received honoraria from Vifor Pharma as a member of

the FAIR-HF and CONFIRM-HF steering committees; consultancy and speakers bureau from Vifor Pharma and Amgen Inc; and a research grant from Vifor Pharma.

Received: 8 September 2014 Accepted: 13 November 2014 Citation: Cardiac Failure Review, 2015;1(1): Epub ahead of print

Support: Support is indicated in the editorial process box above.

Iron Deficiency in Heart Failure – the Relevance for the Patient

Katr ina Mountfort

Medical Writer

Proceedings of a Satel l i te Symposium Held at the ESC Congress 2014, 1 September 2014, Barcelona, Spain

Reviewed for accuracy by: Josep Comin-Colet, 1 Carolyn SP Lam, 2 Piotr Ponikowski 3 and Stefan Anker 4

1. Department of Cardiology, Hospital del Mar, Barcelona, Spain; 2. Women’s Heart Health Clinic; National University Heart Centre;

Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine; Asia Pacific Association of Women’s Cardiovascular Disease, Singapore;

3. Department of Heart Diseases Clinical Military Hospital, Medical University, Wroclaw, Poland;

4. Department of Cardiology, Charité Campus Virchow-Klinikum, Berlin, Germany

This symposium was organised and ful ly f inanced by Vifor Pharma

A satellite symposium, sponsored by Vifor Pharma and chaired by

Josep Comin-Colet, Barcelona, Spain and Stefan Anker, Berlin, Germany

was held at the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) congress in

Barcelona on the 1st September 2014. Its objectives were to raise

awareness on the epidemiology, aetiology and pathophysiology of

iron deficiency (ID) in heart failure (HF), to raise awareness of the

clinical impact of ID on patient outcomes and quality of life (QoL)

in HF; to discuss the latest guidelines for chronic HF in the context

of ID; to present data from the Ferric CarboxymaltOse evaluatioN

on perFormance in patients with IRon deficiency in coMbination

with chronic Heart Failure (CONFIRM-HF) clinical trial; and to share

diagnostic and treatment algorithms based on clinical evidence.

Editorial ProcessRadcliffe Cardiology (RC) approached Vifor Pharmaceuticals Ltd (Vifor) to develop a proceedings article summarising presentations from

their industry-supported symposium that took place at the European Society of Cardiology Meeting in Barcelona on September 1 2014.

Vifor provided funding to RC for a medical writer to attend the sponsored session and develop a manuscript accordingly. This draft was

reviewed for scientific accuracy by each of the session chairmen and presenters; and two blinded peer reviewers with suggested amends

incorporated. On approval by all reviewing parties, the symposium was submitted to Radcliffe Cardiology and accepted for publication in

Cardiac Failure Review (CFR).

Iron Deficiency in Heart Failure – the Relevance for the Patient

C A R D I A C FA I L U R E R E V I E W 3

Iron Deficiency, a Common Neglected Burden in Heart Failure

Carolyn SP Lam

Director, Women’s Heart Health Clinic; Consultant, National University Heart Centre; Associate Professor, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine; Chair,

Asia Pacific Association of Women’s Cardiovascular Disease, Singapore

Dr Carolyn Lam began by discussing data from the recent prevalence

study of ID in HF,3 for which the study cohort was from European

countries only. A study of ID in Asian patients with HF (n=751) found

a higher prevalence of ID (61 %).8 The prevalence was particularly

high in women (71 % versus 59 % in men) and in South Asian

Indian populations (a prevalence of 82 %).8 South Asians tend to

be vegetarian and also drink black tea, which has been shown

to decrease iron absorption by 80 % when taken with food.9

Genetic factors are also important in determining ID; a number of

studies have investigated TMPRSS6, which encodes a transmembrane

serine protease produced by the liver that regulates the expression of

the systemic iron-regulatory hormone hepcidin. Germline mutations

in TMPRSS6 have been found in extended families where more than

one member had ID.10 Variants in TMPRSS6 have also been found to be

risk factors for ID and iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) in 2,139 unrelated

elderly Chinese women.11

In order to evaluate the impact of ID in HF, it is important to

understand iron metabolism. Dietary iron is utilised not only in

circulating erythrocytes, but also in muscle myoglobin and other

iron containing enzymes.12 Patients with HF may be iron deficient

as a result of reduced iron storage (absolute ID), which may be

caused by malnutrition, malabsorption and gastrointestinal (GI)

oedema and blood losses (due to use of anticoagulants, non-steroidal

anti-inflammatory drugs [NSAIDs] and loss of mucosal integrity).13 Another

important cause of ID in HF is impaired iron mobilisation (functional ID),

resulting from the inflammatory processes that characterise chronic

HF. Activation of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-6 (IL-6),

interleukin-1 (IL-1) and tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) causes over-

expression of hepcidin by the liver. This blocks the intestinal absorption

of iron and diverts iron from the circulation into the reticuloendothelial

system (RES), causing reticuloendothelial block, as well as blunting

responses to erythropoietin (EPO) and causing apoptosis of erythroid

progenitors.13–15 At the cellular level, ID reduces the delivery of oxygen to

the mitochondria but also directly decreases the activity of key enzymes

of the citric acid cycle and of the respiratory chain of the mitochondria,

resulting in reduced oxygen utilisation (which is, in the clinical setting,

observed as reduced peak oxygen consumption [pVO2]).16

ID reduces work capacity and energy efficiency in HF17,18 and iron

status correlates to NYHA status.3 The fact that ID but not anaemia

HF has a significant impact on QoL that is worse than the impact of

other chronic diseases, particularly in terms of physical function.1 HF

is characterised by exercise intolerance, fatigue and dyspnoea, and is

classified according to severity in New York Heart Association (NYHA)

classes I–IV, where Class I is no limitation of physical activity and Class IV

is the inability to undertake any physical activity without discomfort.2 An

emerging problem in HF is ID. ID is prevalent among patients with HF; in a

recent international pooled cohort study (n=1,506), ID (defined as serum

ferritin <100 µg/L or <299 µg/L if transferrin saturation [TSAT] <20 %) was

found in 50 % of the total patient population. ID is the commonest cause

of anaemia, but even in the absence of anaemia, ID was present in 45.6

% of patients (see Figure 1).3 Disease severity, assessed by NYHA class

and N-terminal of pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) levels, proved

to be powerful and independent predictors of a disordered iron status.

Furthermore, ID has been found to be an independent factor associated

with reduced exercise capacity,4 reduced QoL5,6 and poor outcome.3

In 2012, the ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and

chronic HF recognised ID as a co-morbidity in HF for the first time and

recommended diagnosis of ID based on iron parameters in all patients

suspected of having HF.2,7 Furthermore, the guidelines now detail the

mechanism of action of iron in muscle function (and therefore the

explanation for deficiency-related pathology and onset of symptoms

in HF independent of the pro-erythropoietic function of iron); the need

for routine monitoring for ID; and the beneficial effects on symptoms,

physical performance and QoL of treating ID with intravenous (i.v) ferric

carboxymaltose (FCM). Based on the findings of the Ferric Carboxymaltose

Assessment in Patients With IRon Deficiency and Chronic Heart Failure

(FAIR-HF) study, which found that treatment with i.v. FCM in iron deficient

patients with chronic HF improves symptoms, exercise capacity and

QoL irrespective of whether anaemia was present or not. FCM is now

considered as a possible treatment option in the current ESC Guidelines

for HF.2,7,8 In conclusion, ID is a significant burden in HF and merits

further investigation. n

Impact of Iron Deficiency in Heart Failure

Josep Comin-Colet

Department of Cardiology, Hospital del Mar, Barcelona, Spain

Figure 1: Prevalence of Iron Deficiency in Chronic Heart Failure










61.2 %


45.6 %

Whole population

50 %



ent (


Source: Klip et al., 2013.3

Proceedings of Symposium organised and fully financed by Vifor Pharma

C A R D I A C FA I L U R E R E V I E W 4

Figure 2: Association Between Iron Deficiency and Mortality in Heart Failure

00 1 2 3

Time in study (years)







4 5 6 7 8







No IDNo Anaemia

IDNo Anaemia




No IDAnaemia



% C

I) fo

r all-


e m






Patients without iron deficiency Patients with iron deficiency


CI = confidence interval; HR = hazard ratio; ID = iron deficiency. Source: Klip et al., 2013.3

is associated with reduced exercise capacity in HF4 can be explained

by the non-haematopoietic effects of iron, including its role in

mitochondrial function in cells with high energy requirements, such as

cardiomyocytes and skeletal myocytes. In patients with chronic HF, ID

but not anaemia has also been associated with reduced QoL (assessed

using the Minnesota Living with Heart Failure [MLWHF] questionnaire),

mostly due to physical factors.5,6 Furthermore, ID is a stronger negative

prognostic indicator for all-cause mortality than anaemia (see Figure

2).3 A recent study in Singapore assessed the impact of ID in Asian

patients with HF. Functional ID was found in the majority (64 %) of

patients with HF. Patients with ID were more symptomatic with higher

NYHA class and MLWHF score, regardless of ejection fraction (EF).19

Patients with concurrent ID and anaemia had the poorest prognosis

regardless of EF.

In the 2012 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and

chronic heart failure, the ESC recommended ID testing in HF patients

based on the assessments of ferritin and TSAT.2,7 This raises the question

of which iron indices are the most useful. Two are currently used: ferritin

(a measure of stored iron) and TSAT (a measure of circulating iron for

functional utilisation). However, ferritin is also an acute phase protein

and can be falsely elevated if inflammation or subclinical infection is

present, but a low ferritin level is a clear indication of ID (absolute). If

ferritin is increased TSAT (<20 %) can be used for the diagnosis of ID

(functional). The only limitation of TSAT is the circadian differences since

the calculated value is dependent on the serum iron. Due to their intrinsic

limitations, the combination of thresholds of these two parameters

is suggested, as for the FAIR-HF study (ferritin <100  ng/mL or ferritin

100–300 ng/mL if TSAT <20 %). The ideal marker would probably be the

soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR); however, this is not widely available

or used in clinical practice.13 Based on the ESC recommendations and

data from the FAIR-HF clinical trial, a suggested algorithm for diagnosis

on ID in HF is proposed (see Figure 3). Recommendations worldwide

are being changed to incorporate the need to assess and treat ID in

patients with chronic HF.20

In conclusion, ID is present in half of all HF patients in Europe

and in up to 80 % of Asian patients. While it is the main cause of

anaemia in HF, ID occurs in over 45 % of non-anaemic patients and

is independently associated with reduced exercise capacity, reduced

QoL and poor outcomes. n

Figure 3: Suggested Algorithm for Diagnosis of Iron Deficiency in Heart Failure


No Yes


Yes No

Chronic HF(NYHA II–IV)

ID:Ferritin <100 ng/mL orFerritin 100–299 ng/mL

when TSAT <20 %

Exclude other causes for anaemiadepending on clinical status:

• Occult bleeding(e.g. Gl, malignancies)

• Renal insufficiency (erythropoietin)• Other deficiencies

(e.g. Vit B12, folic acid)• Other haemoglobinopathies

(e.g. thalassaemia, sickle cell anaemia)

AnaemiaMale Hb <13 g/dL

Female Hb <12 g/dL


ConsiderID treatment

AnaemiaMale Hb <13 g/dL

Female Hb <12 g/dL

GI = gastrointestinal; Hb = haemoglobin; HF = heart failure; ID = iron deficiency; NYHA = New York Heart Association; TSAT = transferrin saturation; Vit = vitamin.

Iron Deficiency in Heart Failure – the Relevance for the Patient

C A R D I A C FA I L U R E R E V I E W 5

Figure 4: The CONFIRM-HF Study – Change in Six-minute Walking Test Distance at 24 Weeks

Figure 5: The CONFIRM-HF Study – First Hospitalisation Due to Worsening Heart Failure








Week 24




in 6


T di


ce fr






FCM (N=150) Placebo (N=151)

00 90

Time (days)

Log-rank test, p=0.009











180 270 360




FCM Placebo

FCM = ferric carboxymaltose; LSM = least square mean; 6MWT = six-minute walk test. Source: Ponikowski et al., 2014.35

FCM = ferric carboxymaltose. Source: Ponikowski et al., 2014.35

ID is a frequent co-morbidity in stable HF and in patients admitted to

hospital due to HF worsening.3,6,21,22 Its association with impaired exercise

capacity, poor QoL and increased mortality, irrespective of anaemia,3–5

make it an attractive therapeutic target – a hypothesis that has recently

been tested in clinical studies.22 Several options are available for the

correction of ID. Blood transfusion is generally not recommended since

it is associated with high mortality and a lengthy stay in hospital;23

its use should be reserved for life-threatening emergency situations.

Erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESA) are used mainly to correct

anaemia. In the Reduction of Events with Darbepoetin alfa in Heart

Failure (RED-HF) study, a randomised, double-blind trial on anaemic

patients with chronic HF (n=2,278), correcting anaemia with darbepoetin

alpha did not lead to improvement in survival nor clinically meaningful

change in QoL.24 Furthermore, patients treated with darbepoetin alpha

had an increased risk for thromboembolic adverse effects.24 One

potential explanation of the neutral treatment effects on the outcomes

could be due to the fact that ESA therapy can further exacerbate ID by

stimulating the production of red blood cells, which requires a large

amount of iron. Therefore, there could be a subpopulation of patients

included in the RED-HF study with underlying untreated ID based on

the current definition of ID in the ESC Guidelines for HF. Post hoc sub-

analysis investigating the association between ID and the outcomes in

the RED-HF trial is undergoing.

Another option for correcting ID is iron therapy, which may be

administered by oral or i.v. routes. There is no evidence for the

clinical benefits of oral iron supplementation – studies comparing

oral iron with ESA in patients with HF and anaemia found no clinically

meaningful benefits associated with such combination.25–29 A recent

pilot study (n=18) suggested that i.v. and not oral iron improves

exercise capacity in HF patients.30 Early clinical studies have also

demonstrated the efficacy of i.v. therapy but were either single-arm,

open-label studies with a short-term follow-up or small sample

size.31–34 A larger, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial

was therefore needed. Therefore, the FAIR-HF (n=459) trial was

performed and showed that treatment of HF patients with i.v FCM in

patients with chronic HF and ID, with or without anaemia, improved

symptoms, exercise capacity and Qol at six months, including

significant improvements in self-reported patient global assessment

(PGA), NYHA functional class, six-minute walk test (6MWT),

Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire (KCCQ) overall score and

EQ-5D visual analogue scale (VAS) score.22 Improvements were seen

from week 4 onwards irrespective of whether or not the patients

were anaemic.

In order to broaden the evidence in support to treat ID with i.v.

iron in HF, it was necessary to replicate these findings in a further

study, and also to evaluate different, more robust and objective

endpoints, including safety endpoints as well as a longer follow-up.

In addition, the FAIR-HF study employed repeated 200  mg doses,

therefore an evaluation of higher single-dose (up to 1,000 mg) was

needed. To address these questions, the CONFIRM-HF clinical trial

was designed.

CONFIRM-HF was a multicentre, randomised (1:1) double-blind,

placebo-controlled trial of stable, ambulatory HF patients.35 The main

inclusion criteria were:

• NYHA class II/II with left ventricle ejection fraction (LVEF) ≤45 %;

• Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) >100 pg/mL or the prohormone

NT-proBNP >400 pg/mL;

• ID, defined as serum ferritin <100 ng/mL or 100–300 ng/mL if TSAT <20

%; and

• haemoglobin (Hb) <15 g/dL and no lower Hb cut-off level.

Patients who needed a blood transfusion were excluded from the

study. The methodology involved blinded and unblinded personnel and

CONFIRM-HF – Targeting for Improvement in Exercise Capacity in Heart Failure

Piotr Ponikowski

Department of Heart Diseases, Clinical Military Hospital, Medical University, Wroclaw, Poland

Proceedings of Symposium organised and fully financed by Vifor Pharma

C A R D I A C FA I L U R E R E V I E W 6

The link for the webcast of the presentations is now available: http://congress365.escardio.org/Session/14186#.VFukzrFbDIW The CONFIRM-HF results were also discussed at the Expert on the Spot session and webcast is also available by this link: http://congress365.escardio.org/Session/14134#.VFulWLFbDIV

ID remains under-recognised among cardiologists – an audience

survey revealed that a significant minority regularly monitor ID in

their HF patients. The take-home messages of the symposium were

the following:

• ID is the main cause of anaemia, but also highly prevalent

in non-anaemic patients; it is observed in almost 50 % of HF

patients in Europe and the prevalence is even higher in Asia.

• IDbutnotanaemiaisassociatedwith:

- reduced exercise capacity;

- reduced QoL; and

- poor outcome

• TreatmentwithFCMin irondeficientchronicHFpatients (FAIR-

HF/CONFIRM-HF studies) improves:

- symptoms;

- exercise capacity; and

- QoL.

These results were seen in both anaemic and non-anaemic patients,

and the risk of hospitalisation due to worsening HF may be reduced.

• TheESCGuidelineshavegivenaClassIrecommendationforID

testing in all HF patients. n

Summary and Take-home Messages

the usage of curtains and black syringes for injections, to mask the

brownish colour of FCM. Treatment involved a correction phase (given

as 1–2 i.v. injections of 500–1,000 iron as single dose treatment (500 mg)

continued (at weeks 12, 24 and 36) if ID was not corrected. The primary

endpoint was the change in 6MWT distance from baseline to Week

24. Key secondary endpoints included the 6MWT distance at Week 6,

12, 36 and 52; PGA score, NYHA class, KCCQ, EQ-5D and fatigue score

at Week 6, 12, 24, 36 and 52. Outcome-related secondary endpoints

included hospitalisation rate (all hospitalisation, for any cardiovascular

[CV] reason, due to worsening HF); time to first hospitalisation (all

hospitalisation, for any CV reason and due to worsening HF); and time to

death (any death, death for any CV reason and due to worsening HF).35

At Week 24, there was an increase in 6MWT distance by 18 ± 8 m in the

FCM group, whereas in the placebo group 6MWT distance decreased

by 16 ± 8 m (both least squares mean + standard error [SE]). It resulted

in a significant increase in 6MWT distance at Week 24 in FCM by 33 ±

11 m (least squares mean ± SE) compared with placebo (p=0.002, see

Figure 4), a treatment effect that had only previously been seen for

cardiac resynchronisation therapy. In all subgroups examined, including

those patients with and without anaemia, the treatment effect was

preserved. The improvement in exercise capacity was striking in that it

was reported not only at 24 weeks, but also at 36 and 52 weeks, with a

sustained improvement in fatigue score also observed. Throughout the

study, improvements in other secondary endpoints in patients treated

with FCM were detected with statistical significance observed from

Week 24 onwards. Treatment with FCM was associated with a significant

reduction in the risk of hospitalisations for worsening HF (hazard ratio

[95 % confidence interval]: 0.39 [0.19–0.82], p=0.009; see Figure 5). The

number of deaths (FCM: 12, placebo: 14 deaths) and the incidence of

adverse events were comparable between both groups.35

In conclusion, the CONFIRM-HF trial demonstrated that in symptomatic

patients with chronic HF and ID treatment with i.v. FCM over one year

resulted in sustainable improvements in exercise capacity, symptoms

and QoL and may be associated with a reduced risk of hospitalisations

due to worsening HF. Further studies are planned and ongoing,

including a meta-analysis, the EFfect of Ferric carboxymaltose on

Exercise Capacity in PaTients with iron deficiency and chronic Heart

Failure (EFFECT-HF), iron in Congestive Heart Failure (iCHF)36 and the

Ferric Carboxymaltose Assessment in Patients With IRon Deficiency

and Chronic Heart Failure with preserved ejection fraction (FAIR-HFpEF)

studies.37 Based on current data, a suggested treatment algorithm has

been proposed (see Figure 6). n

Figure 6: Suggested Treatment Algorithm for Iron Deficiency in Heart Failure, Based on Evidence from Clinical Trials

Evidence-based inCONFIRM-HF

Being assessed inEFFECT-HF

Evidence-based inFAIR-HF

ID Treatment

FCM: Weekly 200 mg single dosesto correct ID according

Ganzoni formula

Check ferritin/TSAT within nextscheduled visit

(preferable 1–3 months)

FCM: 500–1,000 mg single dosesto correct ID (SmPC)

Check ferritin/TSAT within nextscheduled visit

(preferable 1–3 months)

FCM: 4-weekly 200 mg singledoses for maintenance

FCM: 500 mg to maintainferritin/TSAT on target

Check ferritin/TSAT if changein clinical picture or Hb decrease

or 1–2 x/year

CONFIRM-HF = Ferric carboxymaltOse evaluatioN on perFormance in patients with IRon deficiency in coMbination with chronic Heart Failure; EFFECT-HF = EFfect of Ferric carboxymaltose on Exercise Capacity in PaTients with iron deficiency and chronic Heart Failure; FAIR-HF = Ferric Carboxymaltose Assessment in Patients With IRon Deficiency and Chronic Heart Failure; FCM = ferric carboxymaltose; haemoglobin = Hb; ID = iron deficiency; smPC = summary of product characteristics; TSAT = transferrin saturation.

Iron Deficiency in Heart Failure – the Relevance for the Patient

C A R D I A C FA I L U R E R E V I E W 7

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8 UK/FER/15/0105 December 2014

Ferinject® (ferric carboxymaltose)Prescribing Information - UK

For full prescribing information refer to the Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC)

Active ingredient: Ferric carboxymaltose (50mg/mL)Presentation: Solution for injection/infusion. Available as a 2mL vial (as 100mg of iron), 10mL vial (as 500mg of iron) and 20mL vial (as 1000mg of iron).Indication: Treatment of iron deficiency when oral iron preparations are ineffective or cannot be used. The diagnosis must be based on laboratory tests.Dosage and Administration: The cumulative dose for repletion of iron using Ferinject is determined based on the patient’s body weight and haemoglobin level and must not be exceeded.The table in the SmPC should be used to determine the cumulative iron dose.Intravenous injection: A maximum single dose of up to15mg/kg bodyweight. For doses <200mg there is no prescribed administration time. For doses >200mg to ≤500mg, Ferinject should be administered at a rate of 100mg/min. For doses >500mg Ferinject should be administered over 15mins.Intravenous drip: A maximum single dose of up to 20mg/kg bodyweight. Ferinject must be diluted in 0.9% m/V NaCl.Do not administer 1000mg of iron (20ml) more than once a week.Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to Ferinject or any of its excipients. Known serious hypersensitivity to other parenteral iron products. Anaemia not attributed to iron deficiency. Iron overload or disturbances in utilisation of iron.Special warnings and precautions: Parenterally administered iron preparations can cause potentially fatal anaphylactic/anaphylactoid reactions. The risk is enhanced for patients with known allergies, a history of severe asthma, eczema or other atopic allergy, and in patients with immune or inflammatory conditions.Ferinject should only be administered in the presence of staff trained to manage anaphylactic reactions where full resuscitation facilities are available (including 1:1000 adrenaline

solution). Each patient should be observed for 30 minutes following administration. If hypersensitivity reactions or signs of intolerance occur during administration, the treatment must be stopped immediately. In patients with liver dysfunction, parenteral iron should only be administered after careful risk/benefit assessment. Careful monitoring of iron status is recommended to avoid iron overload. There is no safety data on the use of single doses of more than 200mg iron in haemodialysis-dependant chronic kidney disease patients. Parenteral iron must be used with caution in case of acute or chronic infection, asthma, eczema or atopic allergies. It is recommended that treatment with Ferinject is stopped in patients with ongoing bacteraemia.In patients with chronic infection a benefit/risk evaluation has to be performed. Caution should be exercised to avoid paravenous leakage when administering Ferinject. Special populations: The use of Ferinject has not been studied in children. A careful risk/benefit evaluation is required before use during pregnancy. Ferinject should not be used during pregnancy unless clearly necessary.Undesirable effects: Common (≥1/100 to <1/10): Headache, dizziness, hypertension, nausea, injection site reaction, alanine aminotransferase increased, hypophosphataemia. Please consult the SmPC in relation to other undesirable effects. Legal category: POMPrice: pack of 5 x 2ml = £95.50; pack of 5 x 10ml = £477.50pack of 1 x 20ml = £181.45MA Number: 15240/0002Date of Authorisation: 19.07.2007MA Holder: Vifor France S.A. 7-13 Boulevard Paul-Emile victor, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine, France.

Further details available from : Vifor Pharma UK Limited, The Old Stables, Bagshot Park, Bagshot, Surrey GU19 5PJT: +44 1276 853 600 F: +44 1276 452 341 medicalInfo_UK@viforpharma.com

Ferinject® is a registered trademark

Date of revision: 10/13

Adverse events should be reported. Reporting forms and information can be found at www.mhra.gov.uk/yellowcardAdverse events should also be reported to Vifor Pharma UK Ltd. Tel: +44 1276 853633