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Volume: 1 Issue 8 October Month 2014 E Magazine

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TWUYA’s Yoga Beyond Asana

To bring the Yogic Consciousness in every person

THE WORLD UNITED presenting Lifetime Achievement Award

to Shri BKS Iyengar for the year 2008 at Hyderabad, India.

A tribute to the legend of Yoga Shri BKS Iyengar.....

The world never forgets you sir

An Initiative of THE WORLD UNITED Yoga Association

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Page No

1. B.K.S Iyengar Life History 3

2. Essence of Being a Vegetarian 6

3. Swara Yoga 9

4. Management of Diabetes Mellitus 12

5. Patanjali Yoga Sutra 8 15

6. Meditation 16

7. State of Being 17

8. 1st World Parliament on Spirituality pic‟s 19

Editorial Team


Satish Kaku

Prem Nirmal

Sandhya Patki

Adarsh Narayandas

Editorial Advisor

Dr Yugandhar GR

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B.K.S Iyengar Life History

THE WORLD UNITED presenting Lifetime Achievement Award

to Shri BKS Iyengar for the year 2008 at Hyderabad, India.

Dr Kaarthikeyan is the Chairman of The World United.

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Bellur Krishnamachar Sundararaja Iyengar (14 December 1918 – 20 August

2014), better known as B.K.S. Iyengar, was the founder of the style of yoga known

as "Iyengar Yoga" and was considered one of the foremost yoga teachers in the

world. He has written many books on yoga practice and philosophy including Light on

Yoga, Light on Pranayama, and Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Iyengar yoga

classes are offered throughout the world. Iyengar was one of the earliest students

of Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, who is often referred to as "the father of modern

yoga". He has been credited with popularizing yoga firstly in India and then around

the world.

Yogacharya B.K.S.Iyengar (Guruji) is a lived legend who

has taught yoga in unique way to all his students. He finds

the meaning of the yoga sutras by his practical search and

regular practice of yoga. Thus, he has helped all to

experience the wisdom of the yoga sutras. His style

of teaching yoga is called "Iyengar Yoga" and is now being

followed by certified teachers across the world.

His Childhood

Bellur Krishnamachar Sundararaja (BKS) Iyengar was born on

December 14, 1918. His father Sri Krishnamachar was a school

teacher and therefore Guruji has all his father's qualities even at

this age. Guruji was a victim of malaria, typhoid and tuberculosis

in his childhood .

At the age of 16, he was introduced to yoga by his Guru Sri T. Krishnamacharya. At

the age of 18, he was sent to Pune, Maharashtra by his guru to teach and preach

yoga as he knew a little of English. This missed his opportunity to learn a lot about

yoga directly from his guru.

Guruji was a sincere and committed practitioner. His own practice helped him to

explore and achieve perfection in yoga asanas. This is reflected in his teachings all

over these years.

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His Institute

On 26th January 1973, Guruji laid the foundation of Ramamani

Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute (RIMYI) in Pune, named after his

wife Smt. Ramamani Iyengar. The institute was inaugurated on

January 19, 1975.

By this time, Guruji‟s eldest daughter Geeta and son Prashant were also involved in

teaching yoga. They also started teaching at the institute with Guruji.

His teachings

Guruji's teachings were first published in 1966 as Light on Yoga .

This book has been translated into 18 languages. Today, he is the

author of 14 books.

Guruji was the first person to teach large group of students. He

lays great emphasis on precision and alignment which is followed

by his students. He gets students to perform and break barriers.

He brings about an automatic transformation in the mind and

habits of people. He is the only person to teach the highest aspects of yoga - Atma

Darshan through asanas. He has taught several famous personalities.

In 1998, he taught 800 of his students for a week on the occasion of his 80th

birthday at Pune. Again, in the year 2000, he conducted a special course for senior

"Iyengar Yoga" teachers from nearly 40 countries.

His practice

At the age of 95, he continues to practice. While in practice, he is

an artist at work. He is always at ease in any posture he performs.

Precision and beauty mark the asana, and the regular practice he

advocates integrates the body, mind and emotions.

Smt. Geetaji and Prashantji are also totally devoted and

committed to teach Iyengar Yoga.

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Essence of Being a Vegetarian

(Recent scientific research has indicated that the ingestion of meat products is

greatly detrimental to human health and contributes to a number of diseases.)

Apart from religious faith on Vegetarian (suffering/killing lives for food being a

Sin), here is a set of observations regarding our physiological similarities of

Humans to the Vegetarian animals (to realize that Humans are Vegetarian by

Nature as well!!!!!!).

1. The non-meat eaters‟ offspring have their eyes open at the time of their

birth like our children have while the meat eaters‟ offspring have their

eyes closed at the time of their birth.

2. The non-meat eaters‟ drink water by their lips (by sucking) like we do,

while the meat eaters drink by their tongue.

3. Meat eaters‟ tongue is rough while that of the non-meat eaters is

smooth like ours.

4. The alimentary canal, inclusive of the intestines, is much longer than the

size of the animals, up to three or four times the size of the species in

case of the non-meat eaters like man has. On the other hand, it is very

short in the meat eaters so as to cause quick passage of meat, which

may lead to undesirable effects on health if it stays longer in the

digestive system.

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5. The bowel wall of non-meat eaters and man are full of pouches where

meat could easily get stuck and putrefy. The meat eaters‟ bowel walls

are smooth.

6. Meat eaters‟ stomach is highly acidic to digest meat easily. The

stomach of non-meat eaters and man is alkaline to digest

carbohydrates easily.

7. The saliva of man and the non-meat eaters is alkaline while that of the

meat eaters is acidic. The structure of the teeth of man is similar to that

of the non-meat eaters, which are flat molars to grind the plant food and

are again different from the long canines of meat eaters for the

purposes of catching the prey, killing and eating.

8. The jaws of the meat eaters open wide to capture prey but don‟t move

sideways necessary for grinding plant foods. However, the jaws of non-

meat eaters, and also of man, don‟t open wide enough but move

sideways to grind the produce of vegetation.

9. Meat-eaters have long and sharp claws; the non-meat eaters and man

have no claws.

10. The liver and kidney of the meat eaters are larger in proportion to

their body size, while that of man and non-meat eaters are smaller.

Meat eaters‟ larger liver and kidney are capable of removing the toxins

from their meat-based food.

11. Meat-eaters have stronger sense of smell. Their eyes can see in

darkness too. These qualities are helpful in catching the prey. Man and

non-meat eaters donor have such qualities.

12. Man-eaters‟ voice is generally unpleasant and has a heavy

accent. The voice of the non-meat eaters and that of man is of different


13. This feature is relevant for the males only. The meat eater

animals don‟t have seminal vesicles. The only animals that have both

prostates and seminal vesicles are non-meat eaters. Men along

humans, have seminal vesicles, too.

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14. Above distinctive features indicates that man is physiologically

similar to the non-meat eater mammals and thus his food should not

include meat, fish and eggs as is the case with food of the non-meat

eater mammals. Furthermore, the fact that monkey has a much greater

physiological similarity vis-à-vis man and is a non-meat eater adds to

the weight of our observation. We conclude from the above that nature

created man as a vegetarian.

Sant baljit singh

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The Almighty Breath

Swara yoga is an ancient science that correlates the breath

with the sun, moon and the five elements, helping us to control moods,

heal ailments and be attuned to the cosmic rhythm

Would you like to know how to meditate better? How to be more effective when

addressing an important personage? How to change a mood or feeling? How to be

in rhythm with the universe through the day? Well, believe it or not, the answer lies in

the breath. And swara yoga is the science that helps you to understand how to

maximise your potential by manipulating your breath. A holistic branch of knowledge

found in Shaiva Tantra, swara yoga is said to have originated as a result of a

question Shakti asks on the nature of the governing forces of the universe. Lord

Shiva gave her a detailed and profound tuition on swara yoga in response.

The word “swara” in Sanskrit means sound or a musical note. It also means the

continuous flow of air through one nostril. The word yoga means union. Thus swara

yoga is the science of breathing undertaken for the realisation of cosmic

consciousness. This knowledge was kept secret since the Vedic period and imparted

only to a select few, mostly kings and dedicated spiritual seekers through the guru -

shishya parampara.

A beginner may think of swara yoga as “pranayam” as it is associated with breath,

but there is more to it. Swara yoga is a systematic practice of the observation of the

breath flow through the nostrils in relation to the time of day, the prevailing phases or

the position of the moon, sun, planets, seasons, and the play of five basic elements

(earth, water, fire, air and space) with the physical, mental and emotional conditions

of the practising individual. Swara Yoga helps by guiding you to take appropriate

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action in accordance with these subtle relationships. For example, knowing the

phase of moon and checking the dominant nostril before getting out of bed in the

morning and letting the corresponding foot be the first to touch the floor, is a simple

practice that helps you align the subtle flow of energy that ensures success in

everything that happens for that day.

The original script of Shiva Swarodaya, the most popular scripture to study swara

yoga, consists of 395 sutras with amazingly detailed descriptions of various practical

aspects which can be easily learnt and practiced by a modern scientific man with

confirmatory tests. The practice of Shiva Swarodaya allows us to synchronise our

breath with the universal rhythm. This alignment removes undue efforts, stress and

strain from our daily activities. Swara Yoga practice helps us to change unwanted

physical, mental or emotional states at will, create favourable conditions for one‟s life

by changing the internal environment thus improving one‟s attitude towards life

through increased awareness.

Here is how it works. The right nostril dominance is associated with pingala nadi or

surya nadi (nadi is the channel through which pranic energy flows in the body; we

are said to have 72,000 of these nadis but there are three principal ones, of which

pingala is one. Another is ida and these two are said to flow along the length of the

spinal cord, on either side of the main nadi or the shusumna). The pingala, which is

the masculine or solar principle, is associated with the left hemisphere of the brain

that controls the right side of the body. The left nostril dominance is associated with

the Ida nadi or chandra nadi, the feminine or lunar principle, associated with the right

hemisphere of the brain and controlling the left side of the body. Just by observing

the direct effect of solar and lunar currents of breath on human behavior, swara

yogis were able to ascertain the activities best suited during the left nostril

dominance and activities best suited during the right nostril dominance. The nose

can be seen as the main switch of cerebral hemispheres. It can stimulate

electromagnetic activity on one side of the body and it can switch the hemispheric

activity on and off at will. The following table gives activities associated with the


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Activities Associated with the dominance of each specific nostril

Left nostril dominance

(right brain activities)

Right nostril dominance

(left brain activities)

Beginning of regular intellectual studies Learning or teaching martial arts

Long-term activities Temporary activities

Stable business; requiring no movement Unstable business; requiring movement

Worshipping the guru Seeing the king, addressing officials

Playing musical instruments, singing, dancing Writing a manuscript, practice of tantra, mantra,


Planting, gardening Chopping wood, lighting fire

Construction of a hermitage, temple War, destruction of the country

Building wells, swimming pools, ponds Cutting jewels, gems, sculpting

Giving charity, lending money Accepting charity, borrowing

Opening bank account Gambling

Journey to far off places Journey to nearby places / return journey

Enjoy meditation Sexual or angry expression

Performing auspicious acts Worshipping evil spirits

Service Ordering or giving commands

to be continued

Prem Nirmal

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Management of Diabetes Mellitus

Types of Diabetes Mellitus

Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: The Beta cells of the langerhans of the pancreas , which

produce Insulin are totally destroyed or completely absent( Hereditary). This is also

called as insulin dependent diabetes. This type of diabetic patients are administered

with insulin injections on a daily basis which is mandatory

Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: This is caused by the partial destruction of The Beta cells

of the langerhans of the pancreas and the desensitization of beta cells. Pancreas

produces insulin but the body is unable to use the insulin properly this type can also

be termed as non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. This can also be controlled

without the use of insulin injections..

The symptoms of Type1 & 2 Diabetes mellitus : Frequent urination, tingling

sensation at the feet, Lethargy. The time taken for the blood to clot is increased. The

wound healing also takes a lot of time when compared to non-diabetic patients.

Causes of diabetes

People are suffering with diabetes due to reasons like Heredity, Obesity, age

related complications and stress may also be one of the reasons.

People must look at how to have a healthy life style and try to inculcate it into their

lives and live diseases free.

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Management of Diabetes


Eating healthy food is one of the most important necessities for managing diabetes.

Right food choices are helpful to control the sugar level in blood

Especially the food containing fibrous substances which is mainly Present in

cereals, pulses, vegetables, fruits and nuts but not in rice. Recent studies show that

high fibrous diets are beneficial for diabetic patients. Fibre includes the indigestible

plant cell components present in diet.

Eat a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, cereals, legumes on a regular basis. These

should be eaten in natural form leaving strings and skins intact like apples, guavas.

Choose whole grain chapattis, eat dried beans and peas (white). Drink 6-8 glasses

of water each day to help your body use fibre effectively.

Fresh fruits, wholesome grains and fresh milk of cow are sattvik foods those food

which are fresh, wholesome natural, of good quality. They add vitality to the total

system by bringing a perfect harmonious balance of energy states in the food itself.

Food brings the lightness at body level, alertness at mind level and nourish the



Warm up exercises, walking or running, physical activities should be carried out

regularly and calories will be reduced.

All these exercises should be practiced in the morning or evening time. This helps

to balance the blood glucose levels and

Exercises increase the muscle tone, strength, increases the lung efficiency.

Exercises can also lowers the levels of fat, such as cholesterol and triglycerides in

your blood.

Exercise is an important factor in maintaining the health as well controlling the


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Physical postures stimulate the pancreas for proper functioning by producing the

insulin. Pranayama and meditation help to bring the balance between the alpha and

beta cells in the pancreas.

Yoga enhances the relaxation at the physical level & mental level this brings

tremendous changes within a person, the deep rest decreases the stress level at

mentally and physically, relaxation calms the cravings & it reduces hunger this

helps in reducing the stress harmones in the blood; reduction of stress harmones

(cortisol, adrenalin etc.) from this the glucose levels will come to normal condition.

Therapeutic is a healing process, yoga postures, pranayama, relaxation techniques

and meditation this practice helps to bring downs the sugar levels by enhancing the

insulin level. Cosmic Prana shakthi is the medicine which heals the self, at psychic

level, organic level.


Oral Anti diabetic insulin

Usually the patients are administered with oral hypoglycemic drugs in combination

with insulin injections.

Adarsh Narayandas (Spiritual Yoga master)

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Patanjali Yoga sutra-8

Wrong knowledge is a false conception of a thing whose real form does

not correspond to such a mistaken conception.

The second type of Vrtti called Viparyaya is also based on some kind of contact

with an external object but the mental image does not correspond with the object.

The examples usually given to illustrate this kind of Vrtti such as a mirage in a desert

may give the impression that it is very rare but this is not a fact. Cases of Viparyaya

are very frequent. Wherever there is lack of correspondence between our conception

of a thing and the thing itself we have really an instance of Viparyaya. But it should

be remembered that in Viparyaya we are not concerned with the correctness or

definiteness of our mental impressions but only with the correspondence between

the object and the mental image formed in our mind. In partial darkness our

impression of an object may be blurred but if it corresponds with the object it is not a

case of Viparyaya.

Commentary by I.K. Taimni

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Meditation is not….

Meditation is not Prayer/Worship

Meditation is not Concentration…not Meditation requires Concentration

Meditation is not Contemplation

Meditation is not just a Method

Meditation is not „Doing‟

Meditation a state of being which comes with emptying oneself

Meditation is choice less awareness born out of the awakening of energy of


While there is no singular method which can be called as superior or ultimate, still

many meditation methods advocate the importance of Breath

Here is a way … Just Enjoy !!!

Sit Straight ( Sitting Straight makes the alignment of energy properly)

Nose and Navel should be in straight line

Close of your eyes with your hands on the lap

Watch the rise and fall of abdomen with each breath (abdomen raises with

every inhalation and goes within with every exhalation)

Keep the mind‟s eye in the lower abdomen

let the breath be smooth, soft, pause less/jerk less like the flow of oil

Allow the letting-go phenomenon happen

Let there be no expectation or craving for an experience

Slowly the meditative process starts blossoming

With continuous passive attention on breath, with a feeling of letting-go, slowly the

mind gets emptied and gets focussed on the inner eternal silence and the

consciousness slowly gets internalized. This internalized consciousness has to be

maintained throughout the day and night

The Mastery over breath is said to happen when the breath always happen in the

abdomen even during normal daily activities of life. When the breath patterns are

changed, mind also changes.

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State of Being

To see the time line of time/space and mass matter of 3d 3rd dimension we must

step back through to the beginning of earth history in consciousness of nothingness.

To go that deep is beyond human consciousness, for there is where the story is told.

History is but that it is one moment in time. To see the past, present, future is to see

the nothingness in each. Then combine the 3 together to make one whole.

To begin to go in between the between to the core of being, which is the nothingness

is where it all begins. I zone into the nothingness and awaken into a world detached

from 3d 3rd dimension.

It is as if a dream state has just emerged on the scene, while I am awake. It is

bringing the dream state of being into the waking state of being simultaneously. In

that moment in time is where beauty begins to unfold, as if I were the center of a

flower that has not bloomed, I am the seed.

It is a hypnotic state of being in natural form of pure love. It feels like time/space and

mass/matter have completely stopped. It is the free flow of energy in pure state of

being at one with all. This is where ideals come from. This is the moment of

personal growth.

Letting the expansion of personal growth flow free without emotional attachment is

the bliss of pure desire. The desire to be free is the desire of free flowing energy by

stepping into transcending the transparencies of cosmic consciousness. This is the

past, present, future in one moment in time. Then you come out of the state of

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meditation, you are then in present moment. In this moment you become heavy

once more, simply because of gravity. The gravity of one‟s own mind that contains

the holographical images in consciousness brings human desire of burdens, which is

karmic baggage.

I find that humans enjoy karmic debt. Karmic baggage is lessons to learn in this life

time. They enjoy karmic debt, because if they didn‟t they would not keep doing it.

Learn to love your hates and you will receive more of the loves you deserve. Learn

your lesson of how to receive love as a whole being. Receiving only parts of love is

thus conditional love. To obtain unconditional love is to find the path of your destiny.

That means go inside discover who you are, not what you are. You can always

make more money but you cannot make more time. Time is precious same as you

are precious. Use time wisely, love yourself, and give yourselftime to discover who

you are, because you are love.

Animals have come from cosmic consciousness; numbers come from symphonies of

synergy of infinity. Combine the two together and it will produce one item;once again

1 +2 = 3. Three is the number of 3d 3rd dimension of the earth‟sphysical plane of

existence in the human 5 senses. This is how ideals are born in the state of

nothingness. To go deep is to become the seed. The seed is energy in pure state of

being. This is the state of being pure love while in 3d 3rd dimension.

Light and Love

Dr Juanita Lewis

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1st World Parliament on Spirituality pictures

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