Volume 41, Issue 4

Post on 31-Dec-2021

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December 2021 - January 2022

THE SQUELK Sequim Elks Lodge 2642 (360) 683-2763

Share Care,

Lodge Officers 2

Lodge Contact Info 2

Duty Officers 2

Meeting Dates/Times 2

Sickness & Distress 2

Membership News 3

Drawing Winners 3

Committee Chairs 3

TravElks 4

Coats/Secretary 5

Club Events 6

Club Page/Kitchen Note 7

Advertisers 8

Chaplain 9

Birthdays/Secretary 10

Kids Therapy 11

Boy/Girl Scout Troops 12

Dance Schedule 13

Veterans/Elks Riders 13

December Calendar 14

January Calendar 15

Advertisers 16

Volume 41, Issue 5

Dec 2021 - Jan 2022

Inside this issue:



Greetings Elks and Friends,

I want to thank all our members that have been so

supportive through this difficult and restrictive Covid

mandate time. We have accomplished so much this

year! It is the first time in Lodge history that we have

organized a Tall Elk Golf Tournament and were able

to give over 14 thousand dollars net proceeds to the

Washington Elks Therapy Program for Children

(thanks to Katherine and Jeff Evans and their

team). We have met our ENF goal in the earliest

time frame ever and we will surpass our giving record there also. At the

present time we are leading WA state in new membership and will earn

$1000 bonus if we finish 1st.

With the help of several volunteers our Lodge is looking cleaner and

more organized then ever. Our storage and workshop building is clear

and able to function as it was designed. Our RV storage lot is looking

the best it ever has. Thank you Lupe and Dave Meier for working to

make Sequim Elks a desired RV destination.

Our Lodge Drive-though Trick or Treat event was a great success as

Karen Lewis lead a team of volunteers in giving out over 600 candy


That brings me to the November Elk Of The Month: Regina

Munn. She is a new member that has stepped up and volunteered to

work our lounge on Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights. She has a

heart of gold and a true Elk. She is not about what the Elks can do for

her, but what she can do for the Elks. She goes beyond the call and vol-

unteers just to meet and greet new people. So I encourage you all to

stop by and say hello to this outstanding Elk. Congratulations Regina


Our District Deputy Audit meeting on October 27 went very well. Our

lodge is in great financial shape and the lodge inspection went very

well, we had no immediate issues to fix. Thanks to Jim Torres for stay-

ing on top of Lodge repairs. What a productive year so far! Give your-

selves a hand for the great work that you have done this year. Please

continue to promote our Elks values of Charity, Justice, Brotherly Love

and Fidelity. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All!!!

R J Yard, Exalted Ruler



Exalted Ruler R J Yard 909-529-0575

Leading Knight Stan Dame 707-601-7703

Loyal Knight Bryan Smolinsky 360-509-8892

Lecturing Knight Dave Meier 509-995-3501

Secretary Teresa Lotzgesell 360-809-0529

Treasurer Russell Held 360-452-4760

Tiler Gene Mattson 360-681-0533

Esquire Cat Yard 909-973-0968

Chaplain Katherine Evans 360-681-8904

Inner Guard Stephen Lillquist 360-460-5110

Presiding Justice David Kilpatrick 360-582-1818

Trustees Klayton Waldron 360-461-3591

Jim Torres 818-631-3747

Andy Aragon 360-697-1459

Dave Lotzgesell 360-809-0529

Bill Seabolt 360-670-3810

Meetings Lodge Mtgs Dec 8 7:00 pm

Dec 22 7:00 pm

Jan 12 7:00 pm

Jan 26 7:00 pm

House Mtgs* Dec 6 6:00 pm

Jan 3 6:00 pm

Board Mtgs* Dec 6 7:00 pm

Jan 3 7:00 pm

PER Mtgs Dec 15 5:30 pm

Jan 19 5:30 pm

TravElks Dec 7 7:00 pm

Jan 4 7:00 pm

* Note that the time and day of

the House and Board meetings is


Duty Officers

Nov 28-Dec 4 Bill Seabolt

Dec 5-11 Dave Lotzgesell

Dec 12-18 Andy Aragon

Dec 19-25 Dave Meier

Dec 26-Jan 1 Bryan Smolinsky

Jan 2-8 Jim Torres

Jan 9-15 Stan Dame

Jan 16-22 Cat Yard

Jan 23-29 Katherine Evans

Jan 30-Feb 5 Klayton Waldron

Contact Information Office & Lodge:

143 Port Williams Road

Sequim, WA 98382

360.683.BPOE (2763)

e-mail: seqelks@qwestoffice.net

Office hours:


9:00 am to 1:00 pm

Lodge Meetings are on the

2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 7:00 pm

Washington State Elks website:


Elks Grand Lodge website: elks.org

Newsletter Editor: Gene Mattson

(360) 681-0533 mauram1433@aol.com

All newsletter submissions are due no later than the

20th of each month. Late submissions will be

published in the following issue

Printed by: Olympic Mailing Services

Sickness & Distress


Illnesses & Hospitalizations


Duty Officers—Pick up

the key in the office

if it has not already

been handed off to you

by the preceding duty officer.


Squelk — Dec 2021 - Jan 2022 2

Lodge Officers photo top come

The Squelk is published bi-monthly by Sequim Elks 2642,

143 Port Williams Rd, Sequim, WA 98382

for the membership of the BPOE

Sequim Lodge 2642 Officers for 2021-2022

Regular Members — 576 Life Members — 26 Delinquents — 31 Applicants 3

Welcome to New Members:

Denise Ashbran, Steven Elliott, Betty Gwaltney, Erik Simpson, Carol Stults, Lori Taylor, Jerry Winders


Cindy Robins, Ronald Robbins, Philip Wagner

New Affiliations:

Bert Brouhard, Denise Butler, Doug Butler, Louis Martin

COMMITTEE CHAIRS Accident Prevention Jim Torres (818) 631-3747 Americanism Dan O’Reilly (805) 729-1521 Birthday Bucks Maura Mattson (360) 681-0533 Calendar Raffle Crystal Parker (360) 683-3034 Chaplain Katherine Evans (360) 681-8904 Drug Awareness Sandra Strafford (360) 477-8626 Fraternal R. J. Yard (909) 529-0575 Event Contracts Gene Mattson (360) 681-0533 Orientation Doug Metz (360) 681-2959 Membership Teresa Lotzgesell (360) 808-0529 Public Relations Karen Lewis (360) 683-5449 Scholarship/VOC David Lotzgesell (360) 808-0529

Tall Elks Maura Mattson (360) 681-0533

Veteran’s Affairs Mel Fisher (360) 681-0291 Activities Director Cat Yard (909) 973-0968

Audit Don Klinger (360) 681-0898

Bulletin Editor Gene Mattson (360) 681-0533

Coats for Kids (Co-chair) Karen Lewis (360) 460-0380 Heidi Albrecht (425) 941-4246

Elks Nat’l Foundation Maura Mattson (360) 681-0533

Hoop Shoot OPEN

Lapsation Teresa Lotzgesell (360) 808-0529 PER Association Charlie Johnson (605) 520-3384

Student of the Month Cat Yard (909) 973-0968

TravElks Wagon Master Lupe Meier (509) 981-9383

Membership Announcements

Share Care,

B.P.O.E Mission Statement *To inculcate the principles of Charity, Justice, Brotherly Love, and Fidelity. *To recognize a belief in God. *To promote the

welfare and enhance the happiness of its members. *To quicken the spirit of American patriotism. *To cultivate good fellowship.

*To perpetuate itself as a fraternal organization and to provide for its government. *The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of

the United States of America will serve the people of the community through benevolent programs, demonstrating that:

Volume 41, Issue 5 3

Lodge Meeting Membership Drawing Winners

Recently drawn membership numbers:

Walter Athow, Edward Fjerstad and David Pierce

. . . so sorry

Kitty will be at $210 at the 1st meeting in December

The next drawing will be increased by $10 per meeting and only 1 name drawn.

YOU could be the winner—just attend the Lodge meetings . . .


Squelk — Dec 2021 - Jan 2022 4

TravElks We Need Volunteers

The Lodge is always in need of volun-

teers for its many activities, lodge building

maintenance and bartenders. A bartender(s)

for Thursdays and Saturdays would help to

keep the Lodge open on those days.

Snacks and bar food items are available.

You are welcome to sit inside by showing

your vac card or socialize in the heated patio

area. If you can assist 1 or 2 hours one day

a week, it will be much appreciated. Call the

office at 360-683-2763 if interested.

Hello RV’ers,

Sad Summer was short.

Looks like more rain and

wind in the months ahead.

Hope everyone's health is

good. The Trav-Elks had a

trip to Pacific Beach which

turned out cold and rainy

but that didn't stop those

campers. Big thank you to Janet & Ken Wahl

for being the hosts. In October we went to

Bremerton. That is always a relaxing experi-

ence. The also had a awesome band that

played music from the 40's to current. Fish

Thursday is always good eats. We also had a

blast with our annual Bottle Action and the

“Traveling Bra" which always brings laughter.

You just don't know what your going to get. I

would like to invite those that love to travel to

come join us. That said we wish you good

health, and happiness. Till the next time.

What’s Going On In The Campground?

Moving forward. We still have three units that

need removed for non payment, and aban-

doned. We now have the Police Taskforce in-

volved in removing these units. Folks this is not

a game. We are committed to clean up and re-

pair our grounds. The owners in storage have

been posted a memo on each unit to have dis-

cussion with the office to bring all current and

yet have three that think there going to do noth-

ing. Sorry, but our Lodge wants to clean up

and that's the goal and plan. We the Trav-Elks

are planning on expanding WI-FI for the

campground. Together we succeed.

Blessings, stay safe.

Lupe Meier, Wagon Master

is back

Halloween Drive-through

ENF Good News. The Lodge has received a Bea-

con Grant for $3500. The monies was used to

purchase Thanksgiving Dinners, toiletries and

socks for foster families in the Child Advocacy

Program (CAP) of the Juvenile and Family

Services Program of Clallam County. We will

be supporting 50 families in the program.

Thanks to all the Elks volunteers for delivering

and coordinating the distribution of socks, toi-

letries and a Thanksgiving candy bag for foster

children under the care of a family member.

Donations to the Lodge from Karen Lewis

(candy) and Suzan Cantrell (toiletries) are very

much appreciated.

Maura Mattson, ENF, Chair

Volume 41, Issue 5 5

Est. 1996

Coats for kids held its annual Coat Drive from

October 15th to November 15th and again

was very successful. We would like to thank

all that donated and the business' that al-

lowed us to place the donation boxes at their

locations (QFC, The Country Arie and both

Sequim & Port Angeles YMCA's). We want

to thank "Applestock 2021" for their donation

of $1,100.00 and all the people that visited

our booth during the event. We meet a lot of

new people and were able to spread the word

of Coats for Kids helping hand for the com-

munity. Our outreach has grown so much

over the last 3 years, partly because of our

newer board members Cheryl Stipe & Kelley

Gagnon. Because of their network we have

been able to spread the word of CFK and

help many more children in the county, as

well as new donators helping the cause. I

meet with a person from Sequim School Dis-

trict last month and she told me of a young

student that would not participate in PE.

When asked why, he said his feet hurt. After

looking at his shoes, they found that they had

no padding or insoles, just the rubber sole

was left and they were 2 sizes to small. She

immediately went and purchased 2 new pairs

of shoes for him and he could not believe that

there were people out there that would do

such a nice thing. And that is why Coats for

Kids exists. If you would like to help children

like this young person, contact Karen or


Thanks from the Kids.

Heidi Albrecht &Karen Lewis

From the Secretary . . . . .

Is it really time to think

about 2022 already?

We have done a lot of

work this year to streamline

processes and refine how

we organize the Secretary’s

role to help the daily cash reconciliation and

clean up lingering issues in membership. For the

rest of the year, I will be refining our membership

database, so the person next year can have a

clean working model going forward--- so we can

sort by interest and find those who want to help

with catering, grants, youth projects, landscaping,

etc. I highly recommend that we find someone to

head up membership that will assist our chairs

find groups of volunteers for events instead of

burning out our loyal 25-45 worker bees! This

person needs to be comfortable calling, talking

and encouraging volunteers! It would be great to

have that person in the office Tues / Thurs to give

them a quiet atmosphere for calls and updating

the database spreadsheet. Anyone interested in

this position, see me!

I will be fulfilling my one year commitment for

Secretary at the end of this membership year,

3/31/21, since I am still working and babysitting—

which limits my time during office hours. The

new processes are easy to follow and have

checks and balances to help with daily cash rec-

onciliation that Secretaries work on each Mon-

day, Wednesday and Friday mornings to help the

bookkeeper and Treasurer with cash deposits

and correctly allocating funds and updating mem-

bership fees and issues daily. It helps if you are

a morning person, you’ll need to be in the office

by 7:00 am to have these tasks done by 9:00 am

for the Treasurer to ready the deposits for bank

deposits. Future events like the Annual Golf Tour-

nament are organized and can be replicated for

the next one easily. The Secretary opens

(continued on page 10)

Club Events

The Lounge M-T-W-T-F—3:30 to Close

Sat-Sun—3:30 to Close

BINGO Thursday & Sunday 12:00-3:00

pm Volunteers needed on the Floor

and in the Kitchen

Squelk — Dec 2021 - Jan 2022 6

Rent the Lodge For Weddings, Anniversaries,

Birthdays and any other large

group functions

Members $100/Non-members $250

(360) 683-2763

On December 4th, at 1 to 3 pm

in the ballroom we will be hav-

ing the Auction. All money

earned will go to ENF. This is a

fun time and invite all members

to bring a wrapped bottle, mini-

mum value of $20, like a hidden

present. It doesn't need be only

booze, it can be any liquid in a

gift wrapped bottle. Our Auc-

tioneer is the amazing Charlie

Johnson. With the mandate, we

will only serve coffee, tea, hot

cocoa and snacks. Any ques-

tions, see Lupe Meier, Cat Yard

or Suzan Cantrell. Let's help

bring a little laughter into our



Seahawks fans, we are open in the lounge or in the heated patio for Sunday games, about 1/2 hour before game time Come on in, have a beverage, have some snacks and enjoy the game. GO HAWKS!!

- - - - - Notice - - - - - -

Please pay attention to the weekly up-

dates on the phone tree and flyers

that are posted in the foyer and the

Lounge regarding upcoming activities

or changes in schedule.

Share Care,

Elks Pantry The Lodge is accepting non-perishable items

for two community organizations. The Se-

quim Food Bank is accepting money to help

those in need in the community. The Lodge

has a donation box for money in the pantry.

Thank You,

Stan “Doc” Dame, Leading Knight

Club Page

This COUPON entitles a member to a Complimentary

House Pour, Beer or Wine

in the lounge during their birthday month. Clip this coupon and present at the bar.

Signature: ________________________

Member No.: ____________

Tuesday Menus Each Tuesday of the month at 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm

Joker’s Wild Game Drawing at 6:15 pm

If your ticket is drawn and you pick the Joker and are present, you get 70% of the pot and the Lodge gets 30% ! If you are not present, someone will be randomly chosen to pick a card for you and if they choose the Joker, you will get 30% and the Lodge gets 70%. Open to Sequim Lodge mem-bers/spouses, Associate members/spouses only.

SOCIAL NIGHT AT 5:30 PM (LAST MONDAY OF THE MONTH) December 27 - Brats, Sauerkraut, roll, salad and dessert

January 31 - Turkey roll, corn, mashed potatoes, roll, salad and dessert

Friday Night Dinners - Please watch for weekly fliers or call the Lounge



Pub Night & Joker’s Wild

Every Tuesday 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm

December 7, 14, 21 & 28

January 4, 11, 18 & 25

Dinner: TBD

Drawing at 6:15 pm

Volume 41, Issue 5 7


Is your membership number in the news-

letter this month? If it is, stop by the

Lounge during this month for your free

cocktail. Look around in the Squelk —

there are three membership numbers hid-

den somewhere.

Work Wanted

Handyman or


Call Scott Springer


Olympic Game Farm 1423 Ward Road, Sequim, WA

Open Daily @ 9:00 a.m.

(800) 778-4295 Get face to face with wildlife!


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Squelk — Dec 2021 - Jan 2022 8

Want to receive your SQUELK via email? Send us an email at seqelks@qwestoffice.net

and let us know!


From the Chaplain

Volume 41, Issue 5 9

Thankfulness Wow! Autumn sure

flew right past us. It was

exceptionally beautiful this

season, in my opinion.

That could be because I

was so very thankful. My

kids came out from Texas

for the first time and we

were able to share the beauty of the Olympic

Peninsula right at the peak of the change of

colors, along with having not seen them in 2 ½

years due to COVID. What a blessing!

Which brings me to the subject of our time

in this newsletter together….thankfulness,

gratitude, empathy for one another. Our cul-

ture teaches us to move so fast these days,

we seem to skim the surface and scoot right

by the finer details of people’s lives we care

the most about.

There is a verse in Philippians 1:3 “Every

time I think of you, I give thanks to my


I wonder how many of us think this as our

first thought when we think of our friends, fami-

ly, fellow Elks? Or do we instantly go to our

cultural way of thinking, “What do they need

from me? What are our problems? What do

we need to get done?” Or, is it the longer we

know someone, we take that person for grant-

ed, maybe begin to focus on their faults and

differences, instead of their accomplishments

and similarities.

1 Peter 3:8 says, “All of you should be of

one mind. Sympathize with each other.

Love each other as brothers and sisters.

Be tenderhearted, and keep a humble atti-


Let’s not get caught up in the culture

around us, where the focus has shifted to the

negative first, easy to anger, and a cultural in-

stinct to give a negative report. In this season

Things are starting to change in the

storage/campground area. First goal

is . . . we need every unit in the

storage area to contact Dave

Meier a t 509 -995 -3501 or

emai l dmeierhd@gmail.com I am

asking for the name and make of

your unit. Your help is needed to

move forward. New rate is $2.00/day.

Thank for you for your response.

Dave Meier, Trustee

of thankfulness and giving, I urge all of us as

brothers and sisters in Elkdom, to meditate on

the opportunity to have an attitude of gratitude

towards one another, and the power of a “good

report”. So when someone asks you, “do you

know so and so?” You can answer, “yes, they

are a fine person, I am glad to know them”.

That is a “good report”. Be reminded of how

your heart feels when you know someone has

spoken kindly of you.

I pray that we all have tender hearts for one

another not only during the Christmas season

but year round, sharing love with our families,

friends, fellow Elks and those in need. We

have many opportunities to share and help,

just ask!

Wishing you all a MERRY CHRISTMAS


May we all be….

In His Steps and Firmly in His grip,

Blessings & Grace,

Katherine Evans, Chaplain

Squelk — Dec 2021 - Jan 2022

(continued from page 5)

mail, processes bills for officer sig-

natures, processes RV rent (campers)

and RV storage (Sequim Elk members,

with the help of Crystal Parker) and

does the daily cash reconciliation. In

addition, member payments for dues/

fees, Lodge meeting agendas and

minutes are other duties that fall under

the Secretary duties. The membership

duties also include getting candidates

processed (applications, handing them

to the background committee and sign-

ing them up for orientation and initia-


I will be available to help the new

person and can have any interested par-

ties shadow me for a period of time be-

fore the April 1 kick off of the new

term. Crunch time is after dues state-

ments are mailed in February. Great

time to try on the position to see if it is

something you’d like to do! It helps if

you are an Excel junkie like myself—but

I can teach someone if they are not Ex-

cel savvy how to handle the templates

for all of the above! Let me know!

As always, please reach out to those

volunteering to keep YOUR Lodge go-

ing—we need to encourage those that

have a heart for Sequim Elks!

Special thanks to those volunteer

bartenders that are here, rain or shine —

Regina, Staci, Stan, Maura and R.J.

Be safe, Be well and Be Kind.


Office: 360-683-2763) Thanks for all that you do!

Fraternally, Teresa Lotzgesell

Birthdays in December

1 Leonard Jacobsen

3 Robert W. Campbell

Russ Held

4 David Blakeslee

Kathleen Landon

William Seabolt

5 George Eland

Glenn Richardson

Jerry Williams

6 Dan Tucker

7 Andy Aragon

Donald Hoge

Wendell Neibuhr

8 Lawrence Barnes

Robert L Davis

Steven Zink

9 Mildred “Chickie” Roo

10 Richard Alspaugh

Kyle Kiesser

12 Gene Mattson

14 Sandra Lucas

David McIntosh

15 Judith Flanders

Kyle Fritz

Jason Swanberg

Curtis Thomas

Shellie Torrence

Elizabeth Wickert

Sandra Williams

16 Charles Beals

Val Eastland

Alan Mace

18 Charles Stauffer

19 Lewis K Athow

Rick Garman

Willie Johnson

20 Larry B Edwards

22 Doug Price

Robert Stoltz

Andrew VanDerWeyden

23 Christopher Charters

Antonio Cibene

Kelly O’Mera

Patty Panoke

25 Laura Wadsworth

26 John Gagan

David Goldfein

27 Robert Booher

Kim Smolinsky

Jim Torres

28 James Mikel Jacobson

30 Albert Kirby

Birthdays in January

1 Kevin Regan

2 Doug Metz

4 Michael East

Donna Hagan

6 Ron Flanders

David Goose

7 Lyle Hagan

8 Gary Aberer

Florence Missiaen

9 Kyle Downs

Dennis Hood

Larry Kalsbeek

Phil Turner

Vernon Weed

10 Greg Eaton

11 Dave Bekkevar

Richard Snow

Robert Stewart

12 Philip Wagner

13 Ken Hicks, Jr

Patricia Mansell

14 Sandra Fast

Sean Madison

Robert N. Smith

15 Cliff Echternkamp

Richard Rhoades

Mark Wendt

16 Lori Taylor

Rick Towery

17 Megan Black MD

Douglas Rayburn

18 Thomas R. Johnson

Karen A. Nelson

Leonard Stadtmiller

20 David Squier

22 Gordon Bailey

Thomas Sexton

23 Rich Burrows

David Gauthun

William H. Mitchell

Richard A. Pierce

24 Alan G Smith

25 Crystal Parker

26 Dan Dahlquist

Don Trussell

27 Bill Camuso

Kenneth Rasmussen

29 Monty James Bower

Robert Craig

30 Jerry Bollwitt

31 Tanja Carroll

Rodney Janssen

Scott Middleton Sharpe

Bobby Yuan



Elks Memorial Sunday, 4:30 pm at the Lodge

Archer learned “In and Out”! How many times do we put an item in something or take an item out of something throughout our day? Our wallets go in and out of our pockets, keys go in and out of the car ignition, dishes are put in and taken out of cabinets… Within the first hour of my day today, I tried to count how many times I used this “in and out” skill. I lost count before finishing breakfast. Archer, who is 4 years old, was diagnosed with hypotonia as an infant, meaning has muscle weakness throughout his body. This causes “global developmental delay”, specifically in areas such as crawling, standing, walking, and talking. Archer’s ability to plan movement (for example, mov-ing a toy into and out of a box) has been an ongoing challenge in Archer’s life. Archer’s parents have supported him in every way possible since his birth, including enrolling him in early intervention services until the age of 3. He has received physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy throughout his life. “Putting in and taking out” has been a long-term goal for Archer, his parents, and

his health care providers alike. For those of you with children, try to re-flect back to when they first fit a plastic toy ball into a box. This skill “typically” emerges before a child’s first birthday. For a child with “global developmental delay”, there is no handbook to tell us when exactly this skill should emerge. Archer’s father is a retired veteran and his mother is active duty army. These are exemplary parents who not only serve our country, but are an inspiration in perseverance in their tireless dedication to Archer, their old-est daughter Leela, and newborn son, Ace. Regardless of unpredictable deployments, moves across the country, endless doctors’ appointments, the stress of changing Archer’s therapists and medical team each move, raising children during a pandemic, or the long hours of mom’s work

schedule, they have not missed a single opportunity to help Archer learn and grow. Unfortunately, due to the high demand for pediatric therapy services and insurance limitations, Archer has not been able to receive the therapy services he needs in a clinic setting. Fortunately, the Washington Elks have been able to “fill in the gap”! On August 10th, during a virtual therapy visit, I observed Archer copy a movement his sister made, something I have not seen in the past. Could we take this to the next level and encourage Archer to copy his dad or sis-ter putting a ball into and out of a box? Knowing how monumental this moment could be, I was able to record the session and capture the mo-ment in real-time. The pictures you see are a literal snapshot of Archer’s breakthrough. With a huge smile on his face, Archer successfully put a ball into and out of a box multiple times throughout the session. In the background of the video, you can hear Archer’s sister cheering him on “Go, Archer, go!”. After which, his father made a comment that perfectly exemplifies the importance of this program. “It’s the little moments like this that mean everything, these jumps in his progress that we usually don’t notice...”. Thank you, Washington Elks, for supporting Archer, his family, and all the families whose children would otherwise “fall through the cracks” of our traditional medical system. Further, thank you for your continued support of the therapy program in these turbulent and unpredictable times. Rest assured, your therapists are still working hard on the front lines to help the Washington Elks achieve the mission of changing the lives of children and their families with passion and enthusiasm! THANK YOU TO ALL THE ELKS AND FRIENDS WHO MAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY POSSIBLE!

Thank You !!! Washington Elks

Volume 41, Issue 5 11

Washington State Elks “Our Kids” The Washington Elks Therapy Program for Children, Inc.

Our State Major Project

Our Scouts in Action

Squelk — Dec 2021 - Jan 2022 12

Hello from Troop 1498! This month we wanted to share with you more about the financial side of running a active Scout Troop. If you have some previous scouting background you may not even realize your parents or perhaps it was you, paid some dues (just like the Lodge) to take part in the scouting activities. If you have not sent a kids to Summer camp in awhile you might not know that Camp cost for our kids in 2022 will be about $450 for them to spend 6 days at Camp Easton. So if 30 of our scouts go and the required adults (yep they pay to) that will be a $14,500 tab. Similar to our Elk’s lodge we have dues for the scouts, It’s $150 for the year. If you have additional kids in our troop they are $75. Included in your dues is; covering all the awards you earn during the year, a neckerchief and slide, a Scout book, most of your camping fees, fuel for the camp stoves, Scout life magazine, registration with BSA, just to name a few things. We pay the National Boy Scouts of America $70 for each youth, and then we pay Chief Seattle Council $14 for each youth (so $84 to be fully registered with BSA). We are required to pay for our adult volunteers to the tune of $57 for each of them. We also pay a Charter fee of $75 to have a Scout troop, times two since we have one for young men, and one for the young ladies. We plan to register at least 12 adults and 30 Scouts to start off 2022. So to provide BSA insurance and have our Troop properly registered we will spend just over $3204 before we buy one book or badge. We are grateful for the financial sup-port provided by the Lodge recently to help us offset some of the registration fees. So what does it cost to get geared up as scout these days? Well a uniform shirt and the basic patches will set you back about $65, decent hiking boots $75, Sleeping bag for backpacking and colder weather $200, backpack $165, knife $30, and this is just a sample. How we help everyone take part is done in two ways. First we have a variety of items available for youth and if needed adults to check out and use on camping/backpacking trips. We don’t have enough to equip everyone, or all sizes, however we have a decent base level that is frequently used which increases participation. Second we have a variety of fundraising opportuni-ties for the Scouts to earn their way to all the scouting that takes place in Troop 1498. The next fundraiser will be our Christmas Tree recycling on Saturday January 8th, 2022. This is a curbside pick up of non flocked trees with all the decorations removed in the Sequim and Eastern Port Angeles area. Fun fact we take the trees to the Game farm where the Bears, Lion, and Tiger like to play and eat them! You can contact us on our Facebook page “Sequim Scout Troop 1498” or email us at 1498bsa@olypen.com if you want to get on the list to support this fundraiser, and not have to hassle with your tree. (you can even take care of a friends or neighbors tree for them) I believe we ask for a minimum donation of $25/tree, but you can always add more. The funds raised for this event specifically go towards the troop helping reduce the cost of Summer camp for all our youth. Mark your calendars now for Spaghetti dinner on Saturday February 12th. This will again be a drive through event with a auction on Fa-cebook in the week leading up to the dinner. Scouts will be selling tickets in advance (helps us know how much to cook up), and tickets will be available at the drive thru. Our very popular baked goods sale will be happening before you get your dinner…so you can enjoy dessert first! This will take place right here at the Lodge, 143 Port Williams Rd. At this moment I’m not aware that the official time

has been set, expect a couple hours probably 5pm-7pm. If you were to swing by on a Thursday evening during one of our meet-ings we’ll be happy to put a scout in front of you to work on their sales skills. All money the scouts make in ticket sales goes into their “Scout Account” for them to use any way they want towards their scouting costs, from a new pocket knife, to paying for camp. Our last main fundraiser scheduled for 2022 is Lawn Aeration. This will take place April 8th,9th, 10th. This labor intensive fundraiser really helps empha-size a scout is physically strong. These kids really put effort into pushing those

machines around. If you don’t have a lawn you can always help get a friends lawn healthier with this useful service. Probably most importantly we never leave a kid behind due to costs. Thank you fellow Lodge members and please remember your support really does make a difference. Yours in Scouting,

Peter Craig - Committee Chair Troop 1498

Volume 41, Issue 5 13

Sequim Elks Dance Events

Dance ! Dance ! Dance !

Per the State mandate for December and Janu-

ary, bands may be rescheduled to a later date.

Hopefully, we’ll be able to resume our dance

program for December and January. The plan is

to have just two dancing events per month on

the second and fourth Sunday. The line-up for

the rest of the year is as follows:

December 12th, Star Dust Big Band. Entry is

$12 for nonmembers and $10 for Elks members

Thank you for your patience as I’m sure you

anxious to kick up your heels. Also, Line Dancing on Wednesday. Friday

dancing has been cancelled.

Fraternally, Gene Mattson

If you’ve been in or through our patio, you should have noticed the new Veterans Honor Wall. We are offering you a chance to honor a veteran close to your heart, by purchasing a homemade, hand painted star. The cost is $10 per star and a portion of that goes to our

Veterans program. The honored veteran does not have to be an Elk. Information sheets are available in the Lounge. We need to have their name, branch and dates of service. If you would like something special on them, like Vietnam, Desert Storm, etc., we will try to accommodate you. Space is limited so we can not guarantee what will fit in the 3 lines. Please give the completed form to the bartender. It takes about 2 weeks to make and mount. Questions: Karen Lewis 360-460-0380.

Veterans Stars

We are looking for any Elks that enjoy motor-

cycles, love to ride, socialize and help our

community as Elks Riders. We meet on

the 4th Monday of the month at 5:30 pm

at the Sequim Elks Lodge. If you are interest-

ed please contact either:

R J Yard, (cell) 909-529-0575



Stan Dame, (cell) 707-601-7703



Join us on Facebook at ElksRiders 2642

Joker’s Wild! 6:15 pm

Lounge OPEN


4:00 to Close


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28 29 30 31

Bingo 12:00 pm Scout Mtg 7 pm

Squelk — Dec 2021 - Jan 2022




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ENF Bottle Auction 1:00-3:00 pm TravElks Christmas Party

Private Birthday Party (Palmer)

Private Christmas Party (Davis)

Joker’s Wild! 6:15 pm

Car Club Mtg 7:00 pm

Duty: Andy Aragon Bingo 12:00 pm Dance to the music of Star Dust Big Band 6:00 pm

House Mtg 6:00 pm Board Mtg 7:00 pm

Duty: Bill Seabolt

Line Dancing 9:00-11:00 am PER Mtg 5:30 pm Orientation 7:00 pm

Duty: B. Smolinsky Bingo 12:00 pm

Joker’s Wild! 6:15 pm

Line Dancing 9:00-11:00 am LODGE MTG 7:00 pm Initiation 7:00 pm

Joker’s Wild!

6:15 pm TravElks Mtg 7:00 pm

Line Dancing 9:00-11:00 am

Duty: Dave Lotzgesell Bingo 12;00 pm

Elks Memorial 4:30 pm

Duty; Dave Meier BINGO 12:00 PM Private Party 6:00pm-9:00 pm

Joker’s Wild! 6:15 pm

Lounge OPEN


for Seahawks


Footprinter Christmas Dinner 6:00 pm

New Year’s Eve

Line Dancing 9:00-11:00 am LODGE MTG 7:00 pm

Bingo 12:00 pm Scout Mtg 7 pm

Bingo 12:00 pm Scout Mtg 7 pm

Bingo 12:00 pm Scout Mtg 7 pm

Elks Riders Mtg 5:30 pm

Bingo 12:00 pm Scout Mtg 7 pm

Line Dancing 9:00-11:00 am


Volume 41, Issue 5





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23 24 Elks Riders Mtg 5:30 pm

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Duty: K. Waldron Bingo 12:00 pm


Bingo 12:00 pm Scout Mtg 7 pm

Bingo 12:00 pm Scout Mtg 7 pm


Dinner Mtg 6:00 pm

Car Club Mtg 7:00 pm

Duty: B. Smolinsky

Duty: Cat Yard Bingo 12:00 pm

Duty: Stan Dame Bingo 12:00 pm Dance to the music of Dawn Martin 6:00-8:30 pm

Duty: Katherine Evans Bingo 12:00 pm Cat’s Meow 6:00-8:30

Joker’s Wild! 6:15 pm

Line Dancing 9:00-11:00 am LODGE MTG 7:00 pm

House Mtg 6:00 pm Board Mtg 7:00 pm

Joker’s Wild! 6:15 pm

Duty: Jim Torres Bingo 12:00 pm

Joker’s Wild! 6:15 pm TravElks Mtg 7:00 pm

Lounge OPEN


for Seahawks


Joker’s Wild! 6:15 pm


Bingo 12:00 pm Scout Mtg 7 pm

Bingo 12:00 pm Scout Mtg 7 pm

Line Dancing 9:00-11:00 am

Line Dancing 9:00-11:00 am PER Mtg 5:30 pm Orientation 7:00 ppm

Line Dancing 9:00-11:00 am LODGE MTG 7:00 pm Initiation 7:00 pm

143 Port Williams Road

Sequim WA 98382-3146

B.P.O.E . SEQUIM LODGE 2642 Nonprofit Org U.S. Postage

PAID Olympic

Mailing & Printing Services


PRINTING Heidi Albrecht Caps Shirts

H J Apparel www.HJApparel.com


Theresa Alcayaga Financial Advisor

213 E Washington, Suite 2 PO Box 2166 Sequim, WA 98382 Bus. 360-683-7205 Fax 887-875-1916 theresa.alcayaga@edwardjones.com www.edwardjones.com


Call 360-461-3591