Volume 89 • Number 8 big bang on the bay bangon the bay Kathy Robinson photos ... , food, fun,...

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sou’wester • august 2016 • page 1

New Member Appreciation Party/Pine BlockRegatta .................................................. August 13Ukelele Lessons .................................... August 16Cal 20 Champs ................................ August 18-21Membership Meeting ............................. August 19Catalina Cruise ................................. August 26-28Labor Day Regatta ..................... September 10-11Charity Regatte ............................... September 18Full ABYC Calendar

August 2016 Official Publication of

Alamitos Bay Yacht ClubVolume 89 • Number 8

Manager’s Corner ............................................. 2Commodore’s Comments.................................. 2Junior Sailing.................................................. 5-6Rules Quiz ................................................. 6 & 12Membership ...................................................... 74th of July Regatta ............................................ 7Hails From the Fleets ................................... 8-11

s as as as as a vvvvv e t h e d ae t h e d ae t h e d ae t h e d ae t h e d a t et et et et ei n s i d ei n s i d ei n s i d ei n s i d ei n s i d e

...continued on page 4

on the baybig bangKathy Robinson photos

The “Big Bang On The Bay” led to an even BIGGER BANG at ABYC which burst forth with Flyer, food, fun, friends, andfireworks! How BIG was this BANG you ask? Well, let me tell you: 423 adults, 51 children, 3 band members, theABYC staff and 6 sky divers drove, walked, biked, Ubered, or boated to the club. They consumed 450 sirloin burgers,

48 turkey burgers, 12 veggie burgers, 100 hotdogs, 548 hamburgerbuns, 96 hotdog buns, 10 industrial sized cans of baked beans, 12large watermelons, 50 pounds of potato salad, 400 pieces of corn onthe cob, and 40 king sized Costco apple pies!

Fortunately one of our favorite bands, Flyer, was on hand toinspire us to dance off all this wonderful food! And dance we did upuntil 9:00 p.m. when the phenomenal fireworks display, the real “BigBang,” began. Adding to the show this year was a 7 foot high tide. Notonly did this make the fireworks appear up close and beautiful, butPatience, raised by the tide to new heights, looked like she was joiningthe party. Unfortunately, also due to the high tides, the afore mentionedskydivers weren’t able to do their show as the narrowed beacheswere totally filled with people leaving no place for the sky divers toland!

But Patience, as well as all other participants, agreed thatthey really got a “Big Bang” for their bucks and that this was one of the best parties ever. Since SAC chose to keep the price

down by using member power instead of caterers this year, a bigrecruitment project was launched. Under the masterful organizationaltalents and incredible energy of Dana Bell, a huge cadre of volunteerscame together in the true ABYC spirit to make this an event toremember. So with the guidance of ABYC’s wonderful staff, thesefolks shopped for, prepared, cooked, transported up and down thestairs, and served the food. They set up every chair and table theclub owned, they transformed the club into a patriotic wonder withtheir decorating skills, they arranged for entertainment, they mannedthe gate and the parking lot, they rafted boats in the basin, they movedboats to provide seating along the rails, they organized a water taxiservice, and then when it was over and most of us were on our wayhome, they cleaned it all up!

Notable among the volunteers were eight brand new memberstwo of whom, Karen and Rich Ferdon, haven’t even received theirburgees yet! What the new members learned in the process was that

volunteering is the best way to meet other members and have a heck of a good time in doing so. The “older members”

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Well, here we are in the heat of summertime, I mean heart of summertime…. Hope everyone has been staying cool these past few weeks. In case you didn’t know, spending time down here at the club is a great way to beat the heat, with the ocean

breeze blowing and the cool waters calling. It’s a great time of year to bring the family down andenjoy some sailing in the bay, or swimming at the beachright next to our docks. Did you know that there’s easyaccess to the beach right from our club yard? We havea beach access gate located right next to our Laser racksand members are welcome to use it. We keep it locked

to protect the security of our lot, but a staff member will be happy to open it up foryou when we’re around. Please don’t hesitate to ask! Additionally, if you’d likeaccess to that gate 24-7, you may purchase a key for $50, half of which is refundedupon its return. Please just come see us in the office to get yours.

You may have noticed that we put in a new intercom system at our gate.The old one wasn’t working so great, so we put in a new system that is hard-wiredright into our telephone lines. Simply push the button (located on the wall on theright side of the vehicle gate) and our office staff will greet you. You may want to letyour guests know where to find the intercom, though we will be putting up signs tohelp guests locate it as well. Although there is now only one intercom for bothgates, we can still buzz you into either the vehicle gate or pedestrian gate with thetouch of a button. It’s as easy as that!

Wishing you and your family a great rest of the summer! Cheers!Tori

Bang! Pop! Pow! Ooh, Ahh! These were the sounds heard at ABYC on the 3rd of July during the “Big Bang on the Bay!”What a great old fashion ABYC party!

It all started about 8 A.M. with membervolunteers and staff arriving in droves toset up for the big party. Lead by theincredible members of the Social AdvisoryCommittee, the club was transformed into

a classic Independence Day family and friends celebration. Volunteersunder the guidance of Danna Bell set up the patio and prepped thefood. Pat McCormick positioned members boats in the basin for theraft-up and overnight stay.

500 members and guests were served a traditional meal allserved and cooked by fellow members. It reminded me of the greatparties of the past. The Junior Advisory Committee (for a smalldonation to the Junior Fund) supplied drivers for whalers to transportmembers and guests to and from other areas in the bay to helpminimize the impact on parking on the Peninsula and in our lot.

Prior to dinner, and throughout the evening, the band Flyer played familiar tunes that all enjoyed. At 9 P.M. thefirework began. There is just something special about seeing an incredible display of aerial pyrotechnic showmanship rightover your head! Members young and younger lined the sea-walls and docks to Ooh and Ahh!

All told over 700 members and quests enjoyed the night – ABYC is truly the place to be!Thank you to all of the volunteers, staff, members and guests for making this event safe and sane for all who

attended!On a personal note, thank you to all of those that called, texted, emailed and visited me while I was a bit under the

weather, ABYC is truly a family and it shows at times like these!May warm and steady winds fill your sails,Latham Bell

Jeff McDermaid photo

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Commodore Latham Belljlrgbell@msn.com

Vice Commodore Steve Smithsmith_c_s@sbcglobal.net

Rear Commodore Kevin Brownkevin@KB-Associates.com

Fleet Captain Dave Schackdavidr.schack@gmail.com

Secretary Jeff McDermaidabyc.secretary@gmail.com

Jr. Staff Commodore Chuck Claychuckc@internationalaero.com

DirectorsJunior Program Steve Bloemeke

sbloemeke@netzero.netMembership Dan Milefchik

milefchik@msn.comVolunteers Tim Carter


Sou’WSou’WSou’WSou’WSou’Wesesesesestttttererererer DEADLINEDEADLINEDEADLINEDEADLINEDEADLINEAugust 21, 2016 is the deadlinefor the September Sou’Wester.

Help us tHelp us tHelp us tHelp us tHelp us to Help yo Help yo Help yo Help yo Help you!ou!ou!ou!ou!Please keep your e-mail address currentwith abyc.sheila@gmail.com to receive allof the weekly news and events. Thank you.

Treasurer Nicole Peoples

Junior Commodore Alan Peoples

Fleet Surgeon Dr. Richard Bell

Judge Advocate Tom Ramsey, Esq.

Fleet Chaplain Don Reiman

Port Captain Dave Myers/Joel Stone

Sou’wester Editor/Layout Sharon Pearson


Weekly Reader Glenn Selvin


ABYC Phone (562) 434-9955

Homepage www.abyc.orgEmail abyc.manager@gmail.com

First Step


Donald M. Hodges, JrBorn March 26, 1925, Died July 13, 2016Donald M. Hodges, Jr, passed away in Seal Beach, California on July 13, 2016 at the age of 91. He was a third

generation Californian, born in Los Angeles in 1925. Don graduated from Dorsey High School in 1943, followed by a shorttime at UCLA that was interrupted by his entrance into the US Navy during World War II. He fought in the Pacific theaterduring the war aboard a destroyer. After the war he went to UC Berkeley, graduated with a degree in engineering andbecame a marine architect. Moving to Long Beach in 1950 he found work over the years designing yachts, sailboats, tunafishing seiners, and even the above water façade for the submarine in the movie, “Hunt for Red October.” He took a tenyear break when he moved to South Lake Tahoe where he owned and operated Timber Cove Marina.

Don loved the water and sailing from an early age, spending many hours as a youth on Balboa Bay. He enjoyedgreat success racing over the years while on the Cal Berkeley sailing team that went to the Intercollegiate Nationals, sailingin Trans-Pacific races to Hawaii, and as a longtime member of Alamitos Bay Yacht Club, mainly sailing Sabots.

His other great love was music. As a high school youth he formed a swing band called, “Don and the Stardusters,”playing his alto saxophone or Clarinet as he led the band. In more recent years, he played with the Leisure World DixielandJazz Band, performing and leading his last concert this past February 2016. He and his wife, Bobbie, traveled to many JazzFestivals and loved their favorite spot, Curly’s in Long Beach, where Don enjoyed jamming with other musicians andBobbie enjoyed toe-tapping and dancing. She preceded him in death on Dec. 1, 2015.

Don was a gentle and gracious man who always seemed to have a smile on his face and was much loved by hisfamily and friends. He is survived by his sister, Marilyn and her husband, Bob Harnar of San Clemente, his five children andspouses: David and Dara Hodges, Connie and Steve Larson, Carol and Steve Vukovich, Randy Hodges, and Diane Pfaff;8 grandchildren, and 10 great-grandchildren.

Don’s and Bobbie’s ashes will be scattered at sea.

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...from page 1big bangm o r e

already knew this, and they also knew that ABYC is a volunteer club where events are kept affordable and enjoyablethrough member participation.

So if you enjoyed The Big Bang, the next time you see one of these hard working people thank them for making itpossible. They are, in no particular order: Dana and Sam Bell, Jon and Kathy Robinson, Lori VanSkyhock, Jim and Lynn

Drury, Ryer, Ella and Fin Nesbit, Carol Higbee, Sue and BillMcDannel, Latham Bell, Holly Davis, Kathy Weishampel, AlanCunningham, Glen and Dylan Stryron, Christine Brown, SusanSaraf, Bruce Watson, Helen Burdett, Kevin Thomas, CandaceFisher, Steve and Jennifer Kuritz, Martin Bookwalter andMichiyo, Steve and Leslie Bunting, Christina Hall, Marc Schryer,John Gresham, Rich and Karen Ferdon, Michael Kramer, RyanMcCormick, Pat McCormick, Dave Crocket, Charlie Crocket,Gary Halliburton, Dan Milefchik, David Schack, BelaMogyorody, Bill Moore, Carol Hickman, and Steve and ElaineBloemeke. If my count is correct that’s pretty close to 50 people,pretty impressive and I won’t even attempt to total the hoursthey put in!

Big Bang? I should say so—nobody does it like ABYC!

Kathy Robinson photos

As many of you know, the Big Bang on the Bay event was HUGE! Nearly 500 paid reservations. Not surprisingly,access to the club and parking was shaping up to be a bit of a problem. Speaking with Commodore Bell,

an idea was hatched to use enterprising youth members topick up members and guests at strategic locations acrossthe bay. The middle of the LBYC long dock, and the end ofDock 7 next to the Gas Dock, using two 21’ whalers, MattMcDermaid, Dave Schack, and I ferried about 80 people toand from ABYC. Commodore Bell created a “tip bucket” foreach boat, and very generous riders donated $180 that willgo to the Jr. Fund. Thank you, riders. Next year, if the BigBang still exists, we plan to return riders to their startingpoint about 30 minutes AFTER the fireworks. It was a littlescary maneuvering against all the other boats that had beenanchored about the bay. Perhaps the band will play anotherset, the bar can server last call, and the fire pit will be openfor business.

Jeff McDermaid

shuttle servicebig bang

Matt McDermaid delivering a batch of guests

Jeff McDermaid photo

sou’wester • august 2016 • page 5

cloggerthe bay

The Jr. Program is coming to a close and what a fun summer it’s been! All of our juniorsailors continue to improve and grow right before our eyes. In this year’s AlamitosBay Fleet Championship, The ABYC Junior Sailing took seven spots in the top ten!

Congrats to Axel Stordahl (1st), Bobby Little(2nd), Nathan Sih (3rd), Dylan Styron (4th),Dylan Sih (6th), Charley Snyder (8th), andJake Fox (10th)! We’re so proud of all thehard work our sailors have put in to racingthis summer. We sent a great team to theJunior Olympics Festival at CalYC, FJNationals at NHYC, and Opti Nationals in Houston, Texas! The ABYC Juniorsare excited to finish up our summer strong and represent our club at Jr.Sabot Nationals and the Opti West Coast Championship in the followingweek.

Liz Ackerman

Axel Stordahl with 1st place finish,Alamitos Bay Fleet Champs

Tanner Jolly, 3rd place Beach to Bay

Axel Stordahl, 1st place finish in silver,Junior Sabot Nationals!


This summer’s beginners FJ program has completely changed my view of sailing. At the beginning of the summer Iwas reluctant to go to sailing every day, but within a week or so I looked forward to each day. Before the summer, Ididn’t know anything about

sailing with another person or thedynamics of team racing. Now Ihave a greater understanding ofthese and I feel more comfortableand open to racing in regattas(something I thought I would neversay). It was easy to learn, and itwas fun to hang out with a friend fora few hours on the water. Overall,this summer was fantastic and Ilook forward to the next one.

Derek Bloemeke

Got Sails?The Juniors are collecting old sailsto recycle into duffle bags andother gear. Clean out your boat andgarage! Simply drop off your oldsails in the designated collectionbin in the junior room.

Big Bang on the BayJuly 2016Kathy Robinson photo

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quiz #22racing rules...answer on page 12

board repjunior program

The Junior Sailing Program will be over by the time you read this. Liz Ackerman did a fantastic job putting up withCoaches, Parents (including the JAC) and the kids. Many thanks to Allison Prizlow for her efforts too. August 4th isour year end banquet and we expect this to be a fun evening.

As predicted, the program flew by and now we set our sights on the hiring of a new Jr. Program Director. While ourlist is not long, it is a good one. Our hope is to find someone who embraces youth, teenagers, Sabots, Optis, Lasers, andFJs equally. (Not easy to do by the way.) Oh, and that person has to be excellent at administration, be an excellent sailorin their own right so that they can fill in for coaching vacancies and/or unexpected increased class size. Be able to work onrigging, fiberglass, and trailer repair. And above all, be an effective Cheerleader to get kids out on the water for regattasand training clinics!

All of the coaches did the best that they could this summer. While the previous Jr. Sailing Director had a thoughtprocess in mind with her lesson plans and the coaches that she hired, her last minute resignation forced the people incharge to make the best decisions that they could make and present to the club a financially responsible summer program,which was done. And we the Board of Directors, The Jr. Advisory Committee, and speaking on behalf of the Coaches,thank you all very much.

We have many kids going down to Mission Bay for their Nationals, and very soon we have the West CoastChampionships for the Optis at ABYC. We wish them luck, to sail fast, maintain their sportsmanship, and especially tohave fun!

I will see you on the water…Steve Bloemeke

Two Farr 40’s are approaching the windward mark on Starboard tack. At position 1 both boats are outside the zone.Yellow is on a starboard tack close-hauled course fetching the windward mark. Blue is on a starboard tack close-hauled course, but it is not clear if she can fetch the mark.

Blue enters the zone clear ahead of yellow. At position 2, Blue starts to luff and Yellow becomes overlapped towindward. Blue continues luffing until she reaches the mark at position 3 with Yellow still overlapped and to windward. Yellowhails protest and displays a red flag.

Blue and Yellow round the mark and they both launch their spinnakers. Blue luffs slowly, collapsing Yellow’s spinnakerat position 5. Yellow hails protest and continues to display a red flag. Blue bears away at position 6.

What rules apply?

sou’wester • august 2016 • page 7

regatta4th of july

ABYC (and the Laser fleet) hosted the Annual July 4th Regatta onJuly 9 -10, with racing on the bay and ocean – and hospitality for all! Fifty-five boats competed this year, including

lot’s of Optis and Lidos, with a few handfuls of Hobies, Laser Radials, and Cal 20s thrown in. Conspicuously, missingwere Sabots, who were sailing in Newport at Gold Cup the same weekend.

Several guest participants commented on how much they enjoyedthe regatta. In fact, everyone had so much fun, that not one protest wasfiled either day, much to the chagrin of our Chief Judge, Ron Wood. Theweekend’s perfect weather and wind were capped by a classic BBQ dinnercatered Naples Rib Co. on Saturday. Over100 guests, many of whom lingered late intothe evening, enjoyed great food, music, andcamaraderie.

Thanks to all the many volunteers formaking the weekend a success and formaking ABYC shine!

Rob Stropky


The New Member Appreciation party will be taking place August 13th. This party is open to everybody and we want youall to come out to welcome new members and show them what it means to be part of the ABYC family!

We will have food catered by local Italian restaurant favorite Domenico’s and music will be provided by Rick Eng.Make reservations early!

The New Member party is being done in conjunction with the Pine Block Regatta taking place the same day. Comeout and try your luck with the Pine Block boats and then enjoy the patio bar, music and dining. A fantastic way to spend asummer day!

Very excited about our new members coming in. The following have been approved for membership:Approved for Membership Type Member Sponsor Tom Shelton/Diana Burbano Regular Ed SpotskyRich and Karen Ferdon Regular Sam and Dana BellDaniel and Leticia Martiniz Regular Rob StropkyBob and Elaine Hack Regular Gary McNultyDaniel and Louisa Bir Regular Dan MilefchikCameron Forsberg Yachting Dan MilefchikRyan Gumbiner Junior Dan Milefchik

The following group of applicants are now posted until the next Board of Director’s meeting;

Approved for Posting Type Member Sponsor Paul and Marriane Gleason Regular Merle AsperDoug MacAulay and Carol Rose Regular Merle AsperCarol Reugg Regular Kevin BrownTim Kernan Regular Merle AsperJared Shoultz Regular Dominic MeoScott Jackson Regular Dave CrocketJoseph D VanDelittle Regular Cindy HeavrinStanley Magill Regular Ed KimballAlexandar Russell Junior Bob LittleDan Milefchik and Rob Stropky

Makoda Hamlin photos

sou’wester • august 2016 • page 8

the fleetshails from

Cal 20 sailing action is definitely picking up as we move closer to the annual Class Championship being hosted by our very own ABYC. The Cal 20 Class Champs will be in August including the Junior Nationals on Thursday, August 18, the Gold/Silver fleet elimination series on Friday, and

the Gold/Silver/Bronze championships being held on the weekend (August 20/21). We are lookingforward to a fun regatta including complimentary post-race keggers, dinners on Friday and Saturday

evenings, and competitive sailing for all levels.We are expecting a large turnout of ABYC Cal 20 sailors including prior class champions Keith Ives, Chuck Clay,

and Ron Wood sailing with his son Mike. Others ABYCers who are currently registered include Jennifer and Steve Kuritzwith John Ellis on board, Cathy Black-Smith and Todd, Fleet Captain Steve George, Matt Rustigan, Eric and Staci Conn,Jerry Montgomery/Dave Kofahl/Bob Anderson, and Lee Smith. We are also expecting Jeff Ives, John Merchant/RobFuller, Freddie and Fred Stevens, Robin and Mark Townsend, Steve Flam sailing with Bruce Golison, Patti Nash, DanBates, Mike VanDyke, and Dan Gilboa. All said, quite an impressive ABYC Cal 20 contingent that should help make this amemorable event.

Jorge Suarez will be our Principal Race Officer and we welcome fellow ABYC volunteers to help out on racecommittee. Even if you can make just one day, your help would be appreciated. Cal 20 sailors will reciprocate by staffingthe upcoming Labor Day Regatta at ABYC. We welcome all ABYC members to come join our parties and share a goodtime at the club.

The Cal 20 Class Association is also proud to announce our revamped Cal 20 website (www.cal20.org). Feel freeto check out our refreshed website including info. on theCal 20 and class, class bylaws, fleet and websitecontacts, regatta reports, and a great photo gallery page.

Todd Smith

regattapine block

The annual regatta is fast approaching on Sat. Aug 13th! Log onto the new ABYC website which is ready to sign you up and take your registration & annual dues for theregatta. The new website: http://alamitosbayyc.org/abyc-racing/2363-2-pine-block-regattaIf you are coming to the regatta, please reply to this email address or to becca.25@hotmail.com.If you aren’t coming, please call me to pick up your boat or leave it at the office as a loaner. We need boats to loan

for the day to the new members of ABYC that want to see what a fun regatta this is.We need a chase paddle board or kayak!.....Pam Merrill, our chase boarder, will be in Montana.We also need a photographer for the day! Please let me know if you can help out. I can supply my pocket camera

if needed.Let’s have a big turnout of Block heads! Looking forward to seeing everyone at our one and only Pine Block Regatta at ABYC. Don’t forget to sign up at ABYC for the New Member Appreciation Dinner at 5:00 following the regatta....open bar

at 4:00 pm...Looking forward to seeing you on the beach!

Rebecca Moffett, aka Becky Reid562 756 0045

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the fleetshails from

The fish that got away - 2016 High Sierra RegattaThis was an amazing adventure, SteveBloemeke, Jennifer Weisman and I set off 12:30

Thurs afternoon for our trip up to Huntington Lake. Yes! It’s true the lake is full, it’s been three long yearssince we could sail here so we were very excited to go back. We crossed the state a new way, from the coastal wine countryof Paso Robles across the “Great Valley” and on up the Sierra’s. Along the way we were able to pay homage to the greatJames Dean and tipped our hats at that infamous intersection.

Friday morning, we woke up and started visiting with the local teams and planned out our day. We hiked up toRancharia Falls a couple miles away and she was flowing in glory. We scrambled down the rocks to be @ one with thisBeautiful place. Blue sky, tall trees, cold water, good friends.We reluctantly decided we had to leave and go put a boat together. We did a bit of boat on boat, and sailed to the four sidesto see if there were some mysteries hidden over there. Dinner around the campfire followed by a few S’mores. It was aperfect day.

Huntington Lake is a gem and a sailor’s paradise, the breeze turns on here @ 10:42 every day, not kidding. Theslips are about a 45 second sail to the start line, during past visits, I have seen folks push off the dock late in sequence andnail it. We saw the PHRF “A” fleet take off and we were in queue. We had a good start and followed the locals across thelake. Good speed, great point, soon we were able to work the puffs well and pulled away after a fierce tacking duel withGlenn and Nigel who brought out eight year old future rock stars Cole Barth and Alden Brownett to help them around thecourse. The boys gave us a lot of verbal smack talk and encouragement on the water and they were a big help with ourattitude.

We were all alone with about a 150yd lead when we peeled around the top mark, had a great set, just in front of apuff and we were launched. #2 followed us, #3 partially set then quickly realized my error, doused and spun the other way...WRONG MARK! Yikes!! We were the last to turn back and had to switch into turbo mode and start grinding boats down.Glenn, Nigel and the boys however were not so confused and pulled right into first which they held onto for the rest of therace. Luckily on our part a couple of the boats ahead had sailed into a light patch and we were riding a puff in. We caughtone boat right near the top mark and then went into hunt mode.

I guess it turned out that we were more in fishing mode rather than hunting. Jennifer looked astern and said “What’sthat?” streaming about 50’ back was a lure skipping along on the end of a line. It seems in my haste to catch boats I sailedclose to a couple of fisherman and borrowed something of theirs. We made an attempt to pull it off to no avail, 3 gybes laterand about ½ mile later we got a HIT!! Now we have a small trout and we are taking him on a Nantucket Sleigh ride downthe lake at 12Kts. I think we puffed him up with fluids a bit over the next 1 ½ mile down the lake. But alas, we lost himcrossing the U-20 Fleet and possibly someone else had a nice meal.

Races 2&3 went very smoothly and we seemed to be a force on the water while a tight battle was going on behind,and finished day one with a 3,1,1. We then gathered our resolve to head off to the party @ China Peak ski resort. After anice meal and a few Dark and Stormies, we headed back the local saloon to try to end the night, but NO!! Let’s drink herethen go find the campfire and some more bevs. I’m am feeling very old and sore by now so after the campfire I turned downthe trip later back to the saloon.

Sunday morning we got to sleep in and have a nice breakfastthen left the cabin about 20min before the start time. Did I say thisplace is convenient? Races 4&5 played out for a fierce battle for 2nd

with it going by way of a tie breaker. The last bit of drama was whenGlenn, Nigel and the boys sheared off the bottom pintle on the ruddernear the end of the last race, unfortunately just to weather of a smallisland. It’s nice to keep a spare screwdriver aboard, you never knowwhen you need it, just sayin.

I want to thank all the Viper sailors who were able to drive up,Glenn Van Heel, Nigel Brownett, Cole Barth, Alden Brownett, BobHayward, Cheryl Hayward, Phil Toth, Todd Downey, Adam Hamilton,Karen Dalisario, Eric Poulsen, Seth Poulsen, Kurt Heeren, and Iespecially thank Steve Bloemeke for his great tactics and JenniferWeisman for calling the breeze and her “can do” attitude.

Tim Carter, Viper Guy

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the fleetshails from

...continued next page

Golison Wins 4th of July Regatta and Lido Nationals!

4th of July recap:“If you’re not in it for love, if you’re

not in it for life…I’m outta here” it’s apopular country song, but it also

describes the name on Bruce Golison’s Lido and hissailing. His boat name is “Outta Here” and that’sexactly what he was at the 4th of July regatta. NewLido sailors from the Thistle Fleet, Tim and DawnElfenbein started the regatta with a bang finishing infirst place on the first race on the first day, and JohnGresham and crew Christina Hall threatened a fewtimes, but Golison was unstoppable. Golison and crewDina Corsi clinched the regatta after 7 races and didnot need to compete in the last two of 9 races. Therest of the fleet battled for 2nd place. Team Reed/Heavrin were in 4th place going into Sunday racingand worked into 2nd place honors with some help whenteam Gresham/Hall did not race Sunday. Tim andDawn Elfenbine were tough competition throughoutthe regatta in spite of the fact they are fairly new tosailing in the Lido. “It was solid competition racing inperfect conditions. We were so glad to have Charlesand Joanna Smith from Fleet 2 join us,” said Nemo crew Cindy Heavrin. Thank you PRO Martyn Bookwalter and racecommittee volunteers for great racing!

Twilight recap:Mother/son team Brooke Tanner Jolly made a winning

combination dominating B fleet one night. Sam Bell andDana and other crew ended up winning the month of June.The A fleet saw Chris Raab and Bruce Golison challengingeach other with Dan Gilboa and crew Derek Bucinskiwinning the month.

Nationals recap:Bruce Golison and crew Dina Corsi won Lido Nationals

that were held in beautiful Eugene, Oregon. 33 Lidos fromup and down the west coast competed in this year’s classchampionship. Golison/Corsi won this year’s event with nofinish worse than a 4th place.Fleet Six was represented by 6 boats entered. Gold Fleet

standings: First place Golison/Corsi, Third place Gilboat/Bucinski, Fifth place Thomas/Burdett, 11th place Patrick &Exlizaveth Schirmer out of 17 boats. Silver Fleet: Eighth

place Bruce Wasson and Ninth place Steve Cole out of 16 boats. Great job Sixers! Complete story by Bruce Golison onwww.Lido14.com . Nice job Fleet 6!

Upcoming events:September 18 Charity Regatta, August 26,27,28, LidoFest Catalina cruise, October 22 Lido de LunaFor Lido Fleet membership, questions or to arrange to charter the Lido Fleet boat, contact Fleet Captain Kathy

Reed at KathyReed1@verizon.net

Cindy Heavrin photos

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the fleetshails from ...from page 10


September 9 is the next Keel Boat Fleet meeting. We will hold the meeting and dinner on theQuarter deck and patio. As usual the Fleet will host the dinner providing a potato salad and agreen salad plus paper plates, cups, etc. The bar b cue will be lit so bring an entrée, your libation

and a small hors d’oeuvre to share. Cocktails start at 5 PM with the bar b cue hot at 6 PM.Short meeting with schedule for the coming year’s activities and any new ideas. Dues are due,

$10, cash or check made out to Mary Caddle. The Fleet dues have not increased in the last thirty yearsand you can’t find many things to match.

See you there,George

The Senior Sabots have been busy sailing Sabot Sundays, Dutch Shoe Marathon and our classchampionships. Senior Sabot Class Championships took place on the weekend of June 11th andwere hosted by BYC. Nine ABYC sailors attended the event. The conditions were very challenging,

especially for the person writing this article. The division winners were as follows: Masters Class Scott Finkboner/MBYC,Senior Class Chuck Sinks/SDYC, Clydesdale Class Mike Pinckney/BCYC and Grand Master class Merideth Blair/SDYC.Thank you Fred Stevens for towing the Sabot trailer to the event. Thank you to Todd and Cathy Smith for bringing yourpowerboat to transport our sailors to and from NHYC to BYC and provide support on the water.

The Dutch Shoe Marathon took place Friday July 22nd. While we did not have any members attend, there were 61Senior Sabots that participated.

Our last Sabot Sunday took place July 17th. Thank you Jim, Lynn, Jerry and Mark for running and scoring the races.We sailed with the Lidos and Jim did an excellent job keeping both groups from tangling up with one another. Mary Riddickwas the overall winner of the day. Mary was also the winner of our three-day fleet championship series. August 14th will beour next Sabot Sunday.

It has been my pleasure to be the fleet captain for the Senior Sabot Fleet. However it is time for me to turn theduties over to another fleet member. Our new fleet captain will be Kathy Weishampel. Kathy, I know you will do a fine job.I hope to see everyone out on the water this next month.


sou’wester • august 2016 • page 12

quiz #22rules answer ...from page .6


You need to look at several rules from three different sections of Parg 2 of the rules; Section A - Right of Way Rules,Section B - General Limitations and Section C - At Marks and Obstructions.

Definition Fetching and Proper CourseRule 11 - ON THE SAME TACK, OVERLAPPEDRule 13 - WHILE TACKINGRule 16 - CHANGING COURSERule 17 - ON THE SAME TACK, PROPER COURSERule 18.1 - MARK-ROOM, When Rule 18 Applies

The most critical piece of information that the protest committee must determine is, did Blue pass through head towind at position 3 and become the tacking boat and subject to rule 13. While not a racing rule, the ‘last point of certanty’principle is used by protest commitytees in finding the facts in order to apply the rules. In this case, Blue remains on port tackas there is no certainty that she passed through head to wind and became a tacking boat.

Once it is determined that Blue does not pass through head to wind at position 3, then Yellow and Blue are on thesame tack and overlapped. Rule 11 applies and Yellow as the windward boat shall keep clear of a Blue the leeward boat.Rule 16.1 requires Blue as the right-of-way boat changing course to give Yellow room to keep clear, which she does.Interesting, as Yellow must keep clear of Blue the right-of-way boat, Rule 18 doesn’t enter into the decision. At position 5, asimilar situation occurs. However, Blue is now sailing above her proper course, but as Blue did not become overlapped fromastern, Rule 17 does not apply and Blue is allowed to sail above her proper course. Blue is the right-of-way boat, and Yellowmust keep clear.

As Blue was the right-of-way boat in both incidents and Yellow keopt clear, the protest is dismissed.If you have encountered any interesting rules situations please let me know.Mark Townsend


see attached flyerfor details!!


September 24, 25See Weekly Reader

for details!!

Amanda exchanginga burgee with theCommoradore of

Rarotonga SailingClub in the Cook


Charity RegattaSeptember 18th

Watch theWeeklyReader



Rates:$50/3 months

$125/yearBilled directly to your club account

Submit your business card, 3.5” x 2” .jpg, .tif,.png or .jpg file to the club secretary at

abyc.secretary@gmail.com or the Sou’westereditor at sharonpea@aol.com

Contact the club secretary atabyc.secretary@gmail.com for

non-member rates

Side by Side

Private Sabot Sailing Lessons1 on 1, side by side

Matthew McDermaidU.S Sailing, Level 1 Certified Instructor

By Appointment

Cell: 714-931-3190

Email: mattmcdermaid@gmail.com

Take your child to the next level!

We both sail in a Sabot, side by

side, 1-2 hours per lesson.


ORIANA SHEAResidential Real Estate SpecialistOffice (562) 270-1775 ext. 2 (800) 277-2136Mobile (562) 477-3388 or (714) 696-6063Email Oriana@OrianaShea.comwww.OrianaShea.comServing Long Beach • Seal Beach • Lakewood • Huntington Beach

Cypress • Newport Beach and Surrounding Areas


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Repairs • Crane • Marine Supplies

(562) 951-5768Fax (562) 951-5788Cell (310) 480-4138

Saturday, August 13th – 1:30 pm

2016 Annual Pine Block Championship Regatta Save the date! We are now the opening act for the ABYC

New Member Appreciation Party!

Come show off your Pine Block racing skills to our New Members

Registration begins at 1:45 pm ~ race instructions at 2:00 pm

Everyone is invited to the New Member Dinner at 5:00, Bar opens at 4:00 See ABYC New Member Party flier for reservations and dinner cost

Recommended gear: beach chair, bathing suit, sun screen, water shoes and towel

$15. Entry fee for each sailor ~ Four Champions will be crowned!

Sign up on the new ABYC website: http://alamitosbayyc.org/abyc-racing/2363-2-pine-block-regatta If you are not going to use your boat, we need to loan it to a new member for the day. If you no longer are involved with the Pine Block Fleet, please call Rebecca to arrange the transfer of your boat back to the fleet. You can also drop your boat off at the ABYC office. If your boat needs repairs I need your boat now-hopefully we can get it repaired in time for the race.

Regatta Chair: Rebecca Moffett – Cell 562.756.0045 / email becca.25@hotmail.com

kids menubuttered Penne spaghetti marinara

salad desert

Pine block



1:45 on the beach

new members invited

Loaner boats may

be available.

Call Rebecca Moffett

(562) 756-0045


kale/spinach salad

Domenico's Special salad

herb chicken with

spinach and Bruschetta

Two pastas – Basil cream &

sausage/tomato cream

steamed veggies

assorted breads

***Reservations by August 7 @ 5:00 pm***New Members FREE Existing Members $20 Kids Menu (under 10) $7

After August 7 and at Door ** $25 Email: abyc.sheila@gmail.com Tel: (562)434-9955 Online: www.abyc.org


saturday, August 13, 2016Bar opens 4:00 pm – dinner 5:00 pm

music by rick eng

New Member Party

Catered by:

It's a




Lawn Games & Challenges

Bar Opens & Fun

Begins at 4:00 pm

Watch for

Details in

the Weekly


Saturday, September 10

Vintage Surf Tunes by

"Woodie and the Longboards"

Music Starts at 6:30 pm

Dinner by

Island Grill

August 26 - 28 Two Harbors

Friday6:30 pm Dinner at Doug's Harbor Reef Restaurant

(Make Reservations at abyc.org)

Saturday11:00 am Frisbee Golf Tournament

2:00 – 4:00 pm Tom Ramsey and Darlene Bjelland will be hosting cocktails on the Grand Banks Encore

5:30 pm Appetizer Contest at West Bandstand

Bring Your Own Everything Barbeque (Charcoal Provided)Ukulele Sing-Along and S'Mores Around the Campfire After Dinner

$15 Per Person – 25 and Under Free!Fee Includes Bandstand Rental, Charcoal, Firewood, and S'Mores