Vorlesung02 Statistical Models in Simulation

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  • 8/14/2019 Vorlesung02 Statistical Models in Simulation


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    D U I S B U R GE S S E N

    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Noche

    Rechnergesttzte Netzanalysenehem.:Simulation in Logist ics II

    Probability and Statistics in


    Lecturer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Noche

    tul06.11.2013 1Rechnergesttzte Netzanalysen

  • 8/14/2019 Vorlesung02 Statistical Models in Simulation


    Perform statistic

    analyses of the

    simulation output data

    Design the





    Model aprobabilistic

    s stem

    Generate randomsamples from the

    in ut distribution

    Validate the


    Choose the

    input probabilistic

    mode s r u on

    Rechnergesttzte Netzanalysen 206.11.2013

  • 8/14/2019 Vorlesung02 Statistical Models in Simulation


    . ueue ng ys em: n erarr va mes an e serv ce mes.

    Exponential distribution, Weibull distribution, and gamma distribution,

    normal distribution.

    2. Inventory System: the number of units demanded per order or per time period,

    the time between placing an order, and the lead time.

    Geometric, Poisson, and negative binomial distribution provide a range of

    distribution shapes that satisfy a variety of demand patterns. The lead time distribution can often be fitted fairly well by a gamma


    3. Reliability and Maintainability: time to failure, time to repair.

    Time to failure has been modeled with exponential, gamma and Weibull


    4. Limited Data: in many instances simulations begin before data collection has

    been completed.

    06.11.2013 Rechnergesttzte Netzanalysen 3

    , , .

  • 8/14/2019 Vorlesung02 Statistical Models in Simulation


    Random Variables and Probabilit Distributions

    Random Variable (RV)A real number assigned to each outcome of an

    experiment in the sample spaceCan only take a finite or a countable infinite set of


    e.g., hit or miss {0 or 1}, Flip a coin of shooting abasketball, outcome of throwing a dart {1, 2, ,

    ,Simulate Monte Carlo: throw a dice {1, 2, 3, 4, 5,

    6}, a pair of dices {2, 3, 4, , 10, 11, 12} Continuous Random Variable

    Can take on a continuum of values (infinite)

    06.11.2013 Rechnergesttzte Netzanalysen 4e.g., customer interarrival time

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    Discrete Random Variables

    Rechnergesttzte Netzanalysen 506.11.2013

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    Discrete Random Variables


    0 p(xi) 1 for all i x = 1 certain outcome

    Alternative representation for the probability distribution is the

    cumulativedistribution function (CDF) (Verteilungsfunktion),

    F(x) Definition: F(x) = P(X x) relative to probability mass function: F(x) =(xi x)p(xi) Properties of F(x):

    (1) 0 F(x) 1(2) F( ) = 0(3) F( ) = 1

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    Discrete Random Variables

    Ex: S = {0, 1, 2, 3} four possible outcomes

    p(0) = 1/8 p(1) = 3/8 p(2) = 3/8 p(3) = 1/8

    (i = 0 to 3)p(xi) = 1/8 + 3/8 + 3/8 + 1/8 = 1

    p(Xi) F(Xi)

    1 13



    1/2 1/2




    10 2 3 Xi 10 2 3




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    Continuous Random Variables

    Probability density function (pdf)(Dichtefunktion), f(x)

    e n on: a = (from a to b) x x

    Conditions: f(x) f x(1) f(x) 0 and

    =rom o

    xa b

    P(a X b)

    Cumulative distribution function (cdf), F(x)Definition: F(x) = (from to x)f(y) dy = P(X x)

    variable X assuming a value less than or equal to x06.11.2013 8Rechnergesttzte Netzanalysen

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    values between 0 and 1 and equal probability

    f (X) F (X)

    = =0.75

    UNFRM (0,1)

    . .0.5


    X X0 0.25 10.5 0.75 1

    pdf cdf

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    Discrete and Continuous Random


    Mixed Distribution


    probability Value 2 - 1/3 p(2) = 1/3

    =Between 1 and 2 - 1/3 probability = 1

    F (X)f (X)

    1 1/3 1/3 1 1.00 X


    1/3 1/3 0.33




    X X0 1 2 0 1 2

    06.11.2013 Rechnergesttzte Netzanalysen 10

    + x-

  • 8/14/2019 Vorlesung02 Statistical Models in Simulation


    Ex ectation and Moments

    Used to characterize robabilit distribution functions

    The Expectation (expected value) of a random variable

    , (all i) i iE[x] =(all x)x f(x)dx when x is continuous

    n genera , can e a unc on o xE[xn] =(all i)xin p(xi) when x is discreteE xn = (all x)xn x x w en x is continuous

    The expectation of xn

    is defined as the nth

    moment of aran om var a e

    Expected value is a special case when n = 1, it is thus called

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    A variant of the nth moment is the nth moment of a

    random variable about the meanE[(xE[x])n]

    Important: the second moment

    about the mean E[(xE[x])2

    ] =2



    the variance (Varianz) of x Var[x] = measures of the spreadof probability distribution

    = standard deviation (Standardabweichung) of the

    06.11.2013 Rechnergesttzte Netzanalysen 12

    ran om var a e

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    Expectation and Moments

    Other higher order of moments - measures of probability of


    Skewness (Schiefe) - measures if the distribution is symmetric



    Skewed Positively Skewed Negatively

    Kurtosis (Wlbung) - measures flatness or peakedness

    Peaked long thin tailsFlat (with short broad tails)

    06.11.2013 Rechnergesttzte Netzanalysen 13

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    For two random variables x and y:

    Cov[x, y] = E[(xE[x]) (yE[y])]

    Causal relationship

    , =

    Formally, p(y|x) = p(y) for discrete

    y x = y or con nuous

    Measure of dependencecorrelation coefficient,


    Var[x] Var[y]= Cov[x,y]

    06.11.2013 Rechnergesttzte Netzanalysen 14

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    Functions of Random Variables and

    e r roper es

    E[x + y] = E[x] + E[y] x + y is a RV

    E[x + k] = E[x] + k x + k is a RV

    w ere s an ar rary cons an

    Properties for Variances Var[x + y] = Var[x] + Var[y] + 2Cov[x, y]

    If x, y are independent, Var[x + y] = Var[x] + Var[y] Var[kx] = k2 Var[x]

    Var[x + k] = Var[x]

    06.11.2013 Rechnergesttzte Netzanalysen 15 Var[kx + ny] = k2

    Var[x] + n2

    Var[y] + 2kn Cov[x, y]

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    Example :Constant100 3s


    No uncertaintyegenera e case No variation (sd = 0)

    r a s

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    Consider an experiment consisting of n trials, eachcan e a success or a a ure.

    Xj= 1 if the jth experiment is a success

    Xj= 0 if the jth experiment is a failure

    Jacob Bernoulli (16541705)The Bernoulli distribution (one trial):


    xj =1,j=1,2,...,n

    pj xj =p xj = 1 p = q,

    0,xj = 0,j=1,2,...,notherwise whereE(Xj) = p and V(Xj) = p (1p) = p q

    06.11.2013 Rechnergesttzte Netzanalysen 18

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    Let N = # trials, p = probability of each success trial

    Example: N=7, p=0.5 X = # of success




    ...e c.

    The mean,E(x) = p + p + + p = np

    The variance,V(X) = pq + pq + + pq = npq

    06.11.2013 Rechnergesttzte Netzanalysen 201


  • 8/14/2019 Vorlesung02 Statistical Models in Simulation


    pro uc on process manu ac ures mac nes on e average a

    nonconforming. Every day a random sample of size 50 is taken from the process. If

    the sample contains more than 2 nonconforming machines , the process will be.

    Question: what is the probability that the process is stopped by the sampling


    Solution: P(X > 2) = 1 P( X2)

    the probability P(X2) is calculated from:

    P( X2) = 0.92

    Thus, the probability that the production process is stopped on any day, based on

    , . . .

    the mean number of nonconforming and variance machines in a random sample

    of size 50 is:

    06.11.2013 Rechnergesttzte Netzanalysen 20

    = np = . = , = npq = . . = .

  • 8/14/2019 Vorlesung02 Statistical Models in Simulation


    e geome r c s r u on s re a e o a sequence o ernou r a s; e ran om

    variable of interest , X, is defined to be the number of trials to achieve the first

    success. The distribution of X is given by

    p(x) = qx1p, x = 1, 2,

    the event {X = 0} occurs when there are x 1 failures followed by a success. Eachof the failures has an associated probability of q = 1 p, and each success has a

    robabilit . Thus

    P(FFFFS) = qx1p

    the mean and variance are given by

    = p


    V(X) = q/P

    06.11.2013 Rechnergesttzte Netzanalysen 21

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    Forty percent o t e assem e mac ines are rejecte at t e

    inspection station.

    ues on: n e pro a y a e rs accep a e

    machines is the third one inspected.

    consider each inspection as a Bernoulli trial with q = 0.4 and p

    = . ,

    P(3) = 0.4(0.6) = 0.096

    ,machines the third one from any arbitrary starting point.

    06.11.2013 Rechnergesttzte Netzanalysen 22

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    Gives (probability of) the number of events that occur in

    a given period

    Formula looks quite complicated (and NOT discrete), but

    it is discrete and using it is not that difficult

    X {0,1,...,t}


    e p(x)=

    - x


    (Simon Denis, Fr. 17811840 ) Whereis the mean arrival rate. Note thatmust bepositive E(X) = V(X) =Das Bild kann zurzeitnicht angezeigtwerden.

    Applications of Poisson Distribution

    Discrete distribution, used to model the number of

    independent events occuring per unit time,Eg. Batc s zes o customers an tems

    If the time betweeen successive events is exponential,

    en e num er o even s n a xe me n erva s

    poisson.06.11.2013 Rechnergesttzte Netzanalysen 23

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    r ng mac ne repa rman s ca e eac me ere s a ca or serv ce. e

    number of calls per hour is known to occur in accordance with a Poisson

    distribution with a mean of 2 per hour. Question: T e pro a i ity o t ree ca s in t e next our?

    Solution: p(3) = e22/3! = (0.135)(8)/6 = 0.18

    Question: determine the probability of two or more calls in

    one hour eriod. P 2 or more = ?

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    the interval (a,b),U(a,b), if its pdf and cdf are:


    f(x)= ba

    , axb


    0,x F x =

    x a

    ax b

    The uniform distribution plays a vital role

    a1,b a


    in simulation. Random numbers, uniformly

    distributed between 0 and 1, provide the

    means to generate random events.

    E(X) = (a+b)/2

    V(X) = (ba)2/12

    06.11.2013 Rechnergesttzte Netzanalysen 27

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    terminal MArea beginning at 6:50 P.M. until

    7:50 P.M. A certain passenger does not know

    (uniformly distributed) between 7:00 P.M.

    and 7:30 P.M. every Wednesday evening.

    than 5 minutes for a bus?

    X is uniform random variable on (0,30).

    The desired probability is given by

    F(15)F(5) + F(30)F(20) = 15/305/30 + 120/30 = 2/3

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    x x

    CDF F(x) = f(y)dy = e


    dy=1 ex

    E[X]=1 ;

    Var(X)= 1 ..


    0 0

    Applications of Exponential Distribution:Used to model time between independent

    , .

    model service times that are highly variable.

    Inappropriate for modeling process delay


    Memoryless property: P{X > s + t|X > t}= P{X > s} t,s 0.


    06.11.2013 Rechnergesttzte Netzanalysen 29

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    Example of the use of the memoryless property

    of Exponential Distribution

    A queueing system has two servers. The

    service times are assumed to be exponentiallydistributed (with the same parameter). Upon

    occupied () but there are no other waiting.

    06.11.2013 Rechnergesttzte Netzanalysen 30

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    e e o a g u s g ven y , w c s sa o ave an exponen a

    distribution with mean 2 years. Its pdf is shown below:

    Question: whats the probability that the life of the light bulb is between 2 and 3

    years? Solution:

    Question:What is the probability that it lasts for another year if it has already.

    06.11.2013 Rechnergesttzte Netzanalysen 31

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    Agner Krarup Erlang

    The Erlang distribution is the distribution of the sum of k independent identically

    distributed random variables each having an exponential distribution. Events

    which occur independently with some average rate are modeled with a Poisson

    process. The waiting times between k occurrences of the event are Erlang



    the shapek, which is a nonnegative integer, and the rate, which is anon

    negative real number.

    06.11.2013 Rechnergesttzte Netzanalysen 32

  • 8/14/2019 Vorlesung02 Statistical Models in Simulation


    we ng mac ne as wo we ng ea s. e we ng ea s w sw c e

    current to the second welding head if the first fails. The life expectancy of the

    welding heads is exponentially distributed with average life 1000 hours. Question: W at is t e pro a i ity t at t e mac ine sti wor s a ter 90 days.

    The probability that the system will still operate at least x hours is called the

    reliability function R(x), where

    R(x) = 1 F(x)

    Solution: the total system lifetime is given k = 2 welding head, and = 1/1000.

    F 2160 = 0.636

    therefore, the chances are about 36% that the machine still works after 90 days.

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    E[X]=, Var(X)=2.Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss


    anon ca : mean = , = . f( -x)=f(+x); the pdf is symmetric about . The maximum value of the pdfoccurs at x = .


    Shape determined by its standard deviation .06.11.2013 Rechnergesttzte Netzanalysen 34

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    rans orma on o var a es: e = ,

    06.11.2013 Rechnergesttzte Netzanalysen 35

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    e t me requ re to oa an oceango ng vesse , , s str ute as


    Question: What is the robabilit that the vessel is loaded in less than 10hours?


    06.11.2013 Rechnergesttzte Netzanalysen 36

  • 8/14/2019 Vorlesung02 Statistical Models in Simulation


    The random variable X withprobability density function

    xex x = x

    1 Waloddi Weibull

    18 June 188712 October 1979

    for x > 0

    s a e u ran om var a e w

    scale parameter > 0 and shapeparameter > 0.By inspecting the probabilitydensity function, it is seen thatw en = , e e udistribution is identical to theexponential distribution.

    The effect of the Weibull shape parameter on thepdf.

    06.11.2013 39 Rechnergesttzte Netzanalysen3


    Rechnergesttzte Netzanalysen

  • 8/14/2019 Vorlesung02 Statistical Models in Simulation


    Weibul distribution is often used to modelthetime until failureof many different physicalsystems.

    Distribution parameters provide a great deal offlexibility to model systems in which the numberof failures:

    Increases wit time e.g., earing wear .

    Decreases with time (some semiconductors). Remains constant (failures caused by external

    s oc s to t e system .

    with < 1exhibit a failure rate that decreases withtime,with = 1have a constant failure rate(consistent with the exponential distribution) andpopulations with > 1have a failure rate that

    The effect of on the Weibull failure rate function..

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    Rechnergesttzte Netzanalysen

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    06.11.2013 41 Rechnergesttzte Netzanalysen3


    Rechnergesttzte Netzanalysen

  • 8/14/2019 Vorlesung02 Statistical Models in Simulation


    T e time to ai ure or a e ectronic evice is nown ave a

    Weibull distribution with= 1/3, and = 200 hours (time.

    What is the probability that it fails before 2000 hours?


    = = = F(2000) = 1 exp[(2000/200) ] = 0.884

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    A distribution whose parameters are the

    observed values in a sample of data.May be used when it is impossible or unnecessary

    particular parametric distribution

    values in the sample.

    sa van age: samp e m g no cover e en rerange of possible values.

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  • 8/14/2019 Vorlesung02 Statistical Models in Simulation


    The world that the simulation analyst sees is

    probabilistic, not deterministic. Reviewed several important probability

    probability distributions in a simulation


    Difference between discrete continuous andempirical distributions.

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