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© 1994 TheGuilford PressA Division of Gtiilford Publications,Inc.72 Spring Street.NewYork, NY 10012

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Humanbehaviorandthe developingbrain / editedby GeraldineDawsonandKurt W. Fischer.

p. cm.Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex.iSBN 0-89862-092-91. Developmentalneurology. 2. Child psychology.

3. Neuropsychology 3. Dawson,Geraldine. IL Fischer,Kurt W]DNLM: 1. Brain—growth & development. 2. Neuropsychology

3. Child Psychology. WS 350.6H9177 1994]QP363.5.H861994155 4—dc2OD~4LM/DLC /for Library of Congress 93-36030



Dynamic Developmentof Coordinationof Componentsin Brain and Behavior

A Framework for Theory and Research



Clearly, the growth of neural systemsin the brain relatesto children’spsychologicaldevelopment,but the state of knowledgeabout brain-behaviorrelation.sin developmenthasbeenprimitive, with mostresearchmerely establishing global correlations. Happily, recent years havebrought substantialnew knowledge about the developmentboth ofbrain functioningandof actions, thoughts,andemotions.The newknowl-edgeprovidespossibilities for moving beyond global correlationstomajor breakthroughsin understanding.Especiallypromising is theanalysisof patternsof growth,wheredevelopmentof brainandbehaviorshow complexpatternsthat sharemany characteristics.These similargrowth patterns,we hypothesize,reflect underlyingdevelopmentalpro-cessesfor bothbrainandbehavior.That is, brain functionsandbehaviorsthat develop,which we call “growers,” sharecommondevelopmentalmechanismsthat producesimilar growth curves.

We proposethat two characteristicsare especiallyimportant foranalyzing and explaining these commondevelopmentalmechanismsunderlyingbrain—behaviorrelations.First, manygrowersare connected,with importantvariationsin the types of connections;as a result, thegrowerspowerfully influenceeachother’sgrowth.Second,growerscom-monly movethroughperiodsof rapid changeor developmentaldiscon-tinuity, which often reflect dynamicunderlyingprocessessuchas con-nectionsamonggrowers- The recentadvancesin methodsandconceptsfor studyingandmodelingdevelopmentprovidewaysof usingthesetwocharacteristicsto analyze the processesof developmentof brain andbehavior.

4 I. Theory and Method 2. DynamicDevelopmentof Brain-BehaviorCoordination 5


Myelination, synapticdensity,dendriticbranching,brain mass,pruningof neuronsandsynapses,andbrain electrical activity all changesystem-atically with age during childhood (Conel, 1939-1963;Holland, Haas,Norman,et al,, 1986;Yakovlev & Lecours,1967; seealsoHuttenlocher,Chapter4, Chugani,Chapter5, Benes,Chapter6, andThatcher,Chapter8,this volume). Simultaneously,children’sactions,speech,problemsolving,concepts,social interactions,and emotions all change systematically.Becauseall thesecharacteristicsaredevelopingwith age,they areneces-sarily correlatedglobally, of course.Moving beyondglobal correlationshasbeen difficult becauseit hasbeenunclear how to look for morespecific developmentalrelationsamongtheselarge-scalechanges.

An importantarenawheretherehasbeenprogressis researchonmodular systemsin animals,especiallysystemsinvolving vision. Therestrictionsin scopeimposed by the study of a limited systemhavealloweddetectionof close relationsbetweenspecific brain componentsand specific developingbehaviors(Hubel & Wiesel, 1977; Movshon&Van Sluyters,1981; Neville, 1991). Thesediscoveriessupportthe beliefthat developmentinvolvesstraightforwardbrain-behaviorrelations,butquestionsaboutmoregeneralrelationscannotbe answeredby studyofmodularsystemsalone.

Recentprogressin both researchon braindevelopmentandresearchon cognitive and emotional developmenthas set the stage for betterresearchand theory about relations betweenthe two. For neuralsys-tems,key new knowledgeaboutspecific growth functionsgoes beyondglobal descriptionson the one hand andnarrow analysesof isolatedlocal brain systemson the other.For example,acrosslarge areasof thecerebral cortex in rhesusmonkeys,synapsesgrow and are prunedinapproximatelyparallel cycles that seem to be closely relatedto broadcognitivechanges(Changeux& Danchin, 1976; Goldman-Rakic,1987;Rakic, Bourgeois,Eckenhoff,Zecevic, & Goldman-Rakic,1986). Func-tioning of humancortical networksand connectionsamongthem, asindexedby brainelectricalactivity in specific locations,showsdistinctivedevelopmentalpatternsthat may likewise relateto cognitiveandlanguagedevelopment(Hudspeth& Pribram, 1992; Thatcher, 1991; see alsoThomas& Crow, Chapter7, Thatcher,Chapter8, Bell & Fox, Chapter10, andvan der Molen & Molenaar, Chapter14, this volume). Therehavealsobeenmajor advancesin biologically realisticmodelsof neuralnetworks,especiallythosecalled “parallel, distributed,resonantsystems,”and thesemodels show learningthat closely resemblesthat of humanbeings(Edelman,1988;Elman, 1991; Grossberg,1988; Regier, 1992).

Likewise for behavior,key new knowledge about specific growthfunctions (especially for cognitive development)goes beyond globalstagetheorieson theonehandandnarrowanalysisof onelocal behavioror knowledgedomainon the other. For example,understandingof cer-tain classesof conceptsandproblemsshowsclearupper limits in indi-vidualchildrenatspecific ages,evenwhenthechildren aregiven instruc-tion andpractice(Fischer,Knight, & Van Parys, 1993; Fischer& Pipp,1984b; Halford & Boyle, 1985; Kitchener, Lynch, Fischer, & Wood,1993; Moshman& Franks, 1986; O’Brien & Overton, 2982). Diverseknowledge domains develop in predictablecorrespondence,showingclose synchroniesbeyond global correlationswith age (Campos &Bertenthal,1987; Case & Griffin, 1990; Case et al., 1991; Corrigan,1983; Fischer& Farrar, 1987; see also Diamond,Werker, & Lalonde,Chapter12,thisvolume).Strong discontinuitiesin growth occu~for spe-cific domainsat specific ages (Fischer,Pipp, & Bullock, 1984; McCall,1983;vande Rijt-Plooij & Plooij, 1992;vander Maas& Molenaar,1992;van Geert, 1991). An individual person’s understandingshows not asingle level, but a systematicrangeof variation that changeswith bothdevelopmentanddomain(Brown & Reeve, 2987; Fischer& Lamborn,1989; Granott, 1993; Rogoff, 1990).

In this chapter,we proposea framework for understandingandanalyzingrelationsbetweenbrainandbehaviorin development,makinguseof the newknowledgeaboutgrowthpatternsfor brainandbehavior.This framework is based on the hypothesisthat many major develop-mentalchangesinvolve the coordinationof componentsof brain andbehaviorinto higher-ordercontrol systems,which are called “dynamicskills” (Fischer,1980; Fischer, Shaver, & Carnochan,1990).The skillsarecomposedof manyelementsinteractingaccordingto the principlesof dynamicsystems(Smith & Thelen, 2993; van Geert, 1992). Beforecoordination,theseelementsarenot totally independent,but their con-nectionsare mostlyweak. As coordinationdevelops, the connectionsbecomepowerful andstrongly influencethe shapesof growth functionsfor thoseskills.

The neural networks that support thesecontrol systemsor skillsfollow the principles,of parallel,distributed,resonantprocessing(Bullock& Grossberg,1988; Grossberg,1988; Rumelhart& McClelland, 1988).Eachnetwork is composedof manyconnectedcomponents,which aredistributedacrossbrainareasandtypically operatein parallel.Themanycomponentsinteractdynamicallyandare regulatedthroughfeedbacktofunction as a system.The networkshave as importantcomponentsnotonly neurons,but alsoinput from thebodypartsandthe environmentalcontexts relevant to their functioning. ln reachingfor an object, forexample,the structureof the arm and hand, the structure of the eyes,

6 I. Theoryand Method 1. Dynamic DevelopmentofBrain—BehaviorCoordination 7

and the nature of the object are all part of the dynamic systemandpowerfully affect thenetwork.Whentop-downinformationfrom higherlevelsof a network matchesbottom-upinformationfrom body orworld(or from otherconnectednetworks),then the networkresonatesto pro-ducea differenttype of behavior,often at ahigher degreeof complexity(Fischer,Bullock, Rotenberg,& Raya, 1993). That is, the samenetworkcan function at different levels, dependingupon the configurationofcomponentinputs. This is one way in which contextshavepowerfuleffectson action,thoughtsandemotion.

With development these parallel distributed networks grow inregularcycles thatmovefrom competitionamongcomparablenetworksto coordinationof networksas componentsin more complexsystems.The growth processesform cycles, in the sensethat eachnew systemstarts the coordinationprocessanew,becominga potential componentfor a new coordinationinto a still morecomplexsystem.Generalcyclesof network growth areevidentin neuroanatomy.brain electricalactivity,cognition,andemotion.Accordingto our framework,thecyclestypicallyproduceperiods of rapid growth in level of functioning in alternationwith periodsof slower growth, and so a discontinuity(suddenchange)in growth is a primary index of a cycle. Figure 1.2 shows one suchgrowth curve for relative power in the alpha band of the electro-


I 5 10 i5 20

FIGURE 1.1. Developmentalspurts in level of relative energy in alpha BEGin occipitoparietal(0-F) area. Relativeenergy (also called relative power) is thepercentageof amplitude (in microvolts) of absoluteenergyin onelegion dwidedby the sum of the amplitudesin all regions.Datawere reportedby MatousekandPetersen(1973) andreanalyzedby John(2977).


FIGURE L2. Annualchangeswith agein relativeenergyin alphaLEG in occipito-parietalarea.Changesaredifferencesbetweenrelativeenergyin adjacentyearsshownin Figure 1.1. Datawerereportedby MatousekandPetersen(1973)andreanalyzedby John (1977).

encephalogram(EEG), from a studyby MatousekandPetersen(1973;see alsoJohn, 1977). Notice that besidesthe generalupward growth,thereare regular cycles of rapid growth (spurts), followed by slowergrowth or evendecrease(plateaus).The cyclical natureof thesechangesis especiallyobviouswhenthe braingrowth dataarereplottedas changescores(the differencesbetweenEEGpower in adjacentyears),as shownin Figure1.2.

Similar growth curvesarecommonfor psychologicaldevelopment,as illustrated in Figure13,which showsgrowth atlater stagesof a com-plexkind of reasoningcalled “reflective judgment” (Kitchener & Fischer,1990; Icitcheneret al., 1993). In reflectivejudgment,people considerknowledge dilemmasfor which there is no simple answer, such aswhether chemicaladditives to food such as preservativesare helpful(preventingillness—e.g.,food poisoning)or harmful (producingillness—e.g., cancer). Extensive prior researchhas found that people developthrough a series of sevenstagesof increasingsophisticationin theirability to coordinateviewpoint,argument,andevidencein resolvingsuchdilemmas(Kitchener,King, Wood, & Davison, 1989). As the graph inFigure 1.3 demonstrates,adolescentsandyoung adults showedspurtsin their level of understandingwith eachnew stageof reflectivejudg-menL This kind of spurt-and-plateaupattern doesnot odcur for alldevelopingbehaviors,but is commonin people’soptimal performance—

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20Age)nYeats







B I. Theory and Method 1. DynamicDevelopmentof Brain—l3ehaviorCoordination 9





14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28


FIGURE 1.3. Spurtsin developmentfor Stages5,6, and7 of reflectivejudgment.

Datawere reportedby Kitchener,Lynch, Fischer,andWood (1993).

the mostcomplexskills that they can control in a givendomain(Fischer& Pipp, 1984b).

Figures 1.1 and 1,3 illustrate the kinds of parallelsthat are oftenfound betweendiscontinuitiesin developmentof brain and behavior.Therearespurtsat approximately15 and 20 yearsfor both EEG powerand reflectivejudgment. Finding and interpretingsuch disconunuitiesare not simple matters,however,becausespurtsanddrops in growthcan occur for many different reasonsin dynamicsystems(van Geert,1991). Besidesemergenceof a new brain-behaviorprocess,such as anew stageof reasoning,sharpchangescan alsoresult from componentinteractionsthat reflect no changein underlying processes.For example,BEG power can undergo abrupt rises or drops from competitionbetweenconnectednetworks(Nunez, 1981; Thatcher,Krause,& Hrybyk,1986).Likewise, cognitiveandemotionalactivitiescanvary abruptlyasaresultof changesin context, emotionalstate,social interaction,and manyothercomponentfactors(Fischer& Bullock, 1981;Smith& Thelen,1993).

Although the vagariesof dynamically growing systemsmake thesearchchallenging,their systematiccomplexityprovidesa methodologi-cal tool for establishingrelationsbetweengrowthfunctionsfor brainandbehavior.Researcherscan searchfor links betweenspecific discontinu-ities or otheraspectsof the shapesof growth functions.One of the cen-tral issuesin designingresearchand building modelsto analyze thesegrowth functionsis understandinghow componentprocessesare con-nected—howgrowerscompetewith or supporteachother.



Competitionandcoordinationinteractdynamicallyin brainandbehavioraldevelopment.Competition betweenneuronsand neural networks iscentral in most analysesof brain functioning, including both descrip-tions of actual neural developmentandconnectionistmodels of neuralnetworksthat learn (Edelman,1988; Rumelhart& McClelland, 1988;see also Huttenlocher,Chapter4, and Thatcher, Chapter8, this vol-ume). Models of informationprocessingin cognitivedevelopmentlikewiseemphasizecompetition amongresponsesfor activation (MacWhinney,1978; Siegler,1989; vanGeert, 1991). On the otherhand, evidenceindi-catesthat thelarge-scalechangesthat occurin brainandcognitivedevel-opmentinvolve a complementaryprocess—thecoordinationof compet-ing componentsinto controlsystemsin whichthe componentscollaborateand strongly supporteachother.

Competitionhasbeenespeciallyemphasizedin the dominantviewof neurologicalgrowth that has emergedin the past 25 years. Bothneurons and neural connections compete to survive and grow(Changeux& Danchin, 1976). Neuronsthat receivelittle input and soarenot activeareprunedaway;thosethatareactive aresustained.Simi-larly, synapsesconnectingneuronscompetewith eachother,and thosethat receiveample input thrive, while thosethat receiveminimal inputbecomeweakeror areprunedaway (Huttenlocher,Chapter4, this vol-ume).This competitionis an importantpart of developmentandappar-ently accountsfor manyof the effectsof specific experience.Experiencecausessomeneuronsand synapses(andnot others)to beactive andsoto survive and grow. As a result, for example,a youngkitten or childallowed to see through only one eye will sustainconnectionsto thefunctional eye andloseconnectionsto the nonfunctionalone(Hubel&Wiesel, 1977; Singer, 1979).

The emphasison competitionoften leadsto neglectof the centralrole of coordinationin development.Onepurposeof the frameworkweare presentingis to correct that neglect.To explicatethe natureof theshift from competition to coordination,we analyzedynamic develop-mentalprocessesfrom threedifferent perspectives,all of which lead tosimilar conclusions,First, researchand theory on children’s cognitivedevelopmentshow thatprocessesmovefrom competitionto coordina-tion as children constructnew understandings.Second,mathematicalmodelsof the dynamicrelationsbetweengrowersilluminate the proper-ties of the shift from predominanceof competitionto predominanceofcoordination,includingits productionof discontinuitiesin g~owthfunc-tions like thosein Figures 1.1 to 1.3. Third, researchon relations be-



1.0 L Theory and Method 1. Dynamic Developmentof Brain—BehaviorCoordination 11

tween cortical functioning and specific cognitive developmentsshowssomeof thewaysin which developmentof coordinationis mediatedcor-tically.

CompetitionandCoordinationin Cognitive Development

In major cognitive-developmentaladvances,competition gives way tocoordination.The importanceof coordinationof componentsin controlsystemsis evident for many cognitive-developmentaltasks that havebeenstudiedextensively.Developmentof, for example,theskill for find-ing anobjectthathasbeenhiddenundera cloth (Piaget’s“objectperma-nence”) dependson the infant’s capacityfor holdingin mind whereheor shesaw the objectlast disappear.With that informationin mind, theinfant can coordinatethelocationof disappearancewith reachingfor theobject, andthuscan searchunderthe correctcloth.

Piaget(1936/1952)suggestedthat the coordinationof action sys-temsprovidesthe foundationfor this and othermajor achievementsincognitivedevelopment.Subsequenttheoristshaveelaboratedmodelsofcoordinationin which large increasesin the sophisticationof behaviorrequire the coordinationof multiple cotnponentsof actionor represen-tation into new control systems(Bidell & Fischer, in press;Case,1992;Caseetal., 1991; Fischer,1980; Halford, 1987).

This processof coordinationcan be directly observedin children’sactionsduring the developmentof new understandings.The first indica-tion of potential developmentof a new understandingis the co-occur-renceof two or more competingbehaviors.Whenchildren can sustainthosebehaviorsindependently,they can begin to move from competi-tion betweenbehaviorsto coordinationof them within a single controlsystem.For example,when children are learning new arithmeticcon-cepts, they often use two contradictory numerical procedures,evenshowing one in their gesturesand the other in their words (Goldin-Meadow, Nusbaum,Garber, & Church, in press; Perry, Church, &Goldin-Meadow,1988). Eventually, theycoordinatethe two proceduresto form a new higher-levelunderstanding.

The developmentof positive and negative emotional reactionsshows a similar process.When children are coping with conflicts insocial interactions,theyoften relate to anotherpersonas being either“nice” or “mean” (pleasantor angry, good or bad,friend or foe). In fact,peopleare frequentlybothnice andmean,notjust oneor the other,andchildren gradually integrate the opponentconcepts (Donaldson &Westerman,1986; Fischer& Pipp, 1984a;Fischeretal., 1990; Harter&Buddin, 1987). After initially reactingin either one way or another(a

strong form of competition),they begin to alternatebetweenpositiveand negative.Eventually they cometo coordinatepositiveandnegativeinto a single interaction,and then to build successivelymore complextypesof coordination.For example,in constructivecriticism, apersonismeanby criticizing but hastheintention of beingnice by helping some-oneto improve(Fischer& Lamborn,1989).

The sequenceof co-occurrenceor alternationbetweencompetingactions followed by coordinationhasbeenobservedso often in diversetasks that we haveproposedit as a generalrule (Bidell & Fischer, inpress;Fischer,1980; Granott, 1993): For two skills to becomecoordi-nated,a personfirst developsthe capacityto sustaineachseparatelyandthen gradually becomesable to sustainboth of them in parallel or inalternation, Finally, building on the co-occurrence,he or she canconstructa coordinationof them to form a higher-levelskill or controlsystem,and the previouslyseparateskills becomemutually supporting.

A Dynamic Model of Developmentof Coordination betweenGrowers’

Dynamic modelingof developmentthrough specific growth equationsprovidesa way of specifyingthe interactionof competitionandcoordi-nationandpredictingthe kindsof growth curvesthat theywill produce.Van Geert(1991)describesthe generalnatureof dynamicgrowthequa-tions, andThatcher(1992;seealsoChapter8, this volume)providesanapplication of them to cortical development.A simple model of thisinteractionfor threehierarchicalgrowers,A, B, andC, producesgrowthcurvesremarkablylike thosein Figures1.1 and 1.3, as shownin com-binedscoresfor the threegrowers in Figure 1.4 (Fischer & van Geert,1993).

in this model thereareat least threegrowers,A, B, andC, eachatitsown stageor step,whichwe call Stagesa,b, andc. Thegrowersare ini-tially separateandeventuallybecomecoordinatedandstrongly support-ive of eachother. Each grower is hierarchically built on componentsfrom the previousstage,so that Grower B, for example,is built on thecoordinationof GrowerA with oneor moreothergrowersat Stagea.

At the beginningall threegrowersstartwith low (zero-order)levels.ThenGrowerA beginsto grow, and it competeswith othergrowerspar-allel to it at Stagea,but it is unaffectedby GrowerB becauseB’s level isstill low. Next, GrowerA allows thebeginningsof growthin B, andB co-ordinatesA with otherparallelgrowers from Stagea. GrowersB and Clatermovethrougha similar process.That is, GrowerA is a precursorforGrowerB, andwhenGrowerB develops,it includesGrowerA asa com-ponent. Likewise, Grower B is a precursorfor Grower C, and when





FIGURE 1,4. Spurtsin combinedperformanceof hierarchicallysupportinggrow-ersA, B, and C at Stagesa, b, and c.

GrowerC develops,it includesGrowerB as a component.As coordina-tion develops,the threegrowersdevelopandbecomerelatedhierarchi-cally. More complexversionsof the model can explicitly includeaddi-tional connectedgrowerswithin eachstage (e.g., GrowersAl, A2, A3,A4, andAS at Stagea). aswell as morethanthreestages.

Much developmentalresearchinvolves suchhierarchicalrelations,including the developmentof reflectivejudgmentandthe developmentof “nice” and “mean” interactions. Similarly, neural network develop-ment has this hierarchical property, with later-developingnetworksdevelopingfrom and subsumingspecific earlier networks.

In our research,we testeda hierarchicalmodel of the developmentof arithmetic concepts,which producedgrowth curves like that in Fig-ure 1.4 (Fischer,Hand, & Russell, 1984). For example, Grower A in-volvedperfQrmanceand concreteexplanationof simple addition prob-lemssuch as 5 + 8 13. GrowerB involved performanceof problemsinvolving the conceptof addition understoodabstractly,aswhenachildexplaineda generaldefinition of addition as the combinationof severalsmallernumbersto producea largerone,applyingthe definition to spe-cific problemssuchas S + 8 13.GrowerA, understandingsimpleaddi-tion calculations,is a precursorfor GrowerB, anabstractunderstandingof the operationof addition.When GrowerB develops,it includesA as a

1. Theoryand Method 1. Dynamic Developmentof Brain—BehaviorCoordination 13

componentbecausean abstractunderstandingof addition subsumesspecific addition calculations.

Similarly, Grower C involves performanceof problemsinvolvingrelatingthe operationof addition to that of subtraction.For example,achild explainsthataddition and subtractionare opposites,in that addi-tion combinesindividual numbersto get a largerone whereassubtrac-tion takesone of thosenumbersaway from the other to get a smallernumber,andheor shealsoshowshow theaddition-subtractionrelationappliesto theproblemsS + 8 13 and 13 - S 8. GrowerB, understand-ing the operationof addition, is a precursorfor GrowerC, relating theoperationsof addition and subtraction.Grower C, in turn, includesGrowerB as a component.

The model begins with the basic growth equation for a singlegrowersuchasA, notyet connectedto GrowerB (van Geert,1991).Thelevel that the grower will reachis basedon (1) its previouslevel; (2) itsrate of growth; and (3) the limit on its growth (the highestlevel it canreach),which is called its “carrying capacity.” This equationgeneratesthe commonly observedS-shapedgrowth curves,as well as othermorecomplex(andsometimeschaotic)patternsfor somevalues.Here is theequation:

- L~+f=LAE+LAtRA±~ (1)

is the level of GrowerA, with subscriptt indicating the initialtime of assessmentand t + f indicating an assessmentat a latertime period.

RA is the rate of GrowerA.KA is the carrying capacityof GrowerA, the limit on its growth.

The sameequationholdsfor GrowerB, which is simplified hereby tak-ing out the commonfactor L5:


For themodel of hierarchicaldevelopmentof threegrowers linkedby both competitionandsupport,we addto the basicgrowth equationsby making the simplestassumptionsconsistentwith the developmentalmodel: GrowerB doesnot grow until A reachessomemimimum speci-fied level (the precursorlevel). After A reachesthat level, B beginstogrow, and it bothcompeteswith and supportsA. Similarly, Grower B

La,~La(1+Ra K3 )



0 50 100 150 200Time

14 1. Theoryand Method

doesnot grow until B reachessomeminimum precursorlevel. After Cbegins to grow, it both competeswith andsupportsGrowerB.

Here are the equationsrepresentingthe processesof competitionand supportbetweenGrowersA and B andGrowersB and C, respec-tively:

LA RALA~+ (l + — — CB.A(LB L~)+ S~~ALa~+~ (3)

La~+KB Cc.3(LcE+lLct)+Sc...BLct+l) (4)

C~-+ A indicatesthecompetitiveeffectof GrowerB on GrowerA, andCc -. ~indicates the competitiveeffect of Grower C on Grower B.


A indicatesthe supportiveeffectof GrowerB on GrowerA, and~indicates the supportiveeffect of GrowerC on GrowerB.

Note that competition and support can be basedeither on thechangein a growerbetweentwo timesof assessment—thatis,

L~+ — L~,the differencebetweenlevels—or on+ ~, the level at a given time.

In this model, competition dependson the difference, but supportdependson the level. Competition dependson the differencebetweenlevels at theprevioustimes t + I and t, becauselargechangein GrowerBor C is assumedto be disruptive to GrowerA or B, respectively,duringthe processof change.For example,when studentsare changingtheirconceptionsof how addition relates to subtraction(Grower C), therewill be sometemporarydisruptionin their conceptionof additionalone(GrowerB). The level itself is not assumedto haveits own competitiveeffect, becauseconceptionsof how additionrelatesto subtractiondo notthemselvesinterferewith conceptionsof additionalone.

On the otherhand, supportdependson the level at t + 1, not thedifference, becauseGrowersB and C involve coordinationof compo-nentswith GrowersA and. B, respectively.Consequently,a higher levelof understandingof the later grower promotesunderstandingof theearlierone.For example,whenstudentshavea higher-levelunderstand-ing of how addition relatesto subtraction,their understandingof addi-tion alonewill be facilitated.

1, Dynamic Developmentof Brain—BehaviorCoordination 15

The effect of this hierarchicalsupportis powerful.Grower B inducesa changein the level of GrowerA, actually increasingits ultimatecarry-ing capacity.Similarly, GrowerC inducesa changein thelevel of GrowerB, increasingits carrying capacity;this changein turn inducesa furtherchangein GrowerA Figure 1.5 illustratestheseeffectsby plotting eachgrower separatelyinsteadof combiningthem (as was done in Figure1.4). WhenGrower B growssharply,GrowerA shows a resultingspurt;the samehappensfor GrowersC andB.

In ourresearchon children’sdevelopingskills, hierarchicalgrowersdo in fact showtheseeffects (Fischer,Pipp,& Bullock, 1984; Ritcheneret al., 1993).Whena growerat a later stagespurtsto a higher level, thelevel of performancefor theprior groweralsospurtsuntil it reachestheceilingof its scale.Thiseffect of supportcarriesdown successivestagesin thehierarchyalso,as shownin Figure 1.5.Eachspurtin a latergrowerin a hierarchyproducesanincreasein the level andcarryingcapacityofthe earliergrowersthat it supports.

This dynamicmodelof adevelopmentalhierarchyshowshow coor-dination producesstrong support between hierarchically connectedgrowers. Developmentof optimal performanceshows sharpdiscontin-uitieswith eachemergenceof a later grower in the hierarchy,andlater


50 100




FIGURE 1.5. Developmentof individualGrowersA, 8, andC at Stagesa, 1,, andc. As a new grower beginsto spurt, it inducesa spurt in the prior grower.Also,competitionbetweengrowersproducesa drop before each spurt in a grower.



~1 Stagea




150 200

16 I. Theory and Method 1. DynamicDevelopmentof Brain—BehaviorCoordination 17

growers inducehigher levels of performancein connectedgrowers fardownthe hierarchy.2

Cortical Mediation of Coordinationof Components

A fundamentalfunction of the frontal cortexseemsto be to hold infor-mation on line about a prior activity during the occurrenceof otheractivities.This function is exactlywhat is requiredfor coordinatingtwoactivities—movingthem from independenceor competitionto co-occur-renceand then coordination.In the objectsearchtask, Goldman-Rakicand her colleagueshavedemonstratedthat specific columns of cells inthe prefrontal cortex of the rhesusmonkey hold key object locationinformation online. Thesecells fire during theperiodwhenthe informa-tion needsto beheld andstopfiring after the informationhasbeenusedto retrievethe object (Goldman-Rakic,1987; seeDiamondet al., Chap-ter 12, thisvolume).Monkeysthat havehadthesecells removedcannolonger solve the searchtask (Piaget,1937/1954).

In a ground-breakingstudy,Bell andFox(Chapter10, thisvolume)haveshownthat the frontalcortexis also involved in this taskin humaninfants. They studied babies’ skills at retrieving objects hidden underscreens—Piaget’s(1937/1954)objectpermanence—andthey alsomeasuredthe babies’ EEG during a quiet, alert period before problem solving.Babieswho developedsuccessfulretrievalof the objectafter a long delayconcurrently demonstratedspurts in EEG power in the frontal area,indicating increasedfrontalactivity. In addition, theyalso showedincreasedconnectivitybetweenthe frontal and occipital areasas measuredby EEGcoherence,suggestingan increasedcapacity for the frontal area to holdspatialinformation from the occipitalareaon line. Babieswho did not suc-cessfullyretrievethe objectafter delayshowedno suchfrontal changes.Ina similar manner,the frontal cortexmay be involved in many if notmostmajor cognitive-developmentaladvances,as suggestedby Thatcher’s(1992; see also Chapter8, this volume) researchon developmentofcoherencein the EEG (Case,1992;Rabinowicz,1979).High coherence,which indicatesthat two corticalareasshow synchronizedwave patternsin the EEG, is consideredan index of connectivity between areas,becauseneural networks show synchronizedwaves if they are con-nected.Thatcherfound that the frontal cortexwasinvolved in over90%of the coherencepatternsthatshowedsystematicdevelopmentbetweenbirth and20 years.No othercorticalareawas soprominent.

The apparentspecializationof the frontal cortex for holding infor-mation on line, which is so central to coordination of components,seems to make it pivotal in many large-scaledevelopmentalchanges.There is even the possibility, which we elaborateupon later, that the

frontal cortex provides the foundation for the largest developmentalreorganizations—thosethatmark theemergenceof a new kind of unit ofactivity, suchas the emergenceof representationandcomplexlanguageat about2 years.

Of course,otherareasof the brain mustnecessarilybe involved too.EvenThatcher’sdataproducedexamplesof coherencedevelopmentinsomeotherareas.For example,the corticalareasmostcentrallyinvolvedin language(Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas)demonstrateda dramaticincreaseat 3 to 4 yearsof agein the coherencefor connectionsbetweenthe two hemispheres(Greenfield, 1991; Thatcher, 1991, 1992). Manyotheravenuesof researchdemonstratethe roleof otherbrainareas,suchas convergenceregionsconnectingdisparateneuralensembles,in coor-dinatingnetworkfunctioning (Damasio& Damasio,1992). Otherbrainareas may be especiallyimportant in early development, especiallyinfancy, a periodwhenThatcher’sdatadid not allow fine-grainedanaly-sis of agechangesover appropriatelybrief periods(weeksor months).Researchon developmentof EEG power finds that frontal involvementis generallylowerin the earlyyearsandbecomesespeciallyprominentinadolescence(Hudspeth& Pribram,1992).

In summary,coordinationof componentsinto control systemsis afundamentalpropertyof developmentof bothbrain andbehavior.Skillsand networksnot only competebut becomecoordinatedand providesupportfor eachother, in part through the mediatingrole of the frontalcortex. Theseconnectionshelp explain the shapesof brain andbehav-ioral development,andmodelsof connectionprovidetoolsfor analyzinghow brain andbehaviorwork togetherin development.The connectivityof skills andnetworksdoesnotmean,however,that control systemsaregeneral,unitary systems.On the contrary, the developmentof dynamicsystemsinvolves shifting interplay amongmany componentsof brain,body, andcontext.Theresult is control systemsthatare simultaneouslygeneralandspecific.


In most traditional information-processingmodels, each processistreatedas unitary; for example,thereis thoughtto bea singlebuffer forshort-termmemoryor working memoryacrossmanytasks(Atkinson &Shiffrin, 1968;Case,1980). Becausethe processesof working memoryall occurin oneplace,theyhaveagreatdealof generality.In contrasttothis kind of explanation,a dominantviewpoint in neurosciencehasbeenthat neuralinformation processingis highly localizedand specific,withno unitary centralizedprocessin oneplace(Gardner,1983; Geschwind

18 1. Theoryand Method 1. Dynamic Developmentof Brain—BehaviorCoordination 19

& Galaburda,1985; 1-lubel & Wiesel, 1977).Visual informationaboutfaces is processedin one specific brain system;auditory informationaboutvoices is processedin another;and so forth. Processingis local-ized and modularizedin particular placesin the brain, so that eachsystemcontainsits own processes,including its own working memory(or memories). Despite the apparent contradictionsbetween theseviews, therehas beenample evidenceto support both of them, as inmost fundamentalcontroversies.

The current framework moves beyond the dichotomy betweengeneralprocessesandspecific, localizedones.As suggestedby the clas-sic work of I-lebb (1949)and Lashley (1950),as well as currentneuralnetworktheoty(Grossberg,1988;Rumelhart& McClelland, 1988),con-trol systemsare parallel and distributedevenwhile they are localizedandspecific.Theyprocessinformation in massivelyparallelstreams,notin the linear, sequential fashion of most electronic computers.Theirfunctioning is distributedamongmanycomponentsthroughouta wideareaof the brain (as well as the body and the context); they are notlocalizedin a small spot,although eachneuralnetwork~omponent in acontrol systemis typically locahzedwithin a broadneuralarea.

According to this framework, neural control systemsare bothgeneralandspecific. On theonehand,they are generalin severalways:

1. A given sectionof neuraltissueparticipatesin many relatednet-works. Processingoccursnot in any oneplace,but in differentnetworksthat all includepart of that neuralsection.Whatthis meansfor behavioris that many actions and conceptsderive from partially overlappingcontrol systems.For example,a prototypic systemfor modularity andlocalization has been the language “module” in the left hemisphere(especiallyBroca’s andWernicke’s areas).Traditionally, theseareasareoften describedas totally dedicatedto language,but in fact they partici-patein a numberof nonlanguagefunctions,including motorskills suchas useof thehands(Greenfield, 1991;Lieberman,1991); theyalso showremarkableplasticity, including the capacity to shift to the otherhemi-spherewhen there is damageto the left hemisphereearly in life (seeMills, Coffey, & Neville, Chapter13, thisvolume).

2. Acrosslargeareasof the brain, networkshavesimilar propertiesof information processingeven when they share no specific neuraltissue. For example,working memory componentsin different corticalnetworkstypically operatein a similar manner.

On the other hand,statedthe otherway round,neuralsystemsarespecific:

1. Partsof processingdo in factoccur in localizedplaces.The dis-tribution propertyof neuralnetworks meansthat the location coversawide area,andmany modulesshow considerableoverlap.

2. Eachnetwork contains its own processes,including its ownworking memory.The processesfunction similarly acrossdistinct net-works.Justas gravity hassimilar propertieswith different objects,infor-mationprocessingfollows similarprinciplesin differentnetworks.

Becausethe context functionsas part of a control system,it too con-tributes directly to the system’sgeneralityand specificity. Grossberg’s(1988) “adaptiveresonancetheory” (ART) of neuralnetworks capturesan important part of the contribution of context in its descriptionofthe property of resonance.When thereis correspondencebetweenanetwork’s top-down control signals and its bottom-up input, thenresonanceoccurs,sustaininga specific patternof activity in thenetworkfor a time. Context providesinput for many networks and thus pro-motesor preventsresonancein their functioning.

Theresonancepropertyexplainsthebasicphenomenonthatwecall“developmentalrange”—thevariationin developmentallevel thatindividualchildren show for the sameskill acrosscontexts and affective states(Brown & Reeve, 1987; Fischer& Lamborn, 1989; Vygotsky, 1978).Contextualinputproduceslargechangesin the complexity of a child’sbehaviorin a given situation (Fischer,Bullock, et a!., 1993). When theinput matchestop-down control signals—whichis often called “prim-ing—a child shows high-level understandingof, for example,a storyabout “mean” social interaction.When thereis no contextualpriming,the samechild a few minutes later shows a much lower-level under-standingof meaninteraction. That is, the child is unable to producehigh-levelunderstandingon his or herown,without priming. Thisvaria-tion in level is highly reliable and is not easily affected by practiceorinstruction. Priming consistentlyproducesa developmentallyadvancedunderstanding,whereaselimination of priming or affective interferencewith it leadsto a moreprimitive understandingfor the samechild in thesamesituation.A singleparallel,distributed,resonantnetworkproducesdifferent levels of functioning, dependingon contextualinput.

The architectureof eachnetworkalso contributesto its generalityandspecificity,as characterizedby ART. Different networkshavesimilar,mathematicallydefinedproperties,but they havedistinct,specific archi-tecturebasedon their biological functions.ART facilitatesthe designofbiologically plausible networks with propertieslinked to the specificneuralsystemsthey are designedtd emulate.Many otherneuralnetworktheoriesusea single, generictype of networkto model diversesystemsand thusmiss the specificityof systems.

In any analysisof the generalityand specificity of con~rolsystemsandthe neuralnetworksthat support them,a factor outsidethe systemsthemselvesis alsoessential—regulation.A personis an organismliving ina culture,andbothhomeostaticbodily systemsand cultural systemscan 2-

20 1. Theory and Method 2. DynamicDevelopmentofBrain—BehaviorCoordination 21

imposeorder acrosscomponentsof brain andbehavior.Forexample,theconcurrentgrowth functions of synapsesin diverseareasof thecerebralcortex in infant rhesusmonkeys (Rakic et a!., 1986) seemto reflectbroadgrowth-regulatingprocesses.The distinctive growth for differentareaspredictedby modularmodelsof the cortexdoesnot occur.On theotherhand,differencesthat do occur, suchas thosein developmentofconnectivity for the two hemispheres(Thatcher,Walker, & Giudice,1987),may reflect regulationby a combinationof competitiveandsup-portive processesbetweennetworkcomponents.Analysis of regulationprocessesin brain andbehavioraldevelopmentis just beginning,as inThatcher’s(Chapter8, this volume)model of the growthof connectionsbetweencorticalnetworks.

This sketchof the propertiesof developingcontrol systemsmakesclear that thereis no simple oppositionbetweengeneralityand speci-ficity. As peopledevelop systemsfor coordinating more components,the systemsdemonstratebothcommonpatternsof growth and system-specific patterns.Years of researchand analysiswill be required tounravelthe developmentalrelationsamongthe many dynamically func-tioning control systemsin humanbrain andbehavior.


Fortunately, the frameworkwe proposeprovidesclear guidelinesaboutwhere and how to look for developmentalrelationsbetweenbrain andbehavior. Developmentof control systemsis founded on competitionandsupportamongcontrolsystemsgroundedin neuralnetworks,aswehavedescribed.Control systemsmove througha seriesof successivelymore complex coordinationsthat we hypothesizeare evident in bothcognitive-developmentallevelsand cyclesof braingrowth.Emergenceofa new level is typically marked by points of discontinuity or sharpchangein the growth of brain andbehavior, suchas sharp spurts ordrops(Fischer,Hand,Watson,Van Parys,& Tucker, 1984;van derMaas& Molenaar,1992).

Brain Growth Hypothesis

So much is known aboutchangesin brain andbehaviorat approximately8 monthsof agethat we use this period as a model of how brain andbehaviorrelatein development.At about8 months,multiple indicesofbothbehaviorandbrain developmentproducea clusterof discontinuouschanges.Forbehavior,theevidenceis vast,becausesomanystudiesof cog-

nitive and emotional developmenthavefocused on the secondhalf ofthe first year. Includedin the behaviorsthatspurt during this periodaresearchfor hidden objects,distressat separationfrom the mother, andgeneralinfant test performance(Campos,Barrett, Lamb, Goldsmith,&Stenberg,1983; McCall, Eichorn, & Hogarty, 1977; Seibert,Hogan, &Mundy, 1984;Uzgiris, 1983).Thereis also substantialknowledgeaboutone of the behavioralmechanismsbehind thesechanges:Camposandhis colleagueshaveshownthatself-producedlocomotion(crawlingwiththe headup, not draggingon the belly or other less effective forms oflocomotion) facilitatesdevelopmentof an array of spatial skills duringthis period (Campos& Bertenthal, 1987; Campos,Hiatt, Ramsay,Hen-derson,& Svejda,1978). For brain, the evidenceis also extensive:EEGfrequencyandpower, someaspectsof BEG coherence,glucosemetabo-lism, andheadcircumferenceall spurtat approximately8 months(Bell& Fox, 1992; Chugani& Phelps, 1986; Epstein, 1974; Fischer,1987;Hagne,Persson,Magnusson,& Petersen,1973).

Besidesthe convergenceof so manymeasuresina singleageperiod,thereare also two sourcesof evidencefor a specific cortical foundationof oneof the cognitivechangesduring this period. In the studyby BellandFox (ChaptertO, this volume)of searchfor hiddenobjects,infantswho exhibiteda spurt during this ageperiod in BEG power and coher-enceinvolving the frontal cortex also producedan advancein search,whereasinfantswho did not exhibit the BEG changesdid not producethe cognitiveadvance.A seriesof studieswith rhesusmonkeysseemstopinpoint the basis for thesedevelopments(Goldman-Rakic,1987;Rakicet aT., 1986; Diamondet a!., Chapter12, thisvolume): Rhesusmonkeysshow a spurt in synapticdensityin the frontal area,as well as in otherpartsof the cortex,at the agewhenthey developthe capacityto performthe hidden object task. A specific column of frontal cells holds infor-mationon line aboutthe location of thehiddenobjectwhile the monkeyis searching.Removal of thesecells preventscorrect search, it appearsthat a spurt in synapticgrowth at this agemay accountfor the clusterofspurtsin developingskills.

This cluster of changesat approximately 8 months suggestsastraightforwardhypothesisaboutbrain growth and cognitive develop-ment: When thereis suddenemergenceof a cluster of new cognitivecapacities,therewill alsobe suddenchangesin indices of brain growth.On the basis of the argumentpresentedearlier, the changeswill mostlikely includeconnectionsbetweenthe frontal cortexand otherregions,becausenew cognitive levelsrequireco-occurrenceandcQordinationofcomponents.Thechangeswill alsoinvolve otherbrainregionsin impor-tant ways, suchas the growth in connectionsamonglanguageregionsin the two hemispheresthat Thatcher (1991, 1992) foUnd at 3 to 4

22 I. Theoryand Method 1. Dynamic Developmentof Brain—BehaviorCoordination 23

years.Other changesthat makeconnectionsamongnetworksmoreeffi-cient,suchas myelination,may also play a role (Case,1992;Yakovlev&Lecours, 1967).

According to the simplestform of thebrain growthhypothesis,eachnew developmentallevel for behavioralcontrol systemsis supportedbygrowth of a new type of neuralnetwork that facilitatesconstructionofcontrol systemsat that level. Growth of the networkis evidentin dis-continuitiesin both brain growth and cognitive development.The newnetworks are then gradually prunedto form efficient neuralsystems,duringwhich time someindicesof relevantbraingrowth decreaseslowlywhile some indices of relevant cognitive growth increasegradually.Eventually,as the networksare consolidated,anothernew type of net-work beginsto grow for the next developmentallevel, andanotherclus-ter of discontinuitiesbegins.

Developmentthus moves through cyclesof successivecoordina-tions amongsimpler networksto fortn more complex ones.Processeslike the concurrentgrowth of synapsesacrosscortical areasin infantscanhelpinduce thesesuccessivelevels of coordination,ascanotherpro-cesses,suchas myelinationof neuronsto producefasterneuralimpulsesandthusallow greatercoordination.Most likely, the cyclesare notof anaU-or-nonenature,with changesoccurringeverywhereat once;instead,they probably involve a cascadeof changesthat move through brainareassystematically,suchasthe cycle thatThatcher(Chapter8, thisvol-ume)hypothesizesfor network connectivity.

At this point, our developmentalframework moves beyond thelimits of current neuralnetwork models,requiringa property that hasnot yet been successfullymodeled,to our knowledge.To grow andlearn, networks mustorganizethemselvesinto a long seriesof succes-sively more complex levels—a developmentalsequenceof reorganiza-tions or discontinuities.ART networksseemto becapableof at mostoneor two such reorganizations.That is a long way from the many reorga-nizations (13 or morel) that seemto occur in cognitive development(Case, 1985; Fischer,1980; van de Rijt-Plooij & Plooij, 1992).We areworking on characterizingthe kind of network that is required toproducesucha long seriesof appropriatereorganizations(Fischer,Bul-lock, et al., 1993; Molenaar,van derMaas,& Raijmakers,1993).

A Seriesof Growth Spurts

A review of the literatureshowsthat evidencefor successivecyclesin thegrowthof variouspropertiesof thehumanbrain is substantial,includingall agesfrom birth to the early 20s (Yakovlev & Lecours, 1967; seeThatcher,Chapter8, this volume).We describesomeof the findings in

detail, especiallyfor brain activity, headgrowth, and synapticdensity.Although scoresof studiescontributerelevantevidence,most of themdo not sample ageoften enoughor have largeenoughsamplesto pro-vide precise descriptionsof growth functions. The few comprehensivestudiesuniformly show cyclicity in braingrowth,andso it is possibletosketch a tentative portrait of broad cycles of developmentin. braingrowth variables.

In general,the mostpowerful andpreciseresultsfor humanbeingsinvolve developmentof brain activity. Data on humanheadgrowth (anindirectindex of brain size)also suggestcyclical growth,althoughthereis enormousvariability in individual growth patterns.For infrahumanprimates,the descriptionsof developmentof cortical synapticdensityinrhesusmonkeysdescribedearliershow a powerful cycle in infancy.

Combiningall thesedatasources,we find evidencefor a seriesof atleast 12 brain growth spurts betweenbirth and 21 years of age. Wehypothesizethat thesesuccessivecyclesof growth relatein a straightfor-wardfashionto major developmentsin behavior,aswith the changesat8 months of age. The evidence suggeststhat like most body organs(Lampl & Emde, 1983; Lampl, Veldhuis, & Johnson,1992), the braingrows in fits and starts.It spurtsespeciallysharplyduring 12 distinctiveageperiods,with slower growth in between.Of course,individual chil-dren may vary from theseparticularages. In addition, developmentofspecific brainareasandfunctionsprobablyfollows amoredetailedcycle,suchas thatsuggestedby Thatcher,basedon his complexgrowthcurvesfor developmentof BEG coherence(Thatcher,1991, 1992,andChapter8, thisvolume;Thatcheret al., 1987).Later,after reviewingthe evidencefor braingrowth spurts,we suggesta way in which complexcyclesmayorganizeor regulatethe specificspurts.

During earlyinfancy, braingrowth occursin four rapidly occurringspurts—atapproximately3-4, 7-8, 10-11 weeks, and 15-18 weeksofage. It then slows down to intervals of severalmonths,with spurtsatapproximately8, 12, and20 months.Intervalsbecomeevenlargerafterinfancy,with spurtsat approximately4, 7, 11, 15, and19 or 20 years ofage. Theseagesare similar to thosefor emergenceof cognitive levels,asevidencedby discontinuitiesin developmentof actions,thoughts,andemotions,which are discussedlater (seeTable 1.1, below).

Brain Activity

Researchon the developmentof the detailsof humanneuroanatomyisdifficult to do, becausepeoplemust die for their brains to be dissected.Technologicaldevelopmentshavepartly circumventedthis problembyprovidingvariousmeasuresof brainactivity, suchasglucosemetabolism

24 I. Theory and Method 1. DynamicDevelopmentof Brain—BehaviorCoordination 25

or electrical activity (see Duf~’,Chapter3, this volume). Much of theresearchin thisvolume focuseson brain electricalactivity, including theBEG and event-relatedpotentials(ERPs).Although researchersin elec-trophysiology are sometimespassionatelycommittedto studying onetype of electricalcomponentas opposedto the other, BEG and ERPsare in fact closely linked both biologically and mathematically, andboth have their value in research (Lopez da Silva, 1991; Nunez,1981). Discontinuitiesin electricalactivity reflecting changesin corti-cal developmenthavebeenhypothesizedfor manyyears(Epstein,1980;Rabinowicz,1979), andthe evidenceis growing thatsystematicdiscon-tinuities do occur.


No singlestudyprovidesa detailedgrowth function for BEG or ERPs forall of infancy,but severalstudiesprovideevidencefor particularperiods.In EEG, there are clearly large changesduring the first few months,includinga possiblediscontinuityat approximately2 months,andthereare cleargrowth discontinuitiesin BEG peakfrequenciesandpower atapproximately4 and8 months(Dreyfus-Brisac,1979;Emde& Robinson,1980; Hagne et al., 1973; Parmelee& Sigman, 1983; Schulte & Bell,1973;Woodruff, 1978;seeBell & Fox, Chapter10, thisvolume). Thereis also evidencethat theremay be relatedEEG spurtsin rhesusmonkeys(Caveness,1962). Researchwith glucosemetabolismsuggestsdiscon-tinuities at approximately3-4, 8, and 12 monthsin human babies,although thesefindings are tentative becauseof limitations of samplesizeandcomposition(Chugani& Phelps,1986; seeChugani,Chapter5,this volume). There are insufficient data to permit firm conclusionsaboutspecific discontinuitiesin growth functionsin the earlyweeksorduringthe secondyear.

For ERPsin infancy, thereareevenfewer systematicdatacharacter-izing growth functions. Thomasand Crow (Chapter 7, this volume)reviewexistingdata, concludingthat auditory andvisual evokedpoten-tials undergoextensivedevelopmentalchangesduring the first 3 monthsandup to 6 monthsof age for somevariables.Most of the researchhasnot sampledage frequently enoughto describethe specific forms ofgrowth functions, and often the focus has been not on describingchangesin variablesbut instead on the matchbetweeninfants’ ERPsandadults’. Nevertheless,thereis evidencefor both a generalincreasein speedof responseand strongdiscontinuitiesin someERP variables,most clearly at 6 or 8 weeks, 6 or 8 months, 12 months, 2-3 years,and perhaps3 months as well (Courchesne,1978; Friedman, 1991;Ohtahara,1981). Findingsof ERP characteristicsassociatedwith languagefacility at 20 monthsalso suggestpossiblediscontinuitiesin growth of

ERP5 to wordsataboutthatage,althoughthathypothesisremainsto beexplicitly tested(seeMills etal., Chapter13, thisvolume).

In general,evidenceindicatesthat thereare a number of discon-tinuities in BEG andERP developmentduring infancyandthat researchto pin them down preciselyrequiresmeasurementsseparatedby rela-tively short periods—probablyat least everyweek in early infancy andevery month in later infancy. Studieswith infrequentmeasurements,suchasonly onceor twice duringthe first year,arecommonbut cannotprovideadequatedata to describedevelopmentduring infancy.

Childhood andAdolescence

For childhood and adolescence,a classic study by Matousek andPetersen(1973;seealsoJohn,1977)demonstratedaseriesof systematicdevelopmentalchangesin the relativepowerof the BEG (the amountofenergyin onefrequencybandof thewave spectrumdivided by the totalpower in all bands).Figures1.1 and 1.2 aboveshowchangesin relativepower in the alphafrequencyband for the occipitoparietalregion forSwedishsubjectsbetween 1 and 21 years of age assessedin a quiet,awakestate.Thecyclicity of the changesis clear:Relativepowergrewinspurts,with statistically reliableincreasesoccurring at approximately1—2,3-4, 7-8, 11-12, and 14-15years (Fischer & Pipp, 1984b).Theremayhavebeenanotherspurtbetween18 and19 years,but it was not statisti-cally reliable in this analysis becauseof the large variance in powerduring the adolescentyears.Other studiesof narrowerage periodsorwith different measuresalso show discontinuitiesfor some of theseageperiods(Ogawaet al., 1984; Thatcher,1991, 1992; Thatcheret a].,1987).

HudspethandPribram (1992)performedstatisticalanalysesof theMatousekand Petersendata for all cortical regionsandfound similarchangesfor otherscalp regionsandfrequencybands.With theseanalyses,thechangesat 18 to 19 or 20yearswerestatisticallyreliablefor power inthe frontal region.For developmentin the first few years,their analysesare not conclusivebecauseagesof measurementwere too infrequent.They wereunable to detect the rapid changesthat other studieshavefoundduring the first year,andthey did not find that thechangesat3 to4 yearswerestatisticallyreliable. Clearly, additionalresearchis requiredto pin down developmentaldiscontinuitiesduring the first 4 years.

A more complex type of cycle also appearsin the HudspethandPribramdata (Figure 1.6), althoughtheydid not saymuchaboutit andfurther researchis required to determinewhether it can be replicated:There seemsto be a spurt in power in the frontotemporal region,followed by spurtsstartingat thebackof the brainandmovihg forward,and thena repeatof the pattern.Between1 and 2 years,thereis a spurt

26 I. Theory and Method 1. Dynamic Developmentof Brain—BehaviorCoordination 27

1 ~1I





FIGURE 1.6. Cycle of growth in relativeenergyin EEG acrosscortical regions.Aspurt in frontotemporalpowermarks the end of one tier and the beginningof thenext. Then thereare clustersof spurtsfor eachlevel within a tier, aswell as a cyclein thesizeof the spurtfrom backto front—parieto-occipital(P0) to temporotemporal(TT) to centrocentral(CC) to frontotemporal(PT). The componentssuggestingacyclical patternaremarked. Data are from Hudspethand Pribram(1992), whoreanalyzedthe dataofMatousekandPetersen(1973),estimatinghalf-yearBEG levelsand combiningdataacrossthe four frequencybandsto producea compositeindexof EEG growth for eachbrain region.

in frontotemporalpower, followed immediately by an unusually largespurt in occipitoparietalcortex(back of thebrain), clusteredwith spurtsin centraland temporalareas.A few yearslater, thereis anotherclusterof spurts,this time led by centralcortex,which is forward in the brain.Then,startingat about9 years,the cycle seemsto repeat:First thereis aspurt in frontotemporalcortex at 9, followed by a spurt in occipito-parietalcortex(accompaniedthis timeby only modestchangesin otherareas),and thenspurtsin temporalandcentral cortex(accompaniedbymoderatechangesin other areas).Finally, at 19 to 20 years,thereisanotherlargespurtin frontotemporalpower,perhapsmarking the samepoint in the cycle as theearlier frontalspurts.Thefrontotemporalspurtscanbe consideredas demarcatingthe cycles,simultaneouslyendingthepreviousone and starting the new one.This patternsuggestsintriguingpossibilitiesfor parallelswith skill development,which we explicatebe-low in a model of brain-behaviorrelations.

ERPsand metabolicmeasuresalso providesomeevidencefor dis-continuouschanges.Glucosemetabolismseemsto show discontinuitiesat approximately2, 4, and 10 years,and thereis someindication of adiscontinuityat 7 years,althoughlimitationsof samplesizeandcompo-sition require caution in drawing conclusions (Chugani, Phelps, &Mazziotta, 1987; see Chugani, Chapter 5, this volume). ~RPs showdiscontinuitiesat approximately2—3,7, and 11 years(Courchesne,1978;Dustman & Beck, 1969; Ohtahara,1981; Stauder, Molenaar, & vander Molen, 1993; see van der Molen & Molenaar,Chapter 14, thisvolume).

Of all the measuresof developingbrain activity, the BEG dataofMatousekand Petersen(1973) are particularly elegant, becauseonemeasureshows changesover the entire ageperiod from I to 21 years.Thesechangesseemto show a remarkablecorrespondencewith periodsof rapid changein metabolicand ERP measures,as well as in cognitivedevelopment(to be describedbelow). An evenmore comprehensivedata set hasbeencollectedby Thatcher(Chapter8, this volume), whothusfar hasfocusedprimarily on analyzingdevelopmentof BEG coher-ence.Virtually all the developmentalcurves for coherenceshow repeateddiscontinuities,andin generalthosediscontinuitiesmeshwith the onesfoundby MatousekandPetersen.Thatcherhasgonebeyondthe simpledescriptionof agesof discontinuity to proposea cycle of changes,mov-ing systematicallythrough brain regions and repeating.We do notrepeatthe detailsof his modelhere,but laterwe explainhow it providesoneof the foundationsfor themodel connectingcognitivedevelopmen-tal cycleswith brain growth discontinuities.

Head Size

Interestingly, dataon growth in size of the headshow similar cyclicalpatterns of growth. The measureis usually circumference,which isclosely relatedto volume (Winick& Rosso,1969). Growth patternsofindividual children are extremelyvariable and do not conform to thesmooth growth curves shown in most standardpediatric graphs ofgrowth (Lampi & Emde,1983; Lampl et al., 1992).

Head growth in infancy is large and rapid, but studieshavenotgenerallymeasuredbabiesoften enoughto detectfrequent,rapidly occur-ring discontinuities.To provideamoredifferentiatedportraitof cyclesofbrain growth during infancy,we obtainedheadcircumferencedatathatchartedgrowth during the first 10 months—weekby week for the first4 monthsandmonthby month thereafter.Subjectswerea cross-sectionalsampleof over1,000infantsbroughtby their mothersfor checkupsto a

cvcLE:[ Fr

5 10 15 20Age in Years

28 I. Theory and Method 1, Dynamic Developmentof Brain—BehaviorCoordination 29

pediatricclinic operatedby Dr. BonnieCampat the ColoradoHealthSci-ences Center in Denver, Colorado. Most mothers were teenagers.Infantswere includedin the study only if they were healthy,hadbeenbornwithoutmajor complications,andhadbeenmeasuredfor headcir-cumference,weight,andheight.Headcircumference,weight,andheightall increasedwith ageduring the first year,but only headcircumferenceshowedsystematicgrowth cycleswith age.

Figure 1.7 shows changesin headcircumferencefrom I to 18 weeksof age. Therewere statistically reliable spurts at 3—4, 7—8, and 10—11weeks.3Thegrowthevidentin Figure 1.7 at 14-18weekswasnotstatisti-cally reliable for any singleweek,but when the dataweregroupedintomonths,a reliable spurt appearedbetween3 and 4 months:Head cir-cuinferenceincreased3.196 (12.4 mm). Analysis of monthly changesthrough 10 months showedanotherreliable spurt at 7 to 8 months,whenheadcircumferenceincreasedby 2.7%(11.8mm)(Fischer, 1987).The head growth spurtsat 3-4 and7-8 monthscorrespondwith theEEG and metabolicspurts at thoseages.The spurts at 3-4, 7-8, and10—11 weekssuggestadditionalcyclesof changein the earlyweeks.

A study by Lainpl and Ernde (1983) of physical growth in 27infants early in the first year seemedto show spurtsduring the sameweeks.However,theemphasisof their reportwas on the greatindividualvariability in growth patterns,and theway that the datawerepresentedmadepost hocstatisticalanalysesof groupdataimpossible.


FIGURE 1.7. Weekly changeswith age in headcircumferencein Camp’sAsterisksindicate changesthat were statistically reliableby t-test, p < 05.


Our own intensivestudyof a single infant, Fischer’ssonSeth,iflus-trates the predominanceof individual variability in growth, as well asillustrating some of the reasonsfor it. Seth was born at term byCaesareansectionand was a healthy infant. The growth curvefor hisheadcircumferencedid not perfectlymatchthatin Figure 1.7, of course,becauseindividualvariationis solarge; but it did showincreasesof somemagnitudeat the four agesof spurtsshownthere.Oneof the mostdra-matic effects in Seth’s growth was a drop to zero headgrowth for 2weeks(17 to 19 weeks).At this ageSethexperiencedhis first majorcold,the worst illness that he sufferedduringhis first half-year. Headgrowthdid not fall to zerofor anyotherweeksduring thisperiod.Although it isof courseimpossibleto becertainthat theillness causedthe growth ces-sation, the seemingeffect of transitoryillness illustrateshowvariabilitycan be so prominent in individual growth. Researchersmust considernot only gestationalage, complicationsduringpregnancyandbirth, andmajor healthproblems;theymust evenconsidera child’s minor illnesses.Other researchsuggeststhatillness maybe closelyrelatedto psychologi-cal developmentaswell (Ploolj & vande Rijt-Plooij, 1989).

After infancy, measurementof growth becomeshighly unreli-able, becausemeasurementerror is largerelative to amountof growth(Utermohle & Zegura, 1982). Nevertheless,there is strong evidencefrom large samplesthat during childhood head circumferenceshowsgrowth spurtsat approximately4, 11-12, and 14—15 years,and there issomeevidencefor a spurtat 6-7years(Eichorn& Bayley, 1962; Epstein,1974; McCall, Meyers,Hartman,& Roche, 1983).

In summary,the evidencefor discontinuitiesin headgrowth corre-spondsgenerallywith the evidencefor thosefor brain activity, despitethe coarsenessof headgrowth as an index of braingrowth. In addition,new headgrowth data provideevidencefor threeadditional periodsofrapid growth in the earlyweeksof life—at 3—4, 7-8, and 10-11 weeksofage.


The most detaileddata on growth of cortical synapticdensityare forrhesusmonkeys,not humanbeings(Goldman-Rakic,1987, 1992; Rakicet al., 1986).Theyprovideevidencefor cleardiscontinuitiesin growth ofsynapticdensityin all corticalareasassessed.Limitations of samplesizeandagesof assessmentprecludedefinite specificationof discontinuities,but the growth functionsgive evidenceof perhapsthreediscontinuitiesfor rhesusmonkeys,atroughly 1,2,and4½monthsof age.Although allareasproducedgenerallysimilar growth functions(which the authorscalled “concurrentsynaptogenesis”),the curveswere not identical, and







42 4 6 8

Age in Weeks

10 12 14 16 18 20

30 1. Theoryand Method 1. Dynamic Developmentof Brain-BehaviorCoordination 31

discontinuitiesappearedto showsomedifferencesacrossareas(Fischer,1987).

Data on humancortical synaptic density are less extensivethanthose for rhesusmonkeys. Data exist for only the visual and frontalareas, and both the rangeof agesand the sample sizes are limited(Huttenlocher,1979; Huttenlocher& de Courten,1987; seeHuttenlocher,Chapter4, this volume).Available dataindicatea discontinuityin growthat approximately2-4 monthsin the visual cortex,but for otherperiodsage samphngis not denseenough to detect discontinuities.Maximalsynapticdensityseemsto bereachedat differentagesfor the two corticalareas-approximately1 and7 yearsfor visual and frontal cortex, respec-tively. At theseages,densityis nearlytwice thatfor adults.

In summary,data on growth of synapticdensityclearly show thatdiscontinuitiesoccur in both humanbeings and rhesusmonkeys,butthe dataare too scantto permit the specificationof particularage peri-ods atwhich discontinuitiescommonlyoccur.

VariablesThat Do Not Show Discontinuities

The emphasison changeswith development,especiallydiscontinuities,can lead to a mistakenimpressionthat everythingdevelopsdiscontinu-ously. On the contrary,manyvariablesdescribingbrain growth do notshow consistentor striking discontinuities.Developmentdoes not involvesudden,synchronousjumps of all the child’s brain andbehaviorinto anew stage (Fischer & Bullock, 1981). Discontinuitiesreflecting newlevels of organizationoccur only for somebrain growth variables,andin cognitivedevelopmentdiscontinuitiesoccurprimarily at the upperlimitof complexity,not in all behavior.Discontinuitiesin the senseof suddenchangesin the form of a growth curvealsodo not necessarilyimply in-stability in individual differences(a distinct and commonmeaningof“discontinuity”).

For example,mostinfantsshowa strongeffect of emotionon hemi-spheric activation: Positive emotions or those eliciting approachareassociatedwith higher EEG activationof theleft frontal cortex,whereasnegative or- avoidanceemotions are linked with higher right frontalactivation (see Bell & Fox, Chapter 10, Dawson, Chapter 11, andDavidson,Chapter16, this volume). This differenceappearsat an earlyage, andit remainsthroughoutchildhood andinto adulthood.

Similarly, somekey componentsof sensoryERPsemergeat an earlyageandremainsimilar in form throughoutchildhoodor showchangesotherthan developmentaldiscontinuities(Courchesne,1978; Friedman,1991; seeThomas& Crow, Chapter7, andNelson,Chapter9, this vol-ume).Whenmeasuredin early infancy,someof them predict language

and cognitive developmentseveral years later (Molfese & Molfese,Chapter 15, this volume). Sotne componentscorrelatestrongly withfacility in early language(Mills et al., Chapter13, this volume). Evencharacteristicsthat are strong indicators of major developmentaldiscontinuities,suchas EEG power, sometimesalsopredict later skills,such as ability to manageattention (Farmeleeet al., Chapter17, thisvolume). Theseconstanciesacrossdevelopmentalchangesare real andconstitute an important part of the whole picture of the developingbrain, indeed,developmentof levelsof coordinationof skills andneuralnetworksrequiresstablefoundationalelementsupon which the coordi-nationscan build.

Nevertheless,a focus on discontinuitiesis useful for researchondevelopmentallevels of control systemsin brain and behavior. Brainelectrical activity, head circumference,and synaptic density provideglobalportraitsof braingrowthcycles.Acrossthesemeasures,especiallythe first two, there seemto be spurts in growth at approximately4, 8,and 11 weeks;4, 8, and 12 months;and 2, 4, 7, 11, 15, and 19 years.Nestedwithin theseglobalchangesthereareunddubtedlygrowth cyclesfor particular cortical regions,as illustrated by Thatcher’s (Chapter8,this volume) findings. Thesecycles suggestnot only a generallink be-tweendiscontinuitiesin brain and behavior,but a way in which broadcyclesmay organizespecific discontinuities.To explicatethis model,weneedto introducethe evidencefor discontinuitiesin cognitiveand emo-tional developmentaswell as our accountof thosechanges.


An importantpartof researchon brain-behaviorrelationsis determiningwhen a new level of a control system develops—whatis often called anew “stage.” The detectionof developmentallevels or stageshasbeenone of the central issues in cognitive-developmentalresearch,wherethere havebeen long-standingcontroversiesabout the existenceanddetectionof stages(Brainerd,1978; Broughton,1981; van der Maas &Molenaar, 1992). Researchon behaviorhas producedoverwhelmingevidenceof wide variationsin developmentallevels,not only acrosschil-drenbut evenwithin individual children.

Consequently,many researchershaveabandonedthe traditionalcriterion for a stage—synchronouschange acrossdomains—andhavefallen backon a loose,poorly articulatedcriterion of somesortof quali-tative change(Fischer& Bullock, 1981; Fischer& Silvem, 1985; Flavell,1982; Piaget, 1972). This criterion does not work, becausequalitativechangeis an everyday occurrence.Every time a child learns a newconcept or skill, such as tying shoelaces,he or she demonstratesa

32 I. Theory and Method

qualitativechange.Mere demonstrationof a qualitativechangeor evenadevelopmentalsequenceof qualitativechangesthereforedoesnot showstage-likedevelopment.MostPiagetiantheoriesencounterthisproblem,documentingsequencesand then treating them as evidencefor stages(Case,1985; Halford, 1987). Some additional criterion is required todemonstratestage-likedevelopment.

One straightforwardcriterion for detectinga developmentallevel isa discontinuity or suddenalterationin the pattern of developmentalchange—thesame criterion we have used for our analysesof braingrowth.Not only is thiscriterion consistentwith conceptsof stage,but itcan be readily studied, especiallywith recentadvancesin methodsfordetectingandmodelingdiscontinuities(Fischer,Pipp, & Bullock, 1984;van der Maas & Molenaar, 1992; van Geert, 1991). Becausebehaviorshows so muchvariation, researchto detect a developmentalstageorlevel requiresanalysisof key sourcesof variability, whetherthe focusison discontinuity,synchrony,or someothercriterion.

Mechanismsof Variation andDevelopmentalRange

The maturity or complexity of children’s behaviorvaries widely andsystematicallyfrom moment to momentand acrosscontextsandstates(Brown & Reeve, 1987; Fischer, Bullock, et al., 1993; Fischer &Elmendorf, 1986). In a quiet,alert state,a 1-month-old infant girl looksdirectly andintently at a red ball moving in front of her,and thenmovesher handclumsily in the generaldirection of theball. Ten minuteslater,whentheball is presentedto herwhile sheis drowsy,sheengagesin nei-ther actionandseemsto ignore it (von Hofsten,1984). Isshecapableoflooking at the ball andreachingtoward it, or is shenot?

Similarly, a 4-year-oldboywatcheshis teacheractingout a pretendstorywith dolls: The patientdoll tells the doctordoll hehas a cold, andthe doctor examineshim and gives him medicine to makehim feelbetter.The boy promptly actsout a similar story,demonstratingunder-standingof the roles of doctor and patientin interaction. Then, 10minuteslater, his teacheraskshim to showher the beststory he canabout a doctor anda patient, like the one he did before. instead ofproducingthe complexstory he did earlier,he producesamuchsimplerstory,making the doctordoll simply walk aroundthe doctor’soffice car-rying a thermometer,with no interactionbetweendoctor andpatient.Isthe boy capableof actingout a doctor-patientinteraction,or is he not?

As theseexamplesdemonstrate,the developmentalstageor level ofbehaviorsvaries with state of arousal, assessmentcontext, emotionalstate,andgoal, to namejust a few of the mostobvioussourcesof varia-

1. Thinamic Developmentof Brain-BehaviorCoordination 33

tion. Someresearchersarguethatsuchvariationsdemonstratethat thereare no generalcognitive-developmentalstages(Brainerd, 1978; Flavell,1982; Thelen & Fogel, 1989). Such argumentsdo not hold, becausethereis no simple dichotomy betweenstageandvariation. The organi-zation of behaviordevelopssystematically,as reflectedby many stagedescriptions;it alsovariesfrom momentto moment.Thesefactsarecon-tradictoryonly for overly simpleconceptsof stageand variation.Neuralnetworksnaturallyproducethis kindof variation,aswehaveshownear-lier for ART networks.

If behavioris adaptive,then its organizationshould vary not onlywith developmentbut alsowith factorssuchas taskandstate.Likewise,if developmentalscalesare sensitivemeasuresof behavioralorganiza-tion, thenthey shouldshowchangesas a function of thesefactors. Theoccurrenceof suchsystematicvariation doesnot reflect a defectof eitherthe scalesor the stageshypothesized.Whatis neededis to movebeyondthe dichotomy betweenstageand variation to build an explanatorysystemthat subsumesboth. Only a frameworkthat integratesorganiza-tion with variationcanspecifytheprocessesthatproducebehavioralandbrain development.

Our frameworkbeginswith the assumptionthatintegratingorgani-zationwith variation requiresconsideringpersonandcontext together.We usethe conceptof “skill” to characterizecontrol systems,becauseinEnglish usage, “skill” suggestsa combination of personand context(Bruner, 1973; Fischer, 1980).A skill for driving a car is tied to carsanddoesnot apply directly to boats,airplanes,or bicycles.It may not evengeneralizeeffectively to driving acarwith a differentsortof gearshift,norto driving a car on mud and snowinsteadof pavedroads.A skill is acharacteristicneitherof a personnor of a context, but of a person-in-a-context,just as a neuralnetworkincludesthe contextaspartof its func-tioning.

A skill is acontrol structure.ln usinga skill, apersoncontrolsvaria-tionsin his or her actionsandthoughtsin a context.Becauseskill devel-opmentisrelatively context-specific,we usethe term“levels” to describeskill development,not “stages.”People(childrenandadults)function atdifferent skill levels for different tasks,states,andsituations,and undercertain conditions their developmentthrough a level will show stageproperties.

One of the principles of order amid the variability in behavior iswhat we call “developmentalrange,” the differencebetweena person’soptimal performanceand his or her ordinary performance—thatis,betweenthe person’soptimal and functional levels, The “optimal level”specifies the most complex skills that the person can consistentlycontrol under optimal canditions, including an alert state, a familiar

I. Theory and Method 1. DynamicDevelopmentof Brain—BehaviorCoordination 35

context, practicewith the task, contextualsupport for high-level per-formance, and the absenceof interfering conditions (e.g., conflictingemotions).

Withoutoptimal conditions,peopleusuallyperform at lower stepson a developmentalscale.The limit on the variationsin level a personproduces within a nonoptimal context is the “functional level” forthat context,the highestlevel beyondwhich the person’sskills do notgo without optimal support. This limit typically shows continuous,non-stage-likegrowth.The removalof contextualsupportfor high-levelperformanceoften causesan immediatedrop to theperson’sfunctionallevel, as in the exampleof the 4-year-oldtelling storiesabouta doctor.Reinstitutionof supportproducesa rapidjump to optimal level. A keyfactor in this robust phenomenonof variationbetweenfunctional andoptimal levels is contextualpriming of importantelementsof the task(Fischer,Bullock, et al., 1993). Priminginducesoptimal level, allowingthe child to sustainhigh-level understanding(which is an instanceofresonancein neuralnetworks).

Clustersof Discontinuities upon Emergenceof a Level

According to dynamic skills theory, the optimal level shifts abruptly atcertain periods in development,showing stage-likechange (Fischer,1980; Fischer& Farrar,1987). Within somelimited ageperiod, spurtsor other discontinuitiescan be detectedin a wide range of differentdomains.For example, thereare spurts at approximately8 monthsofagein objectpermanence,crawling, fear of heights,detectionof subjec-tive contours,and other skills (Bertenthal, Campos,& Haith, 1980;Campos,Bertenthal,& Caplovitz, 1982;McCall et al., 1977;Seibertet al.,1984; Uzgiris, 1983; seeBell & Fox, chapter 10, and Diamond et a).,Chapter 12, this volume). Late in the secondyear thereare spurtsinvocabulary,multiword utterances,pretendplay, objectpermanence,andmany otherskills (Anisfeld, 1984; Bloom, 1973;Corrigan, 1983;McCallet aL, 1977;Uzgiris, 1983). At about 15 years,thereare spurtsin arith-metic concepts,judgmentsabout the basesfor knowledge,social con-structs,emotionalconflicts about the self, and severalPiagetianformaloperationstasks,amongother things(Fischer& Lamborn, 1989;Harter& Monsour,1992;Kitchener& Fischer,1990;Martarano,1977;O’Brien& Overton, 1982).

Of course,the variousspurtsfor emergenceof a new optimal levelare not instantaneous;they are spreadovera limited timeinterval, form-ing a clusterof changesthat aresimilar butdifferent.Theydo notall occurat exactly the sameage, nor do they produceexactly the same develop-mentalgrowth function. Infants, for example,do not suddenlymetamor-

phoseon the first day of their eighth month. Yet thereis an approximatesynchronyof discontinuitieswithin a definabletimeinterval.

The mechanism producing these approximately synchronousspurts is the developmentof a new capacity to build skills at a givenlevel of complexity,whichwe hypothesizealso involves emergenceof anew level of neuralnetwork.Thiscapacityis not to be confusedwith thepowerful, general competencieshypothesizedby Piaget (1957) andChomsky(1965). Unlike those(nonexistent)competencies,the changein capacity doesnot automaticallyeventuatein skill changes.Instead,peoplemust taketime andeffort to actuallybuild the changedskills thatthe capacitymakespossible,andfactorssuch as stateand task contrib-ute to the actualskills produced.Even whenpeoplehaveconstructedanew skill at optimal level, they typically requireoptimal contextualsup-port to produceit. Discontinuitiesin level are consistentlyevidentonlyunder optimal assessmentconditions. Most conditions underwhichresearchershavetraditionallyassesseddevelopmentare nonoptimalandproduce slow, gradual, continuousgrowth, evenwhenpeopleare per-forming the sametasks thatshow discontinuitiesunderoptimal condi-tions.

Tiers andLevels of Coordinationof Control Systems

Evidencefor clustersof discontinuitiesin behaviorindicates develop-ment of at least13 levelsbetweenbirth and30 yearsof age,as shown inTable 1.1. The agesgiven for eachlevel are for its emergence,when theperson(child or adult) can first control a numberof skills at that level.Of course,thereis individualvariation in exactageof emergenceof eachlevel. In reviewingtheselevels,weusedynamicskills theory,which pro-vides a frameworkfor describingthe structuresof skills in any taskdomain.Thestructuresform a developmentalscaleof control structuresfor the coordination of increasinglycomplex sourcesof variation inbehavior. We hypothesize that each level correspondsto a neuralnetwork reorganizationreflected in the brain growth discontinuitiesreviewedearlier.

Qualitative changesin developmentcan be describedin threedifferent grains of detail. At the finest grain, skills develop through asequenceof small, microdevelopmentalsteps,which skill theorypredictsvia a set of transformationrules for explaining skill coordination anddifferentiation(Fischer,1980).Moststepsdo not involve developmentaldiscontinuitiesbut are simply pointsalong a pathwayof skill construc-tion.

Certainstepsin a sequencemark the emergenceof a new develop-mental level—acapacity to constructa new type of control systemor

TABLE 1.1. Levelsof CognitiveDevelopment


Level Reflex Sensorimotor Representational Abstract Examplesof skills _____________ Age,

Rf1: Single, simple species-specific 3—4 weeksSingle [A] or [B] actioncomponents(reflexes):reflexesb With fixed posture:

Infant looks atball movingin front of face.

Infant graspscloth placedinhand.

Rf2: Simple relationsof a few reflexes: 7—3 weeksReflex [A — B] Hearingvoice leadsto lookingmappingsb at eyes.

Infant extendsattn toward ballthat he or she sees.

Rf3: Complex relationsof subsetsof 10-11 weeksReflex [A~H Bfl reflexes:systemsb Looking at faceandhearing

voiceevokescoordinatedsmiling, cooing, and nodding(greeting response).

Infant openshandwhileextendingarm towardseenball.

Rf4/S1: r AE BE , Relationsof reflex systemsto 15—17 weeksSingle Ft~ F [I] producea single, flexiblesensorimotor I rG sensorimotoraction:actions L H H infant looks at ball as it



extendingarm towardseenball, and in middle of reachsometimesadjusts handto

S2’ changesin ball’s trajectory.Serasorimotor [I — Simple relationsof a few 7-8 monthsmappings sensorlmotoractions:Infant graspsball in orderto bring it in front of

faceto look at it.

Infant useslooking at ball to

finely guide reachingfor it.

Seiisorimotor Complexrelationsof subsetsof 11-13 monthssystems sensorimotoractions:infant mows a rattle in

differentways to seedifferent partsof it.

Infant imitatespronunciationof many singlewords,

54/RpI: ~ [01 Relationsof actionsystemsto 18-24months

representations i K0 £> ~i produceconcreterepresenta-p pj tions of objects,people, or events:

Child pretendsthat doll iswalking.

Child says,“Doll walk”Rp2:Representational 10 — R] Simplerelationsof representa- 3.5-4.5yearsmappincxs tions:

Child pretendsthat two dollsare Mom andDad iflteractingin parentalroles.

Child understandsthat selfknows a secretandbad doesnotknow it.



Level Reflex Sensorimotor Representational Abstract Examplesof skills Agec

Rp3: [Q? H Complex relations of subsetsof 6-7 yearsRepresentational representations:systems Child pretendsthat two dolls

areMom andDad as well as adoctoranda teachersimul-taneously

Child understandsthat whenwater is pouredfrom oneglass to another,the amountof waterstays the same.

Rp4/A1: ~ H R~] [3~] Relationsof representational 10—12 yearsSingle I systemsto produceabstracttonsabstractions s!;r<—* 71% j (intangibleconcepts):

Child understandsaddition asgeneraloperationof joiningnumbers.

Child evaluateshow parentsdemonstrateconformity.

Child understandsthathonestyis a generalquality of beingtruthful.

A2: [cl_i — C3J Simplerelationsof 14—16 yearsAbstract abstractions:ma in s Personunderstandshow

~ g addition and subtractionareoppositeoperations. -

Personintegratestwo socialconceptsof honestyandkindnessinto the complexconceptof a social lie.

A3: Complex relationsof subsetsof 18-20yearsAbstract [C~~H ~5~] abstractions:systems Personunderstandshow

- operationsof addition anddivision arerelated through

theways the numbersaregroupedandcombined.Personintegratesseveral

types of honestyandkindness

in the complexconceptofconstructivecriticism.

A4: H c41 Generalprinciplesfor integrating 23-25yearsPrinciples systemsof abstractions:

H ~P~J Personunderstandsmoralprinciple of justice.

Personunderstandsprincipleof reflectivejudgmentasbasisof knowledge.

Personunderstandsprinciple ofevolution by naturalselection.

Note. In skill structures,eachlett~rdenotesa skill component,with eachlarge letterdesignatinga maincomponent(set)andeachsubscriptor superscriptasubsetof themain component.Thin lettersdesignatecomponentsthatarereflexes,in thesenseof innateaction components,bold lettersdesignatesensotimo-tar acuons,italic lettersdesignaterepresentations,andscriptlettersdesignateabstractions.LinesconnectingsetsdesignaterelationsIortningamapping,single-linearrowsdesignaterelations fonningasystem,anddouble-linearrowsdesignaterelationsforming asystemof systems.

“Ages given are modalagesat whicha level first appears,basedon researchwith middle-classNorthAmerican or Europeanchildren. They may differacrossculturesandothersocialgroups.tTheselewis arehypothesized,but to datethereare too few datato testtheir existenceunequivocally

40 I. Theoryand Method 1. Dynamic Developmentof Brain-BehaviorCoordination 41

skill. As the personentersa new level, he or sheshowsa stage-likespurtin optimal performance.Each of the 13 developmentallevels involvesa large, indeterminatenumber of stepsthat extend beyondthe initialperiod of developmentaldiscontinuity.Levels are the grain of analysisat which we expectresearchto be mostproductiveof correspondencesbetweendevelopmentof brain and behavior,but assessmentof fine-grainedstepsgreatlyfacilitatesdetectionof levelsvia discontinuities.

At the broadestgrain, skills developthrough a seriesof four tiers,eachinvolving four successivelevels, as shownin Table 1.1. Tiers markthe emergenceof a radically new type of unit for controllingbehavior—reflexes, actions,representations,or abstractions,respectively.Conse-quently, developmentof the first level of a new tier is an especiallystrongtype of discontinuity,which shouldbe evidentin radical changesin bothbehaviorandbrain development.For example,the emergenceofthe representationaltier late in the secondyearproducesthe onsetofcomplexlanguageand a hostof other changesthat radically transformchildren. Tiers can be consideredcyclesof growth in skill complexity,with each tier involving a similar cycle of developmentthroughlevels—from single units to mappings to systemsand finally to systemsofsystems.With thelevel of systemsof systems,a new unit emergesandanew tier begins,so that the final level of the earlier tier is also thebegin-ning level of the new tier. Severalother theoriesof cognitive develop-ment hypothesizesuch growth cycles, with some differencesin thespecific cycles(l3iggs & Collis, 1982;Case,1985).

One task of brain-behaviorresearchis to determinewhetherthesetiers and levels connectwith cyclesof brain change,andwe suggestamodel for those connectionsafter we sketchthe skill changesin eachtier. In our sketchof the levels and tiers,we try to providea flavor foreach. For more detailed specification, readersshould consultFischer(1980) for the mostcomprehensivetreatmentof all levels; FischerandHogan (1989) for infancy; Fischer,Hand,Watson,et al. (1984) for thepreschoolyears;andFischer,Hand,andRussell(1984) for adolescenceandearlyadulthood.

Developmentof ControlledReflexesin Early Infancy

The first few monthsof life produceremarkablechangesin behavioralorganization,and therehasbeenampleresearchdescribingthe changesin humaninfants (llg & Ames, 1955; McGraw, 1943;Mounoud, 1976)and macaquemonkeys (Parker, 1977). Indeed, the magnitudeof thechangesseemsto haveled somescholarsto assumethat there is norelation betweenearlybehaviorsand later skills (Royce-Collier, 1987).According to our analysis, the skills of later infancy ~re built directly

upon thoseof early infancy. Early infancyprovidesa promising arenafor researchon brain-behaviorrelations,becausesuchvastbrain changesare occurringduring this period, includingmassivegrowth of synapsesandenormouschangesin EEG andERPs(Dreyfus-Brisac,1979;Parmelee& Sigman,1983; Rakicet al., 1986),The evidencesuggestsfour levels ofskill developmentparallelingthe fourbraingrowthdiscontinuiflesdescribedearlier, but much moreresearchis requiredto specify theserelations.

The first four levels involve control systemsfor actioncomponentsthat havetraditionallybeencalled“reflexes” (Piaget,1937/1954).(Theseare not to be confusedwith subcorticalreflexes,such as the kneejerkor eyeblink,) The actionreflexesare innate,species-specificbehaviors,probably numberingin the hundreds;they include looking, grasping,smiling, proto-imitation, listening, postural responses,and most of thedevelopmentalreflexesdescribedin standardassessmentsof newbornbehavior(Peiper, 1963;Touwen, 1976). Graduallyinfants combineanddifferentiatethesecontrolledreflexes,moving throughfour developmen-tal levelsthat eventuatein a new type of skill—control systemsfor flex-ible actions.

At the first,reflex.level, emergingat approximately3 to 4 weeksofage, infants control single reflexes.For example, they look at or awayfrom a ball moving in front of their faces, as long as its motions arelimited. To show this action, infants mustbe in an alert state,andtheirposturemust be controlled to preventinterfering reflexessuch as thetonic neck reflex (AIs, 1989; von Hofsten, 1984; Parmelee& Sigman,1983;Prechtl& O’Brien, 1982;Wolff, 1966;seeParmeleeet al., Chapter17, this volume). Similarly, the infants “voluntarily” graspa ball placedin onehand,or theykick their legs.

With the secondlevel, which appearsat approximately7 to 8weeks,infants coordinatetwo action componentsin a reflex mapping.Whenseatedcomfortablyin front of the mother,for instance,an infantrespondsto hervoiceby looking at hereyes(Haith, Bergman,& Moore,1977). The infant also coos or smilesin responseto the mother’svoiceor face(Kaye & Fogel, 1980; Legerstte,Pomerleau,Malcuit, & Feider,1987),andbeginscrudecoordinationof looking at a ball with reachingfor it (von Hofsten, 1984).

At the third reflex level, which emergesat 10 to 11 weeks,infantscoordinateseveralaction componentsin a reflex system.The mappingsof reflexesfrom the previouslevel are combinedinto clustersof coordi-nated behaviors, with some independencefrom interferenceamongcomponents.For example,an infant simultaneouslycoordinateslookingat the mother’sface, listeningto hervoice, andsmiling at her to producewhat is often calleda “greeting response”(Kaye & Fogel, 1980;Papousek& Papousek,1979). Similarly, infants extenda hand toward a person

42 I. Theory and Method 1. DynamicDevelopmentof Brain-BehaviorCoordination 43

or ball they seein front of them and openthe handas theyreachfor it(Legerstéeet al., 1987;von Hofsten, 1984).

DevelopmentofSensorimotorActions in Infancy

The fourth reflex level, appearingat 15 to 17 weeks, marks radicalchangeto a new tier—the first level of sensorimotordevelopment.Infantscoordinatetwo or more systemsof reflexesfrom the previouslevel toform a singleaction,marking the beginningof a new tier or cycle basedon indepen.dentsensorimotoractions,which are generalizationsbasedon coordinationof reflex systems.During the restof infancy, in the sen-sorimotortier, infantscontrol sensorimotoractionsand graduallyrelatethe actions to eachother, acting on the world without thinking aboutwhat theyare doingindependentlyof the action itself.

Theseactionshavemuch more flexibility than the skills at earlierlevels, showingless interferencefrom constraintsof postureandreflex.From mostpositions,infants turn their headsfrom side to side to visu-ally follow a ball that is moving or making a sound(Bullinger, 1977;Touwen, 1976). In eye-handcoordination,they not only extendahandtoward a ball that they seeandopenthe handas theyextendit, but theyalso makesomeadjustmentto their movementin midreachto follow theball’s movement.Many other actions besideseye-handcoordinationshow similar coordinations(Lewis, 1993;Lewis & Ash, 1992). Despitethis progress,however,4-month-oldsare still a longway from the flex-ible coordinationof eye andhand that will comelater in the first year(Piaget,1936/1952;von Hofsten, 1989).

With the secondsensorimotorlevel,which emergesat 7 to 8 months,infants move through the well-documented8-month transition, devel-oping the ability to relatetwo actions in a singlesensorimotormapping.An 8-month-oldgirl skillfully useslooking at a ball in manydifferent po-sitions to guide how she reachesfor it. Similarly, sheexaminesthe ballcarefully, holding it in front of her faceandturning it with herhandtolook at part of it or touching it with just her index finger (Thelen &Fogel, 1989). By traditional criteria, this is when the child finally hasskilled eye-handcoordinationandcanfind hiddenobjectsunderscreensin the standardobjectsearchtasks.Othertypesof mappingsinclude thecoordinationof vocalizingwith hearingto producebabbling (repeatingsimplesoundssuchas “mamama”; Petitto & Marentette,1991;Ramsay,1984),as well as the coordinationof looking acts to produceperceptionof avisualpattern(Bertenthalet al., 1980).

Camposand his collaboratorshave illuminated a processbehindsome of the behavioral changesat this age (Campos& Bertenthal,1987). In an elegantseria of studies,they havedemonstratedthat theexperienceof crawling(especiallyup on handsandknees,asopposedto

draggingalong on the belly) inducesspurtsin a wide rangeof spatialskills, Thereareprobably similar experientialmechanismsin operationat all thelevels.

In addition, the brain mechanismsunderlying this level havebeeninvestigatedmore extensivelythan for any other major developmentalperiod, as describedearlier. Synapticgrowthseemsto bespurtingduringthis time, and infants showspurtsin EEG powerin the frontal regionand connectionsbetweenfrontal and occipital areas(Goldman-Rakic,1987; seeBell & Fox, Chapter 10, this volume). Thesechangeshavebeenlinked explicitly to the ability to searchfor hiddenobjects,which isalso oneof theskills facilitatedby the developmentof crawling.

At the third sensorimotorlevel, appearingat about 11 to 13 months,babiesdevelopthe capacityto relatea numberof actionsin a complexsensorimotorsystem.A 13-month-oldgirl facilely movesa ball around,usingwhat sheseesto guidewhat shedoesandanticipatingmany of theconsequencesof moving the ball. When she does nOt know how toaccomplishsomedesiredgoal,suchasdropping theball so that it fallsinto a small hole in a box,sheexperimentswith differentwaysof hold-ing anddroppingit until shelinds onethatworks (Piaget,1936/1952).At this level, infants also begin to carry out simple pretendingwithstereotypedactions, such as pretendingto drink from an empty cup(Bretherton & Beeghly, 1989; Fischer, Hand, Watson, et al., 1984;Zelazo& Leonard,1983).And they producea few dozensinglewords,which require coordinatingvocalizingwith hearingspecific soundsincombination to producethe soundof the particularword (Fischer&Corrigan, 1981;Petitto, 1993).

Developmentof Representationsin Childhood

At 18 to 24 months, toddlers develop the fourth sensorimotorlevel,which is also the first level of representations—thebeginning of therepresentationaltier. Coordinating two or more sensorimotoractionsystemsinto a single representation,children cognitively evoke anobject,event, or personthat is not actually present.As a result, theythink of concretepropertiesof things independentlyof their immediateactions on those things,andthey use the representationsto control theiractions.This period is often treated as the most important in humandevelopmentbecauseof the rapid emergenceof complex languageatthis time.

In pretending,2-year-oldsmakea doll pretendto walk acrossthetableby coordinatinga systemfor manipulatingthe doll with a systemfor walking. Their pretendplay involves many representationalcatego-ries,suchaswalking, eatinga meal,beingmean,beinghappy,being sad,actingas a mother,acting as a doctor, eatinga meal,or gettingdressed.

44 I. Theoyand Method I. Dynamic Developmentof Brain-BehaviorCoordination 45

For the categoryof “mean,” for instance,a child makesa doll engageinseveralmeanactions,suchas hitting andyelling (Bretherton& Beeghly,1989; Fischer,Hand, Watson, et al., 1984). At the sameage, childrenshow spurtsin many other skills, including vocabularyandthe produc-tion of sentencessuchas “Mommy walk” or “Jasonmean” (Bloom, 1973;Corrigan, 1983;Piaget, 1946/1951).

The secondlevel in childhood emergesat 3½to 4’/z yearsof age,whenchildrenrelateonerepresentationto anotherin a representationalmapping.In pretending,they make two dolls interactappropriatelyinterms of reciprocal, concretesocial roles,such as motherand child ordoctorandpatient(Fischer,Hand,Watson,et al., 1984).They alsorelatecategoriesfor social interaction,as in a relation for “mean” social reci-procity: lf onedoll actsmean, the otheroneactsmeanin returnbecausethe first onewasmean.In perspectivetaking, they relatetheir represen-tation that theyknow a secretto their representationthat their fathersdonot know it (Marvin, Greenberg,& MossIer, 1976; Rose, 1990). Thislevel includeswhat havecometo be called “theory-of-mind” tasks, inwhich children representother people as having minds with secrets,wishes, memories,knowledge, and the like. Although many scholarshaveargued that children developa special mental module for thesetasks (Perner, 1992; Wellman, 1990), we believe that theory-of-mindskills developat aboutage4 becausethey requirerepresentationalmap-pings. Severalother researchershave recently’presentedevidenceforsimilar arguments(Frye,Zelazo,& Palfai, 1992;Harris, in press).

The changesat age 4 havebecome a central focus of cognitiveresearch,asillustratedby the theory-of-mindtasks,butresearchon braindevelopmentduring thisageperiodhasnotbeenextensive.Thereis evi-denceof a substantialspurtin headsizeat this age(Eichorn& Bayley,1962), andit is oneof the few periodsduringwhich Thatcher(Chapter8, this volume) found evidencefor growth of connectionsbetweenthehemispheres.But specific brain-behaviorrelationsfor thisperiodremainobscure.

For the third level, appearingat 6 to 7 years,childrencombinetwoor moremappingsto form a representationalsystem.A 7-year-olddem-onstratesa systemfor “mean” and “nice” whenshe makesone doll actmeanandnicesimultaneouslyto a seconddoll, who actsmeanandnicein return explicitly becauseof the first one’sactions. That is, both meanand nice are applied simultaneouslyto the samerelationshipin inter-sectingsocial reciprocity. Likewise, in socialroles,childrenunderstandthat two peoplecan occupymultiple, interrelatedroles,suchas fatherand doctorwith daughterand child. With perspectivetaking, childrenrelate severalaspectsof perspectivessimultaneously(Rose, 1990; Selman& Schultz, 1990).

Many of the traditional Piagetiantasks involve this level, which

Inhelder and Piaget (1959/1964) called “concrete operations.” Forexample, in conservationof amount of liquid, children relate twodimensionsof quantity (height and width) in one containerwith twodimensionsin the other to form a representationalsystem for totalamountof liquid. As a result, they understandthat the amountof liquidremainsconstantwhenit is pouredinto a different container.

DevelopmentofAbstractionsin Adolescenceand Adulthood

At 10 to 12 years,the fourth level of representationsemerges,and theabstracttier begins.Childrencoordinatetwo or moreconcreterepresen-tational systemsto form a systemof systems,which is also a singleabstraction,marking the first level of the abstracttier. Abstractionsdealwith intangiblepropertiesindependentlyof specific concretepeople,ob-jects,or events;they includenot only concepts,but also proceduresfordealingwith suchproperties.Althoughscholarssometimesassociatethislevel with the onsetof puberty, it in fact occurs severalyearsbeforepubertyfor mostchildren.

With single abstractions,preadolescentscan begin to understandmany conceptsas they are usedby adults. For instance,a 12-year-oldcomparestwo concreteinstancesof charactersactingnice and meantoeachother, and concludesthat intentionsmattermore than actions—anabstraction.If a characterintended to be nice eventhoughhis or herbehaviorwas overtly mean, then that characteris judged positively,while a characterwho intended to be meanbut was overtly nice isjudgednegatively.Similar coordinationsproducemany differentabstrac-tions, including moral conceptssuchas honesty,kindness,andjustice;arithmeticconceptssuch asadditionandsubtractionas operations;andconceptsin science,such as chanceand exclusion of possibilities(Fischer& Lamborn, 1989;Inhelder& Piaget,1955/1958).

With the secondlevel of abstractions,emergingat 14 to 16 years,adolescentsrelateoneabstractionto another.For example,they coordi-nateconceptsof honestyandkindnessto constructa conceptof a sociallie. They relate addition and subtractionas oppositemathematicaloper-ations,differing in whethernumbersare combinedor separated.Theycome to understandmany problemsin logic and science(O’Brien &Overton, 1982),aswell as therelationbetweenargumentandevidenceas basesof knowledge(Kitcheneret al,, 1993). They developunder-standingsof someof the intricaciesof people’spersonahties.Forinstance,they comparedifferent aspectsof themselvesandexperiencecontradic-tions and conflicts in thosecomparisons,as with being liberal in somewaysandconservativein others(Harter& Monsour,1992).

At the next level, which appearsbetween18 and 20 years,youngadultscoordinateseveralaspectsof two abstractionsinto anabstractsys-

46 I. Theoryand Method 1. DynamicDevelopmentof Brain—BehaviorCoordination 47

tem. in a sophisticatedconceptof constructivecriticism, peoplerelatetwo typesof honestywith two typesof kindness—bothpraisingandcriti-cizing so as to help anotherpersonboth to gain confidenceand toimprove (Lamborn,Fischer,& Pipp, in press).Therelationbetweenthedistantlyrelatedarithmetic operationsof additionand division involvescoordination of type of connectionbetweennumbers(combining orseparating)with grouping of numbers(single numbersor multiples)(Fischer,Hand,& Russell, 1984).In understandingthe basesof knowl-edge,peoplerelateargumentandevidencein differentviewpointsto seehow viewpoint affectsthe knowledgeprocess.

The final level for which thereis good evidenceof discontinuity isthe coordinationof two or moreabstractsystemsto form a generalprin-ciple, which emergesat approximately23 to 25 years.Adults cometounderstandthe principle of reflectivejudgmentas the basis of knowl-edge—theprinciple that acrossviewpointsanddifferencesof opinion, onecanjudge the probabletruth of conclusionsaccordingto the quality ofargumentsandevidence(Kitcheneret al., 1993). Other principles thatare understoodinclude the basisof evolution in naturalselectionandthe basis of morality in considerationsof justice. For the arithmeticoperationsof addition, subtraction,multiplication, anddivision, peoplecan understandhow all four operatetogetherin termsof a broadprin-ciple of thejoining andgroupingof numbers.

Although this level of skill is advancedandtheexamplesmay seemspecialized,we expect that mosthumanadultsbuild skills at this levelduring their late 20sandbeyond.Unlike all thepreviouslevels,weknowof no evidencefor discontinuitiesin brain developmentat this age,buthardly any brain developmentstudieshave extendedinto the 20s, andso further researchmayrevealbraindiscontinuitiesin the mid-20s.Beyondthis level,weknow of no firm evidencefor any further developmentaldis-continuitiesin behavior,but of coursefuture researchmay reveal suchevidencethereaswell.

For eachof these13 levels, thereis evidencefor discontinuitiesindevelopmentof behaviorat the designatedage for North American orEuropeanmiddle-classsamples.For the first three reflex levels in in-fancy, the evidenceis promising but scant.For the four sensorimotorlevels in late infancy, the four representationallevels in childhood,andthe first two levelsof abstractionsin adolescence,the evidenceis strongand extensive.For the last two levels of abstractionsin adulthood,theevidencehasrecentlybecomestrong,although it still involvesonly a fewdomains.Besidesthese13 levels, theremay be additional timesof dis-continuity during infancy, childhood,or adolescence.For example,Case(1985)hypothesizesadditional levels (which he calls “substages”)in theearly preschoolyears,although theredoesnot yet seemto be any firmevidenceof the additionaldiscontinuitieshepredicts.Van de Rijt-Plooij

and Piooij (in press)presentevidencefor severaladditional discontin-uities in the early months for social developmentand mother-infantinteraction in Dutch infants. Thesediscontinuitiescould reflect addi-tionalcontrol systemchanges,or they couldreflect fluctuationsin dyna-mic systemsthatarenotdirectly linked to changesin underlyingprocess(vanGeert,1991).

A Model of Brain-Behavior Relationsfor Levels andTiers

For all but the last of the 13 levels (periodsof discontinuity), discon-tinuities in brain developmentseemto occur at agesthat are similar tothose in cognitive and emotional development;for the last period (atapproximately 25 years), there has beenlittle researchto assessbraingrowth.With so many parallels,the time seemsripe to begin to buildmodelsof brain-behaviorrelationsthatmay connectthe specific changesobtained.Although thereare only a few findingsrelevantto hypothesesaboutfunctionalbrainlocalizationof behavioraldiscontinuities,the dataaboutchangesin brainactivity do suggesta specific model of how cyclesof brain changemapontolevels,and tiers of skill development.

In our general framework, each level is hypothesizedto involveemergenceof a new type of neuralnetwork, and eachtier is hypoth-esizedto relateto somehigher-orderpatternin emergenceof the neuralnetworks,perhapsmarkedespeciallyby a changein frontal functioning.The mostrelevant findings comefrom the Swedishstudy of develop-ment of EEGpower(Hudspeth& Pribram,1992;Matousek& Petersen,1973) and from Thatcher’s(Chapter8, this volume) investigationofEEC coherenceas a measureof neuralconnectivity.Thesestudiescom-binewide agerangesandannualassessmentwith measurementof brainactivity.

A preliminarymodelconsistentwith thesedataincludestwo relatedgrowth processes:(1) for eachlevel of skill development,a growthcyclein networkconnectivity; and(2) for eachtier, a growthcycle in locationand extentof EEC activity, which is presumablyrelated to connectivitychangesaswell.

At eachskill level, the connectivity cycle involvesthreephasesofgrowth of networkconnectionsthat Thatcher(Chapter8, thisvolume)hypothesizes:Connectivitygrowsfirst in onehemisphere(right), then inthe other(left), andfinally in bothin parallel,andthen the cycle repeats.In general,connectivity in the right hemispherecontractsduring thecycle, moving from distantconnectionsto close ones(from integrationto differentiation, in Thatcher’sterms). Connectivity in the left hemi-sphereexpands,moving from close connectionsto distant ones(fromdifferentiationto integration).Discontinuitiesfor a newlevel of skill are

48 I. Theory and Method 1. Dynamic Developmentof Brain—BehaviorCoordination 49

predicted to co-occurwith each such cycle. Thatcher, in his analysis,startseachcycle with the left-hemispherephase;ashe recognizes,how-ever, the starting point could as well be the right-hemispherephaseorthe parallelphasebecausethe cycle repeats.For example,the sequence

( - . right) —+(left---~both—* right) —* (left —* both -# right) —>

(left —, both—* right) —> (left - . -

which is shownin Thatcher’sFigure 8.9, could aswell be demarcatedas

(right —+ left —, both) —.+ (right —+ left —> both) -

(right—i left --i both) -4 (right —* left . . - ).The latter demarcationappearsto fit the cognitive levelsmore closely.

Further researchwill be required to replicatethe cycle and deter-mine how it shouldbe demarcated,aswell as to determinewhetherthecyclescorrespondto skill levels.Thatcher’sdatafit the skill level agesingeneral,but if each level representsa single cycle of network connec-tions, the skill frameworkpredictsan additional cycle in the middlepre-schoolyears,detectionof which may requiremorethan oneassessmentperyear.In addition,extrapolatingthe modelsuggeststhatsimilar cycleswill occur a numberof timesin the first 2 yearsand at leasttwo addi-tional timesat laterages(approximately15—20 and20-25years).

Eachtier also must involve systematicmovementsin the extentandlocation of connectivity growth. One possibility is that the cycles ofchangein EECpowerthatwehaveshownabovein Figure 1.6 (basedonthe findings of Hudspeth& Pribram, 1992) reflect changesin tiers. Amodel of a possiblepatternfor tiers is shown in Table 1,2: The borderbetweentiers is markedby a frontal spurt, followed by spurts movinggenerally from back to front (with areasoften spurtingin clusters aswell). Justas onetier is endinganda new tier beginningin cognitiveandemotionaldevelopment(atabout I to 1½yearsfor the representationaltier and 9 years for the abstract tier), relative EEC power spurtsin thefrontal area.Thenwith the full start of the tier a little later, thereis anunusuallylargepowerspurt at the back (occipitoparietal),accompaniedas well by spurtsin other areas(at about 2 and 11 years,respectively).As children progressthrough the levels of each tier, maximal powergrowth graduallymovesfrom the occipitoparietalforward to the tempo-ral and centralareas.Next, at the border betweentiers, power growthjumpsbackto the frontal andthen the occipitoparietalareasto begin thecycle again.In addition, frontalpowersurgesat age19-20,perhapsindi-cating theendof the abstracttier andthe beginningof another.Extrapo-lation of the model predictsthat thepatternwill occurfor the reflex andsensorimotortiers as well, in which case the first signs of frontal fol-

TABLE 1.2. Model oi How Skill Levels in a Tier Relate to EEG Development

Hemisphere Front-to-back

Level Skill structurecoherence

cycle”power spurt


i. singlesets [A] or [B) Rightt



Frontal spurtl~


2. Mappings [A B] Rightif



Spurts overbroadarea,especiallytemporal

3. Systems [AF ~-, B~I Rightif




4. Systemsofsystems

f A~*—* B~1J S ILC~4—* D~j




Frontal spurtU


“L3asedonThatcher’sfindingsasdescribedin chapters,this volume,coherencechangescycle systematically throughthehemispheres.One cycleof thesechangesis hypothesizedtoinvolve movementthroughonedevelopmentallevel or stage.

tBasedon the analysesof HudspethandPribram(1992),John(1977),andMatousekandPeterstn(1973),PEG powerseemsto spurtin the frontal areaat theverybeginningof anewtier (emergenceof actions,representations,or abstractionsin Table1.1). Thenpowerspurtsoverbroadareasof the cortexfor eachlevel. Thehighest spurts for eachlevel tendto move frombackto front as achild developsthroughthefour levels.

lowed by occipitoparietalchangesshould occur at approximately3-4weeksand 3—4 months,respectively.Of course,thesetiers may involvevariationson the cycle.

ThedataanalyzedbyHudspethandPribram(1992) combineddatafrom the left andright hemispheres,andit wasthereforenotpossibletoanalyzehemisphericdifferences.According to Segalowitz (Chapter2,this volume),childrenbetween2 and5 yearsshowapproximatelysimul-taneousspurtsin right frontaland left posteriorcoherence.This findingsuggestsa more differentiatedversionof the model:The spurt in EEC

50 I. Theory and Method 511. DynamicDevelopmentof Brain—BehaviorCoordination

powerin the frontotemporalandoccipitoparietalareasat about 2 yearsmay in fact reflectright frontal andleft occipitoparietalgrowth.Ceneral-i.zed to the model,thatpatternshouldbe repeatedfor eachtier.

This model of brain-behaviorrelationsin developmentis obviouslyspeculative,andextensiveresearchwill berequiredto discoverwhereitworks andwhereit doesnot. In braindevelopmentresearch,theprimaryemphasis is usually placed on measurementof neuralfunctions, andassessmentsof behaviorare oftenextremelylimited, evenwhenbehavioris an explicit focus of investigation.Richer behavioralassessmentswillbe requiredfor strongresearchon developmentof brain and behaviortogether.Most studiesusea singlebehavioraltask,sometimeswith a fewparametricvariations,Psychologicaldevelopmentinvolves much morethanactionsin a singletask, it involvesa rich diversityof activities,widevariations in the forms of those activities,and powerful effects of emo-tions on thoseactivities,To facilitatedoing researchon theserich varia-tions, we briefly outline someof the ways that emotionsparticipateindevelopment,and thenpresentguidelinesfor doingstrongresearchonbrain-behaviordevelopment.

OrganizingEffects of Emotions

Descriptionsof cognitive-developmentalresearchoften readas if peopleare unemotional, logical problem solvers; in fact, of course, humanbeingsare distinguishednot only by their intelligencebut also by theiremotionality(Frijda, 1986;Hebb& Thompson,1968).Unlike manytra-ditional cognitive frameworks,the dynamicskills frameworktreatsemo-tions as a centralpart of developingcontrol systems.Variousexampleswe havegiven of skills illustrate how emotionsare part of the develop-ment of control systems,such as developmentof “nice” and “mean”interactions, interpersonalconceptsof the social lie and constructivecriticism, and conflictsaboutone’sown personality.Thepresentationinthis chapteris necessarilybrief, but the analysisof emotionaldevelop-ment is explicated in detail by Fischer,Shaver,and Carnochan(1989,1990).

An “emotion” (alsocalledan“affect”) involvesboth anevaluationofevents,people,or actionsanda reactionbasedon the evaluation(Barrett& Campos,1987; Lazarus, 1991). Examplesinclude happiness,love,fear, sadness,anger,shame,jealousy,andambivalence,for eachof whichpeoplemakea specific evaluationin termsof their needsthatproducesaspecific reaction.For instance,fear involvesanevaluationof dangerin asituationanda reactionof fleeingor protectingoneself.People’scontrolsystemslead to the emotional evaluation,and then the reaction pro-duced by the emotion redirects the system. Through this redirecting

influence,etnotionsfundamentallyshapethe ways that control systemsdevelop(Fischeret al., 1990).

Many studieshavedemonstrateddiscontinuitiesin emotionaldevel-opmentat the agesof cognitive discontinuitiesshownin Table 1.1. Forexample,separationdistressandotherfearsoftenspurt at about4 and8monthsof age(Camposet al., 1983;Lewis, 1993).At 18 to 24 months,thereis evidenceof anincreasein willfulness, tempertantrums,andfearof monsters,commonlycalled the “terrible twos.” The ageof 15 yearsseemsto bringanincreasein internalconflict aboutone’sown personal-ity, as well asperhapsconflicted feelingsaboutone’s family (Fischer&Lamborn, 1989; 1-larter & Monsour, 1992).The dynamic skills frame-work predictssimilar emotional discontinuitiesfor every generaldevel-opmentallevel.

One of the most common questionsthat researchershave askedabout theseemotional discontinuities(aswell as about cognition andemotionmoregenerally)is this: “Which comesfirst, cognitionor emotion?”(Lazarus, 1991; Zajonc, 1980). This question assumesthat thereareseparateprocessesof cognition and emotion in people’sbehaviorandthat onecan be a precursorto the other. In the skills framework, what

-developare control systems,which subsumebothknowledge/cognitionandemotion/affect.Thereare not separateboxesin the brain or in con-trol systemsfor cognition andemotion.Neither cognitionnor emotioncanbe a generalprecursorfor the other,although theremay be specificprecursorrelationsfor individualcomponentsof control systems.

Besidesindividual emotionssuchasshameandlove, thereis a broad,basic dimensionof evaluationunderlyingaffect—a division into positiveversusnegativeor approachversusavoidance,suchas “good” and“bad,”“yes” and“no,” “nice” and “mean,” “accept” and“reject,” “pleasant”and“unpleasant.”Researchin our laboratoryat Harvardhas demonstratedthat childrenfrom an early ageorganizetheir social understandingsinterms of this positive—negativesplit. For example,3-year-oldscategorizepeopleand their actionsas eithernice or mean,and they seenice andmeanas incompatible,evenwhen the actions they witnessedwere notsplit in this manner.

With developmentof morecomplexcontrol systems,childreneven-tually becomeable to bridge this split, understandinghow “nice” and“mean” (or otherpositive-negativesplits) can be dombinedin people’sactions,as illustrated by someof the examplesfrom our descriptionsofthe 13 developmentallevels (suchas “nice” and “mean” social reciproc-ity andconstructivecriticism). Still, the split into positiveançl negativeorapproachand avoidanceremainsa basicdimensionof the organizationof behaviorthroughoutlife. Even adultswho canbridgethe splitstill useconceptsof good andevil, for example. -

Brain activity research too shows that the positive—negative/

52 I. Theory and Method 1. DynamicDevelopmentof Brain—BehaviorCoordination 53

approach-avoidancesplit is pervasiveand fundamental,as describedin severalchaptersin this volume (Bell & Fox, Chapter 10; Dawson,Chapter11; Davidson,Chapter16).Electricalactivity in the frontal lobesshows an early, powerful differentiation along this dimension, whichremainsthroughoutchildhoodandinto adulthood,Createrfrontal activ-ity in the left hemisphererelatesto positiveor approachaffect, whereasgreater frontal activity in the right hemisphererelates to negativeoravoidanceaffect. There is somecontroversyabout whether “positive—negative” or “approach-avoidance”is thebettercharacterizationof thesefindings, and therehavebeensimilar controversiesin the literature ondimensionsof emotionalcategorization(Osgood,Suci, & Tannenbaum,1957). Forour purposes,the dimensioncan be definedeitherway. Theimportantpoint is that our frameworkfor analyzingdevelopmentolbrain—behaviorrelationsincludesemotionas centrallyas cognition, andthe generalargumentsmadeaboutcognitivedevelopmentapply as wellto emotional development.


The hypothesizedrelations betweendiscontinuities in developmentofbrainandbehaviorsuggestmany additionalavenuesfor research,but forthesestudiesto be useful,it is essentialthat they be designedto providesensitive assessmentsof developmentalfunctions for both brain andbehavior.The designsmost commonlyusedfor developmentalstudiesare typically not sensitiveenoughto allow comparisonof the shapesofdevelopmentor the timing of discontinuitiesin the two domains.Conse-quently, mostprior developmentalstudieshavenotprovided adequatedata for determiningthe shapesof developmentalfunctions or relatingthem acrossdomains.The samplingof agesandthe sensitivity of devel-opmentalscaleshavebeentoolimited.

Severalarticlesprovidegood,detailedreviews of specific methodsfor studying developmentaldiscontinuities (Fischer& Canfield, 1986;Fischer,Pipp, & Bullock, 1984;McCall, 1983;van derMaas& Molenaar,1992; van Ceert, 1991). Rather than repeatingdescriptions of thosemethods,we describea few simpleguidelinesfor designingstudiesthatovercomethe limitationsof mostprior developmentalresearch.

The fundamentalrequirementsof usefulmethodsfor detectingdis-continuitiesare Useof a good “clock” andagood “ruler.” A good clock isa way of measuringtime (or someother developmentaldimension)onscalesfine-grainedenoughto detectspeedof change.The clock canbeageor any othermeasurethat specifiesthe length of the interval duringwhich changetakesplace.

Despitethe obviousneed for sensitivemeasurementof the timedimension,most developmentalstudiesdo not sample agesfrequentlyenoughto detectdiscontinuities.There must be multiple assessmentsbefore,during,andafter the periodof the hypothesizeddiscontinuity, Ifdevelopmentallevelsare hypothesizedto developat, for example,3½to4½and 6 to 7 years, then detectionof the predicted discontinuitiesrequiresanagerangeof at least2½to 8 or 9 years,andbehaviormustbeassessedat leastevery 6 to 12 months.

One reasonwhy many studiescannotdetectdiscontinuitiesis thattheir samplingof agesis clustered;for example,all 7-year-oldsare clus-teredwithin 3 monthson eitherside of their birthdays.A simplechangeto distributedagesamplinggreatlyincreasessensitivity for developmen-tal assessment.In- cross-sectionalstudiesagescan beevenlydistributedacrossthe monthsof the year, making agea continuousvariable.Thisdistributeddesignallows straightforwarddetectionof discontinuities,aswe have demonstratedin several studies (Fischer, Pipp, & Bullock,1984;Kitcheneret al., 1993;Lambornet al,, in press).

The secondrequirementis a good ruler—a scale that is sensitiveto developmentalchange.The ruler can be any scale that providesan approximatelycontinuousmeasureof the variablehypothesizedtochange.Many measuresof brain growth are continuousvariables,suchas EEC power or synapticdensity,and so providegood rulers. On theotherhand,many traditionalcognitive-developmentalassessmentscon-sist of a singletaskor a few tasksthat do not makegoodrulers.A singletask will seldomprovide a good scale,becauseit producesa limitedsampleof behaviorandonly a singledatapoint.

The best cognitive assessmentstypically use either a set of tasksvarying in cognitive complexity and thus forming a developmentalscale,or a set of tasks of approximatelythe samecomplexity level andthusforming a scalefor numberof itemsat that level. Suchscalesareavailable for assessingdevelopmentin many domains(Fischer,Hand,Watson,et al., 1984;Rose,1990;Seibertet al., 1984;Uzgiris, 1983;vander Maas & Molenaar,1992; van Ceert, 1991), and dynamic skillstheoryprovidesrules and methodsfor constructingnew scalesin anywell-defineddomain.

Neuroscientistsoften preferto usea singletask,becausethen theycanexerciseprecisecontrol over it andparametricallymanipulateit. Inour experience,many researchersrefuseto considerthe useof multipletasks,andthuseliminatethepotentialpowertheycouldgain from usinga better developmentalruler. Indeed, the “multiple” ~asksin manydevelopmentalscalesare reallyvariationson a single task usedwithin anarrowly defined domain, such as searchfor hidden objects underscreens(Uzgiris & Hunt, 1975),in order to manipulatetask complexity

54 L Theoty and Method 1, Dynamic Development of Brain-Behavior Coonlinauon 55

parametricallyby introducingminorva~riationsin a singletask format. Asaresult,multiple tasksarereallyparam~zricmanipulationsin complexityof a singletask.

Thepowerof a studyfor detectingdiscontinuitiesandrelatingbrainand behavioral developmentis also greatly enhancedby samplingdomainsand assessmentconditions,Different domainsproducediffer-ent developmentalpatterns,andwithin the samedomain,different tasksand conditionsgeneratedifferent developmentalpatterns,Theseeffectsare amongthe best-documentedphenomenain developmentalresearch(Biggs & Collis, 1982;Fischer,1980;Flavell, 1982;Uzgiris, 1983). Perfor-mance in one task domain or one condition is not representativeofbehavioraldevelopmentin general,just asactivity in onepart of the cor-tex is notrepresentativeof brain activity or neurologicaldevelopmentingeneral.Although eachdevelopmentallevel does seemto produce acluster of discontinuities in many task domains and brain activftymeasures,thereis still greatspecificity. Likewise, assessmentconditionsoften havepowerful effectson growth curves,as illustratedby the occur-rence of cognitive discontinuities under optimal conditions but notunderordinary,spontaneousones(optimalvs. functional levels).

An accurategeneralportrait of brain and behavioraldevelopmentrequiresa sensitivemeasureof time or age,a sensitivescalefor change,and samplingof a rangeof domainsand assessmentconditions.Withthe framework we have suggestedfor predicting relations betweendiscontinuitiesin brain andbehavioraldevelopment,it is possibleto usetheseguidelinesto designpowerful studiesof brain—behaviorrelationsindevelopment.



As our sketch of the 13 developmentallevels indicates, each levelrequiresa new type of control systemto coordinatecomponentskills,andeachproducesa clusterof discontinuitiesin behavioralgrowth.Oursimplebraingrowth hypothesisis that eachof theselevelsis foundedina broad-basedbrain growth spurt,which producesa new type of neuralnetworkandthusa new type of controlsystem.The key new capacityateach level is the coordinationof componentsto form a morecomplexcontrol systemincorporatingprevious skills; a key cortical region forthat capacityfor mostlevels is probablythe frontal area,which seemstobe specializedfor holding information on line from various corticalregionswhile otheractivities occur.

The convergenceis remarkablebetweenthe agesof brain growth

spurtsevidentin bothEEC andheadgrowth findings reviewedearlier(asin Figures 1.1, 1.2, and1.7) and the agesof growth spurtsfor cogni-tive and emotionaldevelopments(summarizedin Table 1.1). Unfortu-nately,almostall relevantstudieshaveinvestigatedeitherbrain growthor behaviordevelopment,not both. There are hardly any studiesthatassessdevelopmentof bothbrain andbehaviorin the samepeople,andso the specific connectionsbetweenbrain growth discontinuitiesanddevelopmentallevels still havenot beentested.

Findings are most extensivefor the nine middle levels, becausetherehasbeenmuchmoreresearchfor the ageperiod from 3 monthsto20 years.For the threelevelshypothesizedfor the first 3 monthsof life,headgrowth dataseemto showdiscontinuitiesat thehypothesizedages;behavioraldata show the sortsof changesin skills that are expected,although they do not provide strong testsfor discontinuities.For thelevel hypothesizedfor about 25 yearsof age, publishedbrain growthdataare inadequateto permit a testof the levels,but for behaviorthereare a few studiesshowingcleardiscontinuitiesat the hypothesizedage.Theseperiodsare prime candidatesfor descriptiveresearchto test forthe predicteddevelopmentallevels,

For the nine levels where the evidenceis extensive, the apparentbrain—behaviorparallelsare only the beginning of the story. An impor-tant step in researchwill be to test thoroughlythe predictedparallelswhen brain and behavioral developmentare measuredin the samepeople(see Bell & Fox, Chapter10, thisvolume),but much morethanthat is required.It will be essentialto describethe neurologicalcompo-nentsthatcontributeto controlsystemsat eachdevelopmentallevelandto analyzehow thosecomponentswork togetherto producean emerg-ing level (seeThatcher,Chapter8, this volume),including their networkproperties.Wehavesuggesteda first simplemodel of how thesecompo-nentsmay developfor eachpsychologicallevel andtier in termsof EECpower and coherence.Much more researchandmodel building will benecessarybefore brain—behavior relations in developmentare under-stood.Undoubtedly,therewill be manysurprisesalong the way.


Preparationof this chapterwassupportedby a fellowship from the Centerfor Ad-vancedStudy in the Behavioral Sciencesfor Kurt W. Fischerand by grantsfromHarvardUniversity, theMacArthurNetwork on Early Childhood,and the SloanandSpencerFoundations.We thankDiane Beals,Daniel Bullock, Bonnie Camp,RobbieCase,GeraldineDawson,Eric Ftscher,JeromeKagan,KarenKitchener,PeterMolenaar,A. H. Partnelee,SandraPipp, Hanvan der Maas,RobertThatcher,Paul van Geert,and SheldonWhite for their contributionsto the conceptsand data presented.

56 I. Theoryand Method 1. Dynamic Developmentof Brain—BehaviorCoordination 57


1. Paul van Geertworkedcloselywith Fischerto constructthis model of hier-archical growth.

2. This effect variesstronglyunderdifferentassessmentconditions,For exam-ple, conditionsthat induceoptimal performanceproducegrowth curves like thosein Figures 1.4 and 1.5, but lessoptimal conditionsseemnot only to lower overallperformancebut also to changethe form of growth. For example,conditions thatassessfunctional level—thatis, ordinaiy performancewith little contextualsupport—typically produceslow, smoothgrowth, with no systematicdiscontinuities(Fischer,Bullock, et al,, 1993; Fischer & Pipp, 1984b). The dynamicmodel of hierarchicaldevelopmentproducesnot only thediscontinuouscurvesfor optimal level, but alsothe slow, smooth curves for functional level, The key variablesin producing thechangein shapeare the growth rate and the amountof supportbetweengrowers,both of which are high for discontinuouscurves andlow for continuouscurves.

3. Theseveraltransientdropsbelowzeroindicatesmalldecreasesin headcir-cumference.Thesedecreasesprobablyresult from samplingcharacteristicsof thiscross-sectionalsample,althoughslight decreasesarephysicallypossible in growthof individual children.


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