Voxel-Based Adaptive Spatio-Temporal Modelling of Perfusion Cardiovascular MRI

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Voxel-Based Adaptive Spatio-Temporal Modellingof Perfusion Cardiovascular MRI

Volker J Schmid

Abstract—Contrast enhanced myocardial perfusion magneticresonance imaging (MRI) is a promising technique, providinginsight into how reduced coronary flow affects the myocardialtissue. Stenosis in a coronary vessel leads to reduced myocardialblood flow, but collaterals may secure the blood supply of the my-ocardium, with altered tracer kinetics. Due to a low signal-to-noiseratio, quantitative analysis of the signal is typically difficult toachieve at the voxel level. Hence, analysis is often performedon measurements that are aggregated in predefined myocardialsegments, that ignore the variability in blood flow in each segment.The approach presented in this paper uses local spatial informa-tion that enables one to perform a robust analysis at the voxellevel. The spatial dependencies between local response curvesare modelled via a hierarchical Bayesian model. In the proposedframework, all local systems are analyzed simultaneously alongwith their dependencies, producing a more robust context-drivenestimation of local kinetics. Detailed validation on both simulatedand patient data is provided.

Index Terms—Bayes methods, cardiac imaging, hierarchicalmodelling, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), quantitative imageanalysis.


F IRST-PASS perfusion cardiovascular magnetic resonanceimaging (MRI) provides valuable insight into how coro-

nary artery and microvascular diseases affect myocardial tissue.It is commonly used with drug-induced stress to identify tissuewith restricted myocardial blood flow due to obstructive coro-nary lesions. Intra-coronary collaterals, i.e., arteries and arteri-oles, which interconnect major coronary artery branches, canfunction as natural bypass vessels in the myocardium. Hence,myocardial perfusion imaging plays a major role in the evalu-ation of ischaemic heart disease beyond situations where therehave already been gross myocardial damages such as acute in-farction or scarring [1]. It allows the understanding of micro-cir-culation in the myocardial tissue and myocardial angiogenesis[2].Analysis of myocardial perfusion MRI is typically performed

via deconvolution of the myocardial signal response with an ar-terial input function (AIF) measured in the left ventricular (LV)

Manuscript received September 30, 2010; revised January 21, 2011; acceptedJanuary 21, 2011. Date of publication February 04, 2011; date of current ver-sion June 29, 2011. This work was supported by the LMU innovative projectBioMed-S: Analysis and Modelling of Complex Systems.The author is with the Bioimaging Group, Department of Statistics, Ludwig-

Maximilians-University Munich, 80539 Munich, Germany.Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online

at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMI.2011.2109733

blood pool. Due to low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), standarddeconvolution algorithms tend do be unstable for this problem.One approach to solve this problem is to increase the SNR byaggregating data in predefined regions of interest. A standardtechnique is to use myocardial segments. A standardized defini-tion of myocardial segments was given by the Cardiac ImagingCommittee of the Council on Clinical Cardiology of the Amer-ican Heart Association [3]. However, by aggregating data onsegment level, information on local variability of perfusion islost.Voxel level deconvolution of the signal and input function

is not possible without further constraints. For example, Gold-stein et al. [4] made assumptions on the shape of residue curvesin order to gain more robust estimates of maximum blood flow(MBF). Jerosch-Herold et al. [5] proposed a model-free anal-ysis, where the impulse response function is assumed to be aunknown smooth function, i.e., is modelled by a B-spline. Thenumerical stability is improved by assuming a smoothness con-straint or penalty on the spline parameters, an approach which isalso known as penalty splines or P-splines [6]. Jerosch-Heroldet al. determined the optimal value of the smoothing parameterwith the L-curve method [7], however, this can also be doneusing cross validation [8] or in a Bayesian framework [9]. How-ever, the algorithm proposed in [5] is still only feasible for dataaggregated in segments or other regions of interest.Instead of using a fixed smoothing parameter, we propose

to allow time-varying smoothing for a more flexible shape ofthe response function. In order to keep numerical stability, weuse a stricter penalty, i.e., second-order differences instead offirst-order differences. Time varying smoothing means that avector of smoothing weights has to be estimated. This is onlyfeasible in a Bayesian framework, where the smoothing weightscan be estimated simultaneously along with the B-spline pa-rameters. Due to the flexibility of the adaptive approach indealing with rapid changes in the response function BayesianP-splines have received recent attention in both dynamic con-trast-enhancedMRI (DCE-MRI) [10] and myocardial perfusionMRI [11].However, our results show that this approach in general is still

not numerically stable for a voxel-by-voxel analysis. Hence, wepropose to introduce spatial information into the deconvolutionalgorithm. Spatial information is inherent in images and is fre-quently used in image processing for de-noising or segmenta-tion [12]. Recently, it has been also exploited for dynamic med-ical images, e.g., in functional MRI [13]–[15], ultrasound perfu-sion imaging [16], DCE-MRI [17], and diffusion tensor imaging[18]. For perfusion cardiovascular MRI a spatial approach wasalso proposed previously, however, not on voxel level, but at themyocardial segment level [19].

0278-0062/$26.00 © 2011 IEEE


The assumption in these approaches is that the voxel gridis arbitrary and has no physical meaning. That is, adjacentvoxel have similar tissue. One standard approach to modelsuch spatial information is the Gaussian Markov randomfields (GMRFs) [20]. GMRFs are defined by specifying localneighborhoods, from which a global network of dependencyis derived. This allows the algorithm to “borrow strength”from adjacent voxels for parameter estimation. Compared toan independent voxel-by-voxel analysis additional informationcan be used and, hence, a more robust estimation is derived.However, the assumption of smoothness may not always be

correct. Typical medical images have some regions where tissueintensity surface “is smooth,” i.e., the intensities are homoge-neous, in our example well-perfused healthy tissue. There are,however, also structural boundaries and regions with other dis-tinct features, for example the edge between healthy and dis-eased tissue. Therefore, edge-preserving algorithms are neces-sary for medical images.We adopt the idea of time-varying smoothing for spatial struc-

tures. That is, we use a locally adaptive smoothing approach [9],[17]. Spatial smoothing weights will be estimated from the data.Again, by using the Bayesian framework, estimation of spatialsmoothing weights will be done simultaneously with the esti-mation of B-spline parameters, and the time-varying smoothingweights. Due to the high number of parameters, the only feasibleway for optimization is a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)algorithm.This paper proposes a spatio-temporal model, which allows

robust quantitative analysis of perfusion cardiovascular MRI onvoxel level. We will present the local B-spline model adaptedfrom [5], time-varying and adaptive spatial smoothing and thecombination of these ideas, which we call the adaptive spatio-temporal model. The proposed model will be evaluated on sim-ulated data and an in vivo data set. We will describe how esti-mates of MBF can be derived from the MCMC results and howthe full Bayesian framework can help to assess the accuracy ofparameter estimation. Results for the evaluation on simulatedand in vivo data will be given in Section III, followed by a dis-cussion.


A. Local B-Spline Model

In each voxel , the observed signal intensity at time isthe unknown true signal intensity plus an observation error. We assume a Gaussian observation error with variance


where is the Gaussian distribution. In the Bayesian frame-work, we use a relatively flat prior for the unknown varianceof the observation error, for all , with ,

, where is the inverse Gamma distribution.In general, the true signal intensity is the convolution of the

AIF , i.e., the mean signal intensity in the LV blood pool,and a response function [2]


After discretization at time points


where represents the sampling interval of the dynamic se-ries and the matrix is a convolutionoperator [5]. We assume the response to be a smooth functionand use a B-spline representation for


where is a design matrix of fourth-order B-splines,represents the spline regression parameter vector for voxel ,

and is the number of basis splines. In vector notation, (3) and(4) are reduced to


where is the discrete convolution of the AIF with theB-spline polynomials. Hence, the local model for voxel maybe written as


B. Temporal Constraints

A typical constraint on is a first or second order differencein the temporal dimension [5], [10]. In a Bayesian framework,this constraint is expressed as an a priori distribution [21]. Thisis also known as a “random walk” prior. We use second-orderdifferences


with a time-varying smoothing parameter. In contrast to tra-ditional approaches, the smoothing parameter is specific foreach difference. In total, we have time-varying smoothingparameters.The joint a priori distribution of can be

expressed as


where is the multivariate Gaussian distribution of dimen-sion , and denotes the “precision matrix” (pseudo-inverseof the covariance matrix) of the random walk. The precisionmatrix includes the time-varying smoothness parameters. For apriori distribution for the time-varying smoothness parameterswe use independent Inverse Gamma distributions [9]

with parameters . This implies a smooth, but flexibleshape of the response function.

C. Spatio-Temporal Constraints

The approach described in the previous section can be used toanalyze data on voxel-by-voxel level, but it can also be used toanalyze data aggregated in myocardial segments. We will now


explore a way to add spatial information to the local penalizedB-spline model.We assume that adjacent voxel share tissue, and, hence,

their response functions have similar shapes. We account forcases where adjacent voxels do not have a similar responsefunction—due to an “edge” in the tissue—by estimating locallyadaptive smoothing weights along with the response function.We use a GMRF as a stochastic constraint on the spline regres-sion parameters of adjacent voxels.A GMRF is defined by the probability density function (pdf)

of parameter given the parameters of its “neighbourhood”, i.e., all voxel adjacent to . The conditional (pdf) is


for each . Due to the relatively large gaps between slicesin myocardial perfusion MRI we define neighbourhoods onlywithin a slice.Similar to adaptive temporal smoothing using penalized

splines, there is no global smoothing weight, but spatiallyadaptive smoothing weights. A spatial smoothing parameter

is used for each pair of adjacent voxel and quan-tifies the similarity of the response functions of both voxel.A low value of indicates large differences in the shapeof the response functions of voxel and , hence, an edgebetween and . A priori, the similarity between voxels isunknown. Hence, we estimate simultaneously along withthe response functions. In the Bayesian framework this is doneby specifying a prior distribution. Here, we use independentGamma distributions [9]

with hyper parameters .The joint a priori distribution of the spatial constraint per knotis


where is the precision matrix of a Gaussian Markov randomfield [20] including the spatial distribution parameters . Wenow have to combine the a priori constraints in (8) and (10).This can be done via the Kroneckermatrix sum of both precisionmatrices [22]. That is, the joint prior of is


where is the identity matrix with dimension andis the Kronecker matrix product.

D. Bayesian Results

For parameter estimation, we use a full Bayesian framework.That is, we draw conclusions only from the joint posterior pdf

given by Bayes’ formula

where is the likelihood of the data given the modelparameters, see (6), is the prior pdf of the splineregression parameters as specified in (11), is the prior pdfof the variance of the observation error, and and arethe prior pdf of the time-varying and the locally adaptive spatialsmoothing parameters, resp.Parameter inference is based on an MCMC algorithm [23]

which produces a random sample whose distribution is equal tothe posterior pdf. From these samples, we can compute pointestimates along with intervals to evaluate the uncertainty of theestimates. Here, we use the median of the posterior pdf as pointestimates and the interquartile range ( ) of the computedsample in order to quantify the uncertainty in parameter estima-tion. The quartile range is defined as


where is the -quantile of the sample .In the MCMC algorithm , , and can be updated using

Gibbs steps. That is, values are updated by drawing a randomnumber from the respective full conditional distribution; a mul-tivariate Gaussian distribution for , and independent Gammadistributions for , and . We use efficient algorithms forsampling frommultivariate Gaussians with sparse precisionma-trices [20], using the Matrix package [24] in the statistical soft-ware R [25]. The adaptive spatial smoothing weight can,however, only be updated by a Metropolis–Hastings step, asthe full conditional distribution of a single actually includesthe product of the non-negative eigenvalues of the matrix .Brezger et al. [9] developed an algorithm for efficient sam-pling of spatial adaptive GMRF with independent identical dis-tributed priors for an application in functional MRI. We use thisalgorithm to update the spatial smoothing weights and refer to[9] for further reading.

E. Simulation Studies

For numerical validation, a set of myocardial perfusion im-ages was simulated. To gain realistic simulations, we extractedresponse functions in a scan under stress from a patient withreduced perfusion in the lateral segments of all slices, i.e.,in the area of the left circumflex coronary artery (LCX), andslightly reduced perfusion in the basal inferoseptal, basal, andmid-inferior segments. From the extracted response functionsand the observed input function, we simulated voxel-wisesignal as follows.For simulation A, we smoothed the response functions de-

rived above in order to suppress noise, see top left of Fig. 1.Here, we assume that perfusion, i.e., MBF is spatially smooth.Afterwards, white noise was added to the signal in each voxelat four levels ( , 3, 2.12, 1.5).For simulation B, standard myocardial segments were used.

Response functions derived above were averaged per segment.The averaged segment response function was then assigned toeach voxel in the segment, see top left of Fig. 2. We assumethat the myocardial perfusion is equal for each voxel within asegment. Again, white noise was added at four levels to thesimulated signal ( , 3, 2.12, 1.5).


Fig. 1. Top row: True and estimatedMBF values for one simulation run ( ) of simulation A. Bottom row: of estimatedMBF for all three approaches.



Each simulation was repeated 50 times to evaluate the re-liability of the proposed approach. To evaluate the simulationstudies, for each simulated data set we compare true and es-timated MBF derived by the approaches mentioned above viathe mean squared error (MSE). For the segment approach, esti-mated MBF values per segment where assigned to each voxelin a segment. The MSE was computed as

with the true MBF value in voxel , the esti-mated MBF value, and the number of all voxel of all threeslices. Afterwards, the MSE values of all 50 simulations weresummarized by median and standard deviation.

F. In Vivo Data Acquisition

For in vivo evaluation, MRI perfusion data from six patientswith coronary artery disease was used. A dual sequence ap-proach was used to estimate the signal in the myocardium andin the LV blood pool accurately [26]. The images were acquiredwith a 0.1 mmol/kg injection of a Gadolinium-based contrastagent on a 1.5-T Siemens Sonata scanner with single-shotFLASH with 48 64 voxel resolution on a 30 40 cmfield-of-view (FOV) with a short saturation recovery time of3.4 ms, ms, ms for measurement of theLV blood pool, followed by measurement in the same cardiaccycles with a 108 256 voxel resolution on the same FOV witha longer saturation recovery time of 63.4 ms, ms,

ms for measurement of the LV myocardium. Eachsubject was scanned once under rest, followed by a scan afterinjection of 140 of adenosine for 4 min, i.e., under

stress [2]. For the myocardial signal, the regions of interest(ROI) were drawn by an expert radiologist. The ROIs weremoved manually to follow any in-plane respiratory motion.


A. Simulation Study A

Table I lists the MSE of estimated voxel-wise MBF valuesfor the segment, the voxel-by-voxel, and the proposed spatio-temporal approach. For all simulations, the MSE is noticeablylower for the spatio-temporal approach compared with both thevoxel-by-voxel and the segment approach. To explore the re-liability of the different approaches the variance of the MSEin the 50 simulations is also given in Table I. The MSE natu-rally depends on the SNR, a lower SNR leads to a higher MSE.The highest MSE can be seen for the segment analysis and thevariance of MSE is quite high, which indicates a low reliabilityof the estimation. The MSE for the voxel-by-voxel analysis isroughly ten times greater than the MSE of the spatio-temporalapproach.Fig. 1 depicts the true MBF values used in the simulation

and the values estimated by the different approaches for oneof the simulation runs with . In order to depict re-sults acquired on voxel level we use a nested method similarto the bullseye representation for results on segment level [3].The basal slice is depicted on the outside and the apical sliceon the inside of the mid-slice. Here, MBF values are underesti-mated by the voxel-by-voxel and the segment approach, whichpartially explains the higher MSE seen above. In particular,areas with higher true MBF values are underestimated by the


Fig. 2. Top row: True and estimatedMBF values for one simulation run ( ) of simulation B. Bottom row: of estimatedMBF for all three approaches.




voxel-by-voxel and the segment approach, for example in themid-left anterior descending and right coronary artery segments.The interquartile range , as a measure of the uncertainty

of MBF estimation, is also shown in Fig. 1. For the segmentapproach the and, hence, the uncertainty is generally low,as the segment approach aggregates data. However, the israther high for three segments. The for the spatio-temporalapproach is relatively low compared to the voxel-by-voxel ap-proach, due to the use of information from adjacent voxel.

B. Simulation Study B

Fig. 2 depicts the true MBF values used in simulation B andthe values estimated by the different approaches. This simula-tion assumes edges in theMBF profile. Although the spatio-tem-poral approach uses a smoothing technique, due to its adaptive-ness the method is able to retain the edges in the MBF map.The edges can also be seen from the voxel-by-voxel MBF map,but with higher variability in the segments. Similar to simula-tion A, a slight underestimation of MBF values can be seen forthe voxel-by-voxel and the segment approach. The is alsoshown in Fig. 2, and the results are similar to the results in sim-ulation A. The is clearly reduced by the spatio-temporalapproach compared to the voxel-by-voxel method, and the

for the segment technique is in general rather low, but quite highfor four segments.Table II lists the MSE of MBF estimation for the different

levels of SNR. As above, the highest MSE can be seen for thesegment estimation and the lowest MSE for the spatio-temporalapproach. MSE is also higher for lower SNRs. The reliability,measured by the standard deviation, is similar to the reliabilityin simulation A.

C. In Vivo Study

The proposed approaches were evaluated on six patients withdifferent types of stenosis with scans at rest and under stress.Table III lists the correlation (Spearman’s coefficient) of MBFvalues per voxel estimated by the three different approaches forall scans. For the segment approach, the segment MBF was as-signed to each voxel in the segment. MBF estimates acquiredby the voxel-by-voxel and the spatio-temporal approach gener-ally show a high correlation; for eight scans the correlation ex-ceeds 0.7. Correlations between spatio-temporal and segmentapproach are typically lower compared with voxel-by-voxel/spatio-temporal correlations, but higher than correlations be-tween voxel-by-voxel and segment approaches. The latter arenoticeably low and do not exceed 0.592.



Fig. 3. Top row: Estimated MBF values for scan under stress of patient 3. Bottom row: Length of quartile range ( ) of estimated MBF.

Table IV lists the median of estimated MBF values. Forthe scans under stress, values are in general increasingfrom spatio-temporal approach to voxel-by-voxel and to seg-ment approach. For the scans at rest, for two scans each, oneof the methods has the lowest . The values of thespatio-temporal approach are similar for all scans; they covera range of 0.181–0.347. The range of median values is0.166–1.983 for the voxel-by-voxel method and 0.095–2.751for the segment approach.For patient 3, Fig. 3 depicts estimated MBF values along with

the values for the scan under stress. Voxel-by-voxel andspatio-temporal analysis both show a perfusion defect in theLCX area of all slices. The segment approach, however, over-estimates the blood flow in this area. In the basal inferolateralsegment the MBFmaps estimated by the voxel-by-voxel and bythe spatio-temporal approach indicate that the region of interestwas not drawn properly for this segment and a couple of voxelsactually belong to the LV blood pool. The segment approachcannot account for that and the MBF in this segment is overes-timated. The values for the voxel-by-voxel method in gen-eral exceed the values for the spatio-temporal approach.In comparison, the values for the segment approach arelow for some of the segments and high for the others; the latteris in particular true for segments where the voxel-by-voxel andspatio-temporal methods show variability in MBF.

Fig. 4 depicts MBF maps and maps for the scan at restof patient 3. Here, voxel-by-voxel and spatio-temporal approachsuggest blood flow is more or less similar for all areas in a slice,with increasing blood flow towards the apical slice. In contrastthe segment approach shows noticeably high MBF values insome segments. The map however shows, that the MBFestimate in these segments has rather high uncertainty, i.e., ahigh . The voxel-by-voxel map shows some voxelwith higher , in particular at the edges of the myocardialtissue. The of the spatio-temporal method is relatively lowin all voxel.As additional feature, the local smoothing parameters

can be mapped [17]. Fig. 5 depicts the estimated smoothingweights for the scan under stress of patient 3. The smoothingparameter is noticeably reduced towards the epicardium and en-docardium, which is to be expected. Unlike [17] we do not havea large plane ROI. Rather the number of adjacent voxel is lowtowards epicardium and endocardium, so even a relatively lowvalue of has a larger influence on an epicardial or endocar-dial voxel . The map shows regions where smoothing is locallyreduced, for example in the inferolateral region where we as-sume a blood pool voxel in the ROI, or in the anterior regionwhere defected and well-perfused tissue are adjacent.Fig. 6 depicts MBF maps estimated by the spatio-temporal

approach for the scans under stress of all other patients. All pa-tients in this study had perfusion defects. For example, for pa-


Fig. 4. Top row: Estimated MBF values for scan at rest of patient 3. Bottom row: Length of quartile range ( ) of estimated MBF.

Fig. 5. Estimated local adaptive smoothing weights for basal slice ofscan under stress of patient 3.

tient 5 reduced perfusion can be seen in the LCX area of thebasal and mid-slice. For patient 2, however, perfusion is gen-erally reduced for all areas. With the spatio-temporal approach,MBF maps can be derived in a robust way for all patients.


In myocardial perfusion imaging, a voxel-by-voxel estima-tion procedure is susceptible to noise in the signal, and, hence,can be numerically unstable. In order to gain a numericallystable estimation technique, one has to introduce constraints.One possibility is to assume a certain shape of the residuecurve [4], [27]. However, the kinetic processes in the tissue,and, hence, the shape of the residue curve, are not fully known.An alternative approach is to assume a smooth residue curve,modeled by a penalized B-spline [5]. Here, a constraint on thesmoothness of the curve is introduced by penalizing the differ-ences of the B-spline regression parameters. However, this is arather weak constraint and has originally only been proposed

Fig. 6. MBF maps for scans under stress for all patients (except for patient 3,who is shown in Fig. 3) estimated by spatio-temporal approach.

for the analysis at the segment level. By introducing an addi-tional spatial penalty on the B-spline regression parameter, wegain a robust algorithm for MBF estimation at the voxel level.The local B-spline model described in Sections II-A and

II-B is similar to the model-free approach proposed byJerosch–Herold et al. [5], however, it is formulated in aBayesian framework. As Fahrmeir et al. [28] point out, pointestimates are identical whether the regularization is formulatedusing a prior distribution or with a penalty. However, thereare two differences in our approach compared to [5]. We usesecond-order differences, which implies slightly smoothercurves, and we apply time-varying smoothing, which accom-modates rapid changes in the response function.We have presented a spatio-temporal model for a robust

quantitative analysis of myocardial first-pass perfusion MRIscans. The proposed model combines temporal smoothingconstraints with spatial information available from images.The proposed method combines the advantages of the two


alternative approaches explored in this paper: Similar to thevoxel-by-voxel method it provides MBF estimates per voxel,and, hence, is able to pick up local variance in perfusion.However, MBF estimates are more robust as, similar to thesegment approach, information is spatially pooled.Simulation results indicate that by averaging the signal per

segment, one not only loses information on local micro-circu-lation, but also encourages under estimation of the blood flow.This is even more important in cases where there is high vari-ability in blood flow in a segment, and even when the bloodflow variability is low within a segment, inaccurate segmenta-tion may perturb the result. Small errors in the segmentationprocess may “contaminate” the average signal per segment witheither blood pool voxels or surrounding tissue and lead to biasedestimates. Analysis at the voxel level does not suffer from seg-mentation problems and specific voxel that are not part of themyocardial tissue can be identified.We used a Bayesian framework for all approaches, which al-

lows one to quantify the uncertainty in MBF estimation. TheBayesian MCMC algorithm provides a posterior pdf for eachMBF parameter. From this, not only point estimates for MBFcan be computed (we used the median throughout this paper),but also interval estimators or even statistical tests are avail-able. Here, we used the length of the interquartile range ( )to quantify the uncertainty. It is well known that MCMC al-gorithms have relatively long computation times. By using ef-ficient algorithms, parameter estimation in the spatio-temporalmodel takes three to five minutes for a single slice, dependingon the number of voxels. Using simple computation paralleliza-tion, the complete analysis may be performed in approximatelysix to seven minutes on a standard quad-core PC.Both in the simulations and in the in vivo data sets the

for MBF estimates from the spatio-temporal approach was rel-atively low, and it was similar over all scans, whereas thehad higher variability for both the segment and voxel-by-voxelapproach. That is, the estimates gained from the spatio-temporalapproach are much more stable and the approach is more ro-bust. The segment approach typically produces stable estimatesonly if the perfusion is similar throughout the segment. In caseswhere only parts of a segment are affected by a perfusion defect,the segment approach has high uncertainty in MBF estimation.For the voxel-by-voxel approach the showed high vari-ability, as the performance of this estimation procedure stronglydepends on the noise in the signal.An important feature of the proposed spatio-temporal ap-

proach is the neighbourhood structure. Assuming a globalspatial smoothness is not appropriate for medical images.Locally adaptive smoothing allows one to retain sharp featuresand borders of myocardial tissue areas, e.g., between segments.Adaptive estimation of local smoothing parameters can, how-ever, only be done in a Bayesian framework. The benefits fromsuch a framework include the fact that the local smoothingparameters can be mapped and information about edges in thetissue can be derived from such a map.Here, motion correction was done manually. For clinical

practice, an automatic registration step for correcting motionshould be added as a preprocessing step, e.g., [29], [30]. Auto-matic registration methods could also be used to register scans

at rest and under stress. From this, the myocardial perfusionreserve, given as the ratio of MBF under stress and MBF atrest, can be computed.In summary, an analysis of myocardial perfusion MRI at the

voxel level can provide additional information to the standardsegment analysis used in first-pass perfusion cardiovascularMRI. The insight into local differences in the impulse re-sponse function may provide further information about theblood supply of the myocardial tissue and enhance the clinicalvalue of perfusion cardiovascular MRI. By including spatialinformation and, hence, “borrowing strength” from adjacentvoxel, the proposed spatio-temporal approach allows a morerobust assessment of myocardial blood flow at the voxel level.In this paper, we explored the feasibility of such an approach.Additional clinical studies comparing the results of the pro-posed approach with accepted clinical standards should beperformed to further explore the practical clinical value of thismethodology.


In vivo data were graciously provided by P. Gatehouse,Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Unit, Royal BromptonHospital, London, U.K. The author would like to thank thereviewers for their critical and helpful comments.

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