Vulcan Civic Center

Post on 23-Jul-2016

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Alberta civic center saves time with Viega ProPress®


Alberta civic center saves time with Viega ProPress®

Founded in 1910, the town of Vulcan, Alberta was named by a surveyor who enjoyed Roman mythology. Vulcan’s civic center has an outdoor, seasonal pool that needed to be retro� tted and Boulder Hydronics and Climate Control of Lethbridge, Alberta contracted to do the work.

Tim Hilgartner of Boulder Hydronics has been in the heating industry for nearly 15 years.

“The civic center’s boilers were old,” Hilgartner said, “and they wanted to get more ef� cient essentially.”

Boulder Hydronics installed around 500 Viega ProPress � ttings, ranging in size from 3⁄4" to 4", at the civic center. The piping runs from the boilers to a heat exchanger that heats the Vulcan civic center’s pool.

“It wasn’t just the pool, though,” Hilgartner said. “We also did all the heating in the building with Viega ProPress and the potable water too. We took out the old hot water tank, basically anything in that room, and we redesigned it and moved a lot of stuff around.”

Boulder Hydronics decided to install Viega ProPress mainly because of the time savings it offered. Hilgartner had heard of Viega ProPress before the Vulcan civic center pool project, however.

“Through advertising and research and seeing it around,” Hilgartner said, “I wondered what it would be like to use. Now, we know there’s no comparison.”

Hilgarter reported that there were no dif� culties with the installation. Viega ProPress was easy to install and, months afterward, the whole system seems to be working well.

“We don’t have to worry about leaks with Viega ProPress,” Hilgartner said. “With soldering, you’re never really sure. You can’t really tell right

CUSTOMER: Vulcan Civic Center

APPLICATION: Pool heating system, boiler and potable water

LOCATION: Vulcan, Alberta

CONTRACTOR: Boulder Hydronics and Climate Control

With prep and � ttings, it’s about half an hour per joint. Using Viega ProPress, you can do it in under 30 seconds. And your hands are clean!

“you can do it in under 30 seconds. And your hands are clean!”

©2014 Viega LLC

away. There’s so much prep with solder and you have to work with � ux. I hate working with � ux now after using Viega ProPress.”

Hilgartner estimated that using conventional soldering methods would have easily added an extra week to their timetable. Using only Viega ProPress, Boulder Hydronics completed the project in a month.

“We timed soldering 4" � ttings,” Hilgartner said. “With prep and � ttings, it’s about half an hour per joint. Using Viega ProPress, you can do it in under 30 seconds. And your hands are clean!”

Boulder Hydronics felt that Viega ProPress made a big difference in their ability to work ef� ciently and effectively. They have already started another project using Viega ProPressG for an apartment block gas line.

“We’re debating about carrying mostly Viega ProPress now,” Hilgartner said. “It seems like every time we have to solder now, it’s just a pain.”

Boulder Hydronics feels that Viega ProPress made the difference in the Vulcan civic center pool project.

“Viega ProPress helps you speed up projects and get more work done in a shorter amount of time,” Hilgartner said. “That’s two weeks you could have been on another job.”

Hilgartner reported that he was immensely pleased with Viega ProPress.

“I think it’s a great innovative product,” he said. “It’s a nice system. I’m really happy with it. I’d really like to switch over and start using it exclusively and get away from soldering. It would be ideal for us.”

For more information on Viega products, visit, or call toll free: 800-976-9819.