W A S T E ! By, Viktoria Purszky

Post on 29-Jan-2016

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W A S T E ! By, Viktoria Purszky. W H A T I S W A S T E ?. Items which people no longer have any use for Items which people discard due to hazerdous properties The largest component of waste is paper!. W H Y S O M U C H W A S T E ?. For an increasment of population - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


W A S T E !By, Viktoria Purszky

W H A T I S W A S T E ?

Items which people no longer have any use for

Items which people discard due to hazerdous properties

The largest component of waste is paper!

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W H Y S O M U C H W A S T E ?

For an increasment of population

An increased material standard of living

The packaging of food/other products

S E W A G E ! The form of waste

that we create most frequently

Removes in various ways:

Primary Treatment, Secondary Treatment, Tertiary Treatment

L A N D F I L L S ! A site for the

disposal of waste

Open dumps are a threat to the environment

Engineered landfills provide safety

I N C I N E R A T I O N ! A disposal method that

involves combustion of waste material

Incineration has some advantages

However the disadvantage is, Incinerators contribute to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

I S S U E S I N V A N C O U V E R !

Vancouver garbage workers have gone on strike

Landfill station closed due to dispute

Many residents have taken matters into their own hands

R E C Y C L I N G ! Involves seperating the

different elements of garbage

Allows useful materials to be collected and reused

Provides many advantages

The easiest way to increase recycling is to stop the waste before it starts!

H A Z A R D O U S W A S T E S ! Wastes which pose a

particular threat to health or the environment

Some materials are highly flammable, and some are corrosive or radioactive

Main sources of hazardous wastes are industrial and domestic toxins and wastes

There is a danger in disposing of these wastes in normal landfill sites

D E V E L O P I N G C O U N T R I E S – A D U M P I N G G R O U N D ?

Before 1988, African countries were paid to have toxic wastes disposed of in their territories

No care was taken while disposing of wastes

Pesticides have also been exported to developing countries

H O W C A N W E S T O P W A S T E ?


Choose products with little or no packaging

Use rechargable batteries

Bring your own bags to the shop

Buying your goods in bulk

Buy refillable bottles or packets