w. • l'sq. - Unisa

Post on 05-Jan-2022

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tJn/·,.....,VINGS AT 1 '8 KGOTLAI 0.11 .55.

AO UnS Chtet Tah kedl Oll!ll:ln ond Tr1be . Capt . llettelton n.l!. T • Rev . J. H. L. ll\IrJIS E . C. Parr, sq. , J . .. . ;royce, sq • • w. • olntoah, l'sq . ,

The R ~ . BU1'1lS otters a prayer .


Thts me t1l:lg has b en convened by

all4 not by the UIlS1atrate . I have however aske

him to be pr sent so t at he cnn honr what I II y .

I oould Ilpeflk to h1ll1 at his orne. but 1 h ve

thoUCht 1t botter tor me to speak betore you all .

Tho VIlli to people 1Ih you II e here I have ssked

to attend as live togo hf'r in this oountry.

Tho subjeot I going to deal wIth to4cy is the

laws whioh ave b en de by the Gover nt . I

haw been y for sott days on the dootor's

advice Iiltho pe~onoilY I tho~t I W ble

to walk about . DUrllll:: my absence the attaira

'Went ahead and dld not wait tOT my return, but

I ahall start tram were I left ott .

t etUlG 'WhIch 1 had wi you

in the E:(;otla wos th on in .h10J~ e sent II.

petition to the KinG asking t nt th we 1 II

Ie 1 was f1 t K&!JlY8 I

rece1Tttd n lett ~ trolll the Re81dent Com1 saioner

which reads aa tollOl'l'S (Almexure A) .

After raceIvlna tn1e ~ettor I Bot

another IS e while I was still ill . e

mes B6e Wall that representatlvc8 shouJ.4 be ent

to •••• /

to Pretoria to listen to the Uigh Co~sslon 1"8

lnatruotions . These people delivered their

(lssage to en ~ ~lclr return dlu-ing y absenoe .

I continued to bo ewsy ~or some time a~tor their

arrival and after the C8l)tlng whlch VialS held In

the Xgotla tor the Purl~S$ o~ delivering the HiBb

C=lssicner' s instructions . Ju.s"t before IlI1

return I reoeived a letter in oonnection with the

Proolamatlons under dls0ussion; there we.a a second

lettor wr1tten to me after my return to IlI1 duties ,

thts letter amplified the easace oontai d in the

first . I read the seoond. letter (Annexure B) .

As you know I am one lIho Bpellka at great

length, and u!tht. 18 a very 1tiporte.nt etlng I

1I'OUld ask: you to listen to "hat I alll goIng to say.

'!'he 1.tters that h vo b en road over to you are not

a commencement 01' VJb.at I 1fish to say today. but I

r ad them out only to atf.ll't ere I le~t oU before

I went away on elok-leave . hile I WII3 111 I beard

tb.e.t the !'.ac1atrate apom to you, aDd I aleo beard

what you said because 'the strate ve e a

written r port of the proce dings . I also ath red

infol'r..ation t'l'om these he w~ left in charse at the

af~a1rs c:t the triblJ .

I am very much surprised at the way in

whioh our GoverDJllent has taken up the question 01'

these Imm. I do not wish to eo 1Dto the III!IrltB

ot th provisions Cit the laws . bat 18 beir16

ex"acted of WI today 18 thnt the Ivms Mould be

put into toroe . 'hat 1. why I any I shall not go

into the r1ta 01 the law, but I w111 recap1'ul.ate

the ataees by which the roolamattoll.l'l flere broU(;;ht

into toroo .

I remember that th1s law 1!SB broUGbt to

our ••• /

'- 3 .

our notioe in 1'1138 . All t.he t.rlb s of t. •

Proteotorate were c lIed to t ut afe ins.

,.e VIer 100 sen' for . It w s not a tlCllting

oonvened for t.he Chiefs but. the tribes ttended .

At. th1s me t.ing whioh took place on t ., 18th

Nove,~b()r 1932. the li.esident Corml1ss1oner eXplained

the l8lra. not to the hiefs ot tho Deohunnaland

Proteotorate bllt to the llatlve Advisory council .

I have now hold ne position of ohlot for ten

y arB. and usually b fore any matter Us referred

to the J3n!;lElnwnto I a; flrst 1ntomed about 11; by

the 'ns1s!irate . But in retard to thetle In "

there 10 not a e~. Chl f in the B chUlUllll0.n4

oteotorate that the Gover nt. oalled and

oonsult d with abottt these 1 • nor has B .Il18etins

ot Chl fa ben held tor this purpose 80 that the

Chiets oould thereaft.er intorQ their tribes .

'rhea8 1 were e tart d in a seneral m liMns of

the tribes . t thia meoting t.he Real ent Commi-

slIioner e .. ld I "Thase Proo lllll'lll tioIl8 will be

expl in d SlId dlscUDsed in ench Kcotln by the

,ea1dont aglstra es witb the hier and tribe~ .

Atter W8 returned we were ai'ting an

opportunl ty tor the tnt -rl 01' the trlbe 118 a

wIlol. to tell then what e hnd Brd . In all

the mportant quest!oIl8 l1ke this 1 t ls my oustom

to cnth r tbe tmole trlbe and d18ol.l8s the tt r

with them. but berore I oalled sueh ~eting 1

heard the 1 we bud been prInted wld b en

oirculat d 8i ngat ~ m:T tribes . Anything 01' this

nature i. usually given to the 0h1,t to circulate

to his tribe . But in this cuse the copies of

the 1 8 lere d18trlbuted by the aglst.rntea SlId

the •••• /

4 .

th~ police 411' ot to tne people, even my r PI' senta­

tivs. o~tBlde wero not intcrmed ot hie notion by

t~e po~t¢6, bu nnybo'y obta~cu COp! s of the

Ie on ~:;Jpl1o ticn direot trom 'the pol1oe. Thi

ia tho second ins.anoe which! quote as to the

manner in which the Govern.Mont br ~U ,ht th se laws

into force .

Thirdly. tho ~aeiatrate personally 0

and explained the e lawa to the tribo . The

explanatiOns were by the agiatrat. and not by me ,

and tho replica ot the tribe were also reoe1v <1 by

the 'aclotrate d1r ot from tlla t'ribe and not

throU{!h J.:l8 .

Uourthly. every meeting about these

Proclll:!lAltlons lUI held in tha presence of tho

Loiasis tra te •

Fifthly. the Dacanttato r~pr oentatlvea

who went to eterln d1d n.ot tell me that t ey had

been asked to 61 e me the sease ot the niGh

Cm::n1eaion.er 80 that 1 oould inform the tribe .

They sald that the Chlef'. representative in ~erowe

was eXpeoted to oo-operate with the ~agi8trate 30

thnt these laws should be brouaht into operation.

These are the etaces by ~loh the

l'OC18l:Ul.tions were broUBht into toroe . The

GOver=ollt nevEll' consul ted w1th the Chiet about

the lan but they spoke dir otly to the tribe .

The Administratl0 however ta1led to Eats pro eS8 ,

d now when they ~in it 1mv0881b~G tor t e to

enforce the lswa tho3 turn to the Chiet and they

expect him to do what they havo failed to do .

Th18 i8 hOlV t:18 'Wor1: 18 be1ns: clU"rled on.

There 1s one JI).ore important point in

th18 •••• /

t la , that ls , 1I •• on t

bout at

o£ tho hie! .


Hl co ::Isla r Ilpol:e

In y roo ntly, he 8pOko

I do not rl that t. bove d er1be

proe dure 10 tho corr ct proo ure on 01'

thin k1nd, I,. not ploaaed e

tormarly all 0 108tl0 to t e

tfu::'OUl:~ t 0 lot . t aurprltl d t t

atte::Ip'; .hieh tho C v nt htls e to nforce

law dlreot wl out

end lIton th Gover nt

such la 1t ~oota t

1 Ulnoe 01' t Chlot

been unable to ntoroe

1st 0 do o.

Tho ac VGrlll!:lEillt, 1nol u.d1D& our P t

latr te, kn haw t ,e lan.. e r oelv by iii

trlbe . 'l'hey know t at en t 1 re put out

ln draft tom t 9 tr1 e protested and rej ot the

laws on ths ounda t Q t ywere impraotlo ble .

t whe th las: re 1'100117

pl"Ol:lUl ted h tr1bo. ex lain th 1r ~bUlt:v to

nforc suoh 1 lUI . nt lalo 15 all this .

BlthoUr:h tl 1s so, a letter c s 0 Iltq

t t on the 15th Hova r ust b c.uU'orced .

I would liko to o~e th1s case 1'11 th

t other a 0 .. 1 t entrus d by t

Btl::ru:Q8·to trltio so t overaees 0 8 out .

nt la, t e Dining qu stton.

I untrun by t

w1 th aut or1 ty by th to 00 01

in 118 c rta1n tt ra in conn cUon 1th

m1n1ng 0 noesd • After 1 h d dleouase thls

subJeot wl th the Se ret

return and f1nd out v1

01' state, he instruot

01' th tr 1 b tore

lU'Qo 41Ds •• •• f

proccedin8 tll tho ;t:l:. but I tol tho

Secretary of' State t at I had come tro~ the tribe

1Ul.:i W!::a !!I:i.1 0 il ~n; i. w;. ~:4 till! ~l' "V iowa and ~ t

1 could coll!llu.de the matter without fUrt tEll'

rateraJ:Oa to thm.'! . nowever he insistod thnt I

Should consult wlth thC!l aga1U . ! returnOti to

South AfriCa. Ell"'.d at an intarview '.11th tho 1l1~

C:mmlslJ.1.onor I lias It in r{ll:l1nded to cOrlSult with

the tribe before ~roce ding with further negotia­

tions . ! told the Blgll. Coc:n1asioner th t no

purposo ,ould be served in my cOllS'.ll tine the

tribe again, bu.t ho too sai I an.ould return .

aa>a thine ha~pene lth ths Resident Comaiasioner .

At that tine 1:10 Govorll.ClOnt was careful.

to Bee that whnt the Chief' dld IIhould be whao the

tribe required . Dut today the Gover nt oannot

tell me that thoy ore adopting tho sa::e attitude

mi thlit whloh they cUd in reenrd to tho nln1118

question .

At first it tillS .8 do1'1n1te intontion

of tho CO'f'arlll"'..ent to Ildopt tho sane rroccduro but

t~try to;L'1d that tho trlbo dtd not acrce w1 t tMir

viewa, und now tho Chi"f 1s b",lng ussd 1\8 11 tool

to pave the way. 'lhis 1$ not at all a plolltlant

position fer any Chlef t, find birJae1.f In . 'e

are at e. lOss. and 10 do not know whether tho

po11cy or th Administration is that the Chief

should :first consult w1 th tlle 'tribo or dlsr'cGl~

the tribe in d!1in1at'r t1ve '" MIll'es 'I'lh1eh he 08.

It 18 some years now thllt we have bonn

speaking about thOZ8 laws . Tho discussions about

them etarted in 1932, actually th1s is the fourth

year while w ar at th se lm:s . We have spoken

at great leneth to ex lain to tho O?V"1l'. en·~ that

those ••• • f

t Dse re not the laws of this c~untry. wa

point d out to the ,0'1 _l'mll nt thet 11' th e8 were

with our lol1S it mie;ht have b on pOll1l1ble to enforce

the a we would see how the Government would

enforce thelll, but tho Qovnrtlli1\Ult bna . 40 a m1dto.ke

ln cal11 the na t1 'Ie 1aW3; even the o.ovun;nent

can see tho.t hCS8 laws aro diff1cult and cannot

be ~nrorced in this country. I w111 Glva ttiree

1n$t~nc8S in substantiatIon of tho abovo aesertlon .

It 18 said that these Ins are baaed upon our nat1ve

llilD and aocordiXlB to CWl toI:IIS under 1'ih1ch EI l1ve .

Now aocol'd:l.ll8 to Setaoana custom the hiGhest Kgotla

1s tll6 Ch1ef's I!gotl.a, and 1f it is aJY1th1ng that

111 beinG baeod on otl!loana CilDtom ths Chief's

KGotla cannot ~ssibly be lost signt of . t it

1s arazing to :find thllt the Government ad)1 ttl that

1n the 1>rOVla1ons 01' the 11.llnJ they had :t'or",otten

to inolude the Chief'. sotla. For 1 tanco tile

niCh C~sicn r'B Orfice 1s tl~ central otrico

of II the thre High o=1stlloned 'l'errltorlea and

in any laws prQ~ ted for those territories these

ofUoers call1'.ot possibly be tor 'otten, but in

regard to th .• S6 OO~t1on. it i6 said t the

l'nl'Bnount C 1sr's Kt9t'la whioh 1s tall oentrol.

offic8 in the Mt1ve adn11n1Bt:raUon of a torr1to;ry

hnd bQon~GQtten and t.at it 111 now bo rcvlda4

'tor . I do not knOiU Wi ether any Chief oould

possiblr bo plellBed with Q lllw like thia. and be

ex ect d 'to .say to t.I1e tribe thaf. BllCh lllWlS ere

soed whon h18 Keotla has b en ignored . Uo official

coUld do 80 . But ~1s 18 what we a.-e erp oted to 10.

Secondly, 1n the draf't lllll it as l!Ito.ted

tat .• . • f

s .

~ t rOUl." or the p:ilgple should be nominated 1;0

IllIIIl.at tb.e ab.1ot in tM :matters 01' eamln strat10n.

-'1entuo::.17 H \fU il.U1C!7V6rw. taiit tUls was not

'p03ll1blo IIJId dld not oontorm lth 0Ul." oustom, ut

to l:llIet tho oue 1t i8 now stated tad the Chlef

should nominQte or designate Aumberlesa people who

would be M .. oOWlOl11ora . It 1a imposelbl.e to'

'no))11n.te n'Jl1lll 1.'1058 people som. ot whom ere

1ncapable 01' pertorming want they are expeoted to

40. 'lb.. Dr1t1al1 GoVernment believes in tbe

e4",i';'iatratlon by aelocted O1'1'1oar8. and I taJl:e 1t

thal; 'thili W80S tae pc;U'Oy aJl4 the intention 01' ~ ..

laws, bacauae 1\ .8.1 atat Ii that tour or five PCO~

shoUl4 be nominated . It appears 1;hls pr:I.nClpl.

was toUll4 1Inpr ot!oablo in native e.dm1niatraUon

and llc.w 110 18 8uasutod 1il1at nlUllberless peepl..

should b do.~ated to taU ill 'VIi ttl the :req-.Jire-

menta 01' tile lIAtiY. OUlJtam.

arror Q;l 10114 pert ot 1be Ooverlllll8l1t wllioh I 887

they hnvo a4r.Utte4.

!£be third error 1a thia . It 1s aa14

that the lin.~ XSotl&& should oont1nua to tunation

aUhOugb they do not oome \'titbin the obit 01' thoae

rroolema.t1oDlt . It l:Iaa 'Deen .. 14 that the lau 8ft

me e tOl" t • bette" a4mlnlatreUon of th18 OOWltry.

I do not DOW whether it 18 -tor tbe better

a4:li.1niatre.tion of t 0 eountzor to say that oertain

oU10 .. whloh oeme 'Wit in the _it 01' nall1ve

;a4;:Un1atrat10n lIhoUl.d, Ull4er tile new la.w, be 1 n o t or the law and to eot ea \beyw1ah . Aooord1Jl8

to et.oana J.aw .even the 8!llaU .. t Yo oUa. i. lIub~eot

to thAI l~er gotl.. . Our system of adm1n1.trat1~

.. hiGh 1. oontinuoua 1.8 b(UJcd UpOn theae l:Iinor

Xgotlas, tllel are the foUDdation of the native

a4m1niatrat1aa •••• /

adm1n13tratlon. and if lenor th who~. struoture

collc.l!II II . .e aro s t:lrtcd t:r:o .. 1nor X otlClB

Chlef's Kgotla .

Theil tu'e the hr 0 errOl:3 hlch 1t

thO COy rrunont had b d the 111 8 upon tho

exliJt1nc natlve CWltQt1 y auld nev r V8 do .

Even today t 0 rr01' have not b en r ct 1'i

v n in li&ht of' th n prov1siens lntend d

to put th right . 'If provls10na a p ar to

intend to Just1ty ra r u a ot1f7.

I B::l not afraid to U ill ra •

that ill BV l' function; n:ld th t

It io v1sll.bl to flnd ath l' laws in tell'

pl oe . I do not doubt that as the 101' and

hls athority tl ~e b en lilt 1U11do the 00., ont

can f' s oth r authority to put in is placo.

I r aliso that the Oover t can asily do thie,

but I quit 0 rtain that thea 1 e would

nover w~rk even then an thot other form of 1

'11111 8tl11 hev to be introduced aT n 11' they

lett in torce: those 1ll.Ws auld b purely nOlJinal

d wcul ot tunction . 1 iloar today th t thero

are oth r t.r1be8 0 are praetie1nr: th so 1 s;

I h vo 0 b on to th trlb, but ~oor41I1£ to

my kllo of our the custo!:!' 1 8 Y thoy can

n::>t 1'UIl tion . It will be said on reoorda at

t 1 aro pu illt~ ration but in pr ctt e they

'11111 not function . e car that at oJar na

people h V8 ba n n~1nntcd to QQslst toe 1 1' ,

b' t if OM went t. ere he ould find ~Ilt t the

Cblet'8 otla ore ar s h COUll 11lers, b t he

ill t11:ld aill t. Dt t the at er otl in the

B the old 0 tOJ:1 18 in vo I _ttll It 18

8a1d that aro t tlon1l13 in ftt:l1ou-

districts .

at t'J. inca:

Ie .

Peoplo ba~o di~!erent r.n,D or look1ng

aome V~o Ie will readily say that t~ey

c.~th.ir.f; -7:0::' t!:~~&:;t ~~CJ" tlr not

to do so, While others would rather say

8traic;htltWS1 they are \Ulable . In cur crus.:: lOG

b to~ eu11ty otdisobod1enee of tho laws, but

ll. prefer to state the trut!;. . I t vo already 'stated

that it 1s ten years sinoe r tock over t 0 Chi 1'­

talnllh1p, in thnt periOd I have round tha t t:lere

are cortain ws "bich ere sllid to be in t01'ce und

y . t 1n truth they are not . I hall siva one

instance of this . li'he SeOl'etOl'Y 01' ..,tatCII cae here

once and at C1 ecting convened. tor him. h spoke

about tile tribal wOl'k and stated t.'1at it was the

d c l ered pO'. loy of the Government th t 1 t ,Iill no

loneer cellon people to do any labour ithout

roz:,uneratlon. but that rrs far II the " ~Ilr an<l tr1be

re cDncerned thoy 00_14 contln~$ to do ~e1r

tribal dut!es by ans or unp,ld labour 3 usual .

the outcone or the question Wf!.S about .akoro

c;,uarantine Camp. e had atntc that 11' the Catlp

as intended tor our bennfit e wlshd to contribute

1'roe labour tOl<tlrds such work . In pursu:lt'.ce o~

the above aover~nt pol!cy the Covcrncent did pay

for the lo.bour in Donne D t10r. -.1 th the IlWl1'",nt1n.e

work. This their action. however, was nover

repeated in thll arter works . .e hove a1r:co e

Ilerodromes tor the Covo::rn;,lcnt. the Inbour was not

poid for . I know lihut tho (}ovcrAlllent never rorees

us to do those duties. llut it III Il1'JII asks :for our

help . una naturally the Chief cannot refuso the

hir.hcr autllorl1iy. The motor road to O.'Jn y.o.s

mostlynde br ragl~ental 1 bour - the 1 COllI hloh

the Government said it would not ~loy to do ita

works •••• /

- n .

works . Aotually ,Ile lnw hBS b f'n Cou..'ld Q be

1r:tIlr8ot1c 10 bllt 1t has not b n eet aside, and

the GoTerll:!!flnt do 1\ !lot :t'enort to 1'rae labour

tough in truth they do . I could q ote a1 lIar

1nstnnoes , but ! quote1:qo%l1l: instaI)oes to !.Ihew

that ther have be n times When lows have been

found 1.ntDr oUasble bllt stU1 l'elllll1n~ in !'oreo

t'toueh they do not I.\o~lly function .

~inellY r 1'1081'1.". to say that 1ffien e

pet1t1cn d the Kll18 \'1$ d ;1"8al1aed thc.t the law

ll!ld b~en acoopted by the ftiS/1 COll!'alllsioner nni

a~ rov d by the ~ecretcr? of stnte . e \'fore

therefore hopln~ t ot another Oourt would liston

to o'.1r etitioll . 'Ire h d tMltdtt til t in tro.nt:l­

citt1ng t 113 lotter to the clatr:.-.te t~ot 1t uld

be subt'11tted eventually to tht;! Privy CO'me1l

b aeuae in ~1ty W9 wore ap all~ n~uinst the

decis10n of' our Admin1str.etlon. . ut our potition

me return d to us by the hiGh t\.uthor! ty. and now

1.t ra 1M tin!'! erd lind flO hayo no way to I.lppenl .

Th10 1. quite 010 r to us . We ~ave no intontion

01' dlal'esa:riitnrr the rulUlg c:' our depart:4ont 01'

AdOiniatrntipn, all e nr ndo.vo~1nG to do is

to fin Ul'lport 01' the l1bc..-nl policy 01' tho

rl.t!.sh QO'l'oI'1l:l1ent ,.,!1ol'O tho .rl ... 'lt of 8P~l'Ial is a

prlv11eee c1vcn to ito ovo c1tizan. and not

record d (lIS .olen 01' d1Jslo~ty' to tho era. n or a

d1sr tard 01' tho d<;cla1on Dado by tholla i.n povor .

I st1ll hubly ask the ovorncsnt to assist ~ in

(\e01d ing ?!hat'1l'ould be tho boat way or bringing

tils. 11lt'lu.e 01' t.he Trnaty anI! c~,nstl tut10nal

relntlono betw~en is njosty' the ~lnc end our

proteated state before tho Privy ~oUIlcil . e

foresee •••• !

for seo ~~at r,von th~~ he lawa nro enforced

t f):- 1T'...1 1 not :t'.wot1011.

r Q. t~av exncotcu to nomlnetn \h~

hese aws were made I r al1sed

that the COV lOnt' el' not co, 'ely tr;;1ne tUet1

.oIl; ! :t:)).011 tt f'Jy woro serlO1lD. 1l:li1 •• 1t1t ell th1s

\l~d'.!·:3tn Jdin(; 1 t ~_ tho CONll' one tlUlt it ro.:::

impossiblo til .01'% thello 'tum: . I' 'n it w· ~ld

t_ELt tics 1 B ICrp PUt ()U~ Eor disouztllon. \'Ie told

the GO'V'armncllt t at c obj ot d to 1th8I<1. b -:IllUDe

v:a st!W 1;.,0. t th010 ali! no ~ f'1111ct1cn. ih01. the

lal's \Vel'O ,;rO:illl.l!_Cllt d a tl):tod ~.!l. t VIC ere \lnablJl

to put 'them into tOl,'OO. 'l'lhen ,0 G id thIs lt was

not a tryon, c WO~. tel_lug tho truth .

St,;I'p:r'1.uod tnc. t '\l'0 toldt' 11 t 110 ~"Pectod to (flit oro.

t~ DC llms . There 1a no roply that e -Bhnl1

Givo oth."'l." than that .0 hll.'jc alrood:r lh,1d hen ,

Dntd ~e are unnble . ,0 know po. featly wall that

fJO leo!! to ur Q yerscnt tor 'P,Cot cUon, but we

looked uhead dI. II told our o'lcrnm.ent t t VI.

aro unable to enforce th flit 1 ',8 thougn t oy

;r:~elU'd tllem. IlS s111 table la... thes!) r my

"ora.G . :r have n", t.. ins turt~. r to e.lld but 1 f thct

l.:n&istrate wall;). to 'Ii l~ to no or lUll. lI16 My-th1ng

I shall ~e ' ppy to ~.ply .

It the ribe hAVO .;-thing to say thBy

JIl,l!,y .now y :H. ! t = the lIngistr til nd our

friends ~or boiAS PI' sent at t 13 ct1ng booouo.

we 1111' tOGether. it 1s only ri 'Ii that they

stould knoVl • at is 0)1ne: on in ttl" country find not

hayo to rely to hearsay.


It is nOlI 10~ tl t at It have b en

talkUlg •••• /


tu.lk~ "'ou~ th e Itt a . l.~n 0, c h [) ~. «velled

'!: ,r n l.v e d':stUllCO ono bf:t:Qtl 3 tire • lovurthc -

1--.::; 1 '1...._ .. - .......... _ ... ~_,l 't,-.l·ieh _ ..... ",..;r ., "', ... - 4_ ;;;[;7 u. .' ~ - ... -.~ ... -..... .v

b fOl'O 'l;'.e uclstrate, perhaps it w111 not be

ploali' t to f;ur, b t it. iii no lut nil d t~ u.:.no~

CXIiCC t, 01.' us .ouuy.

thoce lawG c tol G Covernaen1. too

th u 1:.praot~eIl1l1e 1)()cnu~u tho. Vlll'll nut Sc. oona

10.1 .. 13 WI t ,m Go\' erllf'.IC •. ~ hoel 8l1iel. a I UhOll n £; Jall

t firuJ 1'ittlnc; for t:J.e ll':' = to hove

• uz b • t •• o::;~ lam; are orl.inc; _Ii at l' <.;ountr lea .

but ell ".;;1tlSc:. l'cquc~ t5 "ore not granted . C /'lout

a putltion bu.L H VJWI not re.,li

& .. E;n tIS though tho say..... hicl

to . It 'WOuld

lwve quoted only

pplloll to r1 ito poople, lJoc •. use , en Wil 2Ieid the

1U"8 wrc tmpreoticable t oro . ~ no occtlng like

t.Lis to ~. Vl1 til t 0

11118 t our 1111713 wcro . I) apprtiho.ud 0 only OUO course

loft to us. 1 t is tho ... ll:n; o.y toda:r I and tlUtt

the Govcr=ent I,~shos t;l C 0.;;0 to 11000 finality that

1.'lnnlit1 ill be banlL out to uu . In onr PClllt

experience e did not tno~ th.et e hp~ ~one any hlng

n'ong. but our Qhlef _us tllken way rom us . there

wus no quolltl?n 01' mUl."i!er • Il.vln- 11 n 00=1'; od tor

whien tllo Covern:JOl1t could huve taken 1 ~m8y .

:.LhiD • • •• /

H .

'! 1n If 1 '1 ur

to aU!"

()vcrn:!1 ;. tat ton, l3

'!'o,,"uy I know the

todl'l'1 18 in th'l d Dort . J.;;l far 9.g ! ,;:Il<T:) ho was

not pcr"litt d to :;:pl11tn h1 .0191: in dofence 111:e

oursclvac toJ!.l.y . 10 son t OUJ e '"us 0. 'b i ',;tor ona

b Ctl'UllO h lwd. not ()o~i t%l o.o:s C.' 1m • !Io ·persoll

i:;: sentenoed ' i io.'iDU1, first being tr icd . ! have no

mrC!s. to &~Il., bl'd \me '1m .::no 'ut ,'10 Gov rnDont

hIlS D.tlthorlty d CIUl de no it pltJan s . A!1;llo!.l£;h

'0 hn',,"e en fI loyal QIl "'0 could IltD.l t'.XlJ at

nO. t '110 11 l'robabl:, cot iuto t.'()..:blo . 1 VO

ben loycl to our Go'\" 'rl:m~nt rod have n(.;vcr l'oon

h<JD.rll ";0 a !lin' to btl une.o· eny ot)1 r GoV l'lm'.ent .

:101', In no ""rone th t Clan b() t;:l')Wn 1,0 tu;: th t 10

have donr; before t'le oVel'Un{mt . :'hat I.e wl,y I

dOlbt th e.l'pJio, tlon or .juntlce to an ir'J'''opoct1ve'

of colour . e hnve eont1nu lly lIuht t:.o 1 ·s

'ill' ro 1:>1 t '·or to UIl, bllt e cont!Jl\Ic to l1!l.VO t. m

tllr.:st b(ICk OJ! US . e all "Sllft r JUllt liko (1

d:>8 which 1" tb.rns.EId by .i t6 pulltor and "h1oh till

r~turns to ito VVlGtcr - thero is no fault

wh..ich 'Vl0 he.v~ don, . Alq 11IID!,shl:tt'r.t ;Thien is

aL sCI. of Ul3 'I) M,ll;t' oi.'ive '1lithout havl~ done

ttn~· \IDle: iu). ct . '!'ho 1.m:s are not our lam!; if

t 'ey nere oUI' 1= opportu!!lt~1 tc> compel'e thOlll

should not h '0 boon rEtused. us .


I reet the aglll trt>.lie . I have not

words %copt what 1 said orie11 lly t at 1 am

unable to put the I into raTee . B. the

Bao&nwato tribe. 80. we rind the 18 S impo sible

ot appllonUiJn . 18 do not s ., we refUD

Only a perea:.. 1n ';lthorlty oould do th:'lt .

we •••• /

thOlil. as


' -

hay 14 18 W are 8 do not 11' the

Gov nt'a int ntlona and II et er t y are liaten1ng to

• It e att t 4 to C8rr7 out th e 1 110 B oul

~lnd th 1l:!pr otlenb • I agr e wi tll woot h Chlef

said bout t 111lls lUI untruth to hlsb r au hOd 1 s . It

w eni4 quickly thnt e uld aot &Cd dl not carry

out our "oro., II woul be in trouble . Til 1

cennot be oarried out by us c

accordance wlth our tive la17 .

at e Gov'll1'l:t:ient .18


1 cgr with ehlO1'

ntD to do i • , it • rein

their position . would be WII:lc;;r arrest . That 18 1IbY I

arc :bl 'If II '0, BO a 1f 'tlO are

er err s t it rill bo krunm t t 111 •

lWm.un T .l' . SEBlllA.t

I W18 to 8eQ' 0

en t tter , it B 1 by mln1ne .

the Gove nt t t til Chlet do o consult t tribe

a.ni1 ots on his • It 18 tru our 18 ave

t several t1ce8 1n coDnOctlon with , on4

It lB evl ent Oovernoc.ut .. is to hear e t 1111g

and Tl ot the tribe bou til e 1 • I truth 110

h ve not r fUsed, we are una 1e, do not Beo how t sCI

1 are in aocordance .lth Uve c' t •

OCVe t could oe to at rille is una: le, it

r alia thlB ltd 014 J viz . ,

t at tried at 1.!w ...... , 14

to t::ie Chief it c 1 into

o eration. Chi t

authority ov r t • tribe. n t tift lI1Gb

Co oslon r reaolled th hiet t t tor

hill P oplo . It lB ~111G at eo t It

stat .... /

18 •

• tat 4 t t hlllt 414 t oonsult he trlbe, t

'aot in thlB • v1be ay the Chl 18

be told that he • ould tore II lmr on us,

we like 1t or t . t wUl b ono

18 not bl to force us?

8: t1n6 velOll-

onts .

• I st


:mu to corrobor ta t n s 14



Co slon who the

ehoUld tell the trlbe to r turn eta lr

t in tn da}'ll • trlb 1 at an .lOt C let' a Counoil to won 11'1 th • Chle1' . I lfBB ot pr ont but I

t were Jlel4 0 ,""""' .......... te t~ Ch1e:t' ut 1t

... round

In t 1t 1s B

to as 18t t Chlet' t .. -49 .... to 40 so. The Chler

Cove.rJl:lOI:lt kl1Ol:rB t 1 • •

t CouncUl.ore should

~JZIll1mto BY 1t 18 1!:lp08aibl.

l8h, h.u bro 11 baok

b oause 1t not aible to el ot allOt r

thia w the truth what ..

BUY say are

d 11 QOV'erll~t t t not

Jcnmr t se l.an .

uk our 1.tnte to ahcr.r till

how 1a colll.d b_ • tM

aa14 t _t h co Be 18 ed . I

should 11k to Q.uote th of Lord nan in th House

at Parll . tho depos1 lon of Ch1

in 1033f "1 verr oh r ar th t the n1m 0 t 1. ooc lon

to br all: e op ait10n 01' the C let' to tbe

Tkre:t't ••• • f

... 17 •

ol.m:latlons te loh he I'l8D ne~ d 0 au t. and

the aim WI1S to p1'oou08 a te.cod end ob" lont Ch1ul"" . ~hat

1s what 'urop an said 1%1. Enclnnd . en a AA~r ~e ::t.rO

unable aDd are bo1nc com;pc'1.1Qd to IlCt 8 think 01' t

thl.o nan II 1d.

l! tll! snid that . ore 'tOld t:lat 1t eve1'

n the Slory 01' 0. tlrlti$h ~ion that juatio ~l

be qual. to all. l.rrcspect1v 01' oolour or C j 11 do

not know Ylb.e r 18 justioe 1s t tor us .

cOUld no aIlNe with the sid nt CO!:llllisslon r t J.:af~1JlS

we o.Pl'ealed to t I H1{':h COllIll1oa10 l' but mn' prot st was

19nored. At anoth time II request that • Pr1 ati:lnn

shoUld Gone and xpla1n how o1Dl11 18 timot oned in

other t rriterie., but ItO reply reoQived. In e

courae of tlrgutlents e have askod thllt an Impnrt1al.

Co isaion should be sent hClre~ but his not grar.tod.

P'ino.lly peU t1an the Kill6 Il1Id the 1'0 1'1 as:r out

thls mcrn.l.ng. We requested t hia Terrl tory bo 1.Uldor

the oontrol 01' tho Colonial. 01'1'1ce, but we hav not rocelvo1

a 1'e ly. .8 hop d that the Itloh GOVOl'l1:!1 t llIIIlt a out

just10 to every tribe . But on ap!llw like I do.

1 t 18 C nerally 1%1to out th t ush a JaIl no cont'idence in th GOvcrtt:'.cn t. Y t • an requos t8 to . aro all

lsnored 1t is na ural to aslZ What t.o Iilatt r is . If these

la s are enforoed will b tur into a lot or prlson re .

'.rh Gov nt krlo\1s t t e r lo,.u and thnt rely on

ita proteotion. e are not conquered people, but -merel1

sought protootion UDder tho Dr11l1sh Flee. The Govlll'mlont

hU olro Y !itnt d thIlt tJlle l.twd belones to 118 end that

ue t Erltiah 8ubJ c S. VOl' Beo c ul lo~ liko

lb.1.o J 1t. r 1ndtl U8 of the cnnn ,ns ot 11):}3 but oven it th$Y

0 ... . ... /


cce asein today 710 weald net f1liht . But 110 miGht then 'be

said that becauae the oannon. bad b en here for the seoond

time 10, e eowatry 18 now a oonquered tarr1 tory end the

peop1.e Br1t1eh aubJectli . t are e to think ~Wt on

account of beine: told thllt the R1eh Co:m:1iseioncr will take

a further step, for tile ttlktnG 'Of this turther 8 "1' 1a

just to f'oroe ,. to at in aooordanoe with th eo lsn . I

pray you Chlo1' . that :you rill not foroe 'lIS to operate

theae laws - they are impraotioable . Although :you hov.

be 11. uked to torce us , I ask you to listen to 118 when w.

say W8 ere unable to oomply '1111 tlI. ~. 18we . In t eir

present rom these lawa will evor be eood in is oOuntrfl

we say they shOuld Illttlreti to c ntorm to SetsotUID. custom.

as W(18 the or1s1nal ldea: the bad 1& 8 in our laa could

be noU:fled by tho Oevornmllnt and ronsona therfltor sl>'en..

U th18 h d been don at f1rst thElre 'tlOuld have b on no talk

today . I deIl7 that wa have ever B6l' ed to th 88 lao !III

h!lll boen a 1d and stated ~ publl0 jo~.

lffiAD1'AI\ mroBt:LE:

I say lie are unable . h 'Ie S1\f eD • report at

.,11 .hat :took p1 co t Pretor1a.

~ 'l'$n.mtEDI:

1 had forgotten one paint . 'lhero 1& 'the

allesatlon t t 8.0 laws war tr in oonsult tion with

us . 1: h :1)17 bOCo to state that e 1 • ware fr by the

Gover nt wltllout oci:lsU1.\ation w1 til \18. and aft r tll lmva

.. ore de w. w(Il"e asked how to put thm into ett Ct . Th1e

18 not conaultat1on.

Another "thing 18 this, t t today 1t :1e d1tf1oult

to n to 'People, the aoVarIll:OlGllt itselt export &Clod thU

d1t'f1oulty, but I eo surpr1BQd to tind that the Gov r ont:1e

forcing •• • • /

tore1 to do 'I1lhat it h en 'UlUlble to 40 . It 18 not

reaBonable to oonolUdfl tl at c use I WWI not in favour 1f1 th

the P;roolamat1ollB the 'P op1e hay b n Indue d to obloc . I

Qcve I1nS en a 10 to nom1nnto people evan th I

had sten1t1e4 iIrf obj otlen to such nOl:llnat1on. en t04.q

there are poople who are soleotod by the Oovarnment at

011001 Co::n1 ttees lU!d others tOken t\G AtlllfilSIIOrs to the

speOial court though I 41oapprov ot such ~,'not1on

on the erOUllds that auo w re th 'POopl. who do no iet

me 1n lniat1'$t1on. I h it no say in their ohola , nrl4

ehall lt be sald odq thnt b c use the Chief cnnnot JlQllliIlate

the Govemoent ls also WUlble to no nate' e are 110

loucer 41 cuse inS the 1 tEl ot the 1awa booause t1J:Je tor

that hIl8 be(ln passed. wlle.t a are d1:l1ne 'is just on

exureoelon of our ~e.l1ns 80 til t they oon b reoord • In regard to th e law8 , it he Government war IlOt

a nigh Ot1'le1al v a ou1 say thet the (;ovemoent hoa 1 olf

broken 1 ts on laws . '1'.\ Procl ttons WIder dlsc sion

are a c.t1n1t broaah ot th n- t7 aJId OlIatlt tlontll

e nth our fothan . I Mve old thftt e e.re

1'.0 lon ar dl ousslns but Hoord111C our toeltnea .

Z 1U14 ~ot hat in .acoordance with the g118h

pr1nalpl II now thtlt our Adt1inletI'Q.t1on hlld de II. lu whlCh

h s b n etrenuoe1.y o:ppoaed bY tho peopl.e. non a 1tlon

was e. by the "people 1n8t BUll ln1f a aepar te 'bOdy

'fIQuld b deWl to laton to lluah pet1tion and I attn

hUlllllly rcqu t the A.dn1n1!1tration to dv18. and ll1at \111 hOW

\hIe Pet1tion oan PI' ant to e l'1'1T;V councU, 80

at ttGr could b 1. t 1111 th according to th r1 til

(If the case . ar III h 88'18 to might have aomet 1ns

to 8ay.


I greet the c le1' and tribe . l: 111111 ap Ok :1n

lieh •••• /

eo .

~1Bh tOdllY. I hIlvll not a 61' ct d nl to say. I bav

only GOrlt! here ruJ a list IU:r . 'I'll position is c1 tU'.

The 18m has nlaa 4 on the Chiet the r 8noaa1bl1ity fn~

desten t1l1e hie councillors and up-tv- date th1& h(,8 not

b en. done . The BiC4 ommies on r gave the Ch1et to the

It.th of' this month cn.rry out the 1 ". The tt r 18

in t Hi. C seioner's.h 8. I til I can 0 . 8t

what mlgbt b a v1ce . at t e ieh C~iso1oner 18

8oekl118 18 not the reply thllt 'I no. unable"; he lIanta it

to b ea1d that "Inavo trl.d and I haVe ta11 d~ . That

80_ to ms Whnt he 1s ai'lo .1' . 0 pocple 8 y

As D1I!ane .ald, ho ever, only f in nut o.rlty can

lIay that . The Chlet cays "1 Btl Illl ble" . There is

lI.Othins tlOl' I W811t to so:'; Q:z:captlllg that I w111 oom y

what has bn pened to the Covornoent .

----....-0--... - -