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ElEvatIng & EngagIng the Government Workforce The Most Comprehensive Event of the Year for Government HR Managers at the Federal, State & Local Level

FEatuRIng SIx tRackS:

1 | Workforce Planning

2 | Strategic Recruitment

3 | talent Onboarding

4 | Employee Engagement

5 | the Blended Workforce

6 | HR Metrics

2010June 15 – 17, 2010 Arlington, VA

Making the Case for Funding: The Benefits of Attending Government HR InnovationsThe Government HR Innovations Conference is known for its expert speakers. After spending three days learning and sharing with the brightest minds in federal, state and local government, you will return to the office motivated and ready to implement exciting new changes to your workforce plan, recruitment efforts, employee engagement initiatives and HR metrics processes.

You get to develop your own program agenda. The Government HR Innovations Conference sessions fall into six categories: workforce planning, strategic recruitment, talent onboarding, employee engagement, the blended workforce and HR Metrics. You can choose sessions that best apply to your organizational needs and interests, you can follow one theme throughout the event or you can choose sessions from each track option.

The Government HR Innovations Conference will increase organizational results. This year’s Conference is comprised of two days of sessions addressing the key issues agencies are facing related to the talent challenge, making your organization an “employer of choice” and maximizing employee progress and leadership potential. You will learn skills that will have a lasting effect on your work, from motivating your staff to producing performance information that is meaningful to all your various stakeholders.

Government HR Innovations speakers are experts. We hand-pick the best and brightest in government HR to share their expertise with you. You won’t find information this specific, on this many performance, management and HR topics, anywhere else.

You’ll learn how to make the most of the resources you already have. Whether you want to inspire and engage your team to improved performance or need to get by on reduced program budget, you will learn tips for maximizing your current resources.

It’s a networking opportunity. At government HR Innovations 2010, you will step away from the office and connect with other government managers and discuss similar related goals and how you can work together for increased government results.

2010WHO Should Attend

• Human Resource Directors

• Personnel Managers

• Recruiters

• Staffing Directors

• Workforce Analysts

• Human Capital Officers

• Benefit Managers

• Diversity Managers

• Personnel/Employee Services Managers

• Human Resources Information Systems Specialists

• Retention Specialists

• Talent Managers

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Day One: Tuesday, June 15, 2010

8:30 Registration and Continental Breakfast

9:00 keynote address: Insights on the new Workforce agenda

10:00 The People Factor: Reinvigorating the Public Sector

11:00 Networking and Refreshment Break

11:15 Create a Culture that Attracts and Retains Talent

12:15 Networking Luncheon

tRack a: WORkFORcE PlannIng tRack B: StRatEgIc REcRuItMEnt

1:15 Link Your Strategic Plan with Your Human Capital Needs Promote Excellence in Public Service: Recruit the Next Generation of Employees

2:15 Networking and Refreshment Break

2:30 Workforce Assessments: Examine Your Current Employee Competencies Find The Best and Brightest: Innovative Recruitment Strategies in Today’s Market Place

3:30 Create a Succession Plan that Matches Your long-Term Goals Revitalize Your Brand to Become an “Employer of Choice”

4:30 Day One Adjourns

Day Two: Wednesday, June 16, 2010

8:30 Registration and Continental Breakfast

tRack c: talEnt OnBOaRdIng tRack d: EMPlOyEE EngagEMEnt

9:00 Getting On Board: A Model for Integrating and Engaging New Employees Utilize Internal Communication to Engage Your Workforce

10:00 Create Tactical Leadership Development Programs Implement Workplace Flexibilities for a Greater Wok life Balance

11:00 Networking and Refreshment Break

11:15 Mentorship: Securing Knowledge Transfer for Future Leaders The New Worker: Tips and Techniques to Manage the 21st Century Employee

12:15 Networking Luncheon

tRack E: tHE BlEndEd WORkFORcE tRack F: HR MEtRIcS

1:15 Create and Develop a Thriving Multigenerational Team Sustain and Introduce a Performance Culture

2:15 Networking and Refreshment Break

2:30 Promote Inclusiveness within a Multicultural Workforce Measure, Track and Report Your HR Performance

3:30 Balance Government and Contract Employees Employee Evaluations: Set Targets and Create Individual Performance Goals

4:30 Day Two Adjourns

Day Three: Thursday, June 17, 2010

8:30 Registration and Continental Breakfast

9:00 Workshop a: Succession Planning: Outlining your Human capital Blueprint

12:00 Networking Luncheon

1:00 Workshop B: leadership development Program – create Well defined career Opportunities

4:00 Workshops Adjourn


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8:30 Registration and Continental Breakfast


Keynote Address: Insights on the New Workforce Agenda The 21st century has brought on a new dynamic to the government workforce. Globalization, rapid IT innovation, fresh government initiatives and a new millennial generation has certainly brought on some significant changes to the human capital landscape. With all these ongoing changes occurring, it is imperative that HR managers work together to ensure that they are prepared for challenges and are ready to move their workforce forward. Join us as we discuss the current state of the government workforce and new strategies to help you attract and retain the best and the brightest candidates.


The People Factor: Reinvigorating the Public Sector Many government leaders have enacted strong human capital initiatives to create thriving teams. These leading HR managers have defined the needs and the culture that today’s employee presents, and have thus focused their human capital plans around an employee focused strategy. With an emphasis on employee engagement and a commitment to making civilian service “cool again” — exciting changes are taking place. Attend this insightful session to discuss how to invigorate your workforce with innovative techniques focused on employee engagement, training and goal oriented objectives.

11:00 Exhibit Hall and Refreshments

Conference Day One: Tuesday, June 15, 2010

1Lead performance

driven human capital initiatives

within your agency

2 Devise a strong workforce plan

to align your talent pipeline

3 Reform your

recruiting strategy to find the right people for your mission critical


4 Revitalize your

brand to become an employer of


tOP Reasons to Attend

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Create a Culture that Attracts and Retains Talent Although managers are required to report and share performance data—oftentimes, the actual information that could help create change and needed improvement is pushed aside or ignored. However, with a stronger focus on performance and transparency than ever before, the only way an organization can grow and thrive is by implementing process improvement strategies that embrace the usage of key performance data. Building a performance culture within an organization takes time and careful consideration. Getting management buy-in also demands that you articulate the ROI that such results-oriented data can and will provide. Join us as we discuss the imperative foundational elements that must be in place to support such a cultural reform.

12:15 Networking Luncheon & Exhibit Hall

1:15 Choose From Track A or B


Link Your Strategic Plan with Your Human Capital Needs • Align your strategic plan to your human capital needs • Perform knowledge audits to address potential areas of concern• Create a future-focused human capital plan to meet successful long-

term objectives


Promote Excellence in Public Service: Recruit the Next Generation of Employees• Examine policies that other organizations have adopted to best

utilize the inundated applicant pool • Learn how to best communicate with your hiring managers in order

to meet and exceed the applicant’s experience • Determine what recruiting approach your team will implement to

address your hiring needs

2:15 Exhibit Hall and Refreshments

2:30 Choose From Track A or B


Workforce Assessments: Examine Your Current Employee Competencies • Examine your workforce demographics, identify potential

retirements and career advancements • Compile a skills and competencies inventory from your existing

work plans, job descriptions and employee feedback • Review your current staff to analyze staffing, skill sets

and competencies

5 Implement

leadership programs to guarantee

long-term results

6 Introduce a strong

performance environment that promotes

employee retention

7 Learn to foster

a culture of engagement, knowledge

sharing and team collaboration

8 Measure the

results of your HR department

9 Manage and control the information flow in your organization

“I enjoyed the presenters and content of sessions they discussed”.– Carrie, Director of Human Resources for the Legislative Auditor

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2010Conference Day Two: Wednesday, June 16, 2010

8:30 Registration and Continental Breakfast

9:00 Choose from Track C or D


Getting On Board: A Model for Integrating and Engaging New Employees• Examine and refine your new employee orientation process• Encourage a strong community network to promote immediate

knowledge sharing and exchange • Involve all the supervisors from the beginning to determine

expectations and guidelines for all new hires


Utilize Internal Communication to Engage Your Workforce• Discover what vehicles of communication are most effective in

reaching your audience• Understand how to clearly define expectations and goals to each

individual employee • Learn how to measure to measure the effectiveness of your internal

communications efforts

10:00 Choose from Track C or D


Create Tactical Leadership Development Programs • Develop individual learning plans based on needs assessments• Survey your employees to determine what training they believe

would be helpful to their overall growth • Review the services and technologies available to help streamline

your training initiatives

Conference Day One: continued


Find the Best and Brightest: Innovative Recruitment Strategies in Today’s Market Place • Learn how to target different candidate pools to strengthen your

team of talent • Review new technological resources that will ensure time savings

and proper data management• Improve the quality of the candidates you attract with appealing

employment postings

3:30 Choose From Track A or B


Create a Succession Plan that Matches Your Long-Term Goals• Review various succession management concepts to determine the

effective option for your organization• Identify the right people in your team that can help put succession

plans in place• Solidify support from your employees to ensure the implementation

of your succession plans


Revitalize Your Brand to Become an “Employer of Choice”• Develop a comprehensive brand that represents the organizational

image you must project to acquire exceptional talent• Create policies that will appeal to your employees needs for a

fulfilling work environment • Establish if there are any disconnects between the vision you have

for your brand and employee opinion

4:30 Day One Adjourns

“Great conference! I learned so much. It really brought together all aspects of human capital”.

– Anne Marie, Hillsborough County, Tampa FL

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Implement Workplace Flexibilities for a Greater Work/Life Balance• Learn how to gain leadership support to promote a healthy work/life

balance for your staff • Optimize non-traditional work schedules to improve

employee performance • Endorse alternative benefits that will enhance the overall

work environment

11:00 Exhibit Hall and Refreshments

11:15 Choose from Track C or D


Mentorship: Securing Knowledge Transfer for Future Leaders • Learn to effectively transfer senior leadership experience to the next

in line• Preserve internal knowledge information with continual

dialogue initiatives • Establish resources and mentors for staff to utilize throughout their

career development


The New Worker: Tips and Techniques to Manage the 21st Century Employee • Verify your individual employee goals to better match up your future

leadership pipeline • Gauge and modify policies based on how your most valuable leaders

are performing• Promote team building exercises to harness employee enthusiasm

“I had a great opportunity to be exposed to many elements of HR issues with Federal agencies that will definitely make me a more effective recruitment representative”.

– David, U.S. Department of Labor

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12:15 Networking Luncheon & Exhibit Hall

1:15 Choose from Track E or F


Create and Develop a Thriving Multigenerational Team• Identify the work styles of the different age groups that make up

your staff • Learn techniques to motivate employees that will speak to

each generation• Advocate commonalities and strengths of your generational groups


Sustain and Introduce a Performance Culture• Involve employees in the goal-setting process to gain their support

for organizational results • Outline management expectations clearly and ensure that

individual feedback occurs to improve performance • Design incentives to promote performance driven changes

2:15 Networking and Refreshment Break

2:30 Choose from Track E or F


Promote Inclusiveness within a Multicultural Workforce• Create a program that focuses on the strengths associated with

cultural diversity• Meet with all supervisors to ensure that they understand how to

manage employees from different cultures• Ensure that your agency’s diversity management initiatives are

well publicized

Conference Day Two, continued


Measure, Track and Report Your HR Performance • Determine what measures are essential to track your human

capital initatives• Quantify your workforce investments to monitor the impact of your

HR practices• Turn your data into information that promotes action and

follow through

3:30 Choose from Track E or F


Balance Government and Contract Employees • Understand the deliverables of contract and government employees• Conclude what job responsibilities must be specifically designed for

each employee group• Create an open forum for collaboration and team sharing to achieve

agency mission


Employee Evaluations: Set Targets and Create Individual Performance Goals • Identify outcomes that drive employee activities • Learn how to differentiate between high and low performers • Employ evaluations that clearly define your employees

personal progress

4:30 Day Two Adjourns

as a federal employee i “gained a lot of useful tools from all federal government sessions that I attended”.

– Frank, Branch Chief, US Census Bureau

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8:30 Registration and Continental Breakfast

9:00 Workshop A

Succession Planning: Outlining Your Human Capital Blueprint Creating a well-defined and executable succession plan is an absolute necessity given times of transition and unexpected changes. When key leadership exits an organization, there is always a high risk that leadership stability and continuity will be lost and that institutional progress will be halted for a considerable length of time. This workshop will allow participants to actively engage with leading professionals in order to share and exchange helpful tips and information. Most importantly, attendees will be given tools to begin analyzing their own succession plan.

• Learn how to obtain buy in from upper management to improve your current succession plan

• Discover how to handle transitions periods when change occurs• Explore ways to best correlate future initiatives with your employees

individual goals

12:00 Networking Luncheon & Exhibit Hall

Post-Conference Workshops: Thursday, June 17, 2010

Workshops are designed to be an interactive way for participants to learn the latest management techniques in order to implement them in their workplace. The workshops provide a platform to learn practical applications of current best practices. Space in these comprehensive workshops is limited, so be sure to reserve your seat today.

1:00 Workshop B

Leadership Development Program — Create Well Defined Career Opportunities Investing in your employees training and development is a key element in creating a workforce that is engaged, committed and well informed. By customizing your leadership development programs, you will help enable your future leaders to further understand their own goals, ambitions and contributions to the program mission. Attendees participating in this workshop will walk away having examined key techniques that must be in place in order to create and execute a strong leadership program.

• Outline what performance competencies best compliment your organization’s mission

• Understand how to motivate employees to consider further training options

• Educate your employees to recognize the requirements necessary for career advancement

4:00 Workshops Adjourn

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Bringing Together Government HR Leaders and Solutions ProvidersTo learn more about exhibiting and sponsorships at Government HR Innovations 2010, please contact Meredith Mason at Meredith.Mason@PerformanceInstitute.org or 202-739-9707.

Bring RESULTS Back to Your Agency

Moving from compliance to an institutionalized method of

performance-based management requires government managers

to have access to the most cutting edge performance planning and

budgeting solutions available in today’s market. At the request of

conference attendees seeking in-depth government solutions to their

growing management challenges, The Performance Institute has

teamed with leading solutions providers to bring you the Government

Innovations HR Expo Hall.

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Venue & Hotel

government HR Innovations 2010 will be hosted at The Performance Institute’s conference center in Arlington, Virginia, just one block east of the Courthouse Metro stop on the Orange Line. A public parking garage is located just inside of the building. Continental breakfast and lunch will be provided for delegates on each day.

The Performance Institute 1515 North Courthouse Rd., Suite 600 Arlington, VA 22201 571-970-0271

A limited number of rooms have been reserved at the Arlington Rosslyn Courtyard by Marriott at the prevailing rate of $226. Please call the hotel directly and reference code government HR Innovations 2010 when making reservations to get the discounted rate. The hotel is conveniently located three blocks from the Rosslyn Metro station. Please ask the hotel about a complimentary shuttle that is also available for your convenience.

Arlington Rosslyn Courtyard by Marriott 1533 Clarendon Blvd. Arlington, VA 22209 703-528-2222 www.CourtyardArlingtonRosslyn.com

Tuition & Group Discounts

The tuition rate for government HR Innovations 2010 is as follows:

Early Bird Rate Regular Tuition

Conference $999* $1099

Each Workshop $299* $299

*For the Early Bird Rate, Register by April 7, 2010

For more information on group discounts, please contact Melvin Hall at Melvin.Hall@PerformanceInstitute.org or 202-739-9630.

CPE Credits delivery Method: Group-live Program level: Basic Prerequisites: None advanced Preparation: None cPE credits: 12 for the conference, 3 for each workshop

The Performance Institute is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding sponsors may be addressed to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors, 150 Fourth Avenue North, Nashville, TN 37219-2417. Website: www.nasba.org.

Quality AssuranceThe Performance Institute strives to provide you with the most productive and effective educational experience possible. If after completing the course you feel there is some way we can improve, please write your comments on the evaluation form provided upon your arrival. Should you feel dissatisfied with your learning experience and wish to request a credit or refund, please submit it in writing no later than 10 business days after the end of the training to:

The Performance Institute Corporate Headquarters: Quality Assurance 805 15th Street, NW, 3rd Floor Washington, DC 20005

Note: As speakers are confirmed six months before the event, some speaker changes or topic changes may occur in the program. The Performance Institute is not responsible for speaker changes, but will work to ensure a comparable speaker is located to participate in the program.

If for any reason The Performance Institute decides to cancel this conference, The Performance Institute accepts no responsibility for covering airfare, hotel or other costs incurred by registrants, including delegates, sponsors and guests.


Yes! Register me for The 2010 HR Innovations Conference

Yes! Register me The 2010 HR Innovations Conference & workshop(s): Workshop A Workshop B

Please call me. I am interested in a special Group Discount

Delegate Information

Name Title

Organization Dept.


City State Zip

Telephone Fax Email

Payment Information

Check Purchase Order / Training Form Credit Card

Credit Card Number Expiration Date Verification No.

Name on Card Billing Zip

Please make checks payable to: The Performance Institute

Cancellation Policy: The Performance Institute will provide a full refund less a $399 administration fee for cancellations requested four weeks prior to the event start date unless cancellation occurs within two weeks prior to the event start date. If a cancellation is requested less than two weeks prior to the event start date, no refund will be issued. Registrants who fail to attend and do not cancel prior to the event will be charged the entire registration fee. All cancellations must be requested through the cancellation link found in your attendance confirmation email. Please note that cancellation is not final until you receive a cancellation confirmation email.

I have read and accepted the Cancellation Policy above.


By: ____________________________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________

Priority Code: W233-WEB


Fax this Form to866-234-0680


Register today!