
Post on 21-Nov-2014

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Technology Use vs. Technology Integration

Think about the two, and see if you are the type of teacher that is using technology or integrating technology.

What do you think they both mean?

Technology Use is where the teacher uses technology within the classroom, whether it be through a power point presentation, computer programs, books on tape, anything that is using forms of technology.

Many classes use technology on a daily basis!

Some Examples: computer labs, overheads, power points and many others.

Technology Integration, according to Technology Integration: Part 1 Essential Questions is “the incorporation of technology resources and technology based practices into the daily routines, work, and management of schools.”

This means that teachers are incorporating different technologies into their lessons, that allow for students to work in collaborating groups, Internet research, and other useful forms.

Some examples: Podcasts, interactive whiteboards, blogging, tablets, handhelds, and even cell phones.

Technology use is different technologies that help to teach lessons, like the use of a power point.

Technology integration is where you, as the teacher are allowing the students to create power points (or other forms of technology use) on a topic in one of the subject areas.

I believe that technology use in the classroom came from integrating technology. First by integrating it into the teachers daily life, and allowing them to see the benefits of technology in the classroom, allowing for teachers to be able to integrate different technologies for the student to be able to use in the classroom.

Technology Use benefits the teacher in the lessons they are teaching!

Technology Integration benefits the students in the projects they are presenting!