
Post on 06-Aug-2015

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World Autism Day 2015

Age 10

Age 17

I am Matthew when I was 8 I was diagnosed with Autism.

As you can see from the photo I didn’t really like it when people, even my family, put their arms around me. This is because I have a sensory processing disorder.

People say that if you have Autism you can’t be affectionate – wrong !

Having a little sister has made me realise just how much love I do have……..except when she is screaming !

Sometimes my obsessions can become the reason that I am gifted in a certain area.Things that we want you to know…..If you have met one person with Autism… you have met one person with Autism. We are unique we are all different with the same challenges.

Many of us like our own company, what you need to know is that when we sit in our rooms this is our processing times, I explained to my Mum that I need that time to chill out and process the day/weeks/months events and when something has come along to cause greater anxiety I need more time to do that, it is hard for me to vocalise how I am feeling, I am lucky that my Mum knows when these times are.

We can be sensitive to sound, it can overload our system….but we can be loudest person in the room, that because we are in control of that noise……apologies for that !

Remember you can learn just as much from me as I can from you…..but show me first and I will pick it up quicker!

Please encourage your young person to access support, my Mum has started a voluntary organisation. Parents should ask for help too. My Mum and Dad had no one to go to in the beginning, that’s why they started SENSA, check out the webpage – I built it !! www.sensa.org.uk

My phobia of Music would cause the worst kind of meltdown when I was young but now I play piano and bass, Music is my passion and hey look ……I made it into year 11. Never thought that would happen when I was in year 7!

I am in year 12 now and studying a diploma in IT. Being at college is hard some days, getting to know new tutors and new pupils can cause stress but I am working hard at taking each day as it comes.

Autism doesn’t define who I am, it is just a part of my make up. I am still Matt, I have good days and bad days. Some days I can cope and some days I can’t, on the days I can’t I will just try to do what I haven’t managed today tomorrow.

Don’t feel sad for me – yeah I have got some horrible other diagnosis but Mum and Dad are there for me and will get me through.

When I was 3 I could Identify the parts of a computer and with help assemble them on a motherboard at age 16 I could code and at 17 I am at college doing an extended diploma in IT.Until I was 11 I couldn’t cope with music of any kind, today I write music and produce it.

I never really had any friends until I was 15, today Mum tells me that I can cope socially better that some of my peers.

What I am trying to say is that ‘OK it would be great if I didn’t have these differences, but we are all different in some way’. I can’t imagine how difficult it is for families that have an Autistic child that cannot talk but I know that they have a gift it is just going to take a bit longer to find it.Tell your children they have Autism, make the most of the good bits and help us through the bad bits, be aware of what makes us unhappy and please try to understand that this is as difficult for us as it is for you.

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Me playing at Haverings Last Band Standing – we came second….watch out for our gigs! The Walking Method. Prom !!! I went to Prom, it was amazing, wouldn’t have missed it for anything!

Some of these photos show things that I find easy and others that are difficult. Since some of them have been taken I have managed some firsts but unfortunately have struggled in some of the areas that I was able to cope with say, a year ago.This is the nature of Autism and my complex co- existing conditions can impact on my coping strategies.

As I am getting older I can express how I feel a bit better, but not always. My Mum and Dad describe me as a fusebox, no, its ok I don’t mind it’s a good description. If all my switches are up, it’s a good day!