Wagheeh Shukry Hassan (PhD) English Language Teaching Centre Ministry of Education Malaysia

Post on 25-Jan-2016

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An Ecological Complexity Perspective On The Challenges In Lifelong Learning Of Teachers In Malaysia: A Case Study of an online learning environment within an ICT professional development programme. Wagheeh Shukry Hassan (PhD) English Language Teaching Centre Ministry of Education Malaysia. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


An Ecological Complexity Perspective On The Challenges In Lifelong

Learning Of Teachers In Malaysia: A Case Study of an online learning

environment within an ICT professional development programme.

Wagheeh Shukry Hassan (PhD)English Language Teaching Centre

Ministry of Education Malaysia

Background• Unique – 1st cluster PD in Malaysia,

in-school facilitation – adapted from NZ ICTPD Cluster programme

• Malaysian ICTPD (MICTPD) implementation

• the promotion of ICT integration;

• the fostering of reflective practice; and

• supported by an online community of practice (COP)

Research• explored the adoption of ICT in teaching &

learning and the adoption of the key features of the ICTPD

• identified the factors that supported and hindered adoption

• constructed a theoretical framework, i.e., the ecological-complexity perspective as an alternative view

• described the interaction of factors, individuals and organisations in adoption and the emergence of adoption

Ecological Complexity Perspective

•Interdisciplinary perspective

•Complexity theories/thinking (pre and post 2000)

•Ecological theories (biological sciences)

•Adoption theories (ICT)

Why?•Linear vs. complexity


•Extend research from mechanistic/Newtonian perspective to organic/Darwinian perspective

•Find new ways of understanding how individuals, organisations and policy interact to influence adoption

Ecological concepts

Data• Used a collective case study approach

(Stake, 2003 & 2005) – rural, urban, primary & secondary.

• 44 teachers (main unit of analysis), 4 school heads and one state education officer. Four schools participated in ICTPD Cluster.

• Qualitative - used different methods, i.e., semi-structured interviews, mind maps, factor sheets, observations and journals

• Transcribed, used Nvivo to process and analyse data

Implications• In Malaysia, cultural and contextual

factors influence adoption (e.g., examination & curriculum) – assumptions dealt with – ‘foreign’ innovations

• the online system did not change teachers' attitudes in sharing and collaboration, and

• did not facilitate the development of communities of practice

Challenges•Development of ecological-complexity perspective (ECP) models – journey from linear to complexity – many iterations

•Applying the ECP into practice – policy (e.g., bottom-up and top-down policy), leadership and ICTPD design – requirement of MOE

•Cultural factors – recognising, highlighting and incorporating factors

Slide 12

Conclusions•Ecological-complexity perspective extends understanding of ICTPD adoption - non-linear, interactions & factors (in this context)

•Understanding of dualities in complexity - not an either or explanation

•Emergence as a way to find insights

Thank you

e: wshukry@eltc.edu.my