Waihi Beach Community Response Plan - … · SWOT analysis _____5 Risks to the Waihi Beach...

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Waihi Beach Community

Response Plan

This plan was developed by the Waihi Beach Community and the Waihi

Beach Community Board, in conjunction with the Western Bay of Plenty

District Council, and Civil Defence for use during a civil emergency.

March, 2015


Glossary ________________________________________________________________________ 2

Distribution list ___________________________________________________________________ 3

The Response Team _______________________________________________________________ 3

BOP Civil Defence _________________________________________________________________ 3

Role of the Community Board in the Community Response Team ___________________________ 3

Review of plan ___________________________________________________________________ 3

Activation of Plan _________________________________________________________________ 3

Area covered by the Plan ___________________________________________________________ 3

Introduction _____________________________________________________________________ 4

Purpose of Plan ___________________________________________________________________ 4

SWOT analysis ___________________________________________________________________ 5

Risks to the Waihi Beach community _________________________________________________ 6

Roles and responsibilities of the CRT (Community Response Team) _________________________ 8

Community Response Co-ordination Centre ____________________________________________ 9

Primary Welfare Centre ____________________________________________________________ 9

Emergency Priorities ______________________________________________________________ 9

Community Response Team actions when emergencies occur ____________________________ 11

Community Resources ____________________________________________________________ 13

Emergency Contacts List __________________________________________________________ 16

Appendix A _____________________________________________________________________ 17

The Western Water Supply ________________________________________________________ 17

Glossary BOP Bay of Plenty CD Civil Defence CRT Community Response Team HDC Hauraki District Council MPDC Matamata Piako District Council WBCB Waihi Beach Community Board WBPDC Western Bay of Plenty District Council


Distribution list A hard copy of this response plan is held by: Western Bay of Plenty District Council (Document File Number x x ) and each member of the CRT Community Response Team.

The Response Team The CRT Community Response Team will aim to have more than one person trained and capable of fulfilling each of these roles.

Role Who Contact

Team Leader Marilyn Roberts 027 383 6417

Deputy Team Leader Stan Foster 021 1534777

Personnel Team Leader Maree Herbert 027 250 775

Resource Team Leader Max McLean 027 238 3688

Resource Team Leader Deputy Jacques Calvo 029 415 0454

Welfare Team Leader Sue Lean 027 2179263

Communications Officer Steve Ross 021 260 9437

BOP Civil Defence The Waihi RSA, 99 Beach Rd is the Primary Welfare Centre

Role of the Community Board in the Community Response Team There is to be at least one Western Bay’s Community Board member in a key role in the CRT. This member

will liaise between the Community Board and the Community Response Team.

Review of plan This plan is a living document and will be reviewed at least annually and within 6 months of Community Board elections.

Activation of Plan The intention of the CRT is to assist the community in being able to look after itself if it is isolated by natural

or man-made event This plan can be activated by any member of the Community Response Team( CRT) upon receipt of a Civil Defence warning for the WBOPDC, or following an emergency that has occurred without warning.

Area covered by the Plan This plan covers the northern part Waihi Beach Community Board Ward. From the 100 km speed

sign on Seaforth Rd in the south, to the north (Surf live saving club) end of the Beach. It integrates

with, but does not cover Bowentown, Athenree and areas outside of the Waihi Beach urban area to

the west.



Community overview – Waihi Beach

Waihi Beach is a coastal community connected to Hauraki plains via Waihi town to the north west,

and south via Katikati, to Tauranga and the southern Bay of Plenty.

Waihi Beach has a 2013 census night population of 1,935, with a further 543 at Island View/Pio’s

Beach. 24.2% of the Waihi Beach community is over 65. 16% is under 15 years.

The population may swell at peak holiday time to 20,000. At holiday times the proportion of

younger people is probably considerably greater than on census night.

Over summer there will be many visitors unfamiliar with our locality and risks. As holiday makers

they may be less prepared for an emergency event away from their home supplies and resources.

There is a comparatively high number of retired people living at the Beach year round.

If there is a disaster elsewhere many property owners may self evacuate to their Waihi Beach


Waihi Beach has the Waihi Beach Primary School (350 pupils), several early childhood centres, a

small shopping centre, supermarket, 6 – 10 food outlets, large camp grounds, pensioner flats, 5

churches, several motels, Christian camp, a variety of halls, petrol station, repair garages, and a

large earthworks contractor. There are also volunteer Fire Brigade, First Response, Coastguard,

Chemist, Medical centre, Waihi Beach Lifeguards, Search & rescue in our vicinity.

Purpose of Plan Waihi Beach is a vulnerable community, and along with Athenree and Bowentown, is likely to be isolated in

the event of a disaster. The single access roads in and out to the State Highway 2 between Waihi and Katikati

townships, can easily be disrupted. Access to and from the Beach may also be limited by events in the

Athenree and Karangahake gorges.

During a Civil Defence Emergency communities can become isolated from outside help and resources. This plan outlines what is available within the community to respond to an emergency and sustain life until outside help arrives. During a threat Waihi Beach is likely to be isolated from Bowentown and Athenree because of low lying connecting roads. Therefore a separate emergency response plan has been created for each of these townships. Planning is based on the expectation that our Waihi Beach community may have to support ourselves for at least three days in the absence of any official Civil Defence Emergency Management direction or practical assistance.


SWOT analysis A swot analysis was undertaken to assess Waihi Beach’s current resilience to a major event. This

will be revisited each time this document is reviewed.


Strong community social networks Holiday makers may have camping equipment and experience

Locally based fire, police, First Response, medical centre services, etc

Newmont Mine Rescue

Many community organisations – eg RSA, Surf life guards, church groups, willing to help

Local business owners have good networks and willing to help

Earthmoving contractors with heavy machinery willing to help

Waihi Beach School has evacuation plan

2 possible evacuation centres Community Board involvement

Houses at 50% occupancy outside of holiday times

RSA willing to be used as hilltop primary evacuation centre


Garage – fuel and lpg (discuss what happens in emergency eg no power)

Island View unlikely to hear warning siren

Large numbers of tourists & holiday makers potentially without emergency resources

Low level of household preparedness

Many people work outside of the Waihi Beach area.

Neigbourhood support patchy

Opportunities Access to other potential welfare centers, eg Tennis club, churches.

Encourage community to install water tanks

Beach access for resupply / communication Bay of Plenty alerts – text, email

High number of 4 WDs, boat tractors Telephone trees for neighbourhood alerts

Challenges / threats

Ability to share information during an event, locally and regionally.

Owners of holiday houses relocating from disasters outside of Waihi Beach, eg Auckland, Hamilton

Achieving and maintaining a resilient Waihi Beach community

Vulnerable living alone being isolated

Damage to road / communication networks Communicating with Tourists / holiday makers

Limited food / fuel supplies Waihi Beach is one of a number of small easily cut off townships in the Bay of Plenty / Waikato, in a large scale disaster assistance may not reach us as quickly.

Water supply disruption Keeping this plan ‘alive’ and tested.

Sanitation Animal welfare


Risks to the Waihi Beach community

Risks causing isolation may include:

weather events, coastal storms flooding

marine / air disaster volcanic eruption,

Earthquake Pandemic

Landslip civil unrest

Tsunami Chemical

Any of the events could also bring a loss of water supply, electrical supply and telephone contact

including cell phones. A disaster like a major pandemic could see 20% to 60% of the population

affected within a week and this could lead to the area being isolated as a quarantine site.

Utilities failures etc. could also result in the need for a response by the CRT to assist vulnerable

community members.

The following table lists the identified risks for Waihi Beach, and their consequences and likelihood

of occurring;

Waihi Beach Consequences How likely

Risks High / Medium


High / Medium

/Low Ranking

Weather - coastal storm, flooding H H 1

Marine accident H H 2

Earthquake H M 3

Tsunami H L 4

Chemical / industrial H L 5

Volcanic eruption H L 6

Civil unrest H L 7

Major plane crash M L 8

Human disease – pandemic M L 9

Telecommunications failure L H 10

Electrical failure L M 11

Fire L L 12

Tornado L L 13

Landslip in town L L 14


Notifying and alerting the community

While it is the primary responsibility of local civil Defence to advise the community of any

emergency event, the Waihi Beach CRT will support and assist the Civil Defence in this activity.

The Waihi Beach community will be notified of a state of local emergency by the Civil Defence

Emergency management Officer or emergency Operations Centre ( if operating). This notification

may be by e-mail, phone or text to the Community Response Team Leader. It will then be the

responsibility of the Team Leader and CRT to ensure the community is made aware of the potential

emergency situation. This may be undertaken by telephone, email, texting, online, fire siren or door

to door knocking.

Civil Defence Emergency Management /

Operations centre

Community Response Team Leader

Community Response Team


Waihi Beach Community

CRT Reminder!

Take care of your personal and family responsibilities,

before participating in a Civil Defence emergency.


Roles and responsibilities of the CRT (Community Response Team)

Community Response Team Leader and Deputies The Community Response Team Leader is responsible for the overall co-ordination of the

community response during an emergency. This involves ensuring that the community is notified

and the CRT members are available to take responsibility for different aspects of the response, as

directed by the Civil Defence Controller. They may also allocate and deploy community resources as

agreed to by the Controller of the Emergency Operations Centre. They are also responsible for

maintaining the Community Response Plan.

The CRT Leader is the only person authorised to make public statements. This is done in

consultation with the Civil Defence Controller or Public Information Manager.

Personnel Team Leader/s

The Personnel Officer is responsible for ensuring there are the required numbers of personnel

available to assist the responders with tasks ( e.g. cooking food, assisting with sandbagging, door to

door knocking) . They will also arrange relief for Team Members who require a rest.

Resource Officer/s

The Resource Officer is responsible for obtaining resources as requested by the Team Leader and

liaising with the owners of the equipment to ensure it is used by the Team Leader and liaising with

the owners of the equipment to ensure it is used in the correct place (and safety).

They are also responsible for maintaining the list of available resources on an annual basis.

Welfare Team Leader/s

The Welfare Officer is responsible for ensuring

the evacuation centres are set up and staffed/ resourced correctly.

that members of the public who arrive at the centre are registered and these details are

passed on to the Team Leader / WBOPDC.

This role is to be established in consultation with the District Welfare Co-ordinator and Emergency

Management Officer to ensure there is no duplication of effort and the chosen person receives the

appropriate training.

Communications Officer/s

The communications Officer is responsible for manning the Civil Defence Radio located in the area.

They are the main liaison point between the council and the community and will act as the main

point for passing information form the EOC in the event other methods of communication are


Team Members

The Team Members will be responsible for assisting out and carrying out tasks as required by the

Team Leader, they will also be responsible for ensuring that the wider community has been notified

of an emergency.


Community Response Co-ordination Centre The primary response Co-ordination centre is Waihi Beach RSA, 99 Beach Rd, Waihi Beach.

Primary Welfare Centre The primary Welfare Centre is at Waihi Beach RSA, 99 Beach Rd.

Emergency Priorities The following table is designed to identify

lead agencies in the Waihi Beach area and their role in an emergency,

the role of the CRT Team

critical information that our community needs to know before and during an emergency. Waihi Beach residents include staff from all the lead agencies, in an emergency situation they may be in residence and take the Leadership in their field.

Priorities Lead agencies ( CRT lead only if official

agencies not functional)

Community Response Teamrole

Community action

1 Coordination and information sharing

CD, Police, Fire, St John, Medical,

Take lead role/s only if official lead agencies are not functional. Coordinate with lead agencies. Communicate with the community. Initiate CRT plan.

Be informed – warning texts, emails, listen to radio, listen for warnings, talk with your neighbours

2 Search and rescue

CD, Police, Fire brigade, Search & rescue, Coastguard, Surf club

Coordinate volunteers. Maintain a record of potential volunteers and skills

Practise your household evacuation plan, know your neighbours & neighbourhood.

3 Access to shelter

CD, Provide resources and coordinate volunteers. Maintain a record of resources, potential volunteers and skills

Have family / business evacuation plan, know where your local designated shelter. Neighbourhood support network.

4 Access to medical assistance

CD, Waihi Beach medical centre, St John,

Provide resources and coordinate volunteers. Maintain a record of resources, potential volunteers and skills

Learn first aid. If you have a disability work out care plan with your health provider or family for emergencies.

5 Access to food and water

CD, Council contractors,

Provide resources and coordinate volunteers. Maintain a record of resources, potential volunteers and skills

Store food & water to last 3+ days for your household. Grab bag kept stocked.


Priorities Lead agencies ( CRT lead only if official

agencies not functional)

Community Response Teamrole

Community action

6 Welfare of displaced, especially children

CD, Provide resources and coordinate volunteers. Maintain a record of resources, potential volunteers and skills

Practise your household evacuation plan. Know your neighbourhood.

7 Hazard areas identified, evacuated, cordoned, contained

Police, Fire brigade, Provide resources and coordinate volunteers. Maintain a record of resources, potential volunteers and skills

Have family / business evacuation plan. Listen and follow instructions / evacuation directions.

8 Management of deceased

Police Provide resources and coordinate volunteers. Maintain a record of resources, potential volunteers and skills

9 Access to fuel, transport

Police, Community Board

Provide resources and coordinate volunteers. Maintain a record of resources, potential volunteers and skills

10 Animal welfare

Vets Provide resources and coordinate volunteers. Maintain a record of resources, potential volunteers and skills

Consider pets in your household evacuation plan. Consider livestock in your business risk / evacuation plan.

11 Sanitation Council contractors Provide resources and coordinate volunteers. Maintain a record of resources, potential volunteers and skills

Have resources which can be used for temporary sanitation eg bucket / spade.


Community Response Team actions when emergencies occur In all cases send one member of the CRT to the Primary Evacuation Centre (so long as it is safe to do

so) to be used to provide community liaison.

1 Weather – coastal storm, flooding

Early alert stage - WBOPDC and Waihi Beach Community Board ensure drain maintenance supports

flow of water as contracted in WBOPDC utilities custom maintenance

a. Activate CRT

b. Assess immediate needs

c. Contact local Civil Defence Authority to advise situation.

d. Determine needs for community care and welfare

2 Marine accident

a. Assess situation, refer to Coastguard

b. Activate CRT

c. Assess immediate needs

d. Contact local Civil Defence Authority to advise situation.

e. Determine needs for community care and welfare.

3 Earthquake

a. Activate CRT

b. Assess immediate needs

c. Contact local Civil Defence Authority to advise situation.

d. Determine needs for community care and welfare.

4 Tsunami

a. Activate CRT

b. Notify telephone tree to advise community of event and to listen to the radio and

TV for further advice

c. Move medical / critical supplies to higher ground if they are threatened and time


5 Chemical / Industrial

a. Activate CRT

b. Take direction from Police / Waihi Beach Fire Brigade / WBOP CDEM

c. If requested notify community of event, advise them to stay indoors and to listen to

the radio, TV, online for further advice

d. Contact local Civil Defence Authority to advise situation.

e. Set up appropriately sited Evacuation Centre

6 Volcanic Eruption

a. Activate CRT

b. Take direction from Police / Waihi Beach Fire Brigade / WBOP CDEM


c. Notify community of event, advise them to stay indoors and to listen to the radio,

TV, online for further advice

d. Contact local Civil Defence Authority to advise needs.

e. Set up appropriately sited Evacuation Centre

7 Civil Unrest

a. Activate CRT (only in the event of community being isolated, otherwise this is police

business as usual)

b. Take direction from Police

c. If requested, notify community of event, advise them to stay indoors and to listen to

the radio, TV, online for further advice

8 Major Plane Crash

a. Activate CRT

b. Take direction from Police / Waihi Beach Fire Brigade / WBOP CDEM

c. If requested, notify community of event, advise them to stay indoors and to listen to

the radio, TV, online for further advice

d. Contact local Civil Defence Authority to advise situation.

e. Set up appropriately sited Evacuation Centre

9 Pandemic- Lead Agency is Ministry of Health

a. Ministry of Health will advise if response is required.


Community Resources A more complete list of resources, including confidential contact details, is available to The Community Response Team and other Civil Defense personnel.

Evacuation Centres

Below are the two main evacuation centres that may be utilised in the case of a Civil Emergency.

If these are not useable there are other churches, motels, camps which may be accessed in the

Waihi Beach community area.

Evacuation Centre Location / Contact Resources / Plant available

Waihi Beach Memorial RSA Inc 99 Main Road

Large commercial kitchen &

equipment, showers/toilets, 07 863 5688

Waihi Beach Community Centre 100-104 Main Road Hall, dining room & kitchen

Plant and Equipment

Below is a list of plant and equipment that could be used during an emergency

Owner / Business Location / Contact Resources / Plant available

Beach Contractors Ltd 691 Waihi Beach Rd Diggers, Bobcat, 2-10 ton trucks

Brownmore Construction Ltd Concrete contractors

Beach Hire Ltd 57 Wilson Rd, Trailers, 4x4 vehicle, BBQ, etc.

Newmont Mine Waihi Mine rescue equipment

Weathertight Homes Resolution Service Engineering


The locations of any transport within the community that could be used in an emergency should be

listed below. This could include 4x4 vehicles, quad bikes, off road motorcycles, tractors, boats,

helicopters, light aircraft.

Owner / Business Location / Contact Resources / Plant available

Waihi Beach Lifeguards The Esplanade IRB, beach patrol vehicles

Waihi Beach Airfield Emerton Rd,

Waihi Shuttles 17 Gilmour St, Waihi Shuttles: 11 & 7 seaters

First Aid

First Aid may be required during and following an emergency situation and the following table is a

list resources and people who could be called upon from within our wider community.


Agency Location / Contact Resources / Plant available

Waihi Beach Medical Centre 14 Wilson Rd, 07 863 5767 Defibrillator, First Aid

Waihi Beach Physiotherapy 57 Wilson Rd, 07 863 4123 Physiotherapists

Waihi Beach Vets 53 Wilson Rd, 07 863 7387 Xray,

Waihi Beach RSA 99 Beach Rd, 07863 5688 Full CD First Aid Kit

Waihi Beach Lifeguards The Esplanade 078635108 First Aid

Waihi Family Doctors 41 Kenny St, Waihi. 07 863 7728

Waihi Health Care School Lane, Waihi. 07 863 8195 full facilities

Katikati Medical Centre Clive Rd, Katikati. 07 863 0411 full facilities

Healthline 0800 611 116 Medical advice

Waihi Beach Chemist 21 Wilson Rd, 07 863 5401 pharmaceutical supplies

Cooking equipment

Cooking equipment and facilities are listed below. Barbeques and cooking utensils can be

commandeered from the community in the event of an emergency.

Owner / Business Location / Contact Resources / Plant available

Waihi Beach RSA 99 Beach Rd Kitchen, dining area.

Te Rau Aroha Camp 48 Seaforth Rd Kitchen , dining area

Waihi Beach Community Centre 100-104 Beach Rd Hall, dining, kitchen. Large chiller

Waihi Beach Hotel 60 Wilson Rd Hall, dining room, kitchen, chiller

Bedding and sleeping equipment

Many residents will come to evacuation centres with their own sleeping equipment. However some

may not have any available to them. In that situation contact local Civil Defence for assistance.

Katikati Red Cross has community rescue trailer which has provision for bedding & clothing for 50

evacuees. This may be available if Katikati is not impacted by the event.

Key Food Supplies

There are limited food supplies maintained within the Waihi Beach township.

Owner / Business Location / Contact Resources / Plant available

4 Square Wilson Rd, Household / food supplies

Welfare Agencies

The following welfare agencies are available for support and assistance in our community.


Owner / Business Location / Contact

Waihi Beach RSA Welfare 99 Beach Rd,

Waihi Beach RSA Womans Section99 Beach Rd,

United Church 12 Wilson St,

St Peters by the Sea 29 Marine Ave,

Beach Christain Centre 106 Beach Rd,

Water Supplies

Water supplies may be interrupted or damaged during an emergency. Alternatives that are

available in the area e.g. large rain water storage tanks, swimming pools etc. Please note that

swimming pools and ground water from bores need to be checked for quality before being used for

drinking purposes. Full details of water supply and reticulation for the Western BofP see “Western

Water Supply” Appendix A.

Agency Location / Contact Resources / Plant available

WBOP District Council Wilson Rd Bore, chlorinated 1,900 m3/day

WBOP District Council Mobile water pump

Waihi Beach School Beach Rd, Swimming pool

Radio Equipment

There is a radio located at

Owner / Business Location / Contact Resources / Plant available

Waihi Beach RSA 99 Beach Rd Civil Defence radio 3DEm VH/F

Vulnerable Community Members

The sites listed here may require assistance to evacuate

Owner / Business Location / Contact

Waihi Beach School 106 Beach Rd,

Waihi Beach Pensioner Flats Beach Rd,

Waihi Beach Playcentre 106 Beach Rd,

Kiwi Kids Educare Waihi Beach 43 Edinburgh St, 07 863 6434

Salvation Army Homecare Various locations

Beachkids Preschool 44 Dillon St, 07 863 5536


Emergency Contacts List

Emergency Services

Service Location / Contact Resources / Plant available

St John Waihi Dial 111 ambulance and equipment

WB First Response Dial 111 ambulance and equipment

WB Land Search & Rescue Dial 111 search & rescue equipment

WB Volunteer Fire Brigade Dial 111 fire truck and equipment

Athenree Volunteer Fire Brigade Dial 111 fire truck and equipment

Councils and Government Ministries

Agency Contact Location Address

Western BoP District Council 07 571 8008 Barkes Corner

BoP Regional Council 0800 884 880 Tauranga

BoP District Health Board 07 571 8975 Tauranga Hospital

Ministry of Social Development 04 916 3300 Wellington

Ministry of Education 04 463 8000 Wellington

Hauraki District Council 07 863 8609 Paeroa

Sources of information for the Waihi Beach Community

Stations Location / Contact

GoldFM (Waihi Beach 88.3) 07 863 9644 Waihi

National Radio 101 FM, 819 AM

Andy Pool

Rhythm FM

Radio live 1107AM


Appendix A

The Western Water Supply

The Western Supply Zone (WSZ) is made up of three raw water supplies supporting the urban areas of Waihi Beach, Island View, Bowentown, Athenree and Katikati, and the rural areas of Aongatete and Tahawai. The area sources water from two supplies as presented in the following table:

Wharawhara Rd Bores

Source: Confined underground aquifer

Intake: Three deep bores and bore pumps

Raw Water Main:

200 mm x 100 m + 280 mm x 200 m MDPE

Plant Location: Wharawhara Road. Built 2005

Process: Chlorination

Capacity: 9,900 m3/day

Athenree Quarry Bore

Source: Confined underground aquifer

Intake: Tw deep bores and bore pumps

Raw Water Main:

300 mm aPVC, approx 500m long

Plant Location: Located in abandoned quarry near intersection SH2 and Athenree Rd. Built 1988

Process: Chlorination

Capacity: 4,600 m3/day

Wilson Road Bore

Source: Confined underground aquifer

Intake: Deep bore and bore pump

Raw Water Main:

200 mm uPVC, approx 500m long

Plant Location: Wilson Rd, Waihi Beach. Built 1993

Process: Chlorination pH adjustment

Capacity: 2,250 (design) 1,900 (adopted) m3/day

Tahawai Bore Field

Source: Confined underground aquifer

Intake: Deep bores and bore pumps

Raw Water Main:

150 mm MPVC approx 750m long

Plant Location: Paper road - west of SH2 and north of Wolesley Rd

Process: Chlorination

Capacity: 2,100 m3/day

The distribution system supporting the delivery of treated water throughout the area is summarised as follows:


Reticulation Watermains: Total Pipeline Length - 261

Hydrants: 624

Valves: 1138

Meters (bulk flow or district): 23

Connections (metered): 1,910

Connections (unmetered): 4,476

Storage Wharawhara Road reservoir (concrete) 4,500 m3

Athenree Quarry reservoirs (concrete) 2 x 2,250 m3

Waihi Beach reservoir (concrete) 700 m3

Thompson Track tanks (concrete) 6 x 30 m3

Wright Road tanks (concrete) 3 x 30 m3

Tohara View Tanks 2 x 60 m3

Boost Pumps Thompsons Track

Kauri Point Road

Wharawhara Road (at reservoir)

Woodland Road

Wright Road

Reticulation by Material

Material Length (metres) % of Mains

Asbestos Cement 95,452 36.6%

MDPE/HDPE 50,723 19.4%

PVC 112,177 43%

Other/Unknown 2,868 1%

Total 261,220 100%

Reticulation by Diameter

Size Length (meters) % of Mains

Less than 50 mm

2,089 0.8

50 mm - 100 mm 176,585 67.6

101 mm - 150 mm 35,674 14

151 mm - 200 mm 27,689 10.6

201 mm - 300 mm 13,061 5

Greater than 301 mm 5,224 2


Total 261,220 100%


Water Supply Gradings The current water supply has been graded by the Ministry of Health (MoH), for compliance with requirements of health and safety. Two grading are given, one for Supply and one for Distribution. The existing raw water supplies in the Western Supply Zone with their associated Supply Gradings are:

Supply Distribution

Wilson Road Bore and WTP

"B" "b"

Athenree Bore (x2) and WTP

"A" "b"

Katikati Bores (x3) and WTP

"B" "b"

Tahawai Bores and WTP "B" "b"