Walk Idiot Walk Sheet Music and Tabs for Distortion Guitar, Picked Bass, Overdrive Guitar and Drums...

Post on 28-Dec-2015

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earwigs aplenty


26/05/2014 8:58 pmWalk Idiot Walk sheet music and tabs for distortion guitar, picked bass, overdrive guitar and drums - The Hives

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26/05/2014 8:58 pmWalk Idiot Walk sheet music and tabs for distortion guitar, picked bass, overdrive guitar and drums - The Hives

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new learning toolsWalk Idiot Walk - The HivesSheet Music &Tabs

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26/05/2014 8:58 pmWalk Idiot Walk sheet music and tabs for distortion guitar, picked bass, overdrive guitar and drums - The Hives

Page 4 of 24http://www.jellynote.com/en/sheet-music-tabs/the-hives/walk-idiot-walk/504a13ead2235a3ff94ad4fb#tabs:%23score_B

26/05/2014 8:58 pmWalk Idiot Walk sheet music and tabs for distortion guitar, picked bass, overdrive guitar and drums - The Hives

Page 5 of 24http://www.jellynote.com/en/sheet-music-tabs/the-hives/walk-idiot-walk/504a13ead2235a3ff94ad4fb#tabs:%23score_B

26/05/2014 8:58 pmWalk Idiot Walk sheet music and tabs for distortion guitar, picked bass, overdrive guitar and drums - The Hives

Page 6 of 24http://www.jellynote.com/en/sheet-music-tabs/the-hives/walk-idiot-walk/504a13ead2235a3ff94ad4fb#tabs:%23score_B

26/05/2014 8:58 pmWalk Idiot Walk sheet music and tabs for distortion guitar, picked bass, overdrive guitar and drums - The Hives

Page 7 of 24http://www.jellynote.com/en/sheet-music-tabs/the-hives/walk-idiot-walk/504a13ead2235a3ff94ad4fb#tabs:%23score_B

26/05/2014 8:58 pmWalk Idiot Walk sheet music and tabs for distortion guitar, picked bass, overdrive guitar and drums - The Hives

Page 8 of 24http://www.jellynote.com/en/sheet-music-tabs/the-hives/walk-idiot-walk/504a13ead2235a3ff94ad4fb#tabs:%23score_B

26/05/2014 8:58 pmWalk Idiot Walk sheet music and tabs for distortion guitar, picked bass, overdrive guitar and drums - The Hives

Page 9 of 24http://www.jellynote.com/en/sheet-music-tabs/the-hives/walk-idiot-walk/504a13ead2235a3ff94ad4fb#tabs:%23score_B

26/05/2014 8:58 pmWalk Idiot Walk sheet music and tabs for distortion guitar, picked bass, overdrive guitar and drums - The Hives

Page 10 of 24http://www.jellynote.com/en/sheet-music-tabs/the-hives/walk-idiot-walk/504a13ead2235a3ff94ad4fb#tabs:%23score_B

26/05/2014 8:58 pmWalk Idiot Walk sheet music and tabs for distortion guitar, picked bass, overdrive guitar and drums - The Hives

Page 11 of 24http://www.jellynote.com/en/sheet-music-tabs/the-hives/walk-idiot-walk/504a13ead2235a3ff94ad4fb#tabs:%23score_B

26/05/2014 8:58 pmWalk Idiot Walk sheet music and tabs for distortion guitar, picked bass, overdrive guitar and drums - The Hives

Page 12 of 24http://www.jellynote.com/en/sheet-music-tabs/the-hives/walk-idiot-walk/504a13ead2235a3ff94ad4fb#tabs:%23score_B

26/05/2014 8:58 pmWalk Idiot Walk sheet music and tabs for distortion guitar, picked bass, overdrive guitar and drums - The Hives

Page 13 of 24http://www.jellynote.com/en/sheet-music-tabs/the-hives/walk-idiot-walk/504a13ead2235a3ff94ad4fb#tabs:%23score_B

26/05/2014 8:58 pmWalk Idiot Walk sheet music and tabs for distortion guitar, picked bass, overdrive guitar and drums - The Hives

Page 14 of 24http://www.jellynote.com/en/sheet-music-tabs/the-hives/walk-idiot-walk/504a13ead2235a3ff94ad4fb#tabs:%23score_B

26/05/2014 8:58 pmWalk Idiot Walk sheet music and tabs for distortion guitar, picked bass, overdrive guitar and drums - The Hives

Page 15 of 24http://www.jellynote.com/en/sheet-music-tabs/the-hives/walk-idiot-walk/504a13ead2235a3ff94ad4fb#tabs:%23score_B

26/05/2014 8:58 pmWalk Idiot Walk sheet music and tabs for distortion guitar, picked bass, overdrive guitar and drums - The Hives

Page 16 of 24http://www.jellynote.com/en/sheet-music-tabs/the-hives/walk-idiot-walk/504a13ead2235a3ff94ad4fb#tabs:%23score_B

26/05/2014 8:58 pmWalk Idiot Walk sheet music and tabs for distortion guitar, picked bass, overdrive guitar and drums - The Hives

Page 17 of 24http://www.jellynote.com/en/sheet-music-tabs/the-hives/walk-idiot-walk/504a13ead2235a3ff94ad4fb#tabs:%23score_B

26/05/2014 8:58 pmWalk Idiot Walk sheet music and tabs for distortion guitar, picked bass, overdrive guitar and drums - The Hives

Page 18 of 24http://www.jellynote.com/en/sheet-music-tabs/the-hives/walk-idiot-walk/504a13ead2235a3ff94ad4fb#tabs:%23score_B

26/05/2014 8:58 pmWalk Idiot Walk sheet music and tabs for distortion guitar, picked bass, overdrive guitar and drums - The Hives

Page 19 of 24http://www.jellynote.com/en/sheet-music-tabs/the-hives/walk-idiot-walk/504a13ead2235a3ff94ad4fb#tabs:%23score_B

26/05/2014 8:58 pmWalk Idiot Walk sheet music and tabs for distortion guitar, picked bass, overdrive guitar and drums - The Hives

Page 20 of 24http://www.jellynote.com/en/sheet-music-tabs/the-hives/walk-idiot-walk/504a13ead2235a3ff94ad4fb#tabs:%23score_B

26/05/2014 8:58 pmWalk Idiot Walk sheet music and tabs for distortion guitar, picked bass, overdrive guitar and drums - The Hives

Page 21 of 24http://www.jellynote.com/en/sheet-music-tabs/the-hives/walk-idiot-walk/504a13ead2235a3ff94ad4fb#tabs:%23score_B

26/05/2014 8:58 pmWalk Idiot Walk sheet music and tabs for distortion guitar, picked bass, overdrive guitar and drums - The Hives

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26/05/2014 8:58 pmWalk Idiot Walk sheet music and tabs for distortion guitar, picked bass, overdrive guitar and drums - The Hives

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by Karla

26/05/2014 8:58 pmWalk Idiot Walk sheet music and tabs for distortion guitar, picked bass, overdrive guitar and drums - The Hives

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