Walt disney series iii

Post on 16-Jan-2015

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Beauty and the Beast is the 3rd in this series. Please read this carefully.


Walt Disney Series III

Beauty and the Beast


Babu Appat

Walt Disney Series III

In this series I will tell you some stories Selected from world classics.

It’s to improve your

Language skills, Listening skills, Narrative skills, Vocabulary, and Comprehensive abilities


Please Read On

Once upon a time, in a far away land, lived a young prince in a

beautiful castle.

Although he had everything he could want, he was proud and



On a cold winter night an old beggar lady came and asked the prince for

shelter for the night and offered him a rose in return.

But the stone hearted prince turned her away.


To his astonishment, at that moment , the old beggar lady turned into a beautiful fairy, before his very own eyes.


The prince wanted to ask for forgiveness, but it was too late.

The fairy had realised that there was no love in the prince’s heart.


As a punishment for his cruel heart, she turned him into

horrible beast.

Then she cast a spell on everything in the castle including

the servants.babuappat@gmail.com

The fairy gave the Beast a magical rose and said, “If you are

successful in finding someone you love and the person loves you back too, before the last

petal withers and falls on your 21st birthday, then the magic spell

will be broken.babuappat@gmail.com

If not, you will remain a beast forever.” The Beast kept himself in

his castle because he was ashamed of his horrible face.

With a magical mirror he could see the outside world.


The years passed.

The Beast had given up the hope that anyone would ever love him.

And slowly the rose began to wither too.


In a village near the castle lived a beautiful girl named Belle, who

lived with her father. babuappat@gmail.com

Belle’s father Maurice was an inventor, who invented very

special machines and then took them to the annual fair to sell

them there. babuappat@gmail.com

The people of the village liked Belle.

Belle had her nose buried into books the whole day long..


The young hunter Gatson, an admirer, could not understand


“Why don’t you look at me instead of those books, Belle?”

he said. “I’m more interesting.” But Belle ignored him


One day Maurice went off to sell one of his machines. But he lost his way and was attacked by a pack of wolves. His horse Phillip dropped him down and galloped away in

panic. babuappat@gmail.com

But to Maurice’s luck he was able to find refuge in a strange, old

castle deep in the forest. babuappat@gmail.com

In the castle, Mrs. Potts the teapot, Mr. Cogsworth the clock and Mr.Lumiere, the candlestand

welcomed Belle’s father.babuappat@gmail.com

“Our master will be angry if he sees you here.” they said. At that

moment the beast appeared. He caught Maurice and put him in the

castle dungeon. babuappat@gmail.com

Back at home, Belle was getting worried since the horse Phillip had

come back without her father. babuappat@gmail.com

She swung on to Phillip’s back and said “Run, take me to my father.” Phillip galloped fast and brought

Belle to the castle.babuappat@gmail.com

But just as she found her father in the cell, the Beast appeared. Belle recoiled in horror at the sight of his

face. babuappat@gmail.com

Then she gathered all her courage and pleaded with the Beast to set

her father free and to keep her imprisoned instead.


The Beast agreed to Belle’s suggestion. He set Maurice free and threw him out of the castle.

Then he led Belle to her room and said, “The castle is now your home.


You can move freely all over, but do not enter the west wing.

This part of the castle is out of bounds for you.”


But in the night Belle crept quietly into the west wing despite the


There she was attracted by the magic rose, which was on the

window under a glass. babuappat@gmail.com

The Beast suddenly appeared in front of the window and roared in


Belle turned her back in horror and fled the room.


In fear and panic Belle rode out on Phillip into the dark forest, where

she was attacked by wolves. babuappat@gmail.com

Luckily, the Beast came to her help and fought the wolves till they

gave up and disappeared from there.

When Belle saw that the Beast was injured she felt sorry for him.


She brought him back to the castle and bandaged his wounds.

“Thank you for saving my life,” she said politely.


But the Beast only murmured an answer.

But as Belle turned away, something like a slight smile

passed over his face.babuappat@gmail.com

In the following days the Beast showed Belle his library and behaved like a gentleman.


“Maybe she will succeed in braking the spell,” Mrs. Potts muttered to

the others.babuappat@gmail.com

One evening as Belle showed the Beast how to dance he asked,

“Are you happy here with me, Belle?”


“Yes of course!” Belle said hesitatingly, “But I’m longing for my father. If only I could see him again, I’d know whether he is well

or not.” babuappat@gmail.com

“You can do that,” the Beast said and gave her the magical mirror.


In the mirror Belle saw her father searching for her when suddenly he sank to the floor. “I must go to him! Belle cried. Otherwise he’ll


The magical mirror led Belle to her father. But hardly had she brought

him home when some villagers appeared.


“We have come to take your father to the mental asylum,” said

Gatson. “He is crazy.

He insists that a wild beast has kept you imprisoned in his castle.”


Then Gatson whispered to Belle, If you marry me I will see to it that nothing happens to your father.”

“Never” Belle replied. babuappat@gmail.com

“This Beast exists. I can prove it to you!” She turned it in the mirror!

But it is not bad and will not harm anybody!”


When Gatson saw how lovingly Belle looked at the Beast in the

mirror, he was filled with jealousy.

He said “Folks, look at this monster! It will come and rob your

children! We must kill it!” babuappat@gmail.com

And soon the villagers were on their way to the castle where the

Beast lived.babuappat@gmail.com

Belle tried in vain to stop them. When she finally reached the

castle, Gatson and the Beast were fighting each other.


As the Beast saw Belle he stopped fighting and Gatson used that opportunity to jab a knife in

the Beast’s Back.babuappat@gmail.com

The Beast roared so loudly with pain that Gatson stepped back, lost his balance, and fell into the

valley. babuappat@gmail.com

Belle knelt beside the injured Beast. She kissed him on his

cheek and cried, “No! You must not die! Please don’t! I love you!”


At That very moment the magic spell was broken and the Beast turned into a handsome young

prince. babuappat@gmail.com

The magic rose bloomed again under its glass and soon the

wedding was celebrated- of Belle and her prince, whom she loved

even when he was a beast!babuappat@gmail.com

Beauty and BeastA short description "Beauty and the Beast" (French: La Belle et la Bête) is a

traditional fairy tale. The first published version of the fairy tale was a rendition by Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve, published in La jeune américaine, et les contes marins in 1740. The best-known written version was an abridgement of her work published in 1756 by Jeanne-Marie Le Prince de Beaumont, in Magasin des enfants, ou dialogues entre une sage gouvernante et plusieurs de ses élèves; an English translation appeared in 1757.

Variants of the tale are known across Europe. In France, for example, Zémire et Azor is an operatic version of the story of Beauty and the Beast written by Marmontel and composed byGrétry in 1771. It had enormous success well into the 19th century. It is based on the second version of the tale.

1. Why did Belle’s father went out?What’s his name?

2. Who was Gatson?

3. How did the Beast escape the spell?




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