Want to be successful? Learn how to market and sell! – A case for security doors

Post on 01-Sep-2015

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An excellent and complete collection of knowledge to be used by marketing and sales specialists when willing to commercialize their novel security doors. Ways to succeed for all interested businessmen to create the most profit in this specific industry. The guide also contains all details related to the products themselves as well as the market trends and “specialties” on online marketing tools to be used in the topic.What do you think, what is the most common way to get into an apartment for a burglar? Do you know how much time and effort does it take to get through a security door? This e-book will guide you through all these questions and more from the marketing experts of security door systems. All you need to know about locking systems, mechanical solutions, energy efficiency classes and the best ways to increase the sales of your security door products.


  • A case for security doorsby Unisec.hu

    Want to be successful?Learn how to market and sell!

  • Unisec.hU 2

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    The world is changing faster than ever... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Security Doors and Business Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

    The types of security doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Get friendly with security doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17The value of your work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25The value of the work of your competitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28The value of your product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

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    It is 2015. The world is changing fasterthan ever and our skill sets havea shorter life span.

    The social media is evolving faster than you can imagine. Hundreds of new and inno-vative products get commercialized every day. The race is on. Keeping pace with con-sumer goods leaders gets harder by the day. The cost of marketing on Facebook and Google is higher than ever. These circumstances mean an ever growing challenge to the marketing expert of our age. Search engine optimization methods that worked last year now do more harm than good. Content marketing and growth hacking came to life as an answer to these challenges.

    Its relatively easy to instill passion in people for products like a great looking sports car with a big V10 engine or with an all-inclusive luxury travel to a tropical island where you can relax on a white sandy shore, drinking a cosmopolitan while looking at the azure blue ocean. Its a bit harder when you need to write about a security door for example. Of course there are ways. Content marketing can be adapted to any niche. The first two examples need to find a way to the customers heart. For a door you need a completely different strategy. You need data, proof of concept, customer reviews and interactivity to convince customers that your product is the best for their problems. Of course you need great design too, especially if you want to make bigger profit.

    Do your homework

    You dont stand a chance of producing successful, viral content unless you start by doing your homework. It may feel extremely tedious, but there is no substitute for it. First, study the product you are going to write about. The more you know it, the more likely you are to come up with a big idea to write about it and eventually for selling it. Spend a few weeks or a month reading about your subject. If you have a team, send them to your business partners headquarters to interview the people who work for the company. Make them collect every little piece of information they can. If you are too lazy to do this kind of homework, you may occasionally luck into a successful campaign, but you will surely fail in the long run. Your next task is to find out every-thing you can about your competitors:

    What is their content strategy for those similar products? What kind of advertising they have been doing lately?

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    Do a little research among consumers. Find out how they think about your product,about your niche:

    What attributes are important to them? What promise would be most likely to make them buy your brand?

    If you dont have enough money to hire professional service for these tasks, do the research yourself. Informal conversations with a dozen potential customers or house-wives from a potential area can sometimes help a copywriter more than formal sur-veys in which he does not participate.


    Think about your product. How you want to position it. What the product does, and who is it for?

    Brand image

    What image you want for your brand? Image equals personality. The personality of a product, just like people, can make or break them in the community. The products personality is a mixture of many things name, price and packaging, advertising style and of course the nature of the product itself.Every ad contributes to the brand image. Be consistent about this same image, year after year. Give your product an image of quality. Who would want to wear a shirt for example which you saw in a cheap or shoddy looking advertisement? What would your friends think about you? Most of the time it isnt the product people choose it is the image. You have to sell the brand image 90% of the time.

    The great idea

    Your advertising has to contain a great idea in order to get the attention of consum-ers. Big ideas come from the unconscious. It doesnt matter if its about art, science or marketing. You got to keep your unconscious well informed and stuffed it with new data from time-to-time. Then unhook your rational thought process. Literally wait for the fried chicken to fly into your mouth. Go out for a long walk, take a hot shower or

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    drink a glass of beer (like geologists do during their creative work) to help the thought process. Now wait for the big idea to well up from within.

    How will you tell it is the big one? Ask yourself these questions:

    Did it make people gasp when you present it to them? Do they say: Man, I wish I had thought of this myself!? Is it unique? Does it fit the strategy to perfection? Could it be used for 20-30 years?

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    Security Doorsand Business Development

    Today many have tried to write about business development in general but all man-agers struggle to give real life examples of business development cases regarding such obvious and everyday earth-bound consumer goods as doors. There has to be a very creative and open-minded marketing manager who handles all issues during the commercialization of such product the topic might seem like being dull and boring, but imagine that it could be so much worse (just check out theworsthingsforsale.com for inspiration when youre feeling down about an operative issue). Here are some practical advices to follow when you try to commercialize doors as products:

    1. Get friendly with security doors

    The first thing to do when you start to advertise your prod-uct is to get friendly with the topic. I mean friendly in two different ways: if your product line consists of doors then you should be able to talk about them. Your customers dont care about your beautifully written lines about the great features of the product, they want to learn about the technical details and find out the greatest amount of infor-mation in the shortest amount of time to be able to make a decision. They will only be able to do this if you are well prepared about the technical details of your product. Most of the marketing guys resist to learn such details as it is the task of the technical staff, but the more you learn, the more you will understand the needs of your customers as well as your own offering.

    I also mean getting friendly in a friendly way: doors are becoming a part of your every-day life. If you dont like this topic, find them boring and unchallenging, then you dont deserve to manage them. You need to like them, imagine them, think about them a lot. The best way to get friendly is to philosophize about them. Hundreds of great minds have written about doors hiding secrets, locked ones with fortunes behind them, and fairy ones with different worlds behind them. Use your imagination to find out what your own door leads to and motivate yourself with the ever closed door that might be opened only with a good attitude and success in your work.

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    2. See the company as a whole

    Dont think only about yourself or your own department at a company. At your compa-ny you are all fighting for the same goal, it does not matter who takes the blame and the pride, a success is always a common success and a failure is a common failure too. You need to get ready for all kinds of questions if you are becoming the interface of your company towards your customers, including trends, legal aspects, your com-petitors, your intellectual property as well as the unique selling proposition.

    3. Who? Why?

    The question is, who is going to buy your product and why. If you cant answer these simple questions, you should stop doing everything else and try to provide the an-swers. I have experienced many lame tries where these questions werent asked. I came from Europe where in many cases, especially when a difficult product was created at a research institute or university, the product development was financed by grants and the products didnt fulfill any needs of any customers. Always make sure that you keep your goals in sight so your communication strategy will be con-sistent and smart. Imagine when you would buy a security door for yourself. If youre not paranoid, then you might not even think about buying this product which is more expensive and robust than a normal door. If you have had unwelcome visitors at your place when you were abroad, you will definitely think about it even if it needs a big-ger investment, a wider budget, simply because the perceived risk of being robbed increases by being robbed. It is advisable in this case to find out how many robberies have occurred in your market. If you check out the crime statistics, youll soon realize where the security doors sell the most. Also check it out, how expensive an apart-ment or house is in those neighborhoods: your potential customers dont only need your product but they should also be able to afford it.

    4. The value of your work

    Marketing activities can be measured in many ways. Were not about to detail these methods, as our aim is to draw your attention to details that you havent thought about. Valuation is always a tricky business as it will always contains subjective as-sessment. The marketing activity can be best measured if there was a time without it. The most obvious measure is the directly visible revenue growth after each of your ac-

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    tions. As for the perceived value of your work, it lays roughly on the shoulders of those employees (maybe yourself), who participate in the direct sales of security doors. They have to be very well prepared, with an unwavering knowledge of all product types, deadlines, competitors, etc. If they forget to smile for a second, the customers will soon find themselves at the neighboring booth of your competitor.

    5. The value of the work of your competitors

    You need to know your competitors. They are not your enemies; think about them more as opponents who are racing with you, not against you. They are not about to discredit you, but they are about to outsmart you. You have to be very cautious and dont let your secrets reach them. Be open minded enough so the customers will trust you. Collect every piece of information about your competitors and learn from their failures and successes. It can only be of your benefit: you dont have to fall your-self; you just have to learn from those who have fallen already.

    6. The value of your product

    Doors can contain many different tangible and intangible values that you should be aware of. The material, the quality, the accessories (such as the handle or the built-in doorbell) are all influencing the price of the product as well as the costs to produce such products. Nevertheless the intellectual property of your company might have a lot of influence on the prices, costs and profit margins of the security door prod-ucts: the design, the new technical solution as well as your brand name can all be subject to intellectual property protection. The manufacturing and commercializing of security doors might be the subject of know-how documents. These documents serve as guidelines for those secrets that make your security doors unique. There is such a variety of security doors in the market that each company might offer some-thing unique. It is very important to fix all those little details that your competitors cant reach/dont know/would invest a lot of resources on to find out themselves. Security doors also have intangible concerns: they are subjects to design protection, utility model protection and you might even apply for a patent on them if they have significant novelty in a technical solution. These measures also play a key role in the perceived value of security doors thus they needed to be mentioned in all documents and marketing materials. Having a patent or a utility model, or design protection will also suggest a controlled, stable business that looks optimistically in the future.

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    7. Assess the values of your product

    Conduct a detailed research on security doors regarding the following questions:

    What can your product line do? How do they function? Do they have any extra features? What are the types of security doors? How do you classify them

    and which type serves what customer needs? What other technical solutions are available on the market? How is your product comparing to those? What are its sizes, where can is be built in, where are its limits? What happens if something goes wrong technically? Is there a

    helping hand in your company? Are there continuous product development at your company? Do

    you know what the development team is working on?

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    The types of security doors

    Security doors can be classified as follows:

    a) Armored/locked doorsb) Fire doorsc) Burglar locks

    According to French statistics, a burglary occurs every minute of which 80% of the attacks happens through the front door, also many burglars get discouraged if the door resists more than 3 minutes. The first protection is to have a lock with the ap-propriate level of security, if you feel that this is not enough the next step is to install a reinforced door.

    Standards define A2P 3 resistance levels for locks, each corresponding to a level of resistance to break-time. All levels are laboratory tested and the following burglary resistance time is documented along with the categories:

    A2P1: 5 minutes A2P2: 10 minutes A2P3: 15 minutes

    We have to understand that lock and security doors dont prevent burglary, but are able to delay it with a few minutes. Wise saying states: We win life if we win time in this case the more the burglar is occupied by the opening of your security door, the more likely to get caught. To reduce this risk, the burglar will give up on a more difficult locking system or a reliable security door.

    A normal, unshielded door is very easy to break.

    There are two methods to fracture an unshielded door

    The break it in two: hitting very hard, most non-reinforced doors end up breaking.

    Pushing a crowbar at the hinges: it pulls the amounts of the door that dislocates. The lock is then of no use and the door opens by itself.

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    Shielding can be managed several ways:

    Two important elements of the protection to be used are as follows: o Usage of a metal frame: also called dormant (the contour

    of the door, sealed in masonry). o The door itself. It is possible to have a metal frame without the door itself to be

    reinforced, which will delay the breaking time into the apartment/house with a crowbar.

    o It is also possible to shield your current door using a steel sheet. o Better to have it made by a professional: it is becoming

    safer and more aesthetic if you dont do it yourself. If you choose this option, also replace the frame so that it be-

    comes metallic, too. The real security door solution is the armored/security door.

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    a) Armored/locked doors

    The ideal armored/security doors:

    The door and the frame are made from a single element. The best doors are almost invincible: it is really time consuming

    and very noisy to achieve a burglary through them. There are three levels of certification A2P BP standard for assess-

    ing the strength of the blocks in the case of glass doors: BP1, BP2, BP3

    One drawback: difficult to have a custom security door, dimen-sions are standardized, special orders rarely fulfilled.

    Reinforced Doors: decorative and insulating at once:

    These models are armored, but are also decorative and light. Manu-facturers are now trying to make them less stringent security doors.

    As for the materials, the armored doors, or the blocks used on them will always be made of metal or steel because it makes them safer than any other materials. For the exterior, the wood is often chosen.

    The other advantage of a security door is that it also has good acoustic features and thermal insulation.

    It can also withstand fire for a certain given time.

    The price of a security door depends on the chosen level of protection:

    If you decide to build your door with a metal frame without asking a block armored door, your bill can rise up to 450 and 650 $. In addition, add the price of the security locks, which cost about 550 $.

    For a reinforced door of good quality, the price varies from 1500 to 4500 $. Normally this price level even gets higher.

    It is strongly advised to use the work of a professional for the in-stallation of your security door if your concern is high quality. This also elevates the price of a security door installation.

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    b) Fire doors

    Again in the interest of safety and protection, fire doors are often chosen as entry doors. They are specifically designed to resist flames and prevent their spread in the rest of the building.

    Principle of the fire door:

    It prevents the spread of fire: it is made with a combustible mate-rial surrounded by two panels of hardwood. The door can also be placed inside the house, as in a boiler, for example, to avoid, in case of fire, the fire spreads around its parts.

    It is a good insulator: the fire door is also a good thermal and acoustic insulation due to its thickness.

    Fire door resistance under high temperature:

    The hinges of a fire door have to withstand about 800 C for about 30-60 minutes and hold the fire back for this amount of time.

    The fire doors need to be evaluated by the insurers of the house where they are ap-plied. This fact shall be regarded as an extra cost feature connecting to our product portfolio.

    Fire resistance rating of fire doors:

    As security doors and locks , the fire doors meet standards of quality and performance: NF 277, NFS 61-937.

    The fire door systems contain several levels of fire protection as follows:

    o Mode 0 for traditional fire doors o Mode 1 for doors with automatic closure o Mode 2 for gates with automatic closing more a restraint

    system and a safety lock (DAS: Security Powered Device)

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    c) Burglar locks

    Even though security doors are preferred solutions, but as for the customers, our indirect competitors are the simple burglar locks that allow their users to solve the problem of security at a much lower price. When a burglary occurs, the first thing we will do is to strengthen our locks. 80% of apartment thieves go through the door the main weakness of the system being the lock cylinder.To enter, thieves hit the lock cylinder which fracture at its attachment point. Strength-ening your lock is the first thing to do when shielding your door. Remember always match the quality of the lock with the quality of your security door: burglars can break the lock or simply break in using a crowbar. A good way to know the level A2P adapted to a given home (apartment or house and its environment) is to ask the insurer of the house as the owners policy may require some level of security. Insurers require closure mostly in 2 points, but 3-point closure is a standard that will be required by them more and more regularly.

    What should be known about burglar locks?

    A lock is composed of two main elements: o The lock box where you put the key to open or close the

    door. It is possible to have multiple locking points (2 to 5) to enhance the level of security.

    o The cylinder: This is the opening mechanism, placed in the door. This is what triggers the opening and closure system.

    It is possible and customary to change the lock cylinder without changing the lock itself.

    However, you should not ask a cylinder lock on a different brand: indeed, for the A2P label, the cylinder and the lock must be of the same brand.

    Make sure that the selected cylinder resists 3 types of burglary: piercing, tearing and picking.

    The cylinder must be of the right size: it should certainly not ex-ceed the lock.

    Burglar lock DIY or call a locksmith?

    If a professional installs the system, there will always have some-body to blame if the burglars get inside too easily.

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    The price of burglar locks varies between 40 and 4,000 $, depending on the required level of security.

    Depending on the chosen security level, the price of your lock varies between the following sums:

    o For the first security level the added level of extra protection to an existing lock would cost you around 40 to 200 $.

    o The second level of security is to replace your lock with a multi-point lock (3 to 5), which will cost between 300 and 1,000 $.

    o The last level is to change your door and opt for a complete block with anti multipoint door lock. The budget in this category can even reach 1 800 to 4 000 $.

    o Again, it is advisable to hire an experienced locksmith to perform the change/inserting of locks.

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    Get even friendlierwith security doors

    Other things to consider when buying security doors environmental effects, energy efficiency

    Energy efficiency is becoming a key element in every of-fering in consumer goods industry. From the producers point of view, it is a question of effectiveness during the production, so the costs can be reduced and the margins can be elevated. From the customers point of view, it means a lower expenditure, as a good security door wont let the winter in your house.

    Environmental considerations are well addressed by labeling systems. In Europe, the following type of labels are getting common in many domains, such as refrigerators, kitchen utensils, and even doors and windows:These labels inform the customers (as well as the sales staff) about the energy class of the product. The example shows an Anglian Classic Door, a commonly used en-trance door type in the United Kingdom. It has a glass insert, which reduces its energy efficiency. A security door shall always have an A class label. It is not an obligation to use these labels, but it is very advisable: the company can gain a very high marketing value as well as the acknowledgement of the customers. In France, even the climate zones are indicated in the labels and the energy efficiency classes are established with a view on the environment that the door has to function in.

    The consumer can now choose independently between door manufacturers that most closely meet their needs in terms of energy performance and comfort in summer, de-pending on the climate zone where their home is located. Established on the basis of a calculation method called e2mf, which takes into account the data of a reference building on the market, an important simulation work has resulted in an easy to use tool, allowing each manufacturer to determine the energy performance of products.

    The labels are defined by the door manufacturers as being clear, simple and easy to read that will allow the customer to make his choice on objective and transparent cri-teria. It is positioned on the renovation market in the residential housing and applies to windows and entrance doors, regardless of the material of which the product was made (aluminum, wood, PVC or mixed).

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    Today, customers know these labels already, they dont have to be taught about its features, and thus it became an excellent tool to represent the energy efficiency of these doors in the simplest and most direct way possible. The label refers to a certain level of quality which needs to be emphasized during the marketing activities.

    In Europe, the European Federation of Construction Industry announced a decrease of 2.3% in the European construction market in 2013 that stabilized slightly in 2014 (+ 0.1%).

    The post-crisis situation varies from one country to another and from one segment to another. The construction sector represents a total of $ 1.162 billion and remains the main growth engine of Europe. This represents 8.8% of the EU GDP and 2.9 million businesses, mostly small and micro organizations. The sector employs 13.8 million workers, or 6.4% of European assets.

    As to the global situation, an Oxford Economics study, announces a new golden age of the real estate development industry by providing a growth of about 70% of pro-duction in 2025 and from a total volume of 6 770 billion to 11 670 billion $. The study even puts forward a new El Dorado of construction, such as at the Asian ti-gers (Indonesia in the lead) or some African countries (Nigeria, in particular). The Chinese market is expected to represent 26% of the global market in 2020 (against 18% in 2013) but should then decelerate. At different volumes, the growth of con-struction will be as dynamic in India, Qatar, Vietnam, Thailand and Malaysia. Plunged into crisis as Europe, the United States should find a solid force and continue to be among the major world markets.

    8. See the company as a whole

    Sales skills are very important when you are engaged in marketing and business development. The communication materials need to be in line with the message you would like to transfer.

    If a commercial merely lists the features and benefits of their product, it may miss the major concern or exact needs of his client and you also may miss the sale.Similarly the influence speech is a great method, when you act on your client and show him the adequacy of the product with its expectations, are only moderately ef-fective. If a seller uses techniques to influence sales or force the hand of his client, it may accumulate failures as it focuses on its sale, not his client.

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    The first thing to worry about for a Seller is his client. What interests your customer, what he wants to solve, what he wants to change or improve. You have to find the right product that will solve his problems and meets his expectations. So the seller must have a client-oriented approach. He should address his client, he should do exactly what the client wants, and he must want to help.

    If you realize that your product will not benefit your client, please let him know. Or if you realize that your business can not do what the customer asks, tell him. Similarly, if you feel that the quality of your product or service can be improved, go to your boss and talk to him about how to improve. You must be absolutely sure that the product you sell is valuable and useful for your customer.

    If you want to get better regarding your interpersonal skills and empathy, you can de-velop them online via commercial tests.

    There are two types of commercial argument: Retail, online sales and marketing make the sale to a large number of people. The sales pitch should correspond to the needs or desires of the majority.

    The trade has instead a personalized and different approach to each client. Its role is to discover the needs of his client and then provide an answer (product, service, and solution) adapted.

    When we observe the sales pitch of top sellers, we see that it is easy, fluid, relevant, responsive, and tailored. It sounds simple because they are professionals in their field:

    they know their market, they know their products, they know their customers, they are good counselors, they know what their customers want.

    For that you have to know your market What you sell must be a needed thing. You must have a client and you need to know your customers.

    You must know what your potential customers are looking for. What they want, what they are like, what they like and dislike, what price they are willing to invest, what

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    they are sensitive about (the price, quality, design, technology, fashion, originality ...), what is vital for them, what is important, what their buying criteria, their brakes to purchase, etc.

    You must know the competition. Which offers does it offer? What price? What are the characteristics of their products, their advantages, and disadvantages? She sells package deals? What is their marketing? What benefits it highlights in its advertis-ing? Etc.

    It is also vital that you know your products perfectly. You must be completely familiar with your sales pitch . It is even advisable to know every detail by heart.

    More technically you know your products, you will be more comfortable and the bet-ter your results. Indeed, you will be able to diagnose precisely the situations faced by your client, what he wants; you ask the right questions and know the attention of your customer or constraints on some important parameters.

    You will then be able to advise your customer more precisely and with greater reliabil-ity and speed. You will also be able to meet him if he tackles a technical aspect of the product.

    Whether you are an individual retail or sales professional, you realize that customers know little about the products you sell. They do not have real knowledge about it. So you have a true advisory role.

    You must know the issues, parameters, constraints of your business. For example in the field of safety, it is vital to have a homogeneous system: your client asks you to equip his house armored doors. If you know your job, you know it is useless to have a security door if the windows on the ground floor are not protected, because in this case intrusions will be done by the windows. You should educate your customer on this factor and also advise him to protect his windows, too.

    To know your customer is the key in the sales cycle. The better you know your custom-er and what he wants, the more you will be able to submit precisely what he wants. Therefore, you should not present your product or expose your case until you have carefully considered the needs of your customer.

    The best salespeople are actually looking to help their customers, they want to con-

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    tribute to add value, and they sincerely wish to participate in their success or well-be-ing. And naturally seek to know and want to understand what their customers are looking for, motivations, needs, expectations, constraints, desires, what they want and what they do not want.

    So at this stage, the only thing that matters to you is to know and understand the needs and motivations of your customer. You must find out what their buying criteria are.

    Generally classified buying criteria can be categorized as follows: objective criteria: the technical characteristics, price, value, qual-

    ity, performance, strength, durability, design, size, weight, etc. subjective criteria: there are as many as you have guests. Here

    are the most common: safety, savings, convenience, comfort, well-being, pleasure, esteem, sympathy, emotion, aesthetics, in-novation, novelty, seniority, luxury, originality, conformity, solidar-ity, ecology, etc., etc., etc.

    Have fun ask your friends, colleagues or associates what their real motivation was when they bought their doors. You will be amazed at the diversity of responses. Here are some of the responses you might have:

    To have a nice entrance Because we have a child so security needs to be enhanced. Because we had a fire last year and try to avoid it next time. Because I wanted to have a door that impresses my status. Because I liked its design For I cannot receive customers with a door that would positions

    me wrong. Because it is energy efficient Because my ears are sensible to the air blast my late door was causing. Because I wanted a life-long solution Because my friends have the same.

    And by talking more, youll find that often the person does not have a purchasing cri-terion but several. He wants first save on overhead, but it also wants the door is not too expensive, etc.

    During the sales talk , you must find out what is important to your client, you must get him to tell you.

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    You might think that in selling to professionals, only objective criteria are taken into account. Well no, many of your customers buy based on objective criteria but also on subjective criteria. For example, they want to be happy or to please their boss, they want high tech, and they seek security, etc. and therefore prefer this model or anoth-er brand.

    You also have to be the advisor of the client. Now you know exactly what your cus-tomer is looking for, you know the important criteria of him, needs and motivations. So you know what the product or products that will suit him. Your task is to present them, to explain them and then let him choose or decide. Generally your client does not know the products you sell. It is therefore necessary to explain the benefits of your products and the benefits it will derive.

    Be relevant; do not drown in all the benefits of the product. Explain what interests, what is important to him.

    Be focused on your customer. Forget your boss, your sales, your margins, your goals, and your commission. Be interested in your client, what they are looking at what will be the most profitable for him. He came to see you or you received it because he thinks you can help her, bring her something, and make his life easier in one way or another. He did not come see you for you to do a good deal. So advise it in its interest.

    Remember, the best sellers are actually looking to help their customers, they want to bring their real value, they sincerely wish to participate in their success or well-being. Join them and you will be satisfied customers who come back to see you.

    Keep it simple. Do not overwhelm your customer with technical explanations (unless your customer asks you to and if he has the skills to follow your explanation). Always make sure to have a vocabulary adapted to your customer.

    Be clear. Practice how to present your company, your products, and their benefits in a clear and orderly manner. The better you know your products and your business, the more chance you have to be clear.

    Be concrete. Let him imagine what it would be to have this product on his own and use your product. Give concrete examples of how your product will make his life or his work. You can use testimonials and case studies of customers who already own your products.

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    You must be sure of your product. If you are unsure of your product, consciously or unconsciously you will slow your sales. So if you have any doubts about what you are selling, you should go see your boss or the technical director for the weaknesses or shortcomings of your product are corrected.

    9. Who? Why?

    What are the benefits of a security door for the user?

    A security door has many interests with its high security lock and metal reinforced door. The first benefit of a reinforced door is enhancing the home security. Armored doors are made of steel and metal; they are therefore more resistant to intrusion at-tempts and delay burglars. In addition, the reinforced doors are fitted with high secu-rity locks, which allow a block security door burglar. The reinforced door is therefore a deterrent: it will discourage criminals who prefer to act quickly. While burglars do not reach their end in 5-10 minutes, they prefer not to take a risk and give up, as we saw in a previous chapter.

    Armored doors also offer an advantage in isolation on both the materials that compose it; it is an excellent sound and thermal barrier. This is not his first positive value but is highly significant when you know the heat loss through doors and openings of a habitat.

    Finally, manufacturers now offer more aesthetic reinforced door models, which de-sign suits many fronts. Indeed, the possibilities of decorations and finishes offer many combinations to obtain the secured door to perfectly suit the decorating needs. Some manufacturers even customize the security doors: the color of the door may be different on the outside and inside of a building.

    What is the price of a security door? Finding transposed in many sectors: security has a price and the armored door is no exception to the rule. Being designed to better withstand the onslaught of thieves, armored door is more expensive than convention-al doors. However, it is attracting more and more owners and manufacturers, gener-ating a more and more solid demand.

    There are several types of armored doors: certified security doors and those which are not. The BP A2P certified security doors are stronger than other models and resist longer to an attempted break. You should know that security door can be certified

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    A2P BP1, A2P BP2 or A2P BP3. These references are used to classify the armored doors according to their security level: A2P BP1 door will remain intact after 5 min-utes of attack, an armored door A2P BP2 present a resistance to break-in time of 10 minutes and 15 minutes for a door A2P BP3.

    On average, an armored door is three to four times more expensive than a conven-tional gateway because of the materials and the technology used. Moreover, to ob-tain certification A2P BP, armored door must be manufactured in the factory. At entry level, a secure door enjoying the A2P certification BP is sold between 1,500 and 2,000 $. The price may be higher if you want your door has thermal and acoustic per-formance better or have a specific design. Thus, the price of a security door can vary between 1,500 and 4,000 $ or more for high-end models. If you need to manufacture a bespoke security door, the budget required will be even more substantial.

    The price of steel doors also depends on the chosen brand. The best known brands of armored security doors are Gerda, Unisec, Fichet Poinfort, Tordjman and Picard. It is important to be aware that to effectively ensure the safety of your home, we advise you to also ensure quality of the lock. If you want to install a security door, choose a lock that offers a high level of security.

    To install a security door, a professional locksmith is advised, rather doing it our-selves. The installation, carried out in the rules of art, will be guaranteed by an in-surance professional you can invoke in case of any problems. Their tariffs depend on their companies. The price to install a reinforced door apartment or house is not the same, thus users normally ask for several quotes before they start working with a locksmith. Locksmith services can be integrated into the product thus is can be.

    Crime statistics should be thoroughly examines, as well as the liquidity of the market. It can turn out that our expected revenue flow does not come as we are not aiming the right audience. We can conclude the crime statistics as the potential market seg-ments where criminality rates are as high as security doors are necessities. Never-theless, in these areas, the liquidity of the households can be very low, thus the mar-ket cannot maintain our business of a high-level and somewhat premium product. The American market is an optimal in this sense as liquidity is very high regarding the American average, but also, criminality rates are high. Which is even more important, Americas perceive this risk as being higher than it is in the reality and they are very eager to invest in their personal security. Such trends can emerge everywhere else in the world, too.

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    The main advantages of buying a security door are as follows: higher level of security better isolation robust design prestige role, expression of luxury

    10. The value of your work

    You represent your company as a whole- thus you need to know the answer to all questions that arise in the head of your customers. The value of your work will strong-ly rely on your sales skills too. Here are some rules of thumb to avoid mistakes when selling security doors. The communication channels are not regarded in this chapter, only the sale techniques are addressed by a bunch of tips and tricks. An entrepre-neur, you must be an outstanding seller, whether you like it or not. Even more, if you have a vendor team working for you.

    11 Have empathy for your prospects / customers. (Look above all to understand and to solve his problem, rather than to throw him your product)

    12 Be direct, frankly and simply answer his questions.13 Socialize, get to know your future customers, you actually should

    be interested in them.14 Start first by introducing yourself, then ask your customers open

    questions which will lead you to find the customers problem to be solved by your product.

    15 Do not give any details of the product, only those that meet the customers problem. (Unless your future client asks you to.)

    16 Give him numbers, and details he cannot refuse.17 Do not speak of that last price.18 Always prove your statements with evidence, written evidence, facts.19 Avoid any errors in your numbers, your prospects or customers will

    always seek to verify the information you provide.10 Introduce an Irresistible Offer. This is an offer that corresponds

    exactly to the problem of the prospect, an offer which does not allow him to say no even if your price is high.

    11 Identify yourself to the person in front of you. Imitate (discreetly), his gestures, his vocabulary ... to establish a climate of trust.

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    12 The prospect / client, you must speak, in the case of a negotiation.13 Represent a good corporate image with your style, equipment, etc.14 Before you sell your product or service, the first thing to sell is

    yourself. With your experience, your skills and your past experi-ences with customers.

    15 Always ask the customer what he thinks of what you say.16 Confirm the customers problems, with phrases like So you need

    a quality partner to help you increase the level of security at your home, is that right?

    17 Never use the word No, when the client makes an objection. Rather a phrase like Your point is interesting, Very good ques-tion! and follow with the Why do you say that? If the price is high, it is because unlike our competitors, our products last for 10 years instead of 2 years and represent an A level energy class and improved security compared to the competitors product.

    18 The customer is always right. His doubts and objections are al-ways justified (by himself).

    19 Before leaving, set a date by which you get back in touch.20 Be friendly, and ready to consider any demands or requests.21 Always give a price above your minimum margin to forecast possi-

    ble reduction requests.22 Never give free reduction, swap out against a service, such as a

    one-time payment, a commitment of 1 year or 2 years, etc.23 Give a guarantee, your goal is not to sell only, but to serve the

    customer. Offer a money back guarantee that your product will serve him well.

    24 Change all your expressions such as If you use ... If we work together ... by expressions throwing you and your client to the future. When we work together ..., When you use ...

    25 In the same spirit, recognize the signals. If your prospect tells you And when I have the security door built in ...?That means he thinks with what you have to offer him, present him your irresist-ible offer, and summarize the solutions to its problems.

    26 Whatever the technology or the novelty you will sell your product is never outstanding in the eyes of your customers. Know playing low profile, and concentrate on solving his problems.

    27 Build a personal connection with your customers. Without going into indiscretion, some questions like And do you plan to invest

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    to lower your overhead charges or to increase the level of securi-ty? are always popular. The person knows that you are not inter-ested in its portfolio.

    28 Be dynamic, smiling and your behavior will influence the image of your product too.

    29 Do not be too pushy, the goal is not to annoy the prospect, but rather to create interest and curiosity.

    30 I should place it at the very beginning, make sure you are in front of someone who can make decisions or if you cannot reach that person in the first place, a person can pass the message correct-ly. A simple request, when making appointments, such as Can you provide me with the person responsible for making decisions about marketing strategies? will save you a lot of time.

    31 Rephrase your customers objections, to show that you under-stand, and see it as an opportunity to bring new information, ad-ditional value.

    32 Adopt the language of the prospect, if its a book, talk cipher. If it is a seller, talk on sale. A marketer, talk in terms of image, ROI.

    33 Never tell evil of your former customers, suppliers, or competitors.34 Do not talk to say nothing, and be brief.35 Recognize the perfect time to withdraw, your customer will tell you

    very rarely to do so. Well thank you very much, goodbye. You must be the person who says goodbye.

    36 In some cases, do not try to sell to the first contact. Instead, try to acquire as much information as possible and really understand the need of your customers.

    37 The most important effort is done after the sale, with the custom-er service. Concentrate on the constant customer satisfaction. Provide constant monitoring, satisfied customers and build a da-tabase.

    38 Do not be afraid of failure, success necessarily involves failure. And selling, you will have more rejection than sales. Rejection is a normal process, a routine that you need to get used to.

    39 If you have made the sale of the year, do not hesitate to sleep and then already look for surpassing this sale.

    40 Finally, celebrate your successes, your numbers; it is important to be proud of your achievements!

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    11. The value of the work of your competitors

    There are many questions to ask in this topic as well. Not knowing your competition properly might lead you to under- or overestimate yourself. Of course always keep in mind why your company started its business. Maybe you had a good idea that turned out to be exciting; or you found a market niche which doesnt even exist. Neverthe-less, when you ask yourself (and Google) about the following questions, try to stay positive and focus on the things you can learn from them. You can learn something from every single person and every single company; just keep your eyes open.

    What is the market size of security doors on your chosen market? Who are the biggest competitors who dominate the market? What

    is their story of success? Are there smaller companies, one man shows to represent the

    same quality as the big companies? If so: how do they survive?

    Wooden doors for example are having a strong position on the European market as well as other materials (PVC, ALU). We need to adapt to the collection of standards and docu-ments, implemented in Europe, especially in the wood industry and other relevant stan-dards, having quality brands adapted in this industry. We need to facilitate the implemen-tation of the harmonized standard, as this is the basis of CE marking, for windows and exterior door units, on the inner door blocks and for the doors and block doors with fire re-sistance characteristics and/or smoke sealing. For all the woodwork, a technical advance is predominant in Europe which means a huge market advantage for wooden doors manufacturers. Also, the wooden sector continues to be involved in European equities.

    As for the juridical point of view, the CE labeling is a must have since 2010 on doors (too). Rules regarding windows and doors are set in the EN 14351-1+A1 standard fixes the performance characteristics for windows and external pedestrian door sets without resistance to fire and/or smoke leakage, characteristics regarding most of the used win-dow and door types. This European Standard does not apply to: windows and pedes-trian door sets subject to regulations on smoke leakage and resistance to fire according to prEN 14351-3 but individual characteristics and performance requirements given in clause 4 can be relevant for doors and windows (see prEN 14351-3); roof lights accord-ing to EN 1873 and prEN 14963; curtain walling according to EN 13830; industrial, commercial and garage doors and gates according to EN 13241-1; internal pedestrian door sets according to prEN 14351-2 but individual characteristics and performance re-quirements given in clause 4 can be relevant for internal doors (see prEN 14351-2).

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    12. The value of your product

    How much does it worth for a customer to use your security doors? When you try to answer this question in the first hand you should examine the costs and revenues in connection with each product. The comparison of these two values result in the profit you make with each product sold. Surely the costs shall consist of all related costs, such as the operational costs, overheads, research and development costs, material costs and any other costs that have arose before, during and after the production. The revenues are more common sense, its just the multiplication of the price and number of goods sold. But who and how determines the price? The economist would answer directly: the demand will generate the optimal price. So if you have a new product, you can simply take a look at the already marketed ones and fix your prices along with theirs. But what if your security doors have more to offer than the existing ones? The intellectual property that sticks to your product is very important in all cases. If you would like to add economic value to it, then you have to provide mea-surable, separable units of intellectual property which can be paired with economic value scores.

    Intellectual property is stated to be the fuel of the 21st century. The system of in-tellectual property rights allows the owners of such intangible assets to enter new markets without the risk of being copied. The main aim of the system is to moti-vate innovators to create new, value-added products as well as to let this knowledge spread and reach the customers. In other words: the creator of any new technical solutions, designs, materials, etc. will benefit from having a monopoly in its chosen markets for a given amount of time and in return, the intellectual property becomes available to the public when this amount of time passes. At patents, the given time-frame can be a maximum of 20 years, while designs can be protected for an overall of 25 years. Simpler solutions, such as changed technical details can be protected for a maximum of 10 years with utility model protection. There are many other ways to protect the intellectual property. For example, if your company has a special way of manufacturing security doors, the special/altered machines might be protected by patent protection, but a different method itself cannot. This is the reason why these special methods are normally kept in secret and reported in know-how documents. Make sure you know these documents and you are aware of any public and secret details of it. You always have to keep in mind what you have and what you are offer-ing for your customers. If there is a significant level of novelty in the machines used for the production and your company decides to apply for a utility model or patent protection, then the intellectual property itself can be commercialized and treated as

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    any tangible assets. Licensing out your technology can lead to significant increase in your incomes but will also allow other door manufacturers (your licensors) to produce the same quality and type of security doors as you do. You have to consider if it is in your interest to choose from the aforementioned strategies.

    H-1117, Hauszmann Alajos street 4/B.

    Phone: +36 1 794 6019

    Mobile: +36 70 33 03 685

    E-mail: iroda@unisec.hu