Warhammer Armies - Dogs of War - Play Test

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Dogs of WarThe Mercenaries of TileaThe Mercenaries of TileaThe Mercenaries of TileaThe Mercenaries of Tilea

by Bilbo Baggins and BaumannWith Assistance from M4cR1II3n, Slick, Someone2040 and Uryens de Crux

Artwork by sedeslav, Tiobolasdoro

Play Test version 2.01 - 31 October 2009

Please Note: This book is a work in progress and some portions of the book not needed for game play have been omitted from book for play testing.

This is the second play testing version of this independent Dogs of War Army List for use in Warhammer Fantasy Battles. Please give use feedback on all games played with this book. All feedback will be analysed and the data used to make sure the second version of the Army List is balanced against all armies in Warhammer. We expect three (3) versions of the play test list before the final version is released. All feedback and play testing results should be emailed to dogsofwar@hotmail.co.uk.


Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book

Cutthroats, thieves, raiders, and worse, they have heard them all. They are the feared hired thugs of the Warhammer world; they are the Dogs of War. They Hire themselves out to the highest bidders to gain gold and glory. This book is the definitive guide to collecting, painting and playing a Dogs of War Army for the game of Warhammer.

The Warhammer GameThe Warhammer rulebook contains the rules you need to fight battles with your Citadel miniatures in the world of Warhammer. Every army has it's own Army Book that works with these rules and allows you to turn your collection of miniatures into an organized force, ready for battle. This particular Army Book details everything you need to know about the Dogs of War and allows you to field their armies in your games of Warhammer.

Why Collect The Dogs of WarThe Dogs of War are a collection of ruffians that love to fight but only wish to do so to line their pockets with gold. They come from all over the Warhammer World but they mainly congregate in the Principalities that form the land of Tilea.

The army contains the dangerous Pikes, skirmishing Duellists, and Heavy Hitting Cavalry, to the harder to hire Mercenary Dwarfs, Ogres and Halflings as well as the long distance killing power of Cannons.

How This Book WorksEvery army book is split into sections that deal with different aspects of the army. Warhammer Armies: Dogs of War contains the following:

The Dogs of War: This first section introduces the Dogs of War and their part in the Warhammer World. It includes the history of the Principalities and Republics of Tilea as well as some of their greatest battles.

Bestiary: Every character, troop type, and war machine is examined in this section. You will find descriptions, rules and abilities of every unit in the Dogs of War army.

Army List: The army takes all the Characters, Heroes, Units and War Machines and presents them so you can choose an army for your games.

Find Out MoreWhile Dogs of War contains everything you need to play a game with your army, there are always more tactics to use, different battles to fight and painting ideas to try out. Games Workshop's monthly magazine White Dwarf contains articles about all aspects of the Warhammer game and hobby. Please check out their website to purchase from their massive online catalog of wonderful Citadel miniatures and find articles regarding collecting, gaming and painting at:

www.games-workshop.comTo stay updated with the latest version of the army book and to discuss all things Warhammer check out the Dogs of War Online website at:



HOW THIS BOOK IS INTENDED TO BE USED: This army list is completely unofficial and not endorsed or sanctioned by Games Workshop. This is for all intents and purposes a fan-made army list”. That being said, the creation of this book was designed for the fun of Warhammer players still wishing to use Mercenary Units or an entire Dogs of War Army. By no means do we expect this list to be forced onto players; it is merely a new option for event organizers and players to include in their games of Warhammer, whether it be tournaments, campaigns, casual play or whatever. Ultimately, this unofficial rules supplement is meant to increase interest and fun for all players involved in our gaming hobby.

WRITERS: Baumann, Bilbo Baggins, M4cR1II3n, Slick, Someone2040 and Uryens de Crux as a retelling of the Original Games Workshop Text by Nigel Stillman with Rick Priestley and Tuomas Pirinen and Phil Kelly with Paul Gayner & Anthony Reynolds.



Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book

The notable thing about mercenaries is that they will fight for anyone - anyone willing to pay them that is. They have few scruples when it comes to who they fight for, and will cheerfully pitch in against their own kinsfolk so long as the money's good.

As a Warhammer player you'll find that adding mercenaries to an existing army is extremely useful because they can bring resilience, firepower, or whatever it is that your army might otherwise lack. Alternatively, you can form your mercenary regiments into completely Dogs of War armies under the command of a bold mercenary general.

At this stage it's worth bearing in mind that mercenary units can appear on the battlefield in two quite distinct ways - this book covers both of these, as we shall soon see.

1. This book describes how you can collect an entire army of mercenaries - a Dogs of War army which is a complete Warhammer army in its own right.

2. It also describes how you can use mercenary units as add-ons to other Warhammer armies. For example, you might wish to add a unit of mercenary Halflings to your Dwarf army, or mercenary Ogres to your Dark Elves.

Regiments of RenownRegiments of RenownRegiments of RenownRegiments of RenownFamous mercenary regiments acquire certain notoriety because they are remarkably successful, brutal, adventurous, or for some reason that brings them to the attention of the world. We call them Regiments of Renown and it is these units which can often form the basis of the Dogs of War armies. As mercenary generals can their own renown and fortune, they are able to hire more of these elite mercenaries, as their services typically do not come very cheap.

Individual Regiments of Renown are led by famous characters, and indeed are frequently named after these leaders. For example, the notorious Ogre Captain Golgfag, whose Ogre mercenaries have, at one time or another, looted and despoiled most civilized parts of the Old World and some not so civilized ones too.

A Dogs of War army is often made up of several Regiments of Renown. These are describe in our other book Warhammer Armies: Regiments of Renown, all of which are available as Citadel Miniatures. More Regiments of Renown will be introduced as time goes on. This will expand the scope of our adventuring armies to include regiments from such out of the way places as the South Lands, the New World, Albion, and the distant lands of the east.

If you wish to add Regiments of Renown to your existing Warhammer army, then you should check our other book Warhammer Armies: Regiments of Renown. You'll see that each Regiment of Renown is available for hire to a limited selection of armies. This is not because all the mercenaries are choosy who they fight for (far from it!), but because some armies would never hire certain races or individuals. No self-respecting Dwarf general is going to hire Ruglud’s Armoured Orcs now is he?

The Dogs of War ArmyThe Dogs of War ArmyThe Dogs of War ArmyThe Dogs of War ArmyA Dogs of War army comprises many different mercenary units and often several Regiments of Renown, assembled and paid for by an ambitious mercenary general. A mercenary general is likely to be a bold adventurer who has probably risen from the ranks, or perhaps a renegade lord who has been forced to hire troops to regain lands which rightfully belong to him or don't, as the case may be. The truth is that mercenary generals come from all walks of life. Whilst many are motivated by honest-to-goodness greed and down-to-earth ambition, there are undoubtedly a few deranged individuals who simply enjoy the life of adventure and discovery in foreign lands.

To keep a mercenary army in the field requires cash - lots of cash. For this reason the most important individual in a mercenary army, after the general himself, is the Paymaster. The Paymaster controls the cash, and so long as he is unharmed the mercenary army will continue to fight with its customary determination. On the other hand, if the Paymaster is slain and the army's coffers are captured by the enemy, things can get very hairy indeed.

To represent the unusual way in which the Dogs of War army is led (not to mention its uniquely financial perspective on warfare) there are some special rules.

The GeneralThe GeneralThe GeneralThe GeneralThe mercenary general is a perfectly normal Warhammer general in terms of his role upon the battlefield. All the usual rules for generals apply to him just as described in the Warhammer Rulebook and just like any other Warhammer army. No surprises so far!

Because humans are notoriously adventurous as well as avaricious, and that the general of the Dogs of War will be human rather than an Orc, Elf or whatever. While there have been non-Tilean humans leading small armies at times since the rarity of non-Tilean humans in Tilea and bias of

The Dogs of WarThe Dogs of WarThe Dogs of WarThe Dogs of War


Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book

some of the merchant families these are extremely rare. Now the mercenary generals aren’t as bias for they have seen what non-Tilean humans can do and do try to hire the best Dwarfs and Elves are hired to teach their troops tactics of war. Unfortunately these non-Tilean humans are hard to hire because of distrust.

Special Rules Special Rules Special Rules Special Rules Renown Points

All Lords and most Heroes in the Dogs of War Army generate Renown Points. These are used when hiring Regiments of Renown and non-human Heroes. To hire any Regiment of Renown you must pay the points but also the Renown Points for them, The More renown the hero the more Renown Points they generate and more Regiments of Renown you can hire into your force for the upcoming battle.

For Hire

Dogs of War units wish to see the world and will be for hire for other Warhammer armies. Some units may be hired by Warhammer Armies other than Bretonnians and Daemons of Chaos taking slot listed.

The Paymaster

The Paymaster is possibly as important as the army's general, as he is responsible for all the cash which, as we have all gathered by now, mercenaries are frightfully keen on. He guards this with his life - literally so because he carries the army's pay chest with him at all times. The pay chest is a heavy, iron-bound secure-looking affair that the Paymaster brings to battle, whether carries by a personal bodyguard or on a cart. This is pulled by a sturdy, non-excitable beast, such as a donkey, mule or compliant Tilean grandmother.

So that the troops can see exactly where the Paymaster is at all times, something they find reassuring, the cart is provided with a suitably impressive flag that also serves as the army's standard. Particularly notorious or successful mercenary armies may even have acquired banners of a magical nature.

The Paymaster fulfils the same role as a battle standard bearer and battle standard do in other armies. Dogs of War have no battle standard as such. Instead the following rules apply.

Re-Roll Break Tests Within 12"

Any unit within 12" of the Paymaster can re-roll a failed Break test in exactly the same way as units in other armies re-roll if they are within 12" of the battle standard, if the bodyguard has the paychest then the range is increased to 18”. The Paymaster simply directs the attention of the wavering troops towards

the vast pile of gold and reminds them about their productivity bonus.

If the paychest is included in the bodyguard unit then add +1 to the combat resolution to all friendly units within 6’ of the paychest itself.

If the Paymaster is slain or forced to flee, the pay chest can be lost or captured in hand-to-hand fighting in the same way as a unit standard (as described in the Warhammer Rulebook). If mercenaries flee then their enemies can capture the pay chest by pursuing as they would a standard. If they do not pursue, the pay chest is lost altogether. A captured pay chest is placed behind the regiment that has it and can be recaptured in the same way as a unit standard. It is considered to be a battle standard for purposes of victory pts. as explained in the Warhammer Battle Book.

If the army's Paymaster flees or is removed as a casualty, the entire mercenary army must take a Panic test at the start of it’s next turn. If a unit fails its Panic test it squabbles and cannot do anything that turn while the remaining leaders try to regain order. Units in Combat, Fleeing and Immune to Psychology do not have to test because they are too busy thinking of other things to be worried about the Paymaster.

If the paychest is captured, all mercenary units will hate the character or unit which captured the pay chest even if they are normally Immune to Psychology. If given the chance they will fight very determinedly to re-capture their cash, and if they succeed, the paychest is re-located behind the regiment that rescues it.

Hard to Hire

There are many Non-Tilean Human heroes in Tilea, they are just not as numerous as the human heroes. Most are hired by Merchant Princes and Mercenary Generals to train their troops of give tactical advice for upcoming battles and expeditions. Since they are fewer in number and more powerful Non-Tilean Human heroes cost renown points and do not generate renown points for the army. Non-Tilean Human heroes also cannot lead the army under any circumstance.


Dealings between the non-Human races have been on the decline for many generations. They will trade between each other, with intermediaries, but will only fight side by side in extreme circumstances. The Non-Human characters will never join a unit of non-human (except Halflings) that is not of their race or has a non-human character of a different race in it. The army must have one more human unit than non-human units in army.


Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book

The Tileans became involved in trade from the earliest times. Soon after the old Elven ruins were settled by human tribes and gradually rebuilt as Tilean cities. Because of the location of Tilea it was easily reached by High Elves by sea and Dwarf traders by land. The Tileans were in ideal position to act as middlemen to exchange goods between these two races. Such was the animosity between Elves and Dwarfs ever since the War of the Beard that they preferred not to deal directly with each other. They avoided it as much as they could but the Tileans made it that they could trade for each others goods without facing each other directly. Of course the Tileans made sure they made a respectable profit for their efforts.

Merchants thrived in all the city-states of Tilea and the profits of trade allowed them to become more powerful. Naturally they took an active part in the governments of their cities by becoming sole rulers or a major force on the sitting ruling councils.

In most cases a single merchant family in pre-eminent in each of the Tilean cities at any one time, in the republics the power is shared equally (more or less) between several families. This seems to have help to avoid unnecessary bloodshed in the streets. Often where one household is more powerful or respected, the head of the family becomes the ruler of the city. Such rulers are known as Merchant Princes but there have been times where a Merchant Princess was in charge.

There is no hereditary right to rule so every Merchant Prince must be wary of rivals bidding for a power grab. It is no uncommon for a Merchant Prince to be toppled from power by a rival family contender, occasionally even his own relatives. Such power struggles usually take form of violent street fights between warriors hire by each side. There have even been times where an ambitious pretender to the throne will hire an entire army to oust his rival. There is a custom that anyone whose ancestor wielded political power to make a claim on the title of Merchant Prince. This alone led to endless rivalries and vendettas.

Since the Merchant Princes have risen to power by intrigue, assassination and force of arms they all seem to have accumulated many enemies along the way. There is a strong tradition in Tilea is getting even with your enemies. This has given a rise to the custom of vendetta. Unlike Dwarf grudges, which are struck off the book when resolved, vendettas are permanent. They aren't written down but taught as oral history and remembered and cherished for generations within a family. They are sometimes

set-aside for a while when needs arise but never forgotten.

Anyone who is looking for an excuse to topple a ruler and usurp his position or a Merchant Prince looking for a reason to declare war on a rival principality would just simply dredge up some long-standing vendetta. On the other hand if a reconciliation or political alliance is necessity the vendetta are conveniently set side for another day.

Special Rules: Renown, Multiple Standards

Renown: A Merchant Prince generates 6 Renown Points for the army.

Multiple Standards: Any Renown Points not used to hire Regiments of Renown may be used to purchase a Magic Standard up to 50 pts. for core units (except Citizen Militia and Regiments of Renown) at the cost of 1 Renown pt. per banner.

Merchant PrinceMerchant PrinceMerchant PrinceMerchant Prince

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Prince 4 6 5 4 4 3 6 4 9


Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book

The mercenary general is an adventurer who will lead an army into battle for a merchant family that hired him, either against another family or on expeditions to foreign lands for riches. They are usually human but there have been times that Dwarfs or Elves but rarely even an Orc shows the discipline and Leadership skills to lead an army.

These leaders have over the years proved themselves to be battlefield leaders with Talent, Skill and Luck to lead their troops to victory. They tend to use the funds they earn astutely spending on better armour, weapons and clothing. They learned early that lesser quality equipment would give them a lesser chance at survival.

Because of their status they can even convince legendary mercenary units, the regiments of renown, into their forces. Some have become so rich and powerful that they can even change regional politics by showing up for dinner with a merchant family.

The best generals have lead successful forays into faraway lands coming back with riches for themselves and their patrons. Even though a few took the riches and became rogue the majority believe in honouring a contract.

Mercenary CaptainMercenary Captains are young leaders that have proved themselves leading units and now are starting to assemble small forces for battle and exploration. They are usually remarkable by their strength, tactical acclaim, lucidity, toughness or even sheer perseverance to duty.

Many are smart enough to hire one with mercenary generals and merchant princes to gain knowledge and abilities, as well as riches. That way they get their name in front of the financiers of armies and hopefully become a legendary general in their own right.

Mercenary GeneralMercenary GeneralMercenary GeneralMercenary General

M WS BS S T W I A Ld General 4 6 5 4 4 3 6 4 9Captain 4 5 5 4 4 2 6 3 8

HiringHiringHiringHiringGeneral Tomus Schmidt

is looking for willing

troops for an excursion

into the land of Ind.

You must be strong,

brave and can handle

yourself in the most

extreme conditions.

Interviews will be held

starting tomorrow at

the Dancing Dragon Inn

Special Rules: Magic Standard (General Only), Renown

Renown: Mercenary General generate 5 Renown Points and the Mercenary Captain generate 3 Renown Points for the army.

Magic Standard: One unit of Pikemen or Heavy Cavalry (not Regiment of Renown) may carry a Magic Standard up to 50 pts. for 1 Renown point.


Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book

Wizards are not immune to the lure of gold and adventure, in fact many are found on the staffs of prominent Mercenary commanders. There are many Wizards roaming the lands of Tilea, Araby, and the lands of the East, offering their services to the highest bidder.

No one knows how many there are or where they all came from. Rumours have many being disgraced and outcast from the Empires College of Magic. Others are reported to have had mystical powers and had private training by ostracized elves and paid for by corrupt rulers of city-states with their own motives. There have even been reports that a few even set up their own school of magic that is hidden from prying eyes. Most have bounties on their heads for misdeeds done in other realms and cannot ply their trade other than for the Merchant Families and for mercenary general.

These rogue Wizards have been seen plying their trade over the years for whichever patron's purse can keep them in the luxury they feel they deserve. Some particularly powerful Wizards employ and command entire mercenary armies, protecting him during his private study or maybe even to acquire an item of particular importance.

Just as most mercenary generals are human so to is it with the hireling wizards. Sure there is an occasional disinherited Elf that can be found in armies but that is extremely rare. Even then the hireling wizards seem to have the human spirit prevalent in the mercenary armies.

The fickle winds of magic are dangerous and many wizards have been outcast from their homelands because of attempting magic above their abilities or just from a simple error in judgment. The brightest of these wizards will try to find others of their kind to learn from. It is that way the wizards begin to learn their craft. The luckiest gain favour of wizards in the employ of the merchant families. From these elders they learn to cast spells and create items to sell to earn their keep.


Dead or AliveDead or AliveDead or AliveDead or Alive

The dreaded wizard Daneal Horaud is wanted for crimes against the people of Stirland. He has caused injury to over 100 citizens and the deaths of 19 others (8 Human, 5 Dwarf and 6 Halflings) in the collapse of the Hungry Horsemen Inn a fortnight ago. He is considered a danger to all and his last reported sighting was heading though the Moot possibly trying to make his way to the Border Princes or even Tilea.

There is a reward of 10 Karls for the capture and return of the wizard Daneal Horaud for trial.

Hireling WizardsHireling WizardsHireling WizardsHireling Wizards

M WS BS S T W I A LdWizard Lord 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 1 8Wizard 4 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 7

Special Rules: Renown

Hireling Wizard generate 1 Renown pt. for the army.

Hireling Wizard Lord generates 2 Renown Points for the army.


Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book

The Paymaster is the person who funds the expeditions into foreign lands and loans the ducats to the merchant families plans to overthrow the ruler of the principalities. They always expect a return on their investments and the merchant families tend to get themselves in debt with them.

They like to protect their investments so they regularly travel with the armies to make sure that no mercenary tries to take anything of value to diminish the percentage the Paymaster is owed from the mission.

Some of the Paymasters have become so powerful and rich that they could overthrow the merchant families but they rather use their riches to expand their wealth. But many do have large well defended castles to make sure that the merchant families don’t start thinking about taking the riches from them. Even thought the most of the families know that the Paymasters are a needed part of society some have entertained thoughts of imprisoning them and taking their riches for themselves. The ones who have tried found out quickly that they couldn’t keep their troops because the Paymaster could just out spend them.

The Paymaster is possibly the most important member of the army, even more than the general himself. He is responsible for the funds to pay for the units in the army. The loss of a Paymaster or more specifically his key can spell doom for a mercenary army.

BodyguardBodyguardBodyguardBodyguardWhile the Paymaster is free to join units like other characters on riskier missions he will hire a personal bodyguard to protect him. Armed with time tested halberds and heavy armour only the most trusted and best of soldiers come to be in his employ and they will give their lives to protect him from harm.

If the Bodyguard are in the game the Paymaster can only join them but in turn they become Stubborn while he is in the unit.

PaychestPaychestPaychestPaychestFor extended expeditions the Paymaster must bring more funds than he can carry himself. He then has his bodyguard bring his Paychest with them to pay the troops.

The Paychest inspires the troops even more than the Paymaster himself. The troops know the Paymaster will pay them but seeing the chest with the funds inspires them. If the Bodyguard breaks from combat they do not drop the Paychest, they will grab it and run. The also will defend it to the last. Man.


M WS BS S T W I A LdPaymaster 4 5 5 4 4 2 5 3 8Warhorse 8 3 - 3 3 1 3 1 5

Special Rules: One Mercenary Captain must be nominated as Paymaster for the army.

M WS BS S T W I A LdPay Chest 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 2 8Bodyguard 4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 8Veteran 4 4 4 4 3 1 4 2 8

Special Rules: Stubborn, Paychest


Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book

Elves are a wondrous race: lithe, tall, beautiful, long-lived and magical. For the most part they are feared and distrusted by humans, though some live in the cities amongst men and offer their services as minstrels and archers in return for a high fee. Though Elves become rarer in the Old World each year, there are still some roaming on the trackless paths of the dark forests.

MageMageMageMageWizards beyond compare, often hired as teachers of human wizards so they do not misuse their powers.

RangerRangerRangerRangerElf Rangers are experts of concealing themselves; they can hide in plain sight even in close quarters. Their skill with the bow is legendary, outclassing the best marksmen in Tilea with ease. These Elves are sometimes hired to be scouts to gain information of enemy encampments and troop movement, but are hard to find many willing to work with humans.

M WS BS S T W I A LdRanger 5 6 6 4 3 2 7 3 9Mage 5 5 5 3 3 2 5 1 8Master 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 2 8Elf 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8


Experienced Seafarers RequiredExperienced Seafarers RequiredExperienced Seafarers RequiredExperienced Seafarers RequiredLooking for a group of experienced Seafarers for mission to find and possible rescue of the crew and cargo of the missing merchant ship Maiden of Remas. They were scheduled to a load of gems and metals to Remas over 3 months ago and they were last seen near the northern coast of Lustria.

Only the toughest and strongest need apply.

Special Rules: Master of Magic (Mage Only), In Shadows (Ranger Only), Pathfinder (Ranger Only), Hard to Hire, Distrust

Master of Magic: Elven Mages are innate followers of the magical arts. They have more abilities than the human wizards of the same experience. Because of this Elven Mages know one extra spell over their magic level and gain +1 to cast their spells.

In Shadows: Elf Rangers are stealthy by nature and wear cloaks that can match their surroundings, because of this they can only be seen when they are up close to the enemy. When on foot he is -2 to hit with missile weapons

Pathfinder: can either take a unit of Duellists and use them as Scouts or a Unit of elves that can appear from any board edge starting on turn 2 as reserves.


Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book

Dwarfs are known for being strong and resilient, broad at the shoulders and wide girth with large hands and feet. They are well adapted to cope with the most demanding of physical work. Their endurance allows them to hail heavy loads over long distances without a significant drop in speed. Not only are they physically robust they are also mentally tough. To say a Dwarf knows his own mind is a vast understatement.

The Dwarfs are set in their ways and reluctant to use new equipment when they own has been tried and tested for years. But the steadfastness is part of their determination. They are openly scornful of what they call the less accomplished races for changing their minds and trying untested equipment in battle. Dwarfs will test equipment for generations before considering ready for battle.

They take oaths seriously and would rather die than break one. If a Dwarf cannot fulfil his oath he will suffer anguish and loss of lace. They will abandon family and friends if unable to fulfil an oath because of their shame.

Gold SeekersGold SeekersGold SeekersGold SeekersDwarfs are famed for their love of gold, ale and adventure, not necessarily in that order. Since the fall of many of their holds, they have come to Tilea in ever-increasing numbers, some seeking riches, but many just after a good fight. They're well known as tough warriors and are very much sought after as hired muscle by mercenary armies

A mercenary general will make sure to hire Gold Seekers for their knowledge and tactical experience. They are also employed to train their infantry troops in the art of war.

WeaponsmithsWeaponsmithsWeaponsmithsWeaponsmithsMany Dwarf have an affinity for making weapons and machines. The best become weaponsmiths selling their tools of war to the highest bidder. From Swords, Axes and Armour to valuable war machines they create them weapons that allow the mercenary armies fight and survive.


M WS BS S T W I A LdGold Seeker 3 6 4 4 5 2 3 3 9Weaponsmith 3 4 5 4 4 2 2 2 9Veteran 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 2 9Dwarf 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9

Special Rules: Hard to Hire, Engineer (Weaponsmith only), Distrust, Ancestral Grudge, Resolute and Relentless

Ancestral Grudge: Dwarfs hold grudges for a long time, possibly forever. They have never forgiven the fall of the strongholds at the hands of the Orcish enemy. Dwarfs hate all types of greenskins. You cannot include Dwarfs and Greenskins in the same army.

Resolute: Dwarfs fight with a grim determination and are reluctant to abandon their position. Dwarfs flee and pursue 2D6-1” instead of the normal 2D6”. If a Dwarf character joins a non-dwarf unit it becomes Resolute and it’s movement is that of the Dwarf Character until he leaves the unit.

Relentless: A Dwarf on the march is an implacable as the turning of the years, and just as impossible to halt. Dwarf units may march even if the enemy is close enough to inhibit march moves. If a Dwarf character joins a non-dwarf unit it becomes Relentless and it’s movement is that of the Dwarf Character until he leaves the unit .

Engineer: Master of artillery he has the following abilities:

If he joins a Ballista of unit of Espringal they can use his Ballistic Skill for shooting.

If he joins a Cannon it inflicts D6 wounds.

May entrench one war machine before the battle begins.


Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book

The pike is the weapon of choice by mercenary regiments. Pikes are basically a long shaft with a razor sharp pt., but when wielded they are devastating in close combat. Cheap to produce in mass quantity nearly every young man in Tilea who wishes to explore will acquire a pike before signing on with a mercenary unit. With their length they are perfect for guarding tight entrances to castles and the tight confines of city streets.

Pikemen are usually some of the least experienced fighters on the battlefield. Since the Pike don't require much skill to wield the newest recruits are given them to use. But even these raw fighters can put up a wall of pikes that is a fearsome site on the battlefield. When lined up in defense of a position even Knights of Bretonnia will give pause.

The pike was an extremely long weapon, varying considerably in size, from 3 to 6 metres long. It had a wooden shaft with an iron or steel spearhead affixed. The shaft near the head was often reinforced with metal strips called "cheeks" or langets.

The great length of the pikes allowed a great concentration of spearheads to be presented to the enemy, with their wielders at a greater distance, but also made pikes unwieldy in close combat. This meant that pikemen had to be equipped with a shorter weapon such as a sword, mace, or dagger in order to defend themselves should the fighting degenerate into a melee. In general, however, pikemen attempted to avoid such disorganized combat, at which they were at a disadvantage. To compound their difficulties in a melee, the pikeman often did not have a shield or had only a small shield of limited use in close-quarters fighting.

The mercenary generals know the value of the Pikemen and are sure to take a unit or two in their force. They rely on them to defend obstacles and entrances of fortresses and most of all to stop mounted troops getting past them.

Many a mercenary captain and general started their careers as Pikemen and moved up the ranks with grit and determination. So for those who wish to travel the world seeking fame and fortune acquire a pike and head to Tilea.


M WS BS S T W I A LdPikeman 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7Sergente 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 7

Looking to upgrade Looking to upgrade Looking to upgrade Looking to upgrade your weapons?your weapons?your weapons?your weapons?

Visit World Renown Thurak Grimluson the finest Armourist and Weaponsmith in Tilea.

Pikes, Swords, Pistols and

Tilean Plate Armour is our specialty.


Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book

Citizen MilitiaCitizen MilitiaCitizen MilitiaCitizen MilitiaThe Citizen Militia plays an important role in Tilea. Whilst service is compulsory, it tends to be short and most serving it are sustained by a strong element of civic pride. These troops are commonly armed with a short spear and sometimes a shield and are known for their determination, if not their abilities in battle.

Citizen Militia is organized around city quarters and surrounding towns and play an important role in Tilea. They are commoners and peasants who have been levied into local militias to defend towns, roads and bolster armies. Given limited training and equipped with a spear, these units are useful in support roles for heavier and better units.

They receive training from the best leaders that the merchant families can afford, usually consisting of putting the pointy end towards the enemy. Their skills may be low but no one questions their love of city. They remain in service for a few years, depending on the city-state usually from 3-6 years. If they survive their obligation they receive their release from service and many join or start mercenary units of their own.

Special Rules: Civic Pride

Civic Pride: Must have Merchant Prince or Special Character that is a Merchant Prince in army to convince the militia to rally to duty. Because they are part of the local militia they do not count towards your minimum Core choice.

DuellistsDuellistsDuellistsDuellistsSpecial Rules: Skirmish

FlankersFlankersFlankersFlankersSpecial Rules: Flankers, Skirmish

Flankers: Must protect the flanks of units of Pikemen. Must deploy on the flanks of Pikemen unit. When within 6 Inches of a Pikemen unit may use their leadership for all leadership tests.

M WS BS S T W I A LdDuelist 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 1 7Diestro 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 2 7Flanker 4 3 3 2 2 1 5 1 6Corporal 4 3 3 2 2 1 5 2 6Militia 4 2 2 3 3 1 3 1 5Constable 4 3 2 3 3 1 3 2 6

Tilean IrregularsTilean IrregularsTilean IrregularsTilean Irregulars


Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book

Special Rules: Animosity, Distrust

Animosity: When greenskins get together they tend to pick fights with each other nearly as often as remember who they are supposed to be fighting. Squabbling in the ranks is the norm rather than the exception.

All Greenskin units in your army must test for animosity at the beginning of movement phase, before charges are declared except:

Fleeing Units

Units in Close Combat

Units of fewer than 5 models

Roll a D6 and on a roll of:

1. Squabble - Unit does nothing that turn because they are squabbling about plans.

2-5. Plans a good ‘un - Unit follows it’s orders and may act normally that turn.

6. We’ll Show ‘Em - They have worked themselves into a frenzy and rush forward towards the enemy. Unit moves D6 inches towards nearest enemy. If no enemy in line of sight then must move D6 inches directly forward. Unit then may act normal so can Move, Charge, Etc for the rest of the turn but count as having moved that turn.



Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book

The crossbowmen are little more than peasant citizens of Tilea. They wear ordinary clothes that are sometimes reinforced with leather patches, strips of metal or quilted cloth. The simple use of the crossbow as a weapon led to groups of crossbow men being formed for the protection of the city-states.

The crossbow (The correct term for a crossbow is an Arbalest) range is 300-400 meters but can only be shot at a rate of 2 bolts per minute. The crossbow is fairly easy to use, requiring minimal training and little strength to operate. The medieval Knight was the most powerful and effective warrior and said to be worth ten infantry soldiers, who were regarded with the lowest esteem and considered expendable. The crossbow being used by inexperienced soldiers could injure or kill a knight in plate armour with the minimal of training.

The merchant families hire crossbowmen to defend their castles, as well as send them on sieges. Whilst the melee troops were in the front battling away, crossbowmen would be right with them, and supporting the troops by firing into enemy lines, often into other crossbowmen. Atop walls, their massive ranged coupled with the height of the wall would devastate enemies.

The smart mercenary generals tend to hire a few units of crossbowmen for their excursions; they know that they frequently run into others who don't want them to finish their mission. But sending massed bolts from crossbows to weaken the opposition helps in the battle. The value of hiring the peasant crossbowmen nearly makes the decision mandatory.


M WS BS S T W I A LdCrossbowman 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7Marksman 4 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7


Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book

Cavaliere are the heavy whose primary role was to engage in direct combat with enemy forces (shock troops). Mounted on large powerful horses, and were often armoured as well as the men riding them. They charge with their lances trying to break the enemies lines. The mobility and shock value of the cavalry was greatly appreciated and exploited in the by the wisest of mercenary generals. The use of a lance couched under the armpit led to an enormous increase in the impact of the charge.

Unlike the Knights of the Empire and Bretonnia, they weren't destined by following a hereditary title, but by observed skill on horseback at an early age. While some of the Cavaliere are disgraced Knights most prospective Cavaliere are trained from an early age in the art of mounted warfare.

While the Knights of Bretonnia and the Empire are asked to "Protect the weak, defenseless, helpless, and fight for the general welfare of all," the Cavaliere ignored these few guidelines unless they received payment. The Cavaliere are trained in hunting, fighting, and riding while little attention was paid to courteous and honourable behaviour, which the Knights claimed was extremely important.

The military side of life is very important to Cavaliere. Along with the fighting elements of war, there were many customs and rules to be followed as well. Weapons were not the only crucial instruments for a Cavaliere: horses were also extremely important, and each Cavaliere often owned several horses for distinct purposes.

When not on excursions the Cavaliere make a living entering jousting tournaments. The richest are in Bretonnia but the King there has little patience with the antics of the Cavaliere who enter his realm after some humiliating defeats his Knight have been dealt in the past. Some of the Cavaliere have been know to stretch the rules on the length of the lances to be used in the tournaments. Well they feel the joust is supposed to be training for war and in war the biggest lance wins.

CavaliereCavaliereCavaliereCavaliere M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cavaliere 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 8Sergente 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 2 8

The hardships in the north made them into natural fighters born into hardship and the constant struggle for survival. Only the strong prosper for the weak are weeded out along the way. They are independent and fierce as well as being tough and capable warriors. They have no time to plow the fields, what they cannot provide they have been known to take from others. The tribes that have come south hired themselves out as mercenaries because gaining wealth from crushing others appealed to them.

Tribes from the North called the Norse started traveling south when Chaos was unleashed onto the world. They may have been tainted by magic released for they are strong and tough and fight with uncontrollable fury. In battle they howl like wolves and fight with weapons as well as tearing the enemy with hands, and teeth and fight with reckless abandon. They charge into battle with little regard for their own lives for they believe that they can best any creature in combat.

They are muscular with wild unkempt hair and their clothing consists of pieces of leather and pelts that at times are usually flea infested, they look like crazed animals that make their opponents wary. You do not want to stand downwind of the Marauders for the aroma coming from them is pungent enough to cause even most animals to turn in disgust.

The leaders of the bands of Marauders are called Berserkers and they became leaders of the tribe by fighting their way to the top. They have many scars from battles with their own troops as they do with the enemy. They are savage leaders who even in times of prosperity will fight to the death for the honour of leading the next expedition.

ChieftainsChieftainsChieftainsChieftainsThe leader of the bands of Marauders is the Chieftain. The Berserkers and Marauders follow his lead in where to go and whom to get hired by. He gained his place by being stronger, faster and more vicious than the other Norse. You do not want to get on his bad side because he will continue fighting and attacking you until your corpse is small pieces.

Norse MaraudersNorse MaraudersNorse MaraudersNorse Marauders

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Chieftain 4 6 3 5 4 3 6 3 8Marauder 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 1 7Berserker 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 2 7

Special Rules: Hard to Hire (Chieftain Only), Frenzy


Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book

Halflings are a race of short humanoids dwelling primarily in the Moot (in the Empire) and various other scattered regions in the Old World. Halflings are known for their excellent produce and cooking, but are often discriminated against by other races, particularly humans. It is a common superstition and bias that all Halflings are thieves.

Halflings resemble human children, but closer examination will show that a short human is more precise definition, at least from human pt. of view. Halflings refer to themselves as "people" and to humans as "big people" (referring to human's clumsiness, not strength). Halflings are beardless and tend to have a potbelly due to their love of food and drink. Also, their cooking skill is unmatched by any other race. They lean toward basic food, with minimum spice to accentuated specific taste. Any king worth his salt has at least one Halfling chef as their personal cooks. This does not mean that all Halflings are devoted only to subterfuge and seasoning. Some take up arms and attempt to make their way in the wider world outside the Moot and the cities, having learnt how their skills will assist Warriors. Occasionally, for one reason or another, a Halfling will leave his hearth and home, polish off the bow hanging above the door, and head out looking for adventure. A strange sight with his small form covered in pots and pans, he is a welcome sight to poorly fed Warriors everywhere.

Halflings are known for being wise, clever and troublemakers. They have high dexterity and make excellent rogues. Collecting of things motivates them. While being cunning and resourceful, they are not the most adventurous of peoples and would rather have a picnic by a large tree than be off on an adventure.

Halflings are simple people. They live in balance with nature, working fields with adequate skill and using simple tools. Anything more complex than water-powered mill is unheard of. Also, since Halflings are not very good as warriors (due to their size) they developed strong abilities in shooting bows and throwing stones.

It's a poor mercenary general who doesn't put a unit of Halflings in their army. The benefit of a well fed army, and the expert shooters that the Halflings are, outweigh any possible disadvantages they may cause.


M WS BS S T W I A Ld Halfling 4 2 4 2 2 1 5 1 8Tracker 4 2 5 2 2 1 5 1 8Sheriff 4 2 4 2 2 1 5 2 8

Special Rules: Woodsmen

Woodsmen: Halflings love nature and can move through forests without penalty.


Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book

The most fierce of the ogres are the ones known as Maneaters. They are not as numerous as other in the Ogre hierarchy but they are the most driven to obtain goods and travel the world. They will hire themselves to nearly any general that needed someone to hammer the enemy,

Ogre Maneaters have fought in many battles throughout the world. They are the truest of mercenaries spending decades wealth and exotic wargear as well as scars and tales of adventure. Eventually they do return to the tribe from which they came to show off the fortunes. Maneaters do tend to mimic the culture of the areas they travel too and dress in the style of the lands which they are have been fighting. Maneaters that have fought in Cathay might be found wearing lacquered bamboo armour and wielding a beautifully balanced Cathayan Longsword, where a Maneater that has recently been fighting in the Empire may wear breeches and a hat with an ostentatious feather and carry a Brace of handguns across his chest.

Maneaters either operate as individuals or in small groups that have lived and fought as a unit for years. They may look outlandish, but don’t be fooled, these tight knit groups are experts in the art of breaking bones. The individualist Maneaters have a monumentally inflated sense of self worth and in their capacity to smash aside lesser creatures without breaking a sweat. But because of their individualistic nature it’s rare to see groups of Maneaters larger than 3 or 4.

When the Maneaters y finally return to the tribe they take every opportunity they can to regale their stories to their tribe-mates, usually boring them but the Ogres will not offend the Maneaters by saying they heard if before.

Special Rules: Cause Fear, Immune to Psychology, Stubborn, Gut Charge, Mixed Formation

Mixed Formation: A mix of weapons in the unit is allowed.

Gut Charge: Any turn that the entire unit (must have at least 3 models) charges 6 inches or more may inflict one impact hit per Ogre model in base contact with an enemy model. This is resolved at the base strength of the model.


M WS BS S T W I A LdManeater 6 4 4 5 4 3 3 4 8


Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book

CannonCannonCannonCannonSince Dogs of War armies are always on the move, they cannot afford to carry and maintain the massive Great Cannon typical of the Empire. Consequently, lighter, easy to move, small cannons are a treasured element of many mercenary armies.

War MachinesWar MachinesWar MachinesWar Machines

M WS BS S T W I A LdCannon - - - - 7 3 - - -Crew 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7

Special RulesSee the Warhammer rulebook for details of these weapons (page 87). These cannons are the smaller of the two types.

Halfling Hot Pot Halfling Hot Pot Halfling Hot Pot Halfling Hot Pot Mercenary Generals know very well that Halfling cooks are an important element in attracting freelance fighters to their army.

Another advantage of hiring such refined chefs is the access to the Hot Pot, a weird catapult-like device that uses a cauldron full of hot soup as a projectile. This improvised form of artillery

is used only in the direst circumstances (persuading a Halfling to give up his food is not an easy task to accomplish!).

Special RulesTreat as a stone thrower from the rulebook (page 92) with the following changes: The Hot Pot has a maximum range of 36". Hits are resolved at S3, with no armour save allowed. The model under the hole of the template suffers a Strength 6 hit, with no armour save allowed, which causes D3 wounds.

Halfling Hot Pot1. Declare target and guess range (at least 12" and up to 36")

2. Position the small (3") template and roll the Scatter and Artillery dice.

3. If the Artillery dice is a MISFIRE, refer to Misfire chart in the Warhammer rulebook, otherwise,

a. If the Scatter dice is a HIT, the Soup has hit the spot targeted.

b. If the Scatter is an arrow the soup has landed in the direction shown away from the aiming pt. as shown on the artillery dice (2"-10")

4. All Models completely under the template are hit. Those partially under are hit on a 4+

5. Work out hits at S3. Model at the centre of the template suffers a S6 hit causing D3 wounds. No armour Save is allowed

M WS BS S T W I A LdHot Pot - - - - 4 2 - - -Crew 4 2 4 2 2 1 5 1 8

Leonardo’s Espringal and BallistaLeonardo’s Espringal and BallistaLeonardo’s Espringal and BallistaLeonardo’s Espringal and BallistaAfter seeing damage a raiding Greenskin army did to cities around Tilea Leonardo da Miragliano took captured weaponry and began to work on some new machines so when the mercenary generals came to him he had already had sketches and plans for new machines of war.

EspringalEspringalEspringalEspringalFirst was the Espringal a small easy to transport Bolt Thrower. Because of their small size they aren't as strong as ones used by the Dwarfs, but then they are light enough to transport and move on the battlefield freely by humans.

M WS BS S T W I A LdEspringal 4 3 3 3 4 4 3 2 7

Special RulesBolt Thrower, Skirmish

Bolt Thrower: Follows the rules for a Bolt Thrower in the Warhammer Rulebook (Page 90) except it has Range of 36”, Strength 5 and causes 1 wound. All teams in unit must fire at same target. And all have 360 degree line of sight, they don’t block each other.

BallistaBallistaBallistaBallistaSecond was the Ballista a large bolt thrower that was designed for fortress defense. It’s Large and Heavy and when installed unmovable the ballista is designed mainly for static and fortified placement. Because of the cost only a few of the mercenary generals have installed ballistas for their defenses but the ones who have only use the best and most seasoned soldiers to crew them.

M WS BS S T W I A LdBallista - - - - 7 3 - - -Crew 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7

Special RulesBolt Thrower: Follows the rules for a Bolt Thrower in the Warhammer Rulebook (Page 90) except Strength 7

Stay Put: The Ballista is such a large and heavy weapon it's hard to move. After setting up the Ballista cannot be moved during the game.

Valiant: Crew will never willingly leave the Ballista. Until the machine is destroyed the unit is Unbreakable.


Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book

Many Dogs of War Giants are first recruited when they wander into civilized lands from the mountains they inhabit. It is, after all, better to have a useful soldier than to have a 30-foot tall menace wandering around the countryside eating shepherds and being a nuisance.

Not all Giants are evil creatures, and some of them still posses the peaceable natures of their Sky-titan forebears. They are just very thick, and often very hungry, two things which, when put together in the body of a Giant, do not make it easy to maintain peace.

There are instances of towns or cities adopting Giants as defenders or mascots, and the traveling menageries that wander the Empire will also sometimes have a Giant on their books.

The Giants that make their living from war tend to be brighter than others, and will have scraps of equipment from all over the world. Most exotic of

these are the Giants of Albion, the boggy isle which boasts the world's largest population of Giants, who can sometimes be found in the employ of the various armies of the Old World.

Large Target; Terror; Stubborn: These are exactly the same as the rules of the same names from the Warhammer rulebook.

Ignore Little 'un Panic: Units of cavalry-sized or smaller models do not cause panic in Giants.

Move: Giants move over normal sized obstacles such as walls and fences without breaking stride. Treat them as open ground when working out how far the Giant moves. However, when crossing such obstacles the player must test to see if the Giant falls over (see below).

Fall Over: Giants are ungainly and frequently befuddled, as a consequence of which they often trip, stumble, or fall down. When a Giant falls over, it can easily squash anything it falls on. A Giant must test to see whether it falls over in any of these situations:

1) When it is beaten in close combat. Test once results are established but before taking Break or Panic tests.

2) At the start of the Movement phase if it is fleeing.

3) When it crosses an obstacle. Test when the obstacle is reached.

4) If the Giant decides to Jump Up and Down on an enemy. Test immediately beforehand.

To see if the Giant falls over, roll a D6. If the result is a 1, the Giant falls over. If a Giant is slain then it falls over automatically. To determine which direction the Giant falls, roll a Scatter dice - the arrow indicates the direction in which the Giant falls. Place a Falling Giant template with its feet at the model's base and its head in the direction of the fall. Any models lying completely under the template are automatically hit. Any models partly covered are hit on a 4+.

A model hit by a falling Giant automatically takes one Strength 6 hit which causes D3 wounds. If the unit is in combat and the Giant has fallen over whilst attempting to Jump Up and Down, wounds inflicted by a falling Giant counts towards the combat result. In addition, a Giant that falls over automatically suffers 1 wound itself. If the Giant is in combat, then this wound counts towards the combat result.

Once on the ground, a Giant may get up in his following Movement phase, but may not move that turn. Whilst on the ground a Giant may not attack, but he can still defend himself after a fashion so the enemy must still roll to score hits on him. If forced to flee whilst on the ground, the Giant is slain - the enemy swarm over him and cut him to pieces. If the Giant gets the opportunity to pursue his foes whilst he's on the ground he stands up instead. A Giant may attack on the turn it stands up.

Giant Special Attacks

Giants do not attack in the same way as other creatures, though they select their targets as normal. To determine what happens, roll a D6 on one of the tables at the start of each combat phase. Which table you use depends on the size of the Giant's victim. When fighting characters riding monsters, decide whether to attack the rider or mount, as normal, and use the appropriate table for the size of the target.

Giant fighting big things (Ogres, Kroxigors, Minotaurs or similar sized or larger creatures including chariots):

D6 Result1 Yell and Bawl2-4 Thump With Club5-6 'Eadbutt


M WS BS S T W I A LdGiant 6 3 3 6 5 6 3 S 10


Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book

Giant fighting anyone smaller than above:

D6 Result1 Yell and Bawl2 Jump Up and Down3 Pick Up and4-6 Swing With Club

Yell and Bawl: Giants are deafeningly loud and tend towards poor oral hygiene. Neither the Giant nor models in contact with him fight if they have not already done so this round. Additionally, the Giant's side automatically wins the combat by 2.

Pick Up and: The Giant stoops down and selects a model (Giant player's choice) that is within base contact or touching a model in base contact. The target may make a single attack to try and fend off the Giant. If this attack hits and wounds, then the Giant's attack fails; otherwise he grabs the model. Roll a D6 to see what he does next:

D6 - Result1 - Stuff into Bag. The Giant stuffs the victim into his bag along with sheep, cows, and other plunder. The model is effectively a casualty and can do nothing whilst in the bag, but if the Giant should be slain any enemy trapped in his bag are freed unharmed at the end of the battle. Victory pts. are not awarded to the enemy for freed models.2 - Throw Back into Combat. The victim is hurled back into his own unit like a living missile. This causes a wound on the victim with no saves of any kind allowed, and D6 Strength 3 hits (saves as normal) on the unit.3 - Hurl. The victim is hurled into any enemy unit within 12" of the Giant - randomly determine which. This causes a wound on the victim with no saves of any kind allowed, and D6 Strength 3 hits (saves as normal) on the unit. If no enemy units are in range, treat this as result 2 instead.4 - Squash. This doesn't really bear thinking about. Suffice to say the model becomes a casualty and is removed from play.5 - Eat. The Giant gobbles his victim up, swallowing him whole. The model is removed the game.6 - Pick Another. The Giant hurriedly stuffs the victim into his bag or under his shirt (or down his trousers if they're really unlucky) and attempts to pick up another victim. The second victim makes a single attack (as above) to avoid being picked up. Trapped models are effectively casualties, exactly as explained in the Stuff into Bag result described above.

Thump with Club: The Giant picks one model as his target and brings down his club with a mighty stroke. The target may attempt to avoid the blow by passing an Initiative test (use the lowest if the enemy has several different values). If failed, the target is struck and takes 2D6 wounds with no armour save. If a double is rolled the Giant's club embeds itself in the ground and the Giant cannot attack in the following round while he frees it (this ceases to apply if the combat ends before the next round).

‘'Eadbutt: The Giant head butts his enemy, automatically inflicting 1 wound with no armour saves. If the victim is wounded but not slain then he is dazed and loses all of his remaining attacks - if the target has not yet attacked in that combat round, he loses those Attacks; if he has already attacked, he loses the following round's Attacks.

Jump Up and Down: The Giant jumps up and down vigorously on top of one enemy unit in base contact. First, the Giant must test to determine if he falls over. If he falls over, work out where he falls and calculate damage as already described. Any wounds caused by the fall (on either side) count towards the combat result. Assuming that the Giant remains on his feet, the unit sustains 2D6 Strength 6 hits allocated as shooting hits. A Giant that starts to Jump Up and Down will do so in the next combat phase, and will continue to do so until he falls over (test every turn) or until the combat ends.

Swing with Club: The Giant swings his club across the enemy's ranks, inflicting D6 Strength 6 hits, allocated as shooting hits.


Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book

Hand WeaponsHand WeaponsHand WeaponsHand WeaponsPikes

A weapon often favoured by mercenary regiments is the pike. Pikes are very long spears, almost twice as long as a normal spear and longer even than a horseman's lance. They have the following exceptions to Spears:

Pikes fight in four ranks.

Require two hands.

When pike unit is charged in the front they inflict D3 S4 Armour Piercing hits per full fighting rank of pike armed models. These hits come before impact hits of charging units and models with Always Strike First Ability. After the chargers make their attacks then the pikemen get their normal attacks.

All of these special rules cannot be used against enemy units fighting to the pikemen's flank or rear.


The Pavise is a large heavy shield that provides an additional +2 to Armour Save vs missiles (including magical) but due to the unwieldy size is unusable in combat.

Cathayan Longsword

The Cathayan Longsword is an finely crafted hand weapon, that is so balanced that is confers +1 WS and +1 I to it’s wielder. Wounds caused by the Longsword are Armour Piercing.


The Buckler, which is used mainly by Duellists, is a small shield attached to the arm that provides an additional +1 armour save to the wielder in close combat. It can be used with all hand weapons including two handed weapons and Great Weapons.

Tilean Plate Armour

This thicker armour was developed by a Dwarf Weaponsmith working in Tilea to help soldiers survive longer in combat.

Confers 4+ armour save

Missile WeaponsMissile WeaponsMissile WeaponsMissile WeaponsHand Cannon

Range: 12” Strength: 5 Armour Piercing, Move or Shoot. Can always stand and shoot.

Light Crossbow

It is a shorter and quick loading version of the traditional crossbow used mainly by cavalry units.

Range: 18” Strength: 4, Move and Fire

The Mercenary ArsenalThe Mercenary ArsenalThe Mercenary ArsenalThe Mercenary Arsenal


Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book

The greatest general ever to walk the land of Tilea is Borgio the Besieger. Borgio was world renowned for his expertise abilities in sieges with many following his tales trying to also become a master of siege craft. It was said that no fortification or fortress could discourage him. He was a master tactician, and win nearly all of his battles. He was not only a world renowned general, he was also a beloved politician and ruler. His people and soldiers loved him dearly and celebrated the anniversary of his rule with a week long party.

His enemies became bitter after many loses to his forces and led them to send spies and assassins to "take care of the problem" with Borgio. For reasons that his rivals could not understand every one of them failed, Borgio just would not die. This lasted for many years, until he was ultimately found in his bedchamber dead, believed to have been killed by a poisoned snail fork. Some reports have said that his wife, the ill-tempered older sister of Lucrezzia Belladonna, killed him. To this day no one has been able to prove it.

Special Rules

Renown, Difficult to Slay, Beloved General, Master of Siegecraft, and Magic Standard

Renown: Borgio generates 7 Renown Points for the army.

Difficult to Slay: Borgio the Besieger has an almost unnatural ability to withstand pain and injury. If he is reduced to zero wounds, then do not remove the model, but lay it on its side and leave it in place. At the end of the phase, roll a D6. On a 1-3, he is removed as a casualty as normal. On a roll of 4 or more, he stands back up again with a single Wound remaining.

Beloved General: Borgio the Besieger was beloved by his men, and the people of Miragliano. To represent this, any friendly unit within 18" may test on Borgio's Leadership. This rule replaces the normal rules for Generals found in the Warhammer rulebook.

Master of Siegecraft: Borgio earned his nickname due to the many successful sieges he wages as the Merchant Prince of Miragliano. No fortress could withstand him for long. To represent this, if Borgio is your general, you may take two mercenary cannons per rare choice. In addition, both Braganza's Besiegers and Bronzino's Galloper Guns may be hired for one less Renown pt. than normal.

Renown: Borgio generates 7 Renown Points for the army.

Magic Standard: See page 18.

Borgio the Besieger - Merchant Prince of MiraglianoBorgio the Besieger - Merchant Prince of MiraglianoBorgio the Besieger - Merchant Prince of MiraglianoBorgio the Besieger - Merchant Prince of Miragliano

M WS BS S T W I A LdBorgio 4 6 5 4 4 3 5 4 9Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 6

Magic Items

Mace of Might: Borgio made this weapon out of a cannonball that hit him square in the chest, yet did not kill him. From that pt. on it has become his good luck charm. If Borgio rolls a 6 to hit with this weapon, that hit will be at Strength 10.

Armour of Brazen Bronze: This ornately detailed armour counts as a suit of full-plate armour that also conveys a Ward Save of 5+.

Monstrous Mask Helm: This Helm causes Fear.


Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book

Magic Items

The Red Scimitar: This sword has a -3 save modifier. In addition each unsaved wound causes not one but D3 wounds.

Daemonhead Helmet: A powerful wind demon is magically bound to defend the wearer of this helmet if he is ever wounded. To represent this, once Ghazak Khan has lost a wound, he gains a 4+ Ward Save and Magic Resistance (1) for the remainder of the battle.

Special Rules

Renown, Warghan, War Cry of the Steppes, Distrust, and Quell Animosity

Renown: Ghazak Khan generates 4 Renown Points for the army.

Warghan: Warghan is a monstrous wolf that Ghazak Khan uses as a mount. Warghan causes fear, has thick fur giving it a 4+ armour save, and counts as a monstrous mount.

War Cry of the Steppes: When Ghazak Khan charges, he lets out a mighty war cry that freezes the hearts of his enemies. To represent this, any unit that he charges will not be able to stand and shoot or flee as a charge response. This does not affect a unit that is immune to psychology.

Quell Animosity: Ghazak Khan is such a fierce general that even the most unruly Greenskin thinks twice about acting up when he is close by. Any friendly Orc or Goblin unit within 8" of Ghazak may re-roll a Squabble result for the Animosity test as long as he is not fleeing.

From the lands of the followers of the God Hashut come the endless steppes of the armies of the Great Hobgobla Khan. Hobgoblins have rarely been seen by the eyes of man or dwarf, and if they do, they are hunted down. Most are servants, some say slaves, of the Chaos Dwarves. Very few Hobgoblins have ever seen the Old World, and one of those is Ghazak Khan, the Terror of the East. He was sent to the Old World by his masters who wanted him to learn of the tactics of the races in far off lands, Ghazak Khan soon discovered that by hiring out his skills as a great warrior to the people of these lands would be the quickest and best way to gain the knowledge his masters required. In the mercenary land of Tilea, Ghazak Khan has built himself a reputation for savagery, and prowess in the heat of battle. The mercenary army that he leads has won many victories, leaving villages in ashes and the population devastated by the monstrous regiments that follow his every word.

His army was hired by the Senate of Remas to destroy the Lahmian vampire, Maria Sarsosa. this former member of the Remas Senate was discovered to be a vampire when a mercenary captain found her feasting on the body of the citizens militia. The vampire had escaped the city-state and started to raise an undead army to devastate Remas her secret was discovered. Ghazak Khan had never battled a vampire before and was very eager to do battle with her. At the River Remo Ghazak Khan met Maria's army. Unfortunately, due to the nature of war torn Tilea, Maria quickly raised a large undead army, so she was ready for an attack. Ghazak Khan’s outriders the the flank of the undead hoard and some monstrous regiments under his command waded up the river to engage the other flank. Just before dusk, Ghazak Khan launched his attack. Maria got caught off guard, she never considered anyone would be crazy enough to attack at night when she and her forces were at their strongest.

Under the onslaught of Khan's army, the undead force began to crumble. As night fell, Maria started raising the fallen soldiers into the ranks of her army. But at that moment, the flanks of her army were hit by the outriders and monstrous regiments of Ghazak Khan. The vampire's army again began to crumble and to her shock, Ghazak Khan made another move that she had never expected.

A couple of hundred Wolfboyz, with Ghazak Khan at the forefront was driving up the centre of her army with a sole purpose in mind, close combat with the vampire. When they met Maria was surprised that

her speed was no advantage against the green-skinned general. Maria’s last error was when she blasted Ghazak Khan with a bolt of black magic, this caused the wind demon enslaved within the hobgoblin's helm to be released. This stunned Maria and Ghazak Khan lopped her head off as dawn arose and her army crumbled into dust.

Ghazak Khan - Terror of the EastGhazak Khan - Terror of the EastGhazak Khan - Terror of the EastGhazak Khan - Terror of the East

M WS BS S T W I A LdGhazak Khan 4 7 6 4 4 3 6 4 9Warghan 9 5 0 5 5 3 4 2 5


Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book

From obscure and humble beginning in the city that is now known as Miragliano came Leonardo da Miragliano. His genius first became apparent when he was a lowly assistant to an architect who was tasked with redesigning the city. When the Merchant Prince looked at the blueprints that he had drawn he knew he was in the presence of a genius. The Prince hired him and placed him as the leader of the project. When the redesign of city of Miragliano was completed, the city was impregnable do to the ramparts and other defenses that Leonardo had designed. The Merchant Prince decided to keep the young Leonardo to become the court inventor. Very quickly after the completion of the city he was in great demand by every principality and republic in Tilea, they needed his great intellect to solve their problems. Even the Empire soon heard of Leonardo's ingenuity and the Emperor hired him to work for him. While in the Empire, two of Leonardo’s most famous creations came about, the Imperial School of Engineers, and the infamous Imperial Steam Tank.

During his life, Leonardo created numerous odd and potentially very effective war engines. Many of these were drawn on the backs of campaign maps or on messages that were sent from the front, simply because he was bored waiting for the battles to start. He would offer these drawings to the Merchant Princes in the off chance they would let him build it. Unfortunately many weren’t built because the wars and Merchant Princes did not allow him time to build these fantastic machines, and so he just put them away until later. Many of the devices he designed were so advanced that they still cannot be built because the technology still does not exist.

Genius: Leonardo da Miragliano is renowned as a genius. He has an incredible intellect that can solve any problem put in front of him. Many Generals and Merchant Princes seek him out to help them win an impossible battle. They consult him about matters from siege craft to battle plans. To represent his genius you may choose one of the following: Note: Leonardo' genius still works even if he dies.

Artillery Accuracy: Leonardo inspects one battery of war engines. He adjusts the angles, quantity of black powder, tension of stone thrower cord, or what ever. For the rest of the battle, one battery may re-roll all misfires for the rest of the game. If you get a second misfire it does misfire. If you are using Leonardo with an Empire army, the abilities of Master Engineers do not work on the chosen battery of Leonardo.

Crossbow Accuracy: Leonardo inspects one unit of crossbowmen. He adjusts the sights, checks the wait of the bolts, and the wind velocity. He instructs them to aim a little left or right of the target or slightly above targets heads. For the rest of the game, one unit of crossbowmen may re-roll their misses.

Battle Strategy: Leonardo inspects maps and charts, and he scouts the terrain. Then he will discuss options with the General and his Captains and will come up with the best way to out flank the enemy. This enables the general to deploy one core unit up to 100 pts. on either the right or left table edge but not in the opposing player's deployment zone. This unit may deploy after the first turn, and is treated as if it had just returned from pursuing a unit off the table. If the unit does not deploy by the last turn of the game, the unit is considered lost and the opponent gets their points.

Scientific Items

Leonardo uses many items that he has constructed himself. These are not magic items, and not affected by anything that affects magic items. But any spell or ability that affects normal item affects these items (such as spells from the Lore of Gold)

Sphere of Alchemy: Leonardo dabbles in alchemy, and he uses the knowledge to fill several small orbs full of an explosive substance. Leonardo may throw one of these orbs up to D6"+2" away at an enemy unit. At the end of the distance, place the 3" round template. Anyone under the template takes a Strength 3 hit, - 2 to saves. If a 1 or a 2 is rolled on the D6, the orb fails to work at all. Leonardo has enough orbs to last the whole battle.

Prism of Power: Leonardo has constructed a specially shaped glass prism, which traps the winds of magic within it. To represent this during the magic phase the prism traps 1 power dice or dispel dice that the opponent has access to during that turn. The opponents' total power or dispel dice cannot drop below one; so that the opponent always has one dice remaining after the prism finished trapping the winds of magic.

Leonardo da MiraglianoLeonardo da MiraglianoLeonardo da MiraglianoLeonardo da Miragliano

M WS BS S T W I A LdLeonardo 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 2 9Warhorse 8 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 6

Special Rules

Renown, Extra Crewman, Blasé, Genius, Artillery Accuracy, Crossbow Accuracy, Battle Strategy

Renown: Leonardo da Miragliano generates 4 Renown Points for the army.

Extra Crewman: Leonardo da Miragliano can join the crew of any war machine. If he does so he is NOT killed when the machine misfires. He steps away from the machine before it blows up, because he saw them load the weapon incorrectly.

Blasé: Leonardo da Miragliano is so deep in thought, and contently working out problems in his mind that the effects of the surrounding battle do not bother him very much. To represent this, Leonardo Leadership is fairly high and this bonus has already been added to stat line.


Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book

Lorenzo is a direct descendent from his city's founders: Lucan and Luccina for which he is very proud of. Because of this he is quite an antiquarian and collector of art and antique artifacts from the beginnings if Luccini. His personal palazzo on the old acropolis of Luccini is decorated with frescoes in the style of old Luccini and the gardens and colonnades display old statues found in the acropolis. His most prized possessions in his collections are heirlooms of his house, said to have been owned by the city's founders.

Lorenzo only wears armour of the style befitting the city-state’s founders and only fights on foot in honour of his ancestors. This strange eccentricity of his would be considered quaint, and possibly even ridiculous, by his rivals if he wasn't such a great general and didn't beat them regularly. His renown reputation for bravery and fighting hand-to-hand at the front of his troops earned him the respect and awe of his enemies.

Mighty Athlete: Lorenzo follows many of the classical athletic pursuits that his ancestors practiced, and as a result he is a very well-built, muscular man. He regularly rows across the Tilean Sea, wrestles the mightiest opponents or runs from one end of his princedom to the other. To represent this, roll a D6 at the start of the battle to determine which pursuit he has been following prior to joining the army.

D6 Pursuit Effect1-2 Running +1 Toughness3-4 Wrestling +1 Attack5-6 Rowing +1 Strength

Drill Master: Lorenzo is renowned for his many athletic pursuits and he applies this type of conditioning to his personal guards. If Lorenzo is deployed with a pikemen unit at the start of a battle then roll a D6 to determine what type of drilling Lorenzo has had his soldiers focus on. The effects last the entire game.

D6 Drill Effect1-2 Rowing +1 Strength3-4 Mock Battles +1 Weapon Skill5-6 Marching +1 Initiative

Magic Standard: See page 18.

Magic Items

The Sword of Lucan, Shield of Myrmidia, and Ring of Luccina

Lorenzo Lupo - Merchant Prince of LucciniLorenzo Lupo - Merchant Prince of LucciniLorenzo Lupo - Merchant Prince of LucciniLorenzo Lupo - Merchant Prince of Luccini

M WS BS S T W I A LdLorenzo Lupo 4 6 5 4 4 3 6 4 9

Special Rules

Renown, Fights on Foot, Mighty Athlete, Drill Master and Magic Standard

Renown: Lorenzo Lupo generates 6 Renown Points for the army.

Fights on Foot: Lorenzo is a very eccentric man in that he prefers to fight on foot in the style of his ancestors. He always takes his place at the front ranks of his pikemen or leads his soldiers on his men-of-war. This is very inspiring to his men, and they are eager to fight for and defend their Merchant Prince. To represent this, when Lorenzo is in the front rank of any infantry regiment (including Regiments of Renown) he adds +1 to the combat resolution for that unit. If he leaves the front rank for any reason, the unit loses that bonus.


Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book

Lucrezzia is easily the most beautiful woman in Tilea, and possibly the entire Old World, and she may also be the most dangerous. Lucrezzia is a renowned as a sorceress, and believed to be the greatest master of poisons. Ever since the mysterious death of her first husband, the Merchant Prince of Pavona, she has done all in her power to stay in the ruling class. Mercenary Generals that defended Pavona, have become husbands of Lucrezzia thus becoming Merchant Princes themselves. Unfortunately for them, as soon as their abilities as a statesman or a general waned or did not meet Lucrezzia's expectations, they died under questionable circumstances.

Her latest husband's career ended suddenly after consuming several bottles of wine from Lucrezzia's private wine seller. Lucrezzia Belladonna is currently looking for another husband to rule by her side an a Merchant Prince of Pavona, of course that will only be till he looses her favour.

Stunning Beauty: Lucrezzia Belladonna's beauty has an amazing effect on human mercenaries in the army. To represent this, any human unit within 8" of her automatically rally - they stop fleeing and rally as soon as they are within 8". This affects fleeing troops during an opponent's turn as well. This does not affect any troops that are immune to psychology.

Expert Poisoner: Lucrezzia Belladonna is rumoured to be an expert at preparing poisons. No one has ever lived to tell if this is true or not. To represent this poisonous skill, use the following rules:

Lucrezzia's Kiss: She has been known to kiss the weapons of a hero who she takes as her champion. To represent this, any one character or unit Champion gains Killing Blow due to the potency of the poison in her lipstick.

Stiletto Dagger: All of Lucrezzia's attacks are Poisoned attacks. She also carries a stiletto dagger which grants her an extra attack. This has been included in her profile.

Phial of Poison: Lucrezzia hires an agent prior to every battle. This agent will sneak into the enemy camp and attempt to poison the enemy leaders. To represent this, roll a D6 at the beginning of the battle for each enemy character. A roll of 4+ means that the character has been poisoned and starts the battle with one Wound less than normal.

Master of Intrigue: Lucrezzia always has many schemes and intrigues in play to gain an advantage over rivals or to eliminate an inconvenient husband! She often hires spies and assassins to work against her enemies. To represent this, one unit of duellists in the army armed without black powder weapons may scout for +1 pt..

Secretly nominate an enemy champion or character before the battle. It is best to write this on a piece of paper. If the unit of duellists is able to kill or catch the fleeing target then it is considered to be eliminated and you will earn an additional 50 Victory pts. for eliminating Lucrezzia's rival. You may instead hire Vespero's Vendetta for one less Renown pt. than normal but Vespero's unit must be used in the manner described above.

Lucrezzia BelladonnaLucrezzia BelladonnaLucrezzia BelladonnaLucrezzia Belladonna

M WS BS S T W I A LdLucrezzia 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 1(2) 8Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 6

Magic Items

Potion of Pavona: At the beginning of the battle, Lucrezzia may give the potion to any one character, unit Champion, or take it herself. Roll a D6 and if you roll 2+, choose that number of the chosen model's characteristics to improve by +1. For example, if you roll a 4 you could choose to improve the model's WS, T, W, and I by +1. You cannot apply this bonus to a model's Leadership and cannot increase a characteristic by more than one. If you roll a 1, the model loses a wound; if this kills the model then it counts as a casualty for all purposes.

Special Rules

Renown, Master Sorceress, Stunning Beauty, Expert Poisoner and Master of Intrigue

Renown: Lucrezzia Belladonna generates 4 Renown Points for the army.

Master Sorceress: Lucrezzia Belladonna is one of the most powerful sorceresses in Tilea. She is a Level 4 Wizard and may choose either the lore of Shadow or Death. Lucrezzia is also an accomplished assassin and has used both her magical powers as well as her expert knowledge of poisons to remove many an enemy. All of her 7 husbands have met with unfortunate circumstances. Lucrezzia extensively prepares the deaths of her victims. To represent this she may choose her spells instead of rolling for them.


Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book

Marco Colombo is known as the man who had discovered the mysterious land of Lustria, even though there are records that it was discovered years before by the Norse. Marco was the first Old Worlder to establish a friendly relationship with the Lizardmen - far from an easy task!

Before Marco's epic excursion to Lustria, he visited Araby as merchant and had taken part in many naval battles, from the coast from Araby to the pirate stronghold of Sartosa. He was a well seasoned veteran of diverse campaigns and became well known as a mercenary captain before making a name for himself as an explorer.

Upon returning from Lustria with an enormous fortune of gold and gems, he retained control of the army of his patron and made himself Merchant Prince of Trantio. He soon led the army of Trantio against the rival cities on numerous occasions. He also led the sporadic expeditions beyond Apuccini Mountains. He sent new expeditions along the coasts Lustria searching for the famous Norse colony of Skeggi and after years searching he finally discovered.

Marco is one of the several mercenary generals who have lead armies in the wars of Tilea and in distant tropical lands against strange and unknown opponents.

Magic Items

Gem Of Lustria, Gourd Of Lustrian Wine, and Scroll of Araby

Gem of Lustria: Gives Marco a 4+ Ward Save and allow him to re-roll any failed armour saves.

Special Rules

Renown, Master Crossbowman, Navigator’s Telescope, and Magic Standard.

Renown: Marco Colombo generates 7 Renown Points for the army.

Master Crossbowman: May move and fire his crossbow, even when mounted. In addition, he does not suffer a -1 to hit penalty for shooting at long range. His incredible skill with the crossbow is also reflected in his profile, as his Ballistic Skill is higher than all normal Mercenary Generals.

Navigator's Telescope: After Deployment but before commencement of the game, roll a D6 for every enemy unit deployed on the table. On a roll of 4+, your opponent must disclose to you the number and type of any hidden models, such as Goblin Fanatics, Dark Elf Assassins, etc in the unit. In addition, no scouts may be deployed within 24" of Marco, unless they deploy outside line of sight.

Magic Standard: See page 18.

Marco Colombo - Merchant Prince of Trantio Marco Colombo - Merchant Prince of Trantio Marco Colombo - Merchant Prince of Trantio Marco Colombo - Merchant Prince of Trantio

M WS BS S T W I A LdMarco 4 6 6 4 4 3 6 4 9Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 6


Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book

The most famous, or infamous depending on who is telling the story, paymaster ever is notorious Mydas the Mean. Mydas is so tight with the gold and greedy that he has stolen pay chests from the generals that hired him.

While employed by the dwarf pirate lord, Gridi Scumbeard Mydas was first recognized as a great paymaster. The dwarf pirate admired Midas's toughness and reluctance to part with even the smallest amount of gold. When an army of Arabian Crosiers came to slay Gridi and appropriate the gold from his vaults; they found the vaults empty and Mydas missing. Mydas soon turned up in Verezzo in the service of their Merchant Prince. Mydas and his hand picked henchmen, some say thugs, have defended the pay chest in glorious battles over the world. But when it came to paying the mercenaries, Mydas paid them so little that they lynched the merchant prince.

Mydas has often turned up in far off lands, offering his services as paymaster, tax collector, gold counter, or a treasure hider for some lord or baron. Although many of his employers have met with untimely ends, Mydas has never let a pay chest fall in to the hands of the enemy or even his so-called friends.

The pay cart may act as a separate unit from Mydas and his bodyguards on the battlefield.

Mydas's Bodyguards: A regiment bodyguard, made up of hand picked galley slaves from pirate men-o-war, always accompanies Mydas the Mean. These bodyguards were freed from there former masters by a very generous portion of gold, and they are all deeply grateful for their freedom and are viciously loyal to Mydas. All of these men are very large, muscular, bronzed and hardened by years of labour in the ore galleys of a man-o-war. The falling rules apply:

The bodyguards must be at least 9 models strong, not including Mydas and Sheikh Yadosh. The pt. cost for the first 9 models are added into the pt. cost above. You may add up to 15 more models for 10 pts. each.

The Bodyguard's are equipped with heavy armour, halberd, and hand weapon.

The Bodyguards have a Standard Bearer and a Musician

The entire Bodyguard unit is stubborn as long as Midas is alive.

No other character in the army may join Midas's Bodyguards.

When setting up, deploy Midas with his Bodyguards with the other characters and Mydas must remain in the unit of Bodyguards.

Magic Items

Treasure Map: Mydas has drawn a map to all of his hidden pay chests on the back of a piece of parchment inscribed with a number of Lizardmen glyphs on the reverse side. The parchment contains a trust spell, which empowers the holder to be trusted by those who would otherwise do him in. the map has different effects for each battle; roll a D6 to determine the effect.

1-2 Mydas's Bodyguards add +1 to their combat resolution.

3-4 Any friendly unit may use Mydas's Paymaster Battle Standard ability up to 18" from Mydas instead of the normal 12".

5-6 One friendly unit chosen at the start of the battle has +1 to hit in close combat for the rest of the battle.

The Crest of Mydas: A priest of Myrmidia forged the runes on the Crest of Mydas. Mydas the Mean mounted this item onto the lock of his pay chest as a good luck charm. When he goes into battle, his weapons and those of his men glow with a dull golden light. To represent this, every attack from his unit counts as magical (thus being able to wound ethereal creatures).

Mydas the MeanMydas the MeanMydas the MeanMydas the Mean

M WS BS S T W I A LdMydas 4 5 5 4 4 2 5 3 8Sheik Yadosh 4 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 7Bodyguard 4 4 3 4 3 1 4 1 8Pay Cart - - - 4 4 3 - - -Horse 8 3 - 3 3 1 3 1 6

Special Rules

Renown, The Pay Cart, Mydas’s Bodyguards

Renown: Mydas generates 3 Renown Points for the army.

The Pay Cart: The pay cart is taken in to battle so that Paymaster Mydas can an eye on its whereabouts. Sheikh Yadosh, a wealthy Arabian moneylender who has accompanied Mydas since his days in Sartosa, is given the task of keeping the pay cart secure during the battle. Placed on a light carriage ridden by Sheikh Yadosh, the pay cart inspires acts of heroism and bravery amongst mercenaries, hoping that by such acts they will be paid a bonus. The pay cart counts as a chariot in all respects, with the following exception. When the pay cart charges into combat, it inflicts only D3 impact hits. In addition, any friendly units within 6" of the pay cart may re-roll any failed Psychology test. The pay cart has an armour save of 5+.


Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book

Giants of AlbionGiants of AlbionGiants of AlbionGiants of Albion

On Albion the Druids believe that the Old Ones put the race of mighty Giants that inhabit their island to guard from invaders. They wander along in the fog along the shrouded cliffs and hurl large boulders down onto ships which come too close to the shore. They take joy in watching them splinter into pieces and the crews struggle in the fierce waves. The Druids have a strange ability to goad the Giants into moving huge boulders and monoliths. With the great strength of the Giants, these humongous stones are arranged in ways to measure the sun, moons, and stars.

Greatest of the Giants is Bologs. Worshiped as a god by some of the primitive tribes of Albion, they have carved his image into the chalk hills of their land. As Powerful as he is, Bologs' intellect is dim, even by the standards of a Giant of Albion. He can only say is his own name.

The next greatest Giant in Albion is Bologs’ Twin Cachtorr. He is more intelligent, abet slightly, than Bologs and is able to understand the speech of the Druids.

Curious Geasar, first citizen of Remas, a voyage to Albion captured the Hengus the Druid and the two Giants and took them back to Tilea as a display of power to consolidate control of the Republic. But during the return voyage the rough seas caused by an unexpected storm made the ship rock and in the commotion Hengus got loose and jumped overboard. The Giants seeing this ran to his aid and jumped in after him and after reaching his struggling body waded to shore.

Since that day, Hengus and the Giants of Albion have lurked in the landscape, lost and confused, seeking shade from the hot sun and pining for the fog. Not surprisingly, various mercenary generals have sought them out to hire them as dogs of war. Hengus, willingly agrees to fight in the hope that the campaign will lead him near to the great ocean and ultimately to Albion.

The RegimentCaptain: Hengus the Druid

Motto: We've got the Bologs to beat anybody.

Battle-cry: BOLOGS!

Special Rules

Independent Models, Druid of Albion, Giants of Albion, Ignore Little 'un Panic (Page 46), Move (Page 46), Fall Over (Page 46) , Giant Special Attacks (page 46), BOLOGS!

Independent Models: Hengus, Bologs, and Cachtorr are individual models and move independently, though they may not join regiments. The enemy is awarded Victory points separately for each model slain. Hengus is worth 100 points and each giant is worth 180 points.

Druid of Albion: Hengus is a level 1 wizard and always uses the Lore of Beasts.

Giants of Albion: Bologs and Cachtorr are large targets and cause terror. Note that, although named, Bologs and Cachtorr do NOT count as being characters. In combat, roll separately for each giant.

BOLOGS!: During the shooting phase in not engaged in combat Bologs picks up a boulder and hurls it into an enemy unit within 8 inches causing massive damage. Place the 3" template anywhere on the enemy unit. It will scatter D3-1 inches. Any model under the hole takes a S8 hit with no armour saves. All other models under the template take a S4 hit with no armour saves. Enemy models partially covered are hit on a 4+.

NOTE: Counts as two Rare Units.

M WS BS S T W I A LdHengus 4 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 8 Bologs 6 3 3 6 5 6 3 S 6Cachtorr 6 3 3 6 5 6 3 S 6

Magic Items

Oggum Staff: Hengus has an Oggum Staff, which is a special kind of magic item made by the Druids of Albion. Not only do the Oggum marks on the staff endow the bearer with power over Giants to make them serve him, but they also protect the owner from harm. To represent this, as long as the Giants are within 6" of Hengus, they may use his Leadership value. Conversely, being accompanied by two giants gives Hengus a certain sense of security. As long as Hengus is within 6" of either Bologs or Cachtorr he does not take fear or terror tests. In addition, Hengus has a Ward Save of 4+.


Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book

A character may only ever have one War Academy ability from each section. War Academy Abilities doesn’t affect Magical Weapons.

IntrigueIntrigueIntrigueIntrigueMaster Assassin 35 points(Mercenary Generals and Merchant Princes Only) - When faced with particularly dangerous enemy commanders or rivals, a knife in the dark or a poisoned wine cup can change fortunes as easily as a victory on the battlefield, and at a considerable savings in men and supplies. The commander has hired an agent to eliminate the enemy leaders.

After deployment but before the battle begins roll D3. This will be the number of characters (this includes champions) your agent has attempted to assassinate. Roll a D6 for each character you wish your agent to target takes a Strength 5 hit. Character can take saves as normal. An enemy character may only be targeted once.

False Orders 35 PointsYour spies have worked their way into the enemy camp, planting false information and rumours regarding your army.

Before the battle, nominate D3+1 enemy units. Each unit must pass a successful leadership test or it may do nothing the first turn. If charged or otherwise brought into close combat it will still fight. The unit may act as normal starting on turn two. Note that this ability does not affect units that are Immune to Psychology.

Master of Intrigue 30 Points(Merchant Prince Only) - The Merchant Prince always has many schemes and intrigues in play to gain an advantage over their rivals, which often means simply eliminating the rival. The most common method is to hire spies and assassins to work against their enemies. To represent this, one unit of duellists in the army armed without black powder weapons may scout for +1 pt.

Secretly nominate an enemy champion or character before the battle. It is best to write this on a piece of paper. If the unit of duellists is able to kill or catch the fleeing target then it is considered to be eliminated and you will earn an additional 50 Victory Points for eliminating your rival. You may instead hire Vespero's Vendetta for one less Renown Point than normal but Vespero's unit must be used in the manner described above.

Saboteur 30 PointsBribing the enemy to wreck their equipment is a good way to win a battle.

Roll D6 for each war machine in enemy army, on 5-6 may not fire in the first turn while the machine is repaired.

Propaganda 30 PointsGossipmongers are placed in the army spreading word that the enemy are half the size, they are cowards who flee when shown resistance etc.

All friendly units automatically pass the first Ld test they take.

War AcademyWar AcademyWar AcademyWar AcademyMaster Poisoner 25 PointsMost generals realize they have a few units that aren't experienced as the rest and need a little help to build the confidence and help them survive so they gain experience.

One unit may have weapons coated with poison.

Prepared Battlefield 15 PointsThe most experienced of commanders have fought on many battlefields, some of them several times. They know the terrain in detail, knowing that a carefully laid trap in certain areas can be more effective than a score of soldiers.

Before deployment, but after sides have been chosen, the player must secretly nominate a piece of terrain such as a forest or bridge (it's a good idea to make a note on a piece of paper). Whenever an enemy unit comes into contact with the terrain feature it must pass an Initiative Test or immediately take D6+2 S3 hits.

Science of WarScience of WarScience of WarScience of WarOutmanoeuvre 50 PointsThe expert leaders are known for not putting all their eggs in one basket and will hold units in hold units in reserve to arrive entrap the enemy.

May place any number of infantry units in reserve to come in from the sides of the table.

Forward March 50 Points So inspired by their leader they cannot help but move quickly into battle against their foes.

All infantry units may make a free move before the first turn. This is at their base ground movement rate so they may not march. Units count as moving for the purposes of shooting and special abilities.

Master of Siegecraft 40 Points(Mercenary General or Merchant Prince only) - This character has earned a reputation for conducting many successful sieges. No fortress can withstand him for long.

To represent this, you may take two mercenary cannons per rare choice.

Sappers 40 PointsThe sappers have prepared some hastily constructed field defenses that their fellow soldiers can use to establish a defensible forward position.

The controlling player may a up to 12 inches of entrenchments in front of his troops. It can be more than one entrenchment but the total width combined can not be more than 12 inches. The player should place a suitable terrain piece if possible to represent this fortification. Any entrenched infantry unit or war machine is treated as being in hard cover when shot at, and as protected by a defended obstacle if attacked in close combat. An entrenched war machine can be pivoted to fire but if it moves in any other way, the entrenchment is lost. If the war machine is destroyed, the entrenchment is lost at the same time.


Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book

Rapid Deployment 30 PointsThe most experienced of campaigners instill rigid discipline in their troops. They are so well trained that they can quickly deploy on the battlefield with units knowing exactly where they are needed on the battlefield.

The player may add +1 to his roll to see who goes first. Note this will stack with the bonus for being the first to finish deploying.

Cunning 25 PointsThere are leaders who seem to be able to sense a problem in their lines even before the battle begins. They signal troops to change their positions on the field of honour to capitalize on their opponent's weaknesses.

The player may re-deploy one unit after deployment has been completed but before the roll to see who goes first is made.

Scouts 20 PointsThe experienced campaigner knows it is to his advantage to pick where he wants the battle to be fought and not fight on the terms of his opponent.

The character may add +1 to his die roll when rolling to determine sides.

Halfling Cooks 15 Points(Mercenary General or Merchant Prince only) - All armies travel on their stomachs, if you don't feed them regularly they become irritable, grouchy and eventually too weak to fight. To overcome this problem some mercenary generals will regular hire Halfling chefs to feed the army while in the field, the better ones hire two.

This allows the army to field 2 Halfling Hot Pots per Special choice.

VeteranVeteranVeteranVeteranGrizzled Warrior 35 PointsSuch a tough and grizzled warrior of many battles that he never seems to fall.

Adds +1 to characters Wounds.

World Weary 30 PointsSuch is his calm any unit joined is fearless in the face of countless foes.

Character and any unit he joins is immune to Psychology.

Tough to Kill 30 PointsA lifetime of war have hardened this character to such a level that he has become adept at avoiding serious injury, knowing just when to parry and dodge blows which would fell lesser soldiers.

The first successful to-wound roll against this character each turn must be re-rolled.

Stand Tall 20 Points(Dwarf Character Only) - This ancient dwarf never backs down from a fight.

May never choose flee as a charge reaction but gains +1 Attack when charged,

Hawk Eye 15 PointsSome Marksmen have trained long and hard and gained the skill to pick wings off of flies at 1000 meters.

Can pick characters out of units and they do not get benefit of "Look Out, Sir" rule.

Master Lancer 15 Points(Mounted character only) - Years of training and combat experience have honed this character's skills with spears and lances to a deadly edge.

The character may re-roll failed to wound rolls when charging with spears and lances. Note this includes magical spears and lances as well.

Great Weapon Master 15 PointsGreat physical strength along with years of experience and training allow the character to wield cumbersome great weapons as easily as smaller one-handed weapons. Instead of striking last in any turn that the character doesn't charge, he strikes in Initiative order as explained in the Warhammer rulebook.

Master Marksman 15 PointsExtensive training and battlefield experience coupled with keen eyesight allow this character to regularly hit targets at distances where less skilled troops must rely on volume of fire to hit their opponents.

The character ignores penalties for shooting at long range and can move and shoot with the otherwise cumbersome crossbow even while mounted.

Blademaster 10 PointsThe wielder is extremely proficient with all manner of close combat weapons.

Gains +1 Weapon Skill

Master Duelist 10 Points(Character on foot only) - A veteran of numerous duels, can quickly manoeuvre out of the way of attacks.

Enemies suffers a -1 to hit penalty in close combat with this character.

Master Pistolier 5 PointsThe character is extremely proficient in the use of all manner of pistols.

May ignore the -1 to hit penalty when firing a brace of pistols.

BackgroundBackgroundBackgroundBackgroundNorse Blood 45 PointsIs believed by the Norse to be of their tribe and they come to his aid when called.

May take Norse characters for no renown points and Norse units as Core, excludes Regiments of Renown.

Dwarf Friend 40 PointsKnown for his dealings with the dwarfs they have accepted him as a battle brother.

May take dwarf character for no renown points and Dwarf units as Core, excludes Regiments of Renown.

Elf Friend 40 PointsWell know for working with the Elves and their trust in plans and goals.

May take Elf characters for one less renown point and Elf units as Core, excludes Regiments of Renown.


Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book

Veteran Campaigner 30 PointsThe longest serving generals not only lead but also school their troops in the art of battle. The soldiers under his command have seen and faced everything the world can throw at them and have lived to tell the tale.

The character and any core unit he joins are immune to panic. If taken by a Mercenary General or Merchant Prince, the character will also allow his unit to re-roll failed Rally test.

Savagery 25 Points(Non-wizard characters on foot only) - The character is known for conducting warfare in a brutal fashion. Will lead his troops to finish off a fleeing enemy instead of showing mercy.

Character and his unit must always pursue an enemy if possible. Gains additional D6 for pursuit.

Boldness 25 Points "Victory goes to the bold," is the motto of this general. His tactics seem to inspire awe in his troops and shock in his opponents.

The character and his unit add +D3" to their charge and pursuit distances.

Inspiring Leader 25 Points(Mercenary General or Merchant Prince Only) - Whether he's a skilled orator or a leader by example, this character knows how to inspire his troops to greatness.

Any unit joined by the character may re-roll all failed psychology tests. Note this ability cannot affect a Regiment of Renown.

Famous 15 Points(Mercenary General or Merchant Prince only) - While there are any number of mercenary leaders to be found in Tilea, some have earned a great deal of fame in their careers, so much so, that many mercenaries will hire on for a smaller fee then normal when this character is leading them.

The character generates one additional Renown Point than normal.

ArcaneArcaneArcaneArcaneMagic Specialist 45 PointsMay save up to 3 of Power or Dispel dice to use next magic phase. If not used they are lost.

Defensive Sage 35 Points+1 to Dispel spells

Offensive Sage 40 Points+1 to Cast spells

Knowledge of Spells 35 PointsMay pick spells from lore instead of rolling for them.

Master Spell Caster 15 PointsMay have one Extra Spell


Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book

In this section, the common magic items are listed first (see Warhammer Rulebook for a complete description). The ones that follow are a list of Magic Items for the Dogs of War only. These items are the only ones that can be used by models in this book. All magic items must be selected within the pts. limitations set by the army list section. Note that the rules for the magic items presented in the Warhammer Rulebook also apply to the Dogs of War only items.

Common Magic ItemsCommon Magic ItemsCommon Magic ItemsCommon Magic Items Sword of Striking 30 pts.Weapon; +1 to Hit

Sword of Battle 25 pts.Weapon; +1 Attack

Sword of Might 20 pts.Weapon; +1 Strength

Biting Blade 10 pts.Weapon; -1 Armour Save

Enchanted Shield 10 pts.Armour; 5+ Armour Save

Talisman of Protection 15 pts.Talisman; 6+ Ward Save

Staff of Sorcery 30 pts.Arcane; +1 to Dispel

Dispel Scroll 25 pts.Arcane; One Use Only; Automatically dispel an enemy spell

Power Stone 25 pts.Arcane: One Use Only; +2 dice to cast a spell

War Banner 25 pts.Banner; +1 combat resolution

Magic WeaponsMagic WeaponsMagic WeaponsMagic WeaponsSpear of Magritta 65 pts.The priests of Myrmidia originally created the spear for the Knights of the Blazing Sun when they were battling to save the temple of Myrmidia. When the Knights returned to the Empire they left the spear with a small contingent of warrior priests to use to defend themselves against another attack.

This ancient spear is blessed by Myrmidia and will always find its mark. The weapon is treated as a lance which hits automatically.

The Sword of Lucan 50 pts.

Lorenzo Lupo's sword, believed to be the actual sword used by his remote ancestor, Lucan, the founder of Luccini. The sword's razor sharp edge cuts through any armour with ease.

This sword has the ability to ignore armour saves.

Ruthgar the Red's Berserker Axe 45 pts.(Character on Foot Only)

Wielded by the mighty Ruthgar the Red, last Norse King of Sartosa, before he was slain by Arabian Corsairs, Ruthgard seemed to gain an ever greater bloodlust the more blood he spilled with his mighty axe.

Ruthgar's Axe is a great Weapon. In addition, for every successful wound inflicted (after saves), the wielder may make an additional attack. Bonus attacks do not generate extra attacks. The effects of the axe will cease should the character break from combat or flee for any other reason.

Cathayan Dragonsword 45 pts.A glimmering blade said to be able to cut the gods, this exceptional sword is believed to have come from the Court of the Celestial Dragon Emperor of Grand Cathay, and shimmers with the power of that far and mystical land.

This is a Cathayan Longsword and follows all the rules for that weapon (see Mercenary Arsenal section). In addition the Dragonsword gives the wielder the Killing Blow special rule. Attacks made with the weapon also count as flaming attacks.

Hurcio's Club 40 pts.Carried by the great Tilean hero Hurcio who defended Justintine's paychest from the Orc horde. Although the Orcs and Goblins surged around him, not one reached the paychest and lived. The strength of the mighty Hurcio has remained in the club since the hero's death

Hurcio's club (hand weapon) confers +2 Strength to the wielder.

Scimitar of Lashiek 40 pts.This gem encrusted magical sword was a gift to Captain Tomas Eckstein of Tilea from Governor Akifa Al-Ahmer of a Lashiek in Araby for his troops coming to the aid of the troops of Lashiek against raiders. It is said that the gems were found in the deepest desert and were blessed by the local Priests .

For every successful hit inflicted with the Scimitar, enemy models must take a leadership test with a -1 penalty. If the test is failed, the hit wounds automatically with no armour saves allowed. If the test is passed, roll to wound and take armour saves as normal.

Blackbeard's Cutlasses 30 pts.The origin of these weapons are not fully known. The Sartosan Pirate Captain Blackbeard appropriated them from a now deceased rival who didn't give up the secret of where or who made them. All that is known that they cut through most armour like it wasn't there.

These are pair of enchanted cutlasses (two hand weapons) with which the dreaded Blackbeard dispatched many an opponent. All attacks with these weapons are at +1 Strength as well as being armour Piercing.

The Spoils of WarThe Spoils of WarThe Spoils of WarThe Spoils of War


Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book

Grimluson's Decksweeper 30 pts.(Character on Foot Only)

This vicious gun was created by the dwarf armoursmith Thurak Grimluson on a commission for the Pirate Barbarossa. He wanted a weapon that would clear a path for his crews when boarding ships. After dying under mysterious circumstances, Grimluson sold the weapon to the highest bidder, who happened to be Barbarossa's rival.

This is treated as a handgun with the following profile: Range: Flame Template, Strength: 4, armour Piercing. The template is placed at the base of the model using the Decksweeper. All models under the template (even if only partially) take a S4 armour Piercing hit. As it takes a while to pack all of the bullets, nails, and other materials used for ammunition in the weapon and to ready it for use, the weapon may only fire every other turn.

Pike of Remas 25 pts.(Character on Foot Only)

The senators of the Republic of Remas had this pike crafted by a Mercenary Dwarf Runesmith to inspire the men following their leader into battle. The Dwarfs succeeded and created a weapon that is the bane of mounted soldiers.

The pike follows all rules for pikes. In addition the pike grants the Killing Blow special rule for regular attacks, not special pike attacks. If made against cavalry models will cause killing blow on a roll of 5+.

Verezzian Wheel-Locks 25 pts. The weaponsmiths of the city of Verezzo are some of the most respected in the world and renowned for their duelling pistols. They have made pistols for the Elector Counts of the Empire, numerous rulers of Tilea, and as far away as Cathay.

These wheel-locks count as a Brace of Pistols and follow all the related rules. In addition, the wielder may re-roll any to-wound rolls when making shooting attacks with these pistols.

Domingo's Arbalest 20 pts.(Character on Foot Only)

Domingo Da Sparana is a human that was trained by dwarfs in the art of creating ranged weapons of war. His most magnificent creation was his Arbalest. A large crossbow that is pleasing to the eye, perfectly balanced, and more powerful than any others known in the land.

The Arbalest fires heavy steel tipped bolts twice the size of a normal crossbow. It counts as a crossbow with the follow profile: Range 36" Strength 5 armour Piercing. A character with this weapon may not move and shoot regardless of any special abilities.

Magic armourMagic armourMagic armourMagic armourArmour of Brazen Brass 40 pts.This is the very armour which Borgio was wearing when struck by the cannonball at the siege of Remas. The armour was forged in Miragliano from melted down statues dredged out of the blighted marshes. Who knows what magic was wrought into the metal?

Suit of bronze Tilean plate armour which also confers a 5+ ward save on the wearer.

Grand Vizier's Garb 40 pts.This set of robes was originally commissioned by Grand Vizier Munif Adib for the Sorcerer Ala' Nasih after he cast a Sand Storm that buried an invading force of crusaders and thereby saving the historic mosque. It protects the wearer from weapons and missile fire.

This set of magical robes confers a 5+ armour save which cannot be modified in any way. The Garb does not provide any protection against weapons which ignore armour saves. This magical armour may be worn by wizards (even though they normally are not allowed to) and they can cast spells while wearing it.

Shield of Myrmidia 35 pts. This old shield was found during the rebuilding of the temple of Myrmidia on Luccini's acropolis. It dates to the time of the founding of the city, or perhaps even earlier. The shield bears the sun symbol of the war goddess and has the magical ability to dazzle the bearer's opponents.

This shield conveys a 6+ armour save which can be combined with other armour as normal. In addition, every enemy model in base-to-base contact loses one Attack.

Celestial Dragon armour 30 pts.Created by the famed Armourer (and mystic) Wu Ling to protect the Emperor during an expedition to capture a dragon and return it to the People's Zoo. It was created with scales of the previous Zoo Dragon that was seemingly impervious to fire and magic.

This is a magnificent suit of red-lacquered heavy armour in the style of Cathay. In addition, the wearer is immune to all fire and flame-based attacks as well as having a Magic Resistance of 1.

Mambrinio's Golden Armour 30 pts.An ancient set of armour made long ago by the dwarves in dragon fire. Few in the Old World have not heard the tales of Mambrinio's Golden Armour, which is supposed to render the user impervious to attacks.

The wearer has a 1+ armour Save that cannot be improved in any way.

Armour of Fortune 30 pts.Those who wear the armour of Fortune are said to be gifted with great luck. Even a blow from an enemy that should have penetrated the suit is turned away by some twist of fate.

Confers a 5+ armour Save which may be re-rolled. The armour may be combined with other equipment as normal.

Helm of Myrmidia 25 pts.The priests of the temple of Myrmidia started making this helm for the Grand Master of the Blazing Sun for service to the temple. It has been said that it gives the wearer an advantage in hand to hand combat. Unfortunately a thief raided the caravan when it was traveling to the Empire to give it to him. It has been sold and bought by many Generals and Merchant Princes over the years, hiding the fact of its origins from the Priests.

Grants the wearer a 6+ armour Save which may be combined with other equipment as normal. All enemies in base-to-base contact with the wearer are at -1 Weapon Skill. In addition, the wearer will hate all Undead models, even if otherwise Immune to Psychology.


Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book

Hauberk of Ruthgar the Red 25 pts.(Character on Foot Only)

Worn by Ruthgar, the last Norse King of Sartosa, when he was slain by Arabian Corsairs, the armour is said to still contain some of the old King's lust for battle.

The Hauberk is a suit of heavy armour and confers an armour Save of 5+. In addition, the wearer is subject to frenzy.

Mirror Shield 20 pts.Created by a powerful but poor Arabian Sorcerer for his son to use in battle during the Great Crusades, it was his attempt to improve the well-worn pieces of armour that his son was given. It captures the opponent's armour in its reflection and grants it to the bearer.

This shield confers a 6+ armour Save and may be combined with other equipment as normal. Additionally, in close combat, the wearer has the same armour save as his opponent unless their opponent's armour save is worse than the wearer's. Note the shield only reflects the enemy model's armour, thus any bonuses to an enemy's armour due to mounts and barding are not factored in.

Monstrous Mask Helm 15 pts.Borgio the Besieger the Merchant Prince of Miragliano was known for wearing a grotesque helmet with a fearful visage sculpted on it to frighten his enemies.

When worn, the wearer causes fear. Can be combined with other equipment as normal.

TalismansTalismansTalismansTalismansGuardian Amulet 35 pts.This mysterious amulet was found on an expedition to Ind. It is a very powerful talisman that protects its wearer from harm. But its power isn't constant and will weaken from constant strain, often to the wearer's demise.

The Guardian Amulet confers a 3+ Ward Save. Roll separately for every wound. For every successful save you make, the Ward Save will weaken, so after one save it would only be a 4+, after two saves a 5+ and so on. 6’s always saves the wound.

Disc of Sotek 30 pts.Hallucinating and dehydrated, the lone remnant of the expedition to the sacred ruined pyramid in the Southlands collapsed in the makeshift camp, carrying a single golden disc in his hand. With the beat of drums from the jungle reverberating through the camp, the mercenaries fled, with the golden disc emblazoned with a depiction of a great red serpent on it. At a later date, it is said that Zanipolo of Miragliano escaped the wrath of the Skaven army as they refused to fight him as he fled the battle.

The wearer gains a 5+ Ward Save and causes fear in all models in a Skaven army.

Hakama of Ashinaga 25 pts.Found in the strange land of Nippon this garment that seems to be the colour of a shadow was blessed by the monks of Ashinaga and gives the bearer protection against missile fire.

Enemies wishing to shoot the bearer suffer an additional -2 to hit.

Lustrian Gem 25 pts. It was believed to be the same Gem discovered by Marco Colombo in Lustria, fighters serving Slann Mage Priests have often gotten items such as these as part of their reward. The gem of green stone and in the form of a snake's tongue - the mark of Sotek.

The wearer may re-roll failed armour saves.

Guido's Lucky Coin 25 pts.(One use only)

Unfortunately for Guido, he gave it to a particularly lovely girl in Tobaro before his ill-fated expedition to reach far Nippon. The girl married into a rich Merchant family and the coin has been in the hands of several mercenary captains since.

Once per game, the player may re-roll one dice that directly affects the bearer.

Enchanted ItemsEnchanted ItemsEnchanted ItemsEnchanted ItemsScroll of Araby 25 pts. Found in the markets and bazaars of Lashiek where one can purchase numerous treasure maps (most of which lead nowhere). This particular map, although uninteresting in itself, was written on an old scroll with partly obliterated, arcane writing of ancient Khemri on the reverse.

The scroll grants Magic Resistance of (2) to bearer and any unit they are with. Roll a D6 after each use, on a 1 the scroll crumbles to dust, its power to protect consumed.

Lustrian Wine 25 pts.(One use only)

First brought back from Lustria by Marco Colombo, this gourd of cactus juice, which he called Lustrian Wine has a powerful effect when consumed. Mercenaries serving Slann Mage Priests will often receive gourds of this juice as reward for their services. Although it is about as orange juice for a Lizardman, for a human being it is prickly stuff indeed!

The user may drink the wine at start of his turn and will add D3 Strength until the end of the turn.

Ring of Luccina 25 pts.Luccina, sister of Lucan, was said to be a sorceress. Lorenzo wears a ring which bears a cameo gem depicting her, and which may even have been hers. The gem has the ability of restoring the soldiers' morale, returning their will to fight for their lord again.

This ring contains a powerful bound spell with a Power Level 5. This spell requires no power to cast; all the power needed is in the ring itself. When the ring is activated, all fleeing friendly troops within 8" of the user will rally automatically.


Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book

Lens of Truth 25 pts.The mysterious glass is from the realm of Nippon. It was formed in the heat of a volcano by the hermit scientist Nagasha. It's properties weren't known until Captain Pierro Demensa discovered it's properties to see all the secrets of your enemies during a naval battle on his return to Tilea.

The Lens has the power to show things as they really are. At the beginning of the battle the player may force the opponent to reveal the location of all hidden units such as fanatics and assassins. In addition, the opponent must reveal which units and characters contain magic items (including runes) although the opponent does not have to reveal what they are.

Estalian Cloak 20 pts.This cloak was taken from the body of a raider from Araby during Sultan Jaffar's expansion drive into Estalia. During the battle he was deftly able to repel magic cast in his direction, unfortunately it couldn't repel crossbow bolts.

The wearer and any unit he is with have Magic Resistance (1).

Arcane ItemsArcane ItemsArcane ItemsArcane ItemsPlaque of Chotec 50 pts.Found by explorers in one of the many ruins in Lustria, this golden plaque inlaid with sapphires has the power to completely dissipate the winds of magic.

This item works exactly like a Dispel Scroll. In addition, roll a D6, on a 4+ the spell you are dispelling is removed from the enemy wizard's mind. This item will only affect a bound item on a D6 roll of 6.

Khemrian Crystal 35 pts.On an expedition in the lands of Khemri a mercenary expedition ran afoul of many Skeletons. During the ensuing battle a lone squire met the Hierophant and steeling his nerves drove his sword through him, causing the Hierophant and the rest of the army to crumble to dust. The only thing that was left after the dust blew away was this translucent Red Crystal.

All enemy wizards within 24" suffer -1 on all their casting attempts. Note this doesn't affect bound items the enemy may have.

Hedge Wizard's Staff 25 pts.Of the many hedge Wizards found throughout Tilea, one learned how to produce this valuable but unsteady casting aid.

At the beginning of each of your magic phases roll a D6, on a roll of one the wizard suffers a -1 to his casting rolls. On any other result the staff's focusing ability works as planned and the wizard gains a +1 on his casting rolls.

Aether Globe 25 pts.This orb radiates a strange blue glow. When the winds of magic blow by the orb they become more stable, allowing the caster relative protection from the interference of chaos, and other outside effects on their spellcasting.

The model will not suffer the effects of it's first miscast, although the spell still fails.

Staff of Lightning 25 pts.This staff was created by a disgraced wizard of the College of Magic who tried to prove he was better than his teachers. Unfortunately his knowledge was still limited and while working on the staff, the powers of the winds of magic consumed him. It was discovered by an older Sage who kept it to serve as a warning to other ambitious students.

The staff contains a bound spell at power level 4. No power dice are needed to cast the spell, all power is provided by the staff. The staff casts a lightning spell with a range of 24" that causes D6 S4 hits. Roll a D6 after each use, on a 1 the magic in the staff is depleted and the item can't be used for the rest of the battle.

Arabian Tome 20 pts.This tome was found in the catacombs of a deserted temple in the deepest desert of Araby. Legend says that it was given to a powerful Sorcerer by mighty Djinn as a reward for releasing it from a magical trap. The tome contains varied arcane lore, long forgotten by all but the most learned sages.

The wizard knows one additional spell.

Southlands Idol 20 pts.A smaller version of the stone idols shaped like a man with his arms crossed, venerated by the Pygmies that live in the jungles of the Southlands. The idol causes the enemies' flow of the winds of magic to be erratic before the idol shatters.

You may force one enemy spell caster to re-roll a single D6 used to cast a spell. This can nullify irresistible force or cause a miscast.

StandardsStandardsStandardsStandardsBanner of Myrmidia 50 pts.The Ivory Banner with the Crown of Myrmidia on it was used originally by the Knights of Myrmidia in their first battle against Warriors of Chaos. Even though the losses were grievous the Knights of Myrmidia turned the tide and won the battle with the only marks on it the spray of enemy blood. The blood was left on it to inspire the unit and make the enemy think twice about engaging them.

If a unit is charged is charged by a unit carrying this banner they must take a leadership test. If the test is passed they fight as normal, it failed they hit on 6s the first round of combat.

If a unit wishes to charge a unit with this banner they must take a leadership test. If failed, they may not charge, or shoot that turn. If the unit is not affected by fear they are immune to the effects of the banner.


Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book

Banner of Monte Castello 40 pts. During the great siege of Monte Castello, the commander's daughter Monna Lissa took command over the garrison, pretending to be her dead father. The garrison fought to the death, and everyone save for 25 men were killed, including Monna Lissa, but the castle was saved. Monna Lissa then became a symbol of good fortune and victory. So much so that she is depicted on the banner of Monte Castello as the war goddess Myrmidia.

Enemies may never claim an outnumber bonus against the unit with this banner. In addition the unit may re-roll all break tests and panic tests it is required to make.

Banner of Venni 40 pts.(Units on Foot Only)

This standard was painted the day before the battle of Venni, when the captain of the regiment decided to improve it by painting the figure of Myrmidia on it. Gossipa Lotta, army advisor, posed for the painting wearing nothing but a helmet and a bit of silk. The regiment marched out to battle the next day, proudly waving their banner, as the bravest unit in the whole army.

The figure of the beautiful nude of Gossipa Lotta painted onto the banner in the Image of Myrmidia inspires the unit to outperform the other units in the army as a sign of their bravery (or greed perhaps...). All models in the unit have +1 Attack on a turn in which they successfully charge an enemy unit.

Standard of Miraglian 25 pts.Miragliano used to have this banner as its symbol. It inspires the men to focus even harder on their given task, making their attacks more accurate.

A unit carrying this standard may re-roll any 1's to hit with missile weapons or 1's to hit in close combat.

Corsair Standard of Bilbali 25 pts.A band of pirates on a Corsair that claimed to be from the City of Bilbali were raiding communities all along the Tilean coast. Their standard was said to have been empowered by a mad Djinn that made them able to pursue their foes over great distances. They were finally captured when they mistakenly raided an encampment of vicious ogres.

The unit bearing this banner rolls an extra D6 on all of its pursuit rolls and discards the lowest roll.

Glyph of Banishment 20 pts.This banner was originally acquired by a pirate raiding party from the Kingdoms of Ind. While in Lustria and unknowingly near the Vampire Coast, they ambushed a scouting unit of Skinks. On their way home they encountered the Zombie Pirates. They raised the Glyph during battles and found that they were able to dispatch the undead threat with relative ease.

Undead units in close combat with the unit bearing the Glyph of Banishment suffer D3 additional wounds from combat resolution when they lose a round of combat.

PaychestsPaychestsPaychestsPaychestsJustintine's Paychest 50 pts.(Paymaster Only -Paychest Upgrade)

A Tilean relic known by all mercenaries, the paychest, though rumoured to be a reconstruction, is the same that Justintine brought to the famous battle against the Orcs. Ownership of the chest is given to the City State that wins the yearly Tilean Games which feature Crossbow, Jousting, Wrestling, and mock battles among many other events.

The Paymaster's Battle Standard range is increased to 18". In addition, all units within 12" (including the Paymaster's unit) add +1 to their combat resolution.

The Paychest may be captured much like a Battle Standard, and should this happen the enemy claims an additional 100 Victory pts..

Paychest of Greed 35 pts.(Paymaster Only -Paychest Upgrade)

The origins of this pay chest are shrouded in rumours, mystery, and innuendos. The most common tale was that a mad sorcerer who was upset that the paymaster didn't pay him fully, he cast a spell to make those who carry it so overcome with greed that they would work themselves into a frenzy. They would pillage the lands and stop at nothing to gain more gold for themselves and their sponsors.

The Paymaster and any unit he joins are subject to frenzy and may not overrun or pursue as they will stop to loot the dead.

Silver Paychest 20 pts. (Paymaster Only -Paychest Upgrade)

This seemed like an ordinary tarnished silver chest but during a battle with an army of Spirits something extraordinary happened. All the weapons started emitting a blue glow. When their weapons were used they quickly dispatched the Spirit Host.

The enchantments on this paychest affect the unit bearing it enchanting their weapons with a dull blue glow. The unit's attacks count as magical.


Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book

This army list enables you to turn your collection of Dogs of War miniatures into an army ready for a tabletop battle. As described in the Warhammer rulebook, this army list is divided into four sections: Characters (Lords & Heroes), Core Units, Special Units and Rare Units.

CHOOSING AN ARMYEvery miniature in the Warhammer range has a pts. cost assigned to it. This reflects how effective a model is on the battlefield. For example a Duellist is a mere 6 pts., while the Giant costs 205 pts..

Usually, both players choose armies of the same, agreed pts. total. You may spend fewer pts., and you might find it impossible to use up every last pt.. Most ‘2,000 pt.’ armies, for example, will end up being something like 1,997 or 1,999 pts..

To form your collection of Dogs of War miniatures into an army, look up the relevant army list entry for the first troop type. This tells you the pts. cost to add to each unit of models to your army and any options the unit may have. Then select your next unit, calculate its pts. cost and so on until you reach the agreed pts. total for the game you are playing. In addition to the models’ pt. values, there are a few other rules that govern which units you may include in your army, see Choosing Character and Choosing Troops opposite.

ARMY LIST ENTRIESEach unit is represented by an entry in the army list. The unit’s name is given and any limitations that apply are explained.

Profiles show the individual characteristics of the troops in each entry. Where several profiles are required, these will also be given even if, as in many cases, they are optional (such as a mount).

Unit Size defines the minimum size for each unit. The minimum size of a unit is normally 10, although there are exceptions. In some cases, units will have a maximum size.

Equipment shows all the weapons and armour the particular trooper comes with at standard base cost. All models come with a hand weapon, while others might automatically come with armour, shields or whatever.

Options give units the ability to take extra equipment such as pistols, shields but also standard, musicians and unit champions.

CHOOSING CHARACTERSCharacters are divided into two broad categories: Lords (the most powerful characters) and Heroes (the rest). Note that the pirates can take one hero more then most armies it is included in the number of characters on the chart below:

An army does not have to include the maximum number of characters allowed it can always include fewer than indicated. However an army must always include at least two characters: the General and the Paymaster. Since the Paymaster is a Mandatory hero the Dogs of War army is allowed one more hero that normal. An Army does not have to include Lords, it can include all of its characters as Heroes if you prefer. At the beginning of the battle, choose one of the characters to be the general and make sure that you let your opponent know which one it is.

Choosing TroopsTroops are divided into Core, Special and Rare units. The number of each type of unit available depends on the army’s pt. value, indicated on the chart below.

In some cases other limitations may apply to a particular unit. This will always be specified in the particular army list entry. For example, the Malakai Makaisson's Goblin-Hewer takes up both a Hero and Rare slot in your army.

Dogs of War Army ListDogs of War Army ListDogs of War Army ListDogs of War Army List

pts. Value Total Character Max Lords Max Heroes

Under 2000 4 0 4

2000+ 5 1 5

3000+ 7 2 7

4000+ 9 3 9

pts. Value Core Special Rare

Under 2000 2 0-3 0-1

2000+ 3 0-4 0-2

3000+ 4 0-5 0-3

4000+ 5 0-6 0-4

+ 1000 +1 +0-1 +0-1


Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book

LordsLordsLordsLordsBorgio the Besieger - Merchant Prince of Miragliano 250 Points Page 48

M WS BS S T W I A LdBorgio 4 6 5 4 4 3 5 4 9Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 6

Special RulesDifficult to Slay, Beloved General, Master of Siegecraft, Master of Intrigue, Magic Standard

Renown: Borgio generates 7 Renown Points for the army.

You may only include one Borgio in your army and he must be the army's general if taken.

EquipmentMace of Might, Lance, Crossbow, armour of Brazen Bronze, Shield, Monstrous Mask Helm, and Barded Warhorse

Ghazak Khan - The Terror of the East 325 Points Page 49

M WS BS S T W I A LdGhazak Khan 4 7 6 4 4 3 6 4 9Warghan 9 5 0 5 5 3 4 2 5

Special RulesWarghan, War Cry of the Steppes, Quell Animosity, Distrust

Renown: Ghazak Khan generates 4 Renown Points for the army.

You may only include one Ghazak in your army.

EquipmentThe Red Scimitar, Bow, Heavy armour, Shield, and Daemonhead Helmet

Lorenzo Lupo - Merchant Prince of Luccini 300 Points Page 51

M WS BS S T W I A LdLorenzo Lupo 4 6 5 4 4 3 6 4 9

Special RulesFights on Foot, Mighty Athlete, Drillmaster, Magic Standard

Renown: Lorenzo Lupo generates 7 Renown Points for the army.

You may only include one Lorenzo in your army and he must be the army's general if taken.

EquipmentHeavy armour, Sword of Lucan, Shield of Myrmidia, and Ring of Luccina

Lucrezzia Belladonna 380 Points Page 52

M WS BS S T W I A LdLucrezzia 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 1(2) 8Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 6

Special RulesMaster Sorceress, Stunning Beauty, Expert Poisoner, Lucrezzia's Kiss, Phial of Poison, Master of Intrigue

Renown: Lucrezzia Belladonna generates 4 Renown Points for the army.

You may only include one Lucrezzia in your army.

EquipmentHand Weapon, Stiletto Dagger, Potion of Pavona, and Barded Warhorse

Marco Colombo - Merchant Prince of Trantio 215 Points Page 53

M WS BS S T W I A LdMarco 4 6 6 4 4 3 6 4 9Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 6

Special RulesMaster Crossbowman, Navigator's Telescope, Magic Standard

Renown: Marco Colombo generates 7 Renown Points for the army.

You may only include one Marco in your army.

EquipmentHand weapon, Crossbow, Light Armour, Shield, Gem of Lustria, Lustrian Wine, and Scroll of Araby

OptionsMay ride a warhorse (+15 pts.) which may be barded (+6 pts.)


Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book

Merchant Prince 125 Points Page 27

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Prince 4 6 5 4 4 3 6 4 9

May take up to 3 War Academy Abilities from Intrigue, Science of War, Veteran, or Background abilities.

A Merchant Prince may spend up to 125 pts. on Common, and Dogs of War Magic Items.

Hand Weapons(Choose One)

Morningstar 3 pts.Halberd 6 pts.Great Weapon 6 pts.Spear (Mounted) 3 pts.Lance (Mounted) 6 pts.

Missile Weapons (Choose One)

Pistol 9 pts.Brace of Pistols 18 pts.Crossbow 10 pts.

EquipmentHand Weapon

Special Rules


Multiple Standards

Mounts (Choose One)Warhorse 15 pts.With Barding 6 pts.Pegasus 50 pts.

ArmourLight Armour 3 pts.Heavy Armour 6 pts.Tilean Plate Armour 12 pts.Shield 3 pts.


Mercenary General 90 Points Page 28

Hand Weapons(Choose One)

Morningstar 3 pts.Halberd 6 pts.Great Weapon 6 pts.Spear (Mounted) 3 pts.Lance (Mounted) 6 pts.

Missile Weapons(Choose One)

Pistol 9 pts.Brace of Pistols 18 pts.Crossbow 10 pts.

EquipmentHand weapon.

Special RulesRenown

Magic Standard

Mounts (Choose One)Warhorse 15 pts.With Barding 6 pts.Pegasus 50 pts.

ArmourLight Armour 3 pts.Heavy Armour 6 pts.Tilean Plate Armour 12 pts.Shield 3 pts.

Options M WS BS S T W I A Ld General 4 6 5 4 4 3 6 4 9

May take up to 3 War Academy Abilities from Science of War, Veteran, or Background abilities.

A Mercenary General may spend up to 100 pts. on Common, and Dogs of War Magic Items.

Hireling Wizard Lord 175 Points Page 29

M WS BS S T W I A LdWizard 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 1 8

May take up to 2 War Academy Abilities from Intrigue, Background, or Arcane abilities.

A Hireling Wizard Lord may spend up to 100 pts. on Common or Dogs of War Magic Items.

Magic: A Hireling Wizard Lord is a Level 3 Wizard. May choose from any one of the eight lores of Magic described in the Warhammer rulebook.

Mounts (Choose One)Warhorse 15 pts.With Barding 6 pts.Pegasus 50 pts.

EquipmentHand weapon.

Special RulesRenown

UpgradeLevel 4 Wizard 35 pts.




Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book


The General and The PaymasterThe Dogs of War Army requires Two heroes in the game. First is the General of the Army and any human character can be assigned as the Army’s General. Second is even more important for a mercenary army, the Paymaster. A Mercenary Captain must be assigned as the Paymaster and he is there to inspire the troops by his being there and handing out their pay.

Leonardo da Miragliano 155 Points Page 50

M WS BS S T W I A LdLeonardo 4 3 3 3 4 2 3 2 9Warhorse 8 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 6

Special RulesExtra Crewman, Blasé, Genius

You may only include one Leonardo in your army. Leonardo cannot be the army's general under any circumstance.

Renown: Leonardo da Miragliano generates 4 Renown Points for the army.

EquipmentSword, Sphere of Alchemy, and Prism of Power

OptionsLeonardo da Miragliano may ride a Warhorse (+10 pts.) which may be barded (+4 pts.)

Mydas the Mean 300 Points Page 54

M WS BS S T W I A LdMydas 4 5 5 4 4 2 5 3 8Sheik Yadosh 4 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 7Bodyguard 4 4 3 4 3 1 4 1 8Pay Chest - - - 4 4 3 - - -Horse 8 3 - 3 3 1 3 1 6

Special RulesTreasure Map, Crest of Mydas, Mydas’ Bodyguard

Mydas must be the army's paymaster, and thus cannot be the army's general under any circumstance. If Mydas is included in the army you do not hire the Paymaster since Mydas fills that spot.

Mydas must remain with the bodyguard at all times.

Renown: Mydas generates 4 Renown Points for the army.

EquipmentMydas: Hand weapon, Tilean plate armour , Shield, The Pay Chest, and Nine Bodyguard.

Bodyguard: heavy armour, halberd, hand weapon, Standard Bearer and a Musician.

OptionsYou may add up to 15 more models for 10 pts. each.

Mercenary Captain 50 Points Page 28

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Captain 4 5 5 4 4 2 6 3 8

May take 1 War Academy Ability from Science of War or Background abilities.

A Captain may spend up to 50 pts. on Common, and Dogs of War Magic Items.

Hand Weapons(Choose One)

Add. Hand Weapon 4 pts.Morningstar 2 pts.Halberd 4 pts.Great Weapon 4 pts.Spear (Mounted) 2 pts.Lance (Mounted) 4 pts.

Missile Weapons(Choose One)

Pistol 6 pts.Brace of Pistols 12 pts.Crossbow 10 pts.

EquipmentHand weapon.

Special RulesRenown

Mounts (Choose One)Warhorse 10 pts.With Barding 4 pts.Pegasus 50 pts.

ArmourLight Armour 2 pts.Heavy Armour 4 pts.Shield 2 pts.



Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book

Hireling Wizard 65 Points Page 29

M WS BS S T W I A LdWizard 4 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 7

May take 1 War Academy Ability from Background or Arcane abilities.

A Hireling Wizard may spend up to 50 pts. on Common, and Dogs of War Magic Items

Magic: A Hireling Wizard is a Level 1 Wizard. May choose from any one of the eight lores of Magic described in the Warhammer rulebook.

Mounts (Choose One)Warhorse 10 pts.With Barding 4 pts.

EquipmentHand weapon.

Special RulesRenown

UpgradeLevel 2 Wizard 35 pts.


Dwarf Gold Seeker 65 Points Renown Points: 1 Page 32

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Gold Seeker 3 6 4 4 5 2 3 3 9

May take 1 War Academy Ability from Science of War or Veteran abilities.

A Gold Seeker may spend up to 50 pts. on Common, and Dogs of War Magic Items.

Hand Weapons(Choose One)

Add. Hand Weapon 4 pts.Great Weapon 4 pts.

EquipmentHand weapon

Tilean Plate Armour.

Special Rules

Hard to Hire


Ancestral Grudge



Missile Weapons(Choose One)

Pistol 6 pts.Brace of Pistols 12 pts.Crossbow 10 pts.

ArmourShield 2 pts.



Norse Chieftain 85 Points Renown Points: 1 Page 39


Chieftain 4 6 3 5 4 2 6 3 8

May take 1 War Academy Ability from Veteran or Background abilities.A Norse Chieftain may spend up to 50 pts. on Common, and Dogs of War Magic Items.

Hand Weapons(Choose One)

Add. Hand Weapon 4 pts.Flail 4 pts.Great Weapon 4 pts.

EquipmentHand weapon.

Special RulesFrenzy

ArmourLight Armour 2 pts.Shield 2 pts.


Dwarf Weaponsmith 70 points Renown Points: 1 Page 32

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Weaponsmith 3 4 5 4 4 2 2 2 9

May take 1 War Academy Ability from Science of War or Veteran abilities.

A Weaponsmith may spend up to 50 points on War Academy Abilities, Common, and Dogs of War Magic Items.

Hand Weapons(Choose One)

Add. Hand Weapon 4 pts.Great Weapon 4 pts.

EquipmentHand weapon

Tilean Plate Armour

Special RulesEngineer

Hard to Hire


Ancestral Grudge



Missile Weapons(Choose One)

Pistol 6 pts.Brace of Pistols 12 pts.Crossbow 10 pts.

ArmourShield 2 pts.



Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book

Lords and Heroes Mounts Page 42

M WS BS S T W I A LdWarhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5Pegasus 8 3 0 4 4 3 4 2 6

Pegasus Special RulesFly

HeroesHeroesHeroesHeroesElven Mage 110 Points Renown Points: 3 Page 31

M WS BS S T W I A LdMage 5 5 5 3 3 2 5 1 8

May take 1 War Academy Ability from Intrigue or Background abilitiesAn Elven Mage may spend up to 50 pts. on Common, and Dogs of War Magic Items

Magic: An Elven Mage is a Level 1 Wizard. May choose from any one of the eight lores of Magic described in the Warhammer rulebook.

Mounts (Choose One)Warhorse 10 pts.With Barding 4 pts.

EquipmentHand weapon

Special RulesHard to Hire

Master of Magic


UpgradeLevel 2 Wizard 35 pts.


Elven Ranger 90 Points Renown Points: 1 Page 31

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Ranger 5 6 6 4 3 2 7 3 9

May take 1 War Academy Ability from Intrigue or Background abilities

An Elven Ranger may spend up to 50 pts. on Common, and Dogs of War Magic Items.

Hand Weapons(Choose One)

Add. Hand Weapon 4 pts.Great Weapon 4 pts.Spear (Mounted) 2 pts.

Missile Weapons(Choose One)

Longbow 10 pts.Crossbow 10 pts.

EquipmentHand weapon.

Special RulesHard to Hire

In Shadows



Mounts (Choose One)Warhorse 10 pts.With Barding 4 pts.

ArmourLight Armour 2 pts.Heavy Armour 4 pts.Shield 2 pts.



Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book

Crossbowmen Points/Model: 8 Points Page 36

M WS BS S T W I A LdCrossbowman 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7Marksman 4 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7

For Hire: May be hired as Special Choice in all Warhammer Armies other than Bretonnia and Daemons of Chaos


CommandUpgrade a Crossbowman to a Marksman 5 pts.

Upgrade a Crossbowman to a Standard bearer 10 pts.

Upgrade a Crossbowman to a Musician 5 pts.

ArmourLight Armour 1 pt.

Pavise 2 pts.

Unit Size10+


Hand weapon


Duelists Points/Model: 6 Points Page 34

M WS BS S T W I A LdDuelist 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 1 7Diestro 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 2 7

For Hire: May be hired as Special Choice in all Warhammer Armies other than Bretonnia and Daemons of Chaos


CommandUpgrade a Duelist to a Diestro 8 pts.

WeaponsThrowing Knives 1 pt. Replace Dagger with a Pistol 3 pts.

ArmourBucklers 1 pt.

Unit Size8+

EquipmentSword and Dagger

(two hand weapons)

Special RulesSkirmish

Cavaliere Points/Model: 18 Points Page 37

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cavaliere 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 8Sergente 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 2 8Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5

For Hire: May be hired as Special Choice in all Warhammer Armies other than Bretonnia and Daemons of Chaos


CommandUpgrade a Cavaliere to a Sergente 14 pts.

Upgrade a Cavaliere to a Musician for 7 pts.

Upgrade a Cavaliere to a Standard Bearer 14 pts.

ArmourBarding for Steeds 2 pts.

Unit Size5+

EquipmentHand weapon


Heavy Armour


Pikemen Points/Model: 7 Points Page 33

M WS BS S T W I A LdPikeman 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7Sergente 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 7

For Hire: May be hired as Special Choice in all Warhammer Armies other than Bretonnia and Daemons of Chaos


CommandUpgrade a Pikeman to a Champion 10 pts.

Upgrade a Pikeman to a Musician 5 pts.

Upgrade a Pikeman to a Standard Bearer 10 pts.

ArmourHeavy Armour 1 pt.

Unit Size10+

EquipmentHand weapon


Light Armour



Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book


Citizen Militia Points/Model: 3 Points Page 34

M WS BS S T W I A LdMilitia 4 2 2 3 3 1 3 1 5Constable 4 2 2 3 3 1 3 2 6

Note: Doesn’t count towards armies minimum Core Units.

Unit Size10+


CommandUpgrade a Militia to a Constable 8 pts.

Upgrade a Militia to a Musician 4 pts.

Upgrade a Militia to a Standard Bearer 8 pts.

ArmourShields 1 pt.

EquipmentHand weaponLight armour


Special RulesCivic Pride

Flankers Points/Model: 5 Points Page 34

Note: Doesn’t Count towards Core Minimum.


CommandUpgrade a Flanker to a Corporal 8 pts.

ArmourLight Armour 1 pt.

Shield 1 pt.

Unit Size10+

EquipmentHand Weapon

Special RulesFlankers


M WS BS S T W I A Ld Flanker 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 6Corporal 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 6


Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book

0-1 Paymasters Bodyguard Points/Model: 11 Points Page 30

M WS BS S T W I A LdBodyguard 4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 8Veteran 4 4 4 4 3 1 4 2 8Pay Chest 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 2 8

Note: When Paymasters Bodyguard is fielded the Paymaster must stay in unit and is placed on the field with the Paymaster.


CommandUpgrade a Bodyguard to a Veteran 12 pts.

Upgrade a Bodyguard to a Musician 6 pts.

Upgrade a Bodyguard to a Standard Bearer 12 pts.

WeaponsExchange Halberd to Great Weapon 1 pt.

Hand Cannons 2 pts.

ArmourShields 1 pt.

OptionsMay bring the army's Paychest into battle (+50 pts.) Which may be magical.

Unit Size10+

EquipmentHand weapon


Heavy Armour

Special Rules




M WS BS S T W I A Ld Halfling 4 2 4 2 2 1 5 1 8Tracker 4 2 5 2 2 1 5 1 8

Halfling Archers Points/Model: 6 Points Page 40

For Hire: May be hired as Special Choice in Empire Armies and Rare in all other Warhammer Armies other than Bretonnia and Daemons of Chaos


CommandUpgrade a Halfling to a Tracker 4 pts.

Upgrade a Halfling to a Musician 4 pts.

Upgrade a Halfling to a Standard Bearer 8 pts.

OptionsMay skirmish 2 pts.

May Scout 2 pts.

Unit Size


Hand weapon


Special RulesWoodsmen


Maneaters Points/Model: 80 Points Page 41

M WS BS S T W I A LdManeater 6 4 4 5 4 3 3 4 8


Weapons (Choose One)Great Weapon 6 pts.

Cathayan Longsword 6 pts.

Brace of Handguns 6 pts.

Note: A mix of weapons in the unit is allowed.

ArmourHeavy Armour 4 pts.

Unit Size1+

EquipmentLight Armour

Ogre Club

Special Rules

Cause Fear

Immune to Psychology


Gut Charge

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Halfling 4 2 4 2 2 1 5 1 8Sheriff 4 2 4 2 2 1 5 2 8

Halfling Militia Points/Model: 5 Points Page 40

For Hire: May be hired as Special Choice in Empire Armies and Rare in all other Warhammer Armies other than Bretonnia and Daemons of Chaos


CommandUpgrade a Halfling to a Sheriff 8 pts.

Upgrade a Halfling to a Musician 4 pts.

Upgrade a Halfling to a Standard Bearer 8 pts.

Weapons (Choose One)Spear 1 pt.

OptionsMay skirmish 2 pts.

May Scout 2 pts.

Unit Size


Hand weapon

Light Armour


Special RulesWoodsmen


Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book

Mercenary Orc Boyz Points/Model: 5 Points Page 35

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Orc Boy 4 3 3 3 4 1 2 1 7Bully 4 4 3 4 4 1 2 2 7

For Hire: May be hired as Rare Choice in all Warhammer Armies other than Bretonnia and Daemons of Chaos


CommandUpgrade one Orc to a Bully 10 pts.

Upgrade one Orc to a Musician 5 pts.

Upgrade one Orc to a Standard Bearer 10 pts.

Weapons (Choose One)Spear 1 pt.

Additional Choppa 2 pts.

Great Weapon 2 pts.

Pike 3 pts.

ArmourHeavy Armor 1 pt.

Shield 1 pt.

Unit Size10+


Light Armour

Special RulesDistrust


Mercenary Elves Points/Model: 6 Points Page 31

For Hire: May be hired as a Rare Choice in all Warhammer Armies other than Bretonnia, All Chaos, Dwarfs, and Skaven.


CommandUpgrade one Elf to Master 8 pts.

Upgrade one Elf to Musician 4 pts.

Upgrade one Elf to Standard Bearer 8 pts.

Weapons (Choose One)Additional Hand Weapon 1 pt.

Spear 1 pt.

Long Bow 3 pts.

ArmourHeavy Armour 1 pt.

Shield 1 pt.

M WS BS S T W I A LdElf 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8Master 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 2 8

Unit Size10+

EquipmentHand Weapon

Light Armour

Special RulesDistrust

SpecialSpecialSpecialSpecialMercenary Dwarfs Points/Model: 9 Points Page 32

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Dwarf 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9Veteran 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 2 9

For Hire: May be hired as Special Choice in all Warhammer Armies other than Bretonnia, All Chaos, Dark Elves, Orcs and Goblins, and Skaven.


CommandUpgrade one Dwarf to a Veteran 10 pts.

Upgrade one Dwarf to a Musician 5 pts.

Upgrade one Dwarf to a Standard Bearer 10 pts.

Weapons (Choose One)Spear 1 pt.

Great Weapon 2 pts.

Pike 4 pts.

Crossbow 4 pts.

ArmourShield 1 pt.

Unit Size10+

EquipmentHand weapon

Heavy armour

Special RulesAncestral Grudge





Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book

SpecialSpecialSpecialSpecialNorse Marauders Points/Model: 6 Points Page 39

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Marauder 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 1 7Berserker 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 2 7

For Hire: May be hired as Rare Choice in all Warhammer Armies other than Bretonnia and Daemons of Chaos


CommandUpgrade a Marauder to a Berserker 10 pts.

Upgrade a Marauder to a Musician 5 pts.

Upgrade a Marauder to a Standard Bearer 10 pts.

Weapons (Choose One)Additional Hand Weapon 1 pt.

Great Weapon 2 pts.

Flail 1 pt.

ArmourShields 1 pt.

Unit Size10+

EquipmentHand weapon

Light armour

Special RulesFrenzy

Espringal Points/Team: 25 Points Page 43

M WS BS S T W I A LdEspringal 4 3 3 3 4 4 3 2 7

Unit Size: 1-5 Teams

Each Team has 2 Crew and one Espringal on a single 50x50mm base.

Equipment: Hand Weapons

Special Rules: Bolt Thrower, Skirmish

Range: 36" Strength: 5 Wounds: 1 No Armour Save

Halfling Hot Pot Points/Team: 45 Points Page 43

M WS BS S T W I A LdHot Pot - - - - 4 2 - - -Crew 4 2 4 2 2 1 5 1 8

Unit Size: 1 Hot Pot and 3 Halfling Crew

Equipment: Hand weapon

Special Rules: Stone Thrower

For Hire: May be hired as Rare Choice in all Warhammer Armies other than Bretonnia and Daemons of Chaos

Stradioti Points/Model: 16 Points Page 38

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Stradioti 4 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7Sergente 4 3 5 3 3 1 3 1 7Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5

For Hire: May be hired as Special Choice in all Warhammer Armies other than Bretonnia and Daemons of Chaos


CommandUpgrade a Stradioti to a Sergente 7 pts.

Upgrade a Stradioti to a Musician 7 pts.

Upgrade a Stradioti to a Standard Bearer 14 pts.

ArmourLight Armour 1 pt.

Shield 1 pt.

Unit Size5+

EquipmentHand weapon

Light Crossbows

Special RulesFast Cavalry


Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book

Cannon Points/Team: 75 Points Page 43

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cannon - - - - 7 3 - - -Crew 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7

Unit Size: Cannon and 3 Crew

Equipment: Hand weapon

Special Rules: Cannon

For Hire: May be hired as Rare Choice in all Warhammer Armies other than Bretonnia and Daemons of Chaos


Ballista Points/Team: 85 Points Page 43

M WS BS S T W I A LdBallista - - - - 7 3 - - -Crew 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7

Unit Size: 3 Crew and one Ballista

Equipment: Hand Weapons

Range: 48" Strength: 7 Wounds: D3 No Armour Save

Special Rules: Bolt Thrower, Stay Put, Valiant

For Hire: May be hired as Rare Choice in all Warhammer Armies other than Bretonnia and Daemons of Chaos

Giant Points/Model: 205 Points Page 44

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Giant 6 3 3 6 5 6 3 S 10

Unit Size: 1

Equipment: Big club, rock, tree, or similar

Special Rules: Large Target, Terror, Stubborn, Ignore Little 'un Panic, Move, Fall Over, Giant Attacks

For Hire: A single Dogs of War Giant may be hired by Empire, Dark Elves, Vampire Counts, Tomb Kings, Skaven, armies as a Rare Choice.

0-1 Giants of Albion 500 Points Renown Points: 5 Page 55

M WS BS S T W I A LdHengus 4 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 8 Bologs 6 3 3 6 5 6 3 S 6Cachtorr 6 3 3 6 5 6 3 S 6

Special Rules: Independent Models, Druid of Albion, Giants of Albion, Ignore Little 'un Panic, Move, Fall Over, Giant Special Attacks, BOLOGS!

Note: Takes up two Rare Choices.

Unit Size: Huge!

EquipmentHengus: Hand weapon, Oggum Staff (counts as a hand weapon)

Bologs: Club or other large object.

Cachtorr: Club or other large object.


Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book

Dogs of War Reference SheetDogs of War Reference SheetDogs of War Reference SheetDogs of War Reference SheetLords M WS BS S T W I A Ld RulesBorgio 4 6 5 4 4 3 5 4 9 Renown, Mace of Might, armour of Brazen Bronze, Monstrous Mask Helm, Difficult to Slay,

Beloved General, Magic StandardLorenzo Lupo 4 6 5 4 4 3 6 4 9 Renown, Sword of Lucan, Shield of Myrmidia, Ring of Luccina, Fights on Foot, Mighty

Athlete, Magic StandardLucrezzia Belladonna 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 1(2) 8 Renown, Poison Attacks, Potion of Pavona, Master Sorceress, Stunning Beauty, Expert

Poisoner, Lucrezzia's Kiss, Phial of Poison, Master of IntrigueMarco Colombo 4 6 6 4 4 3 6 4 9 Renown, Gem of Lustria, Lustrian Wine, Scroll of Araby, Master Crossbowman, Navigator's

Telescope, Magic StandardGhazak Khan 4 7 6 4 4 3 6 4 9 Renown, The Red Scimitar, Daemonhead Helmet, Warghan, War Cry of the Steppes, Quell

Animosity, DistrustWarghan 9 5 - 5 5 3 4 2 5Merchant Prince 4 6 5 4 4 3 6 4 9 Renown, Multiple StandardsMercenary General 4 6 5 4 4 3 6 4 9 Renown, Magic StandardHireling Wizard Lord 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 1 8 Renown

Heroes M WS BS S T W I A Ld RulesLeonardo da Miragliano 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 2 9 Renown, Sphere of Alchemy, Prism of Power, Extra Crewman, Blasé, GeniusMydas the Mean 4 5 5 4 4 2 5 3 8 Renown, Paymaster, Treasure Map, Crest of MydasSheik Yadosh 4 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 7Mercenary Captain (Paymaster) 4 5 5 4 4 2 5 3 8 Renown, PaymasterHireling Wizard 4 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 7 RenownDwarf Gold Seeker 3 6 4 4 5 2 3 3 9 Hard to Hire, Ancestral Grudge, Resolute, Relentless, DistrustElven Mage 5 5 5 3 3 2 5 1 8 Hard to Hire, Master of Magic, DistrustElven Ranger 5 6 6 4 3 2 7 3 9 Hard to Hire, In Shadows, Pathfinder, DistrustNorse Chieftain 4 6 3 5 4 2 6 3 8 Hard to Hire, Frenzy

Core M WS BS S T W I A Ld RulesCitizen Militia 4 2 2 3 3 1 3 1 5 Civic PrideConstable 4 3 2 3 3 1 3 2 6 Civic PridePikeman 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 PikeSergente 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 7 PikeDuellist 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 1 7 SkirmishDiestro 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 2 7 SkirmishCrossbowman 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7Marksman 4 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7Cavaliere 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 8Sergente 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 2 8Flanker 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 6 Skirmish, FlankerCorporal 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 6 Skirmish, Flanker

Special M WS BS S T W I A Ld RulesBodyguard 4 4 3 4 3 1 4 1 8 StubbornBodyguard Sergeant 4 4 3 4 3 1 4 2 8 StubbornPay Chest 4 4 3 4 3 4 4 2 8 StubbornMarauder 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 1 7 FrenzyBerserker 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 2 7 FrenzyDwarf 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9 Ancestral Grudge, Resolute, Relentless, DistrustDwarf Veteran 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 2 9 Ancestral Grudge, Resolute, Relentless, DistrustElf 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8 DistrustMaster 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 2 8 DistrustHalfling 4 2 4 2 2 1 5 1 8 WoodsmenTracker 4 2 5 2 2 1 5 1 8 WoodsmanManeater 6 4 5 5 4 3 3 4 8 Cause Fear, Immune to Psychology, Stubborn, Bull ChargeOrc Boyz 4 3 3 3 4 1 2 1 7 Animosity, Distrust, ChoppaBully 4 4 3 3 4 1 2 2 7 Animosity, Distrust, ChoppaStradioti 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 Fast CavalrySergente 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 7 Fast CavalryEspringal - - - - 7 3 - - - Bolt ThrowerCrew 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7

Rare M WS BS S T W I A Ld RulesHengus 4 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 8 Druid of AlbionBologs 6 3 3 6 5 6 3 S 6 Large Target, Terror, Stubborn, Move, Ignore Little 'Un Panic, Fall Over, Giant Attacks,

BOLOGS!Cachtorr 6 3 3 6 5 6 3 S 6 Large Target, Terror, Stubborn, Move, Ignore Little 'Un Panic, Fall Over, Giant AttacksBallista - - - - 7 3 - - - Bolt ThrowerCrew 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7Cannon - - - - 7 3 - - - CannonCrew 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7Hot Pot - - - - 4 2 - - - Stone ThrowerCrew 4 2 4 2 2 1 5 1 8Giant 6 3 3 6 5 6 3 S 10 Large Target, Terror, Stubborn, Move, Ignore Little 'Un Panic, Fall Over, Giant Attacks

Beasts M WS BS S T W I A Ld RulesWarhorse 8 3 - 3 3 1 3 1 5Pegasus 8 3 - 4 4 3 4 2 6 Fly

BallistaRange: 48, Strength: 7, Wounds: D3

Cannon1. Align the Cannon on the target and guess range (up to 48”)

2. Roll the Artillery Dice and add the score to the distance guessed. The cannon ball travels towards the target this distance before striking the ground.

3. If MISFIRE is rolled refer to the Cannon misfire chart. Otherwise mark the pt. where the cannon ball strikes the ground.

4. If you roll a MISFIRE for the Bounce roll the cannon ball sticks in the ground and does not bounce.

5. Measure distance from Artillery dice and work out hits at Strength 10. Wounds from Cannon cause D3 wounds. There are no armour saves against wounds from the Cannons.

EspringalRange: 36, Strength: 5, Wounds: D3

Halfling Hot Pot1. Declare target and guess range (at least 12” and up to 36”)

2. Position the small (3”) template and roll the Scatter and Artillery dice.

3. If the Artillery dice is a MISFIRE, refer to Misfire chart in the Warhammer rulebook, otherwise,

a. If the Scatter dice is a HIT, the Soup has hit the spot targeted.

b. If the Scatter is an arrow the soup has landed in the direction shown away from the aiming pt. as shown on the artillery dice (2”-10”)

4. All Models completely under the template are hit. Those partially under are hit on a 4+

Work out hits at S3. Model at the centre of the template suffers a S6 hit causing D3 wounds. No armour Save is allowed.


Dogs of War - An Unofficial Warhammer Army Book



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Al Muktar’s Desert Dogs R * R * R R R R R R R R * R R R

Alcatani Fellowship S * S * S S S S S S S S S S S S

Asarnil the Dragonlord * * * * * H/H/R H/H/R H/H/R H/H/R * * * * * * H/H/R

Bearmen of Urslo S * S * S S S * * S S S S S S *

Birdmen of Catrazza * * * * * * R * * * * * * * * *

Braganza’s Besiegers S * S * S S S S S S S * S S S S

Bronzino's Battery of Galloper Guns R * R * R R R R R R R R R R R R

Cursed Company R * R * R R R R R R R R * * R R

Giants of Albion * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Golgfag’s Ogres R * R * R R R R R R R R R R R R

Leopold Leopard Company S * S * S S S S S S S S S S S S

Long Drong’s Slayer Pirates * * * * * R R * R R * * * * * *

Lumpin Croop’s Fighting Cocks R * R * R R R R R R R R R R R R

Malakai Makaisson’s Goblin Hewer * * * * * H/R H/R * * * * * * * * *

Marksmen of Miragliano R * R * R R R R R R R * R R R R

Mengil Manhide’s Manflayers R * R * S * R * R R R R R R R *

Oglah Khan’s Wolfboyz R * S * R * * * R R R R R R R *

Pirazzo’s Lost Legion S * S * S S S S S S S S S S S S

Ricco’s Republican Guard S * S * S S S S S S S S S S S S

Ruglud’s Armoured Orcs R * S * R * R * R R S R R R R *

Tichi-Huichi’s Raiders * * * * R R R R R R R * R * * R

Vespero’s Vendetta S * S * S S S S S S S S S S S S

Voland's Venators R * R * R R R R R R R R R R R R

Witch Hunters * * * * * R R * * * * * * * * *



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Cannon * * R * R R R R R R R R R R * R

Cavaliere R * R * R R R R R R R R R R R R

Crossbowmen R * R * R S S S S S S R R R R R

Duellists S * S * S S S S S R S S S S S S

Giants * * * * R R * * * * * R R R * *

Halfling Hot Pot R * R * R R R R R R R R R R R R

Halflings R * R * R R S R R R R R R R R R

Horse Archers R * R * R R R R R R R R R R R R

Mercenary Dwarfs R * * * * R R R R R * * R R R R

Norse Marauders S * S * R R R R R R R R R R S R

Pikemen S * S * S S S S S S S S S S S S

Stradioti ` * S * S S S S S S S S S S S S

Dogs of War For HireDogs of War For HireDogs of War For HireDogs of War For HireWarhammer Armies and units they can hire.Warhammer Armies and units they can hire.Warhammer Armies and units they can hire.Warhammer Armies and units they can hire.