Warm Up 1.How did European nations take advantage of stresses in the Muslim world? 2.Summarize 2...

Post on 31-Mar-2015

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Warm Up

1. How did European nations take advantage of stresses in the Muslim world?

2. Summarize 2 problems that contributed to Ottoman decline

3. Summarize how Egypt modernized4. Why did Russia and Britain compete for

power in Persia?

Warm Up

• Sit anywhere • Don’t forget– Turn in DBQ docs (homework due)– Pick up new homework – Due Wednesday

• Study (5 min) for quick vocab quiz

Vocabulary Quiz

• Please define the following on a piece of paper

1. Turnpike2. Labor Union3. Imperialism4. Genocide5. Sphere of influence

Make Your Own Notes

• Group– Note taker– Presenter– Task manager– Time keeper

Make Your Own Notes

• East India Company (329)– Exploiting Indian Diversity– British policies

• Sepoy Rebellion (329/330)– Causes of discontent– Rebellion and aftermath

• British Colonial Rule (330/331)• Different Views on Culture (331)• Indian Nationalism (332)

Setting the Stage

• For more than 200 years, Mughal rulers governed India

• Britain turned it commercial interests in India into a political one

East India Company

• Won trading rights in India (early 1600’s)• By 1800’s, they controlled 60% of India• Indians with different traditions and languages

were not able to unite against them• British encouraged rivalries among groups• If unsuccessful, they used their weapons to

overpower local rulers

Implementing British Polities

• Main goal – to make $$$$$• Improved roads, preserved peace, and

reduced banditry• Western education, laws and legal procedures• Missionaries tried to convert Indians to

Christianity• Pressed for social change

Social Changes

• End to slavery• End to caste• Improve the position of women within the

family• Ban of Sati

Why was Britain interested in India

• ???


• Industrial Revolution!• Need for COTTON


• Predict how trading cotton with the British would affect India’s economy

Cotton: A valuable Cash Crop

• Turn to page 331• How did British policy contribute to famine in


Growing Discontent

• 1850s, East India Company made unpopular moves1. Required Sepoys to serve in military (even

overseas which was offensive to the religion)2. Passed a law that allowed Hindu widows to

remarry• 1857 British issued new rifles to Sepoys– Troops were told to bite off the tips of the

cartridge before loading them into rifles

Sepoy Mutany

• Cartridges were greased with animal fat– Cows (sacred to Hindus)– Pigs (forbidden to Muslims)

• When troops refused, they were put in jail

Warm Up

• Presenters – get your poster!

1. Explain why Great Britain wanted to imperialize India

2. Summarize the modernization impacts Great Britain had on India

3. What was the cause of the Sepoy Rebellion?4. Turn to page 330 in your textbook


• Turn to page 330• What regions were most greatly affected by

the Sepoy Rebellion?• Write 3 questions based on the information on

the map

Finish Presentations


• Revolted against the British (North/Central)– declared Mughal ruler as their leader– Massacred British men, women, children

• Britain officially took control of India– Revenge: torched villages and slaughtered people

• Led to fear and mistrust on both sides • Some view this as 1st act in Indian

Independence that didn’t happen until after WWII

British Rule in India

• Positive– New roads and railroads link parts of India– Telegraph and postal system unite people– Irrigation system improves farming– New laws mean justice for all classes– British schools offer education– Customs that threaten human rights are ended

British Rule

• Negative– Indian Resources go to Britain– British made goods replace local goods– Farms grow cash crops rather than food crops;

Indians go hungry– Top jobs go to British– Indians treated as inferiors– Britain tries to replace Indian culture with western


Different Views on Culture

• Indian and British attitudes varied

Indian Nationalism Grows

• 1885• Nationalist leaders create the Indian National

Congress• Believed in peaceful protest• Called for greater democracy• Eventual self rule; supported western style

modernization• Muslim and Hindus worked together at first• Muslim’s eventually create Muslim League

British Railroads and Indian Nationalism

• Turn to page 332• Theme: Geography and History• How did railroads encourage Indian


“Thank God for Tea”

• Turn to page 329• Why did the British East India Company earn

huge profits?


1. How did the British exploit Indian diversity?2. What changes did the East India Company

bring to India?3. What were the causes of the Sepoy Rebellion?4. How could the Sepoy Rebellion be interpreted

as resulting from British feelings of superiority?5. Why do you think the Sepoy Rebellion was so


Critical Thinking Questions

• Word doc


• Take on the role of an Indian Nationalist opening a new school– English? One of the major native Indian

languages?– Did British have the right to pass laws that tried to

reform the caste?


• Pass the plate