Warming up &reading Do you know other famous persons with a mental or physical disability? Can you...

Post on 02-Jan-2016

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Warming up &reading

Do you know other famous persons with a mental or physical disability? Can you briefly introduce them?

[disability, achievements]

Do you know other famous persons with a mental or physical disability? Can you briefly introduce


Zhou Zhou

mentally disabled a famous conductor i

n China.


World-famous composer

Tai Lihua

The famous dancerin the Thousand-Hand Guanyin.

Deaf and dumb

Franklin Roosevelt

one of the greatest presidents of the USserved up to four terms of office.


Steven Hawking He can only move one of his fingers. He is Physicist and mathematician. He researches into the beginning of space, matter and time.

Thomas Edison


A great inventorMore than 1000 inventions in his lifeincluding lights and phonograph

Zhang Haidihas no feelingbelow the waist,uses a wheel chair


What does the Family Village include? What is the value of this website?


Marty’s disease: _________________________Marty’s motto :_______________________Marty’s symptoms: ________________________Marty’s achievement:_____________________Marty’s ambition: ___________________________Marty’s hobby: ___________________________Marty’s advice:___________________________ ____________________________ _____________________________

A muscle disease

weak, clumsy, tired

To work in the computer industry

Invented a computer game

Watching movies\football matches, keeping pets

To live one day at a time

Don’t feel sorry for the disabled or

make fun of them but accept them

and encourage them

Problems caused by his disability

What Marty does in spite of his disability

1. weak and can’t run or climb stairs as quickly as others





1. enjoys writing and computer programming




clumsy and often drop things or bump into furniture

too tired to get out of bed

has missed a lot of school and lessonsfeels stupid because of being behind the others after a long absence from school

invented a computer football game

looks after pets

Disability has made him grow stronger and more independent .

DiscussionWhat kind of person do you think Marty is?Marty seems to be a fairly positive person who considers he has a good life. he is realistic about his disability but does not let this stop him doing as much as he can. He is a mentally strong, independent boy.

In Paris, the disabled girl, Jinjing devoted her life to protect the Olympic Torch on April 8th.


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Let me try!

How should we treat the disabled persons? What can we do to help them?

Write an email to the website “Family village” about your discussion!





kkfamilyvillage@waisman.wisc.eduOur discussion of what to help the disabled persons

Dear Sirs:

We think we should respect the disabled……

Let’s enjoy the song “Everyone is No.1”