Wash More Revenue Into Your Investments

Post on 12-Jun-2014

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Seven Reasons Why Investing In A Laundromat Is Right For You

There are many reasons why someone is looking to invest in a small business – one of them is money.

What are the other factors you should consider?

On the next few pages we will dive into all the reasons why you should invest in a Laundromat.

Yes, the number one reason to invest in any business venture is money.

You ask, “Is this business profitable?”

The commercial laundry industry replies, “YES!”

The average Laundromat in the US has a 20-35% return on investment – much higher than many other businesses.

Laundromats across the country total about $5 billion in annual gross revenue.

Most Laundromats are 100% cash-based


Your customers only pay in cash, which

allows you to save money on accountants

and makes your life much easier.

Clothes need to be cleaned. That fact is never going away.

Even during the recession, Laundromats continued to grow their profits.

90% of your clientele will be repeat customers. That’s piece of mind you can bring to the bank.

You pick when it’s open,

when it’s closed.

Laundromats are

flexible to your personal


In a poll, one third of

investors considered

their Laundromat a

part-time job.

Since your clientele loads and unloads

their own clothes, and your machines do

the washing, there is no need for a large


70% of Laundromats have between zero

and two employees.

Low and No Labor Costs

CAR WASHES – Start up costs are more than doubled, they require a large staff and have complicated machines.

CONVENIENCE STORES – Competition is very high, requires a large inventory and has complex accounting.

FRANCHISES – Higher failure rates, usually higher start-up costs, and they require franchise fees.

STOCK MARKET – Although these types of investments can profit you well, they are also completely out of your control, and they are affected by the overall economy.

Your washing machines can make you money at the end of the year.

A Laundromat's equipment depreciation can be claimed as a loss on your taxes.

This can give you the opportunity to keep more revenue.

Tel: (888) 875-9556 Web: http://www.automated-laundry.com/ In 1976, Automated Laundry Systems entered the California market, since then they have providing groundbreaking products and services. They are known for being knowledgeable, friendly, and skilled.


• Explaining the benefits of investing in a laundromat, and why it’s a sounder investment than many other business options.