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Water in the Small Bodies of the Solar System

David Jewitt and Lysa ChizmadiaUniversity of Hawaii

Robert GrimmSouthwest Research Institute

Dina PrialnikTel Aviv University

Water is important for its obvious role as the enabler of life but more generally as the mostabundant volatile molecule in the Solar system, containing about half of the condensible massin solids. In its solid phase, water strongly influences the opacity of the protoplanetary diskand may determine how fast, and even whether, gas giant planets form. Water ice is foundor suspected in a wide range of small-body populations, including the asteroids, the giantplanet Trojan librators, Centaurs, comets and Kuiper belt objects. In addition to ice, thereis mineralogical evidence for the past presence of liquid water in certain meteorites and, byinference, in their parent main-belt asteroids. The survival and evolution of liquid and solidwater in small bodies is discussed.

Water is the driving force of all nature.

-Leonardo da Vinci


Leonardo’s claim is only a slight exaggeration. Afterhydrogen and helium, oxygen is the third most cosmicallyabundant element (H/O∼1200 by number). Helium ischemically inert leaving hydrogen atoms free to combine tomake H2, or with oxygen to form H2O. Water is the secondmost abundant molecule (after H2) in those astrophysicalenvironments where the temperature is below the thermaldissociation limit (∼2000 K). These environments includealmost the entire protoplanetary disk of the Sun. There-fore, it should be no surprise that water played an importantrole over a wide range of heliocentric distances in the Solarsystem from the region of the terrestrial planets out to theKuiper belt and beyond.

At low temperatures, water is thermodynamically stableas a solid; it condenses as frost or ice. Ice grains have astrong influence on the mean radiative opacity (Pollack etal., 1994) and so can change the temperature structure inthe protoplanetary disk. In turn, the disk viscosity is re-lated to the temperature of the gas. Hence, the freeze-outand distribution of icy grains together have a surprisinglystrong impact on the transport of energy, mass and angularmomentum and so influence the overall structure and evo-lution of the protoplanetary disk (Ciesla and Cuzzi, 2006).

The “snow line” (actually, it is a surface) divides theouter, cold, ice-rich region of the protoplanetary disk fromthe inner, steamy hot zone. Outward gas motions across thesnow line result in the condensation of water into ice grains,

which can collide, stick and grow until they dynamically de-couple from the flow and are left behind. In this way, thesnow line defines the inner edge of a cold trap in which thedensity of solids may have been sufficiently enhanced as tohelp speed the growth of planetesimals and, ultimately, ofthe cores of the giant planets (Stevenson and Lunine, 1988).Aerodynamic drag causes 100-meter scale ice-rich plan-etesimals from the outer disk to spiral inwards on very shorttimescales (perhaps 1 AU per century). Some are swept upby bodies undergoing accelerated growth just outside thesnow line. Others cross the snow line to quickly subli-mate, enhancing the local water vapor abundance. Coupledwith on-going dissociation from ultraviolet photons, thesefreeze-out and sublimation processes lead to isotopic frac-tionation anomalies in water (Lyons and Young, 2005) thathave already been observed in the meteorite record (Krotet al., 2005). In the protoplanetary disk, opacity due tograins inhibited radiative cooling and raised the mid-planekinetic temperature. Growth and migration of solids in thedisk would have caused the opacity to change, so movingthe snow line. For a fraction of a million years, it mayhave pushed in to the orbit of Mars or even closer (Sas-selov and Lecar, 2000;Ciesla and Cuzzi, 2006 c.f. Fig. 1),meaning that asteroids in the main belt, between Mars andJupiter, could have incorporated water ice upon formation.Indeed, small samples of certain asteroids, available to usin the form of meteorites, contain hydrated minerals thatprobably formed when buried ice melted and chemicallyreacted with surrounding refractory materials (Kerridge etal., 1979;McSween, 1979). Short-lived radionuclides werethe most probable heat source in the early Solar System.Cosmochemical evidence for26Al (half-life 0.71 Myr) is








0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7






er V






Heliocentric Distance, AU

0.1 Myr

1 Myr

2 Myr

3 Myr

Fig. 1.—Results from a model of the temporal evolution of thewater vapor content in the protoplanetary disk as a function of theheliocentric distance. The curves are labeled with the time sincedisk formation. The steep drop on each curve is caused by conden-sation of the vapor into ice grains, and marks the moving snow-line. These results are for one simplistic model of the protoplane-tary disk and should not be taken literally. Their value is in show-ing the migration of the snow line in response to grain growth,gas drag and time-dependent opacity variations in the disk. Figurereplotted fromCiesla and Cuzzi2006.

firmly established (Lee et al., 1976; seeMacPherson et al.,1995, for a review). Additionally,60Fe (half-life∼1.5 Myr)may have provided supplemental heating (Mostefaoui et al.,2004).

Further from the Sun the ice trapped in solid bodies mayhave never melted. This is mainly because the lower disksurface densities in the outer regions lead to long growthtimes. Small bodies in the outer regions, especially theKuiper belt objects and their progeny (the Centaurs and thenuclei of Jupiter family comets), probably escaped melt-ing because they did not form quickly enough to capture afull complement of the primary heating agent,26Al. Melt-ing is nevertheless expected in the larger Kuiper belt ob-jects, where the surface area to volume ratio is small andthe longer-lived radioactive elements can play a role (seesection 5).

As this preamble shows, the study of water in small Solarsystem bodies involves perspectives that are astronomical,geochemical and physical. As is common in science, the

study of one broad subject is breaking into many smallersub-fields that will eventually become mutually incompre-hensible. Here, we aim to provide an overview that willdiscuss the most significant issues concerning water in theSolar system’s small bodies in a language accessible to as-tronomers and planetary scientists, the main readers of thisvolume. We recommend the reader to earlier reviews of theastronomical aspects byRivkin et al. (2002), of the ther-mal models byMcSween et al.(2002) and of the meteoriterecord byKeil (2000).


2.1. Evidence for Extraterrestrial Liquid Water

Meteorites provide samples of rock from asteroids in themain-belt between Mars and Jupiter. Some contain evi-dence for the past presence of liquid water in the form ofhydrated phases. Here, “hydrated” means that the min-eral, or phase, contains structurally bound OH or H2O,with chemical bonds between the OH/H2O molecule andthe other elements in the crystal. For example, in serpen-tine (Mg3Si2O5(OH)4) the OH molecule shares electronswith the SiO4 tetrahedra and is an integral part of the min-eral. Hydrated meteorites are those that contain hydratedphases and/or minerals which likely formed in the presenceof an aqueous fluid. Not all minerals which formed as aconsequence of liquid water contain OH or H2O molecules.Hydrated meteorites include most groups of carbonaceouschondrites and some of the type 3 ordinary chondrites.

Evidence that the aqueous alteration of these meteoritesoccurred extra-terrestrially includes:

(i) Some of the meteorites were observed to fall and im-mediately recovered: not enough time elapsed for terrestrialalteration reactions to occur.

(ii) Radioisotopes in carbonate assemblages indicate for-mation∼5 to 10 Myr after the solidification of the chon-drules. Earth at this time was too hot to sustain liquid water.

(iii) The oxygen isotopic composition of different me-teorite groups are distinct from each other and from Earth(Clayton et al., 1976;Clayton and Mayeda, 1984;Clayton,1993, 1999). Materials that form on Earth fall on the terres-trial fractionation line. The hydrated phases in chondritesdo not fall on this line.

(iv) The Fe2+/Fe3+ ratio in the secondary minerals isgenerally significantly higher than in secondary mineralsthat form on the surface of the Earth (Zolensky et al., 1993).The surface of the Earth is much more oxidizing than theenvironment in which these reactions took place.

Several styles of aqueous alteration have been proposed(Fig. 2). Gas phase hydration reactions and the conden-sation of carbonate were initially thought, on theoreticalgrounds, to be kinetically inhibited (Prinn and Fegley,1987). However, minerals including calcite and dolomitehave been found in the dust ejected from old stars (e.g.,Kemper et al., 2002) where gas phase reactions are nowthought possible (Toppani et al., 2005). Similar reactionsas well as hydration reactions may have occurred in the


cooling Solar nebula, perhaps aided by shock heating andcompression (Ciesla et al., 2003). Evidence consistent withgas-phase alteration comes from the fine-grained rims ofchondrules. Alternatively, or in addition, alteration by liq-uid water could have occurred in the parent asteroids fol-lowing the melting of buried ice by heat liberated by ra-dioactive decay. Evidence for aqueous alteration involvingliquid water comes from geochemical and textural evidencein the carbonaceous chondrites. For example, the system-atic redistribution of elemental constituents on scales ofmillimeters (e.g., Mg and Ca into the matrix and Fe into thechondrules (McSween, 1979)) is best explained by liquidwater. The consistent degree and state of alteration of chon-drules with similar compositions in the same chondritesis also difficult to understand in the context of gas-phaseprocessing but would be naturally produced by aqueousalteration (e.g.,Hanowski and Brearley, 2001). Further-more, mineral veins and Fe-rich aureoles indicate soakingin a fluid for an extended period of time (Zolensky et al.,1989, 1998;Browning et al., 1996;Hanowski and Brearley,2001). A reasonable view is that gas-phase alteration prob-ably occurred, but post-accretion alteration by liquid waterplayed a larger role, often overwhelming any products ofgas-phase alteration (Brearley, 2003). The distribution ofhydrated materials within an asteroid is likely to be fur-ther complicated, during and after the hydration phase, bybrecciation, impact shattering and re-arrangement (Fig. 2).

2.2. Carbonaceous Chondrites

Several observations indicate contact with water. Mostdirectly, the bulk rock contains H2O when analyzed (e.g.,carbonaceous chondrites can contain up to 12 wt% H2O).Secondary minerals containing structurally bound OH/H2Oare also present, as are minerals which generally form inthe presence of liquid H2O. The oxygen in hydrated min-erals is16O poor compared to the primary minerals, suchas olivine, indicating that the water/ice must have formedat a different time or place from the primary phases (Clay-ton and Mayeda, 1999). O-isotopes are distinct betweendifferent bodies and groups of meteorites. Since we knowthat some of these bodies formed at different distances fromthe Sun (e.g., Earth, Mars, (4) Vesta), the O-isotopes implythat different regions of the Solar nebula had different O-isotopic compositions.

Water-related secondary minerals are mainly clays withrelated serpentine (Fig. 3), carbonates (Fig. 4), phosphates,sulphates, sulphides, and oxides. Carbonates, phosphates,sulphates, sulphides and oxides formed under oxidizingconditions unlike the H2-rich, reducing Solar nebula, andgenerally precipitate from liquid water. Some of these arefound in cross-cutting relationships with other phases, indi-cating that they must have formed later (Fig. 5). We brieflydiscuss important secondary minerals that imply the actionof liquid water in meteorite parent bodies.

Clay minerals and serpentines contain structurally boundOH (Fig. 3). The aqueous alteration of CM chondrites is

Fig. 2.— Cartoon showing possible stages in the evolution ofwater in a growing small body. A: Nebula cooling and shock pro-cessing occur as the protoplanetary nebula cools by radiation intospace but is briefly shocked to higher temperatures and densities.B: Pre-accretion alteration occurs in small precursor bodies thatlater mix with others (perhaps from far away in the disk) to formthe final parent body. C: Parent body alteration involves the flow ofwater through the formed asteroid or comet. D: Later, collisionalshattering and re-assembly under gravity introduces macroporos-ity and chaotically jumbles the hydrated materials with others.Rough times are noted relative to the solidification of the CAIs.

thought to have occurred at∼20◦C (Clayton et al., 1976;Clayton and Mayeda, 1984;Clayton, 1993, 1999;Zolenskyet al., 1993).

Carbonates, such as calcite (CaCO3) and dolomite(CaMgC2O6), are often present in the most aqueously al-tered carbonaceous chondrites, the CMs and the CIs. Itis unlikely that the partial pressure of CO2 gas was highenough in the nebula for carbonate to have formed. Ori-gin in solution is more plausible (Prinn and Fegley, 1987).The ages, based on the decay of53Mn (half life 3.7 Myr),indicate that most carbonate assemblages in CI, CM andsome other chondrites formed well after the formation ofchondrules and almost certainly after the gaseous proto-planetary nebula had dissipated and after the parent bodyasteroids were assembled (Hutcheon et al., 1998;Brearleyand Hutcheon, 2002). This is all consistent with in-situaqueous alteration following the melting of bulk ice by ra-dioactive decay heating.


Fig. 3.—Images illustrating the replacement of chondrule phasesby secondary serpentine in CM2 chondrites. (Top) Optical micro-graph of a chondrule in Murchison, in which the primary chon-drule glass has been replaced by serpentine (serp) probably duringcontact with liquid water. Image is approximately 2 mm across(from Brearley pers. comm, 2003). CEn is the high temper-ature (∼800 to 1000◦C) phase clino-enstatite. Serpentine is alower temperature (<400◦C) phase and it is unlikely that thesetwo phases formed during the same event. Serpentine is formed bysecondary, low temperature alteration involving water. (Bottom)Backscattered electron (BSE) image of a chondrule in ALH81002,in which the primary olivine (olv) has been partially replaced byserpentine, again as a likely consequence of contact with liquidwater. FGR is the fine-grained rim (fromChizmadia and Brear-ley, 2006).

Fig. 4.— Back-scattered electron images of carbonate assem-blages in carbonaceous chondrites. A) aragonite in the carbona-ceous chondrite Tagish Lake (fromNakamura et al., 2003) and B)a complex intergrowth of secondary phases in the CI-like chon-drite, Y-86029 (fromTonui et al., 2003). In panel B), S is sulphide,C is calcite, Dl is dolomite and Py is pyrrhotite (FexS1−x). Thetextural complexity seen in the Figure suggests formation in-situfrom liquid water.

Fig. 5.— Back-scattered electron images of Fe-rich veins (ar-rows) protruding from an Fe-rich area of a chondrule (Ch) in theCM2 chondrite Murchison. The right-hand panel shows an en-largement of the boxed region on the left. The Fe-rich area ofthe chondrule was originally a metal grain that has been alteredby contact with liquid water. The veins cut through the fine-grained rim and therefore must have formed after it, probably inconjunction with the aqueous alteration of the metal grain. FromHanowski and Brearley(2001).


2.3. Ordinary Chondrites

Although they are less oxidized and contain fewervolatiles than carbonaceous chondrites, ordinary chondritesalso show several pieces of evidence indicating contact withan aqueous fluid.

First, phyllosilicates have been observed among the ma-trix materials in the unmetamorphosed (unheated) mete-orites Semarkona and Bishunpur, indicating interactionwith water (Hutchison et al., 1987;Alexander et al., 1989;Grossman et al., 2000). Calcite, probably produced byaqueous alteration, has also been identified in Semarkona(Hutchison et al., 1987).

Second, the outer portions of some chondrules show a“bleached” texture. Interaction with an aqueous fluid hasresulted in the replacement of chondrule glass by phyllosil-icates, while soluble elements such as Ca and Na have beenremoved (Grossman et al., 2000;Grossman and Brearley,2003).

Third, halite (NaCl) and sylvite (KCl) have been discov-ered in the ordinary chondrites Zag and Monahans (Zolen-sky et al., 1998, 1999;Bridges et al., 2004). The freezing-melting temperatures of the fluid inclusions in these saltsare consistent with their having formed from a NaCl-H2Obrine at<50◦. These are metamorphosed meteorites andthe halite was formed after metamorphism. Moreover,40Ar-39Ar and 129I-129Xe dates show that the halite crys-tals formed 4.0-4.2 Gyr ago (Burgess et al., 2000).

Fourth, sulphur maps of ordinary chondrites and CO3chondrites show that, with increasing degree of alteration,sulphur mobilizes into chondrules from matrix (Grossmanand Rubin, 1999).

2.4. Interplanetary Dust Particles

Interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) are ejected from ac-tive comets and created by collisional grinding of asteroids(Rietmeijer, 1998). Some include a relic pre-Solar dustcomponent. Many IDPs are chondritic in bulk composi-tion and share many mineralogic similarities with chon-dritic meteorites (Rietmeijer, 1998). In addition, the dustmeasured from comet Halley by the Giotto Spacecraft waschondritic in composition (Rietmeijer, 1998). Some chon-dritic IDPs contain such secondary minerals as clays, ser-pentines, salts, carbonates, sulphides and oxides (Brownlee,1978;Rietmeijer, 1991), again consistent with contact withliquid water.


Astronomically, water ice and hydrated minerals are de-tected primarily through their near infrared spectra. Icehas characteristic absorption bands due to overtones andcombination frequencies in the thermally vibrating H2Omolecule. These occur in the near infrared at 1.5µm, 2.0µmand 3.0µm wavelength, with the 3µm band being the deep-est but, observationally, most difficult to detect. Contami-nation of the water ice by absorbing matter (e.g., organics)can also reduce the depths of the characteristic bands, hid-

ing water from spectroscopic detection. For example, labo-ratory experiments in which just a few percent (by weight)of absorbing matter are added to otherwise pure ice showthat the band depths can be reduced to near invisibility inall but the highest quality spectra (Clark and Lucey, 1984).

Fig. 6.—Fraction of asteroids (of all spectral types) showing the0.7µm band attributed to the Fe2+ → Fe3+ transition in hydratedmaterial. Given that the 0.7µm band is a proxy for OH, the figuremay show the distribution of water across the main-belt. Replottedfrom Carvano et al.(2003).

Hydrated minerals show a characteristic band near 3µm(due to structural OH and H2O) but the shorter wavelengthbands are normally absent or very weak. An alternativeexplanation in which the 3µm band is due to OH radi-cals formed by implanted Solar wind protons may be com-patible with some observations, but appears unable to ac-count for the very deep features seen in phyllosilicates andmany hydrated asteroids (Starukhina, 2001). Because ofthe practical difficulties of observing at 3µm, there is in-terest in using correlated optical features as proxies. Inparticular, many clays show a band near 0.7µm that hasbeen attributed to an Fe2+ → Fe3+ charge transfer transi-tion and which, empirically, is correlated with the harder-to-observe 3µm band (Vilas, 1994). The fraction of theasteroids showing this feature varies with semi-major axis,being larger beyond∼3 AU where the C-types (low albedo,neutral to slightly red) are dominant, but falling to zero inthe D-type (dark and redder) Trojans beyond (Fig. 6).

3.1. Asteroids

Radiation equilibrium temperatures on the surfaces ofmain-belt asteroids are too high for the long-term stabilityof water ice. Therefore, little direct evidence exists for sur-face ice in the main-belt (however, see Ceres, below). Onthe other hand, spectral evidence for hydrated phases is verystrong, particularly in the outer-belt (semi-major axis>2.5AU) populations. Roughly half of the C-type asteroids, forinstance, show spectral evidence for hydrated silicates intheir 3µm spectra (Jones et al., 1990). Conversely, hydra-tion features are generally not observed in the D-type andP-type asteroids that dominate the Jovian Trojan populationat∼5 AU. One interpretation is that the C-types were heatedsufficiently for hydration reactions to occur but ice in the D-and P-types never reached the melting temperature, no hy-dration reactions took place, and so no hydrated materialsare detected. Bulk ice could still be present in these more


distant objects (Jones et al., 1990;Jewitt and Luu, 1990).

3.1.1. Ceres

Main-belt asteroid (1) Ceres has a mean diameter of952±3.4 km, a density of∼2077±36 kg m−3 and followsa nearly circular orbit (eccentricitye = 0.08) of semimajoraxis 2.77 AU (Thomas et al., 2005). The surface reflectivityis flat at visible wavelengths with an albedo near 0.11. Ob-servations in the ultraviolet have shown tentative evidencefor off-limb hydroxyl (OH) emission (A’Hearn and Feld-man, 1992). Hydroxyl radicals could be produced by thephotodissociation of water, and A’Hearn and Feldman sug-gested that their observation might be explained by the sub-limation of water ice from polar regions of Ceres. Spectro-scopic evidence for surface water ice is given by an absorp-tion band at 3.06±0.02 µm and about 10% deep (Fig. 7,seeLebofsky et al., 1981; King et al., 1992; Vernazza etal. 2005). Observations in this wavelength region are verydifficult and interpretations of the band vary based on de-tails of the measured band shape. King et al. suggest thatbroadening of the band relative to pure ice could be due toNH4 in the smectite clay mineral saponite. Vernazza et al.suggest instead a composite model incorporating crystallinewater ice at 150 K and ion-irradiated asphaltite (a complexorganic material).

Fig. 7.— Spectrum of asteroid 1 Ceres showing the 3.06µmabsorption band attributed to crystalline water ice. The thin line isa model fit to the data. An additional absorber is required to matchthe data at wavelengths longer than 3.15µm. FromVernazza et al.(2005)

Water ice on the surface of Ceres must have been re-cently emplaced because the sublimation lifetime at 2.8 AUis short (the sublimation rate is roughly 1 m yr−1, if the iceis dirty and dark). On the other hand, although short-livedon the surface,subsurfaceice on Ceres can be stabilized in-definitely at high latitudes by as little as∼1m of overlyingrefractory mantle (Fanale and Salvail, 1989). We may sur-mise that water migrated to the surface from deeper down,perhaps in response to internal heating that has driven out

volatiles (Grimm and McSween, 1989), perhaps creating fu-marolic activity at the surface. Alternatively, ice could beexcavated from beneath the mantle by impacts or depositedon the surface by impacting comets (as has been suggestedto explain suspected polar ice deposits on the Moon andMercury).

Thermal models (McCord and Sotin, 2005) show that,because of Ceres’ considerable size, even heating by long-lived nuclei (K, Th, U) could lead to melting of deeplyburied ice, followed by widespread hydration reactionswith silicates in globally distributed hydrothermal systems.Thomas et al.(2005) report shape measurements that showthat Ceres is rotationally relaxed with (weak) evidence for anon-uniform internal structure. Their models are consistentwith water ice mantles containing∼15% to 25% of the to-tal mass: perhaps this is the ultimate source of the off-limbhydroxyl and the near-infrared absorption band.

3.1.2. Comets in the Asteroid Belt

Other evidence for ice in the main-belt comes from ob-servations of the newly identified class of main-belt cometsor “MBCs” (Hsieh and Jewitt, 2006). The best known ex-ample is asteroid (7968) 1996 N2 (also known as 133P/Elst-Pizarro or “EP”) shown in Fig. 8. It displays a narrow, lin-ear trail of dust morphologically reminiscent of the large-particle dust trails detected in the thermal infrared in theorbits of comets (Sykes and Walker, 1992). At first, the dustproduction was attributed to a recent impact and the likelyparent of the impactor was identified as asteroid (427) Ga-lene (Toth, 2000). The re-appearance of the trail in 2002makes this explanation implausible and the dust is mostlikely ejected by sublimating ice (Hsieh et al., 2004). Tem-poral evolution of the trail shows that the 2×3 km nucleusof EP ejects dust particles∼10 µm in size at speeds∼1.5m s−1 over periods of months.

Fig. 8.— Composite R-band image of main-belt comet133P/Elst-Pizarro from UT 2002 September 7 observations on theUniversity of Hawaii 2.2 m telescope. The nucleus is at upper leftwith the dust trail extending across the entire field, down and tothe right. The image is 2.5 by 3.5 arcmin in size, with north at thetop and east to the left. This composite was produced by shiftingand adding a set of short exposure images, causing fixed stars andgalaxies to be streaked. Image fromHsieh et al.(2004).

Surface ice at the∼3 AU heliocentric distance of EP has


a short lifetime to sublimation, meaning that the ice musthave been recently emplaced in order for the activity tostill be observed.Hsieh et al. (2004) considered two ba-sic ideas concerning how these main-belt objects came tosublimate ice. The first possibility is that MBCs formedwith the Jupiter family comets in the Kuiper belt and weretransported by unknown processes to orbits that coinciden-tally appear asteroidal. However, published models of puredynamical transport from the Kuiper belt fail to produceasteroid-like orbits (Fernandez et al., 2002). It is possiblethat model simplifications, including the neglect of gravita-tional deflections by the low-mass terrestrial planets and ofrocket-forces due to asymmetric mass loss, might accountfor this failure. However, recent simulations including theseextra forces do not produce MBCs with inclinations as lowas that of 133P (Fernandez et al., 2002; Levison et al.,2006).

The second idea is that MBCs formed in the main-belt,incorporating a substantial ice component. The observa-tion that the orbital elements of EP are compatible withmembership in the collisionally produced Themis familyadds support to the conjecture that EP is a fragment froma larger, parent body that was shattered by impact. Thiscannot explain why the MBCs are outgassing now, how-ever, since the age of the Themis family estimated from thedispersion of orbital elements of its members, is near 2 Gyr(Marzari et al., 1995) and surface ice should have long-since sublimated away. Another trigger for outgassing mustbe invoked. One possibility is that a recent impact exposedburied ice, leading to sublimation that is modulated by sea-sonal variations in the insolation. The idea that the MBCscontain primordial ice is interesting in the context of the ev-idence for aqueous activity from the meteorites, discussedin Section 2.

3.2. Jovian Trojans

The Jovian Trojans co-orbit with the planet at 5.2 AUbut librate around the L4 and L5 Lagrangian points, leadingand trailing the planet by±60◦ of longitude. The leadingand following swarms together contain roughly 105 objectslarger than kilometer scale (c.f.Jewitt et al., 2004). Thelargest Trojan is (624) Hektor (∼370×195 km).

The Jovian Trojan surfaces are located near the edge ofthe stability zone for water ice in the modern Solar system.They are outside the expected locations of the snow-linethrough most or all of the early evolution of the planetarysystem. If they formed in-situ, or at larger distances fromthe Sun, it is quite likely that the Trojans should be ice-richbodies much like the nuclei of comets and the Kuiper beltobjects.

Paradoxically, no direct evidence for water on the Tro-jans has been reported. The reflection spectra in the 0.4µm to 2.5µm wavelength range are generally featurelessand slightly redder than the Sun (Luu et al., 1994;Dumaset al., 1998; Cruikshank et al., 2001; Emery and Brown,2004). The geometric albedos are low, with a mean value

of 0.041±0.002 (Fernandez et al., 2003). In these prop-erties, the Trojans closely resemble the nuclei of comets.The data are consistent with the hypothesis that the Trojans,like the cometary nuclei, have ice-rich interiors hidden bya protective cap or “mantle” of refractory matter, probablyleft behind as a sublimation lag deposit. The low density of(617) Patroclus (800+200

−100 kg m−3) also suggests a porous,ice-rich composition (Marchis et al., 2006).

Might water ice be detectable on the Trojans? Clean(high albedo) water ice at 5 AU is cold enough to be stableagainst sublimation while dirty (absorbing, warmer) ice willsublimate away on cosmically short (<104 yr) timescales.Therefore, surface ice on Trojan asteroids that has beenrecently excavated by impacts might remain spectroscopi-cally detectable until surface gardening (in which microme-teorite bombardment overturns the surface layers and mixesthem with dirt) lowers the albedo, whereupon the ice wouldpromptly sublimate. Spectroscopic surveys targeted to thesmaller Trojans (on which collisions are more likely to pro-vide large fractional resurfacing) might one day detect theice.

The origin of the Trojans is presently unknown, withtwo distinct source locations under discussion. The Trojanscould have formed locally and been trapped in the 1:1 res-onance as the planet grew (Chiang and Lithwick, 2005). Inthis case, the compositions of the Jovian Trojans would re-flect the∼100 to∼150 K temperature at 5 AU heliocentricdistance and it would be permissible to think of the Tro-jans as surviving samples of the type material that formedJupiter’s high molecular weight core. Another possibility isthat the Trojans formed at some remote location, possiblythe Kuiper belt, and were then scattered and captured dur-ing a chaotic phase in the Solar system (Morbidelli et al.,2005). In this case, the Trojans would be captured Kuiperbelt objects, presumably with initial ice contents equal tothose of the comets. In either case, the volatile-rich inte-riors of the Trojans would be protected from insolation bya lag deposit consisting of refractory matter. It is interest-ing that the Trojans and the cometary nuclei are so similarin the color-albedo plane. This fact is not proof that Tro-jans are comets, but it is consistent with this inference. Onthe other hand, the Trojans are less red (Jewitt, 2002) anddarker (Fernandez et al., 2003) than the KBOs. If they werecaptured from the Kuiper belt then unspecified evolutionaryprocesses must have acted to both darken their surfaces andremove very red material.

One meteorite known as Tagish Lake shows spectralsimilarities to D-type (and P-type) asteroids (Fig. 9;Hiroi etal., 2001;Hiroi and Hasegawa, 2003) and so is a candidatefor the type of material which might make up the Trojans.Similarities include a low albedo (a few % at visual wave-lengths) and reddish color, with a featureless optical to nearinfrared reflection spectrum. Tagish Lake is an anomalouscarbonaceous chondrite which was observed to fall and im-mediately recovered from frozen ground in Canada in 1999.It shows abundant evidence for aqueous alteration in theform of Mg-Fe carbonates and phyllosilicates (Nakamura


et al., 2003).

Fig. 9.—A comparison of the reflectance spectra of Tagish Lake(line) with the D-type asteroid (368) Haidea (points). Figure cour-tesy ofHiroi et al. (2001).

3.3. Cometary Nuclei

Water is well known in the nuclei of comets. It subli-mates inside a critical distance near 5 AU or 6 AU to pro-duce the distinctive coma (gravitationally unbound atmo-sphere) and tails that observationally define comets. Thethermal response of water ice to the varying insolation ona comet moving in an eccentric orbit about the Sun formedthe basis ofWhipple’s(1950) classic comet model. Whip-ple thought that water might carry about 50% of the nucleusmass. Recent estimates based on long wavelength (infraredand submillimeter) radiation show that water is less impor-tant, perhaps carrying only 20% to 30% of the mass in typ-ical nuclei (Sykes et al., 1986).

The water ice in comets appears to have condensed attemperatures in the range 25 to 50 K. Several lines of evi-dence lead to this temperature range, which (in the presentepoch) is characteristic of heliocentric distances beyondNeptune. First, comets are sources of CO, with productionrates relative to water in the∼1% to∼20% range. The COmolecule is highly volatile and difficult to trap at tempera-tures much above 50 K. Laboratory experiments in whichCO is trapped in amorphous ice suggest accretion tempera-tures near 25 K (Notesco and Bar-Nun, 2005). The nuclearspin temperature, which is thought to be set when the watermolecule forms, is near 30 K in those comets for which ithas been accurately measured. Measurements of theD/Hratio in H2O and HCN in comet C/Hale-Bopp are compati-ble with ion-molecule reactions at 30±10 K, probably in thecollapsing cloud that formed the Solar system (Meier et al.,1998b). Water ice formed at temperatures below∼110 Kis thermodynamically stable in the amorphous (disordered)state. The ice in two comets (C/Hale-Bopp,Davies et al.,1997 and C/2002 T7 (LINEAR),Kawakita et al., 2004) hasindeed been inferred to be amorphous, based on the absenceof the 1.65µm feature of crystalline ice. However, since

water ice is rarely detected in comets, we do not know fromobservations whether the ice in comets is generally amor-phous. Models assuming abundant amorphous ice havebeen constructed to take advantage of the exothermic tran-sition to the crystalline phase in order to power cometaryactivity at distances slightly beyond the critical distance forsublimation in radiative equilibrium with the Sun (Prialnik,1992;Prialnik et al., 2005).

Most recently, thermal infrared observations of the ejectaproduced by the impact of NASA’s Deep Impact spacecraftinto the nucleus of P/Tempel 1 have shown tentative evi-dence for hydrated minerals (Lisse et al., 2006). If con-firmed (for instance by samples returned in NASA’s Star-dust mission) this detection would seem to require that thehydrated minerals be formed in the gas phase before incor-poration into the nucleus, since it is hard to imagine howthis small cometary nucleus could have been hot enough tosustain liquid water and yet retain substantial quantities ofvolatile ices such as CO.

3.4. Kuiper Belt Objects and Centaurs

As with the Trojan asteroids and cometary nuclei, theoptical reflection spectra of most KBOs and Centaurs riselinearly with wavelength and are spectrally featureless. Theproportion showing identifiable absorption bands is, how-ever, higher and this presumably reflects the lower rates ofsublimation at the greater distances of these objects. Themain problem in the study of KBOs and Centaurs is a prac-tical one: most are very faint, technically challenging astro-nomical targets.

Fig. 10.—Reflection spectrum of KBO (50000) Quaoar in thenear infrared, showing broad bands due to water at 1.5µm and2.0µm, and a narrower feature at 1.65µm that is specifically dueto crystalline water ice (arrow). The smooth line is a water icespectrum that is over-plotted (but not fitted) to the astronomicaldata. Horizontal bars mark wavelengths at which the Earth’s at-mosphere absorbs. FromJewitt and Luu(2004).

Figure 10 shows the 1.5µm and 2.0µm bands of waterice in the reflection spectrum of∼1200 km diameter KBO


(50000) Quaoar (Jewitt and Luu, 2004). A third band at1.65 µm is diagnostic of the presence of crystalline (notamorphous) water ice. This result is curious, given thatQuaoar is at 43 AU and the surface temperature is near 50K or less: ice would be indefinitely stable in the amorphousform at this temperature. The inevitable conclusion is thatthe ice exposed on the surface of Quaoar, though now cold,has been heated above the critical temperature (∼110 K) fortransformation to the crystalline form. Furthermore, the iceon Quaoar (and all other airless bodies) is exposed to con-tinual bombardment by energetic photons from the Sun, andparticles from the Solar wind and from interstellar space(the cosmic rays). These energetic photons and particles arecapable of breaking the bonds in crystalline ice, convertingit back to a disordered, amorphous state on a timescale thatmay be as short as 106 to 107 yrs (Mastrapa et al., 2005).Thus, we may also conclude that the ice surface on Quaoaris young. How could this be?

The bulk of the ice inside Quaoar could have been heatedabove the amorphous to crystalline phase transition temper-ature by internal processes. Quaoar is large and radiogenicheat is capable of raising the internal temperatures substan-tially above the low values on the surface and in the neb-ula at 43 AU (see Section 5). This bulk crystalline mate-rial must be replenished at the surface in order to avoid re-amorphization. One mechanism is micrometeorite “garden-ing”, in which continual bombardment overturns the surfacelayers, dredging up fresh material and burying the instanta-neous surface layer. Given that near infrared photons probeto depths of only a few millimeters, the gardening rate onlyneeds to be large compared to a few millimeters per 106 or107 yr. We know essentially nothing about the microme-teorite flux in the Kuiper belt, but it seems reasonable thatsuch a low rate could be sustained. Another mechanism issimple eruption of crystalline ice onto the surface via theaction of cryovolcanism. In the context of the Kuiper belt,cryovolcanism need not involve the eruption of liquid wa-ter, but could be as simple as the leakage of a volatile gas,perhaps CO mobilized by heating at great depth, with theentrainment of crystalline ice particles into the flow. It isworth noting that Quaoar is not alone in showing crystallinewater ice: several satellites of Uranus as well as Pluto’ssatellite Charon also have crystalline ice on the surfaces.Are they all cryovolcanically active? Intuition says this isunlikely but recent observations of Saturn’s satellite Ence-ladus show that it is outgassing and populating the E-ringwith dust particles. Enceladus has a source of energy (tidalheating) that is unavailable to KBOs, but it is also muchsmaller (500 km diameter, compared to Quaoar’s 1200 km)and faster to cool.


4.1. Hydrogen

Most models indicate that the Earth formed inside thesnow line and so formed dry (see Fig. 1). However, theEarth is not dry (the mass of the oceans is∼3×10−4 M⊕),

raising the question of how it acquired its water. Likelysources include ice-rich bodies accreted outside the snow-line and transported inwards to impact the Earth after itsformation, providing a late-stage volatile veneer (Owen andBar-Nun, 1995). These could be bona-fide comets from theouter regions or asteroids from the main-belt. A potentiallyimportant constraint on the source population can be setfrom measurements of the deuterium/hydrogen (D/H) ra-tio. The standard mean ocean water (SMOW) value is D/H= 1.6×10−4, while measurements in comets give a valueabout twice as large, namely D/H∼3.3×10−4 (seeMeier etal., 1998a andMeier and Owen, 1999 for descriptions). Itis tempting to conclude on this basis that the comets cannotbe the dominant suppliers of Earth’s water but this conclu-sion is probably premature. First, the formal significanceof the difference between D/H in comets and in SMOW ismarginal (and also difficult to judge, given that systematicerrors rival statistical ones in the remote determination ofD/H). Second, the measured comets are Halley-family orlong-period objects, dynamically unlike the Jupiter familycomets (JFCs) that may have dominated the volatile deliv-ery to Earth. The JFCs and long-period comets may orig-inate from different regions within the protoplanetary diskand at different temperatures (although this is itself far fromcertain). If the measured comets have D/H ratios that arenot representative of the dominant impactors then objec-tions based on isotopic differences with SMOW would dis-appear. Unfortunately, most comets are too faint for astro-nomical determinations of D/H and in-situ measurementsfrom spacecraft will be needed to acquire a large, dynami-cally diverse sample.

Other possible sources include ice-rich “asteroids” fromthe outer parts of the main-belt. This source is appealingbecause some measurements of D/H in hydrated meteoritesare close to the SMOW value. Furthermore, some dynam-ical models purport to show that the main-belt could alsosupply a sufficient mass of water to Earth to explain theoceans (Morbidelli et al., 2000). Unfortunately, the mecha-nism by which the main-belt was cleared and the timing ofthis event relative to the formation of Earth remain uncer-tain. Also, noble gas abundance patterns on the Earth areunlike those in the meteorites and it is not obvious how thisdifference can be explained if these gases were delivered,with water, from the asteroid belt. Noble gas abundancesin comets are unmeasured. Future measurements of D/H inwater from main belt comets (Section 3.1.2) will be of greatinterest in this regard.

4.2. Oxygen

Measurements of the16O/17O and 16O/18O ratios inprimitive meteorites show mass-independent variations thatare distinct from the mass-dependent fractionation pro-duced from chemical reactions. Mass-independent vari-ations may be caused by the mixing of16O-rich with16O-poor material in the asteroid-belt source region wherethe meteorite parents formed (Krot et al., 2005). Optical


depth effects in the protoplanetary nebula, coupled withthe freeze-out of water, could be responsible (Krot et al.,2005). Gas phase C16O would be optically thick to ultravi-olet photons in much of the young nebula and thus immuneto photodissociation. The more rare isotopomers C17O andC18O could be optically thin, especially above the disk mid-plane and at large heliocentric distances. Atoms of17O and18O produced by dissociation beyond the snow line wouldbe picked up by water molecules and soon trapped as ice.In this way, ice-bearing solids would become progressivelydepleted in16O relative to the gas (which is16O enhanced),by an amount that depends upon the disk gas mass, the he-liocentric distance and the degree of mixing upwards fromthe mid-plane (Lyons and Young, 2005). Inward drift of icyplanetesimals across the snow line leading to their subli-mation would return16O-poor water to the gas phase. Onefeature of this model is that it requires a flux of UV-photonscomparable to that expected from an O or B-type star lo-cated within∼1 pc of the Sun (Lyons and Young, 2005).If this is the correct interpretation of the mass-independentoxygen isotope variations then it provides evidence that theSun was part of a stellar cluster (since O and B-type starsare rare, and on-average found at much larger distances).


5.1. Analytical Considerations

Thermal evolution in the presence of ice is an excitingtopic that promises to throw much light on the interrelationsbetween comets and asteroids (Jewitt, 2005) and on theirwater and volatile histories (Prialnik et al., 2005). Minimalrequirements for the stability of liquid water include tem-peraturesand pressures above the triple-point values 273K and 600 N m−2, respectively. Central hydrostatic pres-sure in a spherical body of densityρ and radiusr is Pc ∼2π/3 G ρ2 r2. With ρ = 103 kg m−3, Pc ≥ 600 N m−2

for r ≥ 2 km. Smaller bodies can never sustain the triple-point pressure unless they are strong (which, in the contextof prevailing formation scenarios seems unlikely). In largerbodies, whether liquid water can be stable at depth dependsmainly on the existence of heat sources adequate to raisethe temperatures above the triple point value. Gravitationalbinding energy is too small to melt or vaporize ice in any butthe largest bodies considered in this chapter (see Fig. 11).Instead, in the asteroid belt the dominant heat source waslikely 26Al (Lee et al., 1976;MacPherson et al., 1995). Theinfluence of26Al depends on the size of the body, on themechanisms of heat loss, and on the time elapsed betweenthe explosion of the26Al-producing supernova and its in-corporation into the growing body (Ghosh et al., 2003).

A lower limit to the rate of loss of heat from a body of ra-diusr is set by thermal conduction. The conduction coolingtime is

τc ∼r2


whereκ is the thermal diffusivity given byκ = k/(ρcp), k =










EG(R = 10 km)

EG(R = 100 km)

EG(R = 1000 km)

log(ENERGY) [J/kg]

H2O Fusion

H2O Vaporization

Serpentinization Am - Cr


Fig. 11.— Energy per unit mass for processes relevant to thethermal evolution of small bodies. Isotope symbols show the time-integrated energy production from the given element divided bythe total mass of the small body, computed assuming cosmic ini-tial abundances of the elements. Energies for the amorphous -crystalline (Am - Cr) phase transition and for H2O fusion and va-porization are per unit mass of ice, while that for serpentinizationis per unit mass of serpentine (as in Section 4). EG is the grav-itational binding energy per unit mass, given for a homogeneoussphere by EG = 3 G M / (5 R) and computed assuming a densityof 1000 kg m−3. Another heat source due to electromagnetic in-duction in the magnetic field of the young sun has been discussedin the context of asteroids (c.f.McSween et al., 2002), but is ofuncertain magnitude, declines precipitously with heliocentric dis-tance and is not plotted here.

thermal conductivity,ρ = density andcp = specific heat ca-pacity. Common non-porous solids haveκ ∼ 10−6 m2 s−1

while porosity may reduce this by a factor of∼10. Theheat released by26Al can only be effective whenτc >> τ ,which corresponds torc >> (κτ)1/2, whereτ is the timeconstant for the decay of26Al. Substitutingκ = 10−6 m2

s−1 andτ ∼ 1 Myr, we obtainrc >> 5 km for the crit-ical size above which strong thermal effects are expected.Bodies much larger than a few kilometers in size, then,are candidates for having central hydrostatic pressures highenough, and cooling times long enough, to nurture liquidwater.

A crude calculation of the effect of radioactive heatingmay be obtained by considering a body of radiusr and ini-tial temperatureT0, represented by a unique (average) in-ternal temperatureT (t) as a function of timet. Assuming aradioactive source of initial mass fractionX0 and decay en-


ergy per unit mass of rockH, the energy balance equationfor the body is

cpdT (t)

dt= X0Hτ−1e−t/τ − 3kT (t)

ρr2, (2)

where the second term on the RHS of Equation (2) is thecooling flux (Merk and Prialnik, 2003). Assuming con-stant, average valuescp andk, this equation can be solvedanalytically to obtain the timet1 required to reach the melt-ing temperatureT (t1) = Tm = 273 K, and the amount ofradioactive material still availableX1 = X0e

−t1/τ ,

T (t) = T0e−at +


aτ − 1

[e−t/τ − e−at

], (3)


a(r) =3k


r2, b =


cp. (4)

When the melting temperature is reached, the heat releasedis absorbed by the melting ice and the temperature does notrise any longer. Thus, energy balance for times later thant1reads

HmYm = X1Hτ−1e−t/τ − 3kTm

ρr2, (5)

whereHm=latent heat of melting,Ym(t) is the volume frac-tion of liquid water, andt is set to zero at the onset of melt-ing. The solution

Ym(t) = H−1m

[X1H(1− e−t/τ ) − 3kTm



rises to a maximum and declines to zero. The time span forwhich Ym > 0, that is, for which liquid water is present,can be easily estimated. (Equation (6) gives a strong upperlimit to the duration of the liquid phase, since energy trans-port by convection in liquid water will dominate the coolingflux and suppress temperatures much faster than conduc-tion). Representative results for the time required to reachthe melting temperature, the maximal volume fraction ofwater attained and the duration of the liquid phase are givenin Fig. 12, considering the effect of26Al and of the mostpotent long-lived radioactive species,40K. The values ofconstants assumed areκ = 10−6 m2 s−1 (as above) andcp

= 103 J kg−1; the radioactive abundances assumed corre-spond to a 1:1 mass ratio of ice to dust. A time delay of2 Myr was assumed in the case of26Al to account for theimperfect trapping of this short-lived isotope.

These simple models show that, while small bodies - afew kilometers in size - are completely unaffected by40K,bodies of a few hundred kilometers radius may have re-tained liquid water in their interiors up to the present. Sig-nificant amounts of liquid water may be expected in smallerbodies, heated by26Al, only for radii above∼ 20 km; thewater is expected to refreeze on a time scale of∼ 20 Myr.

5.2. Numerical Modeling - Icy Bodies (Comets)

Obviously, all these quantities are only rough estimatesbased on a crude analytical treatment. Somewhat egre-giously, we have allowed cooling only by conduction when,in fact, solid state convection may dominate the cooling ratelong before the melting temperature is reached (Czechowskiand Leliwa-Kopystynski, 2002). Countering this, water mayadd new sources of heat. First, if the accreted ice is ini-tially amorphous (unlikely in the hot inner Solar systembut possible in the cold Kuiper Belt) then the energy of theamorphous to crystalline phase change is available. This is∼ 9 × 104 J kg−1, sufficient to drive a wave of crystalliza-tion through the icy portions of any body. Second, if theliquid state is reached, powerful serpentinization reactionsmay come to dominate the heat production, at least locally(section 5.3).

On the other hand, numerical models that treat thermalevolution in detail necessarily have a large number of freeparameters. Thus, usually, models focus on the effect ofone parameter or characteristic and the results obtained mayonly be taken to indicate trends of behavior. For example,Haruyama et al.(1993) investigate the potential effect ofa very small thermal conductivity on the crystallization ofamorphous ice due to radioactive heating in a H2O ice anddust body. Not surprisingly, they find that for very lowconductivities, a runaway increase in the internal temper-ature occurs and most of the ice crystallizes, while for suffi-ciently high conductivities, the initially amorphous ice maybe almost entirely preserved. A similar study byYabushita(1993) investigates the possibility of melting and formationof organic chemicals due to radioactive heating and findsthat a very low diffusivity allows for melting in the inte-rior of relatively large icy bodies (r & 200 km). However,these studies neglect heat transport by vapor flow throughthe porous nucleus and the possibility of internal sublima-tion or recondensation. Vapor flow is taken into accountby Prialnik and Podolak(1995), who consider radioactiveheating in porous nuclei, allowing for trapped CO gas inthe amorphous ice, which is released upon crystallization.A large variety of results are obtained by varying the ba-sic parameters: porosity, radius, thermal conductivity and26Al content. Porosity and heat advection by the flowinggas are shown to affect the thermal evolution significantly.Thus, only for a very low porosity and very low conduc-tivity is it possible to obtain an extended liquid core for aconsiderable period of time. However, this study does notconsider ices of volatiles besides H2O in the initial com-position. These are considered byChoi et al. (2002), whoshow that ices of highly volatile species have a consider-able effect on the early crystallization pattern of H2O iceinduced by radioactive heating, both by absorbing and byreleasing latent heat. Thus, they find that even large bodies(r ∼ 50 km) may retain the ice in amorphous form, despiteradioactive heating (even including some26Al). However,the effect of advection by volatile flow is maximized in theirstudy by assuming a very high permeability.


Fig. 12.— Models for the thermal evolution of small bodies heated by radioactive decay as a function of their radius andinitial temperature assuming a 1:1 ice: rock mass ratio. Left and right columns show models heated by the decay of26Aland40K, respectively (see text). At the top is shown the time to reach the water ice melting point, in the middle is thefractional melt volume while at the bottom is the duration of the liquid phase.


Despite the non-uniqueness inherent in presently avail-able models, it is clear that heating by26Al is potentially sostrong that even silicates could have been melted in smallasteroids if they formed early enough to trap this isotope(e.g.,Herndon and Herndon, 1977;Grimm and McSween,1993). Conversely, delayed aggregation into large bodieswould minimize the thermal impact of26Al: after 10 half-lives (∼7 Myr) the available heat from26Al is reduced by afactor of 2×104 and can be ignored. In bodies that formedquickly enough relative to the26Al decay, radioactive heat-ing may drive melting in the central region of a relativelysmall icy body, the question remains of the consequencesof a liquid core, considering that water is much denser thanice. So far, this problem has not been considered in detailednumerical simulations - largely due to the fact that struc-tural parameters of cometary material are poorly known -and not much progress has been made beyond the early an-alytical work ofWallis (1980), who treated a vapor-dropletmixture within an icy shell.

The formation timescale,tf , is crucially important in de-termining the thermal evolution of a body. For bodies ofa given size,tf varies in inverse proportion to the surfacedensity in the accretion disk of the Sun (the latter may havevaried as∝ R−3/2) and in proportion to the Keplerian orbitperiod (∝ R3/2). When multiplied together, these givetf ∝R3. All else being equal, an object taking 2 Myr to accretein the main-belt at 2.5 AU would take∼20 Myr at the 5 AUdistance of the Jovian Trojans. Twenty million years corre-sponds to about 28 half-lives of26Al, precluding any heat-ing from this source in the Trojans whereas heating of themain-belt objects could be strong. The strong heliocentricdistance dependence of the growth time is consistent witha large radial gradient in their hydration properties acrossrather modest radial distance differences (Grimm and Mc-Sween, 1993). Taken out to the Kuiper belt (30 AU and be-yond) the formation times predicted by this simple scalinglaw approach the age of the Solar system, and are unrea-sonable. Detailed models of Kuiper belt object accretionshow that such objects can form on much more reasonable(10 Myr - 100 Myr) timescales provided very low veloc-ity dispersions are maintained (Kenyon, 2002) but reinforcethe point that the KBOs are probably much less heated bytrapped26Al or other short-lived nuclei compared to inner-disk objects of comparable size. The primitive meteorites,especially those which are hydrated, show that early melt-ing of silicates was not a universal fate even in the asteroidbelt, and in the parents of these meteorites we seek to ex-amine the effects of heating on buried water ice. We shouldbear in mind, however, that heating by26Al may well takeplace during the accretion process itself; moreover, the ac-cretion rate is not linear in time. Thus, the core of an ac-creting body may be significantly heated before the bodyreaches its final size long after the decay of26Al. The ef-fect of combined growth and internal heating by26Al decaywas investigated byMerk and Prialnik(2003) for an amor-phous ice and dust composition, without other volatiles.They found that while it still remains true that small objects

remain almost unaffected by radioactive heating, the effecton larger bodies is not linear with size. There is an inter-mediate size range (around 25 km), where the melt fractionand duration of liquid water are maximal, and this rangedepends strongly on formation distance (ambient tempera-ture). The corresponding calculation for an asteroid is byGhosh et al.(2003).

5.3. Small Bodies and Serpentinization

If the water triple point is reached, exothermic hydrationreactions with rock (so-called “serpentinization” reactions)can generate their own heat. The heat produced varies de-pending on the specific hydration reaction under considera-tion. For the (idealized) serpentine-producing reaction

Mg2SiO4+MgSiO3+2H2O � Mg3Si2O5(OH)4 (7)

the energy released per unit mass of serpentine produced is2.4×105 J kg−1 (Grimm and McSween, 1989;Cohen andCoker, 2000, see alsoJakosky and Shock, 1998 for energet-ics of other reactions). In this reaction, two moles (about 36g) of water react with rock to produce one mole (about 276g) of serpentine. Enough energy is produced to melt about40 moles (730 g) of water ice (the latent heat of fusion is3.3×105 J kg−1). Therefore, depending on the details ofthe heat transport within the parent body, there is the pos-sibility for a thermal runaway in which heat from serpen-tinization in a localized region of the asteroid triggers themelting of ice throughout the body. An everyday exampleof this type of chemical energy release is commercial con-crete which, when mixed with water, liberates heat. A nat-ural, terrestrial example may have been found in the mid-Atlantic, Lost City hydrothermal complex (Fig. 13). LostCity is located far from the mid-ocean ridge heat sourceand emits fluids with distinctive chemical properties differ-ent from those at the mid-ocean ridge, suggesting the ac-tion of serpentinization reactions (Kelley et al., 2001: notethat this interpretation is contested byAllen and Seyfried,(2004) on geochemical grounds). Lost City has been activefor 30,000 yr, produces a few MW of power (correspondingto serpentinization at a rate∼10 kg s−1) and has enoughreactants to continue for∼106 yr (Fruh-Green et al., 2003).

Models of runaway serpentinization in main-belt aster-oids have been computed by different groups, leading tosome spectacular, if arguable, conclusions. In these mod-els, ice melting occurs first as a result of radioactive decayheating by short-lived isotopes. Serpentinization then re-leases a tremendous amount of heat which dominates thesubsequent thermal evolution. Such heating may be moder-ated in reality by the rate at which water can be introducedto reaction sites or by efficient heat loss due to hydrother-mal convection. Bodies of asteroidal porosity must be afew hundred kilometers in diameter, however, to initiate hy-drothermal convection (Grimm and McSween, 1989;Younget al., 2003). If heating is too rapid or hydrothermal circula-tion does not otherwise develop, high steam pressures could


cause parent-body rupture under conditions of low perme-ability (Grimm and McSween, 1989;Wilson et al., 1999).

Fig. 13.—Carbonate chimneys at the Lost City field rise up to 60m above the surrounding terrain and heat sea water to 40◦ to 75◦Cabove ambient. They may be entirely powered by serpentinization.Figure courtesy of University of Washington.

Bodies which are too small, or those which form toolate, are unable to trap much26Al and never attain temper-atures sufficient to melt ice. In these, the serpentinizationreactions are never triggered, except perhaps sporadicallyby heating events caused by large impacts (Abramov andKring, 2004). For this reason, we expect that the effectsof serpentinization reactions in the KBOs are also much di-minished, except perhaps in the larger objects where longer-lived unstable nuclei (40K, 235U, 238U and 232Th) mightdrive water above the melting temperature, at least locally,at later times (Busarev et al., 2003). Serpentinization alsoreleases hydrogen which, following Fischer-Tropsch typereactions, could lead to the production of methane (CH4)from CO or CO2. Methane is known on the surface of Plutoand has been recently detected on other large Kuiper beltobjects (Brown et al., 2005) but is not expected to havebeen abundant in the Solar nebula from which these objectsformed (Prinn and Fegley, 1981). Serpentinization couldbe the ultimate source.

Acknowledgements.We thank the anonymous refereefor a review and Audrey Delsanti, Henry Hsieh, Jane Luu,Toby Owen, Bin Yang for helpful comments. This workwas supported by NASA grant NNG05GF76G to DJ, bythe NASA Astrobiology Institute under Cooperative Agree-ment No. NNA04CC08A issued through the Office ofSpace Science, by NASA cosmochemistry grant NAG5-11591 to Klaus Keil, by Israel Science Foundation grant942/04 to DP and by NASA’s Outer Planets Research grantNNG05GG60G to RG.


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