Water-recycling desert cooler Air ventilation and cooling Nadav Arad Ruslan Moger José Rocha Jana...

Post on 25-Dec-2015

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Water-recycling desert cooler

Air ventilation and cooling

Nadav AradRuslan MogerJosé RochaJana Wolf

Desert Cooler

Thermal comfort diagram

Relative Humidity in %

Temp. in °C

Comfort zone (with air circulation)


How can we reduce the amount of water consumed by the

desert cooler?

Peltier Effect

Dry air out

Table 1: Table showing the energy consumed by two different cooling system in 12 months in a 150 m² building

Cooling System Energy consumption[kWh]

Air Conditioning 6,000

Desert Cooler 1,500

Table 2: Table showing the volume of water used for two evaporative cooling systems per hour.

Cooling System Water Consumption[L/hr]

Regular desert cooler 26.5 - 40

Our design (10 plates) 5 to 10 liters less

Table 3: Table showing the energy consumption of pletier system as compared to regular AC system

Cooling System Energy Consumption[kWh]

Regular air conditioning* 6,000

Our design (10 plates)** 1,200

* Using electrical energy**Using solar energy

Table 4: Table showing the cost of implementation of two different cooling systems for a fully conditioned houses (150m2)

Cooling System Cost [US dollars]

Air Conditioning 3,500 – 4,000

Desert Cooler 600 – 1,000

Advantages Disadvantages

Save energyNo user-driven


Save water Maintenance

?Heat lost from the peltier system?

What is the rate of the condensation of water?

To what extent can the water be re-circulated?


Ventilation cannot be separated from conditioning

Air conditioning accounts for high power consumption and, therefore, money spending

Energy efficiency can be achieved by reducing AC usage

Desert coolers provide with an alternative to such systems

Water loss issue associated to desert coolers can be adressed by platier thermoelectric technology

However, further research is requeried on the subject.


"Evaporative Cooling." Evaporative Cooling. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Mar. 2013http://www.consumerenergycenter.org/home/heating_cooling/evaporative.html

"Swamp Cooler Water and Energy Use." Swamp Cooler Water and Energy Use. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Mar. 2013. <http://www.alloutcool.com/swamp-cooler-water-energy-use.html>.

"Swamp Cooler Sizing." Swamp Cooler Sizing. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Mar. 2013. <http://www.alloutcool.com/swamp-cooler-sizing.html>.

Martin K. "Evaporative Cooler Water Use." University of Arizona, July 1991. Web. 04 Mar. 2013.

"Evaporative Air Conditioners and Water Use." Northern Territory Government, n.d. Web. 04 Mar. 2013.

"Technical Information for Cooling Towers Using Recycled Water." San Diego Country Water Authority, n.d. Web. 04 Mar. 2013.

Atta, Raghied M. "Solar Water Condensation Using Thermoelectric Coolers." Department of Electrical Engineering. Taibah Universitz, 2011. Web.