Waveform inversion using a logarithmic...

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GEOPHYSICS, VOL. 71, NO. 3 �MAY-JUNE 2006�; P. R31–R42, 17 FIGS., 1 TABLE.10.1190/1.2194523

aveform inversion using a logarithmic wavefield

hangsoo Shin1 and Dong-Joo Min2


Although waveform inversion has been studied extensivelysince its beginning 20 years ago, applications to seismic fielddata have been limited, and most of those applications havebeen for global-seismology- or engineering-seismology-scaleproblems, not for exploration-scale data. As an alternative toclassical waveform inversion, we propose the use of a new, ob-jective function constructed by taking the logarithm of wave-fields, allowing consideration of three types of objective func-tion, namely, amplitude only, phase only, or both. In our wave-form inversion, we estimate the source signature as well as thevelocity structure by including functions of amplitudes andphases of the source signature in the objective function. Wecompute the steepest-descent directions by using a matrix for-malism derived from a frequency-domain, finite-element/fi-nite-difference modeling technique. Our numerical algorithmsare similar to those of reverse-time migration and waveform in-version based on the adjoint state of the wave equation. In or-

der to demonstrate the practical applicability of our algorithm,we use a synthetic data set from the Marmousi model and seis-mic data collected from the Korean continental shelf. For noise-free synthetic data, the velocity structure produced by our in-version algorithm is closer to the true velocity structure thanthat obtained with conventional waveform inversion. Whenrandom noise is added, the inverted velocity model is also closeto the true Marmousi model, but when frequencies below 5 Hzare removed from the data, the velocity structure is not as goodas those for the noise-free and noisy data. For field data, wecompare the time-domain synthetic seismograms generated forthe velocity model inverted by our algorithm with real seismo-grams and find that the results show that our inversion algo-rithm reveals short-period features of the subsurface. Althoughwe use wrapped phases in our examples, we still obtain reason-able results. We expect that if we were to use correctly un-wrapped phases in the inversion algorithm, we would obtainbetter results.




, Seoul


Waveform-inversion and traveltime tomography provide de-ailed subsurface-velocity information. Because Lailly �1983� andarantola �1984� suggested that the back-propagation algorithm ofeverse-time migration can be used in seismic inversion, their ideasave commonly been used in time-domain traveltime tomographynversion and waveform inversion �Bamberger et al., 1982; Kolb etl., 1986; Gauthier et al., 1986; Tarantola, 1986, 1987; Tarantola etl., 1988; Mora, 1987, 1989; Sun and McMechan, 1992; Cao et al.,990; Pica et al., 1990; Xu et al., 1995; Zhou et al., 1995�. Afterratt et al. �1998� applied the same idea to frequency-domainaveform inversion and showed that the back-propagation algo-

ithm could be used efficiently for waveform inversion of large-cale geologic models, the technique began to be used frequentlyPratt, 1999; Pratt and Shipp, 1999; Hicks and Pratt, 2001�. Ac-

Manuscript received by the Editor August 11, 2003; revised manuscript1Seoul National University, School of Civil, Urban and Geosystem En

ss@model.snu.ac.kr.2Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute, Ansan, P. O. Box 292006 Society of Exploration Geophysicists. All rights reserved.


ording to Lailly �1983�, prestack reverse-time migration can beegarded as the first iteration result of waveform inversion, soaveform inversion and prestack reverse-time migration share theumerical algorithm that originates from the symmetry of the wavequation Green’s function.

Although a variety of waveform-inversion techniques has beeneveloped, we need more accurate or efficient algorithms. Weodify a waveform-inversion algorithm by using the logarithmicavefield as an objective function. By taking the logarithm of theavefield, we separate amplitude and phase, allowing us to con-

truct three kinds of objective functions using amplitude only,hase only, or both. We can invert amplitude and phase, eithereparately or simultaneously. Our waveform-inversion algorithmlso includes inversion of the source signature. In real seismic data,ecause the source signature is usually unknown, we need to esti-ate the source signature simultaneously �Pratt, 1999� with veloc-

September 6, 2005; published online May 24, 2006.ng, San 56-1, Shillim-dong, Kwanak-ku, Seoul, 151-744, Korea. E-mail:

, 425-600, Korea. E-mail: djmin@kordi.re.kr.

























R32 Shin and Min

ty inversion. Explicitly expressing the amplitude and phase of theource signature in our objective function allows us to recover themplitude and phase of the source signature separately.

We begin by constructing an objective function that is separablento three types. We implicitly calculate gradients of the threeinds of objective functions by using the adjoint state of the wavequation as Tarantola �1984� and Pratt et al. �1998� did in conven-ional seismic waveform inversion. Then we combine the estima-ion of the source wavelet with the implicit calculation of the gra-ient vector of the l2 norm of seismic-data residuals. Finally, weemonstrate our approach using the Marmousi synthetic data andeal seismic data collected on the Korean continental shelf.


Our algorithm uses the steepest-descent method to iterativelypdate model parameters until we satisfy a convergence criterionor an objective function to be either minimized or maximized.onventionally, to apply the steepest-descent method to an optimi-ation problem, we need to directly calculate the derivative of thebjective function with respect to the model parameters. In thistudy, we construct an objective function that is separable intohree types �using amplitude only, phase only, and both� and use anmplicit calculation of the steepest-descent direction �i.e., withoutirectly computing Fréchet derivatives�. This is accomplished by

able 1. Symbols.

ymbol Type Description

�t� real Time-domain pressure or

��� complex Fourier-transformed, forw

��� complex Fourier-transformed field

��� complex Complex impedance matroperator

�z� real Source vector in depth

��� complex Fourier-transformed sourc

s���, �s��� real Amplitude and phase of sm���, �m��� real Amplitude and phase of ff���, � f��� real Amplitude and phase of fi

real Objective functionreal Velocity-parameter vector

p real Velocity-parameter chang

s real Change vector in amplitusignature

, �E real Gradient vector of the obrespect to velocity parame

��� complex Virtual-source vector

��� complex Virtual-source matrix

��� complex Residual vector

sE, real Gradient vector with respeof source wavelet

s real Hessian matrix with respeof source wavelet

complex Jacobian matrixreal Damping factorreal Identity matrix

sing the back-propagation technique of reverse-time migrationased on the adjoint state of the wave equation �e.g., Pratt et al.,998�.

For simplicity, we begin with a 1D model, because it is straight-orward to extend our algorithm to 2D or 3D problems. Mathe-atical symbols are presented in Table 1. The 1D constant-density

coustic-wave equation can be written as

�2u�z,t��z2 =



�2u�z,t��t2 + f�z�g�t� , �1�

here v�z� is the subsurface velocity function, u�z,t� is thecoustic-pressure field, and f�z� and g�t� are the source functionsn position and time, respectively. Equation 1 can be solved bynite-difference, time-marching techniques �Alford et al., 1974� orrequency-domain methods �Marfurt, 1984; Marfurt and Shin,989; Jo et al., 1996; Shin and Sohn, 1998�. In the frequency do-ain, we take the Fourier transform of equation 1 and then solve

he discretized matrix equation using frequency-domain, finite-ifference, or finite-element modeling methods. Doing this, we ob-ain the matrix equation �Marfurt, 1984�

S���u��� = f�z�g��� , �2�

where � is the angular frequency, S��� isthe complex imped-ance matrix, u��� is the Fourier-trans-formed wavefield, f�z� is the vector de-noting source position in depth, and g���is the source function in the frequencydomain. For simplicity, we write the com-plex source function g��� of equation 2as gs���exp�i�s����, yielding

S���u��� = f�z�gs���exp�i�s���� ,


where gs��� and �s��� are the amplitudeand phase spectra of the source wavelet,respectively.

The 1D earth model is subdivided intoa finite-difference grid in the z-direction�z = � j − 1��z; j = 1,2, . . . ,N� and eachnodal point is parametrized with velocitypk at the kth depth point. The 1D wave-field at each frequency can be expressedfrom the linearity of the wave equationwith respect to the source as

uj��� = gs���Ajm���exp�i� j


+ i�s���� , �4�

where uj��� is the wavefield at the jthdepth point, Aj

m��� and � jm��� are the am-

plitude and phase of the Green’s functionat the jth depth point, and � ��� is the


deled data




-modeled data


rphase of source

function with

mplitude and phase

mplitude and phase




ix and

e func



eld da

e vectode and


ct to a

ct to a

















Waveform inversion R33

hase spectrum of the source signature. The superscript m is usedo discriminate modeled data from field data �which is representedsing the superscript f�. The modeled wavefield at the surface is

u1��� = gs���A1m���exp�i�1

m��� + i�s���� . �5�

imilarly, the measured field seismogram at the surface is

d1��� = A1f ���exp�i�1

f ���� , �6�

here d1��� is the wavefield measured at the surface and A1f ���

nd �1f ��� are the amplitude and the phase of the wavefield mea-

ured at the surface, respectively. However, when we extract thehase information from the measured or modeled wavefields, wectually obtain the wrapped phases �unless we apply an unwrap-ing algorithm�. As a result, we rewrite equations 5 and 6 as

u1��� = gs���A1m���exp�i��1

m��� + 2�nm + �s��� + 2�ns��



d1��� = A1f ���exp�i��1

f ��� + 2�nf�� , �8�

espectively, where nm, ns, and nf are integer values that must bextracted.

In our new waveform-inversion algorithm, we construct an ob-ective function based on the l2 norm of residuals between logarith-ic-modeled wavefields and field wavefields. This residual at the

urface can be expressed as


d1���= ln


A1f ���

+ i��1m��� + �s��� − �1

f ���

+ 2��nm + ns − nf�� . �9�

s shown in equation 9, in order to obtain meaningful phase infor-ation, we need to unwrap the phase, but it is generally difficult to

ccomplish this unambiguously. We assume that nm + ns = nf. Thessumption that the phase of the field data is unwrapped to theame degree as the phase of the model data is equivalent to assum-ng that the model is close to the true model. The objective functionan then be defined for a single frequency as

E =1



f ��� �2

+ ��1m��� + �s��� − �1

f ����2� ,


here the factor 1/2 is used to simplify the resulting equation.rom equation 10, we note that the objective function is repre-ented as the l2 norm of the combined phase- and logarithmic-mplitude errors. The gradient of this objective function with re-pect to the kth velocity parameter p is


�k = �pkE =


�pk= lngs���A1


f ��� 1



+ ��1m��� + �s��� − �1

f ������1


. �11�

A straightforward technique for calculating the gradient is toompute and use the partial-derivative wavefield. The partial-de-ivative wavefield with respect to pk is expressed from equation 5s


= gs����A1


exp �i�1m��� + i�s����

+ igs���A1m���


exp �i�1m��� + i�s���� ,


nd dividing equation 12 by equation 5 gives







+ i��1


. �13�

e recognize that the terms on the right-hand side of equation 11an be obtained by taking the conjugate of equation 9, multiplyingt by equation 13, and taking the real part of the result. Thus,

�k = Re��lnu1���

d1����* 1


�pk� , �14�

here * indicates the complex conjugate. Equation 14 for an entirerequency band can be rewritten in matrix form as

�k = Re �−�

� � �u1����pk










d� . �15�

The partial-derivative wavefields in equation 15 can be calcu-ated numerically by taking the derivative of the matrix equationesulting from finite-element or finite-difference implementationsf the wave equation �see Pratt et al., 1998; Shin et al., 2003�. Tak-ng the derivative of equation 3 with respect to parameter pk, webtain


u��� + S����u����pk

= 0 . �16�

ecause the source-related terms f�z� and exp�i�sm���� in equation

are not a function of the subsurface parameters, the derivative of














R34 Shin and Min

he source vector with respect to the subsurface parameter becomesero. From equation 16, we obtain


= S−1���vk��� �17�


vk��� = −�S����pk

u��� , �18�

here vk��� is the virtual-source vector, which can be used to com-ute the partial-derivative wavefield with respect to the kth veloc-ty pk.

The partial-derivative wavefield and the virtual source do notxist in reality. Once we factor a complex impedance matrix, wean compute the partial-derivative wavefields for multiple shots asell, using the factored matrix �Pratt et al., 1998�. If we introduce

he relationship between the virtual source and the partial-deriv-tive wavefield �e.g., equations 17 and 18� into equation 15, theteepest-descent direction at the kth depth point can be expresseds

�k = Re��−�

vkT����S−1����Tr���d�� , �19�

nd the entire steepest-descent direction is

� = Re��−�

VT����S−1����Tr���d�� , �20�


r��� = ��ln







nd V is the virtual-source matrix whose column is the virtual-ource vector vk at the kth depth point:

V = �v1 v2 ¯ vN� . �22�

Because the modeling operator S��� is self-adjoint, �S−1����T isnterpreted as a back-propagation operator, and consequently theumerical structure of equation 20 is similar to that of reverse-timeigration �Pratt et al., 1998; Shin et al., 2003�. However, unlike

everse-time migration in which the field data are back-propagated,e take the logarithmic residuals, divide them by the current mod-

l response at the surface, and propagate them in backward time.e obtain the steepest-descent direction by calculating the zero-

ag value of convolution between the back-propagated wavefieldnd the virtual source, as we normally do in prestack reverse-timeigration and prestack waveform inversion �Pratt et al., 1998�.

When we compute the steepest-descent direction of the objec-ive function of the amplitude and the phase of the wavefield forhe inversion, we can divide the objective function into three types.irst, we may take the l2 norm of errors of the logarithmic ampli-

udes and the phases of the wavefields as shown in equation 10 andompute the steepest-descent direction of the objective functionsing equation 20. Second, we may take the l2 norm of errors of theogarithmic amplitudes of the wavefields and neglect the l2 norm ofhe phase errors in equation 10. In this case, the steepest-descentirection is expressed by equation 20 with r��� changed to

r��� = �Re�ln






. �23�

hird, we may take the l2 norm of the phase residuals by discardinghe l2 norm of the logarithmic amplitude errors in equation 10. Foromputing the steepest-descent direction, we change the residualector r��� of equation 20 to

r��� = �− i Im�ln






. �24�


From equation 10, we note that the objective function is a func-ion of the phase and amplitude of the source wavelet. Applyinghe full Newton method �Lines and Treitel, 1984� to estimate thehase and amplitude of the source signature, we compute

�ps = − Hs−1�sE , �25�

here �ps is a vector containing the change in phase and amplitudef the source signature and �sE and Hs are the gradient and theessian of the objective function with respect to amplitude andhase of the source wavelet, respectively. Because there is no rela-ionship between phase and amplitude of the source wavelet in thebjective function, as given in equation 10, the mixed, partial de-ivatives with respect to phase and amplitude of the source waveletecome zero, resulting in a diagonal Hessian matrix. The first de-ivative of equation 10 with respect to the phase of the sourceavelet is


��s���= ��1

m��� + �s��� − �1f ���� , �26�

nd the second derivative is
















Waveform inversion R35



= 1. �27�

ote that the first derivative is in fact the phase error, whereas theecond derivative degenerates to a constant. In the inversion pro-ess, we obtain the phase error at each frequency and then use it topdate the source wavelet phase. At each iteration, we update thehase of the source function in equation 3 with

�s�k+1���� = �s

�k���� + ��1m��� + �s��� − �1

f �����k�,


here k indicates the iteration number.In a similar manner, we obtain the first and second derivatives of

he objective function with respect to amplitude of the source sig-ature as






A1f ���






gs���21 − lnA1


f ��� . �30�

herefore, we update the source-function amplitude at each itera-ion with

gs�k+1���� = gs

�k����1 − 2 ln



f ���

1 − lnA1


A1f ���

. �31�

In the case of multiple receivers, equations 28 and 31 can be ex-ressed as

�s�k+1���� = �s

�k���� +1





��ijm��� + �s���

− �ijf �����k� �32�


gs�k+1���� = gs

�k����1 −



ns � j=1

nr lnAij


Aijf ���

1 −1


ns � j=1

nr lnAij


Aijf ���



espectively, where i and j indicate the source and receiver num-ers. Based on the above results, we may iteratively update phase,mplitude, or both phase and amplitude of the source wavelet dur-ng the waveform-inversion process.

egularization of the steepest-descent direction

In order to enhance the stability of our inversion algorithm, weeed to regularize the steepest-descent direction. The approximateessian matrix in the Gauss-Newton method is a frequent methodf choice for regularization of inversion algorithms, but its compu-ation along with its inverse are usually very expensive. In our al-orithm, we use a pseudo-Hessian matrix for regularization in or-er to achieve computational efficiency �Shin et al., 2001a�.

When we apply the Gauss-Newton method to the frequency-omain seismic inverse problem, the normal equation can be ex-ressed as

− � = Re��−�

J*T���J���d���p , �34�


J��� = � 1









¯ � ,


here J*TJ is the n n approximate Hessian matrix �Shin, 1988�.Even if we use the reciprocity theorem to compute the partial-

erivative wavefield �Shin et al., 2001b�, it is difficult to calculatexplicitly the approximate Hessian matrix for large-scale 2D or 3Delocity models. For example, consider the parametrization of theD velocity model into 2000 1000 unknowns: The size of thepproximate Hessian matrix is 2000000 2000000 for eachource. Consequently, the computation of this matrix inverse is be-ond the capability of current computers. Another problem relatedo the Hessian matrix for seismic inverse problems is that this ma-rix is ill-posed. For most seismic inverse problems, the approxi-

ate Hessian matrix is not invertible, because some of its diagonallements have small values, close to zero, which originate fromoorly illuminated areas and geometric spreading �Chavent andlessix, 1999�. To overcome this, Shin et al. �2001a� suggested re-lacing the approximate Hessian matrix with the pseudo-Hessianatrix. The main idea was to use the similarity between the uncor-

elated structure of the forward-modeled wavefields and the uncor-elated property of the partial-derivative wavefields.

We use the approach of Shin et al. �2001a� in place of the ap-roximate Hessian matrix for regularization of the steepest-descentirection. The main goal is to amplify the small values of theteepest-descent direction caused by geometric spreading. We ac-omplish this goal by multiplying the steepest-descent direction byhe reciprocal of the diagonal elements of the pseudo-Hessian ma-rix. In the frequency domain, we have two choices for regulariza-ion of the steepest-descent direction. One choice is to take an av-rage value of step lengths, obtained by dividing the steepest-escent direction by the diagonal elements of the pseudo-Hessianatrix at each frequency. The other choice is to sum the steepest-

escent direction at all frequencies and the pseudo-Hessian matrixt all frequencies separately and then divide the summed steepest-escent direction by the summed pseudo-Hessian matrix. In ordero avoid the singularity problem of the pseudo-Hessian matrixhen using the average step-length approach, we also use a La-rangian multiplier. This can be expressed as










R36 Shin and Min

�p = − Re��−�

�diag�Re�V*T���V���� + �I��−1

VT�S−1����Tr���d�� , �36�

here � is the damping factor. For the damping factor in our inver-ion, we choose either 0.1%, 1%, or 2% of the maximum value ofhe diagonal elements in the pseudo-Hessian matrix.


ynthetic data without noise

We first test our waveform-inversion algorithms on synthe-ic data generated for the Institute Français du Pétrole �IFP� Mar-

ousi model �Versteeg, 1994�. Figure 1 shows the 16-m-grid Mar-ousi model. To generate synthetic seismograms from it, we used

he nine-point, frequency-domain, finite-difference modeling tech-ique suggested by Jo et al. �1996�. We use the first derivative of aaussian function with maximum frequency of 18.41 Hz for the

ource wavelet and perform the inversion for 59 frequencies, rang-ng from 0.3121 Hz to 18.41 Hz. By distributing the inversion atach frequency to different processors using the Message Passingnterference �MPI� system, we gain computational efficiency. Weocate 576 shots at the surface at an interval of 16 m. In all theases, we use the full aperture of the model, locating 576 receiversn all nodal points at the surface. Figure 2 shows an example seis-ogram generated by the nine-point, frequency-domain, finite-dif-

erence method for the Marmousi model, when the source is lo-ated at 3200 m.

We first perform full-waveform inversion employing both am-litude and phase based on equations 20 and 21. For an initialodel for the inversion, we take a linearly increasing velocityodel, where velocity varies from 1500 m/s to 4500 m/s as

hown in Figure 3a. In Figure 3b, we present the velocity structurebtained by our full-waveform inversion algorithm at the 1928thteration. Because we use small step lengths, the convergence rates very slow. We could accelerate convergence using other optimi-ation techniques, such as the conjugate-gradient method. In thenversion, we update the source wavelet’s amplitude and phase atach iteration. In order to check the accuracy of our waveform-nversion algorithm, we compare the velocity model inverted byur algorithm to that of the conventional, source-independent

igure 1. The 2D Institute Français du Pétrole �IFP� Marmousiodel.

aveform inversion. For the conventional, source-independent in-ersion algorithm, we construct the objective function using the l2

orm of residuals between field data and model responses normal-zed by the reference wavefields. With the exception of the objec-ive function, the numerical algorithm for conventional inversion ishe same as ours. Figure 3c shows the velocity structure generatedy the conventional inversion algorithm. In Figure 3c, the left partf the inverted model is not accurately recovered. For quantitativeomparison, we measure the misfit of the velocities obtained by thewo inversion algorithms with respect to the true velocities �Figurea and b�. From Figure 4a and b, we note that our waveform-nversion algorithm gives more reliable results than the conven-ional method does.

We also need to check whether the source wavelet is properly in-erted. In Figure 5, we display amplitude and phase spectra of therue- and estimated-source signature with respect to frequency. Inigure 5, the amplitudes of the estimated source are consistent with

hose of the true-source wavelet, but the phase spectrum showsome discrepancies at the frequencies where phases are wrapped.

In order to measure the sensitivity of the inversion results to am-litude and phase, we also show velocity models inverted by theure-amplitude method �equations 20 and 23� at the 198th iterationnd the pure-phase method �equations 20 and 24� at the 1253rd it-ration in Figure 6a and b, respectively. In each case, we invert ei-her amplitude or phase of the source signature. For an initial

odel, we choose the linearly increasing velocity model �Figurea�. From Figure 6a and b, we note that the pure-phase methodives a velocity model comparable to that of the full waveform-nversion method using both amplitude and phase, whereas theure amplitude method does not yield good results. Figure 7 showsms errors of amplitude and phase with respect to iteration. Whilehe rms error of amplitude rapidly converges to zero, the rms errorf phase decreases monotonically as iteration number increases.

igure 2. The synthetic seismograms generated by the nine-point,requency-domain, finite-difference method for the Marmousiodel.







Waveform inversion R37

ynthetic data with noiseBefore applying our inversion to real seismic data, which is usu-

lly contaminated with noise, we perform the inversion on thearmousi synthetic data set with random noise added to it. The av-

rage level of random noise is about 25% of the original amplitudet each frequency. Figure 8 shows the noise-added shot gatherhen the source is located at 3200 m �compare Figure 8 with Fig-re 2�. Figure 9 shows the velocity model inverted by our wave-orm-inversion technique at the 926th iteration for the noise-addedata. The velocity model inverted for the noise-added data is veryimilar to that for the noise-free data �compare Figure 9 with Fig-re 3b�. In Figure 10, we check the source-signature estimate byomparing the spectra of the estimated-source wavelet with thosef true-source wavelet. The estimated amplitude and phase areomparable to those of the true wavelet, although slightly moreifferences exist than in the noise-free examples.

igure 3. Numerical examples for the noise-free Marmousi syn-hetic data: �a� the initial model, �b� the velocity model inverted byull waveform inversion using both amplitude and phase at the928th iteration, and �c� the velocity model inverted by the con-entional source-independent inversion algorithm at the 259th it-ration.

In real seismic data, noise is often dominant in the low- andigh-frequency bands. In our frequency-domain waveform inver-ion, we use only relatively low frequencies because of the lack ofomputational resources; therefore, we consider noise effects only

igure 4. Misfits of velocity models generated for the noise-freearmousi synthetic data by �a� our inversion algorithm and �b� the

onventional source-independent inversion algorithm with respecto the true Marmousi model.

igure 5. Spectra of �a� amplitude and �b� phase of the true-sourceignature and the estimated-source signature for the noise-free

armousi synthetic data. The solid line represents the true-sourceignature, and the dashed line denotes the estimated-source signa-ure.









R38 Shin and Min

n the low-frequency band. To do so, we apply our full waveform-nversion method to the noise-free synthetic data set without fre-uencies below 5 Hz. In Figures 11 and 12, we display the inver-ion results for the velocity model and source wavelet. The in-

igure 6. Velocity structures generated for the noise-free Mar-ousi synthetic data by �a� the pure amplitude inversion method at

he 198th iteration and �b� the pure phase inversion method at the253rd iteration.

igure 7. The history of errors of �a� the pure amplitude inversionnd �b� the pure phase inversion algorithm for the noise-free Mar-ousi synthetic data.

erted velocity model and source-wavelet spectra for the low-requency missing data are not as good as they are for the randomoise-added data �Figures 9 and 10�. We note a large discrepancyn the phase spectrum of Figure 12. These results confirm the facthat low-frequency data are of critical importance in waveform in-ersion �Lines, personal communication, 1987; Song et al., 1995�.

ield data

After successfully completing the experiment on the syntheticata from the Marmousi model, we applied our full waveform-nversion algorithm to real data gathered from the Korean conti-ental shelf, where gas deposits exist. The field data were collectedith 120 channels for 235 shots. The shot interval and receiver in-

erval are 25 m, and the time sample interval is 4 ms. A receiver-able length of 2975 m resulted in minimum and maximum offsetistances of 300 m and 3285 m, respectively. Figure 13 shows aepresentative common-shot gather, where data are muted to theemporal range containing reflections/refractions from a gas reser-oir. We use low-pass filtered data from 0.5 Hz to 24 Hz and anite-difference grid interval of 12.5 m to prevent grid dispersion.

igure 8. The synthetic seismograms with random noise generatedy the nine-point, frequency-domain, finite-difference method forhe Marmousi model. The noise level is 25%.

igure 9. The velocity model inverted by the full waveform inver-ion using both amplitude and phase at the 926th iteration for theandom noise-added Marmousi synthetic data.








Waveform inversion R39

For an initial model for the real-data inversion, we chose a lin-arly increasing velocity model �Figure 14a�, as we did for the syn-hetic Marmousi data. Of the three types of inversion algorithms,e apply only the full waveform-inversion algorithm for invertingoth the real data and the source signature up to 24 Hz. In the real-ata inversion, we update the velocity model by inverting real dataor each frequency, summing the results at every frequency andhen computing the steepest-descent direction.

In Figure 14b, which shows the inverted velocity model at the52nd iteration, we can see the shallow, stratified layers and therea �denoted by an arrow� of a gas reservoir. However, Figure 14blso reveals that the inverted velocity model is not far from the ini-ial velocity model, which indicates that we could not fully recoverhe velocity model’s long-wavelength content because of the realata’s unreliable low-frequency content. Figure 15 shows the rmsrrors of amplitudes and phases with respect to iteration number,espectively. As in the synthetic examples, the rms error of ampli-ude converges more rapidly than that of phase.

We check the validity of the inverted model by comparing the

igure 10. Spectra of �a� amplitude and �b� phase of the true- andhe estimated-source signature for the random noise-added data.he solid line represents the true-source signature, and the dashed

ine denotes the estimated-source signature.

igure 11. The velocity model inverted by our full waveform in-ersion at the 363rd iteration for the Marmousi synthetic data with-ut frequencies lower than 5 Hz.

eal seismogram with the synthetic seismogram generated for thenverted model shown in Figure 16. In Figure 16, we display theeal seismogram low-pass filtered up to 24 Hz and the syntheticeismogram when a source is located at 1.375 km. The syntheticeismogram generated from the inverted model resembles the realeismogram. Figure 17 shows single traces of the real and syn-hetic seismograms. The single traces are obtained at three receiv-rs separated by 2.375 km, 3.0 km, and 3.625 km from the source.n Figure 17, we see that although there are some discrepancies,he synthetic data are comparable to the field data. Possible sourcesf discrepancies are the incompletely inverted velocity model be-ause of the unreliable low-frequency content of real data, a localinimum problem and a nonuniqueness problem in a general in-

igure 12. Spectra of �a� amplitude and �b� phase of the true- andhe estimated-source signature for the data without frequencies be-ow 5 Hz. The solid line represents the true-source signature, andhe dashed line denotes the estimated-source signature.

igure 13. Real seismogram collected on the Korean continentalhelf.






R40 Shin and Min

erse problem, the inadequacy of the acoustic approximation to 3Deal-wave propagation, array forming of hydrophones in thetreamer cable, nonlinear wave propagation near a source point, a

igure 14. Real data examples: �a� the initial model used for wave-orm inversion of the field data, and �b� the inverted velocity struc-ure of the field data collected on the Korean continental shelf athe 252nd iteration.

igure 15. History of �a� amplitude and �b� phase errors of the realeismogram collected on the Korean continental shelf.

igure 16. Comparison of �a� field seismogram with �b� syntheticeismogram generated from the inverted velocity structure shownn Figure 14b when a source is located at 1.375 km.

igure 17. Comparison of single traces of field data with those ofynthetic data obtained from the inverted velocity structure �e.g.,igure 14b�. Receivers are located at �a� 2.375 km, �b� 3 km, andc� 3.625 km from the source. The solid line indicates the fieldata, and the dotted line denotes the synthetic data.


























Waveform inversion R41

roblem of source-receiver coupling to the earth, 2D approxima-ion to 3D wavefields, and anisotropic properties and intrinsic at-enuation of the real earth.


Instead of defining the objective function as the l2 norm of re-iduals between the measured data and the modeled data, we builtn objective function that can be separated into three types via theomplex phase: the mismatch of amplitude, the mismatch of phase,nd the mismatch of both amplitude and phase. This separationeads to three kinds of inversions: the simultaneous inversion ofmplitude and phase, pure-amplitude inversion, or pure-phase in-ersion. We estimated the source signature as well as the subsur-ace velocity by including amplitude and phase of the source signa-ure in our objective function.

In our waveform inversion, we computed the steepest-descentirection of the three different objective functions without directlyomputing the sensitivity matrix. The steepest-descent direction isomputed by the back-propagation algorithm of reverse-time mi-ration on the basis of the matrix formalism of the frequency-omain, finite-element/finite-difference method for the wave equa-ion. Our algorithm shares the same numerical algorithm withrestack reverse-time migration and seismic inversion. Althoughhe conventional waveform inversion using the back-propagationechnique back-propagates the residuals between the measured andhe modeled data, our approach back-propagates the wavefield ob-ained by dividing the logarithm of the ratio of the modeled data tohe measured data by the modeled wavefield.

By applying three inversion algorithms to the synthetic seismo-ram of the Marmousi model, we showed that the simultaneous in-ersion of amplitude and phase produces the best resolution in thehallow and the deep structure of the Marmousi model. Neverthe-ess, it is too early to state with certainty which inversion algorithmields the best results because we used only data containing rela-ively low frequencies ranging from 0.3121 Hz to 18.41 Hz. Welso tested our algorithm for two cases of corrupted Marmousi syn-hetic data. One test involved inversion of data with random noisedded, and the other involved inversion of data without frequen-ies below 5 Hz. For the former, the inverted velocity model wass close as that of the noise-free data. For the latter, the inversionesults were not good, which indicates that our logarithmic-wave-orm inversion cannot resolve low wavenumbers of the velocityodel, a situation like conventional waveform inversion when low

requencies are missing.By applying our inversion algorithm to real seismic data, we

onverged to a velocity structure. However, we are still uncertainhether our inversion algorithm can be applied to real seismicata, when low-frequency components are often missing. More-ver, in waveform inversion of real data, we also need to overcomentrinsic problems such as the incompletely inverted velocity

odel arising from the unreliable low-frequency content of realata, a local minimum problem and nonuniqueness of the generalnverse problem, the inadequacy of the acoustic approximation toD real-wave propagation, array forming of hydrophones in thetreamer cable, nonlinear wave propagation near a source point, aource-receiver coupling problem, 2D approximation to 3D wave-elds, and anisotropic properties and attenuation of the real earth.In our waveform inversion, we employed a small step length, re-

ulting in slow convergence, but the convergence can be acceler-

ted by using methods such as conjugate gradient. We also usedrapped phases rather than the more meaningful unwrappedhases, which may sacrifice something unknown in inverting theelocity structures.

For a reliable inversion algorithm, we need to unwrap therapped phases. Our algorithm can be extended to 2D elastic-aveform inversion and 3D acoustic- and elastic-waveform inver-

ion. Extending our algorithm to the Gauss-Newton method usinghe reciprocity theorem is straightforward but is computationally

ore expensive.


This work was financially supported by National Laboratoryroject of Ministry of Science and Technology, Brain Korea 21roject of Ministry of Education, and grant numbers PE93300 andM31600 from Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute.e would like to thank the Korea National Oil Corporation for

roviding real seismic data. We also express our gratitude to Suk-oon Pyun at Seoul National University, who provided the velocity

odel inverted by conventional source-independent waveform in-ersion.


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